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Computer:: Processor Made in Intel

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Components of computer consist of:

• MotherBoard
• Processor
• Storage
• HardDisk
• Power Supply
• Monitor, etc.

1. Motherboard
Motherboard is place for put a Chips and another component. Motherboard
represents the link between chips with the other slot place.
Based of the used by processor, motherboard differentiated becomes three parts,
which are:
 MotherBoard With Dual Processor
 Motherboard With Intel Processor
 Motherboard With AMD Processor

2. Processor
Processor is a important thing of computer, that is the power to doing a execution a
program or command. In the following is type of processor:
 Processor made in Intel : Celeron, Cyrix, Intel Pentium, Xeon MP, and Prescott
 Processor made in AMD : Duron, Athlon Thunderbird, Athlon XP, and
Athlon 64
 Processor made in VIA: c3 Ezra and C3 Samuel.

Processor of computer is referred a CPU or set of center which doing activity in

three important shares is the following:



1) Arithmatics Logical Unit (ALU)

Representing center of all mathematical calculation, like Addition, Subtraction,
Multiple, and Divide, and doing logical operation, like AND, OR, NOT, XOR which
must do by system of computer.

2) Control Unit (CU)

Share arranging all of data traffic, or calculation which can do by processor. With
this unit, all of calculation and execute data can be regularly, without overlapping
between a command with another command.
3) Register Unit
Memori Internal yang merupakan unit pendukung. Berfungsi sebagai tempat
menyimpan data dan program dengan lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan memori
Internal Memory representing supported unit. Have a function for a place to save a
data and program faster differentiated with main memory.
Register Unit consisted of two shares:
 Register CPU
Containing common location Register a group of register, that are register A,
B, C, D, E, F, HL and SP for process of data simulation.
 Register Instruksi (RI)
Is used to accommodate the memory instruction showed by PC (program the
counter) to do to execute data

Central Processing Unit is a main part of computer, recognized with the title
microprocessor. Have a function for control part of process computerization. Owning
value process the speed with set of the mega- hertz (MHz).
CPU in fact mention for the processor. But, people often do mention of CPU for
casing and computer component.
Microprocessor is a special form from made inwrought network from
silicon. Microprocessor collaborates with another component of computer like memory
and I/O component.
On Microprocessor occur a register, that is a place for save a data which will
processed by CPU.

3. Main Storage
Storage is a place for save or collect a data and program. Have a function for
electronic filing cabinet which is at the system computer. In general, memory differentiated to
become two the following shares:
 Internal storage, Example ROM and RAM
 External storage, Example magnetic disk, magnetic disk, magnetic tape and

Part of memory can be accessed by CPU referred a main memory. This memory is
consisted of two shares, that is memory which can only be read without write (ROM) and
memory which can be read and also write (RAM).
Program and data input into main storage in advance before processed by through
input devices and analyzed in shares of control section. Farther, processed in arithmetic
logical unit (ALU). Its Result reinstated to Main storage.

4. External Storage
External storage is a storage which separate or not related with CPU. Used for
collect a big data. Data staying in external storage is indirectly controlled by computer,
though its data come from main storage. In this case, data staying in external storage is
previous data and hereafter processed by computer.
Because processor over a barrel without memory hence various effort to conduct the
good memory system. Nevertheless, because extant computer memory of ROM has the
character of permanent or RAM memory having the character of temporary, memory
which is the in form of this chip is very finite by its capacities. Therefore, needed [by] a
memory which can write to be kept and erased that is with the external storage media
storage for example by using magnetic of disk and magnetic tape.

5. Hard disk
Hard disk represent the memory equipments used for the keep a data have big
capacities so that referred also secondary memory. Despitefully, functioning also as
supported computer work of primary memory.
Hard disk represented at year 1956 by IBM with the title 305 RAMAC, and have a
capacity memory is 5 Mb with the physical heavy and big. Next, the type get revolution
until have a capacity 10 Mb, 20 Mb, 450 Mb, 900 Mb. With the processor speed and
memory RAM which higher, capacity and speed of hard disk needed higher too. Because
that, registered hard disk with the capacity in set of gigabyte, first of 1,2 Gb, 1,4 Gb, 1,8
Gb, 10 Gb, 20 Gb Until 300 Gb. Speed of Rotation Hard disk reach 15.000 Rpm.

6. Graphical Card
Graphical Card represent the component of supporter computer which designed to
conduct the special duties of moment transfer the data from unit computer to unit band
monitor the. Interconnected Graphical Card sliver with the resolution monitor the. Data
given [by] in the form of text and also draw in set of capacities of memory Megabyte
(Mb), start from capacities 1 Mb, 8Mb, 16 Mb until above 32 Mb.
There is two graphical card type utilized computer:
1) Graphical Card VGA (video graphics adaptor), Use slot PCI (peripheral
component interconnect).
2) Graphical Card AGP (accelerated graphics port), Use port AGP.

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