System Software Engineering Fundamental
System Software Engineering Fundamental
System Software Engineering Fundamental
1. Define s/w & s/w engineering & its characteristics? 2. Define s/w engineering & application of s/w? 3. Explain s/w myths & its types? 4. Waterfall model? Its advantage & disadvantage? 5. Spiral model? Its advantage & disadvantage? 6. Prototype model? Its advantage & disadvantage? 7. Incremental model? Its advantage & disadvantage? 8. Co Como model? 9. Cost & time estimation. 10. SRS & Characteristics? 11. Cohesion & coupling. 12. Project management process 13. Testing & Types of testing 14. Test case & design of test case 15. Coding statement. 16. S/W matrix? Explain role of matrix in process management 17. RAD. 18. DFD & data dictionary[tools for structure analysis]
Fundamentals of software engineering Software engineering:The term software engineering sometimes may be abbreviated as S.E. it is profession dedicated to designing, implementing & modifying software so that it is of higher quality, more affordable maintainable & faster to built. The term software engineering first appeared in 1968 at NATO software engineering conference. S.E. is still relatively young compare to its sister field of engineering. Some peoples says that development of S.E. is more art that attempting to import engineering discipline over a type of art is an exercise in futility because what represent good practice in creation of software is not even define on the other hand some people argue that engineering blend of art & science achieve practical end provide useful model for software development. Whereas IEEE defines software engineering as the application of systematic disciplined quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software and study of this approach. Following are some of the definition using which the term software engineering can be define. It is establishment and use of sound engineering principles [methods] in order to obtain economical software i.e. reliable & works on real machines. Software engineering is the form engineering that applies the principle of computer science & mathematics to achieving cost effecting solutions to the software problem. Software engineering is application of systematic disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation & maintenance to software These definition clearly state that software engineering is about creating high quality software in a systematic, controlled & efficient manner. Consequently there are important emphasis on analysis &evaluation, specification, design & evaluation of software. In addition to this there are issue related to management & quality, standards, individual skill, team work & professional practice that play vital role in S.E.
As per process point of view the software development paradigm explain who is involved in development of that software and what roles do individuals have then here as per process view point how many
individuals are involved and characteristic. Here we have to also consider what are the task individuals are going to perform and is their match between individuals characteristics and their assigned tasks. This process view point also explains how you