3"x 5" Approximately: Piece Make Sew
3"x 5" Approximately: Piece Make Sew
3"x 5" Approximately: Piece Make Sew
and Your I.D., some money you need? keys....what else do and Make your bag today use it tonight! Send me pictures! ions.com) (marketing@unitednot - Florida
Outer Fabric: Cut 21"x 2" (B) 16"x 1" (C) 16"x 1" (D) 16"x 4" (back) 11x 2 (zipper ends) 11x 2 (key ring tab) 11x 7 (zipper pull) Plastic: Cut 12x 3 (A) Lining: (fuse interfacing to lining before cutting) Cut 21"x 2" (B) 16"x 1" (C) 16"x 1" (D) 16"x 4" (back) 26"x 6" (pockets)
Postcards from Florida - All You Need 1
Bag 2 coordinating fat quarters (18"x 22") Lightweight fusible interfacing fat quarter (18"x 22") Key ring or lobster clasp Plastic 12x 3 1-Zipper at least 7"
www .m
Bag Construction
On the right hand side of plastic window, stack B + A + B lining with Bs right sides together. Use a small smudge of glue along edges of plastic to pin pieces together; stitch; thumbnail press Bs away from plastic. Repeat on left hand side of plastic window. (B) RS
On bottom, stack D + ABs + D lining with Ds right sides together. Again, no need for glue here. Stitch;"thumbnail press Ds away from plastic.
(C) (B)
Lining 6"x 1"
(C) (A)
Bag Front RS
(D) (B)
On top, stack C + ABs + C Lining with Cs right sides together. No need for glue herefabrics stick together nicely. Stitch; thumbnail press Cs away from plastic.
Fold Pockets in half to measure 6x 3; press; edge stitch along top folded edge.
stitch stitch Pocket RS 6"x 3"
Baste the outside Back fabric to the Back Lining, wrong sides together, with a scant seam allowance.
Bag Back WS
Mark a line from sides and bottom of plastic window. Stitch along marked line through Front and inside Pocket. Fold top edges of Front the wrong side ; press. Bag Front RS
Place a Pocket on the wrong side of the Back; baste around outside edges with a scant seam allowance. Fold top edge of Back to the wrong side ; press.
Bag Back WS
Mark a 4 length in middle of zipper, away from top and stop tab. Pull zipper pull to middle; double stitch across zipper teeth from marks. Be sure the zipper teeth at the top mark of the opened zipper are closed (side by side) when you stitch. Cut zipper on marked lines.
stitch stitch
Pocket RS
Bag Lining
Fold the 1 x 2 Zipper End in half wrong sides together; press. Open; press edges to middle fold; press. Fold in half again, press. Piece should now measure x 2. Cut folded and pressed Zipper End into two pieces measuring x 1.
Place a Pocket on the wrong side of Front; baste around outside edges with a scant seam allowance.
Bag Front WS
Pocket RS Baste
Place Zipper Ends over cut ends of zipper; edge stitch edges facing zipper teeth. The zipper with attached Zipper Ends will measure 1 x 5be sure it is no longer than 5! Its OK if it is a little shorter.
Zipper End
Zipper End
Center Front over zipper, right side up, from zipper teeth; edge stitch along folded edge of Front.
" "
Fold the 1"x 2 Tab in half wrong sides together; press. Open; press edges to middle fold; press. Fold in half again, press. Piece will measure x 2; edge stitch along 2 sides.
Pressed line
Bag front
17 14
Aligning sides of Front and Back, repeat sewing zipper to Back. Stitch " from these stitch lines.
Fold Tab in half; place Tab on left RS of Front, just above B; baste in place. NOTE: if using a lobster clasp at the side instead of a key ring, loop the Tab through the lobster clasp then baste Tab on left RS of Front. Open the zipper. Turn Pouch wrong side out, being sure to fully turn bottom angled corners, and careful not to push through small seam allowance Stitch the sides and bottom, securing beginning and end of seams; again stitch a angle at the bottom corners. Turn right side out, being sure to fully turn bottom angled corners.
18 19
Bag back
stitch stitch
stitch again
Zipper Pull:
20 21
Fold the 1x 7 Zipper Pull in half wrong sides together; press. Open; press edges to middle fold; press. Fold in half again, press. Edge stitch lengthwise along opened edge. Trim ends at an angle. Following the diagram, tie the Zipper Pull to the zipper pull tab. If you are using a key ring, attach to the Tab on the left side of the pouch, and youre ready to shop!
Fold Front and Back in half, wrong sides together. Stitch the sides and bottom, securing beginning and end of seams; stitch a angle at the bottom corners; trim seam allowance close to stitching.
Bag front
Postcards from Florida - All You Need 4