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High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft



Composite Materials
This chapter has been amended since the main revision (January 2010), most recently in July 2011. See Changes on page 3.

The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnv.com is the officially binding version
The content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV). The user accepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/or its licensees to offer and/or perform classification, certification and/or verification services, including the issuance of certificates and/or declarations of conformity, wholly or partly, on the basis of and/or pursuant to this document whether free of charge or chargeable, without DNV's prior written consent. DNV is not responsible for the consequences arising from any use of this document by others.


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions. The Rules lay down technical and procedural requirements related to obtaining and retaining a Class Certificate. It is used as a contractual document and includes both requirements and acceptance criteria.

Det Norske Veritas AS January 2010 Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@dnv.com For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@dnv.com Computer Typesetting (Adobe Frame Maker) by Det Norske Veritas

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.

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The present edition of the Rules includes additions and amendments approved by the Board as of December 2009, and supersedes the January 1999 edition of the same chapter. The Rule changes come into force as described below. This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter.
Amendments July 2011

The restricted use legal clause found in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.4 has been added also on the front page.
Amendments January 2011
Sec.2 Materials

Some minor clarifications have been made in Table F2 (row F302 and F303) and Table F3 (row F401).
Main changes coming into force 1 July 2010
Sec.2 Materials

Sub-section F. Adhesives: Extensive revision to define requirements for rigid and flexible adhesives and sealants and for qualification of bonding personnel.
Corrections and Clarifications

Besides the above stated rule changes, some corrections and clarifications have been made in the rule wording in compliance with current interpretations and the updating of other chapters of the rules.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2010 Pt.2 Ch.4 Contents Page 4

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Sec. 1 Type Approval and Certification Procedures ................................................................................. 5

A. General ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 A 100 Application............................................................................................................................................................ 5 B. Type Approval............................................................................................................................................................... 5 B 100 Approval procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 5 C. Product Certification .................................................................................................................................................... 5 C 100 Certified materials................................................................................................................................................. 5 D. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 D 100 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

Sec. 2

Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 6

A. Glassfibre Reinforcement............................................................................................................................................. 6 A 100 Chemical composition .......................................................................................................................................... 6 A 200 Properties .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 B. B B B B B C. C C C C D. D D D D Aramid Reinforcement ................................................................................................................................................. 6 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 6 200 Impact resistance................................................................................................................................................... 6 300 Tensile and compressive strength ......................................................................................................................... 6 400 Fatigue requirements............................................................................................................................................. 7 500 Laminate requirements.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Polyester and Vinylester Products............................................................................................................................... 8 100 Resin properties .................................................................................................................................................... 8 200 Fire retardant resin properties ............................................................................................................................... 8 300 Gelcoat and topcoat properties.............................................................................................................................. 8 400 Fire retardant gelcoat and topcoat properties........................................................................................................ 8 Sandwich Core Materials ........................................................................................................................................... 10 100 General requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 10 200 Requirements to all core materials...................................................................................................................... 10 300 Core material in slamming exposed areas .......................................................................................................... 12 400 Core material in fatigue areas ............................................................................................................................. 13

E. Sandwich Adhesives .................................................................................................................................................... 13 E 100 Properties ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 F. F F F F F Adhesives...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 14 200 Requirements to rigid adhesives ......................................................................................................................... 15 300 Requirements to flexible adhesives .................................................................................................................... 15 400 Requirements to sealants .................................................................................................................................... 16 500 Qualification of Adhesive Bonding Personnel ................................................................................................... 16


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A. General
A 100 Application 101 The rules in this section apply to raw materials for FRP structures classed or intended for classification with the Society. 102 Other fibre reinforcements than glass fibre and aramid, other resins than polyester and vinylester, and other coatings than gelcoat and topcoat, may be accepted based upon testing and approval in each individual case.

B. Type Approval
B 100 Approval procedure 101 The approval procedures for the materials covered in this section are specified in the respective type approval programmes. 102 The following products are to be type or case by case approved by the Society: glass fibre reinforcements aramid reinforcements polyester resin, vinylester resin, gelcoat and topcoat sandwich core materials sandwich adhesives adhesives.

C. Product Certification
C 100 Certified materials 101 FRP raw materials, e.g. fibre, resin, core, sandwich adhesive, and adhesives for major structural elements are normally to be supplied with DNV Product Certificates. 102 The product certification will be based on a certification programme stating the extent of testing and documentation required. However, the parameters marked with a * (in Sec.2) are normally to be the minimum to be tested and documented.

D. Definitions
D 100 Definitions 101 mean sdev m 2 sdev msv msmv num Eimp t N = = = = = = = = = = = arithmetic mean of type test results standard deviation of type test results mean 2 sdev of type test results manufacturers specified value manufacturers specified minimum value number of parallels impact energy thickness of tested laminate number of cycles manufacturers specified minimum value, tensile or compressive, whichever is lesser R-ratio.



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A. Glassfibre Reinforcement
A 100 Chemical composition 101 The glass is to be of E-quality where the sum of Na2O and K2O is to be less than 1%. A certificate showing chemical composition is to be presented, or a chemical analysis is to be carried out showing that the requirements to E glass have been met (SiO2 52 56%, CaO 16 25%, Al2O3 12 16%, B2O3 6 12%, Na2O + K2O 0 1% and MgO 0 6%). 102 Fibres made of other glass qualities may be used subject to special agreement and provided that their mechanical properties and hydrolytic resistance are equally good or better. 103 Coupling agents of silane compound or complex chromium compound are to be used. A 200 Properties 201 The glass fibres are to be produced as continuous fibres. They are tested in that product form that is to be used in the yard. 202 For roving that will be applied by spraying, a demonstration is to be made in a surveyors presence which is to show that the roving is suitable for this form of application. 203 Requirements for glass fibre products are given in Table A1.
Required values for approval testing Maximum 0.2% on delivery. * The manufacturers nominal value. Tolerance limits for the * various materials are subject to approval in each separate case. The arithmetic mean 2 standard deviation is to be within the * manufacturers value 10%. Table A1 Glass fibre reinforcements Property Test method1) Moisture content ISO 3344-1997 Loss on ignition ISO 1887-1995 Weight per unit length or area Roving: ISO 1889-1997 Mats: ISO 3374-1990 2) Woven fabrics: ISO 4605-1978 2) Tensile strength ISO 527-4,5-1997 Tensile elongation
1) 2) *

msmv msmv

* *

Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. ISO 3374 pending. The standard has status as DIS at the time of issue of these rules. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

B. Aramid Reinforcement
B 100 General 101 All aramid reinforcements are to comply with the requirements given in Table B1. 102 The laminate to be tested in interlaminar shear is to be according to 501 to 505. The test specimen is to be oriented in a direction parallel to the majority of the fibres when possible, or in the main direction of the reinforcement. B 200 Impact resistance 201 Aramid reinforcements for hull applications are to have an oblique impact resistance corresponding to: Eimp (joule) = 0.48 (joule/mm) t (mm) - 0.77 (joule). 202 The laminate to be tested is to be produced according to 501 to 504, and have a thickness between 3 and 8 mm. For details regarding oblique impact testing, see type approval programme for aramid fibre reinforcements. B 300 Tensile and compressive strength 301 The tensile and compressive capacity of the aramid reinforcement can be determined by testing according to Table B2.

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302 The laminate to be tested is to be according to 501 to 506, and the tensile tests are to be performed in the main fibre directions of a fabric/weave.
Table B1 Requirements for aramid reinforcements Reference Property Test standard 1) B100A Moisture content ISO 3344-77 B100B Mass per unit area ISO 3374-90 2) ISO 4605-78 2) B100C Interlaminar shear strength ISO 4585-89
1) 2) *

Acceptance criteria Manufacturers specified value * Mean 2 sdev within manufacturers nominal value 10% * Mean - 2 sdev > 25 MPa *

Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. ISO 3374 pending. The standard has status as DIS at the time of issue of these rules. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

Table B2 Tensile and compressive testing Reference Property Test standard1) B300A Tensile ISO 527-4,5-1997 strength modulus elongation

Acceptance criteria msmv or m - 2 sdev msv msmv or m - 2 sdev Unidirectional: > 1.2% Stitched: > 1.1% Woven roving: > 0.9%


Compressive ISO 527-4,5-1997 strength msmv or m - 2 sdev with buckling prevention modulus msv elongation msmv or m - 2 sdev Unidirectional: > 0.2% Stitched: > 0.2% Woven roving: > 0.2%


Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing.

B 400 Fatigue requirements 401 The fatigue capacity of the aramid reinforcement can be determined by testing according to Table B3. 402 The laminate to be tested is to be according to 501 to 506. The tests are to be run in load control in tension compression, with R = 1. The static strength, static, is the manufacturers specified minimum value, tensile or compressive whichever is lesser. If the requirement is not fulfilled, the static strength values have to be reduced until the fatigue condition is fulfilled.
Table B3 Fatigue testing Reference Property Test standard1) B400 Fatigue ISO 527-4,5-1997

Acceptance criteria N > 105 at 0.45 static

Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing.

B 500 Laminate requirements 501 The laminate is to be made with a marine grade polyester, vinylester, or epoxy. The manufacturer may elect type of resin, but the testing will only be valid for the type of resin used, as well as resins with higher tensile strength and higher elongation at failure. 502 It is recommended that the laminate be cured at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. However, another curing cycle may be chosen by the manufacturer. It is recommended that a curing cycle that can be carried out at a yard be selected. 503 The laminate is to have a fibre volume fraction as specified by the reinforcement manufacturer. It is recommended that a fibre volume fraction obtainable in a yard be selected. 504 When laminated, the fibre reinforcement is to have a moisture content at the maximum specified by the manufacturer, see 100. 505 In general, all layers of fabrics/weaves are to be oriented in the same direction in the laminate. Exceptions can be made if symmetric laminates are needed for testing. Such cases are to be discussed with the Society. 506 Test specimens are to be wide enough to cover at least four repeats of the structure of the weave/fabric.


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C. Polyester and Vinylester Products

C 100 Resin properties 101 The approval of polyester and vinylester are divided into the following quality grades: resin grade 1: quality with good water resistance resin grade 2: quality with normal water resistance fire retardant resin gelcoat and topcoat fire retardant gelcoat and topcoat.

102 The polyester and vinylester are to be suitable for lamination by hand lay-up, spraying, resin transfer moulding, vacuum bagging method, etc. They are to have good wetting properties and are to cure satisfactory at normal room temperature, or at other specified curing condition. Polyester and vinylester intended for other production methods may be approved after special consideration. 103 Requirements to production of the resin and quality control are given in Table C1 or on an equivalent level. 104 Requirements for cured resin are given in Table C2. Comments: Unless anything else is specified by the manufacturer, the following curing procedure is to be used: Standard MEKP (active oxygen 9.0 - 9.2%) Curing: 24 hours at 23C Post curing: 24 hours at 50C. Curing systems requiring high temperature may be approved after special consideration. 105 Resins containing waxes or other substances, (like DCPD resins or blends of DCPD), which might lower external adhesive capacity are to be subjected to the delamination test according to Table C3. Preparation of test piece 1) A primary laminate consisting of five (5) layers of 450 g/m2 emulsion/powder bounded mat with excess polyester in the upper surface. Curing procedure: 48 h at 23C. The laminate surface is not to be covered. 2) A secondary laminate consisting of five (5) layers of 450 g/m2 emulsion/powder bounded mat is built on the first without any form of upper surface treatment. 3) Curing procedure as selected in 104. The fibre weight fraction is to be 50% 5%. Preparation of reference piece 1) A laminate consisting of ten (10) layers of 450 g/m2 emulsion/powder bounded mat. Curing procedure as selected in 104. C 200 Fire retardant resin properties 201 Polyester and vinylester can be approved as fire retardant qualities provided they are in compliance with the following:
The hull and canopy material should be flame tested to determine its fire-retarding characteristics by placing a test specimen in a flame. After removal from the flame the burning time and burning distance should be measured and should be to the satisfaction of the Administration.

(IMO Res. A.689(17) Part 1, 6.2.1) The finished resin, including all fillers, is to fulfil the requirements for liquid resin in Table C1, and cured resin in Table C2, grade 2 and the requirements to combustibility in Table C4. A finished resin with water absorption of 100 to 150 mg per test sample may be approved after special consideration. (Shall be evaluated with blistering test and testing of laminate properties after aging at elevated temperature.) C 300 Gelcoat and topcoat properties 301 Gelcoat and topcoat are to be produced of base polyester that fulfils the requirements in 100, grade 1 and Table C5. C 400 Fire retardant gelcoat and topcoat properties 401 Fire retardant gelcoat and topcoat are to be produced of base resin that fulfils the requirements to fire retardant resins in 200 and are to be able to withstand long term exposure to weathering without any visible


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signs of crazing, outwash of matter or dramatic colour change.

Table C1 Manufacturers quality control for polyester and vinylester in liquid condition (Specify tolerances for base resin and each variant) Control on Test method 1) Acceptance criteria Viscosity ISO 2555 (1989) 2) msv 250 mPas (Brookfield) or ISO 2884 (1974) (Cone/plate) Monomer ISO 3251(1993) msv 2% content Mineral content DIN 16945 (1989), item 4.10 msv 1% 3) Gel time ISO 2535 (1997) For curing time at room temperature: < 60 minutes: msv 5 minutes 120 to 60 minutes: msv 10 minutes >120 minutes: msv 15 minutes
1) 2) 3) * Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. For polyester and vinylester, the following parameters are to be used; Viscometer type A, rotational frequency 10, temperature 23C. Viscosity can be accepted with msv 20%. Specify activator and initiator and % of each. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

Table C2 Polyester and vinylester products, cured not reinforced resin (Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society) Property Test method1) Requirements for approval testing / Data format Grade 1 Grade 2 Density ISO 1675 (1985) msv (g/cm3) msv (g/cm3) Volumetric curing shrinkage ISO 3521 (1997) msv (%) msv (%) 2) Ultimate tensile strength ISO 527-1,2 (1993) msmv minimum 55 MPa msmv minimum 45 MPa * Tensile modulus ISO 527-1,2 (1993) msv minimum 3000 MPa msv minimum 3000 MPa * Fracture elongation ISO 527-1,2 (1993) msmv minimum 2.5% msmv minimum 1.5% * Ultimate flexural strength ISO 178 (1993) msmv minimum 100 MPa msmv minimum 80 MPa Flexural modulus ISO 178 (1993) msv minimum 2700 MPa msv minimum 2700 MPa Barcol hardness 3) EN 59 (1990) msv minimum 35 msv minimum 35 * ASTM D 2583 (1995) Heat deflection temperature ISO 75-2 (1993) msmv minimum 70C msmv minimum 60C ISO 62 (1980) msmv maximum 80 mg msmv maximum 100 mg Water absorption 4) 1) Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. 2) Test samples for tensile testing ISO 527-2/1A/50; test specimen 1A and test speed 50 mm/minute. 3) Resin may deviate from these values, provided a minimum value of 30 is met and the manufacturer can demonstrate adequate cure. 4) Test sample 50 x 50 x 4 mm ( 1 x 1 x 0.2). Distilled water. Exposure time 28 days at 23C. Resin may deviate from these values, provided the water ageing properties are documented.
msv msmv *

= manufacturers specified value, verified to be within 10% of mean of type test results. = manufacturers specified minimum value, verified to be below m - 2 sdev (mean - 2 standard deviation) of
type test results. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society. Barcol hardness is to be measured on each specimen and is to comply with manufacturers specified value.

Table C3 Interlaminar strength of LSE resins, double cantilever beam test Property Test method1) Requirements for approval testing Interlaminar ASTM D 5528 (1994), Minimum 80% of mean strength in reference piece fracture toughness, Mode 1 2) The fracture is not to be a typical brittle fracture with smooth DCB surfaces
1) 2) * Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. Double cantilever beam test with high loading rate. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.


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Table C4 Combustibility testing of fire retardant resins Property Test method Requirements for approval testing Combustibility ASTM D 2863 (1995) Oxygen index minimum 23
* Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

Table C5 Properties of gelcoat/topcoat Property Test method1) Requirements for approval testing Fracture elongation 2 ISO 527-1,2 (1993) 3) Minimum 2.0% Covering Complete covering is to be achieved within a thickness of maximum 400 m of cured resin
1) 2) 3) Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. Test of elongation has to be carried out only for gelcoat/topcoats containing more than 15% minerals and other filling compounds. A test sample is to be made of base resin covered with 400 m cured gelcoat on each side and cured according to the procedure in C104.

D. Sandwich Core Materials

D 100 General requirements 101 Core materials are to have stable long time properties; continuous chemical processes, diffusion, etc. and are not to affect the physical properties of the material. If considered necessary, documentation may be required. 102 On delivery the surface of the material is normally to be such that no further machining or grinding is required to obtain proper bonding of the material. If however surface treatment is required, this is to be stated by the manufacturer. 103 The test methods described consider most grades of closed cell polymeric foams and end grain balsa core. For core materials of particular composition or structure, e.g. honeycombs, other/additional requirements may be introduced. 104 Core materials are normally to be compatible with resins based on polyester, vinylester and epoxy. Core materials with a limited compatibility may be accepted upon special consideration. Limitations are to be stated by the manufacturer. 105 The approval will be related to a set of physical properties, which will be stated in the type approval certificate. The minimum properties are to be specified by the manufacturer and verified by the approval testing. D 200 Requirements to all core materials 201 The requirements applicable for all core materials are stated below and in Table D1. Further details regarding requirements for testing/documentation are stated in the relevant type approval programme. 202 Density: The manufacturer is to specify a Manufacturers Specified Minimum Value (msmv) which is confirmed by the test results. 203 Water absorption: The two sides of the cube that face the laminate skins are to be sealed with resin. The manufacturer is to specify a Manufacturers Specified Minimum Value (msmv) which is confirmed by the test results. 204 Tensile properties: The tensile tests are to be performed in the through thickness direction of the core. For very anisotropic materials, the Society may require additional tests in other directions. The core material is to be laminated with: a standard ortho polyester, and/or a resin with better adhesion properties. In such cases, the approval will be limited to the resin type used and resins with better adhesion properties. If the selected resin is temperature sensitive, e.g. rubberised, the Society may require testing at +50C and 10C. The resin type used is to be stated in the test report, and will be printed on the type approval certificate. The laminated core may then be glued or laminated to the test fixtures. Testing rate: Maximum speed of deformation, in mm/minute is to be 10% of the value of the measured initial thickness. The tensile properties are to be taken as the measured value irrespective of if the failure is in the core or in the core resin interface. Elongation shall be measured with extensiometer on the core and secant modulus to be established. The manufacturer is to specify a Manufacturers Specified Minimum Value (msmv) which is confirmed by the test results.


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205 Compression testing: The compression tests are to be performed in the through thickness direction of the core. For very anisotropic materials the Society may require additional tests in other directions. The cell walls at the loaded surfaces are to be stabilised with a suitable resin. Testing rate: Maximum speed of deformation, in mm/minute is to be 10% of the value of the measured initial thickness. Compression shall be measured with extensiometer and secant modulus to be established. The manufacturer is to specify a Manufacturers Specified Minimum Value (msmv) which is confirmed by the test results. 206 Block shear testing: The shear strength, modulus and elongation are to be determined by block shear testing according to ISO 1922-81. The shear strength, modulus and elongation is to be determined by the following method: The shear strength of each specimen, fail (i). is defined as the maximum shear stress measured and is to be determined for each specimen. The manufacturers specified minimum shear strength, msmv, is to be specified by the manufacturer, and is to be below the calculated value: mean - 2 standard deviations of the individual values of the fail (i). The design shear strength, design., is defined as 0.3 msmv. The 0.3 shear elongation, 0,3 design(i), is defined as the elongation corresponding to the design, and is to be taken from the measured stress-strain curve for each specimen. The average 0.3 shear elongation, 0.3 design (average), is defined as the mean of the individual 0.3 design (i), values. The design modulus is defined as:
design G design = ----------------------------------------------- 0, 3 design (average)

207 Four point bend shear testing: In order to ensure that the tensile strength of the core and of the core/skin interface is proportionate to the shear strength, the core variant with the highest density within each grade is to be tested in four point bend according to ASTM C393-88. Scored core material of the highest density variant and greatest thickness delivered, is to be laminated with the following lay-up: 200 g/m2 CSM at the core skin interface subsequent layers of 800/100 g/m2 WR/CSM combimat or 200 g/m2CSM. The total thickness of each skin laminate is not to exceed 10% of the core thickness. The fibre weight fraction is to be 50% + 5%. The manufacturer may elect to use: a standard ortho polyester, and/or a resin with better adhesion properties. In such cases, the approval will be limited to the resin type used and resins with better adhesion properties. If the selected resin is temperature sensitive, e.g. rubberised, the Society may require testing at + 50C and 10C. The resin type used is to be stated in the test report, and will be printed on the type approval certificate. The manufacturer may elect to fill the scores with resin, or a sandwich adhesive. In this case, this will be stated on the type approval as a condition of use. The shear strength obtained from the four point bend test, calculated according to 206, is to confirm the data from the block shear testing. If the shear strength value obtained from the four point bend test is lower than the value obtained from the block shear testing, the manufacturer may elect to: a) retest with another resin, or b) the obtained value will be used as the basis of approval, and the value will be printed on the type approval certificate. The shear modulus calculated according to 206 is to be based on the new shear strength. In such cases, the core variant with the next lower density is to be tested in the same manner. 208 Heat resistance temperature is defined as the temperature at which either: shear strength, or shear modulus has decreased by 20%.

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The heat resistance temperature is to be specified by the manufacturer, and is to be greater than + 45C. The heat resistance temperature is to be confirmed by four point bend testing the highest density core at the specified temperature according to 207, where the shear strength and modulus are to be > 80% of the results obtained in 207. 209 Water resistance is defined as the loss of shear strength and stiffness after conditioning in salt water (DIN 50905) at 40C for four weeks. The loss of water resistance is to be confirmed by four point bend testing the highest and lowest density variant according to 207, where the shear strength and modulus are to be > 80% of the results obtained in 207.
Table D1 General requirements for all core materials Reference Property Test method1) D202 Density for materials with ISO 845-88 sdev/mean < 5% Density for materials with sdev/mean > 5% D203 Water absorption ISO 2896-87 Duration: 1 week in salt water (DIN 50905) at 40C D204 Tensile - strength ASTM C-297 - 94 Tensile - modulus Compressive - strength Compressive - modulus Block shear - strength Block shear - modulus Block shear - elongation Four point bend shear strength Heat resistance - strength Heat resistance - modulus Water resistance - strength Water resistance - modulus Acceptance criteria msmv in kg/m3

1.5 kg/m2 m - 2 sdev > 1.6 msmv shear strength in MPa mean > 1.7 msv shear modulus in MPa m - 2 sdev > 1.0 msmv shear strength in MPa mean > 2.5 msv shear modulus in MPa msmv > 0.4 MPa * msv > 9 MPa * msv of 0.3 t design (average) * 10% of msmv shear strength all values > 80% of msmv shear strength mean > 80% of msv shear modulus all values > 80% of msmv shear strength mean > 80% of msv shear modulus


ISO 844-78


ISO 1922-81

D207 D208 D209

1) *

ASTM C393-88 Conditioned to heat resistance temperature, then ASTM C39388 Conditioning: 4 weeks in salt water (DIN 50905) at 40C, then ASTM C393-88

Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

D 300 Core material in slamming exposed areas 301 The requirements applicable to core material to be used in slamming exposed areas are given in 302 to 307. Further details regarding requirements for testing or documentation are stated in the relevant type approval programme. It will be stated in the certificate whether the material properties with respect to slamming have been determined or not. 302 Scored core material of the lowest and highest density variant and greatest thickness delivered is to be tested in four point bend according to ASTM C393-88, at a high loading (i.e. slamming) rate. 303 The sandwich beam is to include a longitudinal adhesive joint between two core material planks. The approval is valid for the adhesive used, and for adhesives with greater shear elongation at 0C. The adhesive type used is to be stated in the test report. 304 The core material is to be laminated with the following lay-up: 200 g/m2 CSM at the core skin interface subsequent layers of 800/100 g/m2 WR/CSM combimat or 200 g/m2 CSM. The total thickness of each skin laminate is not to exceed 10% of the core thickness. The fibre weight fraction is to be 50% + 5%. The manufacturer may elect to use: standard ortho polyester, and/or a resin with better adhesion properties. In such cases, the approval will be limited to the resin type used and resins with better adhesion properties. If the selected resin is temperature sensitive, e.g. rubberised, the Society may require testing at + 50C and 10C. The resin type used is to be stated in the test report.

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305 The manufacturer may elect to fill the scores with resin, or a sandwich adhesive. In this case this is to be stated. 306 The beam is to be loaded at a rate of d/dt = 65 MPa s -1. 307 The shear strength obtained from the four point bend test at slamming rate, is to confirm the data from the block shear testing determined in 206. D 400 Core material in fatigue areas 401 The requirements applicable to core material to be used in slamming fatigue exposed areas, are given in 402 to 407. Further details regarding testing or documentation are stated in the relevant type approval programme. It will be stated in the certificate whether the material properties with respect to fatigue have been determined or not. 402 Scored core material of the lowest and highest density variant and greatest thickness delivered is to be fatigue tested in four point bend according to ASTM C393-88. 403 The sandwich beam is to include a longitudinal adhesive joint between two core material planks. The approval is valid for the adhesive use, and for adhesives with greater shear elongation at 0C. The adhesive type used is to be stated in the test report. 404 The core material is to be laminated with the following lay-up: 200 g/m2 CSM at the core skin interface subsequent layers of 800/100 g/m2 WR/CSM combimat or 200 g/m2CSM. The total thickness of each skin laminate is not to exceed 10% of the core thickness. The fibre weight fraction is to be 50% + 5%. The manufacturer may elect to: a standard ortho polyester, and/or a resin with better adhesion properties. In such cases, the approval will be limited to the resin type used and resins with better adhesion properties. If the selected resin is temperature sensitive, e.g. rubberised, the Society may require testing at + 50C and - 10C. The resin type used is to be stated in the test report. 405 The manufacturer may elect to fill the scores with resin, or a sandwich adhesive. In this case this is to be stated. 406 The beam is to be load cycled between 5% and 50% of the manufacturers specified minimum shear strength for each density variant, msmv, for 105 cycles. The test machine is to be run in load control. The loading/de-loading rate is to be d/dt = 65 MPa s -1, but a cooling period between loadings, up to a period of 0.1 s, will be allowed. 407 After fatigue testing, the residual strength of the beams are to be determine by testing according to 207. The shear strength and modulus is to be > 80% of the results obtained in 207.

E. Sandwich Adhesives
E 100 Properties 101 The approval of sandwich adhesives are separated into two different quality grades: Grade 1: Required quality of sandwich adhesives for hull constructions. Grade 2: Required quality of sandwich adhesives for less critical applications. 102 The approval will be related to a set of physical properties which will be specified in the type approval certificate. The minimum properties are to be specified by the manufacturer and verified by the approval testing. The properties to be specified on the certificate are given in Table E1 and E2. 103 104 Requirements for production of the adhesive and quality control are given in Table E1. Requirements for cured material in the joint are given in Table E2.

105 Curing conditions are to be according to the manufacturers specifications, preferably at temperatures obtainable in a yard. Detailed description of surface treatment and application procedure is required. 106 Heat resistance temperature is defined as the temperature at which flatwise tensile strength has decreased to 80% of room temperature strength. The heat resistance temperature is to be specified by the manufacturer, and is to be greater than + 45C. The heat resistance temperature is to be confirmed by testing according to flatwise tensile testing at the

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specified temperature, where the flatwise tensile strength is to be > 80% of the results obtained at room temperature. For testing of shear and flatwise tension, the test samples are to be made of two pieces of high density core material (preferably PVC foam) with the sandwich adhesive located in the midplane parallel to the steel supports. The adhesive layer is to be > 1 mm thick.
Table E1 Quality control for sandwich adhesives Property Test method Density ISO 3521-1990 ISO 1675 (1985) Viscosity ASTM D 1084-1988, method B (for free-flowing adhesives) Table E2 Sandwich adhesives Property Test standard 1) Grade 1 Overall volume shrinkage Flatwise tensile strength SO 3521-1990 2) ASTM C 297-1994, (Specimen: 5 x 5 cm, speed: 1 mm/minute) 3) At 23C: At heat resistance temperature Conditioned to heat resistance temperature, then flatwise tensile testing according to ASTM C 2971994 ISO 527-1997 (Specimen thickness 4 mm) At 10C, 23C and at heat resistance temperature msv Acceptance criteria msv 10% msv 20%

Acceptance Criteria Grade 2 msv msmv minimum 1.0 (MPa) All values > 80% of msmv at 23C

msmv minimum 1.0 (MPa) All values > 80% of msmv at 23C

Heat resistance

minimum 45C All values > 80% of msmv at 23C

minimum 45C All values > 80% of msmv at 23C * *

Tensile strength Fracture elongation

msmv (MPa) msmv (MPa) msmv msmv at 23C: minimum 2.0% at 23C: minimum 3.5% at 10C: minimum 1.0% at 10C: minimum 2.0% Shear strength ISO 1922-1981 (23C) 3) msmv minimum 0.4 (MPa) msmv minimum 0.4 (MPa) minimum 80% retained minimum 80% retained Water resistance 4 weeks immersion in salt strength after immersion water (DIN 50905) at 40C. strength after immersion Flatwise tensile testing according to ASTM C 2971994 (Specimen: 5 x 5 cm, speed: 1 mm/minute, minimum 23C). Approval may be refused for materials considered having a too low fracture elongation.
1) 2) 3) *

Other standards may be used if agreed upon with the Society prior to testing. Curing shrinkage is relevant only for gap filling fillers. The test samples are to be made of two pieces of high density core material (preferably PVC foam) with the sandwich adhesive located in the mid plane parallel to the steel supports. The adhesive layer is to be > 1 mm thick. Parameters normally required tested and documented for product certification by the Society.

F. Adhesives
F 100 General 101 Stress patterns in adhesive joints are highly sensitive to joint geometry, and the performance of an adhesive is thus highly dependent on the type of joint. General requirements for the adhesive, valid for all joint geometrys can therefore not be given. 102 The requirements in subsection F define: tests to preselect adhesives suitable for use in a marine environment mechanical performance data for basic joint design requirements for qualification of adhesive bonding personnel.


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Requirements have been defined for the following classes of adhesives:

Rigid adhesives: high strength adhesives with high stiffness, one typical example are high performance epoxy adhesives. Flexible adhesives: have low strength, low stiffness and high strain to failure, one typical example are polyurethane adhesives. Sealants: are very similar to flexible adhesives with the only exception that they are not meant to transfer loads or moments. 104 The design of each joint is to be evaluated during approval of classed objects. 105 If one of the adherents is glass subject to sunlight, a ceramic coating is to be applied to effectively block the UV radiation. If a joint is loaded in fatigue, impact, etc. further testing may be required. 106 Information regarding incompatibility of the adhesives curing system with other curing systems or chemicals, and possible lack of chemical resistance of the cured adhesive, to oils, detergents, etc. is to be submitted by the adhesive manufacturer. 107 The following procedures are to be followed when testing and applying adhesives to classed objects: procedure for preparation of each adherent procedure for application including: mixing ratio pot life/open time range of: temperature humidity temperature over dew point maximum and minimum thickness of adhesive joint.

procedure for curing. 108 The adhesive is to be tested according to the test methods stated in Table F1, F2 and F3 with each adherent it is to join. Aluminium of different series are to be tested if applicable. F 200 Requirements to rigid adhesives 201 Lap-shear strength control: Test specimens according to ASTM D 1002 94 or ASTM D 3163 92, ISO 4587 03 and record: the lap-shear strength, the elongation at break, as well as the width, and the overlap of the test specimens and the thickness of the bond line. 202 Lap-Shear aged: Lap-shear tests are carried out after having been weathered according to ASTM D 1183 92 (procedure D, 4 times). The test specimens shall be loaded to destruction after weathering. 203 204 205 Measurement of pH: Measurement of pH to avoid corrosion problems later on in the joint. Youngs Modulus (E): Measure the Youngs Modulus (E) according to ISO 527-1 and 2. Poissons ratio: Measure the Poissons ratio () according to ISO 527-1 and 2.

206 Shear Modulus (G): Shear modulus (G) is calculated from Youngs Modulus and Poissons ratio according to:
G= E 2(1 + )

207 Glass transition temperature, Tg: The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the adhesive shall be determined according to ISO 6721-2 08 (torsion pendulum method). F 300 Requirements to flexible adhesives 301 Lap-shear strength control: Test specimens according to ASTM D 1002 94 or ASTM D 3163 92 and record: the lap-shear strength, the elongation at break, as well as the width, and the overlap of the test specimens and the thickness of the bond line. 302 Lap-Shear constant elongation: Test specimens shall be tested in accordance with EN ISO 8340 with 10% and 30% extension, while weathered according to ASTM D 1183 92 (procedure D, 4 times). The test specimens shall be loaded to destruction after weathering. 303 304 Measurement of pH: Measurement of pH to avoid corrosion problems later on in the joint. Youngs Modulus (E): Measure the Youngs Modulus (E) according to ISO 527-1 and 2.


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Poissons ratio: Measure the Poissons ratio () according to ISO 527-1 and 2.

306 Shear Modulus (G): Shear modulus (G) is calculated from Youngs Modulus and Poissons ratio according to:
G= E 2(1 + )

307 Glass transition temperature, Tg: The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the adhesive shall be determined according to ASTM E 1356 08 (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). 308 Additional requirements to flexible adhesives used for direct glazing: Adhesives that will be used for direct glazing need to meet as well the requirements defined in Pt.3 Ch.6 Sec.1. F 400 Requirements to sealants 401 Lap-Shear constant elongation: Test specimens shall be tested in accordance with EN ISO 8340 with 10% and 30% extension, while weathered according to ASTM D 1183 92 (procedure D, 4 times). The test specimens shall be loaded to destruction after weathering. 402 Glass Transition Temperature, Tg: The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the adhesive shall be determined according to ASTM E 1356 08 (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). 403 UV-Resistance: Test specimens shall be aged in QUV for a minimum of 500 hours. Both aged and unaged specimens are to be tested according to DIN 53504 to determine the elongation at break. 404 Measurement of pH: Measurement of pH to avoid corrosion problems later on in the joint. F 500 Qualification of Adhesive Bonding Personnel 501 Application: These requirements shall apply to the Societys acceptance of bonding personnel for adhesive bonding of steel, non-ferrous metals and polymer materials and composites. 502 Adhesive Bonding Personnel shall be qualified according to the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) scheme or equivalent to at least European Adhesive Bonder. 503 Recognition of other standards is subject to acceptance by the Society.

Table F1 Requirements to rigid adhesives Property Test method 1) F201 F202 Lap-Shear control Lap shear test aged ASTM D 1002 94, or ASTM D 3163 92, or ISO 4587 03 Test sample in accordance with ASTM D 1002 94 or ASTM D 3163 92, or ISO4587:2003 Weathering according to ASTM 1183 92, Test cycle D new 28 days, tested to destruction after ageing Prepare test specimen as in F204 Insert test specimen into test tube, fill with de-ionized water and close test tube. Store the test tube in a temperature chamber for 30 days at 40C. Measure pH value using litmus paper 527-2, specimen 1A, and 527-1

Number of Acceptance criteria, data parallels format, and unit 10 Cohesive failure MPa (mean) 10 Acceptance criterion: more than 95% cohesive failure of bondline. MPa (mean)


Measurement of pH

Document pH. If pH value is outside the allowed range, the adhesive joint must be protected against the impact water. Acceptable levels of pH: aluminium: pH 6 to pH 8 polycarbonate: pH 4 to pH 10 steel: always to be protected against the impact of water MPa


Youngs Modulus, E


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Table F1 Requirements to rigid adhesives (Continued) Property Test method 1) F205 F206 F207

Poissons ratio Shear Modulus, G Glass Transition temperature (Tg)

527-2, specimen 1A, and 527-1 Calculate ISO 6721-2 08 (torsion pendulum method)

Number of Acceptance criteria, data parallels format, and unit 5 MPa C

Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing

Table F2 Requirements to flexible adhesives Property Test method 1) F301 F302 ASTM D 1002 94 or ASTM D 3163 92 Lap shear - constant elongation Test sample in accordance with EN ISO 8340 with 10% and 30% extension. Weathering according to ASTM 1183 92, Test cycle D new 28 days, tested to destruction after ageing Measurement of pH Prepare test specimen as in F304 Insert test specimen into test tube, fill with de-ionized water and close test tube. Store the test tube in a temperature chamber for 30 days at 40C. Measure pH value using litmus paper Youngs Modulus, E Poissons ratio Shear Modulus, G Glass Transition temperature (Tg) S2 according to DIN 53504 Test according to ISO 527-2 and 527-1 S2 according to DIN 53504 Test according to ISO 527-2 and 527-1 Calculate ASTM E 1356 08 (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) Lap-Shear - Control

Number of Acceptance criteria, data parallels format, and unit 10 Cohesive failure MPa (mean) 10 Acceptance criterion: adhesive failure occurs in less than 5% of the bonding area. MPa (mean)


Document pH. If pH value is outside the allowed range, the adhesive joint must be protected against the impact of water. Acceptable levels of pH: aluminium: pH 6 to pH 8 polycarbonate: pH 4 to pH 10 steel: always to be protected against the impact of water MPa MPa C

F304 F305 F306 F307


5 5 -

Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing


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Table F3 Requirements to Sealants Property F401 Lap shear test constant elongation

Test method 1) Test sample in accordance with EN ISO 8340 with 10% and 30% extension. Weathering according to ASTM 1183 92, Test cycle D new 28 days, tested to destruction after ageing ASTM E 1356 - 08 DIN 53504, S-2 or ASTM D 412 min. 500hrs QUV2) Prepare test specimen as in F403 Insert test specimen into test tube, fill with de-ionized water and close test tube. Store the test tube in a temperature chamber for 30 days at 40C. Measure pH value using litmus paper

Number of Acceptance criteria, data parallels format, and unit 10 Acceptance criterion: adhesive failure occurs in less than 5% of the bonding area. MPa (mean)

F402 F403 F404

Glass Transition temperature (Tg) UV Resistance Measurement of pH

3, un-aged Reduction in elongation at 3, aged break <30% 2 Document pH. If pH value is outside the allowed range, the adhesive joint must be protected against the impact water. Acceptable levels of pH: aluminium: pH 6 to pH 8 polycarbonate: pH 4 to pH 10 steel: always to be protected against the impact of water

1) 2)

Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing 2 mm thick sheet, die cut dumbbell-shaped specimen (ASTM D 412 or DIN 53 504), aged in QUV


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