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Verse (24:1) - Word by Word: Quranic Arabic Corpus

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__Verse (24:1) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:1) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:1:1) sratun A Surah Arabic word Syntax and morphology

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:1:2) anzalnh We (have) sent it down

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:1:3) wafaranh and We (have) made it obligatory,

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:1:4) wa-anzaln and We (have) revealed

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:1:5) fh therein

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

N accusative feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:1:6) ytin Verses

ADJ accusative feminine plural indefinite adjective

(24:1:7) bayyintin clear,

ACC accusative particle

(24:1:8) laallakum so that you may

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural (form V)

(24:1:9) tadhakkarna take heed.

imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:2) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:2) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:2:1) al-zniyatu The fornicatress Arabic word Syntax and morphology

N nominative feminine active participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:2:2) wal-zn and the fornicator,

N nominative masculine active participle

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:2:3) fa-ij'lid [then] flog

V 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:2:4) kulla each

(24:2:5) widin one

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

P preposition PRON 3rd person dual object pronoun

(24:2:6) min'hum of them

(24:2:7) mi-ata (with) hundred

N accusative feminine noun

(24:2:8) jaldatin lash(es).

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:2:9) wal And (let) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, jussive

(24:2:10) takhudh'kum withhold you

mood PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi PRON 3rd person dual personal pronoun

(24:2:11) bihim pity for them

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:2:12) rafatun pity for them

(24:2:13) f concerning (24:2:14) dni (the) religion of Allah, (24:2:15) l-lahi (the) religion of Allah, (24:2:16) in if

P preposition

N genitive noun

PN genitivepropernounAllah

COND conditional particle

(24:2:17) kuntum you

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:2:18) tu'minna believe

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:2:19) bil-lahi in Allah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:2:20) wal-yawmi and the Day

N genitivemasculinenounLast Day

ADJ genitive masculine singular adjective

(24:2:21) l-khiri the Last.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:2:22) walyashhad And let witness

N accusative masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine dual possessive pronoun

(24:2:23) adhbahum their punishment

ADJ nominative feminine singular indefinite adjective

(24:2:24) ifatun a group

(24:2:25) mina of

P preposition

(24:2:26) l-mu'minna the believers.

N genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:3:1) al-zn The fornicator

N nominative masculine active participle

(24:3:2) l (will) not

NEG negative particle

(24:3:3) yankiu marry

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:3:4) ill except

RES restriction particle

(24:3:5) zniyatan a fornicatress,

N accusative feminine indefinite active participle

(24:3:6) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:3:7) mush'rikatan a polytheist woman,

N accusative feminine indefinite (form IV) active participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine active participle

(24:3:8) wal-zniyatu and the fornicatress -

NEG negative particle

(24:3:9) l (will) not

(24:3:10) yankiuh marry her

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

RES restriction particle

(24:3:11) ill except

(24:3:12) znin a fornicator

N nominative masculine indefinite active participle

(24:3:13) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

N nominative masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

(24:3:14) mush'rikun a polytheist man.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:3:15) waurrima And is forbidden

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) passive perfect verb

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:3:16) dhlika that

(24:3:17) al to

P preposition

(24:3:18) l-mu'minna the believers.

N genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:4) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:4) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:4:1) wa-alladhna And those who REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:4:2) yarmna accuse

N accusative feminine plural (form IV) passive participle

(24:4:3) l-mu'anti the chaste women,

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:4:4) thumma then

(24:4:5) lam not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:4:6) yat they bring

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive feminine noun

(24:4:7) bi-arbaati four

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:4:8) shuhada witnesses,

REM prefixed resumption particle V 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:4:9) fa-ij'lidhum then flog them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:4:10) thamnna (with) eighty

(24:4:11) jaldatan lashe(s)

N accusative feminine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:4:12) wal and (do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:4:13) taqbal accept

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:4:14) lahum their

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun


N accusative feminine indefinite noun

(24:4:15) shahdatan testimony

(24:4:16) abadan ever.

T accusative masculine indefinite time adverb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:4:17) wa-ulika And those,

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:4:18) humu they

N nominative masculine plural active participle

(24:4:19) l-fsiqna (are) the defiantly disobedient,

(24:5:1) ill Except

RES restriction particle

(24:5:2) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:5:3) tb repent

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:5:4) min after

N genitive noun

(24:5:5) badi after

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:5:6) dhlika that

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect

(24:5:7) wa-ala and reform.

verb PRON subject pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:5:8) fa-inna Then indeed,

ACC accusative particle

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:5:9) l-laha Allah

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:5:10) ghafrun (is) Oft-Forgiving,

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:5:11) ramun Most Merciful.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:6) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:6) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:6:1) wa-alladhna And those who REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:6:2) yarmna accuse

N accusative masculine plural noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:6:3) azwjahum their spouses

CIRC prefixed circumstantial particle

(24:6:4) walam and not

NEG negative particle

(24:6:5) yakun have

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:6:6) lahum for them

(24:6:7) shuhadu witnesses

N nominative masculine plural noun

(24:6:8) ill except

RES restriction particle

N nominative feminine plural noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:6:9) anfusuhum themselves,

REM prefixed resumption particle N nominative feminine noun

(24:6:10) fashahdatu then (the) testimony

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:6:11) aadihim (of) one of them

N nominative masculine noun

(24:6:12) arbau (is) four

(24:6:13) shahdtin testimonies

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:6:14) bil-lahi by Allah,

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

ACC accusative particle PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:6:15) innahu that he

EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:6:16) lamina (is) surely of

P preposition

N genitive masculine plural active participle

(24:6:17) l-diqna the truthful.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:7:1) wal-khmisatu And the fifth


N nominative feminine noun

ACC accusative particle

(24:7:2) anna that

(24:7:3) lanata (the) curse of Allah

N accusative feminine noun

(24:7:4) l-lahi (the) curse of Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:7:5) alayhi (be) upon him

COND conditional particle

(24:7:6) in if

(24:7:7) kna he is

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P preposition

(24:7:8) mina of

(24:7:9) l-kdhibna the liars.

N genitive masculine plural active participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:8:1) wayadra-u But it would prevent

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:8:2) anh from her

N accusative masculine noun

(24:8:3) l-adhba the punishment

(24:8:4) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:8:5) tashhada she bears witness

N accusative masculine noun

(24:8:6) arbaa four

(24:8:7) shahdtin testimonies

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:8:8) bil-lahi by Allah

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

ACC accusative particle PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:8:9) innahu that he

EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:8:10) lamina (is) surely of

P preposition

N genitive masculine plural active participle

(24:8:11) l-kdhibna the liars.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:9) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:9) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)


Arabic word

Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:9:1) wal-khmisata And the fifth,

N accusative feminine noun

ACC accusative particle

(24:9:2) anna that

(24:9:3) ghaaba the wrath of Allah

N accusative masculine noun

(24:9:4) l-lahi the wrath of Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition

(24:9:5) alayh (be) upon her

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

COND conditional particle

(24:9:6) in if

(24:9:7) kna he is

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P preposition

(24:9:8) mina of

N genitive masculine plural active participle

(24:9:9) l-diqna the truthful.


CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:10:1) walawl And if not COND conditional particle

N nominative masculine noun

(24:10:2) falu (for) the Grace of Allah

(24:10:3) l-lahi (for) the Grace of Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition

(24:10:4) alaykum upon you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine noun

(24:10:5) waramatuhu and His Mercy -

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:10:6) wa-anna and that,

ACC accusative particle

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:10:7) l-laha Allah

N nominative masculine singular indefinite active participle

(24:10:8) tawwbun (is) Oft-Returning (to Mercy),

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:10:9) akmun All-Wise.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:11) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:11) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:11:1) inna Indeed, Arabic word Syntax and morphology

ACC accusative particle

(24:11:2) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:11:3) j brought

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(24:11:4) bil-if'ki the lie

(24:11:5) u'batun (are) a group

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:11:6) minkum among you.

PRO prohibition particle

(24:11:7) l (Do) not

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:11:8) tasabhu think it

(24:11:9) sharran bad N accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:11:10) lakum for you;

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

RET retraction particle

(24:11:11) bal nay,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:11:12) huwa it

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:11:13) khayrun (is) good

P prefixed preposition lm (24:11:14) lakum for you. PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine noun

(24:11:15) likulli For every

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:11:16) im'ri-in person

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:11:17) min'hum among them

REL relative pronoun

(24:11:18) m (is) what

V 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) perfect verb

(24:11:19) ik'tasaba he earned

P preposition

(24:11:20) mina of

N genitive masculine noun

(24:11:21) l-ith'mi the sin,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:11:22) wa-alladh and the one who

REL masculine singular relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form V) perfect verb

(24:11:23) tawall took upon himself a greater share of it

(24:11:24) kib'rahu took upon himself a greater share of it

N accusative masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:11:25) min'hum among them -

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:11:26) lahu for him

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:11:27) adhbun (is) a punishment

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:11:28) amun great.

EXH exhortation particle

(24:12:1) lawl Why not,

(24:12:2) idh when

T time adverb

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:12:3) sami'tumhu you heard it,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:12:4) anna think

(24:12:5) l-mu'minna the believing men

N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:12:6) wal-mu'mintu and the believing women

N nominative feminine plural (form IV) active participle

P prefixed preposition bi

(24:12:7) bi-anfusihim good of themselves

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:12:8) khayran good of themselves ADJ accusative masculine singular indefinite adjective

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:12:9) waql and say,

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:12:10) hdh "This

(24:12:11) if'kun (is) a lie

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

ADJ nominative masculine indefinite (form IV) active participle

(24:12:12) mubnun clear?"

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:13) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:13) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:13:1) lawl Why (did) not Arabic word Syntax and morphology

EXH exhortation particle

(24:13:2) j they bring

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:13:3) alayhi for it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive feminine noun

(24:13:4) bi-arbaati four

(24:13:5) shuhada witnesses?

ADJ accusative masculine plural adjective

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:13:6) fa-idh Then when

T time adverb

NEG negative particle

(24:13:7) lam not

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:13:8) yat they brought

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:13:9) bil-shuhadi the witnesses,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:13:10) fa-ulika then those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:13:11) inda near Allah,

(24:13:12) l-lahi near Allah,

PN genitivepropernounAllah

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:13:13) humu they

(24:13:14) l-kdhibna (are) the liars.

N nominative masculine plural active participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)


(24:14:1) walawl And if not

COND conditional particle

N nominative masculine noun

(24:14:2) falu (for the) Grace

(24:14:3) l-lahi (of) Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition

(24:14:4) alaykum upon you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine noun

(24:14:5) waramatuhu and His Mercy

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:14:6) f in

(24:14:7) l-dun'y the world

N genitive feminine singular noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:14:8) wal-khirati and the Hereafter,

N genitive feminine singular noun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb (24:14:9) lamassakum surely would have touched you PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

P preposition

(24:14:10) f in

REL relative pronoun

(24:14:11) m what

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect

(24:14:12) afatum you had rushed glibly

verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:14:13) fhi concerning it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:14:14) adhbun a punishment

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:14:15) amun great.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:15) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:15) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:15:1) idh When Arabic word Syntax and morphology

T time adverb

V 2nd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:15:2) talaqqawnahu you received it

P prefixed preposition bi (24:15:3) bi-alsinatikum with your tongues N genitivemasculinepluralnounTongue PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:15:4) wataqlna and you said

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

N genitive masculine plural noun (24:15:5) bi-afwhikum with your mouths PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:15:6) m what

(24:15:7) laysa not

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:15:8) lakum for you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

(24:15:9) bihi of it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:15:10) il'mun any knowledge,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:15:11) watasabnahu and you thought it

N accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:15:12) hayyinan (was) insignificant,

CIRC prefixed circumstantial particle

(24:15:13) wahuwa while it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:15:14) inda (was) near Allah

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:15:15) l-lahi (was) near Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:15:16) amun great.

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:16:1) walawl And why not,

EXH exhortation particle

T time adverb

(24:16:2) idh when

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:16:3) sami'tumhu you heard it,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:16:4) qul'tum you said,

NEG negative particle

(24:16:5) m "Not

(24:16:6) yaknu it is

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 1st person plural personal pronoun

(24:16:7) lan for us

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:16:8) an that

V 1st person plural (form V) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:16:9) natakallama we speak

P prefixed preposition bi DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:16:10) bihdh of this.

N accusative masculine noun

(24:16:11) sub'naka Glory be to You!

PRON 2nd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:16:12) hdh This

(24:16:13) buh'tnun (is) a slander

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:16:14) amun great?"

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:17) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:17) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:17:1) yaiukumu Allah warns you

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:17:2) l-lahu Allah warns you

(24:17:3) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, subjunctive

(24:17:4) tad you return

mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm (24:17:5) limith'lihi (to the) like of it N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

T accusative masculine indefinite time adverb

(24:17:6) abadan ever,

(24:17:7) in if

COND conditional particle

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun


(24:17:8) kuntum you are

N accusative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:17:9) mu'minna believers.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:18:1) wayubayyinu And Allah makes clear

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:18:2) l-lahu And Allah makes clear

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:18:3) lakumu to you

N accusative feminine plural noun

(24:18:4) l-yti the Verses.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:18:5) wal-lahu And Allah PN nominativepropernounAllah

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:18:6) almun (is) All-Knower,

(24:18:7) akmun All-Wise.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 6-8 | 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:19) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:19) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:19:1) inna Indeed, Arabic word Syntax and morphology

ACC accusative particle

(24:19:2) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:19:3) yuibbna like

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:19:4) an that

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:19:5) tasha (should) spread

N nominative feminine noun

(24:19:6) l-fishatu the immorality

(24:19:7) f among

P preposition

(24:19:8) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:19:9) man believe,

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:19:10) lahum for them

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:19:11) adhbun (is) a punishment

(24:19:12) almun painful

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:19:13) f in

P preposition

(24:19:14) l-dun'y the world

N genitive feminine singular noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:19:15) wal-khirati and the Hereafter.


N genitive feminine singular noun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:19:16) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:19:17) yalamu knows,

CIRC prefixed circumstantial particle

(24:19:18) wa-antum while you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

NEG negative particle

(24:19:19) l (do) not

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:19:20) talamna know.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:20:1) walawl And if not COND conditional particle

N nominative masculine noun

(24:20:2) falu (for the) Grace of Allah (24:20:3) l-lahi (for the) Grace of Allah PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:20:4) alaykum upon you

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine noun

(24:20:5) waramatuhu and His Mercy.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:20:6) wa-anna And that

ACC accusative particle

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:20:7) l-laha Allah

(24:20:8) rafun (is) Full of Kindness,

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:20:9) ramun Most Merciful.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 9-10 | 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:21) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:21) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology VOC prefixed vocative particle ya (24:21:1) yayyuh O you who believe! N nominative noun

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:21:2) alladhna O you who believe!

(24:21:3) man O you who believe!

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

PRO prohibition particle

(24:21:4) l (Do) not

V 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperfect (24:21:5) tattabi follow verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative feminine plural noun

(24:21:6) khuuwti (the) footsteps

(24:21:7) l-shayni (of) the Shaitaan,

PN genitivemasculinepropernounSatan

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:21:8) waman and whoever

COND conditional noun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:21:9) yattabi follows

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:21:10) khuuwti (the) footsteps

(24:21:11) l-shayni (of) the Shaitaan

PN genitivemasculinepropernounSatan

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:21:12) fa-innahu then indeed, he

ACC accusative particle PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:21:13) yamuru commands

(24:21:14) bil-fashi the immorality

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive feminine singular noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:21:15) wal-munkari and the evil.

N genitive masculine (form IV) passive participle

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:21:16) walawl And if not

COND conditional particle

(24:21:17) falu (for the) Grace of Allah (24:21:18) l-lahi (for the) Grace of Allah

N nominative masculine noun

PN genitivepropernounAllah

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:21:19) alaykum upon you

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine noun

(24:21:20) waramatuhu and His Mercy

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

NEG negative particle

(24:21:21) m not (24:21:22) zak (would) have been pure

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:21:23) minkum among you

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

P preposition

(24:21:24) min anyone

(24:21:25) aadin anyone

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:21:26) abadan ever,

T accusative masculine indefinite time adverb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:21:27) walkinna but

ACC accusative particle

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:21:28) l-laha Allah

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:21:29) yuzakk purifies

REL relative pronoun

(24:21:30) man whom

(24:21:31) yashu He wills.

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:21:32) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:21:33) samun (is) All-Hearer,

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:21:34) almun All-Knower.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 11-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:22) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:22) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:22:1) wal And not PRO prohibition particle

V 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:22:2) yatali let swear

(24:22:3) ul those of virtue

N nominative masculine plural noun

(24:22:4) l-fali those of virtue

N genitive masculine noun

P preposition

(24:22:5) minkum among you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive feminine noun

(24:22:6) wal-saati and the amplitude of means

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:22:7) an that

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV)

(24:22:8) yu't they give

imperfect verb, subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:22:9) ul (to) the near of kin,

(24:22:10) l-qur'b (to) the near of kin,

N genitive feminine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:22:11) wal-maskna and the needy

N accusative masculine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:22:12) wal-muhjirna and the emigrants N accusative masculine plural (form III) active participle

P preposition

(24:22:13) f in

N genitive masculine noun

(24:22:14) sabli (the) way

(24:22:15) l-lahi (of) Allah.

PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:22:16) walyaf And let them pardon

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:22:17) walyafa and let them overlook.

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

INTG prefixed interrogative alif

(24:22:18) al (Do) not

NEG negative particle


V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) (24:22:19) tuibbna you like imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:22:20) an that

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:22:21) yaghfira Allah should forgive

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:22:22) l-lahu Allah should forgive

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:22:23) lakum you?

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:22:24) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:22:25) ghafrun (is) Oft-Forgiving,

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:22:26) ramun Most Merciful.

ACC accusative particle

(24:23:1) inna Indeed,

(24:23:2) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb

(24:23:3) yarmna accuse

PRON subject pronoun

N accusative feminine plural (form IV) passive participle

(24:23:4) l-mu'anti the chaste women,

ADJ accusative feminine plural active participle

(24:23:5) l-ghfilti the unaware women

ADJ accusative feminine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:23:6) l-mu'minti (and) the believing women,

V 3rd person masculine plural passive perfect

(24:23:7) luin are cursed

verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:23:8) f in

(24:23:9) l-dun'y the world

N genitive feminine singular noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:23:10) wal-khirati and the Hereafter.

N genitive feminine singular noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

P prefixed preposition lm (24:23:11) walahum And for them PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:23:12) adhbun (is) a punishment

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:23:13) amun great.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 13-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:24) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:24) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:24:1) yawma (On a) Day, Arabic word Syntax and morphology T accusative masculine time adverb

(24:24:2) tashhadu will bear witness

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:24:3) alayhim against them

N nominativemasculinepluralnounTongue

(24:24:4) alsinatuhum their tongues,

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine plural noun

(24:24:5) wa-aydhim and their hands

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N nominative feminine plural noun

(24:24:6) wa-arjuluhum and their feet

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:24:7) bim for what

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:24:8) kn they used

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:24:9) yamalna (to) do.


(24:25:1) yawma-idhin That Day,

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect

(24:25:2) yuwaffhimu Allah will pay them in full

verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:25:3) l-lahu Allah will pay them in full

N accusative masculine noun

(24:25:4) dnahumu their recompense,

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

ADJ accusative masculine adjective

(24:25:5) l-aqa the due,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:25:6) wayalamna and they will know

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

ACC accusative particle

(24:25:7) anna that

(24:25:8) l-laha Allah,

PN accusativepropernounAllah

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:25:9) huwa He

(24:25:10) l-aqu (is) the Truth

N nominative masculine noun

(24:25:11) l-mubnu the Manifest.

ADJ nominative masculine (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 15-16 | 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:26) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:26) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:26:1) al-khabthtu Evil women Arabic word Syntax and morphology

N nominative feminine plural noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:26:2) lil'khabthna (are) for evil men,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:26:3) wal-khabthna and evil men N nominative masculine plural noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:26:4) lil'khabthti (are) for evil women.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:26:5) wal-ayibtu And good women

N nominative feminine plural noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:26:6) lilayyibna (are) for good men

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:26:7) wal-ayibna and good men

N nominative masculine plural noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:26:8) lilayyibti (are) for good women.

(24:26:9) ulika Those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

(24:26:10) mubarrana (are) innocent

N nominative masculine plural (form II) passive participle

P preposition

(24:26:11) mimm of what

REL relative pronoun

(24:26:12) yaqlna they say.

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:26:13) lahum For them

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:26:14) maghfiratun (is) forgiveness

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:26:15) wariz'qun and a provision

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:26:16) karmun noble.

VOC prefixed vocative particle ya

(24:27:1) yayyuh O you

N nominative noun


REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:27:2) alladhna who

(24:27:3) man believe!

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

PRO prohibition particle

(24:27:4) l (Do) not

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive (24:27:5) tadkhul enter mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:27:6) buytan houses

(24:27:7) ghayra other (than)

N accusative masculine noun

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:27:8) buytikum your houses

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:27:9) att until

V 2nd person masculine plural (form X) imperfect verb,

(24:27:10) tastanis you have asked permission

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural (form II) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:27:11) watusallim and you have greeted

P preposition

(24:27:12) al [on]

N genitive masculine noun (24:27:13) ahlih its inhabitants. PRON 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

DEM 2nd person masculine plural demonstrative pronoun

(24:27:14) dhlikum That

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:27:15) khayrun (is) best

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:27:16) lakum for you

ACC accusative particle

(24:27:17) laallakum so that you may

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:27:18) tadhakkarna pay heed.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 17-18 | 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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(24:28) - Word by Word

Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:28) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology REM prefixed resumption particle (24:28:1) fa-in But if COND conditional particle

NEG negative particle

(24:28:2) lam not

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive

(24:28:3) tajid you find

mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:28:4) fh in it

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:28:5) aadan anyone,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:28:6) fal then (do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive

mood (24:28:7) tadkhulh enter it PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

P preposition

(24:28:8) att until

V 3rd person masculine singular passive imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:28:9) yu'dhana permission has been given

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:28:10) lakum to you.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:28:11) wa-in And if

COND conditional particle

V 3rd person masculine singular passive perfect verb

(24:28:12) qla it is said

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:28:13) lakumu to you

V 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:28:14) ir'ji "Go back,"

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:28:15) fa-ir'ji then go back;

V 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:28:16) huwa it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:28:17) azk (is) purer

N nominative noun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:28:18) lakum for you.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:28:19) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:28:20) bim of what

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:28:21) tamalna you do

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:28:22) almun (is) All-Knower.

(24:29:1) laysa Not

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:29:2) alaykum upon you

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:29:3) junun (is) any blame

(24:29:4) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:29:5) tadkhul you enter

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:29:6) buytan houses

(24:29:7) ghayra not

N accusative masculine noun

(24:29:8) masknatin inhabited,

N genitive feminine indefinite passive participle

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:29:9) fh in it

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:29:10) matun (is) a provision

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:29:11) lakum for you.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:29:12) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:29:13) yalamu knows

(24:29:14) m what

REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:29:15) tub'dna you reveal

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:29:16) wam and what

REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:29:17) taktumna you conceal.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 19-20 | 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:30) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:30) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:30:1) qul Say

Arabic word

Syntax and morphology

V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:30:2) lil'mu'minna to the believing men

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive

(24:30:3) yaghu they should lower

mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:30:4) min their gaze

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:30:5) abrihim their gaze

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:30:6) wayafa and they should guard

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun


(24:30:7) furjahum their chastity.

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:30:8) dhlika That

(24:30:9) azk (is) purer

N nominative noun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:30:10) lahum for them.

ACC accusative particle

(24:30:11) inna Indeed,

(24:30:12) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:30:13) khabrun (is) All-Aware

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:30:14) bim of what

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:30:15) yanana they do.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 21 | 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:31) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:31) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:31:1) waqul And say V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive feminine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:31:2) lil'mu'minti to the believing women

V 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb,

(24:31:3) yaghu'na (that) they should lower

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:31:4) min [of]

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:5) abrihinna their gaze

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

V 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb, (24:31:6) wayafana and they should guard jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:31:7) furjahunna their chastity,

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:31:8) wal and not

PRO prohibition particle

V 3rd person feminine plural (form IV)

(24:31:9) yub'dna (to) display

imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative feminine noun

(24:31:10) znatahunna their adornment

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

RES restriction particle

(24:31:11) ill except

(24:31:12) m what

REL relative pronoun

(24:31:13) ahara is apparent

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

P preposition (24:31:14) min'h of it. PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm V 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:31:15) walyarib'na And let them draw

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:16) bikhumurihinna their head covers

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:31:17) al over

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:18) juybihinna their bosoms,

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:31:19) wal and not

PRO prohibition particle

V 3rd person feminine plural (form IV)

(24:31:20) yub'dna (to) display

imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative feminine noun

(24:31:21) znatahunna their adornment

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

RES restriction particle

(24:31:22) ill except

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:23) libulatihinna to their husbands,

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:24) aw or

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:25) bihinna their fathers

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:26) aw or

(24:31:27) bi fathers

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:28) bulatihinna (of) their husbands

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

(24:31:29) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:30) abnihinna their sons

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:31) aw or

(24:31:32) abni sons

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:33) bulatihinna (of) their husbands

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:34) aw or

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:35) ikh'wnihinna their brothers

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:36) aw or

(24:31:37) ban sons

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun (24:31:38) ikh'wnihinna (of) their brothers PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:39) aw or

(24:31:40) ban sons

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:31:41) akhawtihinna (of) their sisters,

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:42) aw or

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:31:43) nisihinna their women

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:44) aw or

(24:31:45) m what

REL relative pronoun


(24:31:46) malakat possess

V 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

N nominative masculine plural noun (24:31:47) aymnuhunna their right hands PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:48) awi or

(24:31:49) l-tbina the attendants

N genitive masculine plural active participle

(24:31:50) ghayri having no physical desire (24:31:51) ul having no physical desire (24:31:52) l-ir'bati having no physical desire (24:31:53) mina among N genitive feminine noun N genitive masculine plural noun N genitive masculine noun

P preposition

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:31:54) l-rijli [the] men

(24:31:55) awi or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:31:56) l-if'li [the] children

N genitive masculine noun

(24:31:57) alladhna who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:31:58) lam (are) not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:31:59) yahar aware

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:31:60) al of

(24:31:61) awrti private aspects

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:31:62) l-nisi (of) the women.

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:31:63) wal And not

PRO prohibition particle

V 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb,

(24:31:64) yarib'na let them stamp

jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

N genitive feminine plural noun (24:31:65) bi-arjulihinna their feet PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

PRP prefixed particle of purpose lm

(24:31:66) liyu'lama to make known

V 3rd person masculine singular passive imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

REL relative pronoun

(24:31:67) m what

V 3rd person feminine plural (form IV)

(24:31:68) yukh'fna they conceal

imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:31:69) min of

N genitive feminine noun

(24:31:70) znatihinna their adornment.

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural imperative

(24:31:71) watb And turn

verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:31:72) il to

(24:31:73) l-lahi Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:31:74) jaman altogether

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:31:75) ayyuha O believers!

N nominative noun

N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:31:76) l-mu'minna O believers!

ACC accusative particle

(24:31:77) laallakum So that you may

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV)

(24:31:78) tuf'lina succeed.

imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV)

(24:32:1) wa-anki And marry

imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:32:2) l-aym the single

P preposition (24:32:3) minkum among you PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:32:4) wal-lina and the righteous

N accusative masculine plural active participle

P preposition

(24:32:5) min among

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:32:6) ibdikum your male slaves,

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:32:7) wa-imikum and your female slaves.

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

COND conditional particle

(24:32:8) in If

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:32:9) yakn they are

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:32:10) fuqara poor,

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) (24:32:11) yugh'nihimu Allah will enrich them imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:32:12) l-lahu Allah will enrich them (24:32:13) min from

P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(24:32:14) falihi His Bounty.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:32:15) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

N nominative masculine indefinite active participle

(24:32:16) wsiun (is) AllEncompassing,

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:32:17) almun All-Knowing.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 22-23 | 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:33) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:33) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm (24:33:1) walyastafifi And let be chaste V 3rd person masculine singular (form X) imperfect verb, jussive mood

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:33:2) alladhna those who

(24:33:3) l (do) not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb

(24:33:4) yajidna find

PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:33:5) nikan (means for) marriage

(24:33:6) att until

P preposition

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:33:7) yugh'niyahumu Allah enriches them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:33:8) l-lahu Allah enriches them

P preposition

(24:33:9) min from

N genitive masculine noun

(24:33:10) falihi His Bounty.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:33:11) wa-alladhna And those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII)

(24:33:12) yabtaghna seek

imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:33:13) l-kitba the writing

P preposition (24:33:14) mimm from (those) whom REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

(24:33:15) malakat possess

N nominative masculine plural noun

(24:33:16) aymnukum your right hands,

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle V 2nd person masculine plural (form III) imperative verb

(24:33:17) faktibhum then give them (the) writing

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

COND conditional particle

(24:33:18) in if

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:33:19) alim'tum you know

P preposition

(24:33:20) fhim in them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N accusative masculine singular indefinite noun

(24:33:21) khayran any good

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb (24:33:22) wathum and give them PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:33:23) min from P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(24:33:24) mli the wealth of Allah

(24:33:25) l-lahi the wealth of Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:33:26) alladh which

REL masculine singular relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

(24:33:27) tkum He has given you.

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:33:28) wal And (do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV)

(24:33:29) tuk'rih compel

imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun


N genitive feminine plural noun (24:33:30) fataytikum your slave girls PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:33:31) al to

(24:33:32) l-bighi [the] prostitution,

N genitive masculine verbal noun

(24:33:33) in if

COND conditional particle

V 3rd person feminine plural (form IV) perfect

(24:33:34) aradna they desire

verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine indefinite (form V) verbal noun

(24:33:35) taaunan chastity

PRP prefixed particle of purpose lm V 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:33:36) litabtagh that you may seek

N accusative masculine noun

(24:33:37) araa temporary gain

(24:33:38) l-ayati (of) the life

N genitive feminine noun

(24:33:39) l-dun'y (of) the world.

ADJ genitive feminine singular adjective

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:33:40) waman And whoever

REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:33:41) yuk'rihhunna compels them,

PRON 3rd person feminine plural object pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:33:42) fa-inna then indeed,

ACC accusative particle

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:33:43) l-laha Allah

(24:33:44) min after

P preposition

N genitive noun

(24:33:45) badi after

N genitive masculine (form IV) verbal noun

(24:33:46) ik'rhihinna their compulsion

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:33:47) ghafrun (is) Oft-Forgiving,

(24:33:48) ramun Most Merciful.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:34:1) walaqad And verily,

CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb

(24:34:2) anzaln We have sent down

PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:34:3) ilaykum to you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

N accusative feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:34:4) ytin Verses

ADJ accusative feminine plural indefinite adjective

(24:34:5) mubayyintin clear,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:34:6) wamathalan and an example

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

P preposition

(24:34:7) mina of

(24:34:8) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:34:9) khalaw passed away

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:34:10) min before you,

N genitive noun

(24:34:11) qablikum before you,

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:34:12) wamawiatan and an admonition

N accusative feminine indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural (form VIII) active participle

(24:34:13) lil'muttaqna for those who fear (Allah).

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 24-25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:35) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:35) 6 Go

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:35:1) al-lahu Allah Arabic word Syntax and morphology

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:35:2) nru (is the) Light

N nominative masculine noun

(24:35:3) l-samwti (of) the heavens

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:35:4) wal-ari and the earth.

N genitivefemininenounEarth

N nominative masculine noun

(24:35:5) mathalu (The) example

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:35:6) nrihi (of) His Light

P prefixed preposition ka N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(24:35:7) kamish'katin (is) like a niche

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:35:8) fh in it

(24:35:9) mi'bun (is) a lamp;

N nominativemasculineindefinitenounLamp

(24:35:10) l-mi'bu the lamp

N nominativemasculinenounLamp

P preposition

(24:35:11) f (is) in

N genitivefeminineindefinitenounGlass

(24:35:12) zujjatin a glass,

(24:35:13) l-zujjatu the glass

N nominativefemininenounGlass

ACC accusative particle

(24:35:14) ka-annah as if it were

PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

N nominativemasculineindefinitenounStar

(24:35:15) kawkabun a star

(24:35:16) durriyyun brilliant

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) passive imperfect verb

(24:35:17) yqadu (which) is lit

P preposition

(24:35:18) min from

(24:35:19) shajaratin a tree

N genitivefeminineindefinitenounTree

(24:35:20) mubrakatin blessed -

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(24:35:21) zaytnatin an olive,

N genitivefeminineindefinitenounOlive

(24:35:22) l not

NEG negative particle

(24:35:23) sharqiyyatin (of the) east

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:35:24) wal and not

NEG negative particle

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(24:35:25) gharbiyyatin (of the) west,

(24:35:26) yakdu would almost

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

N nominativemasculinenounOil PRON 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

(24:35:27) zaytuh its oil

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

(24:35:28) yuu glow,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:35:29) walaw even if COND conditional particle

NEG negative particle

(24:35:30) lam not

V 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb, jussive

(24:35:31) tamsashu touched it


mood PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:35:32) nrun fire.

(24:35:33) nrun Light

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:35:34) al upon

P preposition

(24:35:35) nrin Light.

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:35:36) yahd Allah guides

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:35:37) l-lahu Allah guides

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:35:38) linrihi to His Light

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:35:39) man whom

REL relative pronoun

(24:35:40) yashu He wills.

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:35:41) wayaribu And Allah sets forth

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:35:42) l-lahu And Allah sets forth

(24:35:43) l-amthla the examples

N accusative masculine plural noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:35:44) lilnnsi for the mankind.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:35:45) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(24:35:46) bikulli of every

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:35:47) shayin thing

(24:35:48) almun (is) All-Knower.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

P preposition

(24:36:1) f In

N genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:36:2) buytin houses

(24:36:3) adhina (which) Allah ordered (24:36:4) l-lahu (which) Allah ordered PN nominativepropernounAllah V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:36:5) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person feminine singular passive imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:36:6) tur'faa they be raised

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:36:7) wayudh'kara and be mentioned

V 3rd person masculine singular passive imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:36:8) fh in them

N nominative masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:36:9) us'muhu His name.

(24:36:10) yusabbiu Glorify

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:36:11) lahu [to] Him

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:36:12) fh in them

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(24:36:13) bil-ghuduwi in the mornings

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:36:14) wal-li and (in) the evenings.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:37) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:37) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:37:1) rijlun Men Arabic word Syntax and morphology

N nominative masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:37:2) l not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person feminine singular (form IV) imperfect

(24:37:3) tul'hhim distracts them

verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:37:4) tijratun trade

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:37:5) wal and not

NEG negative particle

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:37:6) bayun sale

P preposition

(24:37:7) an from (24:37:8) dhik'ri (the) remembrance of Allah

N genitive masculine verbal noun

(24:37:9) l-lahi (the) remembrance of Allah PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:37:10) wa-iqmi and (from) establishing

N genitive masculine (form IV) verbal noun

N genitive feminine noun

(24:37:11) l-alati the prayer

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:37:12) wati and giving

N genitive masculine (form IV) verbal noun

N genitive feminine noun

(24:37:13) l-zakati zakah.

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:37:14) yakhfna They fear

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:37:15) yawman a Day

V 3rd person feminine singular (form V) imperfect verb

(24:37:16) tataqallabu will turn about

P preposition


(24:37:17) fhi therein

PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:37:18) l-qulbu the hearts

N nominativefemininepluralnounHeart

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:37:19) wal-abru and the eyes.

N nominative masculine plural noun

PRP prefixed particle of purpose lm V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb,

(24:38:1) liyajziyahumu That Allah may reward them

subjunctive mood PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:38:2) l-lahu That Allah may reward them

(24:38:3) asana (with the) best

N accusative masculine singular noun

(24:38:4) m (of) what

REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:38:5) amil they did,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:38:6) wayazdahum and increase them

(24:38:7) min from

P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(24:38:8) falihi His Bounty.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:38:9) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:38:10) yarzuqu provides

REL relative pronoun

(24:38:11) man whom

(24:38:12) yashu He wills

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(24:38:13) bighayri without

N genitive masculine indefinite (form III) verbal noun

(24:38:14) isbin measure.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 28-29 | 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:39) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:39) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:39:1) wa-alladhna But those who REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:39:2) kafar disbelieve,

N nominative masculine plural noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:39:3) amluhum their deeds

P prefixed preposition ka N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:39:4) kasarbin (are) like a mirage

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(24:39:5) biqatin in a lowland,

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:39:6) yasabuhu thinks it

(24:39:7) l-amnu the thirsty one

N nominative masculine noun

(24:39:8) man (to be) water,

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:39:9) att until

INC inceptive particle

(24:39:10) idh when

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:39:11) jahu he comes to it,


NEG negative particle

(24:39:12) lam not

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive

(24:39:13) yajid'hu he finds it

mood PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:39:14) shayan (to be) anything,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:39:15) wawajada but he finds

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:39:16) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

LOC accusative location adverb PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:39:17) indahu before him,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:39:18) fawaffhu He will pay him in full

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) perfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

N accusative masculine (form III) verbal noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:39:19) isbahu his due.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:39:20) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular adjective

(24:39:21) saru (is) swift

(24:39:22) l-isbi (in) the account.

N genitive masculine (form III) verbal noun

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 30 | 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:40) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:40) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:40:1) aw Or Arabic word Syntax and morphology

CONJ coordinating conjunction

P prefixed preposition ka N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:40:2) kaulumtin (is) like (the) darkness [es]

P preposition

(24:40:3) f in

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:40:4) barin a sea

(24:40:5) lujjiyyin deep,

ADJ genitive masculine singular indefinite adjective

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:40:6) yaghshhu covers it

(24:40:7) mawjun a wave,

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

P preposition

(24:40:8) min on it

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:40:9) fawqihi on it

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:40:10) mawjun a wave,

P preposition

(24:40:11) min on it

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:40:12) fawqihi on it

N nominativemasculineindefinitenounCloud

(24:40:13) sabun a cloud,

(24:40:14) ulumtun darkness[es]

ADJ nominative feminine plural indefinite adjective

N nominative masculine noun PRON 3rd person feminine singular possessive pronoun

(24:40:15) bauh some of it

N accusative masculine noun

(24:40:16) fawqa on


(24:40:17) bain others.

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

T time adverb

(24:40:18) idh When

(24:40:19) akhraja he puts out

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb

N accusative feminine singular noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:40:20) yadahu his hand

NEG negative particle

(24:40:21) lam hardly

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:40:22) yakad hardly

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive

(24:40:23) yarh he (can) see it.

mood PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:40:24) waman And (for) whom

REL relative pronoun

NEG negative particle

(24:40:25) lam not

(24:40:26) yajali Allah (has) made

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:40:27) l-lahu Allah (has) made

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:40:28) lahu for him

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:40:29) nran a light,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:40:30) fam then not

NEG negative particle

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:40:31) lahu for him

P preposition

(24:40:32) min (is) any

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:40:33) nrin light.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 31-32 | 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:41) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:41) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology INTG prefixed interrogative alif (24:41:1) alam Do not NEG negative particle

V 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:41:2) tara you see

ACC accusative particle

(24:41:3) anna that

(24:41:4) l-laha Allah -

PN accusativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:41:5) yusabbiu glorify

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:41:6) lahu Him

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

(24:41:7) man whoever

REL relative pronoun

P preposition

(24:41:8) f (is) in

(24:41:9) l-samwti the heavens

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:41:10) wal-ari and the earth

N genitivefemininenounEarth

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:41:11) wal-ayru and the birds

N nominativemasculinenounBird

N genitive feminine plural indefinite active participle

(24:41:12) fftin (with) wings outspread?

(24:41:13) kullun Each one

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:41:14) qad verily

CERT particle of certainty


V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:41:15) alima knows

N accusative feminine noun (24:41:16) altahu its prayer PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N accusative masculine (form II) verbal noun

(24:41:17) watasbahu and its glorification.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:41:18) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:41:19) almun (is) All-Knower

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:41:20) bim of what

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:41:21) yafalna they do.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:42:1) walillahi And to Allah (belongs)

P prefixed preposition lm PN genitivepropernounAllah

N nominative masculine noun

(24:42:2) mul'ku (the) dominion

(24:42:3) l-samwti (of) the heavens

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:42:4) wal-ari and the earth. N genitivefemininenounEarth

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:42:5) wa-il And to

P preposition

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:42:6) l-lahi Allah

(24:42:7) l-maru (is) the destination.

N nominative noun

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 33-34 | 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:43) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:43) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)


Arabic word

Syntax and morphology INTG prefixed interrogative alif

(24:43:1) alam Do not

NEG negative particle

V 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:43:2) tara you see

ACC accusative particle

(24:43:3) anna that

(24:43:4) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

(24:43:5) yuz'j drives

N accusativemasculineindefinitenounCloud

(24:43:6) saban clouds

(24:43:7) thumma then

CONJ coordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:43:8) yu-allifu joins

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:43:9) baynahu between them

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:43:10) thumma then

CONJ coordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:43:11) yajaluhu makes them

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:43:12) rukman (into) a mass,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:43:13) fatar then you see

V 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb

N accusativemasculinenounRain

(24:43:14) l-wadqa the rain

(24:43:15) yakhruju come forth

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

P preposition

(24:43:16) min from

N genitive masculine noun

(24:43:17) khillihi their midst?

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:43:18) wayunazzilu And He sends down

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:43:19) mina from

P preposition

N genitive feminine noun

(24:43:20) l-sami (the) sky,

P preposition

(24:43:21) min [from]

N genitive masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:43:22) jiblin mountains

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine singular object pronoun

(24:43:23) fh within it

P preposition

(24:43:24) min [of]


N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:43:25) baradin (is) hail

CONJ prefixed conjunction fa (and)

(24:43:26) fayubu and He strikes

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb

P prefixed preposition bi

(24:43:27) bihi with it

PRON 3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:43:28) man whom

(24:43:29) yashu He wills

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:43:30) wayarifuhu and averts it

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

P preposition

(24:43:31) an from

REL relative pronoun

(24:43:32) man whom

(24:43:33) yashu He wills.

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:43:34) yakdu Nearly

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:43:35) san (the) flash

N genitive masculine noun

N genitivemasculinenounLightning

(24:43:36) barqihi (of) its lighting

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:43:37) yadhhabu takes away

(24:43:38) bil-abri the sight.

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine plural noun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:44:1) yuqallibu Allah alternates

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:44:2) l-lahu Allah alternates

(24:44:3) al-layla the night

N accusative masculine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:44:4) wal-nahra and the day.

N accusative masculine noun

ACC accusative particle

(24:44:5) inna Indeed,

P preposition

(24:44:6) f in

(24:44:7) dhlika that

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:44:8) laib'ratan surely is a lesson

N accusative feminine indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:44:9) li-ul for those who have vision.

(24:44:10) l-abri for those who have vision. N genitive masculine plural noun

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 35-36 | 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:45) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:45) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:45:1) wal-lahu And Allah PN nominativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:45:2) khalaqa created

(24:45:3) kulla every

N accusative masculine noun

(24:45:4) dbbatin moving creature

N genitive feminine indefinite noun

P preposition

(24:45:5) min from

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:45:6) min water.

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:45:7) famin'hum Of them

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:45:8) man (is a kind) who

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:45:9) yamsh walks

(24:45:10) al on

P preposition

N genitive masculine noun

(24:45:11) banihi its belly,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:45:12) wamin'hum and of them

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:45:13) man (is a kind) who

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:45:14) yamsh walks

(24:45:15) al on

P preposition

(24:45:16) rij'layni two legs,

N genitive masculine dual noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:45:17) wamin'hum and of them

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:45:18) man (is a kind) who

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:45:19) yamsh walks

(24:45:20) al on

P preposition

(24:45:21) arbain four. N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:45:22) yakhluqu Allah creates

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:45:23) l-lahu Allah creates

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:45:24) m what

REL relative pronoun

(24:45:25) yashu He wills.

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:45:26) inna Indeed,

ACC accusative particle

(24:45:27) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:45:28) al on

P preposition

(24:45:29) kulli every

N genitive masculine noun

(24:45:30) shayin thing

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:45:31) qadrun (is) All-Powerful.

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm (24:46:1) laqad Verily, CERT particle of certainty

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:46:2) anzaln We have sent down

N accusative feminine plural indefinite noun

(24:46:3) ytin Verses

(24:46:4) mubayyintin clear.

ADJ accusative feminine plural indefinite adjective

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:46:5) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:46:6) yahd guides

REL relative pronoun

(24:46:7) man whom

(24:46:8) yashu He wills

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:46:9) il to

P preposition

(24:46:10) irin a path

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:46:11) mus'taqmin straight.

N genitive masculine indefinite (form X) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 37-38 | 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:47) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:47) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:47:1) wayaqlna And they say, V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:47:2) mann "We believe

(24:47:3) bil-lahi in Allah

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:47:4) wabil-rasli and in the Messenger

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:47:5) wa-aan and we obey."

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:47:6) thumma Then

V 3rd person masculine singular (form V) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:47:7) yatawall turns away

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:47:8) farqun a party

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:47:9) min'hum of them

P preposition

(24:47:10) min after

N genitive noun

(24:47:11) badi after

(24:47:12) dhlika that.

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:47:13) wam And not

NEG negative particle

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

(24:47:14) ulika those

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:47:15) bil-mu'minna (are) believers.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:48:1) wa-idh And when

T time adverb

(24:48:2) du they are called

V 3rd person masculine plural passive perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:48:3) il to

(24:48:4) l-lahi Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine noun

(24:48:5) waraslihi and His Messenger,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

PRP prefixed particle of purpose lm (24:48:6) liyakuma to judge V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:48:7) baynahum between them,

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

T time adverb

(24:48:8) idh behold,

(24:48:9) farqun a party

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:48:10) min'hum of them

N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:48:11) mu'rina (is) averse.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:49:1) wa-in But if

COND conditional particle

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:49:2) yakun is

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:49:3) lahumu with them

(24:49:4) l-aqu the truth,

N nominative masculine noun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, subjunctive

(24:49:5) yat they come

mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:49:6) ilayhi to him

N accusative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:49:7) mudh'inna (as) promptly obedient.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 39 | 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:50) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:50) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)


Arabic word

Syntax and morphology INTG prefixed interrogative alif

(24:50:1) af Is (there) in

P preposition

N genitivefemininepluralnounHeart PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:50:2) qulbihim their hearts

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:50:3) maraun a disease

(24:50:4) ami or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine plural (form VIII) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:50:5) ir'tb do they doubt

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:50:6) am or

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:50:7) yakhfna they fear

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:50:8) an that

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:50:9) yafa Allah will be unjust

(24:50:10) l-lahu Allah will be unjust

PN nominativepropernounAllah

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:50:11) alayhim to them

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:50:12) warasluhu and His Messenger?

N nominative masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

RET retraction particle

(24:50:13) bal Nay,

(24:50:14) ulika those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

(24:50:15) humu [they]

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:50:16) l-limna (are) the wrongdoers. N nominative masculine plural active participle

ACC accusative particle PREV preventive particle m

(24:51:1) innam Only


V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:51:2) kna is

(24:51:3) qawla (the) statement

N accusative masculine verbal noun

(24:51:4) l-mu'minna (of) the believers

N genitive masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:51:5) idh when

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine plural passive perfect verb

(24:51:6) du they are called

PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:51:7) il to

(24:51:8) l-lahi Allah

PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine noun

(24:51:9) waraslihi and His Messenger

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

PRP prefixed particle of purpose lm

(24:51:10) liyakuma to judge

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:51:11) baynahum between them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:51:12) an (is) that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, subjunctive

(24:51:13) yaql they say,

mood PRON subject pronoun

V 1st person plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:51:14) sami'n "We hear

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:51:15) wa-aan and we obey."

V 1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:51:16) wa-ulika And those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:51:17) humu [they]

(24:51:18) l-muf'lina (are) the successful. N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 40 | 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:52) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:52) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:52:1) waman And whoever REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:52:2) yuii obeys

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:52:3) l-laha Allah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N accusative masculine noun

(24:52:4) waraslahu and His Messenger

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:52:5) wayakhsha and fears

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

(24:52:6) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 3rd person masculine singular (form VIII) imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:52:7) wayattaqhi and (is) conscious of Him,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:52:8) fa-ulika then those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:52:9) humu [they]

N nominative masculine plural active participle

(24:52:10) l-fizna (are) the successful ones.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:53:1) wa-aqsam And they swear

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:53:2) bil-lahi by Allah

N accusative masculine verbal noun


(24:53:3) jahda strong

N genitive masculine plural noun (24:53:4) aymnihim their oaths PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:53:5) la-in that if

COND conditional particle

V 2nd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:53:6) amartahum you ordered them,

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:53:7) layakhrujunna surely they (would) go forth.

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb EMPH emphatic suffix nn

V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

(24:53:8) qul Say,

(24:53:9) l "(Do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect

(24:53:10) tuq'sim swear.

verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:53:11) atun Obedience

(24:53:12) marfatun (is) known.

N nominative feminine indefinite passive participle

(24:53:13) inna Indeed,

ACC accusative particle

(24:53:14) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:53:15) khabrun (is) All-Aware

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:53:16) bim of what

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:53:17) tamalna you do."

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 41-42 | 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:54) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on

an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:54) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:54:1) qul Say, Arabic word Syntax and morphology

V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:54:2) a "Obey

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:54:3) l-laha Allah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:54:4) wa-a and obey

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:54:5) l-rasla the Messenger,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:54:6) fa-in but if

COND conditional particle

V 2nd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verb,

(24:54:7) tawallaw you turn away

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:54:8) fa-innam then only

ACC accusative particle PREV preventive particle m

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:54:9) alayhi upon him

REL relative pronoun

(24:54:10) m (is) what (24:54:11) ummila (is) placed on him,

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) passive perfect verb

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:54:12) waalaykum and on you

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

REL relative pronoun

(24:54:13) m (is) what

V 2nd person masculine plural (form II) passive perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:54:14) ummil'tum (is) placed on you.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:54:15) wa-in And if

COND conditional particle

V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:54:16) tuhu you obey him,

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:54:17) tahtad you will be guided.

V 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:54:18) wam And not

NEG negative particle

P preposition

(24:54:19) al (is) on

(24:54:20) l-rasli the Messenger

N genitive masculine noun

(24:54:21) ill except

RES restriction particle

(24:54:22) l-balghu the conveyance

N nominative masculine noun

(24:54:23) l-mubnu [the] clear."

N nominative masculine (form IV) active participle

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 43-44 | 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:55) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:55) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:55:1) waada Allah (has) promised Arabic word Syntax and morphology V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

PN nominative proper noun Allah

(24:55:2) l-lahu Allah (has) promised

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:55:3) alladhna those who

V 3rd person masculine

(24:55:4) man believe

plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:55:5) minkum among you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

V 3rd person masculine (24:55:6) waamil and do plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

N genitive feminine plural active participle

(24:55:7) l-liti righteous deeds,

EMPH emphatic prefix lm V 3rd person masculine singular (form X) imperfect verb EMPH emphatic suffix nn PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:55:8) layastakhlifannahum surely He will grant them succession

(24:55:9) f in P preposition

N genitivefemininenoun Earth

(24:55:10) l-ari the earth,

P prefixed preposition ka

(24:55:11) kam as

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine singular (form X) perfect verb

(24:55:12) is'takhlafa He gave succession

(24:55:13) alladhna to those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

P preposition

(24:55:14) min (were) before them,

N genitive noun PRON 3rd person

(24:55:15) qablihim (were) before them,

masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) EMPH emphatic prefix lm V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb EMPH emphatic suffix nn

(24:55:16) walayumakkinanna and that He will surely establish

P prefixed preposition lm (24:55:17) lahum for them PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

N accusative masculine noun (24:55:18) dnahumu their religion PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:55:19) alladh which REL masculine singular relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine (24:55:20) ir'ta He has approved singular (form VIII) perfect verb

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:55:21) lahum for them,

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) EMPH emphatic prefix lm V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb (24:55:22) walayubaddilannahum and surely He will change for them EMPH emphatic suffix nn PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:55:23) min after P preposition

N genitive noun

(24:55:24) badi after

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person

(24:55:25) khawfihim their fear,

masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:55:26) amnan security

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun PRON 1st person singular object pronoun

(24:55:27) yabudnan (for) they worship Me,

NEG negative particle

(24:55:28) l not

V 3rd person masculine

(24:55:29) yush'rikna they associate

plural (form IV) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi

(24:55:30) b with Me

PRON 1st person singular personal pronoun

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:55:31) shayan anything.

CONJ prefixed conjunction

(24:55:32) waman But whoever

wa (and) REL relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:55:33) kafara disbelieved

(24:55:34) bada after

T accusative time adverb

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:55:35) dhlika that,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:55:36) fa-ulika then those

DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

PRON 3rd person

(24:55:37) humu [they]

masculine plural personal pronoun

N nominative masculine plural active participle

(24:55:38) l-fsiqna (are) the defiantly disobedient.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:56:1) wa-aqm And establish

(24:56:2) l-alata the prayer N accusative feminine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

V 2nd person masculine (24:56:3) wat and give plural (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:56:4) l-zakata zakah N accusative feminine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) V 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:56:5) wa-a and obey

(24:56:6) l-rasla the Messenger, N accusative masculine noun

ACC accusative particle PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:56:7) laallakum so that you may

V 2nd person masculine plural passive imperfect verb

(24:56:8) tur'amna receive mercy.

PRON subject pronoun

PRO prohibition particle

(24:57:1) l (Do) not

V 2nd person masculine singular imperfect verb, (24:57:2) tasabanna think jussive mood EMPH emphatic suffix nn

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:57:3) alladhna those who

V 3rd person masculine

(24:57:4) kafar disbelieve

plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine

(24:57:5) mu'jizna (can) escape

plural (form IV) active participle

P preposition

(24:57:6) f in

N genitivefemininenoun Earth

(24:57:7) l-ari the earth.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:57:8) wamawhumu And their abode

(24:57:9) l-nru (will be) the Fire

N nominative feminine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) EMPH emphatic prefix lm

(24:57:10) walabi'sa and wretched is

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

N nominative noun

(24:57:11) l-maru the destination.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 45-46 | 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:58) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:58) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology

VOC prefixed vocative particle ya (24:58:1) yayyuh O you who believe! N nominative noun

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:58:2) alladhna O you who believe!

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV)

(24:58:3) man O you who believe!

perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm V 3rd person masculine singular (form X) imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:58:4) liyastadhinkumu Let ask your permission

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:58:5) alladhna those whom

(24:58:6) malakat possess

V 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb

N nominative masculine plural noun

(24:58:7) aymnukum your right hands

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:58:8) wa-alladhna and those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:58:9) lam (have) not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect

(24:58:10) yablugh reached

verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:58:11) l-uluma puberty

P preposition

(24:58:12) minkum among you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:58:13) thaltha (at) three

(24:58:14) marrtin times,

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

P preposition

(24:58:15) min before

N genitive noun

(24:58:16) qabli before

(24:58:17) alati (the) prayer

N genitive feminine noun

(24:58:18) l-fajri (of) dawn,

N genitivemasculinenounDawn

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:58:19) wana and when N accusative masculine noun

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect

(24:58:20) taana you put aside

verb PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine plural noun

(24:58:21) thiybakum your garments

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:58:22) mina at

(24:58:23) l-ahrati noon

N genitive feminine noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:58:24) wamin and after

P preposition

N genitive noun

(24:58:25) badi and after

N genitive feminine noun

(24:58:26) alati (the) prayer

(24:58:27) l-ishi (of) night.

N genitive masculine noun

(24:58:28) thalthu (These) three

N nominative masculine noun

(24:58:29) awrtin (are) times of privacy

N genitive feminine plural indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:58:30) lakum for you.

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:58:31) laysa Not

P preposition

(24:58:32) alaykum on you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:58:33) wal and not

NEG negative particle

P preposition


(24:58:34) alayhim on them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:58:35) junun any blame

T accusative time adverb

(24:58:36) badahunna after that

PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

(24:58:37) awwfna (as) moving about

N nominative masculine plural noun

P preposition

(24:58:38) alaykum among you,

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

N nominative masculine noun

(24:58:39) baukum some of you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:58:40) al among

(24:58:41) bain others.

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition ka

(24:58:42) kadhlika Thus

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:58:43) yubayyinu Allah makes clear

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:58:44) l-lahu Allah makes clear

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:58:45) lakumu for you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:58:46) l-yti the Verses,

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:58:47) wal-lahu and Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:58:48) almun (is) All-Knower,

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:58:49) akmun All-Wise.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:59:1) wa-idh And when

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:59:2) balagha reach

(24:59:3) l-aflu the children

N nominative masculine plural noun

P preposition

(24:59:4) minkumu among you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

N accusative masculine noun

(24:59:5) l-uluma the puberty

REM prefixed resumption particle IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm

V 3rd person masculine plural (form X) (24:59:6) falyastadhin then let them ask permission imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition ka SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:59:7) kam as

V 3rd person masculine singular (form X) perfect verb

(24:59:8) is'tadhana asked permission

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:59:9) alladhna those who

P preposition

(24:59:10) min (were) before them.

N genitive noun

(24:59:11) qablihim (were) before them.

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

P prefixed preposition ka

(24:59:12) kadhlika Thus

DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:59:13) yubayyinu Allah makes clear

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:59:14) l-lahu Allah makes clear

P prefixed preposition lm (24:59:15) lakum for you PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:59:16) ytihi His Verses.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:59:17) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:59:18) almun (is) All-Knower

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:59:19) akmun All-Wise.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:60) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:60) 6 Go

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:60:1) wal-qawidu And postmenopausal N nominative masculine plural noun

P preposition

(24:60:2) mina among

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:60:3) l-nisi the women

(24:60:4) allt who

REL feminine plural relative pronoun

(24:60:5) l (do) not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:60:6) yarjna have desire

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:60:7) nikan (for) marriage,

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:60:8) falaysa then not is

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:60:9) alayhinna on them

P preposition PRON 3rd person feminine plural object pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:60:10) junun any blame

(24:60:11) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person feminine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:60:12) yaana they put aside

N accusative masculine plural noun PRON 3rd person feminine plural possessive pronoun

(24:60:13) thiybahunna their (outer) garments,

N accusative masculine noun

(24:60:14) ghayra not

(24:60:15) mutabarrijtin displaying

N genitive feminine plural indefinite (form V) active participle

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive feminine indefinite noun

(24:60:16) biznatin their adornment.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:60:17) wa-an And that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 3rd person feminine plural (form X) imperfect verb,

(24:60:18) yastafif'na they modestly refrain

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:60:19) khayrun (is) better

N nominative masculine singular indefinite noun

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 3rd person feminine plural personal pronoun

(24:60:20) lahunna for them.

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:60:21) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:60:22) samun (is) All-Hearer,

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:60:23) almun All-Knower.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:61) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:61) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:61:1) laysa Not is Arabic word Syntax and morphology

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:61:2) al on

P preposition

(24:61:3) l-am the blind

N genitive masculine noun

(24:61:4) arajun any blame

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:61:5) wal and not

NEG negative particle

P preposition

(24:61:6) al on

(24:61:7) l-araji the lame

N genitive masculine noun

(24:61:8) arajun any blame

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) (24:61:9) wal and not NEG negative particle

P preposition

(24:61:10) al on

(24:61:11) l-mari the sick

N genitive masculine singular noun

(24:61:12) arajun any blame

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:61:13) wal and not

NEG negative particle

P preposition

(24:61:14) al on

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:15) anfusikum yourselves

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:61:16) an that

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:61:17) takul you eat

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:61:18) min from

P preposition

N genitive masculine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:19) buytikum your houses

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:20) aw or

(24:61:21) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:22) bikum (of) your fathers

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:23) aw or

(24:61:24) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:25) ummahtikum (of) your mothers

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:26) aw or

(24:61:27) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

(24:61:28) ikh'wnikum (of) your brothers

N genitive masculine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:29) aw or

(24:61:30) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:31) akhawtikum (of) your sisters

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:32) aw or

(24:61:33) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:34) ammikum (of) your paternal uncles

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:35) aw or

(24:61:36) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:37) ammtikum (of) your paternal aunts

(24:61:38) aw or


CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:39) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive masculine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:40) akhwlikum (of) your maternal uncles

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:41) aw or

(24:61:42) buyti houses

N genitive masculine plural noun

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:43) khltikum (of) your maternal aunts

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:44) aw or

(24:61:45) m what

REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:61:46) malaktum you possess

N accusativemasculinepluralnounKey

(24:61:47) maftiahu its keys

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:61:48) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

N genitive masculine noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:49) adqikum your friend.

V 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb

(24:61:50) laysa Not is

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:61:51) alaykum on you

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:61:52) junun any blame

(24:61:53) an that

SUB subordinating conjunction

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb,

(24:61:54) takul you eat

subjunctive mood PRON subject pronoun

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:61:55) jaman together

(24:61:56) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

(24:61:57) ashttan separately.

N accusative masculine plural indefinite noun

REM prefixed resumption particle (24:61:58) fa-idh But when T time adverb

V 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:61:59) dakhaltum you enter

N accusative masculine plural indefinite noun

(24:61:60) buytan houses

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:61:61) fasallim then greet

V 2nd person masculine plural (form II) imperative verb PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:61:62) al [on]

N genitive feminine plural noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:61:63) anfusikum yourselves

N accusative feminine indefinite (form II) verbal noun

(24:61:64) taiyyatan a greeting

P preposition

(24:61:65) min from

N genitive noun

(24:61:66) indi from

PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:61:67) l-lahi Allah

(24:61:68) mubrakatan blessed

N accusative feminine indefinite noun

(24:61:69) ayyibatan (and) good.

ADJ accusative feminine singular indefinite adjective

P prefixed preposition ka DEM masculine singular demonstrative pronoun

(24:61:70) kadhlika Thus

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb

(24:61:71) yubayyinu Allah makes clear

(24:61:72) l-lahu Allah makes clear

PN nominativepropernounAllah

P prefixed preposition lm PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun

(24:61:73) lakumu for you

N genitive feminine plural noun

(24:61:74) l-yti the Verses

ACC accusative particle

(24:61:75) laallakum so that you may

PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:61:76) taqilna understand.

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:62) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:62) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:62:1) innam Only Arabic word Syntax and morphology ACC accusative particle PREV preventive particle m

N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle

(24:62:2) l-mu'minna the believers

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:62:3) alladhna (are) those who

(24:62:4) man believe

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:62:5) bil-lahi in Allah

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine noun

(24:62:6) waraslihi and His Messenger,

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:62:7) wa-idh and when

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:62:8) kn they are

LOC accusative location adverb

(24:62:9) maahu with him

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

P preposition

(24:62:10) al for

(24:62:11) amrin a matter

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:62:12) jmiin (of) collective action,

N genitive masculine indefinite active participle

(24:62:13) lam not

NEG negative particle

V 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb, (24:62:14) yadhhab they go jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

P preposition

(24:62:15) att until

V 3rd person masculine plural (form X) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood

(24:62:16) yastadhinhu they (have) asked his permission.

PRON subject pronoun PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

ACC accusative particle

(24:62:17) inna Indeed,

(24:62:18) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural (form X) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun PRON 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:62:19) yastadhinnaka ask your permission,


(24:62:20) ulika those DEM plural demonstrative pronoun

(24:62:21) alladhna [those who]

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect (24:62:22) yu'minna believe verb PRON subject pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:62:23) bil-lahi in Allah

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and) N genitive masculine noun

(24:62:24) waraslihi and His Messenger.

PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:62:25) fa-idh So when

T time adverb

V 3rd person masculine plural (form X) perfect verb

(24:62:26) is'tadhanka they ask your permission

PRON subject pronoun PRON 2nd person masculine singular object pronoun

P prefixed preposition lm N genitive masculine noun

(24:62:27) libai for some

N genitive masculine noun

(24:62:28) shanihim affair of theirs,

PRON 3rd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:62:29) fadhan then give permission

V 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb

(24:62:30) liman to whom

P prefixed preposition lm REL relative pronoun

V 2nd person masculine singular perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:62:31) shi'ta you will

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:62:32) min'hum among them,

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:62:33) wa-is'taghfir and ask forgiveness

V 2nd person masculine singular (form X) imperative verb

P prefixed preposition lm

(24:62:34) lahumu for them

PRON 3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun

PN accusativepropernounAllah

(24:62:35) l-laha (of) Allah.

(24:62:36) inna Indeed,

ACC accusative particle

(24:62:37) l-laha Allah

PN accusativepropernounAllah

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

(24:62:38) ghafrun (is) Oft-Forgiving,

(24:62:39) ramun Most Merciful.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:63) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.
Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:63) 6 Go 6

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation Arabic word Syntax and morphology

(24:63:1) l (Do) not

PRO prohibition particle

V 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood PRON subject pronoun

(24:63:2) tajal make

N accusative masculine noun

(24:63:3) dua (the) calling

(24:63:4) l-rasli (of) the Messenger N genitive masculine noun

LOC accusative location adverb PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:63:5) baynakum among you

P prefixed preposition ka N genitive masculine noun

(24:63:6) kadui as (the) call

N genitive masculine noun PRON 2nd person masculine plural possessive pronoun

(24:63:7) baikum (of) some of you

N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:63:8) baan (to) others.

(24:63:9) qad Verily,

CERT particle of certainty

(24:63:10) yalamu Allah knows

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:63:11) l-lahu Allah knows

PN nominativepropernounAllah

(24:63:12) alladhna those who

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

V 3rd person masculine plural (form V) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:63:13) yatasallalna slip away

(24:63:14) minkum among you

P preposition PRON 2nd person masculine plural object pronoun


N accusative masculine indefinite noun

(24:63:15) liwdhan under shelter.

REM prefixed resumption particle IMPV prefixed imperative particle lm

(24:63:16) falyadhari So let beware

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood

REL masculine plural relative pronoun

(24:63:17) alladhna those who

V 3rd person masculine plural (form III) imperfect verb PRON subject pronoun

(24:63:18) yukhlifna oppose

P preposition

(24:63:19) an [from]

N genitive masculine noun PRON 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(24:63:20) amrihi his orders

SUB subordinating conjunction

(24:63:21) an lest

V 3rd person feminine singular (form IV) imperfect verb,

(24:63:22) tubahum befalls them

subjunctive mood PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

(24:63:23) fit'natun a trial

N nominative feminine indefinite noun

(24:63:24) aw or

CONJ coordinating conjunction

V 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb,

(24:63:25) yubahum befalls them

subjunctive mood PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

N nominative masculine indefinite noun

(24:63:26) adhbun a punishment

(24:63:27) almun painful.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

Qur'an | Word by Word | Audio | Prayer Times | Android | New : beta.quran.com


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__Verse (24:64) - Word by Word Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. Click on an Arabic word below to see details of the word's grammar, or to suggest a correction.

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light) Verse (24:64) 6 Go

Chapter (24) srat l-nr (The Light)

Translation (24:64:1) al No doubt! Arabic word Syntax and morphology

INC inceptive particle

(24:64:2) inna Indeed,

ACC accusative particle

P prefixed preposition lm PN genitivepropernounAllah

(24:64:3) lillahi to Allah (belongs)

REL relative pronoun

(24:64:4) m whatever

P preposition

(24:64:5) f (is) in

(24:64:6) l-samwti the heavens

N genitive feminine plural noun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:64:7) wal-ari and the earth.

N genitivefemininenounEarth

CERT particle of certainty

(24:64:8) qad Verily,

(24:64:9) yalamu He knows

V 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb

(24:64:10) m what

REL relative pronoun

(24:64:11) antum you

PRON 2nd person masculine plural personal pronoun


P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:64:12) alayhi (are) on [it],

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:64:13) wayawma And (the) Day

N accusative masculine noun

V 3rd person masculine plural passive imperfect verb

(24:64:14) yur'jana they will be returned

PRON subject pronoun

P preposition PRON 3rd person masculine singular object pronoun

(24:64:15) ilayhi to Him

REM prefixed resumption particle

(24:64:16) fayunabbi-uhum then He will inform them

V 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb PRON 3rd person masculine plural object pronoun

P prefixed preposition bi REL relative pronoun

(24:64:17) bim of what

(24:64:18) amil they did.

V 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb PRON subject pronoun

CONJ prefixed conjunction wa (and)

(24:64:19) wal-lahu And Allah

PN nominativepropernounAllah

P prefixed preposition bi N genitive masculine noun

(24:64:20) bikulli of every

N genitive masculine indefinite noun

(24:64:21) shayin thing

(24:64:22) almun (is) All-Knower.

ADJ nominative masculine singular indefinite adjective

Quran Recitation by Saad Al-Ghamadi

Verse 47-49 | 50-51 | 52-53 | 54 | 55-57 | 58-59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64


Copyright Kais Dukes, 2009-2011. E-mail: sckd@leeds.ac.uk. This is an open source project. The Quranic Arabic Corpus is available under the GNU public license with terms of use.

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