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Access Doc 1 Notes

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WHAT IS DATABASE? A collection of data and objects related to a particular topic or purpose. A Microsoft Access database may contain tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and shortcuts to data access pages. E.g. Telephone directory, Student Information system database, Bank accounting system database, Library system database, Supermarket database, etc.. The Microsoft Jet database engine manages data in tables that reside in the database. Data in linked tables may reside in another Access database, in an external data source such as dBASE or Microsoft Excel, or in an ODBC data source such as Microsoft SQL Server.

DBMS (Database management system): is a software program in which you can create and maintain databases. Examples of commercially used DBMS are: MS Access 2007, Oracle 10i, MS SQL server, IBM DB2 etc. WHAT IS TABLE? The fundamental structure of a relational database management system. In Microsoft Access, a table is an object that stores data in records (rows) and fields (columns). The data is usually about a particular category of things, such as employees or orders.

WHAT IS QUERY? A question about the data stored in your tables, or a request to perform an action on the data. A query can bring together data from multiple tables to serve as the source of data for a form, report, or data access page.

WHAT IS FORM? A Microsoft Access database object on which you place controls for taking actions or for entering, displaying, and editing data in fields.

WHAT IS REPORT? A Microsoft Access database object that prints information formatted and organized according to your specifications. Examples of reports are sales summaries, phone lists, and mailing labels.

WHAT IS RELATIONAL DATABASE? A type of database or database management system that stores information in tables (that is, rows and columns of data). Page 1

A relational database uses matching values from two tables to relate information in one table to information in the other table. In a relational database, you typically store a specific type of information just once, which makes the database very efficient and reduces data entry errors.

FIELD : An element of a table that contains a specific item of information, such as a last Name. E.g. Student Table (rollNo,firstName,lastName,address) A field is represented by a column or cell in a datasheet. On a form, report, or data access page, you can use a control, such as a text box, to display data from a field. In some databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server, "column" is used instead of "field."

PRIMARY KEY : One or more fields (columns) whos value or values uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key cannot allow Null values and must always have a unique index. A primary key is used to relate a table to foreign keys in other tables.

FOREIGN KEY : One or more table fields (columns) that refer to the primary key field or fields in another table. A foreign key indicates how the tables are related .The data in the foreign key and primary key fields must match, though the field names do not have to be the same. For example, consider 2 tables: Products and Supplier. Products (#productId, productName, productDesc, supplierNo) Supplier (#supplierId, supplierName, supplierAddress) Products table might contain the foreign key supplierNo, which relates to the primary key supplierId in a Supplier table. A foreign key can be Null; if a foreign key consists of more than one field and any of those fields is Null, all the fields must be Null.

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INDEX : A feature that speeds up searching and sorting in a table based on key values and can enforce uniqueness on the rows in a table. The primary key of a table is automatically indexed. Some fields can't be indexed because of their data type.

Field data types available in Microsoft Access

Data type Text Use for Text or combinations of text and numbers, such as addresses. Also numbers that do not require calculations, such as phone numbers, part numbers, or postal codes. Size Up to 255 characters. Microsoft Access only stores the characters entered in a field; it does not store space characters for unused positions in a Text field. To control the maximum number of characters that can be entered, set the FieldSize property.

Memo Number

Lengthy text and numbers, such as Up to 64,000 characters. notes or descriptions. Numeric data to be used for 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. 16 bytes for mathematical calculations, except Replication ID (GUID) only. calculations involving money (use Currency type). Set the FieldSize property to define the specific Number type. Dates and times. 8 bytes.

Date/Time Currency

Currency values. Use the Currency 8 bytes. data type to prevent rounding off during calculations. Accurate to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. Unique sequential (incrementing by 4 bytes. 16 bytes for Replication 1) or random numbers automatically ID (GUID) only. inserted when a record is added. For more information on defining an AutoNumber field, click .



Fields that will contain only one of 1 bit. Page 3

two values, such True/False, On/Off. OLE Object as Yes/No,

Objects (such as Microsoft Word Up to 1 gigabyte (limited by disk documents, Microsoft Excel space). spreadsheets, pictures, sounds, or other binary data), created in other programs using the OLE protocol, that can be linked to or embedded in a Microsoft Access table. You must use a bound object frame in a form or report to display the OLE object. Field that will store hyperlinks. A Up to 64,000 characters. hyperlink can be a UNC path or a URL.


Lookup Wizard Creates a field that allows you to The same size as the primary key choose a value from another table or field that is also the Lookup field; from a list of values using a combo typically 4 bytes. box. Choosing this option in the data type list starts a wizard to define this for you.

NOTES: HYPERLINK : Colored and underlined text or a graphic that you click to jump to a file, a location in a file, an HTML page on the World Wide Web, or an HTML page on an intranet. Hyperlinks can also jump to Gopher, Telnet, newsgroup, and FTP sites.

NULL(Imp) : A value that indicates missing or unknown data in a field. You can use Null values in expressions. Null values can be entered in fields for which information is unknown, as well as in expressions and queries. In Visual Basic, the Null keyword indicates a Null value. Some fields, such as those defined as containing the primary key, can't contain Null values.

FIELD PROPERTIES 1) FIELD SIZE: You can use the FieldSize property to set the maximum size for data
stored in a field set to the Text, Number, or AutoNumber data type. Page 4

If the Data Type property is set to Text, enter a number from 0 to 255. The default setting is 50. If the Data Type property is set to AutoNumber, the Field Size property can be set to Long Integer. If the Data Type property is set to Number, the Field Size property settings and their values are related in the following way.

Setting Byte Decimal Integer Long Integer Single Double 2) FORMAT:

Storage size 1 byte 12bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes

You can use the Format property to customize the way numbers, dates, times, and text are displayed and printed. For example, if you've created a Price text box, you can set its Format property to Currency and its Decimal Places property to 2 or Auto. If you enter 4321.678 in the control, the number would be displayed as $4,321.68.

Setting The Format property uses different settings for different data types. For information about settings for a specific data type, see one of the following topics: 1) Date/Time Data Type: You can set date and time either long, short or medium date and time you required in field. 2) Number and Currency Data Types: The following table shows the predefined Format property settings for numbers.

Setting General Number Currency

Description (Default) Display the number as entered. Use the thousand separators; follow the settings specified in Page 5

Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel for negative amounts, decimal and currency symbols, and decimal places. Euro Use the currency format, with the euro symbol (), regardless of the currency symbol specified in Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel. Display at least one digit; follow the settings specified in Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel for negative amounts, decimal and currency symbols, and decimal places. Use the thousand separators; follow the settings specified in Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel for negative amounts, decimal symbols, and decimal places. Multiply the value by 100 and append a percent sign (%); follow the settings specified in Regional Settings in Windows Control Panel for negative amounts, decimal symbols, and decimal places. Use standard scientific notation.





3) Text and Memo Data Types: You can create custom text and memo formats by using the following symbols. Symbol @ & < > Description Text character (either a character or a space) is required. Text character is not required. Force all characters to lowercase. Force all characters to uppercase. 4) Yes/No Data Type: You can set the Format property to the Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off predefined formats or to a custom format for the Yes/No data type. 3) DECIMAL PLACES: You can use the Decimal Places property to specify the number of decimal places Microsoft Access uses to display numbers. The Decimal Places property uses the following settings. Setting Auto 0 to 15 Visual Basic 255 0 to 15 Description (Default) Numbers appear as specified by the Format property setting. Digits to the right of the decimal separator appear with the specified number of decimal places; digits to the left of the decimal separator appear as Page 6

specified by the Format property setting.

5) INPUT MASK: You can use the Input Mask property to make data entry easier and to control the values users can enter in a text box control. For example, you could create an input mask for a Phone Number field that shows you exactly how to enter a new number: (___) ___-____. It is often easier to use the Input Mask Wizard to set the property for you.

The Input Mask property can contain up to three sections separated by semicolons (;).

Section First Second

Description Specifies the input mask itself; for example! (999) 999-9999. Specifies whether Microsoft Access stores the literal display characters in the table when you enter data. If you use 0 for this section, all literal display characters (for example, the parentheses in a phone number input mask) are stored with the value; if you enter 1 or leave this section blank, only characters typed into the control are stored. Specifies the character that Microsoft Access displays for the space where you should type a character in the input mask. For this section, you can use any character; to display an empty string, use a space enclosed in quotation marks (" ").


6) CAPTION:You can use the Caption property to provide helpful information to the user through captions on objects in various views:

Field captions specify the text for labels attached to controls created by dragging a field from the field list and serves as the column heading for the field in table or query Datasheet view. Form captions specify the text that appears in the title bar in Form view. Report captions specify the title of the report in Print Preview. Button and label captions specify the text that appears in the control.



You can use the Default Value property to specify a value that is automatically entered in a field when a new record is created. For example, in an Addresses table you can set the default value for the City field to New York. When users add a record to the table, they can either accept this value or enter the name of a different city.

8) VALIDATION RULE: You can use the Validation Rule property to specify requirements for data entered into a record, field, or control.

9) VALIDATION TEXT: When data is entered that violates the Validation Rule setting, you can use the Validation Text property to specify the message to be displayed to the user.

10) REQUIRED: You can use the Required property to specify whether a value is required in a field. If this property is set to Yes, when you enter data in a record, you must enter a value in the field or in any control bound to the field, and the value cannot be Null. For example, you might want to be sure that a Last Name control has a value for each record. When you want to permit Null values in a field, you must not only set the Required property to No but, if there is a Validation Rule property setting, it must also explicitly state "validation rule Or Is Null".

Note The Required property doesn't apply to AutoNumber fields. Setting The Required property uses the following settings. Setting Yes No Visual Basic Description True (1) False (0) The field requires a value. (Default) The field doesn't require a value.

11) INDEXED: You can use the Indexed property to set a single-field index. An index speeds up queries on the indexed fields as well as sorting and grouping operations. Page 8

For example, if you search for specific employee names in a Last Name field, you can create an index for this field to speed up the search for a specific name.

Setting The Indexed property uses the following settings. Setting No Description (Default) No index.

Yes (Duplicates OK) The index allows duplicates. Yes (No Duplicates) The index doesn't allow duplicates.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRIMARY KEYS: There are three kinds of primary keys that can be defined in Microsoft Access: AutoNumber, single-field, and multiple-field. 1. AutoNumber primary keys 2. Single-field primary keys 3. Multiple-field primary keys 1) AutoNumber primary keys An AutoNumber field can be set to automatically enter a sequential number as each record is added to the table. Designating such a field as the primary key for a table is the simplest way to create a primary key. If you don't set a primary key before saving a newly created table, Microsoft Access will ask if you want it to create a primary key for you. If you answer Yes, Microsoft Access will create an AutoNumber primary key.

2) Single-field primary keys If you have a field that contains unique values such as ID numbers or part numbers, you can designate that field as the primary key (# P.K.) If the field you select as primary key does have duplicate or NULL values, Microsoft Access won't set the primary key. You can run a Find Duplicates query to determine which records contain duplicate data. If you can't readily eliminate duplicate entries by editing your data, you can either add an AutoNumber field and set it as the primary key or define a multiplefield primary key.

3) Multiple-field primary keys Page 9

In situations where you can't guarantee the uniqueness of any single field, you may be able to designate two or more fields as the primary key. The most common situation where this arises is in the table used to relate two other tables in a many-to-many relationship. The Order Details table in the North wind sample database is such a table, relating the Orders and Products tables. Its primary key consists of two fields: OrderID and ProductID. The Order Details table can list many products and many orders, but each product can only be listed once per order, so combining the OrderID and ProductID fields produces an appropriate primary key.

Another example would be an inventory database that uses a field part number of two or more fields (part and subpart).


RELATIONSHIP: An association established between common fields (columns) in two tables. A relationship can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. This topic provides reference information about: Why you should define relationships How relationships work A one-to-many relationship A many-to-many relationship A one-to-one relationship Defining relationships

Why define relationships? After you've set up different tables for each subject in your Microsoft Access database, you need a way of telling Microsoft Access how to bring that information back together again from multiple tables. The first step in this process is to define relationships between your tables.

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After you've done that, you can create queries, forms, and reports to display information from several tables at once. For example, this form includes information from five tables:

How do relationships work? In the previous example, the fields in five tables must be coordinated so that they show information about the same order. This coordination is accomplished with relationships between tables. A relationship works by matching data in key fields usually a field with the same name in both tables. In most cases, these matching fields are the primary key from one table, which provides a unique identifier for each record, and a foreign key in the other table. For example, employees can be associated with orders they're responsible for by creating a relationship between the Employees table and the Orders table using the EmployeeID fields.

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A one-to-many relationship A one-to-many relationship is the most common type of relationship. In a one-tomany relationship, a record in Table A can have many matching records in Table B, but a record in Table B has only one matching record in Table A.

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A many-to-many relationship In a many-to-many relationship, a record in Table A can have many matching records in Table B, and a record in Table B can have many matching records in Table A. This type of relationship is only possible by defining a third table (called a junction table) whose primary key consists of two fields the foreign keys from both Tables A and B. A many-to-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a third table. For example, the Orders table and the Products table have a many-to-many relationship that's defined by creating two one-to-many relationships to the Order Details table.

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A one-to-one relationship In a one-to-one relationship, each record in Table A can have only one matching record in Table B, and each record in Table B can have only one matching record in Table A. This type of relationship is not common, because most information related in this way would be in one table. You might use a one-to-one relationship to divide a table with many fields, to isolate part of a table for security reasons, or to store information that applies only to a subset of the main table. For example, you might want to create a table to track employees participating in a fundraising soccer game.

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Defining relationships You define a relationship by adding the tables that you want to relate to the Relationships window, and then dragging the key field from one table and dropping it on the key field in the other table. You can also define relationships by using the keyboard.

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The kind of relationship that Microsoft Access creates depends on how the related fields are defined: A one-to-many relationship is created if only one of the related fields is a primary key or has a unique index. A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the related fields are primary keys or have unique indexes. A many-to-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a third table whose primary key consists of two fields the foreign keys from the two other tables.

Note:- If you drag a field that isn't a primary key and doesn't have a unique index to another field that isn't a primary key and doesn't have a unique index, an indeterminate relationship is created. In queries containing tables with an indeterminate relationship, Microsoft Access displays a default join line between the tables, but referential integrity won't be enforced, and there's no guarantee that records are unique in either table. REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY Rules that you follow to preserve the defined relationships between tables when you enter or delete records. If you enforce referential integrity, Microsoft Access

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PREVENTS YOU FROM Adding records to a related table when there is no associated record in the primary table, Changing values in the primary table that would result in orphan records in a related table, and Deleting records from the primary table when there are matching related records in a related table.


What is exporting? Exporting is a way to output data and database objects to another database, spreadsheet, or file format so another database, application, or program can use the data or database objects. Exporting is similar in functionality to copying and pasting. In general, you use the Export command on the File menu to export data or database objects, but there are other commands you can use as described below. You can export data to a variety of supported databases, programs, and file formats.

Exporting database objects You can export most database objects from a Microsoft Access database or Microsoft Access project to another Access database or Access project.

Exporting to or exchanging data with MICROSOFT WORD There are ways you can use Microsoft Access data with Microsoft Word:

You can save the output of a datasheet, form, or report as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. A Rich Text Format file preserves formatting, such as fonts and styles, and can be opened with Microsoft Word and other Windows word-processing or desktop-publishing programs. You can save the output of a datasheet, form, or report as a .rtf file and automatically load the file into Microsoft Word by using the Publish It With MS Word command on the Office Links submenu of the Tools menu.

Exporting to Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program

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There are three ways you can use Microsoft Access data with Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program:

You can export the datasheet as unformatted data to Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program. You can save the output of a datasheet, form, or report directly as an Excel (.xls) file or worksheet . You can save the output of a datasheet, form, or report as an Excel (.xls) file and automatically load the file into Microsoft Excel by using the Analyze It With MS Excel command.

In the latter two cases, you can preserve most formatting, such as fonts and colors. Report group levels are saved as Microsoft Excel outline levels, and a form is saved as a table of data. Importing data Importing data creates a copy of its information in a new table in your Access database or Access project. The source table or file is not altered in this process. When importing data, you can't append data to existing tables (except when importing spreadsheet or text files). However, once you have imported a table, in an Access database you can perform an append query or in an Access project you can use a stored procedure to add the table's data to another table. You can also import database objects other than tables, such as forms or reports, from another Access database or Access project.

Linking data In an Access database, linking data enables you to read and in most cases, update data in the external data source without importing. The external data source's format is not altered so that you can continue to use the file with the program that originally created it, but you can add, delete, or edit its data by using Microsoft Access as well. You can link a table only in an Access database, not an Access project. Microsoft Access uses different icons to represent linked tables and tables that are stored in the current database. If you delete the icon for a linked table, you delete the link to the table, not the external table itself.

Ways to import and link data There are two ways to import or link data:

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Open or create an Access database or create an Access project to contain the imported tables, or linked tables in the case of an Access database, and then use the Import or Link Tables commands on the Get External submenu of the File menu.

The difference between importing and linking Microsoft Access provides two choices for using data from an external data source. You can:

Import the data into a new Microsoft Access table, which is a way to convert data from a different format and copy it into Microsoft Access. You can also import database objects into the current Microsoft Access database or Microsoft Access project. Link the data, which is a way to connect to data from another application without importing it so that you can view and edit the data in both the original application and in an Access database. (In previous versions of Microsoft Access, this process was referred to as attaching.)


The power of queries lies in being able to bring together or perform an action on data from more than one table or query. For example, you might want to view a customer's information with the orders the customer placed. To see this information, you need data from the Customers and Orders tables.

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Inner joins
Once tables and queries are joined, and you've added fields from both tables or queries to the design grid in query Design view, the default join tells the query to check for matching values in the join fields. (This is called an inner join.) When it finds matches, it combines those two records and displays them as one record in the query's results.

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Outer joins
If one table or query doesn't have a matching record in the other table or query, neither record appears in the query's results. If you want the query to select all the records from one table or query whether or not it has matching records in the other table or query, you can change the join type to an outer join.

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Unequal joins
If you want the query to select records based on the value in the join field being greater than, less than, not equal to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to the value in the other join field, you must create an SQL statement in SQL view.


Type of query: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select queries Parameter queries Crosstab queries Action queries (make-table, delete, update, append queries) SQL queries (union, pass-through, data-definition, sub query)

What is a select query and when would you use one?

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A select query is the most common type of query. It retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet where you can update the records (with some restrictions). You can also use a select query to group records and calculate sums, counts, averages, and other types of totals.

What is a parameter query and when would you use one?

A parameter query is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as criteria for retrieving records or a value you want to insert in a field. You can design the query to prompt you for more than one piece of information; for example, you can design it to prompt you for two dates. Microsoft Access can then retrieve all records that fall between those two dates.

What is a crosstab query and when would you use one?

Crosstab queries calculate a sum, average, count, or other type of total for data that is grouped by two types of information one down the left side of the datasheet and another across the top.

What is an action query and when would you use one?

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1. 2. 3. 4. An action query is a query that makes changes to many records in just one operation. There are four types of action queries: delete, update, append, and make-table. This topic provides examples of: Delete query Update query Append query Make-table query

Delete query Deletes a group of records from one or more tables. For example, you could use a delete query to remove products that are discontinued or for which there are no orders. With delete queries, you always delete entire records, not just selected fields within records.

Update query Makes global changes to a group of records in one or more tables. For example, you can raise prices by 10 percent for all dairy products, or you can raise salaries by 5 percent for the people within a certain job category. With an update query, you can change data in existing tables.

APPEND QUERY Adds a group of records from one or more tables to the end of one or more tables. For example, suppose that you acquire some new customers and a database containing a table of information on those customers. To avoid typing all this information in, you'd like to append it to your Customers table. Append queries are also helpful for: Appending fields based on criteria. CONSTRAINT: structure of both the tables should be same (compatible). For example, you might want to append only the names and addresses of customers with outstanding orders. Appending records when some of the fields in one table don't exist in the other table. For example, in the North wind sample database, the Customers table has 11 fields. Suppose that you want to append records from another table that has fields that match 9 of the 11 fields in the Customers table. An append query will append the data in the matching fields and ignore the others.


Creates a new table from all or part of the data in one or more tables.

Make-table queries are helpful for: Creating a table to export to other Microsoft Access databases. For example, you might want to create a table that contains several fields from your Employees table, and then export that table to a database used by your personnel department.

1. Making a backup copy of a table. 2. Creating a history table that contains old records. For example, you could create a table that stores all your old orders before deleting them from your current Orders table. 3. Improving performance of forms, reports, and data access pages based on multiple-table queries or SQL statements. For example, suppose you want to print multiple reports that are based on a five-table query that includes totals. You may be able to speed things up by first creating a make-table query that retrieves the records you need and stores them in one table. Then you can base the reports on this table or specify the table in an SQL statement as the record source for a form, report, or data access page, so you don't have to rerun the query for each report. However, the data in the table is frozen at the time you run the make-table query.

(SQL)Structured query language. It is standardized language (ANSI SQL) like ANSI C. C is for general programming purposes, SQL is for database programming. This language is used for interacting with database and performing database operations: select, update, insert and delete. MS ACCESS provides a graphical utility called Query Design View in which you can create and modify queries. So dont need to write queries in SQL language. But, the queries you create in Query Design view, Access creates equivalent SQL language statements on its own behind the scenes. You can view the SQL language statements by going to SQL view of the query.

What is an SQL query and when would you use one?

An SQL query is a query you create using an SQL statement. Examples of SQL-specific queries are the union query, data-definition query, and sub query.

This topic provides examples of: Union query Data-definition query Page 25

Sub query UNION QUERY This type of query combines fields (columns) from one or more tables or queries into one field or column in the query's results. For example, Consider 2 tables: Supplier, Customer. 1. Supplier (Sno,sname,address,rating) 2. Customer (Cno,cname,address,rating) Query : List all the supplier, customer names with their address. Solution : SELECT sname, address FROM Supplier UNION SELECT cname, address FROM Customer ;

Data-definition query This type of query creates, deletes, alters tables, or creates indexes in a database , such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft FoxPro tables.

(Important) SUBQUERY
This type of query consists of an SQL SELECT statement inside another select query or action query. E.g. Find all orders whose suppliers are from ahmd city. You can enter these statements in the Field row of the query design grid to define a new field, or in the Criteria row to define criteria for a field. You can use sub queries to:

Test for the existence of some result from the sub query (using the EXISTS or NOT EXISTS reserved words). Find any values in the main query that are equal to, greater than, or less than values returned by the sub query (using the ANY, IN, or ALL reserved words). Create sub queries within sub queries (nested sub queries).

About designing a query Page 26

You can design a query in the design view for Query. Design view: Interface in which you can graphically design and modify a query. Advanced Filter/Sort window: A window in which you can create a filter from scratch. You enter criteria expressions in the filter design grid to restrict the records in the open form or datasheet to a subset of records that meet the criteria.

Add or remove tables, queries, and fields

You can add a table or query if the data you need isn't in the query, or remove a table or query if you decide you don't need them. Once you add the tables or queries you need, you can then add the fields that you want to work with to the design grid, or remove them if you decide you don't need them.

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Calculate amounts You can add the values in a field or do other computations with the data by specifying the type of calculation to perform.

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Limit results by using criteria You can limit the records that you see in the query's results or the records that are included in a calculation by specifying criteria.

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Sort records You can sort the query's results by specifying a sort order in the design grid.

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Use the asterisk in the query design grid

To include all fields from a table in a query, you can either select each field individually or use the asterisk (*) wildcard character. Selecting the asterisk has an advantage over selecting all the fields: When you use the asterisk, the query results automatically include any fields that are added to the underlying table or query after the query is created, and automatically exclude fields that are deleted. If you type an asterisk in the Field row rather than dragging it, you must type the table name also. For example, type Customers.*.

ABOUT SELECT AND CROSSTAB QUERIES Select and Crosstab queries are the two main ways you query a Microsoft Access database to retrieve just the data you want.

SELECT QUERIES What is a select query? A select query is the most common type of query. You use it to:

Retrieve data from one or more tables by using criteria (CRITERIA: Conditions you specify to limit which records are included in the result set of a query or filter. For example, the following criterion selects records for which the value for the Order Amount field is greater than 30,000: Order Amount > 30000.)you specify and then display the data in the order you want. Update records in the datasheet of a select query (with some restrictions). Group records and calculate sums, counts, averages, and other types of totals. Page 31


Creating a select query You create a query with a wizard or from scratch in query Design View. In Design view, you specify the data you want to work with by adding the tables or queries that contain the data, and then by filling in the design grid.

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What is a crosstab query? You use crosstab queries to calculate and restructure data for easier analysis of your data. Crosstab queries calculate a sum, average, count, or other type of total for data that is grouped by two types of information one down the left side of the datasheet and another across the top.

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CREATING A CROSSTAB QUERY You create a crosstab query (crosstab query: A query that calculates a sum, average, count, or other type of total on records, and then groups the result by two types of information one down the left side of the datasheet and the other across the top.) with a wizard or from scratch in query Design view. In the design grid, you specify which field's values will become column headings, which field's values will become row headings, and which field's values to sum, average, count, or otherwise calculate.

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CREATE A SIMPLE SELECT QUERY WITH A WIZARD The Simple Select Query Wizard creates queries that retrieve data from the fields you specify in one or more tables or queries. If you want, the wizard can also sum, count, and average values for groups of records or all records, and it can calculate the minimum or maximum value in a field. However, you can't limit the records it retrieves by setting criteria.

1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Simple Query Wizard, and then click OK. 3. Follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes. In the last dialog box, you can choose either to run the query or to see the query's structure in Design view. If the resulting query isn't exactly what you want, you can rerun the wizard or change the query in Design view.

Create a select query on my own 1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Design View, and then click OK. Page 35

3. In the Show Table dialog box, click the tab that lists the tables or queries whose data you want to work with. 4. Double-click the name of each object you want to add to the query, and then click Close. 5. Add fields to the Field row in the design grid, and if you want, specify criteria and a sort order. 6. To view the query's results, click View on the toolbar.

FIND DUPLICATE RECORDS OR FIELD VALUES IN A TABLE WITH A WIZARD Using the Find Duplicates Query Wizard, you can create a select query to determine if there are duplicate records in a table. For example, you might search for duplicate values in an Address field to determine if you have duplicate records for the same supplier, or you might search for duplicate values in a City field to see which suppliers are in the same city. 1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Find Duplicates Query Wizard, and then click OK. 3. Follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes. If you don't choose to show fields in addition to those with duplicate values, the query results will sum the instances of each duplicate value. In the last dialog box, you can choose to run the query or see the query's structure in Design view. FIND UNMATCHED RECORDS BETWEEN TABLES WITH A WIZARD Using the Find Unmatched Query Wizard, you can create a select query to find records in one table that don't have related records in another table. For example, you can find customers who don't have orders. 1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Find Unmatched Query Wizard, and then click OK. 3. Follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes. In the last dialog box, you can choose to run the query or see the query's structure in Design view. ABOUT SUBDATASHEETS In a subdatasheet, you can view and edit related or joined data in a table, query, or form datasheet, or in a subform.

Page 36

For example, in the North wind sample database, the Suppliers table has a oneto-many relationship with the Products table; so for each row of the Suppliers table in Datasheet view, you can view and edit the related rows of the Products table in a subdatasheet.

Create a table from another table with a query

1. Create a query, selecting the tables or queries that contain the records you want to put in the new table. 1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Design View, and then click OK. 3. In the Show Table dialog box, click the tab that lists the tables or queries whose data you want to work with. 4. Double-click the name of each object you want to add to the query, and then click Close. 5. Add fields to the Field row in the design grid, and if you want, specify criteria and a sort order. 6. To view the query's results, click View on the toolbar. 2. In query Design view, click the arrow next to Query Type on the toolbar, and then click Make Table. The Make Table dialog box appears. 3. In the Table Name box, enter the name of the table you want to create or replace. 4. Do one of the following: Click Current Database. Click Another Database, and then either type the path of the database where you want to put the new table or click Browse to locate the database. 5. Click OK. 6. Drag from the field list to the query design grid the fields you want in the new table. 7. In the Criteria cell for the fields that you've dragged to the grid, type the criteria. 8. To preview the new table before you create it, click View on the toolbar. To return to query Design view and make changes or run the query, click View on the toolbar again. 9. To create the new table, click Run on the toolbar.

Create an update query

1. Create a query with the tables or queries that include the records you want to update. 1. In the Database window, click Queries under Objects, and then click New on the Database window toolbar. 2. In the New Query dialog box, click Design View, and then click OK. Page 37

3. In the Show Table dialog box, click the tab that lists the tables or queries whose data you want to work with. 4. Double-click the name of each object you want to add to the query, and then click Close. 5. Add fields to the Field row in the design grid, and if you want, specify criteria and a sort order. 6. To view the query's results, click View on the toolbar. In query Design view, click the arrow next to Query Type on the toolbar, and then click Update Query. Drag from the field list to the query design grid the fields you want to update or you want to specify criteria for. In the Criteria cell, specify the criteria if necessary. In the Update To cell for the fields you want to update, type the expression or value you want to use to change the fields, as shown in the following illustration. To see a list of the records that will be updated, click View on the toolbar. This list won't show the new values. To return to query Design view, click View on the toolbar again. Make any changes you want in Design view. Click Run on the toolbar to update the records.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


About parameter queries that prompt for criteria

A parameter query is a query that, when run, displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as criteria for retrieving records or a value you want to insert in a field. You can design the query to prompt you for more than one piece of information; for example, you can design it to prompt you for two dates. Microsoft Access can then retrieve all records that fall between those two dates.

Create a parameter query

Create a parameter query 1. Create a select or crosstab query. 2. In query Design view, drag the fields from the field list to the query design grid. 3. Do one or more of the following: Use one parameter

In the Criteria cell for the field you want to use as a parameter, type an expression with a prompt enclosed in square brackets. For example, in a field that displays the current number of units in stock, enter the following:
<[Number of Units in Stock:]

Use two or more parameters

Page 38


In the Criteria cell for each field you want to use as a parameter, type an expression with prompts enclosed in square brackets. For example, in a field that displays dates, you can display the prompts "Type the beginning date:" and "Type the ending date:" to specify a range of values:
Between [Type the beginning date:] And [Type the ending date:]

Use parameters with wildcards In the Criteria cell for each field you want to use as a parameter, type an expression with a prompt enclosed in square brackets. To prompt the user for one or more characters to search for, and then find records that begin with or contain the characters the user specifies, create a parameter query that uses the LIKE operator and the wildcard symbol (*). For example, the following statement searches for words that begin with a specified letter:
LIKE [Enter the first character to search by: ] & "*"

The following statement searches for words that contain the specified character:
LIKE "*" & [Enter any character to search by: ] & "*"

EXPRESSION: Any combination of mathematical or logical operators, constants, functions, and names of fields, controls, and properties that evaluates to a single value. Expressions can perform calculations, manipulate characters, or test data. You use expressions in many operations in Microsoft Access, including creating calculated controls, query and filter criteria, default values, validation rules, and macro conditions.


The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and data access pages. Expression Description Uses the Date function to display the current date in the form of mm-dd-yyyy, where mm is the month (1 through 12), dd is the day (1 through 31), and yyyy is the year (1980 through 2099). Uses the Format function to display the number of the week of the year the current date represents, where ww is 1 through 53.


=Format(Now(), "ww")

Page 39

=DatePart("yyyy", [OrderDate]) =DateAdd("y", [PromisedDate]) =DateDiff("d", [OrderDate], [ShippedDate]) Notes

Uses the DatePart function to display the four-digit year of the value of the OrderDate field. 10, Uses the DateAdd function to display a date that is 10 days before the value of the PromisedDate field. Uses the DateDiff function to display the variance in days between the values of the OrderDate and ShippedDate fields.

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type WeekNumber: Format(Now(), "ww"). When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a calculated control in a data access page, make sure that you use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one of the controls you used in the expression. In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or the name of a field in the underlying records source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's in the data definition of the page.


The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and data access pages. Expression ="N/A" =[FirstName]&" "&[Last Name] Description Displays N/A. Displays the values of the FirstName and Last Name fields separated by a space. Uses the Left function to display the first character of the value of the ProductName field. Uses the Right function to display the last 2 characters of the value of the AssetCode field. Uses the Trim function to display the value of the Address field, removing any leading or trailing spaces.

=Left([ProductName], 1)

=Right([AssetCode], 2)


=IIf(IsNull([Region]),[City]&" "& Uses the IIf function to display the values of [PostalCode],[City]&" "&[Region]&" "& the City and PostalCode fields if Region is [PostalCode]) Null; otherwise, it displays the values of the Page 40

City, Region, and separated by spaces. Notes



In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type FullName: [FirstName]&" "& [Last Name]. When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a calculated control in a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one of the controls that you used in the expression. In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or field in the underlying record source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's in the data definition of that page.


Expression =[Subtotal] + [Freight] =[RequiredDate] [ShippedDate] =[Price] * 1.06 =[Quantity] * [Price] =[EmployeeTotal] [CountryTotal] Notes

Description The sum of the values of the Subtotal and Freight fields. - The difference between the values of the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields. The product of the value of the Price field and 1.06 (adds 6 percent to the Price value). The product of the values of the Quantity and Price fields. / The quotient of the values of the EmployeeTotal and CountryTotal fields.

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type ExtendedPrice: [Quantity] * [Price]. When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a calculated control on a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one of the controls that you used in the expression. In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or the name of a field in the underlying record source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's in the data definition of the page. When you use an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) in an expression, and the value of one of the controls in the expression is Null, the result of the entire expression will be Null. On a form or report, if some records in one of the controls that you used in the expression might have a Null value, you can convert the Null value to zero by using the Nz function; for example: Page 41

=Msodsc.Nz([Subtotal]) + Msodsc.Nz([Freight])


The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and data access pages. Expression Description

Displays the message "Order Confirmed" if =IIf([Confirmed] = "Yes", "Order the value of the Confirmed field is Yes; Confirmed", "Order Not Confirmed") otherwise, it displays the message "Order Not Confirmed." =IIf(IsNull([Country])," ", [Country]) Displays an empty string if the value of the Country field is Null; otherwise, it displays the value of the Country field.

Display the values of the City and =IIf(IsNull([Region]),[City]&" "& PostalCode fields if Region is Null; [PostalCode], [City]&" "&[Region]&" " otherwise, it displays the values of the City, &[PostalCode]) Region, and PostalCode fields. Display the message "Check for a missing =IIf(IsNull([RequiredDate] - date" if the result of subtracting ShippedDate [ShippedDate]), "Check for a missing from RequiredDate is Null; otherwise, it date", [RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate]) displays the difference between the values of the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields. Notes

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type DisplayCountry: IIf(IsNull([Country])," ",[Country]). When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a calculated control in a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one of the controls that you used in the expression.


Expression =Avg([Freight]) =Count([OrderID])

Description Uses the Avg function to display the average of the values of the Freight control. Uses the Count function to display the number of records in the Page 42

OrderID control. =Sum([Sales]) =Sum([Quantity] [Price]) Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the values of the Sales control. * Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the product of the values of the Quantity and Price controls.

=[Sales] / Sum([Sales]) Displays the percentage of sales, determined by dividing the * 100 value of the Sales control by the sum of all the values of the Sales control. Note If the control's Format property is set to Percent, don't include the *100. Notes

In a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. When you set the Name property of a calculated control, make sure you use a unique name. Don't use the name of one of the controls you used in the expression.

RANGES OF VALUES (>, <, >=, <=, <>, OR BETWEEN...AND) Expression > 234 < 1200.45 >= "Callahan" Between #2/2/1999# #12/1/1999# Between '2/2/1999' '12/1/1999' Result For a Quantity field, numbers greater than 234 For a UnitPrice field, numbers less than 1200.45 For a Last Name field, all names from Callahan through the end of the alphabet And For an OrderDate field, dates from 2-Feb-99 through 1Dec-99 (ANSI-89) And For an OrderDate field, dates from 2-Feb-99 through 1Dec-99 (ANSI-92)

Values that don't match (Not) Expression Result Not "USA" For a ShipCountry field, orders shipped to countries other than the USA Not 2 Not T* For an ID field, the employee whose ID doesn't equal 2 For a Last Name field, employees whose names don't start with the letter Page 43

"T" (ANSI-89) Not T% For a Last Name field, employees whose names don't start with the letter "T" (ANSI-92)

Values in a list (In) Expression In("Canada", "UK") In(France, Japan) Result For a ShipCountry field, orders shipped to Canada or the UK

Germany, For a CountryName field, employees living in France or Germany or Japan

Text, partial, and matching values Expression "London" "London" Or "Hedge End" Result For a ShipCity field, orders shipped to London For a ShipCity field, orders shipped to London or Hedge End For a CompanyName field, orders shipped to companies whose name starts with the letters N through Z For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose name starts with the letter S (ANSI-89) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose name starts with the letter S (ANSI-92)

>="N" Like "S*" Like "S%"

Right([OrderID], 2) = "99" For an OrderID field, orders with ID values ending in 99 Len([CompanyName]) Val(30) > For a CompanyName field, orders for companies whose name is more than 30 characters long

Part of a field's value (Like) Expression Like "S*" Like "S%" Like Result For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with the letter S (ANSI-89) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with the letter S (ANSI-92) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names end Page 44

"*Imports" Like "%Imports" Like "[A-D]*" Like D]%" with the word "Imports" (ANSI-89) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names end with the word "Imports" (ANSI-92) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with A through D (ANSI-89)

"[A- For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with A through D (ANSI-92) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names include the letter sequence "ar" (ANSI-89) For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names include the letter sequence "ar" (ANSI-92)

Like "*ar*" Like "%ar%"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to the customer with "Maison" as Like "Maison the first part of its name and a 5-letter second name in which the first 4 Dewe?" letters are "Dewe" and the last letter is unknown (ANSI-89) Like "Maison For a ShipName field, orders shipped to the customer with "Maison" as Dewe_" the first part of its name and a 5-letter second name in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter is unknown (ANSI-92)

Dates Expression #2/2/2000# '2/2/2000' Date() Result For a ShippedDate field, orders shipped on February 2, 2000 (ANSI-89) For a ShippedDate field, orders shipped on February 2, 2000 (ANSI-92) For a RequiredDate field, orders for today's date

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", 3, For a RequiredDate field, orders required Date( )) between today's date and three months from today's date < Date( ) - 30 Year([OrderDate]) = 1999 DatePart("q", [OrderDate]) = 4 DateSerial(Year For an OrderDate field, orders more than 30 days old For an OrderDate field, orders with order dates in 1999 For an OrderDate field, orders for the fourth calendar quarter

([OrderDate]), For an OrderDate field, orders for the last day Page 45

Month([OrderDate]) + 1, 1) - 1 of each month

Year([OrderDate]) = Year(Now()) And For an OrderDate field, orders for the current Month([OrderDate]) = Month(Now()) year and month

A blank field's value (Null or zero-length string) Expression Result Is Null For a ShipRegion field, orders for customers whose ShipRegion field is Null (blank)

Is Not Null For a ShipRegion field, orders for customers whose ShipRegion field contains a value "" For a Fax field, orders for customers who don't have a fax machine, indicated by a zero-length string (zero-length string: A string that contains no characters. You can use a zero-length string to indicate that you know there's no value for a field. You enter a zero-length string by typing two double quotation marks with no space between them (" ").)value in the Fax field instead of a Null (blank) value

The result of a sub query as criteria Expression Result

(SELECT [UnitPrice] FROM [Products] For a UnitPrice field, products whose price is WHERE [ProductName] = "Aniseed the same as the price of Aniseed Syrup Syrup") > (SELECT AVG([UnitPrice]) FROM For a UnitPrice field, products that have a [Products]) unit price above the average > ALL (SELECT [Salary] FROM For a Salary field, the salary of every sales [Employees] WHERE ([Title] LIKE representative whose salary is higher than "*Manager*") OR ([Title] LIKE "*Vice that of all employees with "Manager" or President*")) "Vice President" in their titles > ALL (SELECT AVG([UnitPrice] * For an OrderTotal: [Unit Price] * [Quantity] [Quantity]) FROM [Order Details]) calculated field, orders with totals that are higher than the average order value

MANIPULATE TEXT VALUES Expression Result Page 46

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & Displays in the FullName field the value of the [Last Name] FirstName and Last Name fields, separated by a space Address2: [City] & " " & [Region] Displays in the Address2 field the value of the City, & " " & [PostalCode] Region, and PostalCode fields, separated by spaces ProductInitial: Left([ProductName], 1) Displays in the ProductInitial field the first character of the value in the ProductName field

TypeCode: Right([AssetCode], 2) Displays in the TypeCode field the last two characters of the value in the AssetCode field AreaCode: Mid([Phone], 2, 3) Displays in the AreaCode field the three characters starting with the second character of the value in the Phone field


PrimeFreight: [Freight] * Displays in the PrimeFreight field freight charges plus 10 1.1 percent OrderAmount: [Quantity] Displays in the OrderAmount field the product of the values * [UnitPrice] in the Quantity and UnitPrice fields LeadTime: [RequiredDate] [ShippedDate] TotalStock: [UnitsInStock] [UnitsOnOrder] FreightPercentage: Sum([Freight]) Sum([Subtotal]) * 100 Displays in the LeadTime field the difference between the - values in the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields Displays in the TotalStock field the sum of the values in the + UnitsInStock and UnitsOnOrder fields Displays in the FreightPercentage field the percentage of / freight charges in each subtotal, by dividing the sum of the values in the Freight field by the sum of the values in the Subtotal field. The Total row in the design grid must be displayed, and the Total cell for this field must be set to Expression. If the Format property of the field is set to Percent, don't include the *100. SumofUnits: Displays in the SumofUnits field the sum of all units in stock Nz([UnitsInStock], 0) + and on order. Page 47

Nz([UnitsOnOrder], 0) When you use an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) in an expression and the value of one of the fields in the expression is Null, the result of the entire expression will be Null. If some records in one of the fields you used in the expression might have a Null value, you can convert the Null value to zero using the Nz function. MANIPULATE AND CALCULATE DATES Expression Result

LagTime: DateDiff("d", Display in the LagTime field the number of days [OrderDate], [ShippedDate]) between the order date and ship date YearHired: [HireDate]) MonthNo: [OrderDate]) DatePart("yyyy", Displays in the YearHired field the year each employee was hired DatePart("M", Displays in the MonthNo field the number of the month Displays in the PriorDate field the date 30 days prior to the current date

PriorDate: Date( ) - 30

Use SQL and domain aggregate functions Expression Count(*) FreightPercentage: Sum([Freight]) Sum([Subtotal]) * 100 Result Uses the Count function to count the number of records in the query, including records with Null (blank) fields Displays in the FreightPercentage field the percentage of / freight charges in each subtotal, by dividing the sum of the values in the Freight field by the sum of the values in the Subtotal field. The Total row in the design grid must be displayed, and the Total cell for this field must be set to Expression. If the Format property of the field is set to Percent, don't include the *100. AverageFreight: DAvg("[Freight]", "[Orders]") Displays in the AverageFreight field the average discount given on all orders combined in a totals query

Page 48

Work with Null values Expression Result

CurrentCountry: IIf(IsNull([Country]), " Displays in the CurrentCountry field an ", [Country]) empty string if the Country field is Null; otherwise, it displays the contents of the Country field LeadTime: IIf(IsNull([RequiredDate] - Displays in the LeadTime field the message [ShippedDate]), "Check for a missing "Check for a missing date" if the value of date", [RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate]) either the RequiredDate or ShippedDate fields is Null; otherwise, it displays the difference SixMonthSales: Nz([Qtr1Sales], 0) + Displays in the SixMonthSales field the total Nz([Qtr2Sales], 0) of the values in the first-quarter and secondquarter sales fields combined, using the Nz function to convert the Null values to zero first

USE A SUBQUERY Expression Category: (SELECT [CategoryName] FROM [Categories] WHERE [Products].[CategoryID] = [Categories].[CategoryID]) Result Displays in the Category field the CategoryName if the CategoryID from the Categories table is the same as the CategoryID from the Products table

Examples of expressions used in update queries

Use expressions such as the following in the Update To cell in the query design grid for the field you want to update. Expression "Salesperson" #8/10/99# Result Changes a text value to Salesperson Changes a date value to 10-Aug-99 Page 49

Yes "PN" & [PartNumber] [UnitPrice] * [Quantity] [Freight] * 1.5 DSum("[Quantity] [UnitPrice]", "Order "[ProductID]=" [ProductID]) Changes a No value in a Yes/No field to Yes Adds PN to the beginning of each specified part number Calculates the product of UnitPrice and Quantity Increases freight charges by 50 percent * Where the Product IDs in the current table match the Product IDs in the Order Details table, updates sales Details", totals based on the product of Quantity and UnitPrice & Truncates the leftmost characters, leaving the five rightmost characters 0, Changes a Null value to a zero (0) in the UnitPrice field

Right([ShipPostalCode], 5) IIf(IsNull([UnitPrice]), [UnitPrice])

EXAMPLES OF EXPRESSIONS USED IN SQL STATEMENTS You can use an expression in many places in an SQL statement, as the following examples show. Expressions are shown in bold text. Expression Result

SELECT [FirstName], [Last Name] FROM Displays the values in the FirstName and [Employees] WHERE [Last Name] = Last Name fields for employees whose "Davolio"; last name is Davolio. SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName] FROM Displays the values in the ProductID and [Products] WHERE [CategoryID] = ProductName fields in the Products table Forms![New Products]![CategoryID]; for records in which the CategoryID value matches the CategoryID value specified in an open New Products form. SELECT Avg([ExtendedPrice]) AS [Average Displays in a field named Average Extended Price] FROM [Order Details Extended Price the average extended Extended] WHERE [ExtendedPrice] > 1000; price of orders for which the value in the ExtendedPrice field is more than 1,000. SELECT [CategoryID],Count([ProductID]) AS [CountOfProductID] FROM [Products] GROUP BY [CategoryID] HAVING Count([ProductID]) > 10; Displays in a field named CountOfProductID the total number of products for categories with more than 10 products.

Page 50

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