November 2003
n n n n Internal power-on reset Active low reset Internal precision oscillator Variable dim rates (from 6.25 ms to 1.6s; 160 Hz0.625 Hz)
Key Specifications
n 8 LED driver (multiple programmable states on, off, input, and dimming at a specified rate) n 8 Open drain outputs capable of driving up to 25 mA per LED
n n n n n n Customized flashing LED lights for cellular phones Portable Applications Digital Cameras Indicator Lamps General purpose I/O expander Toys
Ordering Information
LP3944, Supplied as 1000 Units, Tape and LP3944, Supplied as 4500 Units, Tape Reel and Reel LP3944ISQ LP3944ISQX Package Marking
For Explanation of LP3944 Operation, Please Refer to Theory of Operation in Application Notes.
(Notes 2,
2 kV 150V 1 kV
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. VDD A0, A1, A2, SCL, SDA, RST (Collectively called digital pins) Voltage on LED pins Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Power Dissipation (Note 3) ESD (Note 4) 0.5V to 6V 6V VSS0.5V to 6V 150C 65C to 150C 1.76W
Electrical Characteristics
Unless otherwise noted, VDD = 5.5V. Typical values and limits appearing in normal type apply for TJ = 25C. Limits appearing in boldface type apply over the entire junction temperature range for operation, TJ = 40C to +125C. (Note 5) Symbol POWER SUPPLY VDD IQ IQ VPOR tw LED VIL VIH IOL LOW Level Input Voltage HIGH Level Input Voltage Low Level Output Current (Note 6) VOL = 0.4V, VDD = 2.3V VOL = 0.4V, VDD = 3.0V VOL = 0.4V, VDD = 5.0V VOL = 0.7V, VDD = 2.3V VOL = 0.7V, VDD = 3.0V VOL = 0.7V, VDD = 5.0V ILEAK CI/O VIL VIH ILEAK CIN
Supply Voltage Supply Current Additional Standby Current Power-On Reset Voltage Reset Pulse Width No Load Standby VDD = 5.5V, every LED pin at 4.3V
5 350 2.0
V A mA V ns
1.8 10 0.5 2.0 9 12 15 15 20 25 1 2.6 0.5 2.0 1 VIN = 0V (Note 7) 2.3 -0.5 0.7VDD 0 VOL = 0.4V (Note 7) (Note 7) 0.6 6.5 3
0.8 5.5
Input Leakage Current Input/Output Capacitance LOW Level Input Voltage HIGH Level Input Voltage Input Leakage Current Input Capacitance LOW Level Input Voltage HIGH Level Input Voltage LOW Level Output Voltage LOW Level Output Current Clock Frequency Hold Time Repeated START Condition
A pF V V A pF V V V mA kHz s
Electrical Characteristics
(Continued) Unless otherwise noted, VDD = 5.5V. Typical values and limits appearing in normal type apply for TJ = 25C. Limits appearing in boldface type apply over the entire junction temperature range for operation, TJ = 40C to +125C. (Note 5) Parameter Conditions Typical Limit Min 1.3 0.6 0.6 300 100 0.6 Max Units
I2C INTERFACE (SCL AND SDA PINS) tCLK-LP tCLK-HP tSU CLK Low Period CLK High Period Set-Up Time Repeated START Condition Data Set-Up Time Set-Up Time for STOP Condition Maximum Pulse Width of Spikes that Must Be Suppressed by the Input Filter of Both DATA & CLK Signals (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7) 50 ns s s s ns ns s
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of the device is guaranteed. Operating Ratings do not imply guaranteed performance limits. For guaranteed performance limits and associated test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics tables. Note 2: All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin. Note 3: The Absolute Maximum power dissipation depends on the ambient temperature and can be calculated using the formula P = (TJ TA)/JA, (1) where TJ is the junction temperature, TA is the ambient temperature, and JA is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance. The 1.76W rating appearing under Absolute Maximum Ratings results from substituting the Absolute Maximum junction temperature, 150C, for TJ, 85C for TA, and 37C/W for JA. More power can be dissipated safely at ambient temperature below 85C. Less power can be dissipated safely at ambient temperatures above 85C. The Absolute Maximum power dissipation can be increased by 27 mW for each degree below 85C, and it must be de-rated by 27 mW for each degree above 85C. For Operating Ratings maximum power dissipation, TJ = 125C and TA = 85C Note 4: The human-body model is 100 pF discharged through 1.5 k. The machine model is 0 in series with 220 pF. Note 5: Limits are guaranteed. All electrical characteristics having room-temperature limits are tested during production with TJ = 25C. All hot and cold limits are guaranteed by correlating the electrical characteristics to process and temperature variations and applying statistical process control. Note 6: Each LED pin should not exceed 25 mA and the package should not exceed a total of 200 mA. Note 7: Guaranteed by design.
Application Notes
THEORY OF OPERATION The LP3944 takes incoming data and feed them into several registers that control the frequency and the duty cycle of the LEDs. Two prescaler registers and two PWM registers provide two individual rates to dim or blink the LEDs (for more information on these registers, refer to Table 1. LP3944 REGISTER TABLE). The baseband controller/ microprocessor can program each LED to be in one of four states on, off, DIM0 rate or DIM1 rate. One read-only registers provide status on all 8 LEDs. The LP3944 can be used to drive RGB LEDs and/or single-color LEDs to create a colorful, entertaining, and informative setting. This is particularly suitable for accessory functions in cellular phones and toys. Any LED pins not used to drive LED can be used for General Purpose Parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion.
The LP3944 is equipped with Power-On Reset that holds the chip in a reset state until VDD reaches VPOR during power up. Once VPOR is achieved, the LP3944 comes out of reset and initializes itself to the default state. To bring the LP3944 into reset, hold the RST pin LOW for a period of TW. This will put the chip to its default state. The LP3944 can only be programmed after RST signal is HIGH again. I2C DATA VALIDITY The data on SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock signal (SCL). In other words, state of the data line can only be changed when CLK is LOW.
FIGURE 1. I2C Data Validity I2C START AND STOP CONDITIONS START and STOP bits classify the beginning and the end of the I2C session. START condition is defined as SDA signal transitioning from HIGH to LOW while SCL line is HIGH. STOP condition is defined as the SDA transitioning from LOW to HIGH while SCL is HIGH. The I2C master always generates START and STOP bits. The I2C bus is considered to be busy after START condition and free after STOP condition. During data transmission, I2C master can generate repeated START conditions. First START and repeated START conditions are equivalent, function-wise.
FIGURE 2. I2C START and STOP Conditions TRANSFERRING DATA Every byte put on the SDA line must be eight bits long with the most significant bit (MSB) being transferred first. The number of bytes that can be transmitted per transfer is unrestricted. Each byte of data has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. The acknowledge related clock pulse is generated by the master. The transmitter releases the SDA line (HIGH) during the acknowledge clock pulse. The receiver must pull down the SDA line during the 9th clock pulse, signifying an acknowledge. A receiver which has been addressed must generate an acknowledge after each byte has been received. After the START condition, a chip address is sent by the I2C master. This address is seven bits long followed by an eighth bit which is a data direction bit (R/W). The LP3944 hardwires bits 7 to 4 and leaves bits 3 to 1 selectable, as shown in Figure 3. For the eighth bit, a 0 indicates a WRITE and a 1 indicates a READ. The LP3944 supports only a WRITE during chip addressing. The second byte selects the register to which the data will be written. The third byte contains data to write to the selected register.
Application Notes
w = write (SDA = 0) r = read (SDA = 1) ack = acknowledge (SDA pulled down by either master or slave) rs = repeated start xx = 60 to 67
FIGURE 4. LP3944 Register Write However, if a READ function is to be accomplished, a WRITE function must precede the READ function, as shown in Figure 5.
w = write (SDA = 0) r = read (SDA = 1) ack = acknowledge (SDA pulled down by either master or slave) rs = repeated start xx = 60 to 67
Application Notes
Auto increment is a special feature supported by the LP3944 to eliminate repeated chip and register addressing when data are to be written to or read from registers in sequential
order. The auto increment bit is inside the register address byte, as shown in Figure 6. Auto increment is enabled when this bit is programmed to 1 and disabled when it is programmed to 0.
FIGURE 6. Register Address Byte In the READ mode, when auto increment is enabled, I2C master could receive any number of bytes from LP3944 without selecting chip address and register address again. Every time the I2C master reads a register, the LP3944 will increment the register address and the next data register will be read. When I2C master reaches the last register (09H register), the register address will roll over to 00H. In the WRITE mode, when auto increment is enabled, the LP3944 will increment the register address every time I2C master writes to register. When the last register (09H register) is reached, the register address will roll over to 02H, because the first two registers in LP3944 are read-only registers. It is possible to write to these two registers, and the LP3944 will acknowledge, but the data will be ignored. In the LP3944, registers 0x01, 0x08 and 0x09 are not functional. However, it is still necessary to read from 0x01 and to write to 0x08 and 0x09 in Auto Increment mode. They cannot be skipped. If auto increment is disabled, and the I2C master does not change register address, it will continue to write data into the same register.
Application Notes
Address (Hex) 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09
Register Name Input 1 Register 1 PSC0 PWM0 PSC1 PWM1 LS0 LS1 Register 8 Register 9
Read/Write Read Only Read Only R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W None
Register Function LED07 Input Register Frequency Prescaler 0 PWM Register 0 Frequency Prescaler 1 PWM Register 1 LED03 Selector LED47 Selector None None
Note: Registers 1, 8 and 9 are empty and non-functional registers. Register 1 is read-only, with all bits hard-wired to zero. Registers 8 and 9 can be written and read, but the content does ot have any effect on the operation of the LP3944.
BINARY FOMAT FOR INPUT REGISTERS (READ ONLY) ADDRESS 0x00 and 0x01 Address 0x00 Bit # Default value
X = dont care
7 X LED7
6 X LED6
5 X LED5
4 X LED4
3 X LED3
2 X LED2
1 X LED1
0 X LED0
BINARY FORMAT FOR FREQUENCY PRESCALER AND PWM REGISTERS ADDRESS 0x02 to 0x05 Address 0x02 (PSC0) Bit # Default value 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
PSC0 register is used to program the period of DIM0. DIM0 = (PSC0+1)/160 The maximum period is 1.6s when PSC0 = 255.
PWM0 register determines the duty cycle of DIM0. The LED outputs are LOW (LED on) when the count is less than the value in PWM0 and HIGH (LED off) when it is greater. If PWM0 is programmed with 0x00, LED output is always HIGH (LED off). The duty cycle of DIM0 is: PWM0/256 Default value is 50% duty cycle.
PSC1 register is used to program the period of DIM1. DIM1 = (PSC1 + 1)/160 The maximum period is 1.6s when PSC1 = 255.
Application Notes
Bit # Default value 7 1
PWM1 register determines the duty cycle of DIM1. The LED outputs are LOW (LED on) when the count is less than the value in PWM1 and HIGH (LED off) when it is greater. If PWM1 is programmed with 0x00, LED output is always HIGH (LED off). The duty cycle of DIM1 is: PWM1/256 Default value is 50% duty cycle.
BINARY FORMAT FOR SELECTOR REGISTERS ADDRESS 0x06 to 0x07 Address 0x06 (LS0) Bit # Default value 7 0 B1 LED3 6 0 B0 5 0 B1 LED2 Address 0x07 (LS1) Bit # Default value 7 0 B1 LED7 6 0 B0 5 0 B1 LED6 4 0 B0 3 0 B1 LED5 2 0 B0 1 0 B1 LED4 0 0 B0 4 0 B0 3 0 B1 LED1 2 0 B0 1 0 B1 LED0 0 0 B0
LED States With Respect To Values in "B1" and "B0" B1 0 0 1 1 B0 0 1 0 1 Function Output Hi-Z (LED off) Output LOW (LED on) Output dims (DIM0 rate) Output dims (DIM1 rate)
Programming Example: Dim LEDs 0 to 7 at 1 Hz at 25% duty cycle Step Step Step Step 1: 2: 3: 4: Set Set Set Set PSC0 to achieve DIM0 of 1s PWM0 duty cycle to 25% PSC1 to achieve DIM1 of 0.2s LEDs 0 to 7 to point to DIM0 Description Set DIM0 = 1s 1 = (PSC0 + 1)/160 PSC0 = 159 Set duty cycle to 25% Duty Cycle = PWM0/256 PWM0 = 64 Set DIM1 = 0.2s 0.2 = (PSC1 + 1)/160 PSC1 = 31 LEDs 0 to 7 Output = DIM0 Register Name PSC0 Set to (Hex) 0x09F
Step 1
LS0, LS1
Application Notes
REDUCING IQ WHEN LEDS ARE OFF In many applications, the LEDs and the LP3944 share the same VDD, as shown in Section Typical Application Circuit. When the LEDs are off, the LED pins are at a lower potential
than VDD, causing extra supply current (IQ). To minimize this current, consider keeping the LED pins at a voltage equal to or greater than VDD.
Physical Dimensions
1. 2.
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