Questionnaire CRM
Questionnaire CRM
Questionnaire CRM
Q:1 What is your family income p.a ? 2-3 lakh 3-4 lakh 4-5 lakh More than 5 lakh
Q: 4 Which company car do you have? Hyundai Maruti Suzuki Tata motors Ford Any other
Q: 5 How long had you been using their services? Less than six months 1-3 years More than six months but less than one year More than 3 years
Q: 6 On the scale of 1-5 where 1 represent extremely satisfied and 5 represent extremely dissatisfied how would you rate your level of overall satisfaction with company? Extremely satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied
Why do you say that? What specifically are you satisfied or dissatisfied with company? enter response below:
Q: 7 Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements (1-5 scale with 1 being strongly agree,2 being agree,3 bein g n eutral,2 disagree and 1 being completely disagree): 1 2 I believe Company deserves my loyalty Over the past year, my loyalty to Company has grown stronger Company values people and relationships ahead of short-term goals 3 4 5
Q: 8 Please rate your level of satisfaction with sale representative in the following areas 5-Strongly satisfied responsiveness professionalism Understanding of my needs 4- satisfied 3- Neutral 2 dissatisfied 1-Strongly dissatisfied
Q:9 Thinking of your most recent experience with the product/service, how much do you agree with the following statements? 2- somewhat agree 3- neutral 4- somewhat disagree 5- strongly disagree
5- strongly agree It was worth to purchase Relationship maintainers was good It is easy to use You were ask for feedback
Q:10. Thinking of similar products/services offered by other companies, how would you compare our product/service offered to them? Much better Somewhat better About the same Somewhat worse Much worse Dont know
Q:11 Based upon your overall experience, please rate your satisfaction with Customer Service in the following areas: 5 - Very satisfied 4 - Somewhat satisfied 3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat dissatisfied 1 - Very dissatisfied
Issue resolution Quality of advice Promptness of answering phone Overall quality of issue handling Professionalism of Representative Helpfulness of Representative Ease of contacting Customer Service Promptness of email response
Q: 12 I trust the brand image of the company? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q:13 Would you use the companys service in the future, if you have had a need for it? Definitely Probably Not sure Probably not Definitely not
Q: 14 How likely are you to recommend company product to a friend a relative? Would you say the chances are: Excellent Fair Poor Very good Good N.A
Q: 15 Amongst all the touch point being used by the company please mention the most of the effective tools in the following table: Front desk Sales representative Email Sms Website Feedback Calling