Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
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i j k l m n Male n Female j k l m
Personal Details Candidate Name pawan kumar thakur (As given in matriculation certificate) Date of Birth 27/08/1989 (dd/mm/yyyy) (As given in matriculation certificate) (Between 02 Oct 1985 to 01 Oct 1992) Father's Name Email ID
amar singh thakur
(As given in matriculation certificate) (Please enter the E-mail address you use frequently as this would be used for further communication) State District Pin
6 6
City Mobile
c d e f g Click
shimla 09418316652
Previous Attempt(s) at SSB Appeared before in SSB? (Please Tick) SSB Allahbad Bhopal Bangalore Mysore Varanasi Dehradun Please provide Engineering College Details Qualification Select Branch/Subject Name of the College in which you studied State where univ. located Select your University from the list Batch & Chest Batch & Chest Batch & Chest # # #
10+2 tes26
6 6
6 Other University If your university is not in the list then please click on Other University Link and provide your university name
Date of completion of Degree/Completion of final year 31/07/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy) exam Recognised by Central Govt HRD i j k l m n Yes n No j k l m Ministry/UGC/AIU ? 12.Marks / Grade Obtain(whichever is applicable
b c d e f g Is
Appeared/Marks Pending % age of marks scored (if applicable) Total Marks Marks Scored %age Cumulative %age of marks scored (upto 2 decimals) Total Marks Marks Scored Cumulative %age SGPA (if applicable) CGPA/DGPA % age of (Cumulative) Marks based on Cumulative Grade /DGPA (upto 2 decimals)
Semester / Year
1300 1300
937 962
72.07 74.00
1300 1300
937 962
72.07 74.00
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Application Form
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3rd Semester 4th Semester/2nd Year 5th Semester 6th Semester/3rd Year 7th Semester 8th Semester/4th Year 9th Semester (Architecture Only) 10th Semester (Architecture Only)
Note :1. Filling of cumulative %age upto 2 decimal is compulsory.The Universities which have grade point system, need to convert Grades into %age of marks scored.Filling of final cumulative %age of marks scoredbased on the cumulative grade at the end of third year/seventh semester/fourth year (as applicable) is compulsory;failing which the application will be rejected. 2. Candidates who have been penalised with an 'Year Back/Failed' by one or more year during degree course are ineligible to apply. 13. Certificates: (a) (b) (c) Note 1. After applying online, candidates are requested to take a print out, paste his/her attested photograph in the space provided, sign it in blue ink in the space provided and send it along with attested copies of the required certificates to recruiting directorate by post. Incase of colleges having grade point system, a certificate as below signed by the college principal will be forwarded to Recruiting Directorate without fail :It is certified that Mr ------------has obtained cumulative grade 'X' which is equivalent to 'Y' % as per university/college rules. Candidates are also required to carry one more ink signed copy of the application, without fail along with the attested photograph pasted on it, all original certificates along with the certificate from the college Principal regarding conversion of cumulative grade into %age of marks and with a valid proof of identity to the selection centre when called for the interview. If a candidate does not send the said documents by the post to recruiting directorate and does not carry the above said documents to the selection center for the interview, his candidature will be cancelled. Applying second time on line will also lead to cancellation of candidature. 2. It may be noted that depending upon the total number of applications received by this office for TGC/SSC (T) Men course, recruitng directorate reserves the right to shortlist and to fix cut off percentage of marks for SSB interview. No representation will be entertained in this aspect. 3. Any incorrect details filled in above application will lead to cancellation of candidature and suitable action will be taken against the candidate SIGNATURE
b c d e f g I have read and understood the instructions and undertake to abide by the Terms and Conditions Cancel
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