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Reading Schedule to Read the Bible Three Times in One Year

Read Any 4 Books a Week and Check 1st, 2nd and 3rd Boxes as You Complete How to Read the Bible Three Times in a Year: 1. Understand that Volume reading of the Bible in harmony and submission to God is critical to opening up your knowledge, your understanding, your perspective of how life works, your understanding of God personally, His Character, what He likes, dislikes and wants while helping keep you from trouble (separation from the Lord). (Youll eventually learn that trouble equates to being away from the Lord) 2. Discover how to open up the power of your subconscious to help you assimilate the Bible dramatically better through this way of reading. Dont strain. Just notate and keep reading. And in faith and trust your subconscious can actually work with the Lord in finding answer to your questions, opening up your understanding, connecting various concepts connecting the dots across the entire Bible (because the Bible interconnects all throughout, even and especially Old Testament to New Testament.) 3. When you start this 3 or 5 times in one year Bible Reading Plan You will be SHOCKED how far your insides have shifted from the Lord! Its a scary thing to me to not be reading a book of the Bible to me ( a recent rediscovery to this typing)! 4. If you havent done so please consider obtaining our Complete Bible reading course because the course will explain in detail strategies for maximum learning, retention with great efficiency. 5. Expect to spend about 35 minutes on average although that average time will vary from person to person. Some days will take your 5 minutes the big books will take you longer so pace the big books throughout the day and save those for the weekend. One hour of fellowship a day is considered standard for walking right with the Lord and repelling temptation to sin. Reading the Living Word is fellowshipping with the Lord. So is praying and communicating with the Lord. Consider filling up the rest of the hour praying, praising, worshiping, listening to the Lord and asking Him questions in addition to reflecting on the passages you marked up (see below). 6. Pray and ask God, your Maker, to increase your understanding and knowledge of His Word in addition to knowing and understanding Him better personally. Remember the bottom line benefit we want from doing all of this reading is to know God better! And since Jesus says: And this is the way to have eternal life -- to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. John 17:3 NLT were getting straight to the point of having eternal life in

heaven - as instructed directly by Jesus Himself. Know God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Youll discover from personal experience on this volume Bible Reading Plan, by reading the Living Word of God, that you will actually get to know God, His Essence, His Person, His Presence, know about Him, Know what He likes and dislikes, know what He wants, know what makes Him happy and feel loved and know His direct commands, instructions and rules essential for success in this short life and the much longer life to come. And again, how do you do that? By reading the Word, the Bible! Read in volume! I find that by reading in volume my mental chatter and distraction is less and I tend to be in better communion, communication, abiding, listening, and hearing the Lord on the soul and heart level. By reading in volume my understanding is opened. The Lord seems to reveal secrets about Himself in the Word WHILE reading the Word! Its really neat how this works out! Youll start to realize that God says what He means and means what He says! Youll also start to realize how easy it is to get off track from the Lord and what He says and wants. On top of that youll start to see in others where they are at with the Lord, especially preachers and authors and this is very important because youll able to prevent getting off course from their off course preaching. Youll soon realize that reading the Bible three to five times a year while letting the Lord Himself teach you 8 But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. Matt 23:8-9 NKJ Aha! Thats the key! Through experience I had to learn this the hard way That we have one Teacher about the Lord and that is Christ Jesus Himself, in Person, Messiah Jesus who is also God who is also the Word. (as youll soon find out that the entire meaning of your existence is to draw close to God on a Person to person level!). The Lord taught me a lesson about this, which wasnt very pleasant. Pastors and Bible preachers, Bible study leaders are simply brothers, sisters in Christ. They are human, fallible with the sin nature just as you and I. We are not to follow them for the bottom line and we are to question everything they say in scripture. We only can trust Christ, Personally, for giving us the knowledge and understanding of what the Bible actually says. This requires spending time in the Word, submitting to the Word, hearing the voice of Christ from a most amazing experience of fellowshipping, abiding in Him DIRECTLY. 7. Don't panic. Don't try and "master" the Bible in one reading this is the struggle for most. Go through mark up anything in your Bible (yes youre allowed to write in your Bibles!) that stands out to you, troubles you, speaks to you or doesnt make sense to you. Your subconscious will take note and will begin the process of finding the answers for you in an automatic way 8. Keep moving do not stop! Again if you have a passage that stands out to you in any shape or form, mark it in your Bible and move on!! When youre done reading that book of the Bible for the day you can scan over the areas you marked up briefly! Do not try to solve them right there and then. Let your

subconscious go to work for you. Ive found that the Lord actually knows whats on my mind and heart and often provides, shows me answers to passages or displays examples of passages that stood out, as if those passages were talking to me. 9. We humans tend to learn better through simple repetition. Youll be AMAZED on your second time through (through being the key word) how the Bible is starting to come together for you and how you understand an incredible amount more! Youll even be able to tie passages together throughout the Bible and many, many more passages will now make sense. And this is important since how youll live out eternity is on the line. (This volume style Bible reading plan will become a massive wakeup call on the heart, soul and mind level. I just rerealized it recently as I started up the 5 times in one year plan recently to this typing). 10. This plan is not as hard as you may think. It will take about a month until you get in the habit. Then after a month its much easier. But youll have to put extra effort into making sure you actually do the plan for the first month so keep this in mind ahead of time. Youre basically training your self to have a new habit (and a very good habit!) 11. We do not read from page one to the end! We feel that its psychologically daunting to do so. We pick which book of the Bible to read daily at Inspiration! So whatever book of the Bible we are inspired to read we read. Inspiration defined: the book name pops into your head when you hear the book name it weighs on your heart after you read one book you start thinking about another book (i.e. You finished Daniel now youre wanting to read Revelation). 12. What Bible version do you use? Do not get caught up on any perfect version. Just start reading and then read the different versions over time so youll know whats right by the Spirit of the Lord, whats better. Here are a bunch of versions on line: http://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-versions/ Suggested starter Bibles: New Living Translation: http://www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/ NIV http://www.biblestudytools.com/niv/ - New King James http://www.biblestudytools.com/nkj/ - (my favorite) Complete Jewish Bible http://www.biblestudytools.com/cjb/ 13. So we keep our reading approach very simple. This is not the reading plan for verse by verse meditation, interlinear studies, word studies, concordance studies (although those approaches can be very powerful). This Bible reading plan is a different level, very powerful comprehension reading plan that will allow you to take in massive amounts of knowledge and understanding while starting to piece together the entire Bible from Old to New Testaments. It is a very purifying plan and youll see your insides purify, where your heart, soul and mind will start to shift over to Gods side and this will lead to less temptation for sin and more obedience to what God says to do. 14. The Mechanics of the Reading Plan Three Times in One Year: We read through, as in throughhhhh. And don't stop. Do not stop! But if any passage A. stands out as special or extra important to you B. is something you don't understand Then underline it or put an "open circle" next to that passage later. After you finish reading the book of the Bible, glance at the passages that you marked. If a passage is really pulling at you pray to the Lord

to give you the answer The secret in learning is to go THROUGH. Your mind will stay open as you keep going through. 15. Once you underline, put an open circle next to, circle, circle each word of a particular phrase, verse, group of words Your subconscious will log the material and start looking for answers AUTOMATICALLY. You can briefly SCAN your marked up verses but thats it do not try to figure the verses out. Just scan those parts you marked for the sake of an extra quick imprint on your mind and leave them thats it! Do not doubt that the Holy Spirit can hear your subconscious. He can provide and direct you to answers. Do not strain and try to force, demand, grab the answers now. Let the answers come to you over time You can get the big picture and start to understand how things work on earth and in heaven You can start to understand how the Bible comes together and what God is saying and what He means. You can start to have your life questions answered You can start to find the Will of God You can get to know God your Maker and Savior - this Bible reading plan will get you to know ABOUT Him

16. There has to be an element of inspiration here and that is why we've left open the book choices. If too rigid we will tend to not want to stick to the program. You'll need some discipline obviously BUT you also need to make this fun and enjoyable to your mind so you get the support of your subconscious Otherwise your subconscious could turn you off to the program thinking that you are 'stressing' yourself. So focus on the benefits, the blessings and being saved from all the potential disasters you would have encountered if you didnt know the Word. Focus on the reward the Lord gives you instantly for spending time with Him in His Word start the plan and youll know what Im talking about! (there is no high, higher than the Lords direct presence filling you up in the Holy Spirit!!) 17. Other Tips: a. Think of this, reading the Bible three times in one year, as a 'challenge' a personal challenge. Youll soon find this becomes more of a joy then youll one day discover this is essential to do every day and its a scary thing not to be in the Word in volume every day! (thats my personal experience nowadays!) b. Sometimes you'll simply have to force your eyes to keep moving forward. This Bible reading plan is more about getting the bigger picture, the structure, seeing how Old Testament ties to the New Testament learning ABOUT God and what He says for your benefit. You will now know what's in the Bible and where it is after this plan. Your comprehension of the Bible will skyrocket and you will be able to tie in statements, concepts, passages and meanings across the Bible Once you Know the Word - you will less likely get fooled by bad preaching, misguided ideas, bad leadership or the 'chatting in your ear'. You will get to know the Lord and know the verses plus where they are in the Bible.

c. Try to read the Bible mid day, or during the day when your attention span is high. Reading right when you wake up and before you go to sleep is good in that you are starting your day with the Word and are filling your mind with the Word before you go to sleep but your comprehension and attentiveness may also be low at those times. Plus youll likely read at a much better pace during the day. d. After this Three Times in One Year Plan - Do the passage by passage plan, and review the verses you marked up in your Bible while you were on the Bible Reading Plan with a concordance, a Bible commentary or two, an Interlinear Bible, a Bible Lexicon in addition to preaching recordings on various books of the Bible. But now you are aimed with knowledge of the real Word of God and so the supplemental Bible study materials, commentaries, preaching will be kept in perspective for you and you wont be led astray by any strange ideas. Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Be like the Bereans!

Bible Reading Plan 3 Times in One Year Check List Plan

( a book a day .54 Books a day - Approximately 4 Books a week.) 1st Time 2nd Time 3rd Time Comments/ Reactions Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther

Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah

Malachi Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James

1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation

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