ABB PLC-2 System 1772
ABB PLC-2 System 1772
ABB PLC-2 System 1772
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ladder Diagram Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Memory Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Memory Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hardware/Program Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Support Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Overview The Bulletin 1772 Mini-PLC-3 Programmable Controller is a rugged, solid state
programmable controller that consists of the Mini-PLC-2 Processor (Cat. No.
1772-LN1, -LN2 or -LN3) and the 1771 I/O Family or racks and modules.
Refer to Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1
MiniPLC2 Programmable Controller
Chapter 1
The User Program is a set of instructions in a particular order that describes the
operations to be performed and the operating conditions. it is entered into
memory, instruction by instruction, in a ladder diagram format display from the
keyboard of the Industrial Terminal (Cat. No. 1770-T1, -T2 or -T3). some
ladder diagram symbols closely resemble the relay symbols used in hardwired
relay control systems.
Chapter 1
Ladder Diagram Logic PC ladder diagram logic closely resembles hardwired relay logic. Hardwired
relay control systems require electrical continuity to turn output devices ON and
OFF. For example, the relay diagram in Figure 1.2 shows that limit switch LS1
and relay contact CR2 must be closed to energize relay coil CR4.
Figure 1.2
Ladder Diagram Rung
Figure 1.3
Ladder Diagram Rung
02 03 16
Chapter 1
Memory Structure The Data Table of the Mini-PLC-2 Processor memory is made up of an
arrangement of storage points called bits (Binary Digits). A bit is the smallest
unit of memory and can store information as a “1” or a “0” (Figure 1.4). When
a “1” occupies a bit, that bit is ON; when a “0” occupies a bit, that bit if OFF.
Figure 1.4
Memory Word Structure
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Word Address 0308
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Word Address 0318
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
A group of 8 bits forms a single byte. Two bytes, or 16 bits, make up one word.
All Data Table words are identified by their word address which is a 3- digit
octal number. The octal numbering system is explained in Chapter
13-Numbering Systems.
Similarly, each bit in a word is identified by a two-digit number using the octal
numbering system. The memory bits are numbered 00 through 07 and 10
through 17, with the most significant bit 17 (MSB) at the left and the least
significant bit 00 (LSB) at the right.
A specific bit in Data Table can be identified by combining the 3-digit word
address and 2-digit bit number to form the bit address, such as 03012 or 030/12.
The difference depends on the Industrial Terminal used. The 1770-T1 and -T2
display the 5-digit bit address centered above the instruction symbol. the
1770-T3 displays the bit address by placing the 3-digit word address above and
the 2-digit bit number below the instruction symbol. Programming examples
will be illustrated using the 1770-T3 display. however, both displays will be
illustrated in the Instruction Summary Table at the end of each programming
section in this manual.
Chapter 1
Memory Organization The Mini-PLC-2 Processors have either a 512 word memory size (Cat. No.
1770- LN1) or a 1024 word memory size (Cat. No. 1772-LN2 or -LN3). These
memory words are organized by their word addresses and are divided into the
following major areas. The size of each area can be varied within limits to suit
user needs, but the total cannot exceed the Processor memory size.
Data Table
User Program
Message Storage (if used)
The Data Table stores the information needed in the execution of the User
Program such as the status of input and output devices, timer/counter Preset and
Accumulated values, bit/word storage, etc. Any instruction in the User Program
can address any word or bit in the Data Table except in the Processor Work
The Data Table is factory configured to 128 words. The words reserved for
timers and counters can be decreased to any even-number value down to 48
words so that storage capacity for User Program and/or messages can be
increased. Figure 1.5 shows the organization of a factory configured Data Table.
The User Program follows the Data Table in memory. The User Program is the
logic that controls the machine operation. The logic that controls the machine
operation. The logic consists of instructions that are programmed in ladder
diagram format. Each instruction requires 1 word of memory.
Message Storage area begins after the END statement of the User Program.
This area stores the alphanumeric characters of the messages. Two characters
can be stored in one word.
Chapter 1
Figure 1.5
Data Table Organized, Factory Configured
Word Bit
Decimal Address Address
Total Words
Decimal Per
Words Area
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 000 00
Procesasor Word Area
8 8 N0. 1 007 17
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 010 00
026 17
24 8 Not Available for Word Storage 2 027
030 00
Accumulated Values (AC)
(or Bit/Word Storage) 3
64 40 077 17
100 00 Data
Processor Work Area
N0. 2
1 May not be used for Accumulated
72 8 107 17 Values.
2 Not available for bit/word storage.
110 00 Bits in this word are used by the
processor for batterylow condition,
message generation, and data
Input highway.
Image Table 3 Unused timer/counter memory
words can reduce data size and
increase user program area.
80 8 117 17 4 May not be used for Preset Values.
120 00
Bit/Word Storage 4
88 8 127 17
130 00
Preset Values (PR)
(or Bit/Word Storage) 3
128 40 177 17
200 00
User Program
512 384
End of Memory
Chapter 1
Hardware/Program Interface The Processor monitors input conditions and controls output devices according
to a user-entered program. The interface between hardware and program occurs
in the Input/Output Image Table.
Image Table
The primary purpose of the Input Image Table is to duplicate the status (ON or
OFF) of the input devices wired to input module terminals. if an input device is
ON (closed), its corresponding Input Image Table bit is ON (“1”). If an input is
OFF (open), its corresponding Input Image Table bit if OFF (“0”). Input Image
Table bits are MONITORED by User Program instructions.
The primary purpose of the Output Image Table is to control the status (ON or
OFF) of the output devices wired to output module terminals. If an Output
Image Table bit is ON (“1”), it corresponding output device is ON (energized).
If a bit is OFF (“0”), its corresponding output device is OFF (de-energized).
Output Image Table bits are CONTROLLED by User Program instructions.
Instruction Address
Instruction addresses in the Input/Output Image Table have a dual role. The 5-
digit bit address references both an I/O Image Table address and a hardware
location. An I/O Image Table word corresponds to two I/O modules located in
a Module Group in the I/O Rack. Both are represented by the upper 3 digits of
the 5-digit bit address. The lower byte of the I/O Image Table word
corresponds to an I/O module in the left slot of the Module Group. The upper
byte corresponds to an I/O module in the right slot of the Module Group. See
Figure 1.6. The remaining two digits represent the bit number in the I/O Image
Table word and the terminal number in the Module Group. Each 5-digit bit
address in the I/O Image Table directly relates to an I/O module terminal as
shown in Figure 1.7.
Chapter 1
Figure 1.6
Instruction Address Terminology
Concept Example
XXX/XX 0 1 0/12
Word Bit Word Bit
Address Address Address Address
Data Table Terminology Data Table Terminology
Chapter 1
Figure 1.7
Bit Address to Hardware Relationship
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Address
010/12 010
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
00 0 0 10
01 1 1 11
02 2 2 12
03 3 3 13
04 4 4 14
05 5 5 15
06 6 6 16
07 7 7 17
8 8
32 I/O
Left Right
Slot Slot
0 1
64 I/O
128 I/O
Chapter 1
Fundamental Operation
Figure 1.8
HardwareProgram Interface
module in 0178 Energized
Input I/O rack Output
Terminal No. 1 1108
112/12 module
group no. 3 Input Image Table Plant Power
Bit 112/12
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1128
Plant Power 1 = ON
Return 0 = OFF
UserProgrammed Rung
Instruction 112 013 Instruction
intensified intensified
when true when enabled
12 06 10633I
Chapter 1
When an input device connected to terminal 112/12 is closed, the input module
circuitry senses a voltage. The ON condition is reflected in the Input Image
Table bit 112/12. During the Program scan, the Processor examines bit 112/12
for an ON (1) condition. If the bit is ON (1), the EXAMINE ON instruction is
logically TRUE. A TRUE condition is displayed as an intensified instruction.
A path of logic continuity is established and causes the rung to be TRUE. The
Processor then sets Output Image Table bit 013/06 to ON (1). The Processor
turns ON terminal 013/06 during the next I/O scan and the output device wired
to this terminal becomes energized. When the rung condition is TRUE, the
output instruction is intensified.
When the input device wired to terminal 112/12 opens, the input module senses
no voltage. The OFF condition is reflected in the Input Image Table bit 112/12.
During the program scan, the Processor examines bit 112/12 for an ON 91)
condition. Since the bit is OFF (0), logic continuity is not established and the
rung is FALSE. The Processor then sets Output Image Table bit 013/06 to OFF
(0). In the next I/O scan, the Processor turns OFF terminal 013/06 and the
output device wired to this terminal is turned OFF.
Compatibility The Mini-PLC-2 Processors are compatible with the Industrial Terminal, the
Data Highway and RS-232-C interfacing. The 1771-LN3 Processor is
compatible with Bulletin 1771 Block transfer I/O modules.
Chapter 1
The words of memory used do not exceed 512 for the 1772-LN2 Processor;
or 1024 for the 1772-LN2 or -LN3 Processor.
The Industrial Terminal will prevent the loading of memory from tape or data
cartridge if the Data Table size or the number of memory words exceed the
capacity of the Processor.
If a User Program has a compatible Data Table and memory capacity but
contains incompatible instructions, it could be loaded into a Mini-PLC-2
Controller. When using a 1772-LN3 Processor, the incompatible instructions
would be displayed on a 1770-T3 Industrial Terminal when the Processor was in
PROGRAM mode. Upon switching to TEST or RUN mode, the Processor
would fault before outputs could be energized. The message “PROCESSOR
FAULT” would appear at the top of a blank screen. Upon switching back to
PROGRAM mode, the Industrial Terminal would be initialized to the Mode
Selection display. Options then available include:
RUN mode, the Processor would fault before outputs could be energized. The
options available would be the same as those stated above. The 1770-T1
Industrial terminal would display the message “COMMUNICATION
FAULT-CHECK CABLES FIRST.” Two messages would be alternately
displayed by the 1770-T2 Industrial Terminal: “PROCESSOR FAULT” and
Support Documentation The following support documents contain additional information regarding
Mini- PLC-3 Controller components.
Hardware Considerations
General This section will only describe the hardware features of the Mini-PLC-2
Programmable Controller that are used when inputting or debugging the User
Program. For information on installation, start-up, troubleshooting, etc., refer to
Publication 1772-820, the Mini-PLC-2 Programmable Controller Assembly and
Installation Manual.
Mode Select Switch The Mini-PLC-2 Processor has a three-position keylock Mode Select Switch
(Figure 2.1) that places the Processor in one of three operating modes:
Figure 2.1
Mode Select Keyswitch
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
PROG Position
This switch position places the Processor in the PROGRAM mode. User
Program instructions are entered in this mode. They can be entered from the
Industrial Terminal, or entered from the Digital Cassette Recorder (Cat. No.
1770-SA) or the Data Cartridge Recorder (Cat. No. 1770-SB) when connected
to the Industrial Terminal. All outputs are de-energized in this switch position
and the machine controlled by the Mini-PLC-2 will not operate.
TEST Position
This switch position places the Processor in the TEST mode. The User Program
is tested under simulated operating conditions. Inputs are active and recognized
by the Processor, but user output devices are not energized. All outputs are
disabled in this switch position. Changes to the User Program are NOT
permitted, but Data Table values can be changed using the On-Line Data
Change function or the Bit Manipulation function.
RUN Position
This switch position places the Processor in the RUN mode. The User Program
will be executed and outputs are controlled by the program. Changes to the
User Program are not permitted, but Data Table values can be changed using the
On-Line Data Change function or the Bit Manipulation function.
This is the only switch position that allows removal of the Mode Select Switch
Processor Diagnostic Indicators on the front panel of the Processor Module aid in analyzing controller
Indicators status. (Refer to Figure 2.2). During operation in any mode, the Processor
continuously monitors its own status through checks on timing and data parity.
In addition, the Processor receives a signal from the power supply if user AC
power goes low for longer than one-half cycle.
Figure 2.2
Diagnostic Indicators
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
This red indicator illuminates if the Processor is unable to scan the User
Program and Data Table. It is normally OFF. when ON, the Processor has
stopped communication with I/O modules. If this occurs, the Last State Switch
determines the status of energized controller outputs. (Refer to Switch Group
Reset may be attempted for this type of fault by changing the Mode Select
Switch to the PROGRAM mode, then back to RUN. Reset may also be
accomplished by cycling line power to the system power supply or by reloading
the User Program.
MEMORY Indicator
This red indicator illuminates if the Processor detects loss of User Program, a
discrepancy in memory data, or a parity error. It is normally OFF.
The Processor stops communication with I/O modules if this type of fault is
detected. The Last State Switch determines the status of controller outputs if
this fault occurs. (Refer to Switch Group Assembly)
This error may be reset by turning the Mode Select Switch to the PROG
position then back to RUN, by cycling line power to the system power supply,
or by reloading the User Program.
RUN Indicator
This green indicator illuminates when the Processor is operating with the Mode
Select Switch in the RUN mode. when this indicator is ON, controller outputs
are enabled. This also implies that no Processor-related fault has been detected.
This indicator turns OFF in the RUN mode if the system power supply detects
that voltage on the user AC line has dropped below 98V or 196V for 120V or
220/240V operation, respectively. In this event, the Processor disables all
output devices and stops receiving input module data. This prevents the
Processor from storing input data which might be inaccurate due to a low
voltage level. The indicator also goes OFF when a fault occurs.
In the event of user AC power failure, the restart of the Processor is automatic
with recovery of the line to the normal voltage range.
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
Power Supply Diagnostic The system Power Supply (Figure 2.3) has two diagnostic indicators on the
Indicators front panel: The BATTERY LOW and DC ON INDICATORS.
Figure 2.3
System Power Supply (Without Battery Pack)
When the batteries for memory backup are low, this red indicator flashes ON
and OFF. The Battery Low Bit, bit 027/00, will cycle ON and OFF when a
battery-low condition is detected and the Mode Select Switch is in the RUN or
TEST position. Programming Techniques can be used to examine this bit and to
control some type of alerting device when a battery-low condition exists. The
battery will continue to provide memory backup for about one week after the
indicator begins to flash.
DC ON Indicator
The DC ON is a red indicator that monitors the 5.1V DC line to the logic
circuitry in the Processor, Processor memory, and I/O modules. It is ON when
5.1V DC is present. If the line drops below 5.1V DC, the indicator turns OFF
and the controller shuts down.
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
Switch Group Assembly When the Processor detects an internal fault, communication with the I/O rack
is terminated. The last state of output terminals in this situation is user-
selectable by the settings on the Switch Group Assembly. it is located on the
left side of the I/O chassis backplane. (Refer to Figure 2.4). Switch #1 must be
set to determine output response to a Processor fault. Switch numbers 2-8 are
not used. There are two switch settings:
Figure 2.4
Switch Group Assembly
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
Industrial Terminal The Industrial terminal (Cat. No. 1770-T1,-T2 or-T3) can be used to program
the Mini-PLC-2.
Perform the following steps to connect the Industrial Terminal to the Mini-PLC-
2 Processor: See Figure 2.5.
2. Connect one end of the PLC-2 Program Panel Interconnect Cable (Cat.
No. 1772-TC) to Channel A on the rear of the Industrial Terminal.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to the socket labeled INTERFACE on
the front of the Mini-PLC-2 Processor.
4. Insert the PLC-2 Keytop Overlay (Cat. No. 1770-KCA). Figure 2.6, on the
Keyboard Module (Cat. No. 1770-FDC).
5. Turn the power switch on the front of the Industrial Terminal to the ON
position. Mode Select display will appear.
Figure 2.5
MiniPLC2 Connection Diagram
Cat. No.
(10 Ft.)
Channel A
Chapter 2
Hardware Considerations
Figure 2.6
PLC2 Keytop Overlay (Cat. No. 1770KCA)
-( + )- -(PUT)- -(IOT)- -(ZCL)- -(RTR)- -( )- FORCE
To enter Ladder Diagram (PLC-2) mode, press [1][1] on the PLC-2 Keytop
Overlay (Cat. No. 1770-KCA).
1 1
PLC Mode is displayed on the 1770T2 PLC processor selection is displayed on 1770T3
Industrial Terminal. Series B or later models of the Industrial Terminal.
10640I 10641I
Keytop Overlay
The PLC-2 Family Keytop Overlay (1770-KCB) can be used with any of the
Processors in the PLC-2 Family. it should be used with the 1770-T3 Industrial
Terminal when programming either the Mini-PLC-2/15 or the PLC-2/30. This
overlay contains keys for some functions that are not possible with the Mini-
PLC-2. When any one of these keys is pressed, the message “FUNCTION
appear on the screen.
RelayType Instructions
The EXAMINE OFF instruction is TRUE when the addressed memory bit is
a 0, meaning that the corresponding I/O device or bit is OFF.
The EXAMINE OFF instruction is FALSE when the addressed memory bit is
a 1, meaning that the corresponding I/O device or bit is ON.
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
Figure 3.1
EXAMINE ON Instruction
112 012
04 13
Figure 3.2
EXAMINE OFF Instruction
112 012
05 14
Output Instructions The output instructions set an addressed memory bit to “1” (ON) or reset it to
“0” (OFF). An Output Image Table bit, as a “1” or “0”, can cause an output
device to be turned ON or OFF, respectively.
Figure 3.3
LadderDiagram Rung
Conditions Instruction
The OUTPUT ENERGIZE instruction tells the Processor to turn the addressed
memory bit OFF when rung conditions go FALSE. Refer to Figure 3.4.
Figure 3.4
112 012
06 15
Figure 3.5
Unconditional OUTPUT ENERGIZE Instruction
There are two output instructions that are termed “retentive”. These
instructions are:
These instructions are usually used as a pair for any bit address they control.
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
“retentive.” This means that once the rung condition goes FALSE, the latched
bit remains ON until reset by an OUTPUT UNLATCH instruction. If power is
lost but Processor back-up battery is maintained, all latched bits will remain
ON. Outputs associated with the latched bits will be OFF with the power OFF.
However, they will turn ON immediately when power is restored.
The OUTPUT UNLATCH instruction (U) is used to turn OFF a memory bit that
has been latched ON. The OUTPUT UNLATCH instruction addresses the same
memory bit that has been latched ON (Figure 3.6). when the rung condition for
the OUTPUT UNLATCH instruction goes TRUE, the addressed memory bit is
reset to zero (OFF). Refer to Figure 3.7. The OUTPUT UNLATCH is also
“retentive”. This means that once the rung condition goes FALSE, the
unlatched bit remains OFF until reset by an OUTPUT LATCH instruction.
Figure 3.6
LATCH/UNLATCH Instructions
113 010
04 00
113 010
05 00
Figure 3.7
LATCH/UNLATCH Timing Diagram
Latch TRUE
Output ON
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
When the Mode Select Switch is changed from the RUN position, the last
LATCH or UNLATCH instruction continues to control the addressed memory
bit, but the output device is de-energized by the Processor. When the Mode
Select Switch is turned back to RUN a latched output device will be energized.
Figure 3.8
112 014
04 OFF 00
112 014
05 ON 16
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
Branch Instructions The branch instructions allows more than one combination of input conditions
to energize an output device (Figure 3.9).
Figure 3.9
Branching Instructions
within a
branch E
A. Desired Logic (cannot be programmed)
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
Programming RelayType All relay-type instructions are entered from the Industrial Terminal Keyboard
Instructions with the Processor in the PROGRAM mode. when a relay type instruction is
initially entered, it will appear intensified on the screen to indicate the cursor’s
present position. When a bit address is required, the instruction will blink to
indicate information is needed to complete the instruction. The default bit
address, 010/00, is displayed automatically with the instruction. (NOTE: The
term “default” simply means that data is to be added.) A reverse- video
character cursor is positioned at the first digit. This cursor indicates where
information is needed and moves to the next digit as information is entered.
When all information is entered, the instruction stops blinking and remains
intensified until the next instruction is entered.
Chapter 3
Relay-Type Instructions
Table 3.A
Relay Type Instructions
Note: Examine and Output addresses, X X X/X X , can be assigned to any location on the Data Table, excluding
the Processor Work Areas as noted below.
General Timer and Counter instructions are output instructions internal to the Processor.
They provide many of the capabilities available with timing relays and solid
state timing/counting devices. Usually conditioned by Examine instructions,
timers and counters keep track of timed intervals or counted events according to
the logic continuity of the rung. Up to 40 internal timers and/or counters can be
Each Timer or Counter instruction has two 3-digit values associated with it, and
thus requires two words of Data Table memory. These 3-digit values are:
Accumulated (AC) Value - Stored in the Accumulated Value area of the Data
Table starting at word address 0308. For timers, this is the number of timed
intervals that have elapsed. For counters, this is the number of events that
have been counted.
Preset (PR) Value - Stored in a Preset Value area of the Data Table, always
1008 words greater than its corresponding AC Value. This value is entered
into memory. The Preset value is the number of timed intervals or events to
be counted. when the Accumulated value equals the Preset value, a status bit
is set ON and can be examined to turn ON or OFF an output device.
The Accumulated and Preset values are stored in the Data Table in 3-digit BCD
(Binary Coded Decimal) format. BCD numbers can range from 000 to 999
when stored in the lower 12 bits of a memory word (Figure 4.1). Each BCD
digit is represented by a group of 4 bits. The arrangement of “1’s” and “0’s” in
a group of 4 bits corresponds to a decimal number from 0 to 9. For more
information or numbering systems, refer to section titled Numbering System,
chapter 13.
Figure 4.1
BCD Format
Lower 12 Bits
6 9 110
* Exponential Form:
20 = 1, 21 = 2, 22 = 4,
23 = 8 10643I
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
The remaining 4 bits in a word (bits 14-17) are not used to form a BCD number.
In the Accumulated Value word, they are used as status bits. in the Preset Value
word, they are not used and are available for internal storage. With .01 second
timers, these bits are used for internal timing functions and cannot be used for
storage. For more information on bit storage, refer to section titled Bit/Word
Storage Considerations.
Timer Instructions A timer counts elapsed time-base intervals (1.0, 0.1 or .01 seconds) and stores
this count in its Accumulated Value word. When timing is complete (when AC
= PR),. bit 15 is either set ON or OFF depending on the type of timer
instruction. For all timers, bit 17 is set ON when rung conditions are TRUE and
is set OFF when they are FALSE. Both status bits are located in the
Accumulated Value word as shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2
Timer Accumulated Value Word
Accumulated Value
in BCD form
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Most Least
Significant Middle Significant
Digit Digit Digit
The four timer instructions available with the Mini-PLC-2 Controller are:
The timers differ in the way they set and reset status bits, respond to rung logic
continuity and reset the Accumulated Value. they are similar in time base
selection. One of the following time bases must be selected when entering the
1.0 second
0.1 second
0.01 second (10 milliseconds)
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Bit 16 of the timer Accumulated value word reflects the time base. it will go
ON and OFF at the selected time base rate. Therefore, do not use bit 16 of a
timer instruction in User Program as an output or storage bit.
Refer to Figure 4.3. When the rung condition for a TIMER ON-DELAY
instruction becomes TRUE, the timer begins to count time-base intervals. The
“Enable” bit, bit 17, is set ON whenever the rung condition is TRUE and the
timer is enabled (rung 1). as long as the rung condition remains TRUE, the
timer increments its Accumulated value for each interval. when the
Accumulated value equals the programmed Preset value, the timer stops
incrementing its Accumulated value and sets the “timed” bit, bit 15, of this
word ON. Bit 15 is then used to turn an output device ON or OFF, as a
condition for program logic (rung 2).
Whenever the rung condition for the TON instruction goes FALSE, the
Accumulated value is reset to 000 and bits 15 and 17 of that word are reset to
zero. The Accumulated value and status bits are also reset when the Mode
Select Switch is turned to the PROG position or when there is a loss of power.
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.3
TIMER ONDELAY Timing Diagram & Programming
Input Swith 113/02 OFF
Enable Bit 033/17 OFF
Preset Value 8
2 2
1 1
0 0
Accumulated Value
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time in seconds
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
The TIMER OFF-DELAY instruction (TOF) can be used to turn a device OFF
or ON after a timed interval. Like the other timer instructions, the TOF
instruction counts time-base intervals which are stored in its Accumulated Value
word. The TOF instruction, however, varies from the other instructions in
significant ways.
The Accumulated Value is reset to 000 and bit 15 is set ON when the rung
condition again goes TRUE. The next timed interval begins when the rung
condition goes FALSE.
Bit 17, the enabled bit, is controlled by the logic continuity of the rung. When
the rung is TRUE, bit 17 is set to ONE (ON); when it is FALSE, bit 17 is set to
zero (OFF).
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.4
TIMER OFFDELAY Timing Diagram & Programming
Input Switch 113/05 OFF
Preset Value 8
1 1
0 0
Accumulated Value
Timed BIt 047/15 OFF
Output Lamp 011/04 OFF
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time in seconds
The RETENTIVE TIMER instruction (RTO), like the TON instruction, can be
used to turn a device ON or OFF once a programmed Preset value is reached.
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.5
RETENTIVE TIMER with RESET Timing Diagram & Programming
is reset when
TRUE Input Switch
is opened.
Input Switch 113/06 FALSE
Enable Bit 052/17 ON
Preset Value
AC Value retained when rung 5
condition goes FALSE 4
Accumulated Value
Timed Bit 052/15
Output Lamp 01/04 OFF
Reset Switch 113/07 OFF
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time in seconds
Input Switch
113 052
RUNG 1: Retentive RT0
Timer preset for
9 sec delay 06 1.0
PR 009
AC 009
Timed BIt Output Lamp
052 010
RUNG 2 - Timer turns on
Bit 010/04 when times out.
15 04
Reset Switch
113 052
RUNG 3: Resets the RTR
Retentive Timer.
07 PR 009
AC 009 10647I
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
The accuracy of the 10 msec timer is related to nominal scan time. When scan
timers are 9 msec or less, the 10 msec timer is accurate to plus or minus one
time base )+10 msec). When the scan time is greater than 9 msec, accuracy of
+10 msec can be achieved through special programming techniques described in
Programming 0.01-Second Timers.
Counter Instructions Three types of counter instructions are available with the Mini-PLC-2
Controller. They are:
UP-counter -(CTU)-
A counter counts the number of events that occur and stores this count in its
Accumulated Value word. the remaining four bits in the Accumulated Value
word are used as status bits. See Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6
Counter Accumulated Value Word
Set to 1 when
Accumulated Value
in BCD form
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Most Least
Significant Middle Significant
Digit Digit Digit
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Bit 15 is set to 1 when a count has been reached or exceeded, that is, when
the AC value is >PR value.
Bit 16 is the Enable bit for a CTD instruction. It is set ON when the rung
condition is TRUE.
Bit 17 is the Enable bit for a CTU instruction. It is set ON when the rung
condition is TRUE.
Counter instructions differ from Timer instructions because they have no time-
base. They count one event each FALSE-to-TRUE transition of the rung
UPCOUNTER Instruction
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.7
UPCOUNTER Diagram & Programming
Event to be
counted, 111/11 ON
Enable Bit ON
053/17 OFF
Count AC = PR
complete bit ON
053/15 OFF
Output Lamp
013/06 OFF
Overflow Bit
053/14 ON
Overflow output
013/07 ON
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.8
UPCOUNTER with RESET Diagram & Programming
Accumulated Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Event to be
counted ON
111/11 OFF
Enable Bit ON
053/17 OFF
ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ When Reset
complete bit Pushbutton is
053/15 OFF closed, count
complete bit is
Output Lamp ON Accumulated Value
013/06 OFF is held at 0 until
ÉÉ pushbutton is
pushbutton ON
111/05 OFF
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Figure 4.9
110 046
00 PR 220
AC 114
UpCount Event
110 046
02 PR 220
AC 114
DownCount Event
110 046
03 PR 220
AC 114
Counter Reset Event
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
When used alone, the CTD instruction’s Accumulated value may need to be
“reset” in the program to its original value (usually a value other than 000). For
this reason, a GET/PUT transfer (described in Data Transfer Instructions) rather
than a CTR instruction is usually used to load a value in the CTD instruction’s
accumulated Value word.
Cascading Timers or Counters An individual timer or counter can time or count up to 999 intervals or events.
By “cascading” two or more timers or counters, the timing or counting
capability within the program can be increased beyond three digits.
Figure 4.10
Cascading Counters Example
UpCount Event
110 050
06 PR 999
Counter 050 Overflow BIt AC 000
first increments counter 051
050 051
14 PR 999
AC 000
Then overflow bit resets
counter 050
050 110 052
14 03 PR 999
AC 000
Counter Reset Event
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Programming Timer and Timer and Counter instructions are programmed from the Industrial Terminal
Counter Instructions keyboard with the Processor in the PROGRAM mode. Allowable addresses are
0308 through 0778.
Refer to Table 4.A and Table 4.B for complete summary of Timer and Counter
Table 4.A
Note: The Timer word address. X X X, is assigned to the Timer Accumulated area of the Data Table.
The time base, TB, is userselectable and can be 1.0, 0.1, or 0.01 second. Preset values Y Y Y and Accumulated
values Z Z Z can vary from 000 to 999.
(TON) TIMER ON DELAY XXX When the rung is TRUE, the timer begins to
(TON) increment the Accumulated Value at a rate
TB specified by the time base.
PR YYY When the rung is FALSE, the timer resets the
AC ZZZ Accumulated Value to 000.
(TOF) TIMER OFF DELAY XXX When the rung is FALSE, the timer begins to
(TOF) increment the Accumulated Value.
PR YYY When the rung is TRUE, the timer resets the
AC ZZZ Accumulated Value to 000.
(RTO) RETENTIVE TIMER XXX When the rung is TRUE, the timer begins to
(RTO) increment the Accumulated Value. When
TB FALSE, the Accumulated value is retained.
PR YYY It is reset only by the RTR instruction.
Chapter 4
Timer and Counter Instructions
Table 4.B
Counter Instructions
Note: The Counter word address, X X X, is assigned to the counter Accumulated areas of the Data Table.
Preset values Y Y Y and Accumulated values Z Z Z can vary from 000999.
(CTU) UP COUNTER XXX Each time the rung goes TRUE, the
(CTU) Accumulated Value is incremented one count.
PR YYY The counter will continue counting after the
AC ZZZ Preset Value is reached.
(CTD) DOWN COUNTER XXX Each time the rung goes TRUE, the
(CTD) Accumulated Value is decreased one count.
AC ZZZ The Accumulated Value "Underflow" bit is bit 14.
The Enable bit is bit 16.
General The data manipulation instructions are used to transfer or compare data that is
stored in data table words and bytes. There are six data manipulation
Get Byte
Limit Test
The Get and PUT instructions are used together to transfer 16 bits of data from
one word location in the Data Table to another word location. Data can be in
the form of 3–digit Binary coded Decimal numbers.
The LES and EQU instructions compare data such as 3–digit numeric values in
BCD format using the first 12 bits of Data Table word (Figure 5.1). This
3–digit value can be a decimal number ranging from 000 to 999.
Figure 5.1
BCD Word Format
Lower 12 Bits
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
Data Table WOrd
2 6 9
Most Middle Least
Significant Digit Significant
Bits 1417not used Digit
for BCD value but Digit
are accessed by
the get instruction.
* Exponential Form:
20 = 1, 21 = 2, 22 = 4, 23 = 8 10652I
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
The GET BYTE and LIMIT TEST instructions store the data as 3–digit values
in octal format using eight bits (one byte) of a data table word (Figure 5.2).
This 3–digit value is an octal number ranging from 0008 to 3778. Note that two
3–digit values can be stored in a word: one in the upper byte (bits 10–17) and
one in the lower byte (bits 00–07).
A data manipulation instruction can address any word in the data table,
excluding processor work areas.
Figure 5.2
Octal Representation
1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
3 5 78
Data Transfer Instructions There are two Data Transfer instructions. They are:
GET –[G]–
Get Instruction
GET instructions –[G]– are programmed in the condition area of the ladder
diagram rung. When the rung containing the GET/PUT instructions goes
TRUE, the data (16 bits) in the word address of the GET instruction is
duplicated and transferred to the word address of the PUT instruction.
(Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.3
GET and PUT Instruction
Optional Condition
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
If the word addressed by a Get instruction already contains data, the lower 12
bits of the data are displayed automatically beneath the instruction after the
word address is entered. Entry of a new BCD value writes over the BCD value
previously stored in the addressed word.
Although each data table word stores one BCD value, the word address can be
assigned to more than one GET instruction in the same program. This allows
the program to perform several different functions with the same data.
The Get instruction is not a “condition” that determines rung logic continuity.
When the processor is in the run or test mode, the Get instruction is always
intensified regardless of rung logic continuity. This does not mean that data
transfer will occur. Data transfer occurs only when the rung is true.
The Get instruction can be programmed either at the beginning of a rung or with
one or more condition instruction preceding it. Condition instructions, however,
should not be programmed after a Get instruction. When one or more condition
instructions precede the Get instruction, the conditions determine whether the
rung is true or false. Parallel branches of Get instructions cannot be
programmed unless they are paired with a Les or Equ instruction.
Put Instruction
The PUT instruction (PUT) is an output instruction. <it receives 16 bits of data
from its corresponding GET instruction and stores the data at its address as
shown in Figure 5.3. A PUT instruction can have the same address as other
instructions in the program. For example, a PUT instruction having the same
address as a counter Preset will change the counter Preset value to that
transferred from the GET instruction. See Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.4
Changing a Counter Preset
Optional Condition
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
The lower 12 bits of transferred data are displayed in BCD beneath the PUT
instruction. Bits 14–17 are not displayed but are transferred. While the rung is
TRUE, any change in the data of the GET instruction also changed the data of
the PUT instruction. However, the PUT instruction is retentive, which means
that while the rung is FALSE, any change in the data of the GET instruction
does not change the data of the PUT instruction. Also, during a power loss, the
data is retained.
Data Comparison instructions operate with either BCD values or octal values.
With the LES and EQU instructions, only 12 bits of a word (the BCD values)
are compared. Bits 14–17 are not compared. With the GET BYTE and LIMIT
TEST instructions, 8 bits (one byte) of a word are compared.
The LES (less than) and EQU (equal to) instructions, [<] and [=] are used with
the GET instruction to perform data comparisons. They compare BCD values
and are programmed in the condition area of the ladder diagram rung.
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
Figure 5.5
LESS THAN Comparison
Optional Condition
The LES value is compared to the GET value for a greater–than condition
Figure 5.6). When the LES value is greater than the GET value, the comparison
is TRUE and logic continuity is established.
Figure 5.6
Optional Condition
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
Figure 5.7
EQUAL TO Comparison
Optional Condition
LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO – This comparison is made using the GET, LES
and EQU instructions. The GET value is the changing value. The LES and
EQU instructions are assigned a reference value (Figure 5.8). when the GET
value is either less than or equal to the value at the LES and EQU instructions,
the comparison is TRUE and logic continuity is established.
Figure 5.8
Less Than or Equal To Comparison
Optional Condition
When YYY < 237, Get/LesEqu comparison is TRUE and 010/03 is energized
NOTE: Only one GET instruction is required for a parallel comparison. The
LES and EQU instructions are programmed on parallel branches.
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
Figure 5.9
NOTE: Only one GET instruction is required for this parallel comparison. The
LES and EQU instructions are programmed on parallel branches.
Optional Condition
When YYY > 440, Get/LesEqu comparison is TRUE and 010/04 is energized
The GET BYTE and LIMIT TEST instructions [B] and [L] are used together to
compare an octal value to upper and lower limits that are also octal values.
These values can range from 0008 to 3778.
The GET BYTE and LIMIT TEST instructions are programmed in the
condition area of the ladder diagram rung. Together they form a single
condition for logic continuity. Condition instructions can be programmed
before the GET BYTE instruction or after the LIMIT TEST instruction but not
between them.
The GET BYTE instruction addresses either the upper or lower byte of a Data
Table word. A “1” is entered after the word address for an upper byte; a “0” is
entered for the lower byte.
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
The LIMIT TEST instruction addresses one Data Table word that stores both
the upper and lower limits. The upper limit is stored in the upper byte and the
lower limit is stored in the lower byte. The upper byte of word 0458 would be
addressed as 0451. See Figure 5.10.
Figure 5.10
When 1708 < YYY8 <2008, Get/LesEqu comparison is TRUE and 010/05 is energized
The Processor makes a duplicate of the upper or lower byte of the word
addressed by the GET BYTE instruction. The octal value stored at that byte is
then compared to the upper and lower octal values of the LIMIT TEST
instruction. If the GET BYTE value is equal to or between the LIMIT TEST
values, the comparison is TRUE and logic continuity is established.
Programming Data The Data Manipulation instructions are programmed from the Industrial
Manipulation Instructions Terminal keyboard with the Processor in the PROGRAM mode. When entered,
they are displayed intensified and blinking. The default word address above the
instruction will have a reverse–video cursor positioned at the first digit. The
instruction will continue to blink until all information is entered.
Chapter 5
Data Manipulation Instructions
Table 5.A
Data Manipulation Instructions
Note: Data Manipulation instructions operate upon BCD values and/or 16 bit data in the Data Table. The word address
XXX is displayed above the instruction; the BCD value or data operated upon YYY is displayed beneath it. The BCD
value is stored in the lower 12 bits of the word address and can be any value from 000 to 9099, except as noted.
-[G]- GET XXX The GET instruction is used with other Data
-[G]- YYY Manipulation or Arithmetic Instructions.
When the rung is TRUE, all 16 bits at the GET
instruction are duplicated and the operation of
the instruction following it is performed.
-[<]- LESS THAN XXX The LESS THAN instruction should be preceded
-[<]- YYY by a GET instruction.
3-Digit BCD values at the GET and LESS
THAN word address are compared. If the logic
is TRUE, the rung is enabled.
-[B]- GET BYTE XXXD D- Designates the upper or lower byte of the
-[B]- YYY word. 1=upper byte,0=lower byte.
YYY-Octal value from 000sub8 to 377sub8 is
stored in the upper or lower byte of the word
The GET BYTE instruction should be followed
by a LIMIT TEST instruction.
-[L]- LIMIT TEST XXX AAA AAA-Upper limit of LIMIT TEST, an octal value
-[L]-- from 000sub8 to 377sub8.
BBB BBB-Lower limit of LIMIT TEST, an octal value
from 000sub8 to 377sub8.
The LIMIT TEST instruction should be preceded
by a GET BYTE instruction. Compares the
value at the GET BYTE instruction with the
values at the LIMIT TEST instruction. If found to
be between or equal to the limits, the rung is
Arithmetic Instructions
The Arithmetic instructions are programmed in the output position of the ladder
diagram rung. They are assigned either one or two Data Table words to store
the computed results, depending on the arithmetic operation performed. The
ADD and SUBTRACT instructions use one Data Table word to store the result.
The MULTIPLY and DIVIDE use two Data Table words to store the result.
The computed result is stored in BCD format in the lower 12 bits of the
Arithmetic instruction word (Figure 6.1). Two of the remaining bits (bits 14 and
16) are used to indicate overflow and underflow conditions.
Figure 6.1
Arithmetic Instruction Word
BCD Value
holds arithmetic result
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Most Least
Significant Middle Significant
Digit Digit Digit
Chapter 6
Arithmetic Instructions
Add Instruction The ADD instruction (+) tells the Processor to add the two values stored in the
GET words. The sum is then stored at the ADD instruction word address.
When the sum exceeds 999, the overflow bit (bit 14) in the ADD instruction
word is set ON (Figure 6.2). In the RUN or TEST mode, the overflow
condition is displayed on the Industrial Terminal screen as a “1” preceding the
Figure 6.2
ADD Instruction
Subtract Instruction The SUBTRACT instruction (-) tells the Processor to subtract the second GET
word value from the first GET word value (Figure 6.3).
Figure 6.3
SUBTRACT Instruction
Chapter 6
Arithmetic Instructions
The difference is then stored at the Data Table word addressed by the
SUBTRACT instruction.
Multiply Instruction (1772LN3 The MULTIPLY (X) instruction tells the Processor to multiply the two BCD
Processor Module) values stored at the GET instruction words. The result is then stored in two
Data Table words addressed by the MULTIPLY instruction (Figure 6.4).
Figure 6.4
MULTIPLY Instruction
For ease of programming, two consecutive Data Table words should be chosen
to store the product. If the product is less than 6 digits, leading zeros will
appear in the product.
Figure 6.5
DIVIDE Instruction
Chapter 6
Arithmetic Instructions
The quotient is rounded off and expressed as a decimal number. The decimal
point is automatically inserted between the two DIVIDE instruction values by
the Industrial Terminal. Leading and trailing zeros in the quotient are also
entered automatically by the Industrial Terminal.
Programming Arithmetic Arithmetic instructions are programmed from the Industrial Terminal keyboard
Instructions with the Mini-PLC-2 Processor in the PROGRAM mode. when entered, these
instructions will be intensified and blinking. The default word address above the
instruction will have a reverse-video cursor positioned at the first digit. The
instruction will continue to blink until the word address is entered.
Chapter 6
Arithmetic Instructions
Table 6.A
Note: Arithmetic instructions operate on BCD values in the Data Table. The word address XXX is displayed
above the instruction; the BCD value YYY which is the result of the arithmetic operation is displayed beneath it.
The BCD value is stored in the lower 12 bits of the word address and can be any value from 000 to 999.
Output Override Instructions The two output instructions that can be used to override a group of outputs are:
These instructions are similar to a hardwired Master Control Relay in that they
can affect a group of outputs in the User Program. The MCR and ZCL
instructions, however, and NOT a substitute for a hard-wired relay, which
provides emergency stop capabilities for all I/O devices.
The MCR and ZCL instructions control the zoned outputs differently:
MCR - When FALSE, all nonretentive outputs within the MCR zone are
de-energized or turned OFF.
ZCL - When FALSE, the outputs within the ZCL zone are held in their last
state: either ON or OFF.
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
Figure 7.1
MCR and ZCL Zone Programming
ZCL Unconditional
End Fence
MCR Unconditional
End Fence
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
When the MCR or ZCL Start Fence is TRUE, all outputs within the zone are
controlled by their respective rung conditions. When the MCR or ZCL Start
Fence is FALSE, the outputs within the zone are controlled by the MCR or ZCL
Start Fence as stated above.
Sharing common outputs in more than one ZCL zone is permitted, provided that
only one ZCL zone is enabled at a time. Common outputs can be examined in
more than one MCR or ZCL zone.
I/O Update Instructions Two instructions used to accelerate the update I/O during the execution of the
User Program are:
These instructions are used to transfer critical I/O data ahead of the normal scan
sequence. The status of inputs is made immediately available to User Program
and output decisions are accelerated to the output devices.
The IMMEDIATE I/O instructions are usually used where I/O modules
interface with I/O devices that operate in a shorter period than the Processor
scan time. These may include TTL-logic or fast response input or output
Most electromechanical devices have a response time longer than the Processor
scan time. Thus, data to and from these devices need not be updated ahead of
the normal I/O scan.
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
Scan Sequence
Figure 7.2
Scan Sequence
Performs I/O
End of 1 msec./128 I/O
Start of
Upon power up, the Processor begins the scan sequence with the I/O scan.
During the I/O scan, data from input modules is transferred to the Input Image
Table. Data from the Output Image Table is transferred to the output modules.
After completing the I/O scan, the Processor begins the program scan. here, all
User Program instructions are generally scanned and executed in the order they
were entered.
The I/O scan and program scan are performed one after the other. The time
required to complete both scans is typically 23 msec for 900 instructions.
Typically 23 msec may pass before I/O data is updated in a 1K system. The
purpose of IMMEDIATE I/O instructions is to interrupt the program scan to
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
update a word of critical input data or to transfer a word of critical data from the
Output Image Table to the module in advance of the normal update sequence.
the IMMEDIATE INPUT instruction [1] updates one word of the Input Image
Table data in advance of the normal scan sequence (Figure 7.3). The Image
Table word represents one Module Group in the I/O Chassis.
Figure 7.3
I/O Scan
Program Scan
Examine Bits in
Word 112 Here Returns to
in Program Program
Word 112
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
I/O Scan
Program Scan
Control Bits
of Word 014
Here in Immediate Output Instruction
Program Interrupts Program Scan
Returns to
Word 014
Writes All 16 Bits from
One Output Image Table
Word to One Module Group
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
Programming Output Override Instructions are programmed from the Industrial Terminal keyboard with the
and I/O Update Instructions Processor in PROGRAM mode. when entered, they will be displayed as
intensified and blinking with the reverse-video cursor positioned on the first
digit of the default word address. The instruction will continue to blink until the
word address is entered.
Chapter 7
Output Override and I/O
Update Instructions
Table 7.A
Output Override and I/O Update Instructions
Note: The MCR and ZCL boundary instructions have no word address.
The word addresses XXX of the IMMEDIATE INPUT and OUTPUT instructions are limited to the Input and Output Image Tables
(MCR) MASTER CONTROL RESET (MCR) Two MCR instructions are required to control
a group of outputs. The first MCR
instruction is programmed with input
conditions to begin the zone. The second
MCR instruction is programmed
unconditionally to end the zone.
When the first MCR rung is FALSE, all
outputs within the zone, except those forced
ON, latched ON, or any other retentive
output will be deenergized.
Do not overlap MCR zones, or nest with ZCL
zones. Do not share common outputs
between MCR zones.
(ZCL) ZONE CONTROL LAST (ZCL) Two ZCL instructions are required to control
STATE a group of outputs. The first ZCL instruction
is programmed with input conditions to begin
the zone. The second ZCL instruction is
programmed unconditionally to end the
When the first ZCL rung is FALSE, outputs
in the zone will remain in their last state.
Do not overlap ZCL zones, or nest with MCR
General The basic tools for writing the User Program include the programming
instructions and an understanding of Processor operation as described in section
titled Hardware/Program Interface, chapter 1. Although approaches to and
methods of writing programs that control machine operation vary, there are
some guidelines that should be followed.
Developing the Program The first step in developing the User program is to establish an operating
sequence for input and output devices. The sequence must be evaluated to
determine what the devices must do, what the conditions must be and the order
in which they must operate.
After evaluating the operating sequence, the action of the different devices
should be described in proper sequence with proper conditions for energizing
each output device. This description is then used to develop the ladder diagram
program. If a process diagram exists, it can be used as an aid in developing a
ladder diagram program.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Sample Program The way a ladder diagram program is developed is best described by a simple
The application is one of separating good parts from bad parts. Figure 8.1
shows a part moving along a conveyor belt. Each part will trip a series of limit
switches and will be sorted according to its size. The desired part size is 1.0”
If a part trips 2LS but not 3LS, the part is greater than or equal to 0.0” and less
than or equal to 1.1”. Because it is a good part, a storage bit (3SB) is latched
ON. when the part trips 4LS, SOL1 is energized which moves the swingarm
actuator, directing the part onto the good part conveyor.
Figure 8.1
Conveyor Belt Example
Movement of Part
Swingarm Swingarm
Acutator Acutator
0.9" < Part Height < 1.1"
2LS Set at 0.9" Good Part Bad Part
3LS Set at 1.1" Conveyor Bin
If the part trips both or neither 2LS and 3LS, the part is too large or too small.
When either condition occurs, a storage bit (4SB), 4CR is latched ON.
Although the part will trip 4LS, it will continue along and trip 5LS, which
energizes SOL2. The swingarm actuator will direct the part into the bad part
bin. Each time a part enters the bad part bin, a counter is incremented. When
the bin is full (count complete), SOL3 is energized, which opens the bottom of
the bin long enough to empty it. The counter will then reset automatically.
Each time a new part enters the conveyor belt, 1LS is tripped which unlatches
the storage bits and begins a new cycle.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
The conveyor motor can be started or stopped with pushbutton START or STOP
switches. Motor starter, MS1, controls the conveyor motor. A watchdog timer
is used to monitor the follow of parts. If parts should become jammed causing a
delay between 1LS and 4LS, the timer will time-out and turn OFF the conveyor
motor. Another watchdog timer detects if a part becomes jammed beneath 4LS
or 5LS. A conveyor RUN indicator and a parts JAM indicator allow remote
observation of the conveyor operation. Additional documentation (not shown)
would include a Power Distribution schematic showing a hardwired master
control relay and emergency stop switches.
The logic can be written as a PC ladder diagram program (Figure 8.2). Data
Table addresses are assigned to the hardwired devices. (Table 8.A). The ladder
diagram should be developed by analyzing the logic required to operate the
machine. A rung by rung description of the logic follows.
Rung 1 - This rung provides 3-wire control of the conveyor motor with jam
detection for automatic shut down.
RUNG 3,4,5,6 - The part trips the first limit switch and unlatches storage bits
1-4 to begin a new cycle.
Rung 7 - The first limit switch enables a Retentive Timer which is latched by
the timer Enable bit. A jam condition is detected if the timer times out.
Rung 8 - Limit switch 4 (or the START pushbutton) reset the timer. If reset
prior to 5 seconds, no jam has occurred between 1LS and 4LS. A jam beneath
4LS or to the right of it is not detected by this rung.
Rung 9 - A art passing 2LS latches SB1 if the height>0.9 inch. SB1 remains
unlatched in the height <0.9 inch.
Rung 10 - A part passing 3LS latches SB2 if the height >1.1 inch. SB2 remains
unlatched if the height<1.1 inch.
Rung 13 - A good part at 4LS actuates SOL1 with swingarm actuator to direct
the part to the good part conveyor.
Rung 14 - A bad part at 5LS actuates SOL2 with swingarm actuator to direct
the part to the bad part bin.
Rung 15 - SOL2 increments the Up-counter, one count for each bad part.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Table 8.A
Data Table Addresses for Hardwired Devices
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Figure 8.2
Rung # Stop Start MS1
112 112 050 052 014
00 01 15 15 00
MS1 Starter
014 112 Auxiliary
00 02 Conveyor Run
Starter Indicator
112 Auxiliary 014
02 01
112 012
3 U
03 01
112 012
4 U
03 02
112 012
5 U
03 03
112 012
6 U
03 04
1LS Watchdog
112 050
03 0.1
050 PR 050
AC 000
112 050
06 PR 050
Start AC 000
112 012
9 L
04 01
112 012
10 L
04 01
012 012 012
11 L
01 02 03
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
01 02
4LS SB3 Good Parts SOL1
012 012 014
06 03 02
5LS SB4 Bad Parts SOL2
012 012 014
07 04 03
SOL2 Bad Parts
014 060
15 CTU
03 PR 020
AC 000
060 012
16 L
15 05
SB5 Bin dump
012 051
17 TON
05 0.1
PR 060
AC 000
SB5 Bad Parts
012 060
18 CTR
05 PR 020
AC 000
SB5 Bin dump SOL3
012 014
05 04
051 012
20 U
15 05
4LS Watchdog
112 052
21 TON
06 0.1
5LS PR 050
AC 000
Jam Detect
07 Indicator
050 014
15 05
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Rung 19 - SB5 actuates SOL3 to dump the bad part bin by gravity feed.
Rung 20 - The Timed-out bit of timer 0518 unlatches SB5 which in turn resets
the timer.
Rung 21 - 4LS or 5LS enables the watchdog times 0528. If 4LS or 5LS is held
closed by a jam, this timer will time out.
Developing the Data Table The factory configured Data Table shown in Figure 1-5, chapter 1 should be
used as a guide when developing the Data Table. Determining the number of
words needed and assigning addresses is a procedure that requires care and
attention to detail.
The Data Table should be roughed-out in advance but formally developed as the
User Program is being written. Each Data Table word and bit address and its
function should be logged as it is assigned.
The Data Table documentation forms presented at the end of this section can be
reproduced or revised as needed. They include two general types:
1. Data Table Map to describe the Data Table as a whole. Publication 5045.
2. Data Table Bit and Word Assignment Sheets to log and describe the
function of assigned addresses. Publication 5046 and 5047.
This form can be used to log the bit status of a word and to describe the function
of groups of related words within a 128-word Data Table section.
The lower two digits of the 3-digit word addresses are pre-numbered in the
left-hand column. the bit numbers, 00-17, complete the 5-digit bit address. The
starting word address can be written once for the entire 64 word column.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
for example, Figure 8.3 shows a completed portion of the Data Table Map. The
left-hand column represents the addresses 200/00 through 277/17 because a “2”
is written in the starting word address blank at the top of the column.
Figure 8.3
Example of a Data Table Map
Bit Number
17 10 07 00 Description
2 00
40 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 11 1 FFM 062
41 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 00 1 (Binary)
42 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 01 0
43 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 0
44 A C 3 B
45 2 4 F 8
46 FFM 063
C 3 D 5 (Hex)
47 5 B 4 E
This form can be used to write functional descriptions of word addresses used in
the Data Table for word storage, timers and counters, etc.
The form is divided into two 32-word columns. the words can be numbered
consecutively through the entire 64 words. or, the right-hand column can be
numbered 1008 greater than the left-hand column to conveniently track
Accumulated and preset values. In either case, the lowest digit of the 3-digit
word address is pre-numbered, 0-7.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
For example, a portion of the Data Table Word Assignment Sheet is shown in
Figure 8.4. It illustrates timer and counter functional descriptions for
Accumulated values starting at word address 0308 and Preset values starting at
1308. An “03” and “13” were written into the left-hand and right-hand word
address boxes, respectively.
Figure 8.4
Example of Data Table Word Assignments
This form can be used to log the function of input, output and storage bits.
Similar to the Word Assignment Sheet, the Bit Assignment Sheet is divided into
two 2-word columns. The words can be numbered consecutively. Or, the right-
hand column can be numbered 1008 greater than the left-hand column for the
convenient logging of input, output and/or storage bits having the same module
group number. The bit numbers are pre-numbered, 00-17.
For example, a portion of the Data Table Bit Assignment Sheet is shown in
Figure 8.5. it illustrates logging the input devices associated Module Group 2
and the storage bits of the corresponding storage word 0128 (complement of
word 1128). word addresses “012” and “112” have been entered into
corresponding word address boxes in the left-and right-hand columns,
respectively. the 3-digit word address is entered once for all 16 bits.
Figure 8.5
Example of Data Table Bit Assignments
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Once the description of the application is complete, Data Table bit addresses
can be assigned to the input and output devices wired to the Controller. the 5-
digit bit address directly corresponds to the location of each I/O device with
respect to the Rack number (always 1). Module Group and Terminal number.
Bit addresses cannot be assigned arbitrarily to I/O devices because bit addresses
are hardware-related. Review Hardware/Program Interface, chapter 1, if
necessary. Analog modules and other intelligent I/O modules use word
addresses rather than 5-digit bit addresses. Refer to the module Users Manual
for more information on addressing and wiring.
The installer and programmer should work closely together to determine the
best placement of the I/O modules within the I/O chassis. To simplify
installation and troubleshooting procedures, it may be desirable to group like
modules together. Also, module locations should be assigned to minimize
electrical noise radiation from AC lines. It is helpful to document I/O
assignments on a form such as Publication 5039 found at the end of this section.
This form can be used as follows. the titles of the modules can be written in the
spaces immediately below the Module Group labels. The spaces immediately to
the left of the LED indicators and the screw terminations can be used to identify
the I/O devices and to label the wire numbers connecting the devices to the
terminals, respectively.
Timers and counters require two Data Table word addresses, one for the
Accumulated value, the other for the Preset value. The instruction address is the
address where the Accumulated value is stored. Timer and counter instructions
can be assigned Data Table addresses beginning at word address 0308 through
0778. The Preset value is located at the word address 1008 greater than the
Accumulated value word address. timer and counter addresses and descriptions
should be entered on Data Table Word Assignment Sheets.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Bit/word storage addresses can be located in all areas of the Data Table
excluding the Input Image Table and Processor Work areas. Bit an word
storage addresses should be chosen carefully to conserve memory. The
following recommendations for bit and word storage should be considered:
Bits 14-17 of a timer or counter Preset word can be used for bit storage,
provided data is NOT transferred to the Preset word by a GET/PUT transfer,
or the time base of the timer is NOT .01 second.
Unused Data Table words in the timer/counter areas can be used for bit/word
storage. To conserve memory, use both the Accumulated and corresponding
Preset words for storage.
Output Image Table words can be used for storage when the corresponding
Input Image Table words are used for input modules (Block Transfer
modules excluded). However, when there is a vacant module group or slot in
the I/O Chassis, do not use the corresponding I/O Image Table words for
storage. Reserve these words for future system expansion.
Unused Input Image Table words can not be used for storage. They are
cleared to zero during each I/O scan.
Word 0278 should not be used for storage or control of output devices. many
of the bits are used by the Processor for control functions.
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Sizing the Data Table The Data Table is factory configured to 128 words. The Data Table can be
reduced in size to 48 words by reducing the number of words available for
timers, counters and equivalent word storage in the Accumulated and Preset
value areas. If less than 40 equivalent timers/counters are assigned, the size of
the Data Table should be reduced to allow additional memory to be used for
User Program instructions. Up to 80 instructions can be added to User
Program, two instructions for each equivalent timer/counter not used. See
Figure 8.6.
Figure 8.6
Data Table Adjusted for Additional User Program
Word Address
User AC Words
ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ pair to end of
Timer/Counter area
User PR Words
177 10658I
After completing the User Program and logging all addresses on Data Table
Assignment Sheets, the highest address assigned will determine the size of the
Data Table.
The size of the Data Table also can be computed. The computation is made
using the following formula:
ET = T + C + IS/2
Program Recommendations The program recommendations listed below for constructing a ladder diagram
rung should be considered:
Current Record A hard-coPy printout and/or a tape recording of Data Table, User Program and
messages should be made after the machine operation is working as desired.
Before reproducing Processor memory content, set all Data Table values to
start-up conditions. Record a total memory dump that includes the start-up Data
Table values.
The Data Table Assignment Sheets, hardcopy printout and/or the tape recording
constitute the current record of the machine operation. If subsequent changes
are required, all back-up records should be kept up to date.
Figure 8.7
Storage Bit Example
Exceeds Horizontal Limit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Output
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Storage Bit
Storage Bit
8 9 10 11 12 13 Output
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Programmable Controller
(64 WORD)
(Publications 5046 - February, 1982)
Starting Word Address Starting Word Address
00 00
Bit Number Bit Number
17 10 07 00 Description 17 10 07 00 Description
00 00
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
30 30
31 31
32 32
33 33
34 34
35 35
36 36
37 37
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
45 45
46 46
47 47
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55
56 56
57 57
60 60
61 61
62 62
63 63
64 64
65 65
66 66
67 67
70 70
71 71
72 72
73 73
74 74
75 75
76 76 10659I
77 77
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Programmable Controller
(Publications 5046 - February, 1982)
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
Programmable Controller
(Publications 5047 - February, 1982) ADDRESS TO
Chapter 8
Writing the User Program
I/O Adapter
I/O Adapter
Operating Instructions
General This section contains the operating instructions that are used to move through
the program and perform a variety of functions. The instructions are grouped
by function and are summarized in Table 9.A through Table 9.F at the end of
this section. They include:
Data Table Adjustment (Table 9.A)
Editing Functions (Table 9.B)
Directories (Table 9.C)
Search Functions (Table 9.D)
Troubleshooting Aids (Table 9.E)
Clear Memory Functions (Table 9.F)
Data Table Adjustment After the size of the Data Table has been determined as described in Sizing the
Data Table, the SEARCH 50 function is used to adjust the Data Table. The
following display will appear when the [SEARCH] [5] [0] keys are pressed in
NOTE: The default value of 2 I/O racks will be displayed. It is not a user-
entered value for the Mini-PLC-2.
The Data Table is factory configured to 128 words for 1 I/O rack and 40
timers/counters. The Data Table can be reduced in 2-word increments to a
minimum of 48 words is no equivalent timers/counters are selected.
Anytime the Data Table is reduced in size, the Processor searches for
instructions in those areas. If an instruction exists in an area to be deleted, the
change will not be allowed and the following message will be displayed:
“INSTRUCTION EXISTS IN DELETED AREA.” To display the rung that is
preventing the change, press [SEARCH]. At that time, the decision can be
made whether to keep or delete the instruction.
Chapter 9
The instructions for adjusting the Data Table are summarized in Table 9.A.
Table 9.A
Data Table Adjustment
Addressing The ladder diagram instructions are entered with the Processor in the
PROGRAM mode. When entered, they are displayed as intensified and
blinking to indicate cursor position and that information is needed.
When entering addresses and data, the reverse-video character cursor can be
manipulated to the left and right using the [←] and [→] key to make corrections.
The character cursor cannot be moved to the left past the first digit. If the
character cursor is moved off the instruction address to the right, the instruction
will be entered. it will stop blinking but will remain intensified until the next
instruction is pressed or the instruction cursor is moved to the right.
Any time a digit being entered is not within the proper limits, the message
“DIGIT OUT OF RANGE” will be displayed. The cursor will remain in the
same position until a valid digit is entered.
Chapter 9
Table 9.B
Inserting a PROGRAM Any [1] [INSERT] Position the cursor on the instruction that
Condition [Instruction] will precede the instruction to be
Instruction [Address] inserted. Then press the key sequence.
[INSERT] [←] Position the cursor on the instruction that
[Instruction] will follow the instruction to be inserted.
[Address] Then press key sequence.
Removing a PROGRAM Any [1] [REMOVE] Position the cursor on the instruction to
Condition [Instruction] be removed and press the key
Instruction sequence.
Inserting a rung PROGRAM Any [1] [INSERT] Position the cursor on any instruction in
[RUNG] the preceding rung and press the key
sequence. Enter instructions. Editing is
prevented until Output is entered.
Removing a rung PROGRAM Any [1] [REMOVE] Position the cursor anywhere on the rung
[RUNG] to be removed and press the key
NOTE: Only addresses corresponding to
UNLATCH instructions are cleared to
Change data of a PROGRAM Any [1] [INSERT] Position the cursor on the word whose
word instruction [Data] data is to be changed. Press the key
Change the PROGRAM Any [1] [INSERT] Position the cursor on a word instruction
address of a word [First Digit] with data and press [INSERT]. Enter first
instruction [←] digit of the first data value of the
[Address] instruction. Then use the [←] and [→]
keys as needed to cursor to the word
address or data. Enter the appropriate
Chapter 9
OnLine Data RUN Any [1] [SEARCH] Position cursor on the word whose data
Change [5][1] is to be changed. Press key sequence.
[Data] Cursor keys can be used.
All Editing As Any [1] [CANCEL Aborts the operation at the current cursor
Functions Applicable COMMAND] position.
[1] 1770T1, T2 or T3
Inserting an Instruction
Only non-output instructions can be inserted in a rung. There are two ways of
doing this.
One way is to press the key sequence [INSERT] [Instruction] [Key sequence of
Address]. the new instruction will be inserted after the cursor’s present
position. If an instruction is to be entered at the beginning of a rung, the cursor
must be positioned on the output instruction of the previous rung. However, if
the cursor is on the END statement, the instruction will be inserted in the
position preceding the cursor.
The other way to insert an instruction is to press the key sequence [INSERT]
[←] [Instruction] [Key sequence of Address]. The new instruction will be
inserted before the cursor’s present position.
If, at any time, the memory is full, the instruction cannot be entered and a
“MEMORY FULL” message will be displayed.
Removing an Instruction
Note: Bit values and data of word instructions are not cleared. However, the
Input Image Table bits will be rewritten during the next I/O scan except if the
instruction had been removed in a forced ON condition. the force function
would prevail until removed.
Chapter 9
Inserting a Rung
If, by chance, the rung was inserted in the wrong position, it must be completed
(press [-( )-][CANCEL COMMAND]) before it can be removed.
If, at any time, the memory is full, a “MEMORY FULL” message will be
displayed and more instructions will not be accepted.
Removing a Rung
Removing a rung is the only way an output instruction can be removed. Any
rung, except the last one containing the END statement, can be removed.
To remove a rung, position the cursor anywhere on the rung and press
The data of any word instruction, except the Arithmetic and PUT instructions,
can be changed in the PROGRAM mode without removing and re-entering the
instruction. This is done by positioning the cursor on the appropriate word
instruction and pressing [INSERT] [Data Digits]. When the last digit of the
data is entered, the function is terminated and the data is entered into memory.
The function can also be terminated and entered into memory before the last
digit is entered by pressing [CANCEL COMMAND]. Also, once the first digit
has been entered, the [→] and [→] keys can be used to cursor to any digit in the
address or value to make a correction.
To replace one instruction with another, place the cursor on the instruction. then
press [Instruction] [Key Sequence of the Address]. This procedure also can be
used when changing the address of an instruction that does not contain data.
Chapter 9
The lower 12 bits of a word or word instruction excluding Arithmetic and PUT
instructions can be changed while the Processor is in the RUN or TEST mode.
this is done by positioning the cursor on the appropriate instruction and pressing
DIGITS” will be displayed near the bottom of the screen. the new digits will be
displayed to the right of the message as they are entered. Use the [→] and
[←] cursor control keys as needed. After the new data is displayed, press
[INSERT] to enter the data into memory.
Directories (1770T3 Industrial Directories have been developed as an aid in using the Industrial Terminal.
Terminal) They list the several functions common to a single multi-purpose key such as
the [SEARCH] key. The directories are summarized in Table 9.C.
Table 9.C
Clear Memory PROGRAM 1770T3 [CLEAR MEMORY] Provides a list of all functions
Directory [HELP] that use the [CLEAR
MEMORY] key.
Chapter 9
The Help directory, accessed by pressing the [HELP] key gives a master list of
directories and the key sequence to access them. Three other directories that
can be accessed from the Help directory are:
Control functions by pressing [SEARCH] [HELP]
Record functions by pressing [RECORD] [HELP]
Clear memory functions by pressing [CLEAR MEMORY] [HELP]
The other directories listed in the Help directory cannot be accessed. Certain
functions listed in the Control function and Record function directories are not
available with the Mini-PLC-2 Processor. If the keys to select any one of these
are pressed, the Industrial Terminal will issue a “FUNCTION NOT
Search Functions The Industrial Terminal can be used to search the User Program for a specific
instruction or address, the first or last rung, the first or last instruction of a rung
or for an incomplete rung using the [SEARCH] key as part of the key sequence.
In addition, the Industrial Terminal allows either a single rung or multiple rungs
to be displayed. The Search instructions are summarized in Table 9.D.
Table 9.D
Search Functions
Locate first rung of Any Any [1] [SEARCH] [↑] Positions cursor on the first instruction of
program the program.
Locate last rung of Any Any [1] [SEARCH] [↓] Positions cursor on the TEMPORARY
program END instruction, if present, or the END
Locate first instruction of PROGRAM Any [1] [SEARCH] [←] Positions cursor on first instruction of the
current rung current rung.
Locate output instruction Any Any [1] [SEARCH] [→] Positions cursor on the output instruction
of current rung of the current rung.
Locate rung without an Any 1770T3 [SHIFT] Locates any rung left incomplete due to
output instruction [SEARCH] an interruption in programming.
Locate specific Any Any [1] [SHIFT] Locates instruction searched for. Press
instruction [Instruction keys] [SEARCH] to locate the next occurrence
[Address] of instruction.
Locate specific word Any Any [1] [SEARCH] [8] Locates this address in the program
address [Address] (excluding | | and | / | instructions).
Press [SEARCH] to locate the next
occurrence of this address.
Single rung display Any Any [1] [SEARCH] Displays the first rung of a multiple rung
[DISPLAY] display. Press key sequence again to
view multiple rungs.
[1] 1770T1, T2 or T3
Chapter 9
The first rung of the program can be located from any point within the program
in any mode of operation by pressing [SEARCH][^]. This positions the cursor
on the first instruction of the program.
The last rung of the program (END statement) can be located from any position
in the program by pressing [SEARCH][V]. The cursor will stop at the
TEMPORARY END instruction, if present, or the END statement. With the
1770-T3 Industrial Terminal, if the cursor was the TEMPORARY END
instruction, the END statement can be reached by pressing the [SEARCH][v]
keys again. With the 1770-T1 or -T2 Industrial Terminal, the temporary END
statement must be removed in order to locate the END statement.
With the Processor in the PROGRAM mode, the first instruction of the rung
containing the cursor can be located by pressing [SEARCH] [<]. If not in
PROGRAM mode, the cursor will move off the screen to the left. To bring it
back, press the [>] key. The cursor is displayed by blinking the instruction.
With the Processor in any mode, the output instruction of the rung containing
the cursor can be located by pressing [SEARCH] [>].
The procedures for finding a specific instruction or an address are similar. Any
instruction in User Program can be located by pressing [SEARCH] {Instruction]
[Key Sequence of Address]. Any address (excluding those associated with
EXAMINE ON and EXAMINE OFF instructions) can be located by pressing
the keys. [SEARCH] [8] [Key Sequence of Address]. the address entered is the
word address. for the OUTPUT ENERGIZE, LATCH and UNLATCH
instructions, the Industrial Terminal will locate all of the bit addresses
associated with the word address.
Chapter 9
The message “SEARCH FOR” and the entered key sequences will be displayed
at the bottom of the screen. The message “EXECUTING SEARCH” will appear
temporarily. The 1770-T3 Industrial Terminal will begin to search for the
address and/or instruction from the cursor’s position. It will look past the
TEMPORARY END boundary to the END statement. Then it will continue
searching from the beginning of the program to the point where the search
A 1770-T1 or -T2 Industrial Terminal will not look past the temporary END
statement. It will continue searching from the beginning of the program to the
point where it began the search.
If found, the rung containing the first occurrence of the address and/or
instruction will be displayed as well as the rungs after it. If the [SEARCH] key
is pressed again,the next occurrence of the address and/or instruction will be
displayed. When it cannot be located or all addresses and/or instructions have
been found, a “NOTE FOUND” message will be displayed at the bottom of the
Upon power-up, a multiple rung display appears on the screen. A single rung
can be viewed by pressing [SEARCH] [DISPLAY]. To return to the multiple
rung display, press [SEARCH][DISPLAY] again.
Troubleshooting Aids The following troubleshooting aids are useful during starting-up and when
troubleshooting a system:
Bit Manipulation and Monitor Functions (1770-T3 Industrial Terminal)
FORCE ON and FORCE OFF Functions
TEMPORARY END Instruction (1770-T3 Industrial Terminal)
ERR Message Display
The Troubleshooting aids are summarized in Table 9.E.
Chapter 9
Table 9.E
Troubleshooting Aids
Bit Monitor Any 1770T3 [SEARCH] Displays the ON/OFF status of all 16 bits at
[5] [3] specified word address and corresponding
[Address] force conditions if they exist.
Bit PROGRAM or 1770T3 [SEARCH] Displays the ON/OFF status of all 16 bits at
Manipulation TEST [5] [3] specified word address and corresponding
[Address] force conditions if they exist.
FORCE ON or TEST or RUN Any [1] [FORCE ON] Position the cursor on the Image Table bit or
FORCE OFF [INSERT] bit instruction to be forced ON or OFF and
instruction or press the key sequence. The input bit or
[FORCE OFF] output device will be forced ON or OFF. [2]
Removing a TEST or RUN Any [1] [FORCE ON] Position the cursor on the Image Table bit or
FORCE ON or [REMOVE] bit instruction whose force ON is to be
FORCE OFF or removed and press the key sequence.
instruction [FORCE OFF]
Removing all TEST or RUN Any [1] [FORCE ON] Position cursor anywhere in program and
FORCE ON [CLEAR press key sequence.
instructions MEMORY]
Removing all TEST or RUN Any [1] [FORCE OFF] position the cursor anywhere in program and
FORCE OFF [CLEAR press key sequence.
instructions MEMORY]
Forced Any 1770T3 [SEARCH] Displays a list of the bit addresses that are
Address [FORCE ON] forced ON or OFF.
Display or The [SHIFT] [↓] and [SHIFT] [↑] keys can
[SEARCH] be used to display additional forces.
Inserting a PROGRAM 1770T1, T2 [INSERT] Position the cursor on the instruction that will
Temporary [|/|] [8] precede the temporary END statement.
END Statement Press the key sequence and END will be
displayed on the screen. The remaining
rungs will not be displayed or scanned.
Chapter 9
Inserting a PROGRAM 1770T3 [INSERT] Position the cursor on the instruction that will
TEMPORARY [T. END] precede the TEMPORARY END instruction
END Instruction and press the key sequence. TEMPORARY
END will be displayed on the screen. The
remaining rungs, although displayed and
accessible , are not scanned.
Removing a PROGRAM 1770T1, T2 [REMOVE] [|/|] Position cursor on END statement and press
Temporary key sequence. If temporary, it can be
END Statement removed. If it cannot be removed, it is an
END of program statement.
Bit Monitor allows the status of all 16 bits of any Data Table word to be
displayed. Bit Manipulation allows the status of the displayed bits to be
selectively changed or forced, and is useful in setting initial conditions in the
data of word instructions.
Bit Monitor can function when the Processor is in any mode. By pressing the
key sequence [SEARCH][5][3] Key Sequence of Word Address], the status of
all 16 bits of the desired word will be displayed. While the cursor is in the word
address field, the [←] and [→] keys can be used to change address digits.
The status of the 16 bits in the next highest or next lowest word address also can
be displayed by pressing the [↓] or [↑] keys, respectively. Bit Monitor also can
display the status of Force conditions, if any. See FORCE ON and FORCE OFF
Functions below.
Bit Manipulation can function when the Processor is in Program mode. When in
TEST mode, the User Program may override the bit status in the next scan.
The [←] and [→] keys can be used to cursor over to any bit. With the cursor on
the desired bit, its status can be changed by pressing the (1) or (0) key. Bit
Manipulation also allows the forcing of Image Table bits as described in
FORCE ON and FORCE OFF Functions below.
Chapter 9
The Force functions are used to selectively force an input bit or output device
ON or OFF. The Processor must be in the TEST or RUN mode.
The Force function determine the ON/OFF status of input bits and output
devices by overriding the I/O scan. An input bit can be forced ON or OFF
regardless of the actual state of the corresponding input device. However,
forcing an output terminal will cause the corresponding output device to be ON
or OFF regardless of the rung logic of the status of the Output Image Table bit.
NOTE: When in TEST mode, the Processor will hold outputs OFF regardless
of attempts to force then ON, even though the output bit instruction will be
The same force, ON or OFF, can be applied to any of the bits within a word.
However, if a bit in a different Input Image Table word, or a terminal in a
different Output Module Group is forced the same way, all previous forces in
that word or module group are instantly removed. For example, if any terminal
in Output Module Group 013 is forced OFF, and another terminal such as
012/01 is then forced OFF, all force conditions in the Output Module Group 013
will be removed.
Chapter 9
A bit that is already forced, cannot be forced in the opposite mode. For
example, if bit 012/03 is forced ON and an attempt is made to force it OFF, the
following message will be displayed.
Forcing functions can be applied using the 1770-T3 Industrial Terminal in either
of two ways using: 1) Bit Manipulation/Monitor display of an I/O word or b)
Ladder Diagram display of User Program. by pressing the key sequence
[SEARCH][5][3] Key sequence of Address], the bit status and force status of
the 16 corresponding input bits or output terminals of the desired word can be
displayed. The [>] and [<] keys can be used to cursor over to the desired bit.
Or, in the Ladder Diagram display, forcing can be applied by placing the cursor
on an Examine or Energize instruction.
When in TEST mode, the Processor will hold outputs OFF regardless of
attempts to force them ON even though the output bit instructions will be
In every mode except the PROGRAM mode, the ON or OFF status of a forced
bit will appear beneath the bit instruction in the rung. In all Processor modes, a
“FORCED I/O” message will be displayed near the bottom of the screen when
bits are forced ON or OFF.
All Force ON or all Force OFF functions can be removed at once in Ladder
Diagram Display by pressing either of the following key sequences:
Chapter 9
A complete list of bit addresses that are forced ON and OFF can be displayed
by the Industrial Terminal. Either of the following key sequences can be used.
If all the bits forced ON or OFF cannot be displayed at one time, the [SHIFT]
[V] and [SHIFT] [^] keys can be used to display additional forced bits.
The TEMPORARY END instruction (or temporary END statement) can be used
to test or debug a program up to the point where it is inserted. It acts as a
program boundary because instructions below it in User Program are not
scanned or operated upon. Instead, the Processor immediately scans the I/O
Image Table followed by User Program from the first instruction to the
TEMPORARY END instruction, or temporary END statement.
When the TEMPORARY END instruction is inserted, the rungs below it,
although visible and accessible, are not scanned. Their content can be edited, if
desired. The displayed section of User Program made inactive by the
TEMPORARY END instruction will contain the message “INACTIVE AREA”
in the lower right- hand corner of the screen.
Chapter 9
To enter a rung after the T.END instruction, place the cursor on the T.END
instruction and press [INSERT] [RUNG]. Then enter the new rung.
a. Cursor to the 1st rung of the User Program to be kept active. Position
the cursor on the output instruction. Press [INSERT][-|/|-][8].
To remove this instruction, position the cursor on the END statement and press
[REMOVE] [-|/|-]. If it is temporary, it will be removed and the subsequent
program instructions will be displayed.
An illegal opcode is an instruction code that the Processor does not recognize. It
will cause the Processor to fault and will be displayed as an ERR message in the
ladder diagram rung in which it occurs. The 4-digit hex value of the illegal
opcode is displayed above the ERR message by the 1770-T3 Industrial
Chapter 9
Terminal. The 1770-T1 or -T2 Industrial Terminal will display the ERR
message without the hex value.
If an illegal opcode should occur, the rung containing it can be compared with
the equivalent rung in a hard copy printout of the program. a decision must be
made either to replace the error with its correct instruction, see paragraph 9.3.6
Replacing an Instruction, or to remove it. The ERR message due to an illegal
opcode cannot be removed directly. Instead, remove and replace the entire rung
as described in paragraphs 9.3.3 and 9.3.4 Inserting and Removing a Rung. The
cause of the problem should be identified and corrected in to correcting the
ERR message.
Chapter 9
Clearing Memory The option of clearing the Data Table, User Program and Messages is available
with various CLEAR MEMORY functions. The Clearing Memory instructions
are summarized in Table 9.F.
Table 9.F
Clear Memory Function
Data Table PROGRAM 1770T3 [CLEAR Displays a start address and an end address
Clear MEMORY] [7] [7] field.
User PROGRAM 1770T3 [CLEAR Clears User Program from the position of the
Program MEMORY] cursor to the END statement or
Clear [8] [8] TEMPORARY END instruction. Does not
clear Data Table or Messages.
Partial PROGRAM Any [1] [CLEAR Clears User Program and messages from
Memory MEMORY] position of the cursor to end of memory.
Clear [9] [9] Does not clear Data Table.
Total PROGRAM Any [1] [SEARCH] [↑] Position the cursor on the first instruction of
Memory [CLEAR the program. Clears total memory (Data
Clear MEMORY] Table, User Program and Messages).
[9] [9]
[1] 1770T1. T2 or T3
Chapter 9
Part of the User Program and the Messages can be cleared by pressing [CLEAR
MEMORY] [9] [9]. The User Program and Messages are cleared from the
cursor position to the end of memory. None of the bits in the Data Table are
The complete memory can be cleared by pressing [SEARCH] [^] to position the
cursor on the first instruction of the program and then pressing [CLEAR
MEMORY] [9] [9]. This resets all the Data Table bits to zero. A total memory
clear should be done before entering the User Program.
General There are several functions that can be performed with Mini-PLC-2 and the
Industrial Terminal. the functions include:
Contact Histogram
Report Generation
Cassette Recorder Dump and Load
Data Cartridge Recorder Dump and Load (1770-T3 Industrial Terminal)
Ladder Diagram Dump
Total Memory Dump (1770-T3 Industrial Terminal)
Except for the contact histogram and report generation, the remaining functions
require the use of a peripheral device connected to Channel C of the Industrial
Baud Rate Setting The baud rate for Channel C must be set to match the baud rate of the peripheral
device when a peripheral device other than the Digital Cassette Recorder (Cat.
No. 1770-SA) or Digital Cartridge Recorder (Cat. No. 1770-SB)is used. The
baud rate is the number of bits per second sent to/from Channel C. The baud
rate for Channel C can be set in one of two ways:
Table 10.A
Switch Group Settings
1 2 3
Down Down Down 110
Down Up Up 300
Down Up Up 1200
Up Down Up 4800
Up Up Down 9600
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Table 10.B
Key Sequence for Setting Baud Rate
A baud rate entered via the keyboard will override the default setting of the
Switch Assembly Group if initially set to some other (often used) baud rate.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Contact Histogram The Contact Histogram function displays the ON/OFF history of a specific
memory bit. This can be monitored on the Industrial Terminal and can also be
printed by a peripheral printer. If a peripheral device is used, the baud rate for
Channel C of the Industrial Terminal must be set.
Any Data Table bit, excluding the Processor Word Areas, can be accessed by
the Contact Histogram command. The status of the bit (ON or OFF) and the
length of time the bit remained ON or OFF (in hours, minutes and seconds) will
be displayed. the seconds are displayed to within 00.01 second (10 msec.)
There are two operating modes for the contact histogram, shown in Table 10.C:
Table 10.C
Contact Histogram Function
Pages Contact RUN [SEARCH] [7] Displays 11 lines ON/OFF history of the
Histogram or [Bit Address] addressed bit in hours, minutes and
TEST [DISPLAY] seconds.
After pressing [DISPLAY], the data of the histogram will be displayed on every
other line with 5 frames of data per line. Each frame of data contains the ON or
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
OFF status and the length of time in hours, minutes and seconds [read between
the dash (-) symbols] in the format shown in Figure 10.1.
Figure 10.1
Contact Histogram Display
OFF ot ON 00:00:00.00
If the bit is changing states faster than can be printed or displayed, a buffer is
maintained to store these changes. If the buffer becomes full, all monitoring
stops and a “BUFFER FULL” message will be displayed. Subsequent changes
in the ON-OFF status of the device are lost until the histogram function finishes
printing out or displaying the data in the buffer. Then a BUFFER RESET
message will be displayed and the histogram function will resume.
The Industrial Terminal screen can display up to 11 lines of data at one time. In
the continuous mode, the screen will automatically display a new page of data
when the screen is full.
In the page mode, 11 lines will fill the screen and stop. Subsequent changes are
stored in the buffer until [DISPLAY] is pressed. The data stored in the buffer
will then be displayed, one page at a time.
Report Generation Report Generation is a function of the Industrial Terminal. The 1770-T1 or T2
Industrial Terminal can generate up to 6 messages while the 1770-T3 Industrial
Terminal (1770-FD Keyboard Series A Rev. B or later) can generate up to 70
messages. Report Generation is performed in the PLC-2 mode. )The
Alphanumeric mode converts the Industrial Terminal into a peripheral device.)
Messages can contain ASCII and graphic characters and variable Data Table
information. Messages are stored in Processor memory after the END
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Messages can be entered into memory from either the Industrial Terminal or a
peripheral device connected to Channel C of the Industrial Terminal. If the
Industrial Terminal is used, one of two keytop overlays can be used, depending
on whether graphic characters are desired (Figure 10.2):
Alphanumeric Keytop Overlay (Cat. No. 1770-KAA)
Alphanumeric/Graphics Keytop Overlay (Cat. No. 1770-KAB)
Figure 10.2
Alphanumeric Keytop Overlays
Alphanumeric Keytop
(CAT. NO. 1770-KAA)
MODE ’ ” # $ % & , ( ) – * =
SELECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 : _
[ \ + RUB REPT
A S D F G H J K L ;
Keytop Overlay
(CAT. NO. 1770-KAB)
MODE ’ ” # $ % & , ( ) – * =
SELECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 : _
[ \ + RUB REPT
A S D F G H J K L ;
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
There are 5 report generation commands used to store, print, report and delete
messages and to display an index of existing messages. These are summarized
in Table 10.D.
Table 10.D
Report Generation Commands
Message Store [M] [S] [ , ] [message number] [RETURN] Stores message in Processor memory. Use
[ESC] to end message.
Message Print [M] [P] [ , ] [message number] [RETURN] Prints message exactly as entered.
Message Report [M][R][,][message number] Prints message with current Data Table
[RETURN] values or bit status.
Message Index [M] [1] [RETURN] Lists messages used and the number of
words in each message.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
After pressing the key sequence, a READY FOR INPUT message is presented
as a prompt to enter the desired message. any subsequent keys pressed then
become part of the message.
Messages can be entered which when reported will give the current value of a
Data Table bit by using the delimiters shown in Table 10.E. The desired
delimiter is entered before and after the bit, byte or word address. The delimiter
is used to tell the Industrial Terminal to print the current status or value of the
bit, byte, or word at the address. As many addresses as needed can be entered
consecutively by sharing the same delimiter, such as *XXX*XXX*XXX*.
Table 10.E
Address Delimiters
*XXX* or *XXX0* Enter 3digit word address and a Displays the octal value of byte at
"1" for upper byte or a "0" for assigned address.
lower byte between delimiters.0
*XXXXX* Enter 5digit bit address between Displays the ON or OFF status of
delimiters. (1770T1, T2, T3) the assigned bit address.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
The message entry must be terminated with the escape ([ESC]) key. Until
([ESC]) is pressed, all key strokes become part of the message. Pressing [ESC]
again will return to ladder diagram display. Pressing [CANCEL COMMAND]
on the PLC-2 Family Keytop Overlay will also terminate the Message Store
command and return to ladder diagram display if a peripheral device was used
to enter report generator mode.
When entering a message, there are several keys and special Industrial Terminal
control codes that are used to move through the display and perform a variety of
functions (Table 10.F and Table 10.G). For example, graphic capability can be
accessed by the control code, [CTRL][P][5][G]. In addition, standard ASCII
control codes can be used with the Industrial Terminal (Table 10.H). These
codes, although not displayed, can be interpreted and acted on by a peripheral
device connected to Channel C.
Table 10.F
Alphanumeric/Graphic Keytop Definitions
[LINE FEED] Moves the cursor down one line in the same
[RETURN] Returns the cursor to the beginning of the
next line.
[RUB OUT] Deletes the last character or control code
that was entered.
[REPT LOCK] Allows the next character that is pressed to
be repeated continuously until [REPT LOCK]
is pressed.
[SHIFT] Allows the next key pressed to be a shift
[SHIFT LOCK] Allows all subsequent keys pressed to be
shift characters until [SHIFT] or [SHIFT
LOCK] is pressed.
[CTRL] Used as part of a key sequence to generate
a control code.
[ESC] Terminates the present function.
[MODE SELECT] Terminates all functions and returns the
Mode Select display to the screen.
Blank Yellow Keys Space keys. They move the cursor one
position to the right.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Table 10.G
Industrial Terminal Control Codes
[CTRL] [P] [Column #] [ ; ] [Line #] [A] Positions the cursor at the specified
column and line number.
[CTRL] [P] [A] will position the cursor at
the top left corner of the screen.
[CTRL] [P] [F] Moves the cursor one space to the right.
[CTRL] [P] [U] Moves the cursor one line up the same
[CTRL] [P] [5] [C] Turns cursor ON.
[CTRL] [P] [4] [C] Turns cursor OFF.
[CTRL] [P] [5] [G] Turns ON graphics capability.
[CTRL] [P] [4] [G] Turns OFF graphics capability.
[CTRL] [P] [5] [P] Turns Channel C Outputs ON.
[CTRL] [P] [4] [P] Turns Channel C Outputs OFF.
[CTRL] [ I ] Horizontal tab that moves the cursor to
the next preset 8th position.
[CTRL] [K] Clears the screen from cursor position
to end of screen and moves the cursor
to the top left corner of the screen.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Figure 10.3
Example Graphic/Alphanumeric Message
Steam Inlet Inlet
Steam Return Temperature
The control code, [CTRL][P] [Column #] [;] [Line][A], should be used for
cursor positioning to conserve memory when possible. For example,
[CRTL][P][3][9][;][9][A] uses 3 words of memory, storing CRTL P in one byte
and each remaining character in one byte. If the cursor had been at column 0,
line 0 and normal space and line feed commands were used, it would have taken
24 words of memory to accomplish the same thing! Note that the column and
line numbers begin at zero rather than one.
Accessible in any mode, the Message Print command is used to print the
contents of a message to verify it. This command is accessed by pressing [M]
[P] [,] [message number] [RETURN]. Valid message numbers are listed under
In the example, the message print command would give the following:
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
In the example, the Message Report command would give the following: (eg.
bit 013/05 is ON and counter 0308 Accumulated value is 5)
Accessible in any mode, the Message Index command prints a list of the
message numbers used and the amount of memory (in words) used for each
message. In addition, the number of unused memory words available will be
The Message Index command is accessed by pressing [M] [I] [RETURN]. This
command cannot be terminated before completion. It will self-terminate after
the list is completed. To return to ladder diagram display, press [ESC] or
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Figure 10.4
Parity Switch
Once automatic report generation is activated, the message request bits are
scanned by the Industrial Terminal for a 0-to-1 transition. Each time one of the
request bits goes TRUE, the corresponding message will be printed
Messages 1-6 use bits 10-15 of word 0278 as message request bits. For the
1770- T3 Industrial Terminal, Rev B or later, all other messages use control bits
in a user-defined set of message control words. These two categories will be
discussed separately below.
The upper byte of word 0278 is used to control messages 1-6. Bit 027/10 is the
request bit for message number 1, bit 027/11 is the request bit for message
number 2 and so on. bit 027/16, the Busy bit is set ON when any of messages
1-6 are requested and will remain ON until all requested messages have been
printed. Once all messages are generated, bit 027/17 will stay ON for 300 ms
and is then set OFF.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Table 10.H
ASCII Control Codes
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
[1] Some ASCII control codes are generated using non standard keystrokes.
[2] Will be displayed when Control Code Display option is set ON in
Alphanumeric mode only. (Not in Report Generation mode.)
[3] Valid key in Report Generation mode for 1770FD Keyboard Series B Rev A
or later.
Bits from eight consecutive user-selected words are used to control the 64
additional messages.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
The upper byte of each message control word contains the request bits for eight
messages. There is an easy way to determine the message number from the bit
which requests it. The three right-most digits in the bit address are coded to the
message number. For example, if message number 31‘2 were of interest, bit 12
of the third message control word would request message 312. See Figure 10.5.
Figure 10.5
Bit AddressMessage Number Relationship
0 170 010017
1 171 110117
2 172 210217
3 173 310317
4 174 410417
5 175 510517
6 176 610617
7 177 710717
Unlike messages 1-6 which share a common Done bit (027/17), the additional
64 messages each have a separate Done bit. After a particular message has been
printed, the Done bit is set until the User Program resets the request bit. Done
bits are located in the lower byte of the message control words. Figure 10.6
shows this relationship. For example, if 124/15 is the request bit for a message,
the Done bit is located at 124/05, 108 (one byte) below the request bit.
Figure 10.6
Message Request Bit Done Bit Relationship
17 10 07 00
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
The Message Print command is valid for message 0. It will print out the
message control word addresses in tabular form such as shown in Table 10.I. If
the location of the message control file is to be changed of if message 0 is no
longer needed, it can be deleted with the Message Delete command and
re-entered at any time.
Table 10.I
170 010017
171 110117
172 210217
172 310317
174 410417
175 510517
176 610617
177 710717
[1] This table assumes user selected message control words begin at 170
Figure 10.7 shows a sample program that can be used to activate each message.
When the event occurs which requests the message, the request bit is latched.
After the event has occurred and the message is printed (the Done bit comes
ON), the request bit is unlatched.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Figure 10.7
Event Request
Done Event Request
Digital Cassette Recorder The Digital Cassette Recorder (Cat. No. 1770-SA) is a peripheral device that
connects to Channel C of the Industrial Terminal. It is used to dump memory
onto tape, to load memory from tape and to verify memory.
The Cassette Dump command is used to dump (record) the contents of the Data
Table, user Program and Messages onto a cassette tape. Although accessible in
any mode, it is recommended that the dump be performed only in the
PROGRAM mode because Data Table values are constantly changing in other
To dump the complete memory onto the cassette tape, position the cursor on the
first rung. The Cassette Dump command is then activated by pressing
[RECORD][0] on the PLC-2 Overlay, and by pressing [RECORD ON TAPE]
on the Cassette Recorder.
As memory is being recorded, the Industrial Terminal will count and display the
number of Data Table words and Program words that were recorded on tape.
Loading the Processor memory from cassette tape can be done only in
PROGRAM mode. The Data Table must be configured to the size which will
match the Data Table of the taped program. Set the Data Table size as described
in Data Table Adjustment. If the size of the Data Table on tape is not
immediately available and the Processor is configured differently, the load
operation will abort automatically. The Industrial Terminal will display the
Data Table configuration contained on the tape along with a prompt to configure
the Processor Data Table.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
As memory is being loaded, the number of Data Table words and Program
words will be counted and displayed. When loading is complete, the Processor
memory content will be verified automatically with the content on tape unless
the cassette function is terminated by pressing [CANCEL COMMAND].
Automatic Verification
This command is accessed by first pressing [REWIND] and then either [READ
FROM TAPE] or [PLAY] on the Cassette Recorder. During verification, the
number of Data Table words and Program words will be counted and displayed.
Once verification is complete, the number of program errors and whether the
Data Table was verified will be displayed. The Automatic Verification
command will-self-terminate when complete. If program errors exist, they can
be displayed and located by the procedure in Displaying and Locating Errors
unless the cassette function is terminated by pressing [CANCEL COMMAND].
Program Verification
Accessible in any mode, this command is used to verify the User Program and
messages in memory with the version on the cassette tape, or vice versa.
Although the Data Table size and configuration are checked, the Data Table
values are not verified.
When verification is complete, the command will self-terminate and display the
number of program discrepancies, if any. If discrepancies are found, either the
tape can be re-recorded using the memory dump procedure, or the Processor
memory can be corrected using the procedure in Displaying and Locating
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
Data Cartridge Recorder The Data Cartridge Recorder (Cat. No. 1770-SB) is a peripheral device used for
program storage and retrieval. It connects to Channel C of the Industrial
Terminal and uses a magnetic data cartridge tape to record (dump), load and
verify Processor memory.
The Data Cartridge Recorder can be operated from the 1770-T3 Industrial
Terminal keyboard. It can also be operated in the same manner as a Digital
Cassette Recorder (Cat. No. 1770-Sa) using both the recorder control panel and
the Industrial Terminal Keyboard. In either case, the baud rate switch in the
Data Cartridge Recorder must be set to 1200.
It should be noted that when a data cartridge tape is inserted and the recorder in
ON, the recorder will automatically rewind the tape to correct tape tension.
This process should not be confused with the dump, load or verify operation.
Remote operation of the Data Cartridge recorder from the industrial Terminal
keyboard is discussed in the following paragraphs. For operation in the same
manner as a Digital Cassette Recorder, refer to Digital Cassette Recorder.
Data Table, User program and messages can be recorded onto a data cartridge
tape and the transfer verified by a single command from the Industrial Terminal.
The Processor should be in PROGRAM mode to ensure that the Data Table
values are not changing.
Once the cursor is positioned on the first instruction in User Program, the
Cartridge Dump command is initiated by pressing [RECORD][SHIFT][B].
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
As memory content is being recorded on tape, the Industrial Terminal will count
and display the number of User Program and Data Table words.
After memory content has been recorded, the tape is automatically rewound and
the content verified with the content in memory to be sure that no discrepancies
occurred during the recording operation. During verification, the number of
User Program and Data Table words are again counted and displayed.
Processor memory can be loaded from a data cartridge tape and the transfer
verified automatically by pressing [RECORD][SHIFT][A] on the Industrial
Terminal keyboard. The Processor must be in PROGRAM mode.
The Data Table must be configured to the size which will match the Data Table
of the taped program. Set the Data Table size as described is Section 9.1 Data
Table Adjustment. If the size of the Data Table on tape is not immediately
available and the Processor is configured differently, the load operation will
abort automatically. The Industrial Terminal will display the Data Table
configuration contained on the tape along with a prompt to configure the
Processor Data Table.
The number of Use Program and Data Table words are counted and displayed
while memory content is loaded and again during verification. After
verification, a message displays the number of discrepancies found, if any.
Instructions in memory that don’t match corresponding instructions on the data
cartridge tape can be located and displayed using the procedure described in
Displaying and Locating Errors. The discrepancies can be corrected if a hard
copy printout of the program is available showing the correct instructions.
Otherwise erase the entire memory (put the cursor on the first instruction and
press [CLEAR MEMORY] [9][9] and repeat the memory loading procedure.
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
With the Processor in any mode, verification can be done by pressing the keys
[RECORD] [SHIFT] [C] on the Industrial Terminal Keyboard. The number of
User Program and Data Table words are counted and displayed while tape
content and memory content are being compared. When verification is
complete, the number of discrepancies, if any, is displayed. If discrepancies are
found, either the tape can be re-recorded using the Dumping Memory procedure
in Dumping Memory into Data Cartridge Tape, or the Processor memory can be
corrected using the procedure in Displaying and Locating Errors.
Ladder Diagram Dump Accessible in any mode, the Ladder Diagram Dump command is used to print
out a hard copy of the User Program using a peripheral printer that is connected
to Channel C.
After setting the baud rate for the printer, this command is accessed by pressing
the keys [SEARCH][4][4] on the PLC-2 Overlay. The printout will begin from
the current rung, allowing all or part of the program to be printed.
Total Memory Dump The Total Memory Dump command is accessible in the PROGRAM mode only.
it is used to print out a hard copy of the Data Table, User Program and
Messages using a peripheral printer connected to Channel C.
After setting the baud rate for the printer, this command is accessed by pressing
the keys [SEARCH][4][5] on the PLC-2 Overlay and will print out the complete
memory, regardless of cursor position (1770-T3, only).
Chapter 10
Peripheral Functions Including Report
The Data Table will be printed in hexadecimal. The bit pattern for each Data
Table word will be as shown in Figure 10.8. In each row, the 4-digit octal word
address is the address where the left-most hex value is stored. For example, the
hex values ECCB16 and 024C16 are stored in word addresses 00208 and 00258,
respectively. For more information on the hexadecimal numbering system, refer
to Numbering Systems.
Figure 10.8
Data Table Printout in Hexadecimal
Word Data
0010 26C1 A4FF 952B F073 D572 43CE FFFF 300F
0020 ECCB 9A00 4721 002F 5101 024C 312B AC0B
" " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " "
0177 2EC4 6F6D ABCD 1C2D 4FGC D10D 21F6 5BA2
" " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " "
The Data Table printout will be followed by the User Program in ladder
diagram and block format. The messages will be printed out and identified by
General There are several programming techniques that offer versatile control of the
process or machine operation. They include:
Scan Counter
Block Transfer (1772-LN3 Processor Module)
Programming 0.01-Second Timers
Scan Counter The scan counter is a programming technique that can be used where timing
may be an important consideration. For example, it can be used in diagnostics
to compute and compare average scan times of an operation with predicted scan
times, and to detect if repeated requests for an operation are being ignored due
to a malfunction.
The scan counter is programmed using two rungs as shown in Figure 11.1. The
first rung contains optional condition instructions and a CTU instruction whose
Preset value equals the number of scans to be counted. the second rung is
started with a BRANCH END instruction to open the rung and is ended with the
same CTU instruction.
Figure 11.1
Scan Counter
Condition(s) PR 040
(Optional) AC 000
Branch End ? CTU
PR 040
AC 000
When the first rung goes TRUE, bit 17 of the CTU instruction is set to 1 and the
CTU instruction Accumulated value will increment one count. The second rung
will never go TRUE because it is an open rung. It is used to reset the CTU
instruction Enable bit (bit 17) to zero so the CTU instruction can increment its
count during the next scan. The CTU instruction will continue to increment
past the Preset value unless it is reset by a CTR instruction.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Block Transfer (1772LN3 Block Transfer can be performed with the 1772-LN3 Processor and any Bulletin
Processor Module) 1771 I/O Module with Block Transfer capability.
The number of words transferred in one scan can range from 1 to 64, depending
on the I/O module being used. The time required to perform Block Transfer
depends on the number of words being transferred.
The Processor uses two I/O Image Table bytes to communicate with Block
Transfer modules. The byte corresponding to the module’s address in the
Output Image Table (Control byte) contains the Read or Write bit for initiating
the transfer of data. The byte corresponding to the module’s address in the
Input Image Table (Status byte) is used to signal the completion of the transfer.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Whether the upper or lower byte of the I/O Image Table word is used depends
on the position of the module in the Module Group. when in the lower slot, the
lower byte is used and vice versa. See Figure 11.2. For double slot modules,
the slot number must always be entered as a “0” because the overlapping of
module groups is note permitted.
Figure 11.2
Module Position/Image Table Byte Relationship
I/O Rack
Output Image 17
Bit Numbers
10 07 00 ÉÉÉÉÉ
Table Word, 010
Upper byte Output Image Table
Control Byte
Input Image
Table, Word,
Input Image Table
Upper byte Module
Status Byte Position
Image table
ÉÉÉÉÉ relationship
ÉÉÉÉÉ Lower Upper
Slot Slot
The upper byte of the I/O image table words are used when the
module is in the upper slot and vice versa. 10785I
When Block Transfer is requested in the ladder diagram program, the output
part of the next I/O scan is interrupted (Figure 11.3). If the I/O module is ready
for Block Transfer, the transfer will be performed. When the transfer of data is
complete, the Read bit (or Write bit) is set in the corresponding Input Image
Table byte. The processor then continues its normal scan.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.3
Block Transfer Request
Output Input
Scas Scan
The I/O module may not be ready for Block Transfer 100% of the time. For a
short time, the I/O module must preform internal checks on its own operation.
If Block Transfer is requested when the I/O module is not ready, the Read or
Write bit in the corresponding Input Image Table byte (done bit) is held at zero.
The Processor will then continue with its normal I/O scan.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The Block Transfer rung must be programmed in a certain format (Figure 11-4).
It consists of condition instructions that are optional, two GET instructions and
an OUTPUT ENERGIZE instruction.
Figure 11.4
Block Transfer Rung
The first GET instruction (Figure 11.4) is used to identify the rack location of
the block transfer module. The location must be stored in the first available
address in the timer/counter Accumulated value area of the Data Table, starting
with 0308. When more than one block Transfer module is used, consecutive
addresses must be assigned in this area.
As its “data”, the first GET instruction stores the location of the Block Transfer
module by R=Rack, G=Module Group and S=Slot number. When Block
Transfer is performed, the Processor searches the timer/counter Accumulated
value area for a match of the module’s Rack, Group and Slot number.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The second GET instruction (Figure 11-4) must be assigned an address in the
timer/counter Preset area of the Data Table, 1008 words above the first GET
As its “data”, the second GET instruction stores a Data Table address that
designates the beginning of the area reserved for Block Transfer data. During a
read operation, data is loaded into consecutive word locations starting with the
designated address. During a write operation, data is sent to the module from
consecutive word locations starting with the designated address.
When reserving an area for Block Transfer data, an appropriate address must be
selected to ensure that a) none of the Block Transfer data can overrun word
0778 or the upper boundary of the Data Table, word 1778; (if so, the transfer is
prevented) and b) that none of the Block Transfer data can write over addresses
assigned to other functions. The reserved area begins with the starting address
of the Block Transfer data (ABC in Figure 11-4) and requires consecutive word
storage locations equal to the number of words to be transferred.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
An example rung for performing a Block Transfer Read operation and the Data
Table areas used by the rung are shown in Figure 11.5. The following
parameters have been chosen for the example:
Figure 11.5
Data Table Locations for a Block Transfer Read Operation
Data Table Output image table
Output R byte contains read
Image Block Length enable bit and block
Table 1 012
Code length in Binary Code
R Input image table
Input byte contains
Image 1 112 done bit
Optional Condition
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The module is located in Module Group 2, Slot 1. Therefore, the Control and
Status bytes corresponding to the module’s address in the Output and Input
Image Tables are at word address 0128 and 1128 (upper bytes) respectively. The
address of the Read bit and Done bit is 012/17 and 112/17, respectively.
During the program scan when input switch 11302 is closed, the rung is enabled
and Read bit 012/17 is set to “1”. In the next scan of the Output Image Table,
the upper byte data of word address 012 is sent to the module. The module
responds that it is ready for transfer. The Processor interrupts the Output Image
Table scan and starts searching the timer/counter Accumulated area of the Data
Table. It finds the Module Address 1218 in word address 0308. The Processor
then transfers the data from the module to Data Table addresses 0608 through
0678. When the number of words to be transferred is not programmed, the
module will transfer its maximum (default) number which in this example was
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
A bidirectional operation requires one rung for a read operation and one rung
for a write operation. Consecutive addresses in the timer/counter area of the
Data Table should be selected for the GET instructions (Figure 11.6). for
example, the first GET instruction of both rungs should be assigned consecutive
word addresses such as 0408 and 0418. Both will have the same “data” to
identify the module location at address 1308.
Figure 11.6
Data Table Locations for Bidirectional Block Transfer
1 1 013
1 1 3 0 040
1 1 3 0 041
5 words of Data are to be written to
the bidirectional Block Transfer module
stargin from word 0508
Block Transfer Write
Data 5 words of Data are to be read from
Block Transfer Read the module and loaded into the Data table
Data starting at word 0608
0 5 0 140
0 6 0 141
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The second GET instruction of both rungs will be assigned addresses 1008
words above the first GET instructions. As “data”, they will store the starting
address for Block Transfer data such as 0508 and 0608.
Support Rungs
there are additional techniques that can be used to support the Block Transfer
Loading Zeros
Setting the number of words to be transferred
Buffering data
Of these support rungs, buffering data must be programmed to ensure the Block
Transfer data is valid. Other techniques, such as an IMMEDIATE OUTPUT
instruction or a Scan Monitor, can also be programmed. The IOT instruction is
used to request Block Transfer more than once per scan by assigning it the word
address corresponding to the module’s location. A Scan Monitor is used to
monitor the number of scans that have occurred between each Block Transfer
operation. For programming information on the Scan Monitor, refer to the
respective User’s Manual for the Block Transfer module.
The boundary word data bits can be set to zero manually using Bit Manipulation
[SEARCH [5][3], or by GET/PUT transfer. The GET/PUT transfer can be
programmed by assigning the GET and PUT instructions to the address
immediately following the last Block Transfer Data Address (Figure 11.7). The
value of the GET instruction can be set to 000 when programmed.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.7
Loading Zeros
Data Table
First word in accumulated
1 0 0 030 area of Data Table
1 1 0 031
Each Block Transfer module has a default value that specifies the maximum
number of words that can be transferred. Either the default value or some lesser
value can be selected. For Bidirectional Block Transfer, use the default value of
the module. Because the default value can vary from one kind of module to
another, consult the appropriate module documentation.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.8
Setting the Number of Transfer Words
Read 5 words
from module Bit Pattern
# Words
To Transfer 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DEFAULT 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 014
2 0 0 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 0 1 1
4 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 4 0 030 5 0 0 0 1 0 1
62 1 1 1 1 1 0
63 1 1 1 1 1 1
Block Transfer Data
64 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 114
0 5 0 130
Sets the
014 number
of words
030 130 014
140 050 07 10789I
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The purpose of Block Transfer data buffering is to allow the data to be validated
before it can be used. Data that is read from the Block Transfer module and
transferred to Data Table locations must be buffered. Data that is written to the
module need not be buffered because Block Transfer modules perform this
function internally.
Transferred data is buffered to ensure that both the transfer and the data are
valid. As an example, readings from an open-circuited temperature sensor
(invalid data) could have a valid transfer from an analog input module to the
Data Table. The Processor examines data-valid and/or diagnostic bits contained
in the transferred data to determine whether or not the DATA is valid. The Read
bit (or Write bit) is set in the Input Image Table byte if the TRANSFER is valid.
The data-valid and/or diagnostic bits differ for each Block Transfer module.
Some modules set one or both for the entire group of words transferred, while
others set a data-valid diagnostic bit in each word. Refer to the respective User’s
Manual for the Block Transfer module to determine the correct usage of the
diagnostic and/or data valid bit(s).
One technique for buffering data is to store the transferred data in a temporary
storage location. If the data is valid, it is immediately transferred to another
storage location in the Data Table where it can be used. If invalid, it is not
transferred but written over in the next transfer. Another technique uses only
one storage location. This technique prevents invalid data from being operated
upon by preconditioning the rungs that would transfer data out of storage one
word at a time.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.9
Buffering Data
Block Length
1 0 Code
014 Data in the Buffer File,
050052, will be moved
to 150152 when:
0 5 0 130
Block Transfer Data (valid)
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The example in Figure 11.9 shows the memory map and ladder diagram rungs
for buffering 3 words of data that are read from the Block Transfer module. Two
storage locations are used. The data is read and buffered in the following
1. When Rung 3 goes TRUE, bit 014/07 (the Read bit) will be turned ON and
Block Transfer will be requested. This latches ON storage bit 010/00 in
Rung 4.
2. Block Transfer will be requested during the program scan. The transfer
will be performed during an interruption of the next I/O scan. Data from
the module will be loaded into words 0508-0528. When Block Transfer is
complete, the Read bit 114/07 is set in the Input Image Table byte. This
indicates Block Transfer was successfully performed. The Processor then
continues with the I/O scan and program scan.
3. During the Program scan, Rung 1 will be TRUE because bit 010/00 is still
latched ON and bit 114/07 is ON because Block Transfer was performed.
This will turn bit 010/02 ON. In Rung 2, bit 010/00 is then unlatched.
OneShot The one-shot programming technique is used for certain applications to set a bit
ON for one scan only. there are two types of one-shots that can be
Leading Edge
Trailing Edge
A leading edge one-shot is used to set a bit ON for one scan when its input
condition has made a FALSE-to-TRUE transition. The FALSE-to-TRUE
transition represents the leading edge of the input pulse. The programming for
a leading edge one-shot is shown in Figure 11.10.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.10
Leading Edge OneShot
112 011 253. Storage
04 14 00
253 011
00 14
253 011
00 00
Leading Edge
Bit 112/04 ON
OFF Input Pulse
Bit 253/00 ON
OFF One Scan
When bit 112/04 makes a FALSE-to-TRUE transition, the one-shot bit (bit
053/00) is set ON for one scan. The length of time bit 112/04 remains ON does
not affect the one-shot bit due to the next two rungs. bit 011/14 will be latched
ON when bit 112/04 is ON or bit 011/14 will be unlatched when bit 112/04 is
OFF. During the next scan, either set of conditions will prevent bit 053/00 from
being set ON. The one-shot bit is set ON for another scan only when bit 112/04
makes another FALSE-to-TRUE transition.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
A trailing edge one-shot is used to set a bit ON for one scan when its input
condition has made a TRUE-to-FALSE transition. The TRUE-to-FALSE
transition represents the trailing edge of the input pulse. Programming for a
trailing edge one-shot is shown in Figure 11.11.
Figure 11.11
Trailing Edge OneShot
112 011
04 14
112 011 253 Storage
04 14 00
253 011
00 14
Trailing Edge
Bit 112/04 ON
OFF Input Pulse
Bit 253/00 ON
OFF One Scan
When bit 112/04 goes TRUE, bit 011/14 is latched ON. As soon as bit 112/04
makes a TRUE-to-FALSE transition, the one shot bit (bit 053/00) is set ON and
bit 011/14 is unlatched. Bit 053/00 will remain ON for only one scan. The
input bit 112/04 must go TRUE and FALSE to set the one-shot bit ON for
another scan.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Timers with a 10-msec time base provide the user with greater timing resolution
and accuracy than is possible with a 0.1-second time base. Ten-msec timers are
used when timer delays from 0.02 to 9.99 seconds are required.
Note, however that the preset value is not an absolute length of time. For
example, if the present value is 010, the time delay will be:
10 seconds if a 1.0-second time base is entered
1.0 second if a 0.1-second time base is entered
0.10 second if a 0.01-second (10-msec) time base is entered
The smaller the time base, the larger the preset value must be to obtain the same
time delay. To obtain a 5-second time delay, the program could contain:
1.0-second time base and preset = 005
0.1-second time base and preset = 050
0.01-second time base and preset = 500
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Timer Accuracy
Given any preset value, a Mini-PLC-2 controller timer is accurate to within one
interval of its time base. Specifically, the timed interval does not exceed the
preset interval, but it may be as much as 1 time-base unit shorter than the preset.
These examples illustrate this accuracy:
TON: Time base 1.0-second; preset value 100. This time interval will be
greater than 99 seconds, but less than or equal to 100 seconds as given in the
equation below.
TON: Time base 0.1-second; preset value 100. This time interval will be
greater than 9.9 seconds, but less than or equal to 10.0 seconds as given in
the equation below.
TON: Time base 10-msec; preset value 100. This time interval will be
greater than 0.99 seconds, but less than or equal to 1.00 second as given in
the equation below.
Note that special programming techniques are required to use the 10-msec timer
in a program. These techniques are explained in Scan Time and Program
Execution, 11.4.6 and 11.4.7 below.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.12
Timing Diagram
Bit 17 0
Timed 1
Bit 15 0
Begin Timing
The user is urged not to over specify timing accuracy. In many applications
timing within 0.1 second will provide accuracy comparable to, or better than,
typical electromechanical timing relays. In general, these rules may be applied:
For delays of 99 to 999 seconds, use the 1.0-second time base
For delays of 2.00 to 99.9 seconds, use a 0.1-second time base
For delays of 0.02 to 2.00 seconds, use the 10-msec time base
When time delays are incorporated in a program to provide a warm-up or
initializing period, or to prevent the simultaneous application of power to
high-current devices, inaccuracies on the order of 50 to 250 msec are probably
insignificant. The 1.0- or 0.1-second time bases are more than adequate for
these uses. Applications for the 10-msec timer are discussed below.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Typical Applications
In the first method, the sort mechanism could be energized, for example, 60
msec after a REJECT is sensed by a particular sensor.
In the second method, the REJECT sense switch could immediately apply a
40-msec pulse to the sort mechanism. In this case, the pulse is just long enough
for the mechanism to pull only one rejected bottle off the line.
Yet another example for the generating of short-duration pulses can also be
found in machine tools and similar applications requiring accurate positioning
control. Typically, 10-msec timers are used to generate one short duration
pulse, or a series of pulses, when a limit switch or proximity switch detects end
of travel, depth reached, or similar data. Detection that machining depth has
been reached could, for example, generate a 130-msec pulse to the motor
reverse circuit, thus plugging or braking the spindle with great accuracy.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Changing the timer presets in this manner also enables the programmer to find-
tune the system without physically adjusting the locations of detection devices:
When considering use of the 10-msec timer, the user must consider other timing
factors, both within the programmable controller and in the hardware devices:
Some Input Modules may provide a slight delay resulting from the input
filter time constant (typically 10-25 msec).
Scan time (I/O scan + program scan) depends on the number and type of
Instructions, as discussed below. Incorporation of Immediate Input and
Immediate Output Instructions can compensate for the length of scan time.
User output devices may take 50 to 100 msec or longer to operate after
current is applied. Inductive loads, or devices with substantial surge
suppression circuitry, may also have longer response time.
Each of the items discussed above will have an impact on the actual time delay
obtained from a programmable timer. Selection of fast-response input devices
is the responsibility of the user, and is beyond the scope of this document. For
selection of suitable I/O Modules contact your local Allen-Bradley
representative for further assistance.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
The remainder of this section will discuss programming techniques which the
programmer must use to effectively program the 10-msec timer. The required
programming is based on 2 concepts:
Scan time
Sequential program scan
Scan Time
The Mini-PLC-2 Processor performs an I/O scan and then a program scan, in
sequence. Scan time is the sum of the times required for both these scans.
(Note that the Processor does not scan unused memory, nor does it scan that
portion of the memory used to store Messages.)
During an I/O scan, the Processor examines Output Image Table bits, and
updates or corrects the ON/OFF signals applied to the Output Modules. It also
examines the ON/OFF signals from the Input Modules and updates the ON/OFF
status of the corresponding Input Image Table bits.
During a program scan, the Processor scans each instruction in the Program,
one at a time. It executes Examine and Branching Instructions, but it executes
Output Instructions only if the rung is TRUE. The sequential nature of this scan
is discussed further below.
Scan time cannot be specified exactly for all processors because each user
program is different. The length of the scan time depends on both the number
and the type of Instructions the program contains. (Actual scan time
computation is discussed below.) For purposes of discussion, scan time is
generally assumed to be about 25 msec, though in practice it will range from
about 25 msec to 50 msec., or more in certain extreme cases.
Program Execution
Furthermore, the only states of any memory bits that affect the execution of any
single Instruction are the states those bits have at the instant the Processor
executes the Instruction. If a bit changes state after the Instruction is executed,
the change of state will not affect the instruction until it is executed the next
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Suppose, in this case, that the input device wired to a terminal at address 110/13
closes when the program scan begins. The corresponding Image Table bit will
remain “0” (device is open) until the next I/O scan after the current program
scan is finished, or until the Processor executes an Immediate Input Instruction
address to word 110.
The Processor can also update a timer only at the instant it is executing that
timer instruction. Remember that an integral timing clock (see Section 11.4.3)
puts out pulses for the 1.0-second, 0.1-second and 10-msec timers. When 1.0-
second and 0.1-second timers are used in a program, the timing pulses are
always longer than the Processor scan time. No special programming is
required; these timers will not miss a timing pulse.
Timing pulses for the 10-msec time base, however, are usually shorter than the
program scan time. Since the Processor can only increment a timer while it is
executing that Instruction, the 10-msec timer could miss one or more timing
pulses on each program scan. The solution is to instruct the Processor to
execute the timer Instruction often enough that it will not miss a pulse.
Programming Compensation
In order to compensate for the length of the scan time and to assure accurate
timing, 10-msec timer programming must be repeated several places in the
A typical program using the total memory can nominally be assumed to have a
scan time of less than 30 msec. (See Program Scan Time Computation) In such
a program, enter the same timer rung at 3 different places in the program: once
near the beginning of the program, once near the middle, and once near the end.
The Processor will update the timer accumulated value each time it scans that
timer Instruction. Refer to Figure 11.13 and note the following:
The rung must be identical each time it is used: the same Examine
Instructions to condition the rung, the same timer word address, the same
time base, and the same preset value.
Use this technique only for 0.01-second timers. (The program scan is fast
enough to assure accurate operation of the 1.0-second and 0.1-second timers
with only one timer rung per program.)
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.13
Typical Timing Diagram for 0.01Second Timer
msec. 0.01sec
timer rungs
Same 0.01sec.
timer rungs
Multiple entry of the timer rung will help to assure that the accuracy of the
timer accumulated value is within the accuracy limits discussed above.
Additional programming techniques can help to assure that output devices
controlled by the timer are energized or de-energized after as precise a time
delay as possible. The programmer may want to include:
Multiple entries of rungs which examine the timed bit of the timer to condition
an Output Energize Instruction.
Immediate Input Instructions to help assure that the timer is enabled as quickly
as possible after the external event occurs.
Example 10-msec timer rungs are shown in Figure 11.14. In Rung No. 1, the
Immediate Input Instruction precedes the Examine Instruction addressed to a bit
in Input Image Table word 110. When used near the middle or end of a
program, the Immediate Input Instruction helps to assure that the Processor will
be executing the Instruction based on accurate data.
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Figure 11.14
Example 0.01Second Programming
In Rung No. 2, the Output Energize Instruction conditioned by the timer bit
should also be repeated in the program. when used near the beginning or
middle of the program, the Immediate Output Instruction addressed to Output
Image Table word 014 will help to assure that the Output Module will respond
quickly to timer cycling.
By repeating the timer rung and related rungs, the programmer can assure that
the Processor will update timer accumulated values more frequently than the
timing pulses change state. As shown in Figure 11.13 repetition within 8 or 9
msec will be adequate for this purpose.
In order to evaluate programming needs, the user may wish to calculate the
approximate scan time. An exact computation is not practical, but a reasonable
approximation can be obtained using the approximate execution times listed in
chapter 12, Table 12-1. Enter the 10-msec timer rungs 3 times per 1K (1024)
words of program, then compute the scan time. A sample computation follows:
Chapter 11
Special Programming Techniques
Assume the Processor is using a 128-word Data Table and has 1024 words of
memory. If all memory words are used, the program will contain 896
Instructions. A program of this size might typically have the following
546 Instructions x 18 µsec = 9.8 msec
306 Instructions x 28 µsec = 8.6 msec
44 Instructions x 83 µsec = 3.7 msec
Total (rounded): = 22 msec
The I/O scan time adds
approximately 1.0 msec + 1 msec
Total: 26 msec
If a 10-msec timer is used in a program of this duration, the timer rung and
related rungs must occur at least 3 times in the program at evenly spaced
intervals. For longer programs, it may be necessary to repeat the timer
instruction and related rungs several more times to assure that timing is
General In order for the Processor to implement the User Program, it must evaluate the
action that it must take based on monitoring the status of input conditions. in
addition, it must control the status of output devices in accordance with the
program logic. Every instruction in User Program requires execution time.
Execution times vary greatly depending upon the instruction, the amount of data
to be operated on and whether the instruction is FALSE or TRUE.
Scan Time Scan time is the amount of time it takes the Processor to monitor and update
inputs and outputs, and to execute instructions in memory in accordance with
user Program. The scan is performed serially, first the I/O Image Table is
updated, (other parts of the Data Table are not scanned), then the User Program.
Scan time is typically 23 msec for a program of 900 instructions. The scan time
is increased approximately 3 msec when the Industrial Terminal is connected to
the Processor. When the Communication Adapter Module or the PLC-2
Family/RS-232-C Interface Module, 1771-KA or 1771-KG, respectively, is
connected to the Processor, the scan time is increased by approximately 5 msec.
Using the scan counter described in Chapter 11, a brief program can be written
to display average scan time (See Figure 12.1). For example, the time required
to complete 1000 scans can be monitored using a timer and GET/PUT transfer
instructions. With a time base of 0.1 seconds, the average scan time can be read
directly in milliseconds.
Chapter 12
Scan Time and
Instruction Execution TImes
Figure 12.1
Scan Time Program
PR 999
Branch End Instruction AC 000
2 ? CTU
PR 999
AC 000
050 051
14 0.1
PR 999
AC xxx
050 050 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3
4 : :
14 xxx 010 xxx . xxx
050 051
14 PR 999
AC 000
050 050
14 PR 999
AC 000
The scan time is displayed as the timer Accumulated value beneath the GET or
PUT instruction.
NOTE: The displayed average scan time includes both the I/O scan time of
approximately 1 msec and the User Program scan time.
Chapter 12
Scan Time and
Instruction Execution Times
Watchdog Timer The Processor contains an internal watchdog timer that sets an upper limit for
the scan time. If the scan time should exceed the limit, a Processor fault would
occur and the Processor would shut down. The watchdog timer is factory set at
180 MS.
Instruction Execution Times Execution times in microseconds for each instruction are presented in
Table 12.A. Two execution times are given: when the instruction is FALSE,
and an average execution time when the instruction is TRUE. For some
instructions, the execution time will depend on other circumstances described
Table 12.A
Instruction Execution Times
GET 28
PUT 22 36
EQUAL 36 36
ADD 22 56
Chapter 12
Scan Time and
Instruction Execution TImes
The execution times for these instructions depend on the values of the numbers
being computed. Generally, the larger the number, the longer the execution
In addition to the ZCL instruction itself, when the rung containing the ZCL
instruction is FALSE (i.e., outputs are controlled by the zone), the time required
to scan each instruction between the Start Fence and End Fence is 15
Block Transfer Programming In addition to the time required to execute the instruction in the program scan,
the I/O scan is also interrupted while data is transferred. The delay is
proportional to the number of words transferred and may vary from one kind of
module to another. Consult the I/O Module User’s Manual.
Numbering Systems
General There are four numbering systems used with Allen-Bradley programmable
controllers. They are:
These numbering systems differ by their number sets and place values.
Decimal Numbering System The decimal numbering system uses a number set made up of ten digits: the
numbers 0 through 9. All decimal numbers are composed of these digits. The
value of a decimal number depends on the digits used and the place value of
each digit.
Each place value in a decimal number represents a power of ten (Figure 13.1),
starting with 100. (Any number raised to the zero power is equal to 1). The
value of a decimal number is determined by multiplying each digit by its
corresponding place value and adding these numbers together.
Figure 13.1
Decimal Numbering System
2 x 102 = 20010
3 x 101 = 3010 30
9 x 100 = 910 23910
2 3 9 10 10238I
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
Octal Numbering System The octal numbering system is used to address word and bit locations in the
Data Table. Its number set is composed of eight digits: the numbers 0 through
Each digit is an octal number has a certain place value, represented by a power
of eight (Figure 13.2).
Figure 13.2
Octal Numbering System
3 x 82 = 192
5 x 81 = 40 40
7 x 80 = 7 23910
23910 = 3578
3 5 7 8 10669I
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
Binary Numbering System The binary numbering system is a number set that consists of two digits: the
numbers 0 and 1. All information in memory is stored as an arrangement of 1’s
and 0’s.
Each digit in a binary number has a certain place value expressed as a power of
two (Figure 13.3). The decimal equivalent of a binary number is computed by
multiplying each binary digit by its corresponding place value and adding these
numbers together.
Figure 13.3
Binary Numbering System
1 x 27 = 128
1 x 26 = 64
1 x 25 = 32
0 x 24 = 0
1 x 23 = 8 64
1 x 22 = 4 8
1 x 21 = 2 2
1 x 20 = 1 23910
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2
111011112 = 23910
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
Figure 13.4
Binary Coded Decimal
0 x 23 = 0
0 x 22 = 0
1 x 21 = 2
0 x 20 = 0
0 x 23 = 0
0 x 22 = 0
1 x 21 = 2
1 x 20 = 1
1 x 23 = 8
0 x 22 = 0
0 x 21 = 0
1 x 20 = 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
2 3 9 10241I
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
Table 13.A
BCD Representation
23 22 21 20
(8) (4) (2) (1)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 1 9
Octal Representation
Figure 13.5
Octal Representation
1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
3 5 78 10670I
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
The octal number for each group of bits is determined by multiplying the binary
digit by its corresponding place value and adding these numbers together.
(Table 13.B).
Table 13.B
Octal Representation
22 21 20
(4) (2) (1)
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7
Table 13.C
Numbering System Conversion Chart
0 0000 0
1 0001 1
2 0010 2
3 0011 3
4 0100 4
5 0101 5
6 0110 6
7 0111 7
8 1000 8
9 1001 9
A 1010 10
B 1011 11
C 1100 12
D 1101 13
E 1110 14
F 1111 15
Chapter 13
Numbering Systems
Figure 13.6
Example of Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
0 x 163 = 0
1 x 162 = 256
10 x 161 = 160 160
7 x 160 = 7 42310 = 01A716
0 1 A 7
Figure 13.7
Example of Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion
C 2 A F
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
71 Sample program, 0.01 Second timers,
Memory layout display, 92 1118
Memory organization Scan counter, 111
Adjusting the data table, 91 Scan sequence, 74
Definition, 15 Scan time
Developing the data table, 87 Determination of:, 121
Storage considerations, 811 Typical, 74
Word assignment considerations, 810
Search functions, 97
Message control word, 1014
Single rung display, 99
Message generation, 1012
Status/Control bits, Operation of, Counter
Modes of processor operation, 21 instructions, 49
Module address, block transfer, 116 Status/Control bits, Operation of:
Module group, 16, 19 Arithmetic instruction, 61
Timer instructions, 42
Status/Control bits, operation of:, Automatic
N report generation, 1012
Nested programming, 36 SUBTRACT -(-)-, 61
Index I–3