Questonaries Prepare To Be Fill by The Company
Questonaries Prepare To Be Fill by The Company
Questonaries Prepare To Be Fill by The Company
y y y y y
post the policy around our facility post it on the internet distribute it to all facility employees most employees have discussed the policy with a manager/supervisor.
4. Over the past 3 years, how many times has your facility had an internal environmental audit conducted by your facility staff and/or corporate staff? _________ (If none, please enter zero).
5. Over the past 3 years, how many times has your facility had an external environmental audit conducted by third parties such as consultants, not including regulators or corporate staff? _________
6. Approximately, what proportion of your employees at your facility has received environmental training over the past 12 months in the following departments? Environmental training includes coursework or team meetings where environmental policies, procedures and impacts are discussed or disseminated. Please check one for each department.(Please click)
0-20% Management Operation Maintenance Engineering/ R&D, Design Environment, health & safety Sales Purchasing / Procurement 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100%
7. In job performance reviews for employees at your facility, how important do you consider the contribution of your employees to environmental performance? Please check one for each department. Use your best estimate if you are unsure.
Low importance Moderate importance Important Very important No such department at my facility
Management Operation Maintenance Engineering/ R&D, Design Environment, health & safety Sales Purchasing / Procurement
9. To what extent does your purchasing department request your suppliers to be ISO certified? 10. To what extent does your purchasing department ask suppliers to provide information about their environmental management practices? 11. Approximately what proportion of know your competitors have adopted an environmental management system (EMS)? (Certified or non-certified).
12. What is the status of your participation in Not being voluntary state programs such considered as Energy Star, Wastewise, Environmental Performance Track, etc. 13. What is the status of your participation in Future consideration Planning to participate Currently participating 0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% Dont
industry-led environmental programs such as Responsible Care, industry climate challenge programs, etc. 14. Approximately how many complaints has your facility received from the surrounding community about odors, noise, smoke, dust, effluents, water pollution, or aesthetic appearance in the last three years?
15. To what extent have each of the following groups influenced your facility to improve its environmental performance?
No influence Customers` Suppliers Competitors Trade associations Local community Socially responsible investment funds Environmental organizations` Media Shareholders Corporate management Employees Other facilities within company Regulators/legislators Little influence Some influence Strong influence Very strong Influence
16. To what extent have the following corporate departments influenced your facility to improve its environmental performance? Please check one for each department:
No influence Corporate environmental management Corporate legal & regulatory affairs Corporate public relations Corporate strategy Corporate marketing Corporate product design Other (please specify): _____________________________
Little influence
Some influence
Strong influence
18. Which of the following issues are significant environmental issues at your facility? y y y y y y Air emissions Water pollution Solid Waste Hazardous Waste Noise Other, please describe______________________________.
19. For which of these environmental issues do you have objectives and targets? y y y y y y Air emissions Water pollution Solid Waste Hazardous Waste Noise Other, please describe______________________________.
Thank You.