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1.1 The Cartesian Coordinate Space

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Lecture 1


This is the second course in mathematics for you in IIT. In the rst course itself you have studied some basic properties such as continuity of functions of several variables. The central theme of this course is to study thoroughly geometric objects in higher dimensions and also functions. As you know the simplest geometric objects are lines and planes. Correspondingly, the simplest of functions which have suciently interesting properties (not constants!) are linear functions. Therefore, we shall start our study with that of Linear Algebra. To begin with Linear Algebra brings unied approach to certain topics which are familiar to you such as coordinate geometry and vector algebra. Apart from playing a very crucial role in the basic understanding of the calculus of several variables, Linear Algebra has its own importance with applications in almost all scientic studies. So, in the rst part of the course, let us lay a proper foundation of Linear Algebra with basic denitions of vector spaces, linear transformations, linear dependence, dimension, matrices, determinants etc. Some illustrations of applications to geometric problems will be given with the study of quadratic forms. We shall also give an elementary proof of fundamental theorem of algebra using linear algebra that you learn in this course, thus achieving a kind of poetic justice since Fundamental theorem of algebra has to be used in a non trivial fashion in Linear algebra.


The Cartesian Coordinate Space:

Today let us get familiar with our working space. Thanks to DesCarte, of the fame cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am), we can refer to each and every corner of our space, in a very precise manner on our nger tips! The n-dimensional Cartesian coordinate space Rn is the totality of all ordered n-tuples x := (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) of real numbers xi R. It is denoted by R R (n factors) or, in short, by Rn . Elements of this space are often referred to as n-vectors. For n = 1 you see that R1 is nothing but the real line and a real number can also be referred to as a 1-vector. Of course, in this case, we shall not use the absurdly complicated notation (x1 ) but merely write x1 . Similarly for n = 2 and 3, we can avail of the familiar notation (x, y) R2 and (x, y, z) R3 etc., respectively. For a point x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) we refer to xi as the ith coordinate of x. This then, is the rst example of a function from Rn to R. For each i = 1, 2, . . . , n, let us denote this function by i : Rn R, i ((x1 , . . . , xn )) = xi . It is called the ith coordinate function or the ith coordinate projection. Given any function f : A Rn , where A is any set, we can compose it with the ith coordinate projection to get n functions fi := i f. An important observation is that f is completely determined by these functions fi called the ith component function of f, viz., f (a) = (f1 (a), . . . , fn (a)), a A. Thus one can expects that the study of functions f : A Rn can be eectively reduced to the study of functions fi : A R, n of them in number, and perhaps to the study of their inter-relations. Soon we shall see that this is in fact so. For n < m we can think of Rn as a subset of Rm in various ways. One such standard 1

way is to identify it with the set of points y of Rm whose last m n coordinates are identically zero. Indeed, the inclusion map (x1 , . . . , xn ) (x1 , . . . , xn , 0, . . . 0) denes such an identication. Observe that, more generally, we could also have chosen any other m n coordinates to vanish identically, to get other inclusion maps. In particular, if n = 1, then we get the m coordinate axes of Rm for i = 1, 2, . . . , m. We presume that you are familiar with basic set theory, composition of functions, inverses etc.. A good reference is the I volume of Apostols Calculus. Example 1.1 (1) As a refresher, let us consider the following example: Let f (x, y) = (x2 y, x + y); g(x, y) = (cos(x + y), sin(x/y)). Then obviously the domain of denition of f is the whole of R2 , whereas that of g is R2 \ {(x, 0) : x R}. Therefore, neither f g nor g f is dened on R2 . But if we restrict the domain of f to R2 \ {(x, y) : x + y = 0}, then g f dened. In that case we have, g f (x, y) = (cos(x2 y + x + y), sin(x2 y/x + y)). Can you determine the natural domain for f g and write down the expression for it? (2) Let N = {1, 2, . . . , n} be the set of rst n natural numbers. Consider the cartesian product of n copies of N : Nn = N N How many elements does N n has? Next consider the set S(n) of all sequences of length n with values in {1, 2, . . . , n}. Can you see any relation between N n and S(n)? Further look at the set F (N, N) of all functions from N to N. Is there any relation between this set and the earlier two? Indeed, there are natural ways of getting one-to-one mappings of any one of these three sets into another. Let (n) denote the subset of F (N, N) which are one-to-one. What does it correspond to in N n and S(n)? Exercise: (i) Let (x, y) = (x + y 2 , y + x2 + 2xy 2 + y 4). Is a bijective map? (ii) (Here is an optional exercise which you can take up as a challenge. Do not consult the tutors for the solution, since they have been told not to help you with this problem. If you have solved it you may directly contact your Instructor.) Let f : R2 R be a continuous map. Then there exist a, b R such that for all r R \ {a, b}, f 1 (r) is either or innite. Hence or otherwise prove that (a) for every n there exist at least n points which are mapped to the same point by f ; (b) if f is surjective then f 1 (r) is innite for all r R. (c) Finally construct a continuous map R2 R to illustrate that improvement on this statement is not possible. Explicitly, nd a continuous function f : R2 R such that f 1 (1) = {1} and f 1 (1) = {1}.


Algebraic Structure of Rn

Some of the algebraic structures of the real numbers induce similar structure on Rn . The most important amongst them is the sum or addition. Given two n-vectors x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) and y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) we dene their sum x + y = (x1 + y1 , . . . , xn + yn ). It is straightforward 2

to verify that this addition obeys all the usual laws that the addition of real numbers obey. In particular, observe that the zero element for this sum is the zero vector 0 = (0, . . . , 0) and the negative of (x1 , . . . , xn ) is (x1 , . . . , xn ). We can of course try to dene a multiplication in Rn using the multiplication of real numbers, as above, viz., xy := (x1 y1 , . . . , xn yn ). However, what we are presently looking for is something much simpler than this viz., the so called scalar multiplication; for each real number and a vector x, we dene x = (x1 , . . . , xn ). It is 1. associative: (x) = ()x; 2. distributes with the sum: (x + y) = x + y, and ( + )x = x + x; 3. and has an identity element 1x = x. In particular, we also observe that, if n = 1, then these two operations coincide with the usual addition and multiplication.


The Geometry of Rn

Before starting of with any sort of calculus, we need one more important ingredient viz., the distance function on Rn . For any two points x, y Rn as above, we dene the distance between x and y by

d(x, y) =

(xi yi )2 .

Indeed, the distance function is closely related to the dot product (x, y) x y := One denes the norm function by

xi yi .

x := d(x, 0) =

x2 = i

x x.

Then it follows that d(x, y) = x y . (Such a distance function is called a linear metric. You are already familiar with various properties of this function such as (d1) symmetry: d(x, y) = d(y, x); (d2) triangle inequality: d(x, y) d(x, w) + d(w, y); (d3) positivity: d(x, y) 0 and = 0 if and only if x = y. Moreover, we also have (d4) homogeneity: d(x, y) = ||d(x, y). All these properties are standard and can be veried easily. For instance, in the proof of triangle inequality, we can use the famous Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:

|x y| x


The space Rn together with the two algebraic structures and the distance function d is called the n-dimensional euclidean space. This is going to be our work-space for quite some time.

You are quite familiar with the case n = 2 and n = 3. Most of the concepts you have met in these two special cases have appropriate and obvious generalizations for all n. However some caution is necessary, particularly while relying on pictures. Exercises: (i) Dene

d(x, y) =

|xi yi|

and D(x, y) = max {|xi yi | : 1 i n}. Show that , D satisfy properties (d1), (d2), (d3) above in place of d. (ii) On the set of 64 squares of a chess board dene the distance d from one square to another to be the least number of knight moves required. Check that this distance function satisfy (d1), (d2), (d3). Determine the diameter of the chess board with respect to this distance where diameter of a space is the supremum of all values of d. (iii) Here is an example to show that it is not advisable to rely too much on intuition when dealing with higher dimensions. Consider a square of side 4 units and place four coins of unit radius one in each corner so as to touch two of the sides. Of course each coin touches other two coins. Now place a coin at the center of the square so as to touch all the four coins. Do this inside a n-dimensional cube of side 4 units with 2n n-dimensional balls of unit radius. For n = 2, . . . , 9 the central ball which is kept touching all the balls in the corner lies inside the cube. The surprise is that for n > 9 the central ball cannot t inside the cube. Prove this by showing that the radius of the central ball is n 1.

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