EXPEDITIO je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja, kao i kroz projekte
koji podstiču ukupan razvoj civilnog društva. Expeditio je osnovan 1997. godine. Sjedište organizacije je u Kotoru, Crna Gora. www.expeditio.org
EXPEDITIO je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja, kao i kroz projekte
koji podstiču ukupan razvoj civilnog društva. Expeditio je osnovan 1997. godine. Sjedište organizacije je u Kotoru, Crna Gora. www.expeditio.org
EXPEDITIO je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja, kao i kroz projekte
koji podstiču ukupan razvoj civilnog društva. Expeditio je osnovan 1997. godine. Sjedište organizacije je u Kotoru, Crna Gora. www.expeditio.org
EXPEDITIO je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija čija je misija podsticanje održivog prostornog razvoja u Crnoj Gori i regionu kroz djelovanje u oblasti održive arhitekture, kulturnog nasljeđa, planiranja, kao i kroz projekte
koji podstiču ukupan razvoj civilnog društva. Expeditio je osnovan 1997. godine. Sjedište organizacije je u Kotoru, Crna Gora. www.expeditio.org
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EIFE0lIl0 major rojects and actIvItIes
0ther toIcs of Imortance for EIFE0lIl0 In 2011
Major donor suort 2008-11 EIFE0lIl0 6enter for $ustaInahIe $atIaI 0eveIoment kotor | Montenero WWW.exedItIo.or EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 1 knnuaI 8eort 2011 EIFE0lIl0 major rojects and actIvItIes $0$IEI0 IhInkIn 6uIture as a Factor of EconomIc and $ocIaI lnnovatIon Within the SOSTENUTO project, Expeditio activities have been focused on the topic of strategic development of culture in the Bay of Boka Kotorska in Montenegro. A part of the Bay is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which confrms the fact that culture is an important asset of this area. However, so far, the potential of culture to contribute to the areas social and economic development has not been recognized and used to a sufcient level. During the SOSTENUTO project, through cooperation with the three municipalities in Boka Kotorska (Tivat, Kotor and Herceg Novi), Expeditio has conducted the input researches and developed draft proposals of the Local programmes for the development of culture 2011-15 for the said municipalities. Te process of development of these strategic documents was highly participatory and implied the involvement of cultural stakeholders from public and independent cultural scene, as well as citizens who consume the culture of this region. Te methods of involvement of stakeholders were various and they included focus groups, round table discussions, individual interviews, on-line surveys, workshops, etc. Te project also included the research of cultural needs and habits of the citizens of Boka Kotorska, with a separate segment focusing on youth culture. Furthermore, a database of cultural stakeholders was compiled and analysis of the independent cultural scene conducted. In the SOSTENUTO project, Expeditio was particularly interested in the relationship between culture and urban development and conducted the mapping of public spaces that have potential to be used for cultural activities. In addition, during the project, we translated into Montenegrin language the publication Guide to Citizen Participation in Local Cultural Policy Development for European Cities, which will be useful for cultural stakeholders not only in Montenegro but also in other countries of former Yugoslavia in which similar languages are spoken. Te main achievements of the project are the following: 1. Drafting key strategic documents for the development of culture in the municipalities of Boka Kotorska through a highly participatory process. 2. Including the themes of independent cultural scene and youth culture into the National programme for the development of culture Project co-fnanced by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and managed in Montenegro by the Delegation of the European Union. Te project obtained fnancial contribution from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro, Commission of the Government of Montenegro, as well as the Employment Agency of Montenegro through the engagement of unemployed persons. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 2 8enefIt LIvIn a neW Iaer of creatIve huIIdIn and IannIn In Montenero Te project is conducted in partnership between EXPEDITIO - Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development from Kotor, as a lead partner and CORNUCOPIA - Institute for Space and Culture, from Vransko, Slovenia and ACADEMICA Academic Group, from Belgrade, Serbia. Te overall objective of the project is to promote intercultural dialogue and creativity between EU and Montenegro in the feld of contemporary architecture and planning. Its main purpose is to create models of contemporary, low energy and low cost house which would form a new space that would put together characteristics of Montenegrin surroundings and the accomplishments of contemporary architecture, new technologies and knowledge taken from EU and neighbouring counties. Te fnal benefciaries of the project: * All people who will receive new knowledge about contemporary, high-quality and healthy architecture and who will have the opportunity to live and work in structures of that kind some day. * Project and construction companies, the manufacturers of prefabricated object Te duration of the project was 18 months. Te project is co-funded by EU, managed by Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro 6ender and $ace 6ender maInstreamIn of satIaI IannIn rocesses In Montenero In Montenegro, mainstreaming a gender perspective into plans and programmes at all levels is a legal obligation, which is not sufciently implemented. Te intention of the project Gender and Space is to encourage gender mainstreaming of the spatial development planning processes in Montenegro. Te project aims to increase awareness of the principles of gender mainstreaming among the actors involved in the processes of spatial planning in Montenegro. Te main activities of the project include: 1. Conducting a pilot survey on a sample of 10 spatial planners from the area of Boka Kotorska in order to compare their experiences in both using and planning the space 2. Organizing a workshop Gender Equality and Spatial Planning for 40 participants dealing with spatial planning and management in Montenegro 3. Producing recommendations for gender mainstreaming of the planning processes in Montenegro Donor: SIDA/UNDP Montenegro EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 3 8evIvaI of 6It $guares In 8aIkan 6ItIes Te project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities began in January 2011. Te project aims to contribute to the revival of city squares as viable public places that foster cultural identity and promote diversity through enforcement of public policies and active community participation. Te lead partner of the project is Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development from Tirana, Albania | while other partners are: the Coalition for Sustainable Development (CSD) from Skoplje, Macedonia; EXPEDITIO from Kotor, Montenegro and Polis University (International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies from Tirana, Albania. Te project will last for two years, until December 2012. As its overall goal, the project Revival of City Squares in Balkan Cities aims to contribute to the revival of city squares as viable public places that foster cultural identity and promote diversity through enforcement of public policies and active community participation. Te action intends to achieve two major specifc objectives: to promote national and regional policy discourse on how city squares can be transformed into pulsating community places and develop a platform for transforming open public spaces into vibrant places that serve community needs. As the fnal result, the project should provide policy makers and local ofcials with tools on how to carry out city square transformation process collaborating with the community. Te project is funded by the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans (CSP) under the Regional Cooperation Projects programme line. IransIatIon 6uIde to 6ItIzen FartIcIatIon In LocaI 6uIturaI FoIIc 0eveIoment Establishing a proactive, responsible citizenry and fostering citizens participation in European policy-making is easiest activated on local level. Policies developed and implemented on local level concern the immediate personal living environments of European citizens. Belonging to Europe, as well as developing a certain personal ownership of the European Union as common polity of its citizens has to start frst and foremost close to our hearts and minds hence on a local decision-making level. Tis implies that political decisions made on EU level and European values endorsed across the continent ideally also have to permeate local cultural policies. In this book, two renown experts, Jordi Pascual i Ruiz and Sanjin Dragojevi explore the conceptual framework and the theories behind citizen participation in local cultural policy development and the mechanisms of how participation can be realised on the city level. Expeditio translated this publication into Montenegrin language through SOSTENUTO project. Project co-fnanced by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and managed in Montenegro by the Delegation of the European Union. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 4 MaIn uhIIc saces of 8oka kotorska During the spring/summer 2011, Expeditio realized the activity of Mapping public spaces of Boka Kotorska. Mapping was carried out in the municipalities of Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi. About 170 locations have been mapped so far. Mapping of public spaces is carried out according to their use, accessibility, physical characteristics, informatics and equipment of the space. Tis process started in June and is now in its fnal phase. Te mapping process involved the identifcation of public spaces, both those used on a daily basis with the facilities enabling people to stay in them longer and those which have potentials for use but are not utilized or are currently used out of the adequate purpose. Large areas of public spaces in these coastal municipalities are potential spaces for diferent activities and various social and cultural events, but are unused. Sometimes these spaces are physically unattractive because of neglect and generally bad condition they are in, while sometimes they are poorly equipped no place for sitting, no greenery, public illumination or they are less accessible. In such condition, these potential centres where citizens and tourists could gather remain unnoticed and unused with their immense beauty and more often than not exposed to human neglect, turned into parking lots, spaces for disposal of unnecessary objects and the like. Mapping involved the evaluation of actual condition in the feld and its verifcation through the series of questions grouped by categories in order to obtain the feld information as accurate as possible, about: * space area, its occupancy; * use (social activities, space users); * accessibility (trafc- motor and pedestrian and for persons with disabilities); * space development (current condition, greenery, environment, content of the public space); * equipment of the space About 180 locations have been mapped in all three municipalities. Soon, through the media, we will invite the citizens to see the locations we recognized and to add some of their own, which they also consider interesting for future activities. Suggestions of the citizens would be important for identifcation of some other surfaces which might not have been taken into consideration when mapping these spaces, as well as the suggestions relating to their use manifestations and events in these public spaces and additional possibilities for their use, etc. I serIaI M 6It M home Te Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment and ATLAS TV from Podgorica, in cooperation with the NGO Expeditio, prepared a series of 35 short TV programmes focusing on the topic My Town-My Home. Trough producing a series of educational and afrmative programmes, the project aims at raising awareness among the citizens of Montenegro of the principles of sustainable development concerning living in towns. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 5 kotor for 6hIIdren Within the project of the same name, Expeditio has designed a website named KOTOR FOR CHILDREN. Tis website can be viewed at www. upoznaj-kotor.me. Te project is supported by the Commission for 2010 Allocation of Revenue from Games of Chance. Te project idea is to familiarize children with the rich cultural and historical heritage in Kotor area in an interesting way suited for children. Te Old Town of Kotor, with its narrow streets and medieval atmosphere is a poetic and magic place for children, which provokes their imagination. Safety of pedestrian streets and squares makes Kotor an ideal town of child . Yet, it seems that the town potentials, from the childrens perspective, are not sufciently used and to that extent, one of the frst steps toward this goal is to familiarize children with the town in a way which is suited for them to arouse their curiosity and raise awareness of the values of the town they live in and encourage a responsible and caring attitude toward the town. For these reasons, the website is conceived as an educational journey through the history and culture of Kotor with the presentation of the town, knowledge quiz, maps and attractive illustrations. In a simple and interesting manner, supported by numerous illustrations, the website shows historical periods, geography of Boka Kotorska, space and buildings of Kotor (churches, palaces, squares, piazzas ...), town stories and legends, important fgures for the town history, etc. - all told in an interesting way, with lots of local expressions characteristically used in Boka Kotorska. Te website Kotor for children will promote these values beyond regional boundaries because it will not only enable the children from Boka Kotorska but also the children from other parts of Montenegro to familiarize themselves with the values of Kotor area. In the implementation of this project we were supported by the Tourist Board of Kotorand NGO Kompas Centre for Information and Consultation of Young People from Kotor. Visit www.upoznaj-kotor.me 6$EInherItae 6IvII $ocIet Enaement In communIt huIIdIn throuh the understandIn, deveIoment, manaement and reservatIon of the huIIt cuIturaI herItae of the Nestern 8aIkans EXPEDITIO has started with the implementation of the project Civil Society Engagement in community building through the understanding, development, management and preservation of the built cultural heritage of the Western Balkans - CSEinHeritage, in cooperation with the European and Westen Balkan organizations. Te project is implemented within the IPA 2009 Civil Society Facility Multi-benefciary Programmes Support to partnership Actions between Cultural Organisations launched by the European Commission the Directorate General for Enlargement. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 6 Te projects lead partner is the organization Transilvania Trust from Romania. Te partners are: + Europa Nostra, the Netherlandsa + EXPEDITIO, Montenegro + Cultural Heritage without Borders - CHwB, Sweden + Evropa Nostra Srbija, Serbia + Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe, Kosovo Te overall objective of the project is to strengthen to the role of Civil Society/Cultural operators in raising awareness of the value (social, economic, educational, cultural) of the built cultural heritage in society building and community development. Representatives of various state institutions in the mentioned Western Balkan couintries will be engaged as collaborators in this project. In Montenegro, we will cooperate with the Department for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Municipality of Kotor Specifc objectives of the project are: * To strengthen the co-operation, networking capacities of CSOs at an inter - regional level and at a wider European level. * To develop inter-regional cultural initiatives to improve understanding, promotion and practical conservation practice in the feld of Cultural Heritage. * To foster communication and partnership between cultural operators at all levels including local authorities/ municipalities, educational establishments, and institutions. * To raise the profle and understanding of the importance of cultural heritage across all sectors of society through the promotion of awareness raising programmes. * To create a network of expertise in heritage related issues which can be mobilized across the Western Balkans. Te project will last until November 2012. Ek0 FIan MonItorIn the aIIcatIon of the rIncIIes of sustaInahIe satIaI deveIoment and envIronmentaI rotectIon In the satIaI IannIn documents In Montenero At the end of 2010, Expeditio was approved a grant for the implementation of the project EKOPlan - Monitoring the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro. Te project will be conducted in partnership with the NGO Green Home from Podgorica. Te project aims to encourage the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro, through analysing and monitoring terms of reference, plans, projects and planning legistative, as well as through researching the level of law enforcement and its impact on the citizens. Te amount of the grant is 27,390.00. Te project was implemented during 2011. Te donor is: Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Ofce Montenegro (FOSI ROM) EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 7 EIahoratIon of the Manaement FIan of the E$60 NorId herItae $Ite aturaI and 6uIturo-hIstorIcaI 8eIon of kotor During 2011, EXPEDITIO took part in the process of elaboration of the Management Plan of the Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, coordinated by the Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Kotor. Te Institute formed a task force for the creation of this strategic document intended for a long- term management, protection and preservation of Kotor World Heritage Site. Te working group was comprised of representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Republic and Regional Institutes for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Municipality of Kotor, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Institute of Marine Biology and NGO Expeditio Kotor. Te funds for this work were provided partly through donation, through the UNESCO participation programme, based on a joint application of EXPEDITIO and the Regional Institute, and partly from the Budget of Montenegro, approved for programme activities of the Institute. In the framework of this project, a workshop with relevant stakeholders and international consultants, professors Todor Krastev, ICOMOS, Bulgaria and Katri Lisitzin, Sweden, was organized on May 2 and 3, 2011. Te Management Plan of the Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor was adopted by the Government of Montenegro in December 2011. FrearatIon of the uhIIcatIon FrokIetIje/8jeshkt e amuna During 2011, EXPEDITIO was commissioned by SNV- Netherlands Development Organisation to prepare the publication Prokletije/Bjeshkt e Namuna, within the project Environment for People in the Dinaric Arc implemented by IUCN, WWF and SNV. Te publication consists of material collected and prepared during the Assessment of Cultural Heritage in the Prokletije/Bjeshkt e Namuna Area. Te assessment, conducted in 2009 and 2010 within the above-mentioned project, was implemented by EXPEDITIO and Albanian Heritage Foundation from Tirana. For more information on the Assessment visit the website www.prokletije.info, created as part of the project. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 8 $tud of 6uIturaI FractIces of the 6ItIzens of 8oka kotorska Expeditio has launched a poll on the territory of the municipalities Kotor, Tivat, and Herceg Novi in order to get information about cultural practices and habits of citizens. Tis activity is a part of the analysis which will be used to develop local programmes of cultural development in the municipalities of Boka Kotorska from 2011 to 2015. Information are collected by means of dialing 250 random telephone numbers in each of the three above municipalities. Te questions asked to the citizen relate to the type of music they listen, frequency of visiting theatre and cinema, the amount of time spent on reading, type of literature most frequently read etc. Te data will be analysed in order to obtain an insight into the cultural habits of citizens. Te citizens contacted by pollsters (random sampling) are kindly asked to be cooperative and help by answering the questions. Te poll lasts app. 15 minutes. Te implementation of this activity is a part of the projectSostenuto. A part of the activity is performed in partnership with the Youth Media Centre from Herceg Novi and envisages a four-month engagement of 4 unemployed persons registered in the Employment Agency of Montenegro through the programme of implementation of local public works.
EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 9 0ther toIcs of Imortance for EIFE0lIl0 In 2011 FIrst rIze In the 6ometItIon for concetuaI desIn of Montenero FavIIIon for EIF02015 MIIan At recently announced competition for architectural and interior design solution for the Montenegro Pavilion during EXPO2015 Milan, the team EXPEDITIO achitects won the frst prize. The announcer of the Competition is AD Adriatic Fair in cooperation with Montenegro Faculty of Architecture and the Association of Architects of Montenegro. FartIcIatIon In the reIonaI roject EducatIon for sustaInahIe deveIoment In the Nestern 8aIcans Representative of our organization, Biljana Gligoric, participated in the 3rd training for schools organized within the project EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE WESTERN BALKANS - Capacity Building and Support to Schools. Te training was held on Zlatibor, from 29 June untill 1 July 2011. Te training included the following topics: an analysis of the situation, problem analysis (the problem tree), the tree of goals, etc. Neh aes Where ou can foIIoW the rocess of creatIon of the Froramme for the 0eveIoment of 6uIture for IIvat, kotor and herce ovI Internet pages where you can follow the process of creation of the local Programmes for the Development of Culture 2011-15 for the municipalities of Tivat, Kotor and Herceg Novi are set up. In these pages there is a questionnaire through which you may participate by giving suggestions, ideas and comments. We hereby thank all for participating in the process. MemhershI In the rou for draWIn u the $trateIc FIans for deveIoment of kotor munIcIaIIt Te representative of Expeditio was appointed the member of Municipal Consultative Group for drawing up of the Strategic Plan for the development of Kotor municipality in the period of 2012-2018. Te consultative group is comprised of public institutions representatives at the local and government level and NGO sector. 8rochure and oster: 8uIIdIn contemorar, IoW ener and IoW-cost houses In In Montenero As part of the projectBeneft Living EXPEDITIO published a brochure and poster entitled Building contemporary, low energy and low-cost houses in in Montenegro. Tese publications are intended for all those who want to live in healthy and energy-efcient homes. Te publications will be distributed to the local governments in Montenegro (Departments of Urbanism and Spatial Planning), and through them, made available to prospective investors. A number of copies will be available to professionals and all those who are interested in this topic. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 10 0E8kIE 0 I08 l IhE NE$IE8 8kLkk$ eW 6uItures of $atIaI FIannIn Once renowned for their strict government-controlled spatial planning, many former communist cities in the Western Balkans have been transformed by feverish and uncontrolled urban growth. How can new cultures of spatial planning be created in a region where not only residents but even architects and urban planners can feel excluded from spatial developments? In collaboration with POLIS University, Co-PLAN, EXPEDITIO and ASA, the NAI is organising a Debate on Tour to Tirana, Podgorica and Sarajevo from 4 to 6 July 2011 to address these issues. Ihe reresentatIve of ExedItIo attended the 4th lnternatIonaI 6ourse on the 6onservatIon of Modern krchItecture In FInIand Te representative of Expeditio, Aleksandra Kapetanovic, attended the 4th International Course on the Conservation of Modern Architecture (MARC 2011) Metamorphosis Understanding and Managing Changes held in Helsinki, Finland, from 28 May until 23 June 2011. Te 4th International Course on the Conservation of Modern Architecture (MARC 2011) was jointly organised by the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) and Alvar Aalto Academy from Finland. Lecture In 6jIrokastra: 6ender asect of consIderIn tradItIon and sace IannIn On Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Gjirokastra (Albania) the representative of Expeditio, Tatjana Raji, held a lecture on Gender aspect in considering tradition and space planning. Te lecture, followed by active discussion, was held before the students from the countries of the region who participate in voluntary work camp organized by Swedish association Cultural Heritage Without Borders. Te lecture was based on the experience from the project Rod i prostor realized recently by our organization. Ener manaement In cuIturaI herItae, InternatIonaI conference In 0uhrovnIk In Dubrovnik from April 6-8, 2011, international conference on Energy management in cultural heritage, organized by UNDP Croatia, was held in cooperation with numerous partners. Te aim of this conference was to promote energy efciency in buildings of construction heritage in the region, through sharing of know-how applied in pilot projects in diferent areas in the world. Within the group from Montenegro that attended the conference there was a representative of the sector for cultural heritage EXPEDITIO. MemhershI In the kssocIatIon 6llL$6kFE In December 2010, EXPEDITIO became a member of the Association CIVILSCAPE. CIVILSCAPE is an international association of civil society organisations. Tese are non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which dedicate their work to landscape protection, management and planning, according to the European Landscape Convention (Florence, October 20th, 2000). Currently, CIVILSCAPE has 41 members from 21 countries. MIcrosoft softWare donatIon Within the Software Donation Program realized by TechSoup Global with assistance from Te Rockefeller Brothers Fund-a, our organization was awarded a donation in the form of Microsoft software in the value of $10,935.00. EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 11 MkJ08 0008 $FF08I 2008-11 2008 2009 2010 2011 totaI Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Ofce Montenegro (FOSI ROM) 9,577.00 28,095.00 37,672.00 Goverment of Montenegro 10,500.00 15,800.00 26,300.00 Assembly of Montenegro 2,000.00 800.00 2,800.00 EuroCult 3,200.00 3,200.00 Municipality of Kotor 2,200.00 2,200.00 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro 11,740.00 6,970.00 18,710.00 Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York, USA 30,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 80,000.00 Cultural Heritage without Borders, Stockholm, Sweden (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida) 24,940.00 24,940.00 SECTOR programme of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), Podgorica, Montenegro (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida) 9,000.00 9,000.00 Commission of the Government of Montenegro for the allocation of part of the revenue from games of chance 4,300.00 5,000.00 9,300.00 Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment 3,500.00 5,000.00 8,500.00 EU - Delegation of the European Commission to Montenegro 38,645.00 68,890.00 51,165.00 158,700.00 Ministry of Culture, Montenegro 3,000.00 1,900.00 4,900.00 European Cultural Foundation (ECF) 3,400.00 3,400.00 Employment Agency of Montenegro 7,267.00 7,267.00 Royal Netherlands Embassy, Belgrade, Serbia 15,000.00 15,000.00 Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans (SCP) 28,230.00 28,230.00 TOTALS: 440,119.00 EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 12 EIFE0lIl0 Income In 2011 / ercentae EIFE0lIl0 knnuaI 8eort 2011 EIFE0lIl0 6enter for $ustaInahIe $atIaI 0eveIoment F.0. 8ox 85 85330 kotor Montenero offIce@exedItIo.or WWW.exedItIo.or