PC1D Help Index
PC1D Help Index
PC1D Help Index
and the doping effect is given by
t t
( ) ; N
The parameters in these two expressions are empirical and very dependent on the crystal growth technology. For
silicon, reasonable choices are -0.5 for the temperature exponent, -0.4 for the doping exponent, and 1E15 cm-3 for the
For surface recombination velocities, both electron and hole values are modified using the following formulas, which
have the same form as the bulk-lifetime expressions.
( ) , =
and the surface doping effect is given by
( ) ; =
The parameters in these two expressions are very dependent on the surface treatment process. For thermal oxide on
n-type silicon, reasonable choices are 0.5 for the temperature exponent, 1.0 for the doping exponent, and 1E18 cm-3 for
the onset. No consistent dependence of S on surface doping density has been demonstrated for p-type silicon at the
time of this writing.
Field-Enhanced Recombination
The Hurkx model for trap-assisted tunneling is used. This extends the conventional SRH recombination expression to
include trap-assisted tunneling enhanced by the local electric field. This model replaces the carrier lifetimes tn and tp
in the SRH model with
1 1 + + I I
where I is defined by:
. exp
(equation A2 in Hurkx et. al.)
This expression can be parametrised by specifying a prefactor (
prefactor = ~ 2 3 614 t .
) and the value of
Fgamma at 300K. Hurkx gives:
m kT
*( )
+ 2 2 A A
ln ,
ln ,
where the log expressions are taken equal to zero for doping densities less than the respective onset values.
The mobilities of electrons and holes can either be set to fixed values throughout the region, or calculated based on
the temperature and local doping density using a model. The model uses a different set of coefficients where the carrier
is in the minority than where it is in the majority. The expression used has the following form:
( , )
( )
( ) ( )
max min
x T T
N x N x
ref n
= +
where Tn is the temperature normalized to 300 K. The mobility model also allows for a maximum velocity for each
carrier. This is implemented as a reduction in the mobility at each point in the device where the velocity that the
carriers would have achieved approaches or exceeds the saturation velocity. The low-field mobility is replaced with a
high-field mobility given by:
| 1
Normally, the electric field is used for E. This produces the required mobility reduction in regions where the high
carrier velocity is due to a high electric field, as at junctions. A more accurate approach is to use the gradient in the
quasi-Fermi potential in place of E in this expression. This can be done in PC1D by selecting Total velocity saturation
in the Compute:Numerical dialog box. Note, however, that convergence is less robust and solutions will take much
longer with this option selected.
The mobility model does not account for mobility degradation due to carrier-carrier scattering associated with
high-level injection.
Refractive Index
The index of refraction can be either a fixed value or a function of wavelength using data imported from an external disk
file. External index-of-refraction files are standard ASCII files with a filename suffix INR. Each line in the file should
contain two numerical values, separated by one or more spaces or a tab. The first value on each line is a value of
free-space wavelength, in nm. The second value on each line is the index of refraction at that wavelength. The
maximum number of lines allowed is 200. All values of the index must be positive, and the values of wavelength must
increase monotonically. If the range of wavelengths provided is less than is required for the solution of a problem, the
index of refraction for the first (or last) wavelength is used for all smaller (or larger) wavelengths.
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Optical Absorption Coefficients
The optical absorption coefficient as a function of wavelength can be generated as a function of temperature using an
internal model, or read from an external disk file. When experimental data for the temperature of interest is available, it is
generally better to use this data than to rely on the internal model. Only absorption that leads to photogenerated
carriers should be considered, since PC1D assumes that every intinsically absorbed photon produces an electron-hole
pair. Parasitic absorption processes can be modelled through the Free-Carrier Absorption dialog.
The internal model for photon absorption includes two direct-gap transitions and eight indirect transitions. The
indirect transitions are based on two indirect gaps and either absorption or creation of phonons having two possible
energies. Temperature affects the absorption coefficient, o, through a decrease in the energy gaps and through a
change in the probability of phonon-assisted transitions. The entries required in the absorption dialog are the energy
gaps at 300 K. All four energy gaps are assumed to depend on the absolute temperature (T) through a temperature
coefficient (|) and temperature offset ():
G Go
The contributions to the absorption coefficient due to direct transitions for photons with energy hv greater than the
energy gap EGdi are given by
o v
di di Gdi
A h E i = = ; , . 1 2
The eight phonon-assisted transitions for indirect-gap energies EGi and phonon energies Epj take the form
, ,
, ,
ij ij
Gi pj
E kT
h E E
i j
= =
12 12
; , ; , .
The upper signs correspond to phonon-absorbing transitions, while the lower signs are for phonon-creating
transitions. Only those terms for which hv +/- Epj > EGi are included. Otherwise, there is no absorption due to that
transition. The indirect-gap absorption is clamped for energies greater than the next-higher direct gap. All ten
absorption coefficients are added together to yield the total absorption coefficient for each incident wavelength of
light (hv = hc/, where hc = 1239.8424 eV*nm).
External absorption files are standard ASCII files with a filename suffix ABS. Each line in the file should contain two
numerical values, separated by one or more spaces or a tab. The first value on each line is a value of free-space
wavelength, in nm. The second value on each line is the absorption coefficient, in cm-1. The maximum number of lines
allowed is 200. All values of the absorption coefficient must be positive, and the values of wavelength must increase
monotonically. If the range of wavelengths provided is less than is required for the solution of a problem, the
absorption coefficient for the first (or last) wavelength is used for all smaller (or larger) wavelengths. For this reason, it
is important that the last entry in the file give an absorption coefficient of zero. Otherwise, PC1D will assume that the
final (nonzero) value applies even out to very long wavelengths, thereby greatly overestimating the total
photogeneration. Room-temperature absorption files are provided with PC1D for several materials.
Free-Carrier Absorption
Free-carrier absorption competes with intrinsic absorption, reducing the fraction of photons which generate
electron-hole pairs.
The free-carrier absorption across a device is not only dependent upon the wavelength of incident light, but also
depends upon the profile of the carrier concentrations across the device. It can be specified by the free-carrier
absorption coefficient, which for monochromatic incident light is assumed to take the form
a b
K n K p = +
1 2
where K1, K2, a, b are empirically determined constants, and is measured in nm. At the time of writing, estimates of
these parameters were available for several materials:
K1 a K2 b Source
AlSb 1.9e-24 2 Fan
GaAs 4e-29 3 Fan
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GaP (1.5e-24) (1.8) Fan
GaSb 9e-31 3.5 Fan
Ge ~5e-25 ~2 Fan
InAs 6.5e-29 3 Fan
InP 5e-27 2.5 Fan
InSb 2.8e-25 2 Fan
Si 2.6e-27 3 2.7e-24 2 Schmid
D.K. Schroder, R.N. Thomas, and J.C. Swartz, Free Carrier Absorption in Silicon, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-25, (Feb. 1978),
pp. 254-261.
P.E. Schmid, Optical Absorption in Heavily Doped Silicon, Phys. Review B (1981), Vol 23, pp. 5531-5536.
H.Y. Fan, Semiconductors and Semimetals, ed. R.K. Williamson and A.C. Beer, Academic Press (1967), Vol 3, p.409.
For reasons of speed, PC1D calculates the photogeneration only once for each solution step, using the values of n
and p which were calculated for the previous step. For example, the steady-state photogeneration will be based on the
equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes. Although n and p will vary from their equilibrium values, the
perturbation is unlikely to have a significant effect.
For the rare situations where the change in n and p during solution is important, the Compute:Continue menu
command can be used at the conclusion of a steady-state problem. This will cause the photogeneration to be
recalculated, using the values of n and p obtained from the steady-state solution. The steady state solution will then
be resolved using the new photogeneration.
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Region Doping (Device menu)
This selection allows you to specify the doping densities for donors and acceptors in the current region.
Background Doping
This commands opens a dialog box where you can specify the doping density and the doping type (n-type or p-type)
for background doping that is present uniformly throughout the layer. The mobilities at 300 K for both electrons and
holes at this doping density are displayed for reference, as are the diffusivities. The mobilities are either fixed or
variable with doping, as selected for this region's material). The majority-carrier mobility shown is used to calculate the
resistivity. If you want the doping density that corresponds to some desired 300-K resistivity, then you can just type
the desired resistivity directly into this field, then hit the Tab key to set the doping density accordingly.
Front/Rear Diffusions
Doping profiles can be specified for both the front and rear surfaces of the current region. These profiles can be
generated using internal models or can be imported from an external disk file.
The internal model allows for two diffusions at each surface. After selecting either the first or second diffusion for the
surface, a dialog box is opened for specifying the diffusion details. The dialog box for the first diffusion on the front
and rear surfaces can also be opened using a button on the toolbar. Each diffusion must be Enabled within its dialog
box before it becomes active. The toolbar button will appear to be depressed if that diffusion has been Enabled.
Diffusions can be specified as n-type or p-type. Each diffusion can take one of four shapes, defined as follows:
N x N x x x x
o p p d
( ) ; = < < +
N x N e
x x x
p d
( ) =
, ,
N x N e
x x x
( ) =
, ,
N x N x x x
o p d
( ) erfc ( ) / =
where No is the Peak Doping, xd is the Depth Factor, and xp is the Peak Position, all of which are adjustable. Note that
N(x) = No for x<xp for the Erfc shape.
Also shown in the dialog box are the calculated sheet resistance (ohms/square) and junction depth. The junction
depth is based on the currently specified background doping density for the region. The sheet resistance is calculated
based on the diffusion profile up to this junction depth, using a temperature of 300 K and the majority-carrier mobility
(either fixed or variable, as specified for this region's material). The calculation of the sheet resistance ignores
conductance due to dopants from the background or from other diffusions.
To obtain a diffusion with a given junction depth and sheet resistance, you can type the desired sheet resistance in
the space provided, then press the Tab key. The Peak Doping is adjusted to give the requested sheet resistance. If the
junction depth does not match the desired value, type the desired value in that field, then press Tab to adjust the
Depth Factor to obtain the desired junction depth. If the sheet resistance is affected, you can re-enter the desired
value in that space, and repeat the cycle until convergence is obtained. Rarely are more than a few iterations required
to get quite close to the desired combination.
External diffusion profiles are standard ASCII files with a filename suffix DOP. These can be created using a text editor
or generated by another computer program. Each line in the file should contain three numeric values, each separated
by one or more spaces or a tab. The first value on each line is a value of distance inward from the surface of the region,
with units of m. The second value on each line is the donor doping density at that position, with units of cm-3. The
third value on each line is the acceptor doping density, with units of cm-3. The position values must start at 0 and
increase monotonically. The maximum number of positions that may be defined in the file is 500.
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Region Recombination (Device menu)
This selection allows you to specify the recombination parameters in the bulk and at both the front and rear surface of
the region.
Bulk Recombination
The bulk recombination model used by PC1D supplies a single Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) energy level with separate
electron and hole lifetimes and an adjustable trap energy level within the bandgap. The dialog box for specifying these
parameters for the current region can also be opened using a button on the toolbar. This toolbar button will appear
to be depressed if the electron or hole lifetime has been altered from its default value of 1 ms.
, , , ,
pn n
p n e n n e
n ie
E kT
p ie
E kT
t t
+ + +
t t
/ /
The trap level, Et, is specified with respect to the intrinsic level, which lies near the middle of the bandgap. The
electron and hole lifetimes specified at the top of the dialog box are the values corresponding to intrinsic material at a
temperature of 300 K.
Also listed in the bulk-recombination dialog box is the excess-carrier lifetime in low-level injection and the
corresponding diffusion length, for material with the background doping and reference temperature specified in the
dialog box. These calculated values include the effect of band-to-band and Auger recombination, the coefficients for
which are specified for the material's band structure in this region, and also the effects of background doping on the
SRH lifetimes as specified in the material recombination dialog.. To obtain a specific low-level-injection lifetime or
diffusion length, simply type the desired number in the space provided. PC1D will calculate the intrinsic electron and
hole lifetimes needed. Note that the properties of the material (band-to-band, Auger recombination, etc.) place an
upper limit on the achievable lifetime and diffusion length for a given background doping density.
Front/Rear Surface Recombination
The surface recombination model used by PC1D supplies a single Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) energy level with
separate electron and hole lifetimes and an adjustable trap energy level within the bandgap. . The dialog box for
specifying these parameters for the front or rear surface of the current region can also be opened using buttons on
the toolbar. These toolbar buttons will appear to be depressed if there is recombination at that surface. When either
Sn or Sp is nonzero, the SRH surface recombination rate is given by
, ,
, , , ,
S S pn n
S p n e S n n e
n p ie
p ie
E kT
n ie
E kT
t t
+ + +
/ /
The trap level, Et, is specified with respect to the intrinsic level, which lies near the middle of the bandgap. The
electron and hole surface recombination velocities specified at the top of the dialog box are the values corresponding
to intrinsic material at the reference temperature specified in the dialog box. The values of Sn and Sp entered are
modified for use in the recombination formula to reflect the actual device temperature and the surface doping density.
The extent of this modification depends on the parameters listed in the material recombination dialog box.
Also listed in the surface-recombination dialog box is the effective minority-carrier surface recombination velocity for
material with the surface doping at a temperature of 300 K. To obtain a specific minority-carrier surface recombination
velocity, simply type the desired number in the space provided. PC1D will calculate the intrinsic electron and hole
surface recombination velocities needed.
When high-level injection occurs at the surface, you can choose to either continue with the Shockley-Read-Hall model
(the S model), or you can choose instead to maintain the saturation current density at the surface at the same value
it had in low-level injection:
, , , ,
qS S
S p n e S n n e
n p
p eq ie
E kT
n eq ie
E kT
t t
+ + +
/ /
The choice of high-level-injection model for surface recombination has no effect when the surface remains in low-level
Important Note on Surface Recombination
When there is more than one region in the device, the front and back surfaces refer to the current region, not the
device as a whole. The recombination rate calculated for the back surface of region 1 is added to the recombination
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rate calculated for the front surface of region 2 to get the total rate of recombination at the interface between the two
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Device Parameters (Device menu)
This group of selections from the Device menu are parameters that affect the device as a whole, as opposed to
influencing only one region.
This command opens a dialog box for specifying the cross-sectional area of the device. The area can be specified in
the most convenient units, be that cm2, mm2, or um2. This area is the projected area of the device, unaffected by
surface texture. It is the area over which illumination intensity (watts/cm2) is figured.
This selection can be used to open a dialog box for specifying the details of surface texture on the front and/or rear
surface of the device. This feature is intended for devices with etched front surfaces that have a specific facet angle
with respect to the plane of the substrate. The cross-sectional area for current flow is larger at the textured surface
than at the back surface by the factor 1/cos(a), where "a" is the facet angle. The facet model assumes that the
cross-sectional area decreases with a Gaussian shape from its value at the surface toward the substrate value, with a
standard-deviation depth constant equal to one-sixth of the facet depth. The most important feature of the facet model
is that it incorporates the increased carrier recombination that occurs at or near a textured surface as a direct result of
the increased surface area. Note that (111) facets etched anisotropically into a (100)-oriented surface make a facet angle
of 54.74 degrees. The choice of facet angle and depth also affects the photogeneration profile, because it causes
photons to travel an oblique path through the device.
Front/Rear Surfaces
This selection opens a dialog box for either the front or rear surface of the device, indicating which of three
electrostatic models are to be used. The available models are Neutral, Barrier, and Charged. A Neutral surface is
assumed to have no net volume charge density at the surface. A surface with a Barrier has a net charge at the surface
due to band bending. You specify the barrier height in electron-volts (eV). A positive value bends the bands
downward. A Charged surface also results in band bending near the surface. In this case, the density of charges
external to the device can be specified (charges/cm2). A positive density implies positive external charge, which bends
the bands downward, producing a negatively-charged region within the device. Although identical equilibrium band
bending can be obtained by specifying either a Barrier height or surface Charge, the two surface conditions differ
when excitation is applied. While the Barrier maintains a constant surface volume charge density, the Charged surface
maintains a constant surface electric field.
Circuit Connnections (Contacts submenu)
The Circuit connections option opens a dialog box for specifying the physical location of the device's ohmic contacts
to the external emitter, base, and collector source circuits. These locations are given as distances from the front surface
of the device. If a location is specified that is higher than the device width, then the rear surface of the device is used
for that contact. For contacts within the bulk of the device, the precise location of contact may be shifted slightly from
that specified so that the contact can be made at a node between finite elements. The default settings are an emitter
contact at x=0 (the front) and base and collector contact at x=10,000 um (the rear). You can also specify values for
internal series resistance associated with each of the three ohmic contacts. There is a minimum value of these
resistances of 1 micro-ohm for numerical-computation reasons. Any voltage drop across these internal series
resistances does affect the current-voltage behavior calculated and plotted for the device.
By default, the Emitter and Base contact are Enabled, and the Collector is Disabled. Specifying external source circuits
will have no effect unless the corresponding connection to the device for each source has been Enabled. At least one
contact should always be Enabled; otherwise, there is no voltage reference for the device and the solution may not
The concept of a contact in the middle of a device may seem strange, but this generalization is necessary to model
three-terminal devices. In a three-dimensional situation, the current for the middle contact (e.g. the base of a bipolar
transistor) is conducted to the active region of the device from a contact that is removed some distance perpendicular
to the active device dimension. Assuming that this remote contact is in a heavily-doped area that remains in low-level
injection, a voltage imposed on the contact shifts the majority-carrier quasi-Fermi potential from its equilibrium value
by an amount equal to the applied voltage. This shift in quasi-Fermi level can be assumed to be nearly constant
between the contact and the active region of the device, even when the active region is in high-level injection. A small
slope in the quasi-Fermi potential between the contact and the active region would result from resistance in the
intervening layer. This can be modeled using the internal series resistance. PC1D assumes that all three contacts can
be treated as injection points for majority-carrier current at which the majority-carrier quasi-Fermi potential is shifted by
the applied voltage, less any drop across the internal resistance.
Internal Shunt Elements (Contacts submenu)
Four internal shunt circuit elements can be enabled (they are normally disabled). Each element can be a conductor,
diode, or capacitor. These elements can be connected between any two locations within the device. The precise
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location of connection for the anode and cathode may be shifted slightly from the specified positions so that the
contact can be made at a node between finite elements. Conductors are specified in terms of their conductance
(inverse of resistance). Diodes are specified in terms of a saturation current and an ideality factor. Capacitors are
specified in terms of their capacitance.
The internal shunt elements can be used to represent three-dimensional effects found in real devices. For example,
junction leakage often occurs where the junction intersects the semiconductor surface. This can usually be modeled as
a combination of shunt conductance and a diode having an ideality factor of 2 or greater. The shunt diode can also be
used to model recombination that occurs in an area of the device not explicitly being solved. Attachment of internal
shunt elements may adversely impact the convergence speed of the solution, because these elements couple the
solution at widely different locations within the device, and this coupling is not fully accounted for in the
limited-bandwidth matrix used by PC1D to solve the semiconductor equations.
This selection allows you to specify the external optical reflectance for the front and rear surfaces, and the internal
optical reflectances for both surfaces. The internal reflectance can be different for the first encounter of light with that
surface than for subsequent encounters. Also, the internal reflectance at each surface can be either specular (polished)
or diffuse (lambertian). Internal reflectance at the interfaces between device regions composed of different materials is
not accounted for by PC1D.
For the external reflectance of the front or rear surface, a dialog box is opened which gives three options: Fixed,
Coated, or External. Fixed reflectance is constant for all incident wavelengths. The Coated option allows you to specify
the thickness and index of refraction for up to three optical coating layers, plus a baseline reflectance that is the same
for all wavelengths. Layer 1 corresponds to the first layer deposited while layer 3 is the last layer deposited. Thus light
must traverse the layers in reverse numerical order as it passes from the air into the device. Table 1 gives the index of
refraction for some common optical-coating materials for wavelengths in the visible spectrum. Facet angles are not
taken into consideration in the calculation of reflectance for a coated surface. If your front surface is textured, you
should either enter a Fixed reflectance or provide an external file containing reflectance data.
To minimize reflectance over a broad spectrum, the layers should be stacked in order of decreasing index of refraction
with the highest-index material adjacent to the device. The thickness of each layer should be one-quarter wavelength
within the material. A layer of Si3N4 would need to be about 75 nm thick to minimize reflectance at a wavelength of 600
nm. Note that some coating materials may absorb light, especially in the ultra-violet. PC1D does not take this effect
into account.
Table 1: Commonly Encountered Indices of Refraction
(non-stochiometric or undensified films will differ)
SiO2 silicon dioxide 1.46
Si3N4 silicon nitride 2.0
ZnS zinc sulfide 2.4
MgF2 magnesium fluoride 1.4
Al2O3 aluminum oxide 1.6
TiO2 titanium dioxide 2.5
Ta2O5 tantalum pentoxide 2.2
many organic films 1.4
window glass 1.5
External reflection files are standard ASCII files with a filename suffix REF. Each line in the file should contain two
numerical values, separated by one or more spaces or a tab. The first value on each line is a value of wavelength, in
nm. The second value on each line is the reflectance, normalized to unity. The maximum number of lines allowed is 200.
All values of the reflectance must be between 0 and 1, and the values of wavelength must increase monotonically. If
the range of wavelengths provided is less than is required for the solution of a problem, the reflectance for the first (or
last) wavelength is used for all smaller (or larger) wavelengths.
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Graph menu commands
The Graph menu provides commands that control which graph is available for inspection using the Interactive-Graph
view. It also provides a command for resetting the graphs in the Four-Graph view to their default values, and a
command for copying data to the Windows clipboard.
Spatial Graphs This selection provides a menu of choices for interactive graphs that
display spatial information (functions of position). If the information you
seek is not included in this list, many more functions are available for a
Defined Graph.
Temporal Graphs This selection provides a menu of choices for interactive graphs that
display temporal information (functions of time). Some functions not
included in this list can be accessed for a Defined Graph.
Defined Graph This selection opens a dialog box which allows you to specify x and y
functions for any graph, selected from 75 available functions. These
functions provide a much more detailed look at the operation of the
device than is available from the predefined graphs.
Auxiliary Graph This command opens a dialog box for selecting a spatial function and a
position within the device. Once this information has been entered, any
subsequent transient solutions will store the value of that function at
that position as a function of time. The data can then be viewed as using
the Auxiliary selection from the Temporal Graph menu.
Experimental This command opens a dialog box for selecting data from an external file.
The data can be viewed on a user-defined graph with Experimental
Data as one of the data types. The experimental data file should be a
tab-delimited text file. No unit conversion is performed on this data its
your responsibility to ensure that the data is sensible.
Default Graphs This command is only active in Four-Graph view, in which case it resets
the four graphs to the default selections. When graphs are chosen for
interactive examination, they are added to the four-graph view,
displacing the default graphs that were there initially. This is done to
make it easy to return to those graphs, by double-clicking on them in the
Four-Graph view. However, if your attention shifts to a new issue, you
will likely want to restore the default graphs, which are chosen to
provide a balanced overview of the device's operation.
Previous History
Graph, Next History
Whenever a simulation is completed, the current interactive graph is
saved (to a maximum of 100 graphs). You can view these history
graphs using the Graph menu or the Page Up/Page Down keys.
By flipping through these graphs, you can visually compare simulation
results. This feature is especially useful for batch runs.
Retain zoom for
history graphs
If this is OFF, the previous (history) graphs will be auto-scaled, so that
they are fully visible. Unfortunately, this means that the axes can
change, making it hard to compare different results. If Retain Zoom is
ON, the axes will not change. You can zoom into a part of the curve, then
see how that portion differs from other simulation results. You can zoom
out to see the full graph.
Reset history graphsRemoves all the accumulated history graphs, allowing you to start
Copy Data This command for copying data to the Windows clipboard for export to
other programs is enabled in two situations. First, it is enabled for the
Interactive-Graph view, in which case this command copies the data that
is currently displayed on the graph. Second, it is enabled in Parameter
view if Batch Mode is being used, in which case this command copies
the data from the batch table to the clipboard.
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Spatial Graphs (Graph menu)
This group of graphs displays information as a function of position in the device, measured as distance from the front
surface. Prior to obtaining an equilibrium solution, these graphs display data at each point corresponding to
charge-neutral local-equilibrium conditions, with no space-charge region. After an equilibrium solution has been
obtained, all of the graphs display physically meaningful values.
Doping Densities This graph plots the log of donor and acceptor doping densities as a
function of position. The solid line is for donors, the dashed line for
acceptors. PC1D imposes a minimum non-zero doping density of
between 1 and 3 cm-3 for both donors and acceptors. PC1D assumes
that all donors and acceptors are ionized.
Carrier Densities This graph plots the log of electron and hole densities as a function of
position. The solid line is for electrons, the dashed line for holes.
This graph plots the electrostatic potential as a function of position. The
zero of potential corresponds to intrinsic Region-1 material in
equilibrium. In equilibrium, n-type material has a positive potential, while
p-type material has a negative potential.
Electric Field This graph plots the electric field as a function of position. The electric
field in PC1D is uniform within each element and is not usually
continuous at the nodes. For this graph, the value shown at each node
is a linear interpolation between the values in the two elements adjacent
to each node, assuming those values to apply at the mid-point of each
Charge Density This graph plots the charge density as a function of position. The
charge density at each node is equal to the hole and donor densities
minus the electron and acceptor densities, multiplied by the elementary
charge constant.
Current Density This graph plots the current density (amps per cm2 of cross-sectional
area) for electrons and holes. The solid line is for electrons, the dashed
line for holes. Also shown, as a dotted line, is the total current density,
which is the sum of the electron and hole components. The current
density in PC1D may be discontinuous between adjacent elements if
there is an interface recombination velocity at a node, or if a circuit
element (either external or internal) is connected at the node. In such
cases, this graph will display the current densities just to the left of the
node; except at x=0, where the values shown are the current densities
just to the right of that node. Note that at textured surfaces the total
current density will not be uniform, because the cross-sectional area for
current flow is itself a function of position.
Generation &
This graph plots the cumulative photogeneration and recombination as a
function of position. The solid line is generation, the dashed line is
recombination. The values shown are the total integrated quantities from
the front surface to each node in the device, including any
recombination at that node. Thus, a non-zero value of Recombination at
x=0 means that there is surface recombination at the front surface. This
graph is particularly useful for understanding where the recombination
in the device is occurring, since the fraction of the total can be
immediately observed by comparing the increase in the plot over a given
region to the increase across the entire device. The units in this graph
(inverse seconds) can be multiplied by the elementary charge constant
to express these quantities in units of current.
Carrier Mobilities This graph plots the mobilities of electrons and holes as a function of
position. The solid line is for electrons, the dashed line for holes. When
the variable-mobility model is used, the graph shows the resulting
mobility for each carrier at each point based on the doping density at
that point and the temperature of the device. Carrier diffusivities can be
obtained from this plot by multiplying by the thermal voltage.
Energy Bands This graph plots the energy-band edges and quasi-Fermi energies as a
function of position. The solid line is the conduction-band edge, the
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dashed line is the valence-band edge, the dotted line is the electron
quasi-Fermi energy, and the dot-dashed line is the hole quasi-Fermi
energy. The zero of energy is taken as the equilibrium position of the
Fermi energy, and positive energy refers to increasing electron energy
(decreasing potential). The quasi-Fermi potentials (and hence energies)
are defined at each node and thus are always continuous between
adjacent elements.
Carrier Velocities This graph plots the average group velocity of electrons and holes as a
function of position. The solid line is for electrons, the dashed line for
holes. Positive velocity is toward the right, away from the front of the
device. Current densities are proportional to the product of the velocity
times the carrier density. The same conditions apply as described above
for Current Density when there is a discontinuity in current at a node.
Diffusion Length This graph plots the minority-carrier diffusion length as a function of
position. This is equal to the square root of the minority-carrier
diffusivity times the minority-carrier lifetime, where the lifetime is equal
to the excess minority-carrier density divided by the local bulk
recombination rate. For equilibrium conditions this ratio would be
undefined, so in that case the recombination rate is calculated for a
minority carrier density increased by 1% over the equilibrium value.
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Temporal Graphs (Graph menu)
This group of graphs displays information as a function of time. While they are primarily useful for transient solutions,
they can also be helpful for determining certain values from steady-state calculations, in which case they will display
data only for a single point in time (just prior to t=0). One of these graphs, Quantum Efficiency, is different from the
others in that it displays its data versus illumination wavelength.
Auxiliary If an auxiliary spatial function has been previously set up using the
Auxiliary dialog box accessible from the Graph menu, then this graph will
plot that auxiliary data versus time.
Base Current This graph plots the current into the base connection versus time. The
base-contact selections are enabled only if the base contact is enabled
and defined for this device.
Base Voltage This graph plots the voltage at the base connection versus time. The
voltage at the node where connection is made is the majority-carrier
quasi-Fermi potential at that node. Note that this graph is not equal to
the base source voltage when a source series resistance is specified.
However, any voltage drop across the internal series resistance of the
base connection is incorporated into this graph.
Base I-V This graph plots the base current versus the base voltage, with each
(x,y) pair corresponding to a time step. The left-right cursor keys in
parametric graphs such as this correspond to advancing the time steps,
not the left-right orientation of the data.
Base I-V / Power This graph combined the Base I-V data with a plot of base power into
the device as a function of base voltage. The ordinate units are mixed,
and correspond to amps for current and watts for power. Note that the
Base Power is the product of the base current and the base voltage.
Collector Current Like Base Current, but for the Collector contact. The collector-contact
selections are enabled only if the collector contact is enabled and
defined for this device.
Collector Voltage Like Base Voltage, but for the Collector contact.
Collector I-V Like Base I-V, but for the Collector contact.
Collector I-V / PowerLike Base I-V/Power, but for the Collector contact.
Shunt Element
This graph plots the current through each of the four shunt elements
versus time. Positive current flow corresponds to current from the anode
to the cathode. These elements are defined in the Device Menu using
the Contacts:Internal dialog box. This selection is disabled if none of the
shunt elements are enabled.
Shunt Element
This graph plots the voltage across each of the four shunt elements, for
the anode with respect to the cathode, versus time. This selection is
disabled if none of the shunt elements are enabled.
Quantum Efficiency This graph plots the spectral performance of the device versus
illumination wavelength. This graph functions properly only when the
only illumination source is the Primary source and that source is set for a
monochromatic spectrum (usually a monochromatic scan). A suitable
excitation file for preparing data for this graph is provided with PC1D as
scan-qe.exc. There are three curves plotted. The solid line is the internal
quantum efficiency, defined as the number of electrons collected per
photon not reflected. Reflected photons include both those reflected
directly at the incident surface, and those that enter the device but
subsequently escape out of the incident surface. The dashed line is the
external quantum efficiency, defined as the number of electrons collected
per photon incident. The dotted line is the total reflectance, which is the
sum of the incident-surface reflectance and the incident-surface escape
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Defined Graphs (Graph menu)
This dialog box can also be accessed by double-clicking outside the plot area of an interactive graph.
This selection opens a dialog box which allows you to specify x and y functions for the currently selected
Up to four y functions can be plotted against any x function, selected from 75 available functions. The abscissa and
ordinate axes can each be scaled either linearly or logarithmically, and you can specify a title for the graph.
Following are descriptions of the available plot functions, separated into Spatial and Temporal quantities. You can plot
any spatial function against any other spatial function, or any temporal function against any other temporal function.
Experimental data can be plotted against any function.
When you first access this dialog box, it will show the settings for the current Interactive Graph. This makes it easy to
add an additional curve to an existing graph. If youd prefer to start a new graph from scratch, use the radio buttons to
toggle between Spatial and Temporal graphs. This will set all curves to (none), and will clear the title.
Spatial Functions
Acceptor Doping
The net acceptor doping density due to the sum of background and
diffused p-type dopants. All of these dopants are considered to be
electrically active.
Bulk Recombination
The volumetric recombination rate at each node, including SRH
recombination (as influenced by temperature and doping), band-to-band
recombination, and Auger recombination.
Charge Density The volumetric charge density, given by the densities of electrons,
holes, donors, and acceptors.
Conduction Band
The effective edge of the conduction band, modified from the actual
edge by electrical bandgap narrowing caused by heavy donor doping.
Conductivity The volumetric conductivity at each node is given by the sum of the
product of electron density and mobility plus the product of hole
density and mobility. High-field mobility reduction is not included.
Convergence Error This is the change in normalized potential determined for each node as
the result of the previous iteration of the matrix equation solution. The
actual change in potential is limited by the potential clamp, which is
normally set between 0.1 and 10. The largest value of this error for any
node determines the length of the convergence bar located in the
status-bar area of the window. The problem is considered solved when
the largest error drops below the convergence limit specified in the
Compute|Numerical dialog box.
This is the cross-sectional area at each node through which the electron
and hole currents must flow. This will be nonuniform in the vicinity of
surface texture.
The integrated conductivity, starting at the front surface. This function
is zero at the front surface, and at the back surface is equal to the net
total sheet conductivity of the device. High-field mobility reduction is
not included.
Cumulative Excess
The integrated conductivity, starting at the front surface, relative to its
value at equilibrium. High-field mobility reduction is not included. At the
back surface, this function gives the net total increase in conductivity
for the device. This function is useful for simulating photoconductance
The rate of generation of electron-hole pairs due to external
photo-excitation, measured as a cumulative function starting at the front
surface of the device. This function is zero at the front surface, and its
value at the back surface is the total photogeneration rate for the entire
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The recombination rate of excess electrons and holes, calculated as a
cumulative function starting at the front surface of the device. In
additional to bulk recombination, this function includes surface
recombination and interface recombination between regions. Its value at
the front surface is the front-surface recombination rate, and its value at
the back surface is the total rate of recombination for the entire device.
Dielectric Constant This is the permittivity of the material at each node, normalized to the
permittivity of free space. It is the proportionality constant that relates
charge density to electric field.
Diffusion Length This is the minority-carrier diffusion length, defined as the square root of
the diffusivity times minority-carrier lifetime. The lifetime is calculated as
the excess carrier density divided by the recombination rate, and the
diffusivity is the mobility times the thermal voltage. High-field mobility
reduction is considered. In equilibrium, the minority-carrier density is
increased by 1% prior to calculating the recombination rate, which
includes recombination due to SRH traps, band-to-band, and Auger
Distance from Front The position of each node, measured as a distance from the front
surface. This is the usual function used for the abscissa.
Donor Doping
The net donor doping density due to the sum of background and
diffused n-type dopants. All of these dopants are considered to be
electrically active.
Electric Field A weighted average of the electric field in the elements to either side of
each node (except the end nodes, which are one-sided). The weighting
favors the smaller adjoining element, as if the field in each element was
assigned to its midpoint, and the resulting value at the interface node
calculated as a linear interpolation.
Electron Current This is the current of electrons past each node.
Electron Current
The areal density of electron current flow. Note that since electrons have
negative charge, they move in a direction opposite to the sign of their
current flow.
Electron Density The density of mobile electrons.
Electron Diff.
Current Density
The electron current density can be broken into drift and diffusion
components. The diffusion component is given by the product of the
mobility and the gradient of the density of mobile electrons. This
function is actually calculated by subtracting the drift component from
the total electron current density.
Electron Drift
Current Density
The electron current density can be broken into drift and diffusion
components. The drift component is given by the product of the
mobility, the density of mobile electrons, and the electric field. Each of
these terms is determined as they are for plots of these functions,
including high-field mobility reduction.
Electron Mobility The mobility of electrons, which is affected by temperature and doping
density of both Donors and Acceptors. It is also reduced by high
electric fields which would induce velocity saturation.
Electron Quasi-Fermi
The quasi-Fermi energy for electrons is a non-equilibrium version of the
electro-chemical potential which characterizes the statistical
thermodynamics of the mobile electrons.
Electron Velocity The velocity of mobile electrons. This is given by the electron current
density divided by the density of mobile electrons.
The electrostatic potential, where zero equals the potential of intrinsic
material in equilibrium. In equilibrium, positive potentials are associated
with n-type material, negative with p-type material.
Energy Gap
The effective energy gap, which is modified from the materials intrinsic
energy gap by electrical bandgap narrowing effects caused by heavy
doping. The amount of bandgap narrowing is directly related to the
increase in the pn product in equilibrium.
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Excess Charge
The volumetric charge density at each node measured relative to its
value at equilibrium.
Excess ConductivityThe volumetric conductivity at each node relative to its value at
equilibrium, including contributions from both electrons and holes.
High-field mobility reduction is not included.
Excess Electron
The density of mobile electrons in excess of the value at equilibrium.
Excess Electron
Density Ratio
This is the density of mobile electrons in excess of the equilibrium value
at each node, divided by the equilibrium value at that node. The
resulting ratio is dimensionless.
Excess Electrostatic
The electrostatic potential at each node measured relative to its value at
Excess Hole DensityThe density of mobile holes in excess of the value at equilibrium.
Excess Hole Density
This is the density of mobile holes in excess of the equilibrium value at
each node, divided by the equilibrium value at that node. The resulting
ratio is dimensionless.
Excess pn Product
The excess pn product is the product of the density of mobile holes and
mobile electrons, in excess of the equilibrium value of this product at
each node. The ratio is formed by dividing this value by the equilibrium
value of the pn product at that node. The resulting ratio is
Generation Rate The volumetric rate of generation of electron-hole pairs due to external
Hole Current This is the current of holes past each node.
Hole Current
The areal density of hole current flow.
Hole Density The density of mobile holes.
Hole Diff. Current
The hole current density can be broken into drift and diffusion
components. The diffusion component is given by the product of the
mobility and the gradient of the density of mobile holes. This function is
actually calculated by subtracting the drift component from the total
hole current density.
Hole Drift Current
The hole current density can be broken into drift and diffusion
components. The drift component is given by the product of the
mobility, the density of mobile holes, and the electric field. Each of these
terms is determined as they are for plots of these functions, including
high-field mobility reduction.
Hole Mobility The mobility of holes, which is affected by temperature and doping
density of both Donors and Acceptors. It is also reduced by high
electric fields which would induce velocity saturation.
Hole Quasi-Fermi
The quasi-Fermi energy for holes is a non-equilibrium version of the
electro-chemical potential which characterizes the statistical
thermodynamics of the mobile holes.
Hole Velocity The velocity of mobile holes. This is given by the hole current density
divided by the density of mobile holes.
Intrinsic Conc.
The square-root of the pn product in equilibrium. Nominally, this equals
the concentration of electrons and holes in intrinsic material held in
equilibrium, but heavy doping can increase the pn product, and hence
the effective intrinsic carrier concentration.
Minority Carrier
This is the excess minority carrier density divided by the recombination
rate. In equilibrium this ratio is undefined, in which case the minority
carrier concentration is increased by 1% before calculating the
recombination rate. The minority carrier is whichever carrier (electrons
vs. holes) currently has a lower density. If the lifetime calculated this
way is ever negative, it is replaced with zero.
Normalized Excess The excess pn product is the product of the density of mobile holes and
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pn Product mobile electrons, in excess of the equilibrium value of this product at
each node. A ratio is formed by dividing this value by the equilibrium
value of the pn product at that node. The function is then normalized by
dividing the value at each node by the largest value found in the device.
The resulting ratio is dimensionless and has a maximum value of unity.
This function when plotted for forward bias without photoexcitation is
equal to the probability that a carrier pair photogenerated at that location
would be collected by the external circuit under short-circuit illumination
Resistivity The resistivity of the material at each node is equal to the inverse of the
conductivity, which is given by the sum of the product of electron
density and mobility plus the product of hole density and mobility.
High-field mobility reduction is not included in this function.
Total Current This is the sum of currents due to electrons and holes. In steady state,
this function should be uniform between external contacts. During
transients, nonuniformities will emerge in regions where a net charge
density is accumulating or depleting.
Total Current
The sum of the electron and hole current densities.
Vacuum Energy The energy an electron would have if a void were formed in the device at
that point and the electron were to escape into that void. It is equal to
the energy of the conduction band edge plus the electron affinity of the
Valence Band Edge The effective edge of the valence band, modified from the actual edge by
electrical bandgap narrowing caused by heavy acceptor doping.
Temporal Functions
Auxiliary If an auxiliary spatial function has been previously set up using the
Auxiliary dialog box accessible from the Graph menu, then this function
will plot that auxiliary data.
Base Current The current into the base contact to the device. This current is injected
as majority-carrier current at the node nearest to the specified contact
Base Power The product of the voltage at the base contact times the current into this
contact. This power is positive for energy flow into the device, and
negative for energy flow out of the device.
Base Voltage The voltage at the base contact to the device. This differs from the base
source voltage when a series source resistance has been specified in the
Excitation|BaseCircuit dialog. It differs from the majority-carrier
quasi-Fermi potential at the location of the base contact only by an
amount equal to the voltage drop across the internal series resistance
associated with the contact, as specified in the Device|Circuit|Contacts
Collector Current The current into the collector contact to the device. This current is
injected as majority-carrier current at the node nearest to the specified
contact location.
Collector Power The product of the voltage at the collector contact times the current into
this contact. This power is positive for energy flow into the device, and
negative for energy flow out of the device.
Collector Voltage The voltage at the collector contact to the device. This differs from the
collector source voltage when a series source resistance has been
specified in the Excitation|CollectorCircuit dialog. It differs from the
majority-carrier quasi-Fermi potential at the location of the collector
contact only by an amount equal to the voltage drop across the internal
series resistance associated with the contact, as specified in the
Device|Circuit|Contacts dialog.
Elapsed Time The total elapsed time since the start of the transient solution. This is
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the usual value for the abscissa in temporal graphs. The steady-state
solution is represented as occurring at negative time, with the start of
the transient at t=0.
External Quantum
This function plots the rate that charge carriers are collected by the base
circuit divided by the rate that photons are incident on the device from
the primary source. To properly represent EQE, the problem must have
been set up with the base circuit at short circuit and the primary
illumination set to scan a range of monochromatic wavelengths.
Internal Quantum
This function is similar to the External Quantum Efficiency, except that
the result is divided by 1-R, where R is the sum of the Pri-Surface
Reflectance and Pri-Surface Escape. IQE represents the rate at which
carriers are collected by the external circuit divided by the net rate that
photons enter the surface of the device. Here, net rate means the rate
of incidence minus the rate of exit. If a secondary light source is present,
use IQE adjusted for light bias instead.
Inverse IQE This function simply plots the inverse of the Internal Quantum
Efficiency. Plots of inverse IQE versus Absorption Length are commonly
used to extract information about the diffusion length in the device.
IQE adjusted for
light bias
This is the Internal Quantum Efficiency, but remains valid when the
device is being illuminated by a secondary (constant) light source.
Absorption Length
This function plots the absorption length in the material for
monochromatic illumination from the primary source. When the device is
composed of multiple materials, the material at the surface onto which
the primary source is incident is used. This function is defined only
when the problem is set up with primary source illumination configured
to scan a range of monochromatic wavelengths.
Pri-Surface Escape This function plots the fraction of incident photons that enter the device
initially, but which are then reflected internally and escape from the
surface of the device onto which the primary source illumination is
incident. It is defined only when the problem is set up with primary
source illumination configured to scan a range of monochromatic
This function plots the fraction of incident photons that are reflected
directly from the surface of the device onto which the primary source
illumination is incident. It is defined only when the problem is set up
with primary source illumination configured to scan a range of
monochromatic wavelengths.
Refractive Index
This function plots the refractive index of the material for monochromatic
illumination from the primary source. When the device is composed of
multiple materials, the material at the surface onto which the primary
source is incident is used. This function is defined only when the
problem is set up with primary source illumination configured to scan a
range of monochromatic wavelengths.
Pri-Surface Total
This is just Pri-Surface Reflectance + Pri-Surface Escape.
Primary Source
The wavelength (in free space) of light incident on the device from the
primary source. This function is defined only when monochromatic
illumination has been specified.
Shunt ## Current This is a set of four function that plot the current through the four
internal elements defined using Device|Circuit|InternalElements. The sign
of the current corresponds to current entering the element at its anode
and leaving at its cathode.
Shunt ## Voltage This is a set of four functions that plot the voltage across the four
internal elements defined using Device|Circuit|InternalElements. The sign
of the voltage corresponds to the voltage of the element anode with
respect to its cathode.
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PC1D Program Development:
Clugston, D.A. and Basore, P.A., PC1D Version 5: 32-bit Solar Cell Simulation on Personal Computers, 26th IEEE
Photovoltaic Specialists Conf. (Sept 1997).
Basore, P.A. and Clugston, D.A., PC1D Version 4 for Windows: From Analysis to Design, 25th IEEE Photovoltaic
Specialists Conf., (May 1996).
Basore, P.A., "PC-1D Version 3: Improved Speed and Convergence," 22nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf.,
(October 1991).
Basore, Rover, and Smith, "PC-1D Version 2: Enhanced Numerical Solar Cell Modeling," 20th IEEE Photovoltaic
Specialists Conf., (September 1988).
Rover, Basore, and Thorson, "Solar Cell Modeling on Personal Computers," 18th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf.,
Las Vegas (October 1985).
Physical Models:
Adachi, J. Appl. Phys. 58, p. 1 (1985). (GaAs, AlGaAs electronic properties)
Arora, Hauser, and Roulston, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices ED-29(2), p. 292 (February 1982). (Silicon transport
Aspnes, Kelso, Logan, and Bhat, J. Appl. Phys. 60, p. 754 (1986). (GaAs, AlGaAs optical properties)
Aspnes and Studna, Physical Review B 27, p. 985 (1983). (InP, Ge optical properties)
ASTM Standard E891-R4, Annual Book of ASTM Standards (1985) (AM1.5 Direct Spectrum)
ASTM Standard E892-R4, Annual Book of ASTM Standards (1985) (AM1.5 Global Spectrum)
Camassel and Auvergne, Phys. Rev. B 12, p. 3258 (1975). (Ge electronic properties)
Camassel, Auvergne, and Mathieu, J. Appl. Phys. 46, p. 2683 (1975). (GaAs electronic properties)
Del Alamo, Swirhun, and Swanson, Solid-State Electronics 28 (1-2), p. 47 (1985). (Silicon transport and recombination
Fan, Y.H., Semiconductors and Semimetals, ed. R.K. Williamson and A.C. Beer, Academic Press (1967), Vol 3, p.409.
(III-V free-carrier absorption)
Fonash, J., Solar Cell Device Physics, Academic Press, N.Y.(1981). (Ge electronic properties)
Haas, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 23, p. 821 (1962). (Ge optical properties)
Haug, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 16, p. 4159 (1983). (GaAs, AlGaAs recombination coefficients)
Hurkx, Klaassen, and Knuvers, A New Recombination Model for Device Simulation Including Tunneling, IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, ED-39, (Feb. 1992), pp. 331-338. (Field-enhanced recombination).
Karpova and Kalashvikov, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, p. 880
(1962) (Ge recombination coefficients)
Klausmeier-Brown, Lundstrom, and Melloch, Appl Phys. Lett. 52 (26), p. 2255 (June 1988). (GaAs electronic properties)
McLean, T.P., Progress in Semiconductors, Vol. 5, Heywood, London (1960). (Ge electronic properties)
Morin, Phys. Rev. 94, p. 1525 (1954). (Ge transport properties)
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Prince, Phys. Rev. 92, p. 681 (1953). (Ge transport properties)
Rajkanan, Singh, and Shewchun, Solid-State Electronics 22, p. 793 (1979). (Silicon optical properties)
Schlangenotto, Maeder, and Gerlach, Temperature Dependence of the Radiative Recombination Coefficient in
Silicon, Physica Status Solidi A21, 357-367 (1974). (Silicon recombination)
Schroder, Thomas, and Swartz, Free Carrier Absorption in Silicon, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-25, (Feb. 1978),
pp. 254-261. (Si free-carrier absorption)
Sigai, Abrahams, and Blanc, J. Electrochem. Soc 119, p. 952 (1972). (AlGaAs transport properties)
Sproul, Green, and Zhao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 (3), p. 255 (July 1990). (Intrinsic concentration in silicon).
Swanson and Swirhun, "Characterization of Majority and Minority Carrier Transport in Heavily Doped Silicon," Sandia
National Laboratories contractor report, SAND87-7019 (November 1987). (Silicon transport and recombination
Sze, S., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd. Ed., J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981, p. 850. (Si electronic
Takeshima, J. Appl. Phys. 58, p. 3846 (1985). (AlGaAs recombination coefficients)
Takeshima, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 22, p. 491 (1983) (InP recombination coefficients)
Thekaekara, Solar Energy Engineering, Ed. by A.A.M. Sayigh, Academic Press, New York, 1977, p. 40. (AM0
Thurber, Mattis, Liu, and Filliben, The Relationship Between Resistivity and Dopant Density for Phosphorus- and
Boron-Doped Silicon, U.S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards, (1981). (Si majority carrier
Thurmond, J. Electrochemical Soc. 122, p. 1133 (1975). (Si, GaAs, Ge optical properties)
Turner, Reese, and Pettit, Phys. Rev. A 136, p. 1467 (1964) (InP electronic properties)
Tyler and Woodbury, Phys. Rev. 102, p. 647 (1956). (Ge transport properties)
Vilms and Garrett, Solid State Electron. 15, p. 443 (1972). (GaAs transport properties)
Walukiewicz, et. al., J. Appl. Phys. 51, p. 2659 (1980). (InP transport properties)
Wang, Misiakos, and Neugroschel, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices ED-37 (5), May 1990, p. 1314. (Silicon minority
hole mobility).
Wiley, J., Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 10, Academic Press, N.Y. (1975). (InP, GaAs, AlGaAs transport
Yahia, Wanlass, and Coutts, 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf. (September 1988) (InP recombination
Numerical Method:
Basore, P.A. "Numerical Modeling of Textured Silicon Solar Cells Using PC-1D," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices,
ED-37 (2), (February 1990).
Basore, P.A., "Essential Elements in the Numerical Modeling of Solar Cells," 4th Photovoltaic Science and Engineering
Conf., (February 1989).
Grossman and Hargrove, "Numerical Solution of the Semiconductor Transport Equations with Current Boundary
Conditions," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices ED-30 (9), pp. 1092-1096 (September 1983).
Dongarra, Moler, Bunch, and Stewart, LINPACK User's Guide, SIAM, Philadelphia (1979).
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Lundstrom, Schwartz, and Gray, "Transport Equations for the Analysis of Heavily Doped Semiconductor Devices,"
Solid-State Electronics 24, pp. 195-202.
Lundstrom and Schuelke, "Numerical Analysis of Heterostructure Semiconductor Devices," IEEE Trans. on Electron
Devices ED-30 (9), pp. 1151-1158 (September 1983).
Mock, Analysis of Mathematical Models of Semiconductor Devices, Boole Press, Dublin.
Selberherr, Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Sutherland and Hauser, "A Computer Analysis of Heterojunction and Graded Composition Solar Cells," IEEE Trans.
on Electron Devices ED-24, pp. 363-372 (1972).
Thorson, G.M., "A Solar Cell Simulator for Personal Computers," M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 1985.
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This section describes the isolated-element approach used within PC1D to obtain rapid, accurate
solutions of the semiconductor transport equations. The emphasis in this program has been on reliable
convergence for a broad range of doping profiles and boundary conditions.
The five semiconductor equations (Section A.1) can be readily reduced to three equations in three
unknowns. There are several options for selecting the solution variables; none appears to have a
significant advantage. For PC1D we have chosen the electrostatic potential, , and the electron and
hole quasi-Fermi potentials, |n and |p. Three expressions are required at each interface between
elements. Poisson's equation minimizes the total electrostatic energy in the adjoining elements, and both
electron and hole currents must be continuous across each interface.
A.1 Fundamental Equations
The numerical method of PC1D uses the two-carrier semiclassical semiconductor transport equations.
These equations are derived from the Boltzmann transport equation with the following assumptions: the
two carriers flow independently (no carrier-carrier scattering), both carrier populations remain in thermal
equilibrium with the surrounding crystal lattice (no hot carriers), the mobility of carriers is isotropic, and
the structure of the energy levels available to electrons is not significantly affected by excitation (rigid
bands). The effect of magnetic fields is also neglected and the device temperature is assumed to be
uniform. The resulting equations for electron and hole current density (Jn, Jp) are commonly written in
terms of the electron and hole density (n, p), the electron and hole mobility (n, p), and the electron
and hole quasi-Fermi energies (EFn, EFp).
Fp p p
Fn n n
E p J
E n J
V =
V =
The quasi-Fermi energies relative to their corresponding energy band define which of the energy states
available to electrons are filled by carriers from each population, thereby determining the local
concentration of both carriers. For non-degenerate material, the Boltzmann exponential approximation to
the Fermi distribution function can be utilized:
k T E E
k T E E
V F p
F n c
e N p
e N n
/ ) (
/ ) (
Here Nc and Nv are the effective density of states in the conduction and valence bands. Ec and Ev are
the energy levels of the two band edges. The effects of degenerate doping can be included in this
Boltzmann-like form by modifying Ec and Ev. Degeneracy due to high injection levels is not included in
this treatment.
Define the quasi-Fermi potentials (|n, |p) as the separation of the quasi- Fermi energies relative to the
equilibrium Fermi energy at some selected reference location. For PC1D, this location is taken as x=0.
The position of the two band edges in Eq. (A.2) relative to this reference energy depends on the
electrostatic potential and any spatial variation in the band structure. To describe variations in the band
structure, two band-edge potentials are introduced, Vn and Vp. These potentials represent the shift
(toward the centre of the bandgap) of the conduction and valence band edges with respect to the
conditions at the reference location, after accounting for electrostatic effects. These shifts may be caused
by spatial variations in material composition or bandgap narrowing due to heavy doping. Specifically, for
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bandgap Eg, electron affinity _, effective conduction (valence) band density of states Nc (Nv ), and
conduction (valence) bandgap narrowing AEgc (AEgv),
g v
g R g
v r
g c
c r
q q
k T
q N
k T
A +
A +
_ _
_ _
l n
l n
where q is the magnitude of the elementary electronic charge. The material (conduction and valence
band) properties at the reference location can serve to establish a convenient zero reference for the
electrostatic potential. Let zero electrostatic potential correspond to neutral intrinsic conditions in this
material. Introducing these definitions into Eq. (A.2) produces a new pair of Boltzmann-like expressions
for n and p,
k T V p q
i r
k T V n q
i r
e n p
e n n
/ ) (
/ ) (
+ +
Here, nir is the intrinsic carrier concentration at the reference location.
Combining Eqs. (A.1) and (A.4) it is possible to eliminate n and p, expressing the two unknown current
densities in terms of the two unknown quasi-Fermi potentials and the unknown electrostatic potential. All
other parameters can be expressed in terms of these unknown quantities for a given device structure,
providing two equations for five unknowns.
Two additional equations can be generated by accounting for the fate of all electrons and holes that enter
a given volume of space. These continuity equations account for flow into the volume, creation of
carriers within the volume (generation), and annihilation of carriers within the volume (recombination).
p L
n L
- V
- V
Here GL is the volume generation rate of electron-hole pairs due to the absorption of light
(photogeneration), and Un, Up are the net volume recombination rates for electrons and holes.
The photogeneration model in PC1D includes a number of sophisticated features, including light trapping
and free-carrier absorption. It does not consider the generation of multiple carrier pairs by energetic
photons, two-photon absorption processes that use a trap level as an intermediate step, or absorption of
photons created during radiative recombination. PC1D also does not include generation of carriers due
to impact ionization, and thus will not predict avalanche breakdown.
A consequence of the two-carrier model is that electrons and holes are always created and annihilated in
pairs, so that Un= Up= U. This approximation is valid only for high-quality material in which the
concentration of occupied trap states is small compared with the carrier populations. The net
recombination (U) can, in turn, be expressed in terms of the three unknown potentials (, |n, |p). The
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recombination model includes trap-assisted, Auger, and band-to-band processes. Other factors must
be neglected for reasons of computational efficiency, including changes in the trap cross-sectional area
or energy level as a function of occupation state, and the effect of traps distributed throughout the
The addition of Eq. (A.5) makes it possible to eliminate Jn and Jp as unknowns, leaving two equations in
the three unknown potentials. Poissons equation of electrostatics provides the third and final
independent equation.
) ( = + V c - V
where is the volume charge density and c is the permittivity. Contributions to the charge density
include the electron and hole densities and the concentration of ionized donor and acceptor impurities.
The two- carrier model neglects the charge associated with trap states located within the bandgap.
PC1D assumes that all of the available dopants are ionized. This is an adequate assumption at room
temperature and above, especially since the true dopant concentration is rarely known with great
accuracy. At lower temperatures, the user must adjust the doping profiles to represent only the ionized
dopant density.
As with any set of differential equations, boundary conditions represent an essential component in
defining a unique solution. For the semiconductor transport equations, three boundary conditions are
required at each external surface. A variety of boundary conditions can be used. Most analytical models
assume that (1) the majority-carrier concentration is fixed at its equilibrium value, (2) the minority-carrier
concentration is related to the minority-carrier current density by a surface recombination velocity, and
(3) the surface electrostatic potential is shifted from its equilibrium value by an amount equal to the
externally-applied voltage. These conditions are appropriate when all surfaces are heavily doped and
electrically contacted, either directly or indirectly.
A more general set of boundary conditions is used in PC1D to accommodate lightly doped and insulated
surfaces. The three boundary conditions at each surface are based on (1) injected current density, (2)
surface recombination, and (3) surface electrostatic potential. The injected total current density is zero at
insulated surfaces, and is controlled by the external circuit at contacts. PC1D provides two surface
recombination models: a Shockley-Read-Hall recombination velocity model that permits separate
electron and hole velocities through a trap level located anywhere in the bandgap, and a saturation
current density model that gives a recombination rate proportional to the excess pn product at the
surface. Three boundary conditions are available for the surface electrostatic potential: neutral surface
charge density, the surface charge density remains at its equilibrium value, or the surface electric field
remains at its equilibrium value. Constant surface charge density is appropriate at metal-semiconductor
contacts, including Schottky contacts, whereas constant surface electric field is more appropriate at
insulated surfaces.
At electrical contacts, PC1D allows the amount of injected current to be determined, in part, by the
device being simulated. A Thevenin-equivalent circuit is attached to each electrical contact, consisting of
a voltage source, series resistance, and external shunt elements. By varying the source resistance from a
small value to a large value, the entire spectrum of boundary conditions ranging from fixed-voltage to
fixed-current can be simulated.
A complication in applying the injected-current boundary condition arises when the contact itself is not a
part of the solution region. It is often the case that a significant distance may lie between the contact and
the solution region. Contacts to practical devices are made to heavily-doped material, so one can
generally assume that the injected current will enter the solution region as majority-carrier flow spread
throughout the region that matches the dopant type at the contact. To simplify matters, PC1D
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concentrates this majority-carrier current into a single injection point. The resulting electrostatic potential
shift at the point of injection presumably causes a similar shift in the electrostatic potential near the
contact. There will be a substantial difference, however, if the point of current injection in the solution
region is in high-level injection. The difference in injection levels between the solution region and the
contact produces an electrostatic potential difference across the intervening material, even when no
current is flowing. For this reason, it is better to use the majority-carrier quasi-Fermi potential to
determine the voltage at contacts. In the heavily doped material adjacent to the contact, the
majority-carrier quasi-Fermi potential must shift in unison with any shift in the electrostatic potential in
order to maintain a fixed volume charge density at the surface. Thus, the majority-carrier quasi-Fermi
level is a valid indicator of the contact voltage, with the advantage that it does not differ significantly
between the solution region and the contact. What difference might exist will be proportional to current
and can therefore be modelled using the external series resistance.
A.2 Discretization
The first step in the numerical solution of the semiconductor equations described in Section A.1 is the
discretization of the device, both in time and space. PC1D is a quasi-one-dimensional model, so the
device is spatially divided into a finite set of M elements along a solution dimension "x", which
approximately follows the direction of current flow in the device and is not necessarily a straight line. The
dividing point between any two elements is called a node. The nodes are numbered from zero at the left
boundary to M at the right. Subscripts of j or k are used to denote values at the jth or kth nodes,
respectively. The cross-sectional area for current flow is a function of x, with a value Ak assigned to
each node.
Poisson's equation is satisfied within this discrete space of elements by minimizing the total electrostatic
energy of the system, We.
d x d x
w w
} }
where w is the width (thickness) of the device. A minimization of this functional with respect to , for a
given charge distribution, , gives the electrostatic potential. This minimization is achieved in a discrete
sense by approximating , , and c. Both and are given a linear spatial variation within each
element. The permittivity, c, is assumed to be uniform within each element. Setting the differential energy
to zero yields the following discrete equation at each internal node k:
Poisson's Equation:
) ( 2
2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
+ +
A + A + A + A
A +
A +
k k k k k k k k k k
k k k
k k k
A x A x x A x
where c+ and c- refer to the permittivity of the elements on the right and left sides of the node,
respectively. In Eq. (A.8), a delta notation is used to refer to the difference in a value across an element;
that is, Ak = k+1 - k, and Ak-1 = k - k-1.
A second discrete equation at each node is based on the transport equation for electrons. Start with a
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quasi-one-dimensional version of Eq. (A.1), which gives the electron current, In, in the direction of the
solution dimension.
) x ( ) x ( A ) x ( n ) E , x ( q a . ) x ( I
n n x n
| V =
The mobility in Eq. (A.9) is electric-field dependent. The model used for this dependency is
) ] ( / ) 0 , ( [ 1 / ) 0 , ( ) , ( x v E x x E x
s a t
+ =
where E = - V is the electric field intensity and vsat is the high-field saturation velocity, which may be
different for electrons and holes. The denominator of Eq. (A.10) is assumed to be uniform within each
Define a modified electric potential, n(x).
r r
n n
x A E x
k T
x V x x
) ( ) , (
l n ) ( ) ( ) ( + + =
, (A.11)
where r and Ar are arbitrary fixed reference values for mobility and area. Substitute the potentials of
Eq. (A.4) for n in Eq. (A.9) and rewrite the expression in terms of the modified potential of Eq. (A.11).
) ] ) x ( ) x ( [
k T
e x p ( ) x ( A n q a ) x ( I
n n n r i r r x n
| | V =
, (A.12)
Eq. (A.12) can be rearranged so that the quasi-Fermi potential is the only position-dependent value on
the RHS of the equation.
k T / ) x ( q
r i r r x
k T / ) x ( q
n n
e A n q D a e ) x ( I
V =
where Dr = r-kT/q defines the reference diffusivity. A contour, or path, integral can be applied to both
sides of this equation. The contour is taken across a single element, following the solution dimension x
from the node at xk to xk+1.
d l e A n q D d l a e ) x ( I
k T / ) x ( q
r i r r x
k T / ) x ( q
n n
- V = -
} }
k T x q k T x q
r i r r
k T x q
k n k n
e e A n q D d x e x I
/ ) ( / ) ( / ) (
) (
| |
The value of this approach is now apparent. To complete the integration on the LHS of Eq. (A.15), it is
only necessary to make assumptions regarding the spatial variation of two well-behaved variables: In
and xn. No assumption regarding the spatial variation of on was necessary. Since the carrier
concentration, n, depends on both xn and |n, this is equivalent to saying that no constraints have been
imposed on the spatial variation of n within the element. If we assume that both xn and In vary linearly
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within each element, the integral can be performed to produce a direct expression for the electron
current at the left edge of the element (node xk). Letting | be the inverse thermal voltage, q/kT, the
following discrete equations result.
Electron Current Transport:
) ) ( ) ( ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ( e x p ( ) (
) ( ) (
1 1 k n k n n k n k n n
r i r r
n n k n
x x Z x x Z
A n q D
I x I
| | | | | |
A A =
+ +
where Z(u) = u / (eu - 1) and Y(u) = ( 1-Z(u) ) /u
In Eq. (A.16), the net electron current leaving the element, AIn, is equal to the total rate of
recombination within the element, minus the total rate of generation, plus the rate that electrons are
accumulating as a function of time. In PC1D, photogeneration within each element is based on assuming
a separate exponential absorption characteristic for each wavelength, the recombination rate is assumed
to vary linearly with position across each element, and carrier accumulation is calculated assuming that
the excess electron concentration is a linear function of position. The time dependence of the
accumulation is calculated as a backward difference, assuming an exponential function of time unless the
excess has changed sign since the last time step, in which case a linear time dependence is used.
A similar derivation gives an expression for hole current, providing the third discrete equation needed at
each node.
Hole Current Transport:
) ) ( ) ( ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ( e x p ( ) (
) ( ) (
1 1 k p k p p k p k p p
r i r r
p p k p
x x Z x x Z
A n q D
Y I x I
| | | | | |
A A =
+ +
A.3 System Solving
The electron and hole currents at node k can each be calculated independently for the two elements that
adjoin at that node. Each carrier current should be continuous at the node except for interface
recombination and majority-carrier current that may be injected at that node from an external source.
Using the discrete expressions for carrier current developed in Section A.2, two equations at each
internal node k result.
Hole Current Transport:
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r i r
m a j
i r
k p
r i r
k p
k p p k p k p p k p
k p
r i r
k p
k p p k p k p p k p
A q n
A n
A n
+ A
) (
) (
) ) ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( e x p ( ) (
) (
) (
) ) ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( e x p ( ) (
1 1 1
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Electron Current Transport:
r i r
m a j
i r
k n
r i r
k n
k n n k n k n n k n
k n
r i r
k n
k n n k n k n n k n
A q n
A n
A n
+ A
= A
) (
) (
) ) ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( e x p ( ) (
) (
) (
) ) ( e x p ( ) ( ) ) ( e x p ( ) (
1 1 1
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Eqs. (A.18) and (A.19), combined with Eq. (A.8), provide three simultaneous non-linear equations at
each internal node. Added to these are three equations at each boundary that are based on (1) injected
current density, (2) surface recombination, and (3) surface electrostatic potential. The first two of these
boundary conditions are implemented using Eqs. (A.18) and (A.19), with the expression for current that
extends beyond the boundaries of the device set to zero (ie. set LHS to zero at x=0). The electrostatic-
potential boundary condition either equates the volume charge density at the surface to its equilibrium
value (0 for a neutral surface), or equates the electric field at the surface to its equilibrium value. For M
elements, there are a total of 3(M+1) equations for 3(M+1) unknowns.
These non-linear equations are solved using Newton's method, which iteratively solves a sequence of
linearized approximations of the equations. A Jacobian matrix is generated using the derivatives of each
equation in terms of |n, , and |p, each normalized by kT/q. The derivatives are calculated from
analytical expressions for all terms except the surface and bulk recombination, which are calculated
numerically based on a 1% change in the excess carrier densities. These expressions are such that the
equations for node k involve only values from nodes k-1, k, and k+1. The resulting matrix has a
numerical bandwidth of 11. The three equations are ordered so that the matrix will be diagonally
dominant, eliminating the need for time-consuming pivoting. The electron current continuity equation is
diagonal with |n, the hole current continuity equation is diagonal with |p, and the electrostatic equation
is diagonal with . A solution vector is constructed using the residual error from the 3(M+1) system
equations. The entries for a single node are shown in Eq. (A.20).
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| A
| A
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
| c
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
3 3
2 2
1 1
1 1
f f f f f f f f
f f f f f f f f
f f f f f f f f
c |
c |
where superscripts -, o, and + correspond to values at nodes k-1, k, and k+1. The diagonal matrix
components are shown in bold characters.
The Jacobian matrix is inverted using LU decomposition. Multiplying the factored Jacobian matrix times
the solution vector generates a set of values for A|n, A, and A|p at each node. The electrostatic
potential at each node is then updated using the following function, which puts a clamp on the amount the
potential is allowed to change during a single iteration. The clamp value is supplied by the user. The
default is 5 kT / q.
A' = A / , 1 + , A/ clamp , , (A.21)
The changes in the two quasi-Fermi potentials at each node are also limited, in one of three ways
selected by the user. In Phi clamping, equation (A.21) is applied to each quasi-Fermi potential. In Psi
clamping, the separation between each quasi-Fermi potential and the electrostatic potential is monitored
and prevented from changing by more than the clamp value during each iteration, using equation (A.22).
Applying Both clamps usually gives the most reliable convergence, through there are exceptions.
A|' = A' + , A| A', / , 1 + , , A| A', / clamp , , (A.22)
At the end of each Newton iteration the maximum normalized update (prior to clamping) is determined.
The magnitude of this correction is displayed on the screen as a way of monitoring the convergence of
the solution. The solution continues until this maximum normalized correction error falls below the
user-supplied error limit, typically 1.0E-6.
For equilibrium solutions, the knowledge that In = Ip = GL = R = 0 at all x allows the semiconductor
equations to be reduced to a single equation in the single unknown, . Thus for equilibrium there are
only M+1 equations in M+1 unknowns, and the numerical bandwidth is reduced to 3. The equations
are still quite non-linear, and the same iterative Newton method is applied. At the end of each iteration
is updated, with the clamping function of Eq. (A.21) applied. The iterations continue until the
maximum change in | is less than the user-supplied normalized error limit.
A.4 Node Placement
The flexibility of PC1D is greatly enhanced by its ability to automatically place nodes where they are
needed most. This "renoding" takes place at various times as requested by the solution parameters.
After renoding, the error will usually increase for a few iterations, then converge rapidly toward zero.
The node placement algorithm used in PC1D does not guarantee a specific number of elements. Rather,
the user supplies an "Element Size Factor" which directly reflects the intrinsic accuracy of the solution.
For the same value of this factor, some problems may require many more elements than others. If more
than 500 elements are necessary to achieve the specified level of accuracy, PC1D will automatically
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increase the element size factor until the number of elements drops below 500. The default value for this
factor (o) is 0.5. For more accuracy, consider using a smaller value of o, like 0.25. Values greater
than 1.0 provide faster operation, but the solution accuracy will deteriorate.
The node placement algorithm starts with an initial set of elements and proceeds to scan them in order of
increasing x. For each element, PC1D chooses one of three options: (1) keep the element as it is, (2)
subdivide the element into up to 30 smaller elements, or (3) concatenate the element to the element on its
left. The determination of which option to take depends on several criteria. These criteria are based on
the fundamental assumptions in the numerical method and on producing visually pleasing graphs.
An element will be concatenated to the one on its left unless any of the following tests are true for the two
elements combined.
(1) The average volume charge density causes the electrostatic potential to deviate from linearity by an
excessive amount:
k T x
| A
2 / 1
(1) The majority-carrier doping concentration changes too rapidly:
| Aln(Nmaj)| > o (A.24)
(1) The width of the element is too large for its proximity to the surface (This is to ensure an adequate
number of small elements near the front or rear surface in case rapidly absorbed light is subsequently
Ax > x. (A.25)
(1) The element consumes too large a fraction of the width of the region:
Ax > wreg/20. (A.26)
(1) The node that would be eliminated by concatenation is the interface between regions or an injection
point for the emitter, base, collector, or interface shunt contacts.
The element will be subdivided if either criterion (1) or (4) is true. The number of subelements created
will be equal to the ratio of the LHS to the RHS of the equation, with a maximum of 30 subelements
After a new set of nodes has been selected, the values of the various solution variables at these nodes
are obtained by interpolating values from the previous set of nodes. For ND, NA, tno, and tpo, this
interpolation assumes that the logarithm of the parameters is linear between nodes; while for , eq, |n,
|p, A, Vn, Vp, xn, xp, vsat, Et, c
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