A Comparison of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Compensation Instruments: The Case of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), District Attock, Pakistan
2 Ahmad Jamal Tahir1, Rosman Bin Md. Yusoff , Anwar Khan3, Kamran Azam4, Muhammad Sohaib Ahmed5 and Muhammad Zohair Sahoo6
The paper aims to compare the compensation instruments which are used as the factors of motiv a tion in the banking sector of Pakistan. With a case study research design, structured interviews were conducted from the fifty ( 5 0 ) employees of NBP branches in district Attock. The responses of interview were scaled and scored according to standardized Likert technique, in such a way that scores for each response were added and then multiplied with total responses. After obtaining scores of the nine compensation factors, Pearson Product correlation was calculated to check the relationship between the compensation factors. The results show that the employees of National Bank of Pakistan were motivated both by the intrinsic as well extrinsic factors of compensation, in such way that extrinsic factors were more causing motivation. The paper has concluded that Compensation Management has a profound direct positive relationship with employee motivation level and intrinsic factors played important role in the motivation process. The paper recommends that public sector banks shall apply progressive human resource strategy and provide healthy compensation plans regarding benefits and intrinsic factors.
1. Introduction
The financial assets of a company have always occupied central importance whenever it has come to management decisions. However worlds recent plunge into financial crisis has raised this importance to critical level. This has particularly put direct effect upon financial sector such as banks. The fact that organizations cannot control their external environment in current period of recession has put direct emphasis
MBA Student: National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad , Pakistan. Email: akhona_mattata@yahoo.com 2 Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Academics) at Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, University Technology, Malaysia. Email: drrosman@gmail.com 3 Lecturer: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Attock, Pakistan. PhD Student: Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, University Technology, Malaysia. Email: anwar_khan@comsats.edu.pk 4 Assistant Professor: Department of Management Sciences, IQRA National University, Peshawar, Pakistan. PhD Student: Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, University Technology, Malaysia. Email: kamranazamkhan@yahoo.com 5 Student BS(BA) at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Attock, Email : saybee_87@yahoo.com 6 MBA Student: Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan., Email: zohair_sahoo@hotmail.com
3. Problem Statement
This paper will look in to the perspective of compensation management system in banking sector by knowing about what motivates employees in baking sector. Nowadays banks have become extremely decentralized in nature and due to privatization of banks the level of competition has entered in a new dynamic phase, which directly has its effects over employees of banks. Continuous increasing market demands have literally over loaded employees of banking sector and stretched their working hours in an absurd way. All of this has resulted in employee complaints about work pressure, stress, strain, lack of fulfilling family expectations etc which really have a bad impact over employee motivation of banking sector and ultimately their performance. To handle this situation banks are using different compensation (both intrinsic & extrinsic) and reward policies for motivating their employees. The question is whether banks are applying the appropriate compensation strategies with respect to their employees? Are these strategies achieving the desired results? Which type of compensation has more motivational effects? These issues if remained unaddressed then can lead to problems like demotivation, dissatisfaction of employees and customer, high turnover etc and therefore needs to be studied with care.
5. Literature Review
Swinton (2006) described a relationship between Maslows hierarchy of needs with Herbergz theory. Maslows theory state a persons needs hierarchy with basic needs at base followed by security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs. She is of the opinion that up to esteem needs level employee motivation or satisfaction can be maintained by factors which Herbergz called hygiene factors. This includes salary, benefits, job security, company policy etc while to deal with people at self actualization level factors known as motivators would be needed. This includes employee achievement, employee recognition, and employee growth. By keeping in mind this relationship among two basic theories of management organization may find it easy to manage their HR and other operations. Kridan and Goulding (2006) are of the view that knowledge management system could play an integral part in increasing any organizations performance and can help it to compete in such highly competitive environment as todays. They say that knowledge management system if applied can bring improvements in decision making, increase in customer value, improving relationships with consumers and bringing new value in to sight by including the concept of innovation. Sureshchandar et al (2002) in their research studied banking sector of India and analyzed how different banks apply concept of total quality service in their functions. They found that these applications are inconsistent and incongruent with in all banks. Which makes it highly sophisticated sector. According to them banks of India can be divided into three groups based upon their perception about total quality services in operations. Barney and Wright (1997) describe that although human resources are accepted to be organizations most important assets yet organizations decision often depicts contradiction with this belief. They further say that HR should not be neglected b e c a u s e t h e y can bring competitive advantage to organization. Therefore they should be managed with equal importance with other functions of the business. Huselid (1995) has emphasized on the fact that usage of high performance work practices i.e. comprehensive employee recruitment, Incentive compensation and performance management, extensive employee training and involvement programs surely increase competence of employees, it increase their motivation and reduce turnover. This results in retention of quality employees and also is a useful way to eradicate poor performers from the organization.
28 22
65.00 71.00
58.00 60.00
119.00 131.00
The above table shows the demographic characteristics of respondents as well as the scores achieved in each variable. The data shows that gender wise, there are more males employees in the National Bank of Pakistan, Attock Branch. On other side age wise there are more employees in 20-25 years age as compared to other age groups. Marital statuses wide there are more married as compared to single employees. The scores of the employees shows that gender wise females were more motivated both about intrinsic as well extrinsic compensation factors by having 137 out of 150 score as compared to counterpart males, who have got 119/150 score. Age wise the young employees in age category of 20-25 years had got more score i.e. 138/150, which mean that this age category was more motivated as compared to other age categories. Marital status wise, the single employees had more score 131/150 as compared to married one.
Job itself Salary Benefits Short term incentives Long term incentives Perquisite 0.78 0.81 0.82 0.76 0.80
The correlation analysis shows that there has been strong positive relationship between the both types compensation factors used by the National Bank of Pakistan, Attock braches. The 1st sub variable, salary is highly positively correlated with job (r: 0.78), career development (r: 0.69), autonomy (r: 0.73) and delegation (r: 0.64). In same way Benefits is also highly positively correlated with job (r: 0.81) and career development (r: 0.71), but moderately positively correlated with autonomy (r: 0.68) and delegation (r: 0.58). In same way short term incentives is also is highly positively correlated with job (r: 0.82) and career development (r: 0.78), but moderately positively correlated with autonomy (r: 0.73) and delegation (r: 0.67). So far as the long term incentives is concerned. It is strongly positively correlated with Job (r: 0.76) but moderately positively correlated with career development (r: 0.67), autonomy (r: 0.64) and delegation (r: 0.59). In the last there is perquisite which is strongly correlated with job (r: 0.80), but moderately correlated with career development (r: 0.68), autonomy (r: 0.59) and delegation (r: 0.62). This moderate, and high correlation between the compensation variables show that in one or other way all of the compensation variables have impact on each other and they motivate the employees at the National Bank of Pakistan, Attock branch.
9. Discussion
The Findings of this study shows that nine compensation factors have been used in the overall compensation strategy by National Bank of Pakistan and these factors have positive relationship with each other in such way that all of them are contributing positively towards development of motivation among the employees of bank. The scores of the employees shows that female employees were more motivated by these motivating factors of compensation as compared to male employees, this could be because the female employees are more contended with their jobs and family lives 203
The paper had concluded that Compensation management has a direct relationship with employee motivation and performance. Extrinsic benefit plans plays a delight role in perception of an employee towards its organization and its work. And these factors play the role of satisfiers. Instruments of intrinsic factors have a profound impact upon an employees loyalty and an organizations turn over. Intrinsic factors play the role of motivators for the employees and associate them with their job and organization. They feel important and consider their performance as organization performance and image of organization as their own image. It is recommended that banking sector must focus a lot upon the well being of its Human Resources by properly designing their compensation system. So that banks can achieve a competitive advantage through their employees and stand apart as well stand strong in such hard times as in current global financial crisis when financial sector is experiencing a tight squeeze in external environment. Intrinsic 204
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