The Many Faces of Monoclonal Gammopathies
The Many Faces of Monoclonal Gammopathies
The Many Faces of Monoclonal Gammopathies
Monoclonal Gammopathies Objectives. 1. Getting acquainted with varied aspects of clinical presentation of the Monoclonal Gammopathies (MG) and their association with different conditions. 2. Following the evolution and pathogenesis from MGUS to myelomas or lymphomas.
Plasma cell
Monoclonal Gammopathies
Medicine involves a life time of learning, not only because treatments change and improve constantly, but because NO TWO PATIENTS ARE IDENTICAL & THE SAME DIAGNOSIS PLAYS ITSELF OUT DIFFERENTLY IN EVERY PATIENT.
1% 3%
MGUS Myeloma Amyloid SMM Lymphom Macrogl. Extramed other
10% 14 % 63%
Classification of Monoclonal Gammopathies ( 2 cont. ) Bi- & triclonal Gammopathies, A. Malignant Monoclonal Gammopathies:
1. Myeloma, 2. Smoldering myeloma, 3. Plasma cell leukemia, 4. Non secretory myeloma. 5. Osteosclerotic myeloma (POEMS)
C. Lymphoproliferative disorders :
1. Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia, 2. Heavy chain diseases (HCD): gamma, alpha, miu (u) 3. Primary Amyloidosis. 4. CLL and other B- cell Lymphomas, PTLD
F. Dermatologic disorders:
Scleredema, Lichen myxoedematosus, Diffuse plane xanthomatosis, Urticaria and IgM ( Schnitzlers syndrome ) Subcorneal pustular dermatosis, Necrobiotic xantogranuloma. Pyoderma gangrenosum
Course of 241 pts. With MGUS from Kyle, RA: JAMA 251:1849, 1984
Group Description F/U 24-38 yrs
No. of pts. 1 No substantial increase of serum or urine monoclonal protein 2 Monoclonal protein =>3.0g/dl, but no myeloma or related disease 3 Died of unrelated causes 4 Development of Myeloma, macroglob. Amyloidosis or related disease %
26 127
11 53
26 100
gamma globulins
1. 2. 3.
Monoclonal Gammopathies Risk stratification model (cont.) 3 risk factors ( high risk MGUS )- 58% 2 risk factors ( high-interm. MGUS) 37% 1 risk factor ( low-interm. MGUS ) - 21% No risk factor ( low risk MGUS ) 5 %
The higher the M-protein concentration the higher the risk of progression to plasma cell or lymphoid neoplasias.
Ig G