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REO-Viscometer or Rheometer Making The Decision

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Viscometer or rheometer? Making the decision

Deciding whether to purchase either a viscometer or a rheometer is not always straightforward. Here, Laboratory News looks at the factors that should be considered in order to make the right choice for the individual laboratory
viscometer can offer the solution for material, process or production tests that require simple flow measurements, whereas the performance of a rheometer allows far greater characterisation of flow and deformation behaviour. It is well worth taking into account the range of applications for which the instrument will be needed, and how differences in performance between a viscometer and a rheometer may affect their suitability for these applications.

Table 1: Shear rates of different processes

Process Reverse gravure Spraying Blade coat Minimum shear rate (s-1) 105 10

Maximum shear rate (s-1) 106 10 10




Instrument operation


Most viscometers operate by rotating a spindle in the sample. Mixing/stirring 10 103 Viscosity is determined by measuring resistance to this Brushing 10 103 rotational force. Viscometers, in comparison to rheometers, are usually relatively simple instruments. Their simplicity of design Pumping 1 103 and operation can offer advantages for operator ease of use, Extrusion 1 102 particularly within a busy QC environment. Spindle movement in a viscometer is in one direction, which Curtain coating 1 102 allows the measurement of viscosity. Rheometers can apply oscillatory and rapid step changes in stress and strain, and can Levelling 10-2 0.1 therefore determine viscoelastic properties (providing -2 Sagging 10 0.1 information on the structural properties of the sample) as well -6 as flow properties. Sedimentation 10 10-2 Viscometers employ a mechanical bearing that limits the speed and torque capabilities of the instrument, whereas rheometers generally use a low friction air bearing. The residual the range of about 0.1 to 103s-1 while a rheometer extends the friction from the mechanical bearing can make the measurement range from 10-6 to 105s-1. Processes such as measurement of low viscosity materials difficult. Some of the sedimentation are best suited to analysis with a rheometer latest viscometers use a variety of because of its low torque measurement geometries, capabilities. The high speed enabling them to cover broader control of a rheometer also allows viscosity ranges. This is applicable analysis of very high shear rate to many fluid applications processes, such as spraying. The Viscometers, in comparison including paints, information in Table 1 illustrates to rheometers, are usually pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals that the measurement capabilities and even asphalt. of a viscometer can also provide relatively simple instruments. Rheometers, while generally solutions for a wide range of Their simplicity of design and more expensive than viscometers, applications, particularly if QC are more versatile and have a testing is the main requirement. operation can offer much wider dynamic range for Figure 2 provides an control and measurement illustration of where the greater advantages in terms of ease parameters. In a typical stress and measurement range of a of use strain controlled rheometer a rheometer is useful. This example temperature control unit (TCU) is for roller coating and shows a is an integral part of the good roller coating sample (red) instrument rather than an option. Furthermore, there are and a poor one (green). At shear rates below 104s-1 both coatings several interchangeable TCUs available that cover different have a similar viscosity. A viscometer would find no differences temperature ranges. Each TCU has been optimised for the best between these coatings. control and performance. An example of this is the Extended Two further examples of important viscometric measurements Temperature Cell, which is a forced convection oven. This that can be made using a rheometer are yield stress and normal provides rapid heating and cooling in an inert atmosphere to force. prevent sample degradation. In combination with a wider choice of measurement geometries, tests can be optimised for specific Yield stress applications and sample types. Yield stress, the force required to make a sample start flowing, The use of a low friction air bearing enables measurement of is a valuable measurement. It is the force that must be overcome even low viscosity samples, whilst the inherent stiffness of the when a pump is switched on; it holds paint in position after bearing also provides the capability to measure solids. With true application to a wall; and it can also influence shelf life and stress and true strain control operating modes, a complete range structure perception, particularly for consumer products. The of rheological tests (including creep, stress relaxation and yield stress is an important factor in providing a thick and multiwave oscillation) can be performed with full control of creamy texture, but a balance must be achieved because the sample strain history. yield stress will have a significant effect on the pumping requirements during processing.

difference between samples that have the same viscosities.

Dynamic measurements
Virtually all materials show elastic as well as viscous properties. The measurement of sample viscoelasticity can provide vital information not given by viscometry alone. With a rheometer, tiny movements (small strain oscillations) can be used to measure viscoelastic properties without destroying the sample structure. Oscillatory testing generates a mechanical spectrum for the material, and this provides a unique behaviour fingerprint.

Measuring viscosity

Rheometers function across a very wide range of shear rates enabling the simulation of real processes that occur over vastly different timescales, such as sedimentation and spraying. Shearing occurs whenever fluids flow through tubes and channels. The velocity is zero right at the wall surface and maximum at the centre. So the fluid is being sheared as it flows through a tube or channel. Table 1 shows the shear rates of processes that commonly require rheological measurement. Spraying, for example, is between 10 4 to 10 5 reciprocal seconds (s -1) and pumping is around 1 to 10 3s -1. Typically, a viscometer can measure in

Normal force
When a sample is sheared, elasticity can create a force perpendicular to the direction of shear. This is known as normal force and it is common with polymeric materials. Normal force testing can identify differences that may occur when a material is processed. An example of this is the application of paper coating. This is applied to the paper surface using a bladecoating process with a narrow gap, which generates high shear rates. If a coating sample has a high normal force, which acts to push the application blade away from the paper, the coating will be too thick. Often only normal force testing will show any
Gemini Rheometer



Figure 2: Measurements at high shear rate on two pressure sensitive adhesives which are applied by roller coating

Figure 3: Rebuild time for an ink after high shear rate deformation

The measuring geometry is oscillated sinusoidally about a fixed position and stress and strain responses at different frequencies are recorded. This allows the elastic and viscous components of the sample to be measured. Over different timescales, the viscous and elastic nature of the sample changes. For applications, including pouring and spraying, the sample elasticity is critical as this relates to snap-back properties and droplet formation. For polymers, dynamic measurements can give details of molecular architecture, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. As well as frequency sweeps, time and temperature sweeps provide important information such as curing profiles and thixotropic rebuild. A thixotropic sample is one that exhibits time-dependent shear thinning followed by recovery of structure. Typical thixotropic systems are sauces, paints and inks. Figure 3 shows an ink that has been subjected to a high shear rate to simulate application by a print head. The time for structure rebuild in the ink is critical for dot retention and definition. This sample returns to a stable gel-state (elasticallydominated) after 12 seconds.

Rheological measurements are essential for formulation, process and material control across all industries and applications. A viscometer is a low cost instrument that is simple to use and can offer portability for remote or field testing. It is highly suitable for quality control testing and for on-line process control. The rheometer represents a greater investment, but is essential for the true simulation of real processes and complete material characterisation. The increased versatility and performance make it an excellent tool for research, product and process development, as well as quality control testing. Both instruments are complementary, and it is not uncommon within a single organisation to find viscometers used for QC testing on products that have been developed using a rheometer.
By Steve Carrington, Product Manager, Rheology Systems & Joanne Langridge, Applications Specialist, Malvern Instruments

Figure 1: Malvern Bohlin Visco88

This article was first published in the August 2005 issue of Laboratory News. Visit www.labnews.co.uk for up to the minute news, features and new products.

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