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Physics: Mechanics Definitions: Small Distance Travelled/ Small Interval of Time

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Physics : Mechanics Definitions

5/23/2011 11:25:00 AM

Scalar quantity - has magnitude only for example, distance, speed,

area and volume.

Vector quantity has magnitude and direction for example

displacement, velocity, acceleration.

Displacement distance of an object from a particular reference


Instantaneous speed is the rate of change of direction.

Small distance travelled/ small interval of time

Average speed = Distance travelled / time Velocity is the rate of change of displacement.
Change in displacement / time

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

Acceleration = Change in velocity / time.

Newton A net force of 1N acting on an object of mass 1kg produces

an acceleration of 1m/s.

Moment of force = magnitude of the force x perpendicular

distance of its line of action from the pivot.

Torque of couple (Nm) = size of one of the forces (in N) x

perpendicular distance between the forces (in m).

Thinking distance is the distance travelled by the car as the driver

reacts to apply the breaks. It is affect by : The speed of the car. Whether the driver is tired or not. If the driver is under influence of any drugs. Breaking distance is the distance travelled by the car while the breaks are applied and the car comes to a halt.

The breaking distance is affect by: Condition of the road.. ice or wet. Condition of the car tyres if they are worn out. As the tread of the tyre is designed to squirt out the water between the tyre and road surface. Work done (W) = force causing motion (F) x distance moved(s) W joules F Newton S metres

Joule - work done when a force of 1N moves its point of

application by 1m in the direction of the force.

Power (P) - rate at which energy is converted or work done

(W)/time taken . P watt W Joules T seconds. Watt - a power of 1W is achieved if 1J of work is done. Static equilibrium Net force = 0 and the object does not move thus speed = 0. Dynamic equilibrium net force = 0 however the object is moving at constant velocity eg terminal velocity. Density = the mass per unit volume. Pressure is the force per unit area acting perpendicular to the surface.

Object moving through a liquid or a gas experiences a drag force.. Drag force (directly proportional) Speed2 The drag force depends on: The speed of the object The shape of the object The type of fluid or its viscosity.

To find center of gravity of an object, hang the object from to points (x & Y) and the center of gravity vertically below the point. Moments >>> The sum of the clockwise moment about any point = the sum of the anti-clockwise moment about the same point. Terminal velocity: When the drag and the weight force =0 hence the net force of the object =0

Which means that the acceleration of the object is also = 0 and the object is travelling at constant velocity. A couple is a pair of force of equal size that is in a opposite direction (parallel to each other). Does not cause any resultant force however does produce a turning force (torque). Moment of force is the force acing on an extended object that is pivoted at one end.

List of formula : 1. Net force = mass x acceleration ( F=ma) 2. Weight = mass x gravitational force (W = mg) (g = 9.81m/s2) 3. a = (R W)/ mass R reaction ^ force. W weight force. (lift questions) also if lift deceleration then a = (W R)/m. 4. Moment of force = magnitude of the force x perpendicular distance of its line of action from the pivot. 5. Density = Mass/ Volume. (p = m/v) Density kg m-3 6. Torque of couple (Nm) = size of one of the forces (in N) x perpendicular distance between the forces (in m). 7. Pressure = force at right angle to the surface/ area. (P=F/A) pressure Pascal (Pa); 1 Pascal = 1 N m2. F normal reaction fore. 8. Stopping distance = thinking distance + breaking distance. 9. Thinking distance = the speed of the car x the reaction time of the driver. Thinking distance (proportional) speed. 10. Breaking distance (proportional) speed. 11. Work done = force x the distance moved in the direction of force. (Work done = Fx) Work done >> newton meter (Nm) or the joule (J) 12. Work done = force x the displacement in the direction of force. 13. Kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x speed(2) Ek - joules (j) [ Ek = 0.5mv2]

5/23/2011 11:25:00 AM

5/23/2011 11:25:00 AM

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