Journalism Media Diary Assignment
Journalism Media Diary Assignment
Journalism Media Diary Assignment
newer sources. The Monkey survey completely by JOUR 1111s 436 students found the following facts: over 95% of students currently enrolled in the course have at least one Facebook account (Q5) , over 30% have at least one Twitter account (Q6), over 30% have at least one blog (Q7), etc. As a result of this survey, its not surprising that journalists across the globe claim that traditional sources of media such as newspapers and magazines are being used less by new media sources such as Facebook and YouTube.
Over a ten day period, the type of media which I make use of was recorded to determine my own personal news use (Table 1). After ten days, the results were recorded and it is evident that I personally utilize and seek out new media sources (Figure 1). Not only this, but as illustrated in Figure 2, I consistently seek out new media sources for news information. This varies slightly to that of the monkey survey which in question 18 clearly illustrates that the predominant source of news sought out after by journalism students is television at 71.1% of the cohort. I do watch my fair share of television, however when I go to watch TV it is not 19 for the news or media, rather for "Traditional" Media Sources entertainment purposes.
Figure 1
As illustrated in Figure 3, the Sources 92 primary source of information I am utilizing is Facebook, followed by YouTube, Twitter and then Television. After analysing my media usage, I think this is a result of accessibility and convenience. Owning an iPhone allows quick and easy access to social networking sites such as Facebook which provide current and up to date news feeds continually. More and more people are turning to new media sources and as the large majority of people have internet enabled smart phones (75% of JOUR1111 students), electronic media is turning into the cheaper, more effective and more efficient alternative to buying a newspaper, reading a magazine or even watching television for news.
"New Media"
Figure 2: Representation of the Number of Uses per Day by Each News Source over a Ten Day Period
9 8 7 6 5 Number of Uses 4 3 2 1 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day Number Newspaper Magazine Radio Television Facebook Twitter Skype YouTube
Using social networking sources such as Facebook does not necessarily mean that people are less aware of details in high profile news stories. With an evolution of media occurring, developing the industry from physical to electronic media sources, it is not unusual for massive stories to reach Facebook first. I personally believe that the global connection allows for an easier and more efficient method of mass media production and awareness, a perfect example being KONY 2012. Clearly, I prefer the new media method of obtaining information. Social networking sites keep me up to date with current affair situations and news stories across the globe. As a result of all of this, I believe that we are converting towards a more technologically reliant system of media use, and traditional media will become secondary sources of news.