Guía de Interpretación de Análisis de Refrigerante
Guía de Interpretación de Análisis de Refrigerante
Guía de Interpretación de Análisis de Refrigerante
Coolant Analysis
Conventional Coolant: Between 8.5 and 11 Long Life Coolant: Between 7 and 9
Ion Chromatography
Note: Due to interferences inherent to some coolant formulations and chemistry, some ions may not be reportable. Nitrites > 1200 ppm (nitrite only formulation) Primary inhibitor for iron protection; used to prevent > 300 ppm (Nitrite and Molybdate formulation) cavitation of wet sleeve liners. Rapid depletion of Nitrite and an increase in glycolate indicates general overheating of the coolant system or a localized hot spot. Rapid depletion of Nitrite without increase in Glycolates indicates Nitrite oxidation by a positive stray current. Molybdates > 300 ppm (Nitrite and Molybdate formulation) Primary inhibitor for iron protection; used to prevent Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference cavitation of wet sleeve liners. Nitrates Reportable +/- 10% from new coolant Unacceptable +/- 20% from new coolant Severe +/- 30% from new coolant New Coolant < 25 ppm Used Coolant < 75 ppm Protection of light alloys, solder and aluminum from corrosion. Nitrate levels may increase as nitrites are chemically transformed into Nitrate. Contaminant that can lead to extreme corrosion. Chlorides can result from aging coolant, or come from hydrochloric acid cleaners or chlorinated water. Distilled water is recommended when diluting concentrated (not pre-mixed) glycol. Iron corrosion protection and pH control. Over treatment can lead to heavy precipitation in the coolant resulting in a plugged radiator or oil cooler. Contaminant that can combine with calcium to form scale. Sulphates can result from aging coolant, or come from sulfuric acid cleaners or tap water. Distilled water is recommended when diluting concentrated (not pre-mixed) glycol. Breakdown (oxidation) by-product of glycol usually caused by localized overheating, air leak or general excessive temperature. Promotes Iron corrosion Breakdown (oxidation) by-product of glycol usually caused by localized overheating, air leak or general excessive temperature. Promotes Copper corrosion and leads to hard deposit precipitates.
Typical <1000 ppm Reportable >1500 ppm Unacceptable >2000 ppm Severe >2500 ppm Typical <25 ppm Reportable >50 ppm Unacceptable >100 ppm Severe >150 ppm
Coolant should be clear and bright. A change from n ew is indicative of a mixing of coolants and/ or contamination/ degradation. Coolant Analysis Report Abbreviations:
CCO - Clear, colorless OWH - O White RED - Red LRE - Light Red FOR - Fluorescent Orange ORA - Orange CLR - Clear
LOR - Light orange FYE - Fluorescent Yellow LGR - Light Green FGR - Fluorescent Green YGR - Yellow-Green DBL - Dark Blue HAZ - Hazy
BLU - Blue LBL - Light Blue PUR - Purple LPU - Light Purple FPI - Fluorescent Pink PIN - Pink CLD - Cloudy
DBR - Dark Brown BRO - Brown LBR - Light Brown RBR - Red Brown YBR - Yellow-Brown GBR - Green Brown
Unusual odors in coolant can be an indication of contamination such as diesel fuel, residual cleaners, or adverse conditions such as general or localized overheating. Coolant Analysis Report Abbreviations: GD - Good, acceptable FUE - Diesel fuel NH4 - Ammonia BUR - Burnt odor FUN - Fungal odor SUL - Sulphide SOL - Solvent
Typical Range
Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference
Function or E ect
A measure of the coolants ability to neutralize acids from glycol oxidation products or exhaust blow by. High reserve alkalinity is an indication of over concentration of additives. Low reserve alkalinity is an indication of over dilution or neutralization of additives.
20 15 15 15 15 15 20 100 40
Primary Source
(Some elements may originate from 2 or more sources ) Wear Element Wear Element Wear Element Wear Element Wear Element Wear Element Wear Element Contaminant (typically from water) Contaminant (typically from water) Additive Element Additive Element Additive Element Additive Element Additive Element Additive Element
10 15 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 10 15 60 80 20 30 Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference > 2000 ppm Long Life Coolants < 5000 ppm Conventional coolants Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference Alarms are based on New Coolant Reference
Coolants are carefully formulated mixtures of water, glycol, and inhibitors. Mixing coolants at anytime is not recommended and may lead to a loss of protective ability, damage to cooling system and engine, and/or a reduced coolant service life. Use of distilled or deionized water is recommended when added water is needed. Change coolant as per engine manufacturers instructions. Coolant Analysis is recommended up to every 250 hours. This guide is intended as a general reference only. Alarm limits indicated are typical; actual alarm limits may di er and are dependant on application, coolant type and other factors. Adequately completed coolant sample information is important for accurate ags and recommendations.