Key Facts Statement PDF
Key Facts Statement PDF
Key Facts Statement PDF
Loan cancellation charges within freelook / Cooling off period period(15 2500
Note - Goods and Services Tax (GST) and other Govt. taxes, levies, etc. applicable as per prevailing rate
will be charged over and above the mentioned charges.
1 Clause of Loan agreement relating to ICICI Bank shall be entitled, at the sole risk and cost of
engagement of recovery agents the Borrower/s, to engage one or, more person(s) to
collect the Borrower/s’ Dues and/or to enforce any
security provided by the Borrower/s, and ICICI Bank may
(for such purposes) furnish to such person(s) such
information, facts and figures pertaining to the
Borrowers, the security and/or the Product(s) as ICICI
Bank deems fit. ICICI Bank may also delegate to such
person(s) the right and authority to perform and execute
all acts, deeds, matters and things connected therewith,
or incidental thereto, as ICICI Bank deems fit.
2 Clause of Loan agreement which details ICICI Bank follows a three-level grievance redressal
grievance redressal mechanism mechanism that is available on the website of the Bank.
For details, please visit our website
and navigate to -Home > Contact Us > Queries
3 Phone number and email id of the nodal +91-22-39337979
grievance redressal officer Email id for off- line Channels –
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual cost of credit to the borrower which includes interest
rate and all other charges associated with the credit facility.
Equated Periodic Instalment (EPI) is an equated or fixed amount of repayments, consisting of
both the principal and interest components, to be paid by a borrower towards repayment of a loan
at periodic intervals for a fixed number of such intervals; and which result in complete
amortisation of the loan. EPIs at monthly intervals are called EMIs
8 Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of 1 and 5) (in Rupees) 8 1776391.0
9 Annual Percentage rate- Effective annualized interest rate9 (in percentage) (SI No.9 of 11.73
the KFS template-Part 1)
10 Schedule of disbursement 100%
11 Due date of payment of instalment and interest 05/12
7Where such charges cannot be determined prior to sanction, REs may indicate an upper ceiling
8The difference in repayment amount calculated from the total of instalments given under the detailed
repayment schedule i.e Rs. 1776391.0 (=49346 *36 )_vis-a-vis the amount
of Rs.1776391.0 ( Rs.1500000 (loan amount) + Rs.276391 (Interest charges)
mentioned under (8) is due to rounding off the instalment amount of Rs.49346 to Rs.49346
under the detailed repayment schedule
9Computed on net disbursed amount using IRR approach and reducing balance method
*For upfront fees/charges which are deducted from disbursement amount , please refer Annex A , Sr no
8 (Fees/ Charges)
**Fees/Charges wherever paid by customer through cheque/online/any other mode, these fees
/charges are not considered for the computation of Sr no 7C (Net disbursed amount) & Sr no 8 (Total
amount to be paid by the borrower)
Annex C
Illustrative Repayment Schedule under Equated Periodic instalment for the loan as per Annexure B
Instalment Outstanding Principal (in Principal (in Interest (in Instalment (in
No. Rupees) Rupees) Rupees) Rupees)
I hereby confirm that I have received a copy of duly filled Key Fact Statement as above
Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant
Name of Co-Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant