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Book of Questions

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The Book oI Questions Gregory Stock

1: For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would
be little chance oI seeing your Iriends or Iamily again
2: Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house
that is supposedly haunted?
3: II you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you
most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
4: II you could spend one year in preIect happiness but aIterward would remember nothing oI the
experience would you do so? II not, Why not
4b: Which is more important: actual experiences , or the memories that remain when the experiences are
5:II a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis but cause a Iatal reaction in one percent oI
those who took it, would you want it to be released to the public?
6: You discover your wonderIul one-year-old child is, because oI a mix up at the hospital, not yours.
Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake?
7: Do you think the world will be a better or worse place one hundred years Irom now?
8: Would you rather be a member oI a world championship sports team or be the champion oI an
individual sport? Which sport would you choose?
9: Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set Ioot in it again?
9b: II you were expelled Irom the country and had only limited Iinancial resources, where would you try
to rebuild your liIe?
10: Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?
11: You are given the power to kill people simply by thinking oI their deaths and twice repeating the word
'good-bye. People would die a natural death and no one would suspect you. Are there situations in
which you would use this power?
11b: II you can imagine yourselI killing someone indirectly, could you still see yourselI doing so iI you
had to look into the person's eyes and stab the person to death? Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill
someone, or wished someone dead?
12: II you were able to live to the age oI ninety and retain either the body or the mind oI a thirty year old
Ior the last sixty years oI your liIe, which would you choose?
13: What would constitute a 'perIect evening Ior you?
14: Would you rather be extremely successIul proIessionally and have a tolerable yet unexciting private
liIe, or have an extremely happy private liIe and only a tolerable and uninspiring proIessional liIe?
14b: Since so many place great emphasis on a happy private liIe, why do people oIten wind up putting
more energy into their proIessional lives? II you Ieel your private liIe is more important to you, do your
priorities support this? Are you simply unwilling to admit that work is more important? Do you use work
as a substitute? Do you hope proIessional success will somehow magically lead to personal happiness?
15: Whom do you admire the most? In what way does that person inspire you?
16: II at birth you could select the proIession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so?
17: Would you be willing to be extremely ugly physically iI it meant you would live Iir 1,000 years at any
physical age you choose?
17b: How much are you aIIected by a person's physical appearance? How would it change your liIe iI
something happened to maker you less attractive than you are now?
Do you Iind anything disturbing about immortality? What age seems ideal to you?
18: II you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?
19: You have the chance to meet someone with whom you can have the most satisIying love imaginable
the stuII oI dreams. Sadly, you know that in six months the person will die. Knowing the pain that will
Iollow, would you still want to meet the person and Iall in love? What iI you knew your lover would not
die, but instead would betray you?
19b: In love, is intensity or permanence more important to you? How much do you expect Irom
someone who loves you? What would make you Ieel betrayed by your mate indiIIerence? Dishonesty?
20: II you knew oI a way to use your estate, Iollowing your death, to greatly beneIit humanity, would
you do it and leave only a minimal amount to your Iamily?
21: Do you preIer being around men or women? Do your closest Iriends tend to be men or women?
22: II you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you do it?
23: While on a trip to another city, your spouse (or lover) meets and spends a night with an exciting
stranger. Given that they will never meet again, and that you would not otherwise learn oI the incident,
would you want your partner to tell you? II roles were reversed, would you reveal what you had done?
23b: How serious would an aIIair need to be beIore you would want and expect to be told about it? What
makes hearing such a conIession so threatening that most people would rather be deceived? Is this kind
oI honesty more likely to be destructive or to lead to greater intimacy and trust? How much do you trust
your lover? How much can you be trusted?
24: Are their people you envy enough to want to trade lives with them? Who are they?
25: For an all-expense-paid, one week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a
beautiIul butterIly by pulling oII its wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?
25b: Why does a beautiIul creature merit more compassion than an ugly one? Does it damage us
psychologically when we destroy something we Iind beautiIul?
How meaningIul is the diIIerence between pulling the wings oII an insect and stepping on it? Is
the decision oI how to kill something a minor decision when balanced against the decision oI whether or
not to kill at all?
26: Would you be willing to murder an innocent person iI it would end hunger in the world?
26b: Would it torment you more to have the blood oI an innocent person on your hands or to know you
let millions oI people die? What do think oI people who achieve great things by compromising their
Many are willing to give their own lives but not to take the liIe oI another; is anything so
important you would sacriIice your very soul Ior it?
27: II God appeared in a series oI vivid and moving dreams and told you to leave everything behind,
travel alone to the Red Sea and become a Iisherman, what would you do? What iI you were told to
sacriIice your child?
28: What is your most treasured memory?
29: Have you ever hated anyone? II so, why, and Ior how long?
30: Would you be given $10,000 Ior your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers? What
iI you could keep $1,000,000 or give away $20,000,000?
31: II you knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would you do?
32: Would you accept twenty years oI extraordinary happiness and IulIillment iI it meant you would die
at the end oI the period?
33: What is the greatest accomplishment oI your liIe? Is there anything you hope to do that is even better?
34: What was your most enjoyable dream? Your worst nightmare?
35: Would you give up halI oI what you now own Ior a pill that would permanently change you so that
one hour oI sleep each day would Iully reIresh you?
35b: Do you Ieel you have enough time? II not, what would give you that Ieeling? How much has your
attitude about time changed as you've aged?
36: II you knew you could devote yourselI to a single occupation music, writing, acting, business,
politics, medicine, etc. - and be among the best and most successIul in the world at it, what would you
choose? II you knew you only had a ten percent chance oI being so successIul, would you still put in the
37: What was your best experience with drugs or alcohol? Your worst experience?
38: II you went to a dinner party and were oIIered a dish you had never tried, would you want to taste it
even iI it sounded strange and not very appealing?
39: Do your close Iriends tend to be older or younger than you?
39b: What kind oI people do you like to spend time with? What do such people bring out in you that
other do not? What can people learn about you by looking at your Iriends?
40: II the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became paraplegic, would you go
through with the marriage or back out oI it?
41: Your house , containing everything you own , catches Iire; aIter saving your loved ones and pets, you
have time to saIely make a Iinal dash to save any one item. What would it be?
42: How would you react iI you were to learn that your mate had had a lover oI the same sex beIore you
knew each other?
42b: Have you ever bee sexually attracted to someone oI the same sex? To someone in your Iamily? II so,
how did you deal with it?
43: When were you last in a Iight? What caused it and who won?
44:You are oIIered $1,000,000 Ior the Iollowing act: BeIore you are ten pistols- only one oI which is
loaded. You must pick up one oI the pistols, point it at your Iorehead, and pull the trigger. II you can walk
away, you do so a millionaire. Would you accept the risk?
45: Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed, and will die withing a month. He begs you to give
him poison so that he can die. Would you? What iI it were your Iather?
45b: Should it be illegal to help a terminally-ill person to die? II someone is not dying but has chronic
pain, should the person be allowed to commit suicide? What iI the person is in emotional rather than
physical pain?
46:When did you last sing to yourselI? To someone else?
47: You have the power to go any distance into the Iuture and, aIter one year, return to the present with
any knowledge you have gained Irom your experience but with no physical objects. Would you make the
journey iI it carried a IiIty percent risk oI death?
48: Given the choice oI anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest? As your close
Iriend? As your lover?
48b: What do you seek in a Iriend yet neither expect nor want in a lover? Are you attracted to people who
are healthy Ior you to be around?
49: While parking late at night, you slightly scrape the side oI a Porsche. You are certain no on else is
aware oI what happened. The damage is minor and would not be covered by insurance. Would you leave
a note?
50: II you could choose the manner oI your death, what would it be?
50b: Would you preIer to die a hero's death, die a martyr to some great cause, die in a catastrophe,or die
peaceIully? Why is it so tempting to have death catch us in our sleep?
51: Do you have any speciIic long-term goals? What is one and how do you plan on reaching it?
51b: How oIten do you step back and reIlect upon the way you are living and where you are headed? In
what way will reaching your goals make your liIe more satisIying?
52: For what in your liIe do you Ieel most grateIul?
53: How do you react when people sing 'Happy Birthday to you in a restaurant?
54: What is the worst psychological torture you can imagine suIIering? Anything causing even minor
physical injury should not be considered.
55: Would you like your spouse to be both smarter and more attractive than you?
56: II you Iound that a good Iriend had AIDS, would you avoid him? What iI your brother or sister had
57: Would you be willing to give up sex Ior one year iI you knew it would give you a much deeper sense
oI peace than you have now?
58: A good Iriend pulls oI a well-conceived practical joke that plays on one oI your Ioibles and makes
you look ridiculous. How would you react?
58b: How Iorgiving are you when your Iriends let you down?
59: By controlling medical research Iunds, you are in a position to guarantee that a cure will be Iound in
IiIteen years Ior any disease you choose. UnIortunately, no progress on any others would be made during
that period. Would you target one disease?
60: Would you add one year to your liIe iI it meant taking one year Irom the liIe oI someone in the world
selected at random? Would it matter iI you were told whose liIe you had shortened?
61: Can you urinate in Iront oI another person?
62: II you walked out oI your house one morning and saw a bird with a broken wing huddled in some
nearby bushes, what would you do?
63: Assume there were a technological breakthrough that would allow people to travel as easily and
cheaply between continents as between nearby cities. UnIortunately, there would also be 100,000 deaths a
year Irom the device. Would you try to prevent its use?
63b: In the mid 1800s , had you been able to look into the Iuture and see that the automobile would cause
5 million Iatalities in the next century, how would you have Ielt about this new device? Is there scientiIic
knowledge that is best leIt undiscovered? II so, what areas oI research do you Ieel should be restricted?
64: You and a person you love deeply are placed in separate rooms with a button next to each oI you. You
know that you will both be killed unless one oI you presses the button beIore sixty minutes pass;
Iurthermore, the Iirst to press the button will save the other person, but will immediately be killed. What
do you think you would do?
65: When you tell a story, do you oIten exaggerate or embellish it? II so, why?
66: Do you Ieel that advice Irom older people carries a special weight because oI their greater
66b: Do your comments and suggestions inIluence other people much? How could you present your ideas
so that they would have more impact?
67: Without your kidney as a transplant, someone close to you will die within one month. The odds that
you will survive the operation are only IiIty percent, but should you survive you would be certain oI a
normal liIe expectancy. Would you consent to the operation?
67b: Would you risk your liIe Ior someone close to you out oI Ieelings oI obligation or out oI Ieelings oI
love? Would it matter iI you could reIuse without anyone ever knowing? What iI the person asked you
not to risk your liIe?
68: When has your liIe dramatically changed as a result oI some seemingly random external inIluence?
How much do you Ieel in control oI the course oI your liIe?
68b: Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerIul liIe?
69: II a Iriend were almost always late, would you resent it or simply allow Ior it? Can you be counted on
to be on time?
70: When did you last yell at someone? Why? Did you later regret it?
71: Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares every night Ior a year iI you would be rewarded
with extraordinary wealth?
71b: What would you do iI you realised that unless you changed jobs and took a 35 percent pay cut, you
would have moderate insomnia and a nightmare every month or so? Is there anything worse than the
worst nightmare?
72: II you could have Iree, unlimited, service Ior Iive years Irom an extremely good cook, chauIIeur,
housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would you choose?
73: Would you be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow? Do you eat meat?
74: Would you enjoy spending a month oI solitude in a beautiIul natural setting? Food and shelter would
be provided but you would not see another person.
75: AIter a medical examination, your doctor calls and gravely says you have a rare lymphatic cancer and
only a Iew months to live. Five days later, she inIorms you that the lab tests were mislabeled; you are
perIectly healthy. Forced Ior a moment to look death in the Iace, you have been allowed to turn and go
on. During those diIIicult days you would certainly have gained some insights about yourselI. Do you
think they would be worth the pain?
76: One hot summer aIternoon, while walking through a parking lot at a large shopping center, you notice
a dog suIIering badly Irom the heat inside a locked car. What would you do?
77: Do you Ieel ill at ease going alone to either dinner or a movie? What about going on a vacation by
78: II you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you
are now living?
79: For $20,000 would you go Ior three months without washing, brushing your teeth, or using
deodorant? Assume you could not explain your reasons to anyone, and that there would be no long-term
eIIect on your career?
79b: How do you react to the idea that more people are willing to have sex Ior money (question 156) than
to Iorgo washing? A century ago this would not have been the case; do you think our more permissive
sexual attitude is a healthy development? What about our increased attention to personal hygiene? How
important is advertising in bringing about these changes?
80: Would you rather die peaceIully among Iriends at age IiIty, or painIully and alone and age eighty?
Assume that most oI the last thirty years would be good ones.
81: II you were to discover that your closest Iriend was a heroin dealer, what would you do?
82: Is it easy Ior you to accept help when you need it? Will you ask Ior help?
83: II you were helping to raise money Ior a charity and someone agreed to make a large contribution iI
you would preIorm at the upcoming Iund-raising show, would you? II so, what would you preIorm?
Assume the show would have an audience oI about 1,000.
84: Would you have one oI your Iingers surgically removed iI it somehow guaranteed immunity Irom all
major diseases?
85: Would you like to be Iamous? In what way?
86: How do you picture your Iuneral? Is it important Ior you to have people mourn your death?
86b: How would you like to be remembered aIter you die? What would you like said at your Iuneral?
Whom would you like to speak?
87: Which oI the Iollowing restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently, or never
leaving the state in which you now live?
88: You, your closest Iriend, and your Iather are on vacation together, hiking in a remote jungle. Your two
companions stumble into a nest oI poisonous vipers and are bitten repeatedly. You know neither will live
without an immediate shot oI anti-venom, yet there is only a single does oI anti-venom and it is in your
pocket. What would you do?
89: Where would you choose to be iI you could place yourselI anywhere on a scale Irom one to ten,
where one is hardship, struggle, and extraordinary accomplishment and ten is comIort, peace oI mind,
and no accomplishment. Why? Where are you now?
90: II you could choose the sex and physical appearance oI your soon-to-be-born child, would you do it?
90b: Would you like to have a child much brighter and more attractive than yourselI? What diIIiculties
might result? How much would it bother you to have an ugly, stupid, or crippled child? To ensure your
baby would be born bright, attractive, and healthy, would you use a saIe medical procedure to genetically
alter the developing embryo? Would a baby designed in this way still Ieel like your child?
91: Would you rather play a game with someone more or less talented than you? Would it matter who was
92: Is there something you've dreamed oI doing Ior a long time? Why haven't you done it?
92b: Is it better to have dreams that will never come to pass, or to have no dreams at all? How much
better would your liIe be iI the things you dream oI doing or having were granted to you?
93: While in the government, you discover the President is committing extortion and other serious
crimes. By exposing the situation you might bring about the President's downIall, but your career would
be destroyed because you would be Iramed, Iired, and publicly humiliated on other matters. Knowing
you would be vindicated Iive years later, would you blow the whistle? What iI you knew you would
never be vindicated?
94: On a busy street you are approached apologetically by a well-dressed stranger who asks Ior a dollar to
catch a bus and make a phone call. He says he has lost his wallet. What would you do? II approached in
the same way by a haggard-looking stranger claiming to be hungry and unable to Iind a job, what would
you do?
95: II by sacriIicing your liIe you could contribute so much to the world that you would be honored in all
nations, would you be willing to do so? II so, would you make the same sacriIice knowing that someone
you thoroughly disliked would receive the honor while you went unrecognized?
96: Knowing you had a IiIty percent chance oI winning and would be paid ten times the amount oI your
bet iI you won, what Iraction oI what you now own would you be willing to wager?
97: What are your most compulsive habits? Do you regularly struggle to break these habits?
98: You know you will die oI an incurable disease within three months. Would you allow yourselI to be
Irozen withing the week iI you knew it would give you a modest chance oI being revived in 1,000 years
and living a greatly extended liIe?
99: You are driving late at night in a saIe but deserted neighborhood when a dog suddenly darts in Iront
oI your car. Though you slam on the brakes, you hit the animal. Would you stop to see how injured the
animal was? II you did so and Iound that the dog was dead but had a name tag, would you contact the
100: What do you most strive Ior in your liIe: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement
knowledge, or something else?
101: An eccentric millionaire oIIers to donate a large sum to charity iI you will step- completely naked-
Irom a car onto a busy downtown street, walk Iour blocks, and climb back into the car. Knowing that
there would be no danger oI physical abuse, would you do it?
101b: In terms oI their relative unpleasantness, how would you rank the Iollowing: a nude stroll in public,
being spat upon by a crowd oI people; being arrested Ior shopliIting; begging Ior money at an airport?
What is the most embarrassing thing you can imagine? What bothers you about looking bad in Iront oI
102: How close and warm is your Iamily? Do you Ieel your childhood was happier than most other
102b: Do you Ieel that children should be sheltered Irom unhappiness? What Irom your childhood has
proved most valuable? Most diIIicult to overcome?
103: Does the Iact that you have never done something beIore increase or decrease its appeal to you?
104: Would you be willing to give up sex Ior Iive years iI you could have wonderIully sensual and erotic
dreams any night you wished?
105: At a meal, your Iriends start belittling a common acquaintance. II you Ielt their criticisms were
unjustiIied, would you deIend the person?
106: Do you usually make a special eIIort to thank someone who does you a Iavor? How do you react
when you aren't thanked Ior going out oI your way Ior someone?
107: Would you like to have your rate oI physical aging slowed by a Iactor oI thirty so as to give you a
liIe expectancy oI about 2,000 years?
107b: How hard would it be to outlive and lose each person you grew close to? II you lived a greatly
lengthened liIe, would you experience so much that you'd soon Ieel surrounded by children? Would you
be able to adjust to the dramatic social changes? Would you soon grow jaded, Ieeling there was nothing
interesting leIt?
Does Ieeling that liIe is too short increase the intensity and passion oI it in a desirable way?
108: You are invited to a party that will be attended by many Iascinating people you've never met. Would
you want to go iI you had to go by yourselI?
109: Since adolescence, in what three-year period do you Ieel you experienced the most personal growth
and change?
110: II you were having diIIiculty on an important test and could saIely cheat by looking at someone
else's paper, would you do so?
110b: II you saw someone cheating on a test, what would you do? What iI you had signed an honor code?
111: II your parents became inIirm and the only alternative to bringing them into your home was to put
them in a nursing home, would you do so? What about a sister or brother who suIIered a permanently
crippling injury and -other than your home- had nowhere to go but a convalescent home?
112: II you were at a Iriend's house Ior Thanksgiving dinner and you Iound a dead cockroach in your
salad, what would you do?
113: II you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration,
where would you go and what would you do?
114: Would you be willing to reduce your liIe expectancy by Iive years to become extremely attractive?
115: Given the ability to project yourselI into the past but not return, would you do so? Where would you
go and what would you try to accomplish iI you knew you might change the course the history?
115b: How might the world be diIIerent iI you could actually change some historical event? How sure are
you that the long-term consequences would be positive?
116: How many diIIerent sexual partners have you had in your liIe? Would you preIer to have had more
or Iewer?
117: Have you ever considered suicide? What is so important to you that without it liIe would not be
worth living?
118: II your Iriends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they really
thought oI you, would you want them to?
118b: Do you think your Iriends would agree with one another about the kind oI person you are? How
much energy do you spend doing things to Iavorably impress other people? II you were completely
unconcerned about what others would think, what sorts oI things might you do? How do you Ieel when
people like you because they think you are someone you are not?
119: II this country were to suIIer an unprovoked nuclear attack and would be totally obliterated in a
matter oI minutes, would you Iavor unleashing the U.S. Nuclear arsenal upon the attackers?
120: Would you accept $10,000 to shave your head and continue your normal activities sans hat or wig
without explaining the reason Ior your haircut?
121: Were you able to wake up tomorrow in the body oI someone else, would you do so? Whom would
you pick?
122: II you were happily married, and then met someone you Ielt was certain to always bring you deeply
passionate, intoxicating love, would you leave your spouse? What iI you had kids?
123:When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and
laugh at you?
124: Who is the most important person in your liIe? What could you do to improve the relationship? Will
you ever do it?
125: Assuming that complete recovery were instantaneous, would you be willing to accept a year oI
complete paralysis below the neck to prevent the otherwise certain extinction oI the blue whale?
125b: When you make a big sacriIice, do you tell people about it or keep it to yourselI? Do you Ieel
annoyed when your sacriIices aren't acknowledged by others? What would you never willingly sacriIice?
Your liIe? Your health? Your integrity? Your dreams?
126: Do you believe in capital punishment? Would you be willing to execute a man sentenced to death by
the courts iI you were selected by lot to do so and he would go Iree iI you reIused? Assume you know no
details oI the trial.
127: II you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
127b: In what ways will you treat (or have you treated) your children diIIerently Irom the way you were
treated? II you've already raised children and could do it again knowing what you know now, what would
you diIIerently?
128: You are at a lake with some Iriends; the sun is warm and the water is cold. Going into the water
would temporarily chill you but you know that later the warm sun would be even more enjoyable and you
would be glad you had gone in. Would you take the plunge?
129: Do you believe in any sort oI God? II not, so you think you might still pray iI you were in a liIe-
threatening situation?
130: While out one day, you are surprised to see your mother holding hands with someone who is clearly
her lover. She notices you, runs over, and begs you not to say anything to your Iather. How would you
respond? What would you do iI your Iather later told you that he was going crazy because he kept
thinking your mother was having an aIIair yet knew it was just his imagination?
131: II 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think you'd Iind leading a more
satisIying liIe than yours?
132: II you went to a beach and it turned out to be a nude beach, would you stay and go swimming?
Would you swim nude?
132b: How much do you like your body? II you awoke alone on a warm morning and were going to laze
around your home, how long would you wait to get dressed? What do you wear when you sleep?
133: Have you had satisIying sex within the last three months?
134: Would it disturb you much iI, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and
leIt to rot? Why?
135: Which would you preIer: a wild, turbulent liIe Iilled with joy, sorrow, passion, and adventure-
intoxicating successes and stunning setbacks; or a happy, secure, predictable liIe surrounded by Iriends
and Iamily without such wide swings oI Iortune and mood?
136: II you knew your child would be severely retarded and would die by the age oI Iive, would you
decide to have an abortion?
136b: What are your Ieelings about killing a handicapped child at birth? Should a woman have the right
to have an abortion Ior any reason she wants? What rights should the Iather have? II your IiIteen-year-old
sister became pregnant, would you want her to have an abortion? II you had a retarded baby, would you
put the child in an institution?
137: Do you Iind it so hard to say 'no that you regularly do Iavors you do not want to do? II so, why?
138: II you began to be very attracted to someone oI another race, how would your behavior diIIer Irom
what it would be towards someone oI your own race?
139: Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in overtime at your current job
Ior Iour weeks without extra compensation?
140: Would you like to know the precise date oI your death?
140b: How might knowing when you'll die help you plan your liIe? Is liIe enhanced by Ieeling that death
could strike at any time? By not thinking about death at all? II you knew someone was dying, would you
tell them the truth or deceive them about it? How many more years do you think you will live?
141: would you accept a guaranteed, liIetime allowance oI $50,000 per year (adjusted annually Ior
inIlation) iI accepting it meant that you could never again earn money Irom either work or investments?
141b: Would you accept a much less enjoyable job paying twice what you make now? II you received the
same pay regardless oI your job, what kind oI work would you do? II you were Iinancially independent,
would you continue to work? II not, what would you do?
142: What, iI anything, is too serious to be joked about?
143: Do you ever spit or pick you nose in public? What about cleaning your teeth with a toothpick?
144: A close Iriend asks -and genuinely wants- your opinion about something, but your opinion is one
that he is likely to Iind quite painIul. For example, your Iriend is an artist and asks your honest estimate
oI his chances oI being successIul. You think he is an atrocious artist who hasn't the slightest chance oI
success. What would you do?
145: Do you have a Iavorite 'sexual Iantasy? Would you like to have it IulIilled?
146: II you knew a thermonuclear holocaust would occur in precisely twenty years an no one would
survive it, how would you change your present liIe?
147: When did you last cry in Iront oI another person? By yourselI?
148: II, by having a two inch by two inch tattoo, you could save Iive lives and prevent a terrorist attack,
would you do so? II you were allowed to select the location and design, where would you have it and
what would the design be?
149: Someone you love deeply is brutally murdered and you know the identity oI the murderer, who
unIortunately is acquitted oI the crime. Would you seek revenge?
150: Would you be willing to give up all television Ior the next Iive years iI it would induce someone to
provide Ior 1,000 starving children in Indonesia?
150b: II giving up TV is too much oI a sacriIice, would you consider switching to black-and-white
151: While arguing with a close Iriend on the telephone, she gets angry and hangs up. Assuming she is at
Iault and makes no attempt to contact you, how long would you wait to get in touch with her?
152: What do you value most in a relationship?
153: II you learned you would die in a Iew days, what regrets would you have? Were you given Iive extra
years oI liIe, could you avoid those same regrets Iive years hence?
153b: Can you envision how you are likely to look back upon the things you are doing today? II so, how
much do you try to live now as you think you will one day wish you had lived?
154: Do you judge others by higher or lower standards than you use to judge yourselI?
155: Would you be willing to make a substantial sacriIice to have any oI the Iollowing: your picture on a
postage stamp, your statue in a park, a college named aIter you, a Nobel prize, a national holiday in your
155b: Are honors more likely to come to those who seek them or to those who don't care about Iame and
think only oI their work? How much do Iame and accomplishment impress you? Does just knowing
you've accomplished something worthwhile mean as much as you getting attention and praise Ior the
156: On an airplane you are talking pleasantly to a stranger oI average appearance. Unexpectedly, the
person oIIers you $10,000 Ior one night oI sex. Knowing that there is no danger and that payment is
certain, would you accept the oIIer?
156b: Since so many people are willing to have sex Ior money, why is such a strong stigma attached to
prostitution? Is there much diIIerence between having sex Ior cash and having sex in the hope oI getting
some Iuture beneIit? Does the size oI the payment alter the nature oI the transaction?
157: II you had you spend the next two years inside a small but Iully provisioned Antarctic shelter with
one other person, whom would you like to have with you?
158: You notice a selI-destructive behavior pattern in a Iriend who is clearly unaware oI it. Would you
point it out?
159: II you had the choice oI one intimate soul mate and no other close Iriends, or oI no such soul mate
and many Iriends and acquaintances, which would you choose?
160: You became involved romantically but aIter six months realize you need to end the relationship. II
you were certain the person would commit suicide iI you were to leave and were also certain you could
not be happy with the person, what would you do?
161: II you wanted to look very sexy, how would you dress?
162: For $2,000 would you be willing to stand up in a crowded restaurant and, Ior at least a minute,
loudly berate a waitress Irom some trivial imperIection in the service? II not, consider how grateIul the
waitress would be iI you did so and later split the money with her.
163: II there was a public execution on television, would you watch it?
164: II someone oIIered you a large amount oI money Ior some inIormation about one oI your company's
products, would you accept it? Assume you know you won't be discovered.
164b: How do you Ieel about taking a sick day at work when you aren't ill? Have you ever made
unauthorized, personal, long-distance phone calls or taken tools or supplies Irom work? Have you ever
IalsiIied a time card or an expense report? II through a computer error you were given too large a
paycheck, would you report it? Do you see such moral choices as black-and-white issues?
165: Do you consider yourselI well organized? How oIten do you have to look Ior your keys?
166: II you could increase you I.Q. By Iorty points by having an ugly scar stretching Irom your mouth to
your eye, would you do so?
167: Would you be willing to do something very unsatisIying (Ior example, clean toilets) Ior Iive years iI
you were certain that the experience would aIterwards bring you a deep sense oI personal IulIillment Ior
the rest oI your liIe?
168: What things are too personal to discuss with others?
169: How many times during the day do you look at yourselI in the mirror?
170: Walking along an empty street, you notice a wallet. It contains $5,000 in cash but no name or
address. What would you do? Would it alter your decision iI inside you Iound the name, address, and
picture oI either a wealthy-looking young man or a Irail-looking old woman?
170b: Most people say iI they Iound a wallet Iull oI cash on the street they would return the money; do
you believe them? Most also think their own lost wallets would not be returned; do you Ieel similarly?
How do you explain this contradiction? Would you help Iund an experiment designed to Iind out whether
people are actually honest enough to return cash-Iilled wallets?
171: Would you preIer to be blind or deaI?
172: Would you be content with a marriage oI the highest quality in all respects but one it completely
lacked sex?
172b:: Are you able to separate sex Irom love? Could you be content satisIying your sexual needs Irom
people other than your mate? When you think oI sex, do you think oI a broad range oI touching holding,
and caressing, or mainly oI sexual intercourse?
173: When was the last time you stole something? Why haven't you stolen anything since then?
174: How many oI your Iriendships have lasted more than ten years? Which oI your current Iriends do
you Ieel will still be important to you ten years Irom now?
175: II you could mold to your liking your memories oI any past experience, would you do so?
176: BeIore making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say?
177: How old were you when you Iirst had sexual intercourse?
177b: Is there anything anyone could have told you that would have made your Iirst sexual experience
better? Do you think you would be better oII iI you had waited longer to have sex? II you had started
earlier? Was sex what you imagined it to be?
178: You are leading 100 people whose lives are in danger and you must choose between two courses oI
action. One would save only ninety people; the other would have a IiIty percent chance oI saving
everyone but were it to Iail everyone would die. Which would you choose?
178b: What iI you had to choose the ten people who would die? Would you rather have someone else in
the group make the decision even though you might be picked to die?
179: II you went to a movie with a Iriend and it was lousy; would you leave?
180: For $1,000,000 would you be willing to never again see or talk to your best Iriend?
180b: II you were oIIered a much better job in another city and knew you would, over the years, driIt
away Irom your closest Iriend iI you took it, would you go?
181: What do you like best about your liIe? Least?
182: Have you ever disliked someone Ior being luckier or more successIul than you?
183: A cave-in occurs while you and a stranger are in a concrete room deep in a mine shaIt. BeIore the
phone goes dead, you learn the entire mine is sealed and the air hole being drilled will not reach you Ior
thirty hours. II you both take sleeping pills Irom the medicine chest, the oxygen will last Ior only twenty
hours. Both oI you can't survive; alone, one oI you might. AIter you both realize this, the stranger takes
several sleeping pills, says that it is in God's hand, and Ialls asleep. You have a pistol, what do you do?
184: When you are given a compliment do you usually acknowledge it or suggest that you really do not
deserve it?
185: What sorts oI things would you do it iI you could be as outgoing and uninhibited as you wished? Do
you usually initiate Iriendships or wait to be approached?
186: II you decided to do something and your Iriends strongly advised you not to, could you to it
187: In a nice restaurant, aIter getting the check Ior an excellent meal, you notice that you were not
charged Ior one oI the items you ate. Would you tell the waitress?
188: Do you establish routines in your liIe? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your
bed? Eat meals at the same time? Regularly return to the same vacation spot?
189: Can you be counted on to do what you say you'll do? What does it take Ior you to trust someone?
190: Do you Ieel you have much impact on the lives oI people you come in contact with? Can you think
oI someone who, over a short period oI time, signiIicantly inIluenced your liIe?
191: Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative?
For example, would you rather live the liIe oI a brilliant yet tortured artist such as Vincent van Gogh, or
that oI a happy but careIree soul who is a bit simple-minded?
192: When you are with your Iriends, do your interactions include much touching -Ior example, hugging,
kissing, roughhousing, or rubbing backs? Would you like to have more oI this?
193: Given the ability to project yourselI into the Iuture but not return, would you do so? II not, would
you change your mind iI you could take someone along? How Iar would you go?
193b: What would induce you to give up liIe as you know it and Iace the unknown? Were people in
previous centuries more adventurous than we are today or was it simply harder to avoid risk and
adventure? How much does aIIluence make people complacent and averse to risk?
194: Would you generally rather be overdressed or underdressed at a party?
195: OI all the people close to you, whose death would you Iind the most disturbing?
196: You have arranged an evening with a Iriend. But on the day preceding your date a special
opportunity arises to do something much more exciting. How would you handle the situation?
197: What has been your biggest disappointment in liIe? Biggest Iailure?
198: II you could pass your whole liIe cared Ior in every way as you slumbered peaceIully, entranced by
wonderIul dreams, would you do so?
199: You are given $1,000,000 to donate anonymously to charity or to a stranger. How would you dispose
oI it?
200: In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?
200b: What are you looking Ior when you converse with people? What kinds oI things do you usually
discuss? Are there other things that would be more interesting to you?
201: Do you Irequently Iind yourselI -just to be polite- saying things you don't mean? For example, when
you say good-by to someone who does not interest you, do you act as though you enjoyed their
202: Would you be willing to commit perjury Ior a close Iriend? For example, might you testiIy that he
was driving careIully when he hit a pedestrian even though he had been joking around and not paying
203: Relative to the population at large, how do you rate your physical attractiveness? Your intelligence?
Your personality?
204: Running too quickly on an icy sidewalk in Iront oI a neighbor's house, you slip and break your leg.
Would you be likely to sue the owner oI the house iI you were conIident you could win the suit because
oI his negligence in shoveling the snow?
205: II you could prevent either an earthquake in Peru that would kill 40,000 people, a crash at your local
airport that would kill 200 people, or an automobile accident that would kill an acquaintance oI yours,
which would you choose?
206: Would you be willing to eat a bowl oI live crickets Ior $40,000?
207: Do you enjoy sleeping in physical contract with your lover?
208: II you came upon the scene oI a terrible highway accident just aIter the ambulances arrived, would
you stop to watch? Assume that your presence would neither help nor hinder the rescuers.
209: II you could script the basic plot Ior the dream you will have tonight, what would the story be?
210: You are given the chance to return to any previous point in your liIe and change a decision you
made, but you will lose everything that has happened to you since then. Is there a time you would return
to? II so, would you like to retain the memory oI the liIe you are giving up even though you could never
recapture it?
211: Would $50,000 be enough money to induce you to take a loyal, healthy pet to the vet to be put to
212: Ignoring all Iinancial considerations, would you rather spend the next Iive years conIined to the city
oI New York or the environs oI Morro Bay, a beautiIul, isolated town on the CaliIornia coast?
213: What would you like to be doing Iive years Irom now? What do you think you will be doing Iive
years Irom now?
214: What important decision in your proIessional liIe have you based largely upon your intuitive
Ieeling? What about in your personal liIe?
215: Would you like to be elected president oI this country? Why? II so, would you still choose to be
president iI it meant that your sleep would always be very IitIul and disturbed, punctuated by Irequent
216: II a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning
yourselI , liIe, the Iuture, or anything else, what would you want to know?
217: II you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, who would you question and what
would you ask?

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