Design and characteristics of a tapered amplier diode system by seeding with continuous-wave and mode-locked external cavity diode laser
Yihan Xiong Sytil Murphy J. L. Carlsten Montana State University Physics Department, EPS 264 Bozeman, Montana 59717 E-mail: xiong@physics.montana.edu Abstract. We present a detailed design of a simple, stable, and compact tapered amplier TA diode system. Heat conductivity, strain release, and system alignment are taken into consideration for this design. Convenient access to the three-dimensional adjustments for collimation makes the system easy to align. The optical amplication is discussed as a function of injection of current and operating temperature for both a continuous-wave external cavity diode laser CW-ECDL and a modelocked external cavity diode laser ML-ECDL . With 5-mW CW-ECDL seeding power, 240 mW is achieved after the TA, 115 mW 48% of which can be coupled into a single-mode ber. With 0.75-mW average ML-ECDL seeding power, 80-mW average power, or about 11-W peak power 843-MHz repetition rate and 8-ps pulse width , is achieved after the TA, 39 mW 49% of which can be coupled into a single-mode ber. In both cases, the amplied light maintains the optical properties of the seeding light, showing the same mode suppression. The output power spatial mode quality is characterized with a camera and BeamView software. Output power stability is also discussed. 2006 Society of Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers. DOI: 10.1117/1.2404925
Kevin Repasky Montana State University ECE Department, Cobleigh 610 Bozeman, Montana 59717
Subject terms: continuous-wave external cavity diode laser; mode-locked external cavity diode laser; tapered amplier diode system; antireection coating; collimation; system alignment; amplication. Paper 060147R received Feb. 24, 2006; revised manuscript received May 3, 2006; accepted for publication May 8, 2006; published online Dec. 21, 2006.
External cavity diode lasers ECDL are commonly used in many experiments. Low-cost diodes, narrow-linewidth, and wide-frequency tunability are the main advantages of ECDL systems. Frequency-selective feedback is typically achieved via a grating in either the Littrow13 or LittmanMetcalf4,5 congurations. With either conguration, the output power of the ECDL is limited by the risk of the high circulating power inside the external cavity damaging the diode. The typical continuous-wave ECDL CWECDL output power is 5 20 mW. After beam-shaping, Faraday isolation, and ber coupling, only 3 10 mW remain. The typical average output power of a mode-locked ECDL ML-ECDL is only 1 2 mW.6 A tapered amplier TA diode can make the optical power much higher while maintaining all the optical properties of the seeding ECDL. In the past, most optical ampliers were either extremely expensive or difcult to make reliable. Recently, lower-cost tapered amplier diodes have become commercially available, making diode optical ampliers more practical. With improvements in antireection AR coating technology, laser action of the tapered amplier itself can be avoided by coating both the front and back facets, giving the laser system the best possible performance. In this paper, we inves0091-3286/2006/$22.00 2006 SPIE
tigate a TA diode system that can amplify either a CWECDL or an ML-ECDL. The TA diode is manufactured by the German company Eagleyard Photonics. The gain region of the TA diode is 2.75 mm long with 3- m and 190- m input and output apertures, respectively. According to the manufacturers datasheet, the maximum output power is about 500 mW, within a wavelength range from 785 to 805 nm. This paper is organized in the following manner. Section 2 gives the details of the TA diode system design and alignment. The experimental setup is discussed in Section 3, followed by the experimental results from this TA diode system in Section 4. Finally, we offer some concluding remarks in Section 5. 2 TA Diode System Design and Alignment We designed a simple, stable, and compact TA diode system Fig. 1 that consists of a TA diode, two aspheric collimation lenses f = 4.5 mm 0.55 NA, Thorlabs C230TM-B threaded into a homemade tube inserted into a modied ber holder Newport F-91-C1-T , a Plano-Convex cylindrical lens f = 50 mm , and a 4 3 2.2-in. aluminum heat sink. The C-Mount TA diode has an antireection coating on both ends and a 2.75-mm-long tapered gain region, which allows for a weak signal to be injected into the narrow end and the amplied light to come out from the broad
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Fig. 1 Top view of the TA diode system. Heat sink and TEC are for heat conductivity; Newport F-91-C1-T and cylindrical lens are for collimation adjustment; SMA connector is for strain release.
end after traveling through the gain region. It is necessary to have a compact and stable mount for the TA diode and the collimators, because the input aperture of the TA diode is only 3 m. The C-Mount TA diode is screwed onto a homemade brass diode holder. The modied commercially available ber holders with collimation lenses in them are attached on both sides of the diode holder. These ber holders allow adjustments in three dimensions, ensuring good coupling of the input light and collimation of the output light. In earlier work,7 the z-direction of the output collimator was not accessible from the outside. However, in our design, all these adjustments are accessible from the outside of the housing surrounding the TA diode mount. Thermal variations can cause the output power of the TA to uctuate. To thermally control this system, we attached the brass diode holder mount to an aluminum heat sink with a 2 2-in. thermoelectric cooler in between. In addition, the aluminum housing that surrounds the TA is designed to minimize the amount of air around the TA to help reduce any thermal variations that air movement could cause. Water cooling was not needed or used in our design. The soldered connection of the diode cathode tab on the C-Mount is very fragile and needs to be attached quickly in order to prevent damage to the TA diode by overheating. Therefore, in addition to screwing the TA diode onto the homemade brass diode holder, we also soldered the cathode tab to a wire from an SMA connector attached to the front case of TA diode system in order to serve as a strain release. This helps prevent accidental damage to this fragile connection. Good alignment plays a big role in the amplication performance. In this system, we rst turn on the TA without any seeding light; because of the AR coatings, the amplied spontaneous emission ASE power is only from 0.8 to 3 mW depending on the TA drive current. On the input side, the three-dimensional adjustments of the input lens allow the emitted ASE to be collimated. The ASE beam prole on the input side is roughly circular and can therefore be ber coupled with about 4555% efciency into a single-mode ber. The manufacture datasheet lists the perpendicular divergent external half-angle as 14 and the parallel divergent external half-angle as 5. A 4.5-mm spherical lens was used to collimate the perpendicular divergent beam. Using geometric optics, we calculated a perpendicular collimated beam size of 2.242 mm and the location where the parallel beam focuses. Knowing these two numbers, we determined that a 54-mm focal length cylindrical
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Fig. 2 Beam shape after TA. The beam viewer software shows that the parallel and perpendicular widths are 2.51 mm and 2.153 mm. The beam shape is not perfectly circular, but good enough to give 4555% coupling efciency to a single-mode ber.
lens would be needed to collimate the parallel divergent beam to the same size as the collimated perpendicular beam. We used the closest commercially available cylindrical lens, which has a 50-mm focal length. In this way, the beam shape will be close to circular before going through the Faraday isolator and being ber-coupled. Figure 2 gives details about the beam shape after the TA diode and both lenses. The parallel and perpendicular beam widths were measured with BeamView software to be 2.51 mm and 2.153 mm, respectively, very close to the 2.242 mm calculated earlier. The ratio of parallel to perpendicular is about 5:4.3; not a perfectly circular beam, but close enough to give 4555% ber coupling efciency into a single-mode ber. Improvements to the circularity of the beam may be possible with changing the focal length of the cylindrical lens. The whole alignment process is quite simple because of the easy access to the three-dimensional adjustments on both collimation lenses. 3 Experimental Setup The ECDL used in the experiment Fig. 3 is a 17.8-cm Littrow cavity corresponding to the fundamental free spectral range of 843 MHz. Both DC and AC current supplies are connected to the ECDL via a bias tee. A 5-dBm AC sine
Fig. 3 Experimental setup. G: grating; LD: laser diode; M: mirror; FI: Faraday isolator; HW: half-wave plate; PBS: polarized beamsplitter, SMF: single-mode ber; IC: input collimator; OC: output collimator; CL: cylindrical lens; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer.
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wave modulation at 843 MHz is produced by a signal generator HP 8648A and is amplied to 21 dBm MiniCircuits ZQL-900LNW before being combined with the DC current and applied to the ECDL. With only the DC current on, it behaves as a CW-ECDL; while with the sinusoidal AC current at 843 MHz in addition to the DC current, it acts as a ML-ECDL. Output light from the CWECDL or ML-ECDL goes through a Faraday isolator and then is coupled into a single-mode ber, the output of which is the seeding power for the TA diode system. ILX Lightwave LDC-3744B diode current controller is used as the current source for the TA diode. This instrument provides a maximum DC current of 4 A. The amplied light after another Faraday isolator is considered the output power from TA diode system. Characteristics of the Tapered Amplier Diode System With CW-ECDL seeding, Fig. 4 shows plots of the TA output power as a function of drive current for two different temperatures, 18 C and 22 C. Since both the TA diode and the collimation lens are mounted to the same piece, they will tend to have the same thermal expansion rate. Thus, we expect that even with a 4 C change in temperature, only a small misalignment will occur. However, we did readjust the ber coupler for the seeding power after every temperature adjustment to maximize the coupling efciency of the seeding power into the TA diode and found that very little correction was needed. Both plots show that for a higher TA drive current, higher amplication is achieved. By comparing the amplication for the same TA drive current at different temperatures, it can be seen that by lowering the temperature from 22 C to 18 C, the amplication increases by roughly 1020%. With 5-mW seeding power at 18 C, 240 mW is achieved after TA, and 115 mW 48% can be coupled into a single-mode ber.7 Figure 5 shows the TA output power versus drive current at 18 C after seeding with the ML-ECDL. With 0.75mW seeding power, 80-mW average power can be achieved by driving the TA at 1.75 Amps at 18 C, 39 mW 49% of which can be coupled into a single-mode ber.6,8 A typical interferometric autocorrelation tracer9 shown in Fig. 6, which displays a pulse with a full-width at halfmaximum FWHM measurement of 12 ps in duration. Deconvolving this measurement with a Gaussian pulse shape yields a temporal pulse width of 8.5 ps. However, in many cases, the mode-locked pulses obtained from an actively mode-locked semiconductor laser are asymmetric in shape, with fast rise times and slower fall times.1012 A more realistic situation is to deconvolve the measured pulse shapes with a single side exponential. This implies mode-locked pulses with a temporal width closer to 6 ps. Taking a conservative approach, pulse widths of 8 ps are assumed in this paper. With a repetition rate of 843 MHz or 1.19 ns , the 80-mW average mode-locked power corresponds to a peak power of about 11 W. The 15- m actuator step size of our autocorrelator is not ne enough to resolve the details of the electric eld modulation under the tting curve, but it still shows the eld modulation properties. Figure 7 shows the optical spectrum of the seeding light and the light after amplication. In both the CW and ML cases, the amplied light keeps the same optical spectrum
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Fig. 4 Temperature and current dependence of TA amplication by seeding with CW-ECDL. Both plots show the amplication when the TA is operated at seven different currents. a T = 22 C; b T = 18 C. Lower temperature and higher drive current give higher amplication.
as the seeding light. Since the TA diode is AR coated at both ends, with a drive current from 1.15 A to 1.75 A, the ASE varies from 0.8 mW to 3 mW and the optical spectrum is at over about 20 nm. By comparing ASE with the output power in Fig. 4, we can tell that except when the seeding power is small, the ASE is negligible compared to the amplied light. After being amplied by the TA, the mode suppression is roughly 38 dB for CW seeding and 32 dB for ML seeding, which equal the mode suppression of the seeding CW-ECDL and the ML-ECDL. The spectral width of amplied ML-ECDL is 0.16 nm, roughly corresponding to 72 longitudinal modes, which also maintains the spectral width of the seeding ML-ECDL. The fraction of ASE background in the TA output is obtained by integrating the power spectral density on a linear scale in Fig.
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4 b , yielding 1.65% for CW seeding and 2.92% for ML seeding at 22 C. We can see obvious improvements of our system when compared to the results of previous experiments,7 which achieved, with CW seeding, 5.6% at 16 C and 1.4% at 5 C. The improvement in our case is probably due to a better AR coating on our TA diode. In general, thermal instabilities make the output power uctuate; however, with the considerations mentioned earlier, the output power after this TA diode system is very stable once the system reaches thermal equilibrium. As shown in Fig. 8, with 2-mW CW seeding power at 22 C, during the rst couple of minutes after turning on the TA, the power
Fig. 7 TA optical spectrum with ML and CW seeding. Mode suppression is about 32 dB and 38 dB, respectively.
reaches 160 mW and then drops immediately due to sudden temperature changes associated with turning on the TA diode. After about 15 minutes, when the system reaches the thermal equilibrium, the output power remains at 140 mW for more than the 50 minutes measured. 5 Summary We have shown a simple and stable design for a tapered amplier diode system, taking into consideration the thermal management of the heat dissipation, three-dimensional collimation adjustments, and strain release. The easily accessible three-dimensional collimation adjustments allow us to precisely align the input and output with the TA diode, giving better output amplication performance. Both CWECDL and ML-ECDL were constructed and used to inject optical power into the TA diode system. CW power after amplication reached 240 mW with 5-mW seeding power. This can be used as a tunable laser source for a Lidar project, like water vapor proles in the atmosphere13 or any other system that requires high power while maintaining
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Fig. 6 Interferometric autocorrelation trace of the amplied pulses. Autocorrelation of the ML laser pulse shows a FWHM of 12 ps. This corresponds to a pulse duration of approximately 9 ps by taking the deconvolution between pulse shapes. Since the stepping of the autocorreltor is not ne enough, the structure beneath the tting curve does not represent the details of the electric eld modulation, but still shows eld modulation property.
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Xiong et al.: Design and characteristics of a tapered amplier diode system 11. G. Eisenstein, P. B. Hansen, J. M. Wiesenfeld, R. S. Tucker, and G. Raybon, Amplication of high repetition rate picosecond pulses using an InGaAsP traveling-wave optical amplier, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 15391541 1988 . 12. N. A. Olsson and G. P. Agrawal, Spectral shift and distortion due to self-phase modulation of picosecond pulses in 1.5 m optical ampliers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1315 1989 . 13. K. Repasky, J. Shaw, J. Carlsten, M. Obland, L. Meng, and D. Hoffman, Diode laser transmitter for water vapor DIAL measurements, IEEE Intl. Geosci. and Remote Sensing 3, 19471950 2004 . Yihan Xiong received her BE from the Optoelectronics Department at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2000 and her MS in physics at Montana State University in 2002. Since then, she has been working on her PhD in physics at the Montana State University under the supervision of Dr. John. L. Carlsten. Yihans work involves the development and stabilization of a mode-locked laser. She developed a mode-locked laser and amplier based on diode laser technology. This laser, when stabilized to a high-nesse interferometer, will allow Yihan to study nonlinear Raman conversion of her mode-locked pulse train. Sytil Murphy graduated from Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, in 1999 with a BA in mathematics. Since then, she has been working toward a PhD in physics at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, earning her MS degree in physics along the way in 2000. Her thesis project focuses on the development and characterization of a continuous-wave Raman laser that produces both the Stokes and antiStokes wavelengths. J. L. Carlsten earned his BS degree in physics from the University of Minnesota 1969 and his MS and PhD degrees in physics from Harvard University 1974 . Currently, he holds the position of Regents Professor of Physics at Montana State University. He has held positions at the University of Colorado 19741979 and at the Los Alamos National Laboratory 19791984 . His current areas of research involve the study of the quantum optics and nonlinear optics of the diode pumped cw Raman laser, for which he holds a patent along with Professor Kevin Repasky and Dr. Jason Brasseur. He also collaborates with Professors Repasky and Shaw on LIDAR applications to water vapor DIAL, bee detection, and carbon dioxide monitoring. Professor Carlsten is a fellow in the American Physical Society and is a fellow in the Optical Society of America. In addition, Professor Carlsten is currently serving half-time as the program director for the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Program at the National Science Foundation. Kevin S. Repasky received his BSEng degree in mechanical engineering from Youngstown State University in 1988 and his MS and PhD degrees in physics from Montana State University in 1992 and 1996, respectively. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Montana State University. His research interests include laser design and development, optical remote sensing, and optical communications.
Fig. 8 TA output power versus time. TA diode system reaches thermal equilibrium 20 minutes after turning on the TA diode, and the output power remains 140 mW for more than 50 minutes.
the narrow linewidth and frequency tunability. With 0.75mW average seeding power, ML average powers after amplication exceeded 80 mW with 8-ps pulse duration, translating to a peak power of around 11 W. These power levels should be sufcient to investigate nonlinear optical phenomena, such as self-phase modulation in a ber or the Raman effect in a high-nesse cavity with hydrogen. We also showed the optical spectrum after the TA maintains the same characteristics as the seeding light and that the output spatial mode quality allowed 4555% coupling efciency into a single-mode ber. References
1. A. S. Arnold, J. S. Wilson, and M. G. Boshier, A simple extendedcavity diode laser, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 12361239 1998 . 2. L. Ricci, M. Weidemller, T. Esslinger, A. Hemmerich, C. Zimmermann, V. Vuletic, W. Knig, and T. W. Hnsch, A compact gratingstabilized diode laser system for atomic physics, Opt. Commun. 117, 541549 1995 . 3. T. Hof, D. Fick, and H. J. Jnsch, Application of diode lasers as a spectroscopic tool at 670 nm, Opt. Commun. 124, 283286 1996 . 4. K. C. Harvey and C. J. Myatt, External-cavity diode laser using a grazing-incidence diffraction grating, Opt. Lett. 16, 910912 1991 . 5. S. Lecomte, E. Fretel, G. Mileti, and P. Thomann, Self-aligned extended-cavity diode laser stabilized by the Zeeman effect on the Cesium D 2 line, Appl. Opt. 39, 14261429 2000 . 6. P. J. Delfyett and C. H. Lee, High peak power picosecond pulse generation for AlGaAs external cavity mode-locked semiconductor laser and traveling-wave amplier, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 10 , 971 973 1990 . 7. D. Voigt, E. C. Schilder, R. J. C. Spreeuw, and H. B. Van Linden van den Heuvell, Characterization of a high-power tapered semiconductor amplier system, Appl. Phys. B 72, 279284 2001 . 8. S. Gee, G. Alphonse, J. Connolly, and P. J. Delfyett, High-power mode-locked external cavity semiconductor laser using inverse bowtie semiconductor optical ampliers, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 4 2 , 209215 1998 . 9. A. Baltuska, Z. Wei, M. S. Pshenichnikov, and D. A. Wiersma, Optical pulse compression to a 5 fs at 1-MHz repetition rate, Opt. Lett. 22 2 , 102104 1997 . 10. J. M. Wiesenfeld, G. Eisenstein, R. S. Tucker, G. Raybon, and P. B. Hansen, Distortionless picosecond pulse amplication and gain compression in a traveling-wave InGaAsP optical amplier, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 12391241 1988 .
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