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Ar-70 38

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Army Regulation 7038


Department of the Army
Washington, DC
15 September 1979
AR 7038
This Change 1--
o Is issued to correct printing errors of the basic.
o Replaces old pages 2-19 and 2-20. This corresponds to electronic paras 2-8f
through 2-11b.
o This revision--
o Is a complete revision of AR 70-38.
o Reflects changes in policy, guidance, and climatic criteria, and conforms to
MIL-STD-210B, Climatic Extremes for Military Equipment, 15 December 1973.
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
15 September 1979
*Army Regulation 7038
Effective 15 September 1979
H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n w a s o r i g i n a l l y
p r i n t e d o n 1 A u g u s t 1 9 7 9 . I t w a s
a u t h e n t i c a t e d b y E . C . M e y e r , G e n e r a l ,
United States Army Chief of Staff, and J.
C . P e n n i n g t o n , M a j o r G e n e r a l , U n i t e d
States Army, The Adjutant General. This
e l e c t r o n i c e d i t i o n p u b l i s h e s t h e b a s i c 1
A u g u s t 1 9 7 9 e d i t i o n a n d i n c o r p o r a t e s
Change 1. Change 1 to this regulation was
printed on 15 September 1979. Change 1
w a s a u t h e n t i c a t e d b y E . C . M e y e r ,
G e n e r a l , U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y C h i e f o f
S t a f f , a n d J . C . P e n n i n g t o n , M a j o r
G e n e r a l , U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y , T h e
Adjutant General.
S u m m a r y . T h i s r e g u l a t i o n p r e s c r i b e s
p o l i c i e s , r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , a n d p l a n n i n g
guidance for realistic consideration of cli-
matic conditions in the research, develop-
m e n t , t e s t , a n d e v a l u a t i o n ( R D T E ) o f
material used in combat by the Army.
Applicability. This regulation applies to
items of materiel developed by the Army.
I t a l s o a p p l i e s t o i t e m s o f m a t e r i e l
developed by another Service to meet Ar-
mys requirements and Army (a) approves
t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s d o c u m e n t s , ( b ) h a s
budget responsibility and (c) is the user.
Proponent and exception authority.
The proponent agency of this regulation is
the Office of the Chief of Engineers.
Army management control process.
Not applicable.
S u p p l e m e n t a t i o n . L o c a l s u p p l e m e n t a -
tion of this regulation is prohibited, except
upon approval of the Chief of Engineers.
I n t e r i m c h a n g e s . I n t e r i m c h a n g e s t o
this regulation are not official unless they
are authenticated by The Adjutant Gener-
al. Users will destroy interim changes on
their expiration dates unless superseded or
Suggested Improvements. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-
m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d
Blank Forms) direct to HQDA (DAEN-
RD) WASH DC 20314.
D i s t r i b u t i o n . T o b e d i s t r i b u t e d i n a c -
cordance with DA Form 12-9A require-
m e n t s f o r A R , R e s e a r c h a n d
Active Army: C
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)
Chapter 1
Purpose. 11, page 1
Applicability. 12, page 1
Explanation of terms. 13, page 1
Objective. 14, page 3
Design and test policy. 15, page 3
Major responsibilities. 16, page 4
Limitations. 17, page 5
Application of design values. 18, page 5
Climatic testing. 19, page 5
Chapter 2
*This regulation supersedes AR 70-38, 5 May 1969.
AR 7038 15 September 1979 i
Section I
GENERAL, page 6
Climatic design types. 21, page 6
Summary of daily cycles. 22, page 7
High elevation and upper air conditions. 23, page 8
Section II
Hot climatic design type. 24, page 8
Basic climatic design type. 25, page 11
Cold climatic design type. 26, page 16
Severe cold climatic design type. 27, page 17
Additional environmental elements. 28, page 18
Combined environmental effects. 29, page 21
Section III
Map of climatic design types. 210, page 21
Delimitation of climatic design types. 211, page 21
Appendix A. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AR 70-38 AND MIL-STD-210B*, page 25
Table List
Table 11: Materials and High Humidity Deterioration, page 11
Figure List
Figure 21: Areas of Occurrence of Climatic Design Types, page 2
Figure TABLE 21: Summary of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and Relative Humidity Daily Cycles., page 7
Figure 21B: Elevation, Pressure and Temperature, page 8
Figure TABLE 22: Hot Climatic Design Type: Hot-Dry Daily Cycle of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and
(QSTAG 360 Category A1), page 9
Figure TABLE 23: Hot Climatic Design Type; Hot-Humid Daily Cycle of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and
(QSTAG 360 Category B3), page 10
Figure TABLE 24: Hot Climatic Design Type; Constant High Humidity Daily Cycle of Temperature,
Solar Radiation, and Humidity, (QSTAG 360 Category B1), page 12
Figure TABLE 25: Basic Climatic Design Type; Variable High Humidity Daily Cycle of Temperature,
Solar Radiation, and Humidity. (QSTAG 360 Category B2), page 13
Figure TABLE 26: Basic Climatic Design Type: Hot Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity,
and Solar Radiation. (QSTAG 360 Category A2), page 14
Figure TABLE 27: Basic Climatic Design Type; Cold Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity, and Solar Radiation.
(QSTAG 360 Category C1), page 16
Figure TABLE 28: Cold Climatic Design Type; Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity, and Solar Radiation.
(QSTAG 360 Category C2), page 17
Figure 28: Drop Diameter Range (mm), page 18
Figure 29: Snow Height and Mass Flux, page 19
Figure 210: Blown Snow Crystal Diameter Formula, page 19
Figure 211: HeightWindspeed Calculations, page 20
Figure 22: Distribution of Absolute Maximum Temperatures, page 23
Figure 23: Distribution of Absolute Minimum Temperatures, page 24
ii AR 7038 15 September 1979
Chapter 1
11. Purpose.
This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and planning guidance for realistic consideration of climatic
conditions in the research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) of material used in combat by the Army. The
principal classes of materiel used in combat are
a. Mechanical assemblies for ground use (e.g., tank).
b. Mechanical assemblies for air use (e.g., helicopter).
c. Electrical and electronic equipment (e.g., radio).
d. Optical equipment (e.g., rangefinder).
e. Weapons (e.g., missile).
f. Ammunition (e.g., artillery shell).
g. Hydrocarbon fuels and lubricants.
h. Construction materials and equipment.
12. Applicability.
a. This regulation applies to items of materiel
(1) Developed by the Army.
(2) Developed by another Service to meet Armys requirements and Army
(a) Approves the requirements documents.
(b) Has budget responsibility.
(c) Is the user.
b. For materiel developed for the sole use of another service, the policy of the using service will apply.
c. This regulation does not apply to the Army National Guard or the Army Reserve.
d. It defines the climatic conditions materiel may be exposed to and gives guidance in the selection of appropriate
test levels for some test procedures. It does not define test procedures, because there may be valid reasons for
performing tests under conditions that are not entirely realistic. Four climatic design types, differentiated by tempera-
ture characteristics, are in chapter 2. These design types give guidance in preparing requirements documents and other
documents covering RDTE and procurement of Army materiel. A map showing locations of the four types of design
criteria is included (fig. 2-1).
e. This regulation is concerned primarily with the mechanical operation or functioning of materiel under the
extremes of climate to which it is likely to be exposed. It is recognized that some environmental elements or conditions
(smoke, haze, fog, shimmer, and clouds, for example) may affect the ability of some materiel, particularly Electro-
optical equipment, to perform its mission. Unfortunately, the effects of these environmental factors on the operation of
electro-optical devices cannot be reliably quantified at this time. Therefore, design criteria for visibility requirements
are not given in this regulation.
f. Although climate is the most important element of the total natural environment as far as military equipment
design is concerned, other environmental elements such as vegetation, soils, landforms, and biological agents also
affect the performance of materiel. In some cases, these factors may be more responsible for deterioration and failure
than climate. No attempt is made to specify criteria for these non-climatic elements in this regulation. It is recom-
mended that, wherever appropriate, they be stated in requirement documents.
g. Provisions of this publication are the subjects of international standardization agreements (QSTAG 360 and
STANAG 2831). When amendment, revision, or cancellation of this publication is proposed that will affect or violate
the international agreements concerned, the proponent will take appropriate reconciliation action through international
standardization channels.
13. Explanation of terms.
The following terms apply to this regulation.
a. Climatic design types. Four climatic design types are differentiated on the basis of worldwide temperature
regimes. They are
(1) Hot climatic design type.
(2) Basic climatic design type.
(3) Cold climatic design type.
(4) Severe cold climatic design type.
Areas of the world where these types apply are shown in figure 2-1.
1 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure 2-1. Areas of Occurrence of Climatic Design Types
2 AR 7038 15 September 1979
The climatic values included in the design types represent the extreme conditions materiel is likely to encounter in the
field, with allowance for some risk (see 1-5b and app A).
b. Daily weather cycles. Each of the climatic design types is characterized by one or more daily weather cycles,
which show the interactions and daily patterns of temperature, humidity, and solar radiation (where applicable).
(1) Four cycles represent the basic design type.
(a) One for the hottest days and one for the coldest days likely to be found in the basic design areas.
(b) Two cycle represent areas where high humidities are a major problem.
Materiel that can operate satisfactorily under all four of these daily weather cycles should be capable of satisfactory
performance throughout the areas of the basic design type.
(2) The hot climatic design type is characterized by two daily weather cycles, one representing the highest
temperatures likely to be found anywhere in the world, and the other representing extremely high dewpoints.
(3) The cold climatic design type and the severe cold climatic design type are each represented by one daily weather
cycle, the latter representing the lowest temperatures in which materiel operation is required.
Details of the daily weather cycles that make up the climatic design types are given in section II, chapter 2.
c. Operational, and storage and transit conditions. In each of the eight daily weather cycles, a distinction is made
between operational temperature and humidity conditions, and storage and transit temperature and humidity conditions.
(1) Operational conditions. These are climatic conditions in the open to which materiel might be subjected during
operations or standby for operations. Ambient temperature and humidity conditions are those measured under standard
conditions of ventilation and radiation shielding in a meteorological shelter at a height of 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters)
above the ground and determined according to the risk policy in paragraph 1-5b. Solar radiation, which might be
experienced concurrently with the temperature and humidity, is also stated for many of the climatic conditions.
Although the standard conditions measured in meteorological shelters are usually not exactly the same as the
operational environment for materiel, it is necessary to state operational conditions in standard terms so
(a) Measurements have the same meaning in all parts of the world.
(b) The great range of variations in response of different materiel to a given climatic condition is not a complicating
factor in setting design criteria.
For example, the temperature of the materiel itself may vary considerably from the operational air temperature because
of the effects of incoming solar radiation, internal sources of heat, the thermal mass, and the heat transfer characteris-
tics of the materials. Most items exposed to the sun will attain higher temperatures than the air temperature. The exact
temperature can be obtained through actual or simulated exposure to the appropriate daily cycle, or through the
development and use of suitable mathematical models.
(2) Storage and transit conditions. These are temperature and humidity conditions materiel might be subjected to in
storage and transit situations. Examples of these situations are
(a) Inside an unventilated field storage shelter.
(b) In a railway boxcar.
Because of great differences in temperature and humidity in varying storage modes, the severity of the exposure
depends upon the choice of storage mode as much as the storage location. This is very important in areas of extreme
solar radiation and high humilities. Storage and transit air temperature and humidity may differ from operational
temperature and humidity because of the induced effects of heat gains or losses of air in confined spaces. Where a
large thermal mass is involved (e.g., in food storage), the temperature of the stores may be much lower than the storage
air temperature stated, and may have little daily variation. Temperature for such a thermal mass is derived by using
data from previous similar storage conditions or is determined by actual measurement under current conditions.
14. Objective.
It is intended that this and related regulations will help the Army achieve the objective of developing materiel that will
perform adequately under the environmental conditions likely to be found in the areas of intended use.
15. Design and test policy.
a. Areas of potential use for Army materiel include all parts of the world except the Antarctic continent. Standard
general-purpose materiel will be designed for safe and effective use under the specified conditions of the basic climatic
design type (defined in chap. 2). Materiel for use under the conditions of extreme climatic design types (hot, cold, and
severe cold) will be provided by designing
(1) Special materiel capable of such use.
(2) Special materiel solely for such use.
3 AR 7038 15 September 1979
(3) Modification kits which adapt new standard materiel or previously type-classified standard materiel.
The approach chosen will be that which gives satisfactory results most economically, considering the extent of
deployment in each area ofpotential use, the current technology level, and the time required for development. For
example, if certain materiel is to be used only in areas where cold conditions prevail, materiel should be designed
solely for the conditions of those areas.
b. Climatic requirements as well as performance standards for operations, storage, and transit will be stated in
requirement documents. Because climatic requirements can have a substantial impact on acquisition and support costs,
materiel will be designed, developed, and tested to operate under conditions less severe than the absolute extremes that
may occur within the areas of intended use. This implies there is some risk of failure to operate at times. (See app A
for discussion of risk levels.) The four climatic design types outlined in chapter 2 all contain some element of risk.
Also because of cost considerations, it is general policy to accept reduced performance under the hot, cold, and severe
cold conditions as compared to performance under the basic conditions.
c. Army materiel will be designed to be compatible with user personnel fully clothed and equipped for protection
against conditions of potential use.
d. Testing in climatic chambers will be fully and creatively exploited before testing in the natural environment. Test
results from climatic chambers, however, cannot be interpreted as a total substitute for tests conducted in natural
e. Sites for field testing will be selected, if possible, to induce representative deterioration rates and performance
challenges from all environmental effects that the newly developed materiel will be expected to encounter under
tactical operational conditions. When time and fund constraints permit sites with the highest materiel deterioration rates
or most severe conditions may be selected.
f. DA will support research to develop information about the areal and temporal distribution of climatic and terrain
conditions that influence RDTE of materiel.
g. The interaction of equipment with the environment should be considered in all phases of RDTE because the
induced conditions may be quite different from those of the natural environment. Sheltered materiel must be designed
to operate under the conditions within the shelter during operation in the stipulated areas.
h. For materiel that is sheltered, in limited use, or composed of materials that will be subject to change (structural,
irreversible, or destructive) as a result of exposure to natural or induced climatic extremes during test, shipment, or
storage, the developing agency will
(1) Develop protective devices that will permit shipment, storage, and operational use of such materiel in the
climatic conditions for which it is intended.
(2) Indicate by distinct markings and by warning statements from appropriate standards the actual climatic stress
limits that should not be exceeded.
i. Potentially dangerous items (e.g., ammunition) will be designed to meet safety requirements for all climatic design
values despite their chance of being used or the requirement to operate in those climates. An item developed for the
basic climatic design type may fail in the more severe climatic conditions of the hot, cold, or severe cold types, and in
some cases produce catastrophic or extremely hazardous results.
16. Major responsibilities.
General responsibilities for research and development are contained in AR 70-1. Specific responsibilities for RDTE of
materiel to ensure its usefulness under extreme climatic conditions are as follows:
a. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition will
(1) Establish policy on climatic conditions to be included in the RDTE of Army materiel.
(2) Approve permanent sites for testing materiel in the natural environment.
b. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans will ensure that climatic requirements are defined in
requirements documents.
c. The Chief of Engineers will
(1) Develop climatic criteria for the RDTE of materiel and recommend their inclusion in DA guidance documents.
(2) Conduct special climatic studies and prepare reports as a guide for RDTE of materiel to be used at a particular
place or in a known limited area. (See para 1-7a.)
(3) Provide consulting services for interpretation of climatic conditions for the RDTE of materiel. When questions
arise on the use or interpretation of this regulation, consultation with environmental scientists is encouraged. The
agency listed below is the point of contact for providing environmental consultation services or directing developers to
appropriate sources of information.
Commander and Director
US Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories
4 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
d. CG, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command, The Surgeon General, The Chief of Engineers,
and other commanders designated as materiel developers in AR 70-1 will
(1) Incorporate known climatic parameters in the RDTE of materiel.
(2) Plan and conduct tests of materiel designed to satisfy climatic requirements (AR 70-10).
(3) Recommend to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition permanent sites for
climatic testing of materiel in the natural environment.
(4) Implement the policy regarding standard and special materiel and modification kits contained in paragraph 1-
(5) Determine when severe consequences may result if the materiel fails under extreme climatic conditions and get a
special study of necessary modifications of criteria in chapter 2 in such a case (c(2) above).
(6) Request special studies (c(2) above) when compatibility with climatic criteria (chap. 2) is not possible or is
undesirable because of the nature of the materiel or its use (e.g., operated only during winter).
e. CG, US Army Training and Doctrine Command and CG, US Army Communications Command will
(1) Include in materiel requirement document
(a) A statement of the areas or conditions in which the materiel may be operated, stored, or transported according to
climatic conditions in chapter 2.
(b) A description of the shelters, if any, in which the materiel will be operated.
(c) A list of operational constraints (para 1-2e and f) imposed by meteorological and terrain elements other than
those considered in chapter 2.
(2) Request a special study when compatibility with climatic criteria in chapter 2 is not possible or is undesirable
because of the nature of the materiel or its use.
17. Limitations.
The climatic information in chapter 2 is not to be used
a. In the RDTE of materiel to be used at a specific place or in a known limited area. This materiel should be
designed to withstand climatic conditions at the specific place. In these situations, the climatic requirements should be
outlined by the combat user in a special study prepared by designated Army environmental specialists (para 1-6c(2)).
b. In the RDTE of materiel that has inherent limitations, such as food items or medical supplies that must always be
kept in controlled environments. Also excluded are most individual clothing items, which, by themselves, are not
capable of protecting the soldier from a wide range of climatic conditions. The total range of climatic conditions cited
in chapter 2, however, can and should be used as the guide for developing the required number of clothing ensembles
to protect personnel against all conditions they may encounter.
c. To authorize the issue of materiel.
18. Application of design values.
The general design values in chapter 2 represent a conservative design approach; that is, there is little risk that the
design values will be exceeded in the areas to which they apply. Because there is some risk, the design values should
be modified for some materiel items. In certain cases, failure of an item may be so critical that more severe climatic
criteria should be applied to ensure against environment-related failure. In other cases, the consequences of failure may
be slight, so that the cost of designing to the given values may be unwarranted. Special study may be required in these
cases to determine the most appropriate design values (1-6c(3)). The type of failure is also an important consideration.
Two categories of failure that may cause different design decisions are identified as follows:
a. Reversible failure. For the duration of climatic extremes, the materiel may continue to function, but its perform-
ance or safety is reduced, or it may cease to function. When the extreme climatic conditions cease, the materiel will
return to normal function.
b. Irreversible failure. The materiel suffers a failure so damaging during climatic extremes that it will not return to
normal function when the extreme climatic conditions cease.
19. Climatic testing.
Materiel under development is always tested in climatic chambers and usually undergoes additional natural (or field)
environmental tests.
a. Chamber climatic test.
(1) Simulated climatic tests. The use of simulated climatic tests is encouraged, especially under combined (e.g.,
temperature and humidity) and sequential conditions, that supports efforts aimed at better simulation through improved
test procedures and facilities. In certain cases, it will not be practical or necessary to duplicate exact conditions of the
applicable climatic design values in these tests. The materiel, however, will be tested to meet the guidelines of the
requirements document. Developers doing simulated climatic tests will use the daily cycles normally found in nature as
their models, rather than chamber testing only at the extreme condition. This daily cycling gives more realistic moisture
5 AR 7038 15 September 1979
condensation and temperature response patterns. Test planners and environmental specialists will consult with each
other on how the climatic design values apply to testing. (See para, 1-6c(3).)
(2) Accelerated and aggravated tests. Accelerated tests approximate conditions, which may occur in nature, but with
a greater frequency or duration than would be expected naturally. Aggravated tests involve subject materiel to more
extreme conditions than are found in nature. The results of accelerated and aggravated tests are evaluated in terms of
what they imply for future service performance. Specifically, they give rapid feedback on problems requiring corrective
action as well as statistical data on the margin of safety provided by the design. Comparing results of these tests with
results of field climatic tests of service performance will give a better interpretation of results. It also increases
confidence in the use of such techniques in subsequent similar situations. In chamber tests, developers are cautioned
that subjecting materiel to more extreme conditions than are found in nature may introduce problems that will not
occur when testing is conducted in the natural environment. (An example is the liquification of TNT, which does not
occur at temperatures below 150 or 66C.) This is overtesting. On the other hand, the successful conclusion of
chamber tests does not guarantee than an item of equipment will operate satisfactorily in the natural environment,
because nature involves complex, synergistic effects that cannot presently be induced in chambers (para 2-9). Such
factors must be considered by the developer when evaluating results obtained in chambers. Test planners and
environmental specialists will consult with each other to determine the extreme combinations of conditions that occur
in nature. (See para 1-6c(3).)
b. Natural climatic test. Although climatic conditions during a field day test are not likely to be as extreme as the
values specified in chapter 2, there are distinct advantages to conducting tests in a real world environment where the
combined effects of several climatic factors can cause difficulties not revealed by chamber testing. (See para 2-8 and 2-
9.) On the other hand, when tests are conducted under less than the specified extreme conditions, the adequacy of the
natural tests must be reviewed particularly when test results are marginal. Consideration should then be given to results
obtained under simulated extreme conditions. Data describing climatic conditions prevailing during field tests at the
test site will be recorded to provide a basis for future evaluation.
Chapter 2
Section I
21. Climatic design types.
a. Hot. The worlds highest air temperatures occur in the areas identified with the hot climatic design type in figure
2-1. These are primarily low latitude deserts, which, in addition to very high air temperatures, concurrently experience
very low relative humidities (except in the hot-humid areas) and intense solar radiation. Two daily cycles, described in
paragraphs 2-4a and b, make up the hot design type
(1) Hot-dry.
(2) Hot-humid.
b. Basic. The humid tropics and the midlatitudes (basic design type) are characterized by temperatures more
moderate than the extremes of the other design types. Areas where the basic type applies are more widespread than the
hot and cold design types combined. They also include most of the densely populated, highly industrialized sectors of
the world. All general purpose Army materiel is expected to perform satisfactorily under all conditions formally
identified as extremes in the basic design type, according to paragraph 1-5a. Since microbial deterioration is a function
of temperature and humidity and is an inseparable condition of hothumid tropics and the midlatitudes, it must be
considered in the design of all standard general-purpose materiel. Four daily cycles, described in paragraphs 2-5a-c, are
recognized for the basic design types
(1) Constant high humidity.
(2) Variable high humidity.
(3) Basic hot.
(4) Basic cold.
c. Cold. The cold climatic design type areas in figure 2-1, which are confined to the Northern Hemisphere, have
temperatures much lower than the basic cold areas but not as low as the severe cold areas. The cold cycle is described
in paragraph 2-6.
d. Severe cold. The severe cold climatic design type areas in figure 2-1 have the lowest temperatures on the surface
of the earth, except Antarctica, which is not considered in this regulation. These low temperatures are found in the
northern continental interiors and the Arctic. The severe cold condition is described in paragraph 2-7.
6 AR 7038 15 September 1979
22. Summary of daily cycles.
Table 2-1 is a summary table of the daily extremes (highest and lowest values in a 24-hour cycle) of temperature, solar
radiation, and relative humidity for the eight daily cycles cited in this regulation. Details of each cycle, and other
atmospheric elements (hydrometers, wind, blowing sand, blowing dust, ozone, and atmospheric pressure), are given in
Section II. In most cases, extremes of these other elements do not occur at the same time as the extremes of
temperature or humidity. However, with certain severe cold and cold phenomena, two or more elements may occur at
the same time. For example, ice, fog, and low temperatures.
Figure TABLE 2-1. Summary of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and Relative Humidity Daily Cycles.
7 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Operatioaal Coaditiona
Stora,a aDd
Climatic Daily Cyela
AlllbiaDC ladue_
De.1ID (QSTAG 360
Air Solar Rel.d_ Iadueed .u .. a.:uc!v.
Type Equiva1aDu)
Temperacur. b41.Clo .. K_U1cy Temp.r.cure Bua1dicy
OF Jph % of
(oC) (We
) _(oC)
Boc-D"7 90 co 120 o co
3 eo 8
91 co 160
1 co 7
(A1) (32 co 49) (0 to ll20) (33 co 71)
l!"t-1IuII1d 88 eo 105 o co 343
to 88
91 co 160
lit co 110
(83) (31 co 41) (0 co lOBO) (33 co 71)
CoData .. "
lIurly lIe.r1y
Bilh ConstaDe
lIa.lil1ll1a 9!i co 100
95 co 100
1!\IIII1Uc, 1S 80
(11.) (24) (27)
81Sl\ 78 to 9S o to 307
74 co 100
86 to 145
19 co 75
8U1DldicJ (26 to 35) (0 to 970) (30 to 63)
I.sle (82)
B.alc: Hoc 86 to no o c" 355
14 to 44
86 to 145
(&2) (30 to 43) (0 e" 1120) (30 to 63)
to 44
-S co -2i
-13 to -28
-21 to -31)
lIeslil1b1. toward
(-25 to -33)
towa ... d
(el) s.curatioD utu .... tloll
Cold -35 to -SO
Ten41 ...
-35 "" -50
(C2) (-37 to -46)
lIeglillht. coward
(-37 co -46)
towa ... d
aat:urat,10D .aturati.oo
Se"era -60 Teodlna
Cold (Cold so.k) Nesli&lble toward tov&Td
(C3) (-51) ... turatioD
*Designations in parentheses reter to corresponding climatic categories in Quadripartite Standardization Agreement 360
Climatic Environmental Condition8 Affecting the Design of Military Materiel. Two of the QSTAG 360 categories, CO ant
C4, are not u8ed by the United States.
NOTE: The numbers shown tor the climatic elements represent only the upper and lower limits of the cycles that
typify days during which the extremes occur, e.g., for the Hot-Dry cycle, 120F is the maximum daytime temperature and
goOF is the minimum nighttime (or early morning temperature). Details of the are provided in tables 2-2 through
23. High elevation and upper air conditions.
a. For materiel subject to transport through high mountain passes, the temperatures and pressures for elevations as
high as 15,000 feet (4,572 meters) apply.
b. For materiel subject to shipment by air (elevations as high as 50,000 feet or 15,240 meters), the low air pressure
and temperature shown below could result from failure of cabin pressure and temperature regulation.
Figure 2-1B. Elevation, Pressure and Temperature
Section II
24. Hot climatic design type.
a. Hot-dry cycle.
(1) Location. Hot-dry conditions are found seasonally in the deserts of northern Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan
and India, southwestern United States, and northern Mexico (fig. 2-1).
(2) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(a) Operational conditions. On the extreme hot-dry days, temperature, humidity, and solar radiation may follow a
pattern similar to that shown in tables 2-2. Nominal accompanying windspeeds at the time of high temperatures are 13
fps (4 mps). The maximum ground surface temperature is 146F (63C. At ground elevations above 3,000 feet (915
m), maximum air temperatures will be lower by approximately 5F per 1,000 feet 9.1C per 1,000 m) and solar
radiation may be higher by approximately 4 Bph (British thermal units per square foot per hour) per 1,000 feet (43 W/
per 1,000 m) to 15,000 feet.
8 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure TABLE 2-2. Hot Climatic Design Type: Hot-Dry Daily Cycle of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and Humidity.
(QSTAG 360 Category A1)
(b) Storage and transit conditions. The daily cycle for storage and transit in table 2-2 shows 5 continuous hours
with air temperatures above 150F (66C) and an extreme air temperature of 160F (71) for not more than 1 hour.
Testing for these conditions should be done, if practicable, according to the daily cycle, because prolonged exposure to
the high temperature extremes may impose an unrealistic heat load on materiel. If not practicable, testing will be done
at a temperature representative of the peak temperature that the materiel would attain during a daily cycle.
b. Hot-humid cycle.
(1) Location. These severe dewpoint conditions occur only along a very narrow coastal strip (probably less than 5
miles) bordering bodies of water with high surface temperatures, specifically the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. The
hot-humid cycle will be used as a design condition only for systems intended for use or likely to be used in these
limited areas. Areas reporting these highest worldwide dewpoints may also experience hot-dry conditions at other
9 AR 7038 15 September 1979
times. Tests against hot-humid cycle conditions should be required only for systems that are specified for use in these
designated areas.
(2) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(a) Operational conditions. On days with extremely high dewpoints (high absolute humidity), a cycle such as that in
table 2-3 may occur, along with windspeeds between 8 and 17 fps (2.4 and 5.2 mps) and a maximum ground surface
temperature of 130F (54C).
(b) Storage and transit conditions. Induced storage temperatures are presumed to be the same as those for the hot-
dry cycle although relative humilities in the enclosed space are considerably higher.
Figure TABLE 2-3. Hot Climatic Design Type; Hot-Humid Daily Cycle of Temperature, Solar Radiation, and Humidity.
(QSTAG 360 Category B3)
10 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Operational Conditions
Storage & Transit
Solar Induced
Radiation R.H. Dewpoint Air Temp R.H.
c Bph
c %
0100 88 31 0 0 88 84 29 95 35 67
88 31 0 0 88 84 29 94 34 72
0300 88 31 0 0 88 84 29
0400 88 31 0 0 88 84 29 93 34 77
0500 88 31 0 0 88 84 29 92 33 79
0600 90
32 15 45 85 85 29 91 33 80
0700 93 34 100 315 80 86 30 97 36 70
0800 96 36 177 560 76 87 31 104 40 54
98 37 251 790 73 88 31 111 44 42
1000 100 38 302 950 69 88 31 124 51 31
1100 102 39 328 1035 65 88 31 135 57 24
104 40 343 1080 62 88 31 144 62 17
1300 105 41 317 1000 59 88 31 151 66 16
1400 105 41 280 885 59 88 31 156 69 15
1500 105 41 225 710 59 88 31 160 71 14
1600 105 41 147 465 59 88 31 156 69 16
102 39 66 210 65 88 . 31 151 66 18
1800 99 37 4 15 69 87 31 145 63 21
1900 97 36 0 0 73 87 31 136 58 29
94 34 0 0 79 86 30 122 50 41
91 33 0 0 85 86 30 105 41 53
90 32 0 0 85 85 29 103 39 58
2300 89 32 0 0 88 85 29 99 37 62
88 31 0 0 88 84 29 95 35 63
25. Basic climatic design type.
Four daily cycles represent conditions that may be found in areas where the basic climatic design type prevails. Two of
these cycles represent high humidity conditions and two represent the extreme temperatures of the basic set of design
a. High humidity daily cycles.
(1) Location. Basic high humidity conditions are found most often in tropical areas, although they occur briefly or
seasonally in the midlatitudes. One of the two high humidity cycles (constant high humidity) represents conditions in
the heavily forested areas where nearly constant conditions may prevail during rainy and wet seasons. The other daily
cycle (variable high humidity) represents conditions found in the open in tropical areas. In the first cycle, exposed
materiel is likely to be constantly wet or damp for many days at a time. In the second cycle, exposed items are subject
to alternate wetting and drying. Both conditions promote severe deterioration in materiel. The one that is most
important, as shown below, depends on the nature of the equipment involved.
Table 11
Materials and High Humidity Deterioration
Type Material Type of Site with the Highest Deterioration Rates
Elastomers Open
Polymers Open
Textiles Forest
Metals Coastal swamp (mangrove) and forest
(2) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation (constant high humidity cycle).
(a) Operational conditions. Relative humidity above 95 percent in association with a nearly constant temperature at
75F (24C) persists for periods of several days (table 2-4).
(b) Storage and transit conditions. Relative humidity above 95 percent in association with nearly constant 80F
(27C) temperature occurs for periods of a day or more.
11 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure TABLE 2-4. Hot Climatic Design Type; Constant High Humidity Daily Cycle of Temperature,
Solar Radiation, and Humidity, (QSTAG 360 Category B1)
(3) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation (variable high humidity cycle).
(a) Operational conditions. The daily cycle outlined in table 2-5 has a maximum ambient air temperature of 95F
35C) for 2 hours. The maximum solar radiation load of 307 Bph 970 W/m
) for not more than 2 hours, is
accompanied by windspeeds of less than 7 fps (2 mps) and a maximum ground surface temperature of 130F (54C).
(b) Storage and transit conditions. See storage and transit conditions associated with the hot-humid daily cycle of
the hot climatic design type.
12 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure TABLE 2-5. Basic Climatic Design Type; Variable High Humidity Daily Cycle of Temperature,
Solar Radiation, and Humidity. (QSTAG 360 Category B2)
(4) High humidity chamber testing. Climate chamber tests can be used to determine whether materiel is likely to
resist fungus growth and the mechanical effects of moisture. They cannot be expected to produce the overall effects on
materiel that will result from tropical field testing.
b. Basic hot daily cycle.
(1) Location. Basic hot conditions exist in many parts of the world extending outward from the areas of hot-dry
conditions in the United States, Mexico, Africa, Asia, and Australia. They also occur in southern Africa, South
America, southern Spain, and in southwest Asia.
(2) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(a) Operational conditions. Design criteria are: eight continuous hours with an ambient air temperature above 105F
(41C) with an extreme temperature of 110F (43C) for not more than 3 hours; a maximum ground surface
13 AR 7038 15 September 1979
temperature of 140F (60C); solar radiation (horizontal surface) at a rate of 355 Bph (1120 W/m
) for not more than 2
hours (not concurrent with the extreme temperature); a windspeed between 10 and 16 fps (3 and 5 mps) during the
period with temperature above 105F (41C); and a relative humidity of approximately 14 percent concurrent with the
high temperatures (table 2-6). For elevations of 3,000 feet to 10,000 feet (914-3048 m), the ground surface temperature
and wind remain the same. Ambient air temperatures, however, decrease 5F per 1,000 feet (9.1C per 1,000 m) and
solar radiation increases at a rate of 4 Bph per 1,000 feet (43 W/m
per 1,000 m).
Figure TABLE 2-6. Basic Climatic Design Type: Hot Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity,
and Solar Radiation. (QSTAG 360 Category A2)
14 AR 7038 15 September 1979
(b) Storage and transit conditions. Design criteria are: four continuous hours with an induced air temperature above
140F (60C) with relative humidity less than 8 percent; an air temperature extreme of 145F (63C) for not more than
2 hours without benefit of solar radiation and with negligible wind (table 2-6).
c. Basic cold daily cycle.
(1) Location. Basic cold conditions are found only in the Northern Hemisphere south of the coldest areas and on
high latitude coasts (e.g., the southern coast of Alaska) where maritime effects prevent occurrence of very low
temperatures. Small areas of basic cold weather conditions may be found at high elevations in lower latitudes.
(2) Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(a) Operational conditions. Design conditions are: five continuous hours with an ambient air temperature of 25F
(31C); a minimum ground surface temperature of 35F (37C); windspeed less than 16 fps (5 mps); negligible
solar radiation (horizontal surface); and humidity tending toward saturation (table 2-7). Saturation is the result of the
extremely low temperatures. The absolute humidity and vapor pressure are very low when these temperatures prevail.
Although not typical, windspeeds greater than 16 fps (5 mps) may be associated with temperatures of 25F (31C).
15 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure TABLE 2-7. Basic Climatic Design Type; Cold Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity, and Solar Radiation.
(QSTAG 360 Category C1)
(b) Storage and transit conditions. Design criteria are: Five continuous hours with an induced air temperature of
28F (33C) with no wind or solar radiation, and humidity tending toward saturation (table 2-7).
26. Cold climatic design type.
a. Location. Cold conditions are found in the Northern Hemisphere in Canada, Alaska, Greenland, northern
Scandinavia, northern Asia, and Tibet. Very small areas of the cold type may be found at higher elevations in both the
Northern and Southern Hemisphere (e.g., Alps, Himalayas, and the Andes).
b. Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(1) Operational conditions. Design conditions are: Six continuous hours with an ambient air temperature of 50F
16 AR 7038 15 September 1979
(46C); a minimum snow surface temperature of 50F (46C); windspeed less than 16 fps (5 mps); negligible solar
radiation (horizontal surface); and relative humidity tending towards saturation (table 2-8).
(2) Storage and transit conditions. Same as operational conditions (table 2-8).
27. Severe cold climatic design type.
a. Location. Severe cold conditions are found in the Northern Hemisphere in the interior of Alaska extending into
the Yukon in Canada. They also exist in the interior of the northern islands of the Canadian Archipelago, on the
Greenland icecap, and in northern Asia.
Figure TABLE 2-8. Cold Climatic Design Type; Daily Cycle of Temperature, Humidity, and Solar Radiation.
(QSTAG 360 Category C2)
17 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Operational Conditions
Storage & Transit
Ambient Solar
Air Radiation R.H. Dewpoint Air Temp R.H.
~ F
c Bph I W/m
c %
0100 -50 -46 -50 -46
-50 -46
-50 -46
0300 -50 -46
-50 -46
0400 -50 -46 -50 -46
0500 -50 -46 -50 -46
0600 -50 -46
-50 -46
0700 -49 -45
j:l j:l
0 -49 -45
. ~ ~
0800 -47 -44
-47 -44
nl nl
0900 -45 -43
1-1 1-1
::s -45 -43
~ ~
1000 -42 -41
-42 -41
(/J Ul
1100 -39 -39
-39 -39
1-1 1-1
-35 -37
-35 -37
1200 ~
Q) 0
1300 -35 -37
M ~
-35 -37
1400 -35 -37
..-I bO
-35 -37
bO c:: c::
~ ~
1500 -35 -37 M "0
-35 -37
bO c::
1600 -36 -38
Q) Q)
-36 -38
z E-t
1700 -38 -39 -38 -39
1800 -39
1 -39
1900 -41 -41 -41 -41
2000 -43 -42
-43 -42
2100 -45 -43
-45 1 -43
2200 -47 -44 -47 .-44
2300 -48 -44 -48 -44
2400 -49 -45
-49 -45
b. Temperature, humidity, solar radiation.
(1) Operational conditions. The design condition is a minimum temperature of 60F (51C). (For testing pur-
poses, this is a cold soak temperature.) Solar radiation (horizontal surface) is negligible and relative humidity toward
saturation (because of low temperature, not high absolute humidity or vapor pressure). Windspeeds are less than 16 fps
(5 mps). In rare cases where materiel is designed to operate solely in areas where the cold climatic design type applies,
the reverse season, or expected maximum, temperature is 95F (35C).
(2) Storage and transit conditions. Same as (1) above.
(3) Daily Cycle. No cycle is given because temperature, humidity, and solar radiation remain nearly constant
throughout the 24-hour period.
28. Additional environmental elements.
Several additional climatic or other environmental elements are known to have effects on some kinds of military
materiel. The elements are discussed in the following paragraphs and, where possible, operational extremes are given.
a. Rain. The worlds highest rainfall intensities are in areas that experience the constant high humidity conditions of
the basic climates, particularly Southeast Asia. The operational value is an instantaneous (1 minute) rate of 0.03 inches
per minute (0.80 mm/min). Based on data from Southeast Asia, this is the value exceeded only 0.5 percent of the hours
in the rainiest month. For certain classes of materiel (e.g., missiles, aircraft) that might be subject to erosion from the
more extreme rainfall intensities, a design value of 0.07 inches per minute (1.80 mm/min), derived from the same area
should be considered. This is the intensity that is exceeded only 0.1 percent of the hours in the most extreme month.
Much higher rainfall intensities can occur, but they are normally of short duration and, usually are restricted to small
areas. The highest rainfall intensity ever officially recorded is 1.23 inches per minute (31 mm/min).
(1) A nominal drop-size spectrum for the 0.5 percent extreme is
Figure 2-8. Drop Diameter Range (mm)
(2) The above rainfall intensities may be accompanied by intermittent winds up to 60 fps (18 mps). Higher
windspeeds occur in hurricanes and typhoons (up to 148 fps or 45 mps), along with intense rain that falls almost
horizontally penetrating cracks around doors, hatches, and other vertical openings. Rain affects the performance of
electro-optical systems because of its attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere.
b. Snow. Three aspects of snow are discussed in relation to equipment design. Falling snow also affects the
performance of electro-optical systems because of the attenuation and degradation of electromagnetic radiation in the
(1) Snowfall rate. No operational extreme is given for rate of snowfall accumulation because windblown. (See (2)
below.) The greatest snowfall accumulation during a 24-hour period ever recorded in the United States, the snowier
sections of which receive as much snow as any part of the world, was 76 inches (1930 mm), a rate of about 3 inches
per hour (76 mm/hr). Crystal sizes of snow particles range from 0.05 to 20 mm diameter with a median range of 0.1 to
1.0 mm. Larger sizes are associated with temperatures near freezing and light winds.
(2) Blowing snow. Operational extremes for blowing snow are given in terms of horizontal mass flux of snow
particles; that is, the mass of snow moving horizontally across a unit area per unit time. Mass flux decreases
significantly with increasing height; highest fluxes are found below 2 inches (0.05 m). Therefore, extremes of blowing
snow are given for height intervals up to 33 feet (10 m). Design values should be based on the height of the equipment.
The horizontal mass windspeed of 44 fps (13 mps) at a height above fluxes for operational extremes, with a ground or
snow surface of 10 feet (3 m), are
18 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure 2-9. Snow Height and Mass Flux
When blown by strong winds, snow crystals are broken and abraded into roughly equal size grains with rounded or
subangular corners. More particles occur in the size range of 0.02 min to 0.4 mm, where the size is the effective
diameter as
Figure 2-10. Blown Snow Crystal Diameter Formula
in the plane of measurement. Smaller sizes tend to occur at lower temperatures. Within the basic cold regions, the
typical temperature range during periods of blowing snow is 14F to 4F (10C to 20C). Within the cold and
severe cold regions, snowfall is common at temperatures between 10F and 20F (23C to 29C). Blowing snow
may occur at temperatures as low as 40F (40C).
(3) Snowload. A third important effect of snow is the structural load imposed by accumulated snow upon buildings,
shelters, vehicles, or other relatively large military items. Snowload extremes are not applicable to operations; however,
designers of the above equipment may wish to consider the following extremes, which are for snowloads on the
ground. Snowloads on military equipment would usually be less than on the nearby ground.
(a) Portable equipment usually involves small items, such as tentage, which may be moved daily. This equipment
generally will shed snow, but in instances where it does not, distortion will be noticeable and daily cleaning mandatory.
The design criterion for this equipment is based on 24-hour snowfalls. The snowload value is 10 lbs/ft
(48.9 kg/m
which is equivalent to a depth of 20 inches (508 mm) of snow with a specific gravity of 0.1.
(b) Temporary equipment usually involves large items on which snow can collect, rigid shelters, portable hangars,
etc., which can be cleared of snow between storms. This equipment will not sag much due to the snow loading but may
collapse when its limits are exceeded. The design criterion for this equipment is based on snowfalls associated with
storms lasting longer than one day. The snowload value is 20 lbs/ft
(97.7 kg/m
), which is equivalent to a snow depth
of 40 inches (1016 mm) with a specific gravity of 0.1.
(c) Semipermanently installed equipment is usually demountable and not very mobile. Snow is not removed between
snowfalls. The design criterion for this equipment is based on seasonal accumulation of snow. The snowload value is
48 lbs/ft
(235 kg/m
), which is equivalent to a snow depth of 96 inches (2438 mm) with a specific gravity of 0.1.
c. Icing phenomena. Icing phenomena include glaze (freezing rain), hoarfrost, and rime, which cause problems of
ice accretion on aircraft and other materiel, and ice fog, which interferes with visibility. Although reliable and
systematic data on ice accumulation are scarce, fairly large areas of the United States and Europe can expect to endure
seven or more ice storms per year. The effects of the storms may last from a few hours to several days. In the same
areas, probably one storm per year on the average is severe enough to cause some damage. In perhaps one year out of
two or three, ice accumulation will probably be a half-inch or more. Therefore, if all-weather operation of materiel is
desired within the areas where icing may occur the operational design value should be for onehalf inch of glaze with
specific gravity of 0.9. This includes the colder sections within the basic design type, and all of the cold and severe
cold areas. If equipment failure during the time of icing can be tolerated, the question of withstanding more severe
19 AR 7038 15 September 1979
storms without permanent damage becomes important. For withstanding, the values as given in MIL-STD-210B are as
3 inches (76 mm) glaze, specific gravity 0.9.
6 inches (152 mm) glaze and rime mixed, specific gravity 0.5.
6 inches (152 mm) rime near the surface increasing linearly to 20 inches (508mm) at 400 feet (122 m), specific
gravity 0.2.
(1) Deposits of hoarfrost, the only type of ice accretion that occurs when air temperatures are well below 32F
(OC), may be several inches thick but will have a specific gravity of less than 0.2.
(2) Ice fog consists of suspended ice crystals averaging 5 to 20 micrometers in diameter. In areas where sufficient
water vapor is present, ice fog occurs mainly at temperatures below 20F (37C), ice fog may be very dense,
limiting visibility ot a few feet. Ice fog is often locally induced by the operation of motor vehicles, power plants,
weapon systems. It is usually high in concentration of contaminants from the burning of hydrocarbon fuels and
explosive fuels. It affects the performance of electro-optical systems because of its attenuation and degradation of
electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere.
d. Hail. Hail occurs too infrequently to warrant specification of an operational extreme. When hail-caused equip-
ment failure would endanger life or limb, designers should consider the possibility of encountering hailstones up to 2
inches (51 mm) in diameter. The largest hailstone ever recorded measures 5.6 inches (142 mm) in diameter.
e. Wind. Wind is probably the most complex of all climatic elements affecting materiel. Wind effects are difficult to
analyze because wind is a vector quantity subject to rapid temporal and areal changes in speed and direction. In
addition to parameters of average speed and direction, a complete description of wind includes the random motions of
widely different scales and periods called atmospheric turbulence or eddies. The wind forces on a structure result from
differential pressures, positive and negative, caused by an obstruction to the free flow of the wind. Thus, these forces
are functions of the velocity and turbulence of the wind and of the oreintation, area, and shape of the elements of the
(1) For operations, the following extremes, as given in MIL-STD-210B, are: a steady windspeed of 73 fps (22 mps)
and a gust of 95 fps (29 mps).
(2) The above operational windspeeds are for a height of 10 feet (3 m). Multiplication factors for obtaining speeds
at the height of equipment are
Figure 2-11. HeightWindspeed Calculations
20 AR 7038 15 September 1979
f. Sand and dust. Sand and dust are usually differentiated on the basis of particle size, although there are no
generally accepted specific size limits for the two kinds of particles. For most military applications, it is important to
distinguish between the smaller particles (dust) and the larger particles (sand) because of their different effects on
equipment. Dust can penetrate small openings, cause undue wear to moving parts, and interfere with electrical contacts.
Blowing sand, which may be too large to penetrate the smaller openings, can erode and abrade the outside of
equipment. Sand and dust present in the air affect the performance of electro-optical systems because of their
atenuation and degradation of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere. Particles vary in diameter from 0.1 to 1,000
micrometers (3.94 10
inches to 3.94 10
inches), but most airborne particles are less than 74 micrometers (2.91
(1) Three operational levels are given; selection of the appropriate one depends on intended use of the materiel
under consideration. Items likely to be used in close proximity to aircraft operating over unpaved surfaces should be
designed for particle concentrations of about 1.32 10
(2.19 10
) in multidirectional strong winds
(downwash from helicopter rotors). The extinction coefficient for this particle concentration is estimated to be 100
for visible wavelengths through the middle infrared (12 micrometers). Such particles range in size up to 500
micrometers (1.97 10
inches) in diameter. Items never used or never exposed in close proximity to operating
aircraft but which may be found near operating surface vehicles, should be designed for particle concentrations of 6.61
(106 10
with windspeeds up to 59 fps (18 mps) at a height of 10 feet (3 in). Particle sizes will
range from less than 74 micrometers (2.91 10
inches) in diameter to 1,000 micrometers (3.94 10
inches), with
the bulk of the particles ranging in size from 74 to 350 micrometers (13.8 10
(2) The above two categories are likely to include most military items. However, items that are ensured of being
subjected only to natural conditions should be designed for particle concentrations of 1.10 10
(0.177 10
) with windspeeds of 59 fps (18 mps) at a height of 10 feet (3 in). Under these conditions, the bulk of the particle
sizes are likely to be less than 150 micrometers (5.90 10
inches) except that some large particles (up to 1,000
micrometers) may be in motion within several feet of the ground. In all categories, temperatures are typically above
70F (21C) and relative humilities are less than 30 percent. For testing purposes, particle sizes up to 150 micrometers
should be used if the primary concern is with the penetration of fine particles. If the abrasion effect of blowing sand is
the primary concern, particle sizes up to 1,000 micrometers should be used, but the bulk of the particles should be
between 150 and 500 micrometers. Many items, such as rifles, vehicles, and helicopters, may be exposed to particles
up to 1,000 micrometers that can penetrate the space between moving parts.
g. Ozone concentration. For operations, a value of 1.37 10
(220 10
) is recommended.
h. Atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure usually is riot considered in the design and testing of military
equipment. Ambient pressure, however, may be important for a few types of equipment, for example, items which
require oxygen for combustion and sealed units, which might explode or collapse under abnormally low or high
(1) High pressure. The operational extreme high pressure is 1,080 mb (31.89 inches).
(2) Low pressure. The operational extreme low pressure is estimated to be 508 mb (15.00 inches) at 15,000 feet (4,
572 in), the highest. elevation at which Army equipment is likely to be used. At sea level the operational extreme is
877 mb (25.90 inches).
29. Combined environmental effects.
The climatic design types in this regulation are based primarily on temperature extremes and secondly on humidity
extremes. The climatic elements discussed in paragraph 2-8, however, may interact concurrently with temperature and
humidity and with each other to produce effects on materiel either different or more severe than the sum of the effects
caused by the separate elements acting independently. These are known as combined or synergistic environmental
effects. The fact that these synergistic effects exist is one of the prime arguments for conducting field tests, because it
is extremely difficult or impossible to reproduce the interacting environmental factors concurrently in a test chamber.
Section III
210. Map of climatic design types.
Figure 2-1 shows land areas where the four climatic design types apply. Discussion of the delimitation of the climatic
conditions (para 2-11) is included to permit proper interpretation and use of the map.
211. Delimitation of climatic design types.
The primary basis for delimiting the climatic conditions in this regulation is temperature; secondary consideration is
given to humidity conditions.
a. Hot climatic design type. The areas where hot conditions apply include most of the lowlatitude deserts of the
21 AR 7038 15 September 1979
world. During summer in these areas, temperatures above 110F (43C) occur frequently, but except for a few specific
localities, temperatures will seldom be above 120F (49C). In winter, temperatures are not likely to be extremely low
so that the low temperatures of the basic climatic design type apply. If materiel is designed only for the hot type, a
special recommendation for low temperature design values should be sought. Limited portions of this area are
sometimes subject to very high absolute humilities, although the highest temperatures and highest dewpoints do not
occur at the same time.
b. Basic climatic design type. The area this type applies to includes the most densely populated and heavily
industrialized parts of the world as well as the humid tropics. The entire range of basic design conditions does not
necessarily apply to any one place. Each single design condition (high temperature, low temperature, high humidity)
applies to a widespread area. When taken together, the design values should provide for satisfactory equipment
throughout the area involved. Tropical areas are included in the basic climatic design type because the temperature of
the humid tropics is quite moderate, and the humidity is also experienced in the midlatitudes. The unique feature of the
tropics that makes it important to materiel is the persistence of high humidity over long periods of time. This condition
not only promotes corrosion but is an excellent environment for insect and microbiological damage.
c. Cold and severe cold design types. The areas designated as cold, and severe cold, primarily northern North
America, Greenland, northern Asia, and the Tibetan Highlands of China, were delimited because of the occurrence of
low temperatures. In the area of the cold design type, temperature during the coldest month in a normal year may be
colder than the basic cold extreme of 25F (32C). In the severe cold areas, temperature during the coldest month in
a normal year may be colder than the cold extreme of 50F (46C), but colder than 60F (51C) no more than 20
percent of the hours in the coldest month in the coldest part of the area (northern Siberia where absolute minimum
temperatures as low as 90F (68C) have been recorded). Because the extreme low temperatures are not controlled
by a daily solar cycle, they persist for a long enough period of time for materiel to reach equilibrium at a temperature
near the minimum.
d. Absolute maximum and minimum temperatures. Figures 2-2 and 2-3 are included to show the absolute maximum
and minimum temperatures that have been observed. The maps are generalized because of data limitations and the
uneven occurrence of extremes.
(Fig. 2-2 and 2-3 were originally fold-ins at the end of the regulation. In this electronic version, they have been reduced
here and are presented in context.)
22 AR 7038 15 September 1979
Figure 2-2. Distribution of Absolute Maximum Temperatures
23 AR 7038 15 September 1979

, i
7 ~
I . ~
> -
Figure 2-3. Distribution of Absolute Minimum Temperatures
24 AR 7038 15 September 1979
~ " ,"
~ 0
I ': i -: ~ '; ~ ~ I
:: .. , .. " . }-
o ................ 0
............ ,... - :::
0( I I I , I I I
Appendix A
*Available from Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120
A1. Background.
To provide background for the proper use of this regulation, its relationship to MIL-STD-210B is outlined. There are
two main differences between the two publications.
a. MIL-STD-210B applies only to materiel developed for worldwide use. AR 70-38 gives design values for most
Army materiel, whether intended for worldwide or for more limited use.
b. The treatment of withstanding values.
Both publications reflect a philosophy that accepts a small risk of failure during periods of extreme weather. They also
require a complete return to operation after exposure to extreme conditions has ended. MIL-STD-210B, however,
considers only the likelihood of natural extremes occurring, whereas AR 70-38 considers the induced conditions many
items are exposed to during transit and storage. This difference means that Army materiel must be able to withstand
much higher air temperatures than those in MIL-STD-210B, although the high temperatures for operation are the same.
A2. Risk policy.
In the Ground Environment section, MIL-STD-210B contains single worldwide values for each climatic element to be
considered in the design of materiel for operations. For most climatic elements, the design value selected was the value
exceeded not more than one percent of the hours in the most extreme month in an average year at the most severe
location for that element. (For low temperature the level selected was 20 percent of the hours and for rainfall the level
selected was 0.5 percent of the hours.) These values have become known as one percent design values. When they are
applied collectively they are often referred to as a one percent risk policy. Although this is a convenient short
designation, it can be misleading to those who are not aware of this specific definition of a one percent risk policy. In
fact, there is no way to quantify, with any degree of accuracy, the probability that materiel will ever encounter a given
extreme of an environmental element. It can be stated with assurance that the designated one percent risk levels as used
in MIL-STD-210B are very conservative. For example, on a year-round basis, the risk of encountering the design level
of a selected element approaches 1/12 of one percent (there is some likelihood of occurrence in other than the most
extreme month). Also, for many of the climatic elements, the design value applies only to the most severe location in
the world. Therefore, the risk of materiel encountering this extreme may be very small, particularly if the value at the
most severe location is representative of only a small area or the location is in a remote part of the world.
The above considerations led to the adoption of the system now used in AR 70-38. It provides alternate design values
for items not intended for worldwide use. Consequently, the world was divided, on the basis of temperature, into four
types. The design temperatures in this four-type division are somewhat arbitrary. However, the geographic areas
encompassed by the basic design type contain most of the worlds population and landmass. In general, the lines
delimiting the areas included in a design type have the same basis as MIL-STD-210B; that is, one percent of the hours
in the most severe month on average exceeded the design temperature. Note, however, that it is only along the
demarcation line that this criterion applies exactly. For example, if more than one percent of the hours in the coldest
month at a given location are below 50 (46C), the area represented by that location is considered part of the cold
climatic design type. Yet, at that location, there may be almost no chance of occurrence of 60F (51C), which is the
lower design value for that type. On the other hand, there are stations in the areas included in the severe cold design
type that have temperatures below 60F (51C) for as much as 20 percent of the hours in the coldest month. This
kind of variation within the regions could be eliminated only by creating a large number of small regions, a procedure
that would make this regulation unduly complex.
A3. Additional guidance.
A general regulation such as this one cannot possibly address in detail the environmental considerations for all
materiel. Thus, users are encouraged to seek additional or more specific guidance from the proponent agency.
25 AR 7038 15 September 1979
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