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Software Design Patterns: Jonathan I. Maletic, PH.D

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Software Design Patterns

Jonathan I. Maletic, Ph.D.

<SDML> Department of Computer Science Kent State University
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Search for recurring successful designs emergent designs from practice (via trial and error) Supporting higher levels of reuse (i.e., reuse of designs) is quite challenging Described in Gama, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides 1995 (i.e., gang of 4 book) Based on work by Christopher Alexander (an Architect) on building homes, buildings and towns.
J. Maletic 2

Design patterns represent solutions to problems that arise when developing software within a particular context, e.g., problem/solution pairs within a given context Describes recurring design structures Describes the context of usage

J. Maletic

Patterns capture the static and dynamic structure and collaboration among key participants in software designs Especially good for describing how and why to resolve nonfunctional issues Patterns facilitate reuse of successful software architectures and designs.

J. Maletic

Origins of Design Patterns

Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it in the same way twice
Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, 1977 Context: City Planning and Building architectures
J. Maletic 5

Elements of Design Patterns

Design patterns have four essential elements:
Pattern name Problem Solution Consequences

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Pattern Name
A handle used to describe:
a design problem its solutions its consequences
The Hardest part of programming is coming up with good variable [function, and type] names. J. Maletic

Increases design vocabulary Makes it possible to design at a higher level of abstraction Enhances communication
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Describes when to apply the pattern Explains the problem and its context May describe specific design problems and/or object structures May contain a list of preconditions that must be met before it makes sense to apply the pattern
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Describes the elements that make up the
design relationships responsibilities collaborations

Does not describe specific concrete implementation Abstract description of design problems and how the pattern solves it
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Results and trade-offs of applying the pattern Critical for:
evaluating design alternatives understanding costs understanding benefits of applying the pattern

Includes the impacts of a pattern on a systems:

flexibility extensibility portability
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Design Patterns are NOT

Designs that can be encoded in classes and reused as is (i.e., linked lists, hash tables) Complex domain-specific designs (for an entire application or subsystem) They are:
Descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.
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Where They are Used

Object-Oriented programming languages [and paradigm] are more amenable to implementing design patterns Procedural languages: need to define
Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation
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Describing Design Patterns

Graphical notation is generally not sufficient In order to reuse design decisions the alternatives and trade-offs that led to the decisions are critical knowledge Concrete examples are also important The history of the why, when, and how set the stage for the context of usage
J. Maletic 13

Design Patterns
Describe a recurring design structure
Defines a common vocabulary Abstracts from concrete designs Identifies classes, collaborations, and responsibilities Describes applicability, trade-offs, and consequences

J. Maletic


Example: Compiler

J. Maletic


Faade Pattern
Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Faade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use

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J. Maletic


Design Pattern Descriptions

Name and Classification: Essence of pattern Intent: What it does, its rationale, its context AKA: Other well-known names Motivation: Scenario illustrates a design problem Applicability: Situations where pattern can be applied Structure: Class and interaction diagrams Participants: Objects/classes and their responsibilities Collaborations: How participants collaborate Consequences: Trade-offs and results Implementation: Pitfalls, hints, techniques, etc. Sample Code Known Uses: Examples of pattern in real systems Related Patterns: Closely related patterns

J. Maletic

Example: Stock Quote Service

Real time Market Data Feed

Stock Quotes

Customer Customer Customer Customer


J. Maletic 19

Observer Pattern
Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically

Key forces:
There may be many observers Each observer may react differently to the same notification The subject should be as decoupled as possible from the observers to allow observers to change independently of the subject
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Structure of Observer Pattern

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Collaborations in Observer Pattern

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Example: List and Itor

Abstract list (array or linked structure) Separate interator that allows sequential access to the list structure without exposing the underlying representation Used in STL AKA: Cursor

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Iterator Pattern

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Types of Patterns
Creational patterns:
Deal with initializing and configuring classes and objects

Structural patterns:
Deal with decoupling interface and implementation of classes and objects Composition of classes or objects

Behavioral patterns:
Deal with dynamic interactions among societies of classes and objects How they distribute responsibility
J. Maletic 25

Creational Patterns
Abstract Factory:
Factory for building related objects

Factory for building complex objects incrementally

Factory Method:
Method in a derived class creates associates

Factory for cloning new instances from a prototype

Factory for a singular (sole) instance

J. Maletic


Structural Patterns
Translator adapts a server interface for a client

Abstraction for binding one of many implementations

Structure for building recursive aggregations

Decorator extends an object transparently

Simplifies the interface for a subsystem

Many fine-grained objects shared efficiently.

One object approximates another
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Behavioral Patterns
Chain of Responsibility:
Request delegated to the responsible service provider

Request is first-class object

Aggregate elements are accessed sequentially

Language interpreter for a small grammar

Coordinates interactions between its associates

Snapshot captures and restores object states privately

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Behavioral Patterns (cont.)

Dependents update automatically when subject changes

Object whose behavior depends on its state

Abstraction for selecting one of many algorithms

Template Method:
Algorithm with some steps supplied by a derived class

Operations applied to elements of a heterogeneous object structure

J. Maletic


Design Pattern Space

Purpose Creational Scope Class Object
Factory method Abstract factory Builder Prototype Singleton

Adapter (class) Adapter (object) Bridge Composite Decorator Faade Flyweight Proxy

Interpreter Template method Chain of responsibility Command Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Visitor

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Categorization Terms
Scope is the domain over which a pattern applies
Class Scope: relationships between base classes and their subclasses (static semantics) Object Scope: relationships between peer objects

Some patterns apply to both scopes.

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Class:: Creational
Abstracts how objects are instantiated Hides specifics of the creation process May want to delay specifying a class name explicitly when instantiating an object Just want a specific protocol

J. Maletic


Use Factory Method to instantiate members in base classes with objects created by subclasses Abstract Application class: create application-specific documents conforming to a particular Document type Application instantiates these Document objects by calling the factory method CreateDocument Method is overridden in classes derived from Application Subclass DrawApplication overrides CreateDocument to return a DrawDocument object

J. Maletic



Factory Method Pattern

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Class:: Structural
Use inheritance to compose protocols or code Example:
Adapter Pattern: makes one interface (Adaptees) conform to another Gives a uniform abstraction of different interfaces Class Adapter inherits privately from an Adaptee class Adapter then expresses its interface in terms of the Adaptees.

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Adapter Pattern

J. Maletic



Class:: Behavioral
Captures how classes cooperate with their subclasses to satisfy semantics. Example: Template Method: defines algorithms step by step. Each step can invoke an abstract method (that must be defined by the subclass) or a base method. Subclass must implement specific behavior to provide required services
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Template Method Pattern

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Object Scope
Object Patterns all apply various forms of non-recursive object composition. Object Composition: most powerful form of reuse Reuse of a collection of objects is better achieved through variations of their composition, rather than through sub classing.
J. Maletic 39


Object:: Creational
Abstracts how sets of objects are created Example: Abstract Factory: create product objects through generic interface
Subclasses may manufacture specialized versions or compositions of objects as allowed by this generic interface

User Interface Toolkit: 2 types of scroll bars (Motif and Open Look)
Dont want to hard-code specific one; an environment variable decides

Class Kit:
Encapsulates scroll bar creation (and other UI entities); An abstract factory that abstracts the specific type of scroll bar to instantiate Subclasses of Kit refine operations in the protocol to return specialized types of scroll bars. Subclasses MotifKit and OpenLookKit each have scroll bar operation.

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Abstract Factory Pattern

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Object:: Structural
Describe ways to assemble objects to realize new functionality
Added flexibility inherent in object composition due to ability to change composition at run-time not possible with static class composition

Proxy: acts as convenient surrogate or placeholder for another object.
Remote Proxy: local representative for object in a different address space Virtual Proxy: represent large object that should be loaded on demand Protected Proxy: protect access to the original object
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Proxy Pattern

J. Maletic


Object:: Structural - example

Implement ODBC Could be done with an adaptor unless you need to extend both the interface and implementation Or if you know the implementation will change often The implementation class defines what types of things need to be supported
J. Maletic 44

Pattern Bridge

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Structure of Bridge

J. Maletic


Object:: Behavioral
Describes how a group of peer objects cooperate to perform a task that can be carried out by itself. Example: Strategy Pattern: objectifies an algorithm (algorithm to first class object) Text Composition Object: support different line breaking algorithms
Dont want to hard-code all algorithms into text composition class/subclasses Simple, TeX, Array, Word, etc.

Objectify each and provides them as Compositor subclasses Interface for Compositors defined by an abstract Compositor Class
Derived classes provide different layout strategies (simple line breaks, left/right justification, etc.)

Instances of Compositor subclasses couple with text composition at runtime to provide text layout Whenever text composition has to find line breaks, forwards the responsibility to its current Compositor object.

J. Maletic


Strategy Pattern

J. Maletic



When to Use Patterns

Solutions to problems that recur with variations
No need for reuse if problem only arises in one context

Solutions that require several steps:

Not all problems need all steps Patterns can be overkill if solution is a simple linear set of instructions

Solutions where the solver is more interested in the existence of the solution than its complete derivation
Patterns leave out too much to be useful to someone who really wants to understand They can be a temporary bridge

J. Maletic


What Makes it a Pattern?

A Pattern must:
Solve a problem and be useful Have a context and can describe where the solution can be used Recur in relevant situations Provide sufficient understanding to tailor the solution Have a name and be referenced consistently
J. Maletic 50

Benefits of Design Patterns

Design patterns enable large-scale reuse of software architectures and also help document systems Patterns explicitly capture expert knowledge and design tradeoffs and make it more widely available Patterns help improve developer communication Pattern names form a common vocabulary Patterns help ease the transition to OO technology
J. Maletic 51


Drawbacks to Design Patterns

Patterns do not lead to direct code reuse Patterns are deceptively simple Teams may suffer from pattern overload Patterns are validated by experience and discussion rather than by automated testing Integrating patterns into a software development process is a human-intensive activity.
J. Maletic 52

Suggestions for Effective Use

Do not recast everything as a pattern
Instead, develop strategic domain patterns and reuse existing tactical patterns

Institutionalize rewards for developing patterns Directly involve pattern authors with application developers and domain experts Clearly document when patterns apply and do not apply Manage expectations carefully.
J. Maletic 53

Gama, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Design Patterns Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software, Addison Wesley, 1995 B. Cheng Michigan State University

J. Maletic



Web Resources
http://www.dofactory.com/ http://hillside.net/patterns/

J. Maletic



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