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Women Entrepreneuer Development in Garment Making: Management

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Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007

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Dr. N. VASUGI Reader Family Science & Community Development Department Avinashilingam Deemed University Sri Perumal Complex Nethaji Road, Pappanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore -641 037

This paper deals with garment marketing and management. Fashion and Garment Industries is looked at as an Industry of Guture. Thus this paper deals the development of women entrepreneurs and their association on different garment manufacturing activities and emerging possible opportunities in the domestic and global markets. Key words: Ecomen entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship in Tirupur, Garment marking, Swot Analysis, Quality management.

INTRODUCTION Clothing is the basic necessity of any human being. The textile garment industry is the largest foreign exchange earner. It is also the Second largest employment provider next to agriculture. About 15 million people are employed in textile sector. Today, world over "Fashion and Garment Industries" is looked at as an Industry of future. No wonder, because, these industries opens up some of the Biggest Job oppor tunities for the new millennium especially for women sector. The current trend shows more and more opportunities for this sector in both domestic and export opportunities. Comparatively, the attention on export opportunities seems to be more. Ready made garment industry in India has a vast potential for growth. According to experts the Indian garment Industry is termed as a sleeping giant. Eighty percent of people employed in the Indian garment Industry are women. World wide the garment industry is the third largest employer of women, after Agriculture and

Fishing Knitwear occupies a significant place in India's textile exports. Around 40-45% in terms of quantity is knitwear exports. Key centers of knitwear exports in India are Tirupur, Ludhiana, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Bangalore in the order their contribution to the over all exports. Tirupur contributes around 60% of knitwear exports from India. This paper deals the development of women entrepreneurs and their association on different garment manufacturing activities and the emerging possible opportunities in the domestic and global garment markets. ENTREPRENEURSHIP The entrepreneur is an individual who forms an organization for commercial purpose Organization A formal, legally bound, commercial oriented entity where more than one person join and work towards common purpose. This includes Manufacturing Trading Services. Size of Entrepreneurship in India l Total Population - 1 Billion approx (1000 million)

Population in 18 to 65 age group: 780 million approx. Entrepreneur size: 127 million approx. in all spheres of business

A Special Note On Entrepreneurship In Tirupur Produces diversified product range comprising T-shirts, Polo-shirts, Sportswear, Sweat shirts, Ladies dresses, Children garments, nightwear, etc., Approximate number of units

Knitting and/or stitching units 3,500 Dyeing and/or bleaching units Printing units Embroidery units Others 750 350 225 250

l l l

(Compacting, raising, calendaring)

Knitwear and ancillary industry in Tirupur together provide employment to nearly 2.5 lakh people.

GARMENT INDUSTRY IN INDIA The following chart gives an idea on SWOT of INDIA in garment industry






Table 1: Indian Textile/Garment Clusters Details No.of Units(SME's) No.of Power looms B'Lore 20000 250000 Surat 40000 450000 Bhiwandi 6000 450000 Bellary 2000 CBE Spg 500 Wvg 150000 700000 500 40 8000 Crocodile Tibre Slm Ede 60000 30000 Tpr 6000 450000

No.of Workers (Dir/Indirect) No.of processing units Avg Prodn/Working Day(Rs) crores Approx.Annual Turn over (Rs) crores Leading Brands

150000 30 25 4800 Nike, levis

740000 330 40 9000 Garden, Vimal

700000 200 35 7500 Raymonds, Morajee

85000 20 40 300

450000 400 25 9000

400000 450 35 9000

Table - 2 : Garment Production - Model Machines Configuration - Shirts SNLS Overlock Feed of arm M/c Button Hole Button Stitch Bartaking For Heavy gmt 30 2 2 1 1 1 Cutting table Checking tables Folding tables Finishing equipments Packing tables Cutting accessories 1 4 4 1 4 4


Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007

Table - 3 : Garment Production - Model Machines Configuration - Trousers SNLS Over lock 3 T Over lock 5 T Loop attachment Waist Band attach Feed of arm M/c Button Hole Button Stitch Bartaking For Heavy gmt Cutting table Riveting m/c 20 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Table - 4 : Garment Production - Model Machines Configuration - Knitwear SNLS Over lock Feed of arm M/c Button Hole Button Stitch Bartaking For Heavy Cutting table Checking tables Folding tables Finishing equipments Packing tables Cutting accessories 25 8 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 4

Table - 5 : Garment Spec. for each style-format Garment Spec for each style/format Date Style Line Drawing of back & front Fabrics Fab.structure Width/Dia Interlining Zippers Patterns Lay/spreading Breakdown assembly process Machines Final marking / dispatch / final cartons Machines QA / QC Colours Hooks Tags Cut parts Qty Weight/GSM Finishes Buttons Labels Marker information's Lining Threads Packing Vendor(s) Sample

Table - 6 : Costing-Trouser-100% cotton Twill fabric/Piece Dyed-5 pckt/jeans Rupees Fabrics Accessories Packing Washing Finishing Cut, Make, Trim Waste/rejection Admn.Expenses Profit Total garment Rs.120/mt of 56" for 1.2 mts Labels/zippers/Rivets/snaps/buttons Threads/tags/logo label Poly bag/cartons Various on requirement Press/fold/indl.Pack/carton Sewing Cost @10% of Rs.238/@5% on 261.8 @10% on 274.9 Ex factory Price 144.00 30.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 40.00 23.80 13.10 27.50 303.00

Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007


THE SCOPE OF GARMENT INDUSTRY IN INDIA Garment industry is the part of textile industry. it earns 30% of India's total expor t. 40% Constitutes ready made garments (Both Knitted and woven). India's share in world trade is 2.85% INDIA Rank 9th in textile exports. Now the vertical integration units are being started. Globalization It means Cross border trading with no barriers. It will lead to
l l l l l l l l l l l l

Freedom from defects, Imperfections & Contaminations Degree of excellence Customer satisfaction Ability to satisfy the needs Q = P/E Where Q=Quality P= Performance (or) Results E= Customer satisfaction

l l

QIP: Quality improvement programme VA: Value analysis

l l l l

Table - 8 : World Labour Cost In USD/ Hour Germany Japan Belgium Italy France UK USA Canada China India 21.58 20.7 18.12 15.81 14.16 13.58 10.12 9.89 0.56 0.56

Competition Development of key centers Productivity/efficiency Managerial expertise Technological advancement Raw material availability Right quality and right price Quick and on time delivery Certification Govt. Policies and labour laws Quota WTO

Giving the customer what he wants today at a price he is pleased to pay at a cost we can contain again and again and again, AND giving him some thing even better tomorrow. Key Words-Comfort, Appearance Durability. "Customer satisfaction is quality" Tools Used Management For Quality

TQM (Total Quality Management) It helps in

l l

Need For Quality Control

l l l l l l

Because there is a problem Because BAD Quality is expensive Because CUSTOMER is the KING To Minimize waste To have Good Value addition Effective utilization of resources

Method or removing waste Involving ever y one in improving the ways in which things are done To communicate with and help each other Achieve a performance top quality

Competition from with in, now with the world. So Survival of the fittest is the criteria. For this Quick & On time Delivery is required. Quick response and shorter lead time/ faster deliveries are BUZZ words. Getting 30 days of order confirmation from Turkey buyer, expects same from us. Buyer wants to be very close to customer demands. India used to 180, 120 & 90 days lead time. Certification Civilized world buy cloths from only from civilized producers. ISO cer tification & WRAP (World responsible apparel production) registration become inevitable to be a global producer. Quality It can be defined as
l l

l l l

Develop an effective competitive strategy

Some Of The Quality Abbreviation Used In The Industry Are As Follows

l l l l l l l

Designer and Quality Control l They Resolve problems of fit, Method of assembling & Testing success

AQL: Acceptable quality level ASQC: American society for quality control BS: British Standard EQC: Effective Quality Circle EOQ: European organization for Quality IQA: Institute of Quality Assurance PQA: Programmable Quality Assurance

Designer should specify the following o o Description of style features with an illustration Description of fabric limits

Quality of design means value inherent in the Garment o o o Trim requirements Size Scale for style Critical dimensions and tolerances

Fitness for use Compliance with specified requirements


Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007

o o

Specification of stitch and seam type Relevant details of the process

Already some factories are marching towards it

Each member of the above group should invest Rs.1000/- each = Rs.30,00,000/The Banks lend 3 times that amount (i.e.) Rs.90,00,000/Total investors + Bank = Rs.1,20,00,000/State & Central Govt.'s lend another Rs.1,20,00,000/Total capital out lay from investors + Bank + Govts = Rs.2,40,00,000/-

Main Requirements For A Good Apparel Quality Management l Management commitments

l l l l l l l l

Different Concepts Connected With Quality l ISO -9000

l l

Basic element of the system through documentation Creates a quality system rooted in your customers requirement Ensures uniform systems that are universally recognized

In coming goods conformity Employee involvements Fabric inspections Operator control systems End line inspection Factory pre final Out side agency inspection Customer returns and actions

An Emerging Opportunity
Target profit = 10% of 2,40,00,000/Amount profit = Rs.24,00,000/Profit per head = Rs.800/- per annum Monthly earning per head = Rs.1500/Total gain/head : Rs.18,000 + Rs.800 = Rs.18,800/-

Quality Circle Group of line workers who meet voluntarily to work on quality problems and offer solutions Bench Marking Comparing a Company's practices and process with the world's best STD for the purpose of closing the gap with them. Appraisal Costs Costs of inspecting, assuring and evaluating whether the product conforms to requirement. Continuous Improvements Constant, Ceaseless attempts to exceed the customer expectations. AQL: It is defined to mean the % defective unit accepted as a worst case for the whole lot (Shipment), for any one inspection. PDCA Cycle A 4 step process of plan -do-checkact derived by the Japanese from Ed Deming principles. Statistical Process Control Use of a statistical methods to analyses a production process to prevent undesirable variation. Six Sigma Quality To cut defects in the process to the level of 3.4 per million parts What to do?

Table - 9 : Product Category Mens'/Women's/Kids' Wear Formal Dresses Outer wear Semi-formals Party wear Weekend wear Casual Leisure wear Sleep wear Under garments

The purchase of raw materials and sales of garments is under one entity. Ready to wear Market - India Approx. Rs.8,000/- crores now branded garments Estimated to grow to Rs.15,000 crs by 2010. Employment Opportunities In Garment Industry For Women Garment Industry shows much interest on trained creative Fashion designers with knowledge on CAD/ CAM, Merchandisers, Production managers etc. Also the awareness of fashion designing is taking place due to the brand promotion activities. The new domestic brands are showing keen interest in developing new designs and products. Every day the new entrepreneurs are entering in to the field. Since the growth export sector is positive, the growth of the industries which concentrates the production of accessories is also increasing. Careers In Fashion Industry The women can work in the field of Whole sale Trade, Retail Designing, Fashion Writing, Modeling, Merchandiser, Quality controller, Production Manager,

Accessories Holiday meet Occasions Sport wear Lingeries Swimwears

Retail Formats: Space Requirements

Independent Retailer : <300 sq.ft Specialty Retailer Boutiques Super markets Departmental stores Malls Factory outlets Haats : 300-2000 sq.ft : 800-3000 sq.ft : 2000-5000 sq.ft : 10000-80000 sq.ft : > 80,000 sq.ft : < 500 sq.ft : < 10,000 sq.ft

An Emerging Opportunity
Take 10 women as one group Form 300 such groups Train the above 3000 women in garment manufacturing operations.

We need to have a quality revolution

Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007

Supervisor, Fabric Coordinator, Sampling in charge Whole sale Trade includes Creating own brand, Appointing sub dealers, Pattern Trade Designing, creating Full range of patterns for all age groups and all styles. Retail Designing includes designing the garment on personal contact with the client, run your own boutique shop etc,

Oppor tunities in Fabrics and fashion includes Forecast fashion trends in advance, Become a fabric designer (Freelancing), Act as a fashion promoter etc. Opportunities in Modeling includes Modeling for cloths in smart retail shops, hotel shows, Fashion Shows, Photographic modeling, Choreographer.

CONCLUSION Though our country shows very good growth in terms of apparel exports, on comparison with other countries revels that India lost opportunity in the past in growth trends of its textile and clothing industry. It needs to address internal challenges. It is definitely sure that the Garment and fashion industry will get going because of its preparedness. n

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Endowment lectures were held on March 26, 2007 at K. Venkatraman Auditorium, UICT Organised by The Department of Fibres and Textile Processing Technology.
l G. M. Nabar Endowment Lecture Speaker : Prof. V. K. Kothari Prof., Department of Textile Technology, JIT, New Delhi 110 016 Topic : "Fibre Innovations for Technical Textile Applications" L. N. Chemical Endowment Lecture Speaker : Dr. G. S. Nadiger Director, Textile Committee, Ministry of Textile, Mumbai. Topic : "Care Labeling of Textile Apparels"


1. GENERAL MANAGER (WORKS) (at Mahad Raigad) Degree or Diploma in Textile Engineering min 8 to 10 years Experience with knowledge of non-woven. 2. GENERAL MANAGER MARKETING at (Head Office) Mumbai Min 8 to 10 years Experience.

Reply in confidence (E-mail to sbsroad@yahoo.com)


Journal of the Textile Association March-April 2007

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