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TRX ® Hamstrings Curl: Step 1

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TRX Hamstrings Curl

Target Body Part: Butt/Hips, Legs Thighs Primary Muscles: Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Hamstrings Secondary Muscles: Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Adductors,

Step 1
Starting Position: Place your feet securely into the foot cradles positioned directly under the anchor point. Flex your ankles and press down with your heels. Gently lie back on a mat/floor with your arms at your sides and palms flat on the ground and legs straight. Engaging your core and your glutes (butt) lift your hips off the floor keeping your body straight and rigid. Use your hands to help stabilize your body. Keep your feet together throughout the exercise.

Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly pull your heels toward your hips. Keep your ankles in flexed, toes toward the ceiling. The hips may bend forward slightly but keep the torso rigid. Avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Inhale. Slowly straighten both legs to the starting position, with a straight and rigid body alignment. Avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps.

Step 4
Exercise Variation: The intensity of this exercise can be increased by positioning your body further away from the anchor point of the TRX and lengthening the straps.

TRX Atomic Push-up

Target Body Part: Primary Muscles: Abs, Arms, Chest, Shoulders Rotator Cuff, Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Posterior Deltoids (delts), Triceps, Pectorals (pecs), Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Trapezius (Traps), Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Rhomboids, Erector Spinae, Serratus Anterior, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads)

Step 1
Starting Position: Place your feet securely into the foot cradles positioned directly under the anchor point. Apply downward pressure with the tops of your feet by pointing your toes. Lie flat on your stomach with your hands placed shoulder-width apart, under your shoulders and fingers facing forward. Brace your torso by engaging your core/abdominal muscles. Keep the glutes (butt) and quadriceps (thigh) muscles engaged and strong.

Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly press your body off the floor until your elbows are straight (plank position) Keep your head and spine aligned. Do not allow the low back or ribcage to sag or arch. Do not allow the hips to hike upward. Keep the glutes and quadriceps contracted to maintain hip stability. Your feet should be together throughout the exercise and avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps. Pull your legs towards your chest with your knees straight and toes pointed. During this movement, your hips will rise upward. Continue the movement until your hips are directly over your shoulders in an inverted shoulder press position. Maintain strong arms and shoulders, rigid torso and flat spine, preventing any arching or bowing in the back.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Bring your body back to plank position. Keeping the torso rigid, and head and spine aligned, inhale and slowly lower your body into a push-up. Continue to slowly lower your body, touching your chin or upper chest to the floor. Again, avoid any arching or sagging in your low back or ribcage. Contract your glutes and quadriceps to help maintain stability.

TRX Back Row

Target Body Part: Primary Muscles: Abs, Arms, Back Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Erector Spinae, Biceps, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Posterior Deltoids (delts), Serratus Anterior

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn yourself to face the anchor point. Stand with one foot ahead of the other and both feet facing forward. Maintain this foot position throughout the exercise. Brace your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles. Pull your shoulder blades down and back.

Step 2
Gently lean backwards. Shift your body weight over your back leg while straightening your elbows positioned at chest height. Do not allow your wrists to bend. Palms face inward. Concentrate on keeping your shoulder blades pulled back and down. Do not let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your head and spine aligned, and avoid any sagging in the low back.

Step 3
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly bend your elbows, pulling your entire body towards your hands. Your elbows should move towards your sides and remain close to your body. Think about pulling your elbows closer to your ribs. Keep the wrists in the neutral position. Your torso should be rigid, with your head and spine aligned. Avoid any sagging or aching in your low back or hips.

Step 4
Downward Phase: While maintaining your rigid torso, inhale and slowly lower your body back towards your starting position, extending (straightening) your elbows without your shoulders rolling forward. Keep your head and spine aligned together.

Step 5
Exercise Variation (1): Change to a high-back row by raising the elbows to shoulder height (elbows wide) during the pull movement. This places more emphasis on the posterior deltoids and muscles in the upper back.

TRX Biceps Curl

Target Body Part: Abs, Arms Primary Muscles: Biceps, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Erector Spinae, Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Serratus Anterior, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads)

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn yourself to face the anchor point. Stand with one foot ahead of the other and both feet facing forward. Maintain this foot position throughout the exercise. Brace your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles. Pull your shoulder blades down and back.

Step 2
Gently lean backwards. Shift your body weight over your back leg while straightening your elbows positioned at chest height. Do not allow your wrists to bend. Palms face upward. Concentrate on keeping your shoulder blades pulled back and down. Do not let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your head and spine aligned, and avoid any sagging in the low back.

Step 3
Upward Phase: Exhale. Slowly bend your elbows and pull your entire body towards your hands. Do not let your wrists bend. Your elbows should remain in front of and pointed away from you. Maintain a rigid torso, keeping your head and spine aligned, and avoid any sagging or arching in your low back or hips.

Step 4
Downward Phase: Keeping your torso rigid, inhale and slowly lower your body back to your starting position. Do not allow your shoulders to roll forward as you straighten your elbows. Keep your head and spine aligned.

Step 5
Exercise Variation (1): Change the grip to face the palms downward. This places more emphasis on the forearm muscles (Brachialis and Brachioradialis).

TRX Chest Press

Target Body Part: Primary Muscles: Abs, Arms, Chest Triceps, Pectorals (pecs), Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Rhomboids, Erector Spinae, Rotator Cuff, Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Posterior Deltoids (delts), Serratus Anterior

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn to face away from the anchor point. Raise your elbows to chest height. Wrists should be in a straight line with the forearm and palms facing the floor. Pull your shoulder blades down and back.

Step 2
Stand with one foot ahead of the other and both feet facing forward. Lunge forward slowly. Allow the hips to bend until the straps become tight. Keep the feet in this position throughout the exercise. Brace your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your upper body towards your hands while keeping the head and spine aligned. Do not allow the low back or ribcage to sag.

Step 3
Upward Phase: Exhale. Slowly press your body away from your arms, straightening your elbows. Keep your upper arms level with your chest and your wrists in neutral position. The torso must be rigid and the head aligned with your spine. Do not allow the low back, ribcage or hips to sag

Step 4
Downward Phase: Keep the torso straight and strong and your head aligned with your spine. Inhale and slowly lower your body back to your starting position.

TRX Front Rollout

Target Body Part: Abs Primary Muscles: Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads)

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles or foot cradles in each hand, turn to kneel facing the anchor point with your legs hip width apart. Grasp the handles/cradles with a closed grip. Your thumbs should be wrapped around the handles with your palms facing the floor. Engage your abdominals and round your torso into a ball. Bend your elbows, bringing your hands close to your jaw. Your head is an extension of your spine.

Step 2
Downward Phase: Engage the muscles of your core and back to support your spine and prepare your torso for movement. Inhale. With control, bring your hips forward, as your body swings forward under the anchor point. Try to keep the spine rounded. Do not allow your spine to straighten or your back to arch or sag. Keep your elbows in and hands adjacent to your face.

Step 3
Upward Phase: Exhale and use your abdominals to draw the body back to your starting position. Do not to allow your arm or back position to change throughout the exercise.

TRX Hip Press

Target Body Part: Primary Muscles: Back, Butt/Hips, Legs Thighs Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Hamstrings

Secondary Muscles : Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Adductors, Obliques

Step 1
Starting Position: Place your feet securely into the foot cradles positioned directly under the anchor point. Flex your ankles and press down with your heels. Gently lie back on a mat/floor with your arms at your sides and palms flat on the ground and legs straight. Engaging your core and your glutes (butt) lift your hips off the floor keeping your body straight and rigid. Use your hands to help stabilize your body. Slowly pull your heels towards your hips. Keep your ankles flexed, toes pointed toward the ceiling. The hips should begin to bend but your torso should remain rigid with your weight bearing on your shoulders. Keep you feet together throughout the exercise.

Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale and press your hips towards the ceiling, making a straight rigid line from your sternum bone to your pubic bone. Do not allow your low back to arch. Avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Inhale and slowly return your hips to your starting position. Avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps.

TRX Overhead Triceps Extension


Target Body Part: Arms Primary Muscles: Triceps Secondary Muscles: Erector Spinae, Rotator Cuff, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn yourself to face away from the anchor point. Elbows should be pointing forward with a 90_degree bend. Wrists should be in line with your forearm (neutral). Do not allow the wrists to bend. From a split-stance position, lunge forward until the straps become tight. Brace your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles. Maintain these engagements throughout the exercise.

Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale. Straighten your elbows by pressing your body away from your arms. Your upper arms should not move. Your elbows should continue to point forward, and your wrists should remain in the neutral position. Keep your torso rigid and your head aligned with your spine. Do not allow the hips and low back to sag or arch.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Keeping the torso rigid, inhale and slowly lower your body back towards your starting position. Keep your head and spine aligned.

TRX Suspended Knee Tucks


Target Body Part: Abs, Chest Primary Muscles: Pectorals (pecs), Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles : Trapezius (Traps), Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Rhomboids, Erector Spinae, Rotator Cuff, Anterior and Medial Deltoids (delts), Posterior Deltoids (delts), Triceps, Serratus Anterior, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads)

Step 1
Starting Position: Place your feet securely into the foot cradles positioned directly under the anchor point. Apply downward pressure with the tops of your feet by pointing your toes. Lie flat on your stomach with your hands placed shoulder-width apart, under your shoulders and fingers facing forward. Brace your torso by engaging your core/abdominal muscles. Keep the glutes (butt) and quadriceps (thigh) muscles engaged and strong.

Step 2
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly press your body off the floor until your elbows are straight (plank position) Keep your head and spine aligned. Do not allow the low back or ribcage to sag or arch. Do not allow the hips to hike upward. Keep the glutes and quadriceps contracted to maintain hip stability. Your feet should be together throughout the exercise and avoid any back and forth swinging of the TRX straps. Slowly pull your knees toward your chest, bending your knees as they tuck under your hips, keeping your feet together and toes pointed. During this movement, your hips will rise upwards and your spine will round into a ball. Continue pulling your knees inwards until they are directly under your hips.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Inhale and slowly lower your body back to a plank position. Keep the torso rigid, and head and spine aligned; do not allow the low back or ribcage to sag.

Step 4
Exercise Variation: The intensity of this exercise can be increased by positioning your body further away from the anchor point of the TRX and lengthening the straps.

TRX Suspended Lunge


Target Body Part: Primary Muscles:

Abs, Butt/Hips, Legs Thighs Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), Obliques Secondary Muscles: Erector Spinae, Gluteus Medius/Minimus (Abductors), Adductors, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior

Step 1
Starting Position: Stand in front of the anchor point and interlock the two TRX handles together (refer to TRX user instructions). Support yourself as you loop the foot cradle around the ball of your right foot. Slowly turn to face away from the anchor point. Your standing leg or stance leg should be aligned in front, but also directly in line with the anchor point. Your suspended foot should be flexed at the ankle (toes pulled towards your shin).

Step 2
Bend the right knee to approximately 90 degrees. Your knees should be lined up side by side. Bend the left arm to 90 degrees at the elbow with the finger tips level with or just below your chin. Your right arm should also bend to 90 degrees, driving it back from the shoulder until the upper arm lies approximately 45 degrees from vertical. Imagine you are running.

Step 3
Downward Phase: Inhale, keeping the abdominal/core muscles engaged, bend your standing knee and slowly lower your body toward the floor. As you lower down, shift the hips backwards. Keep your body weight over the heel of your standing foot. As your body lowers, the suspended leg will drive backwards. Maintain the 90 degree bend at the knee. Your right arm should drive forward from the shoulder toward the end-position where the left arm started. Your left arm should simultaneously drive backwards to an end-position where the right arm started. Throughout the arm movements, squeeze the arms to the sides of your body and drive from the shoulders while keeping the 90 degree bend in the elbows. Continue lowering yourself. Keep your weight over your left heel until your right thigh and torso form a straight line with one another. Your left shinbone should aligned with or slightly ahead of the ball of your left foot.

Step 4
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly press your body upward by pushing down against the floor through your left heel. The muscle action at the knee and hip bring the body back to your starting position.

Step 5
Exercise Variation (1): To increase the intensity of this exercise, move more explosively, extending the ankle, knee and hip joints to return to your start position.

Step 6
Exercise Variation (2): To further increase the intensity of the exercise, move the upper extremities in a variety of directions. For example: While the lower the legs continue to move front and back, the torso and/or arms can move left and right. The torso may rotate as well. Using the TRX as an assisted device reduces the load placed upon many joints. While this certainly can promote additional range of movement, it does necessitate additional attention to proper form.


TRX Single-arm Row

Target Body Part: Primary Muscles : Abs, Arms, Back Latissimus Dorsi (Lats), Erector Spinae, Biceps, Rectus Abdominus (abs), Transverse Abdominus, Obliques Secondary Muscles: Trapezius (Traps), Rhomboids, Posterior Deltoids (delts), Serratus Anterior

Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in your right hand, turn yourself to face the anchor point. Stand with one left ahead of the right and both feet facing forward. Maintain this foot position throughout the exercise. Brace your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles. Pull your shoulder blades down and back. Bring your right arm to chest height and straighten your elbow. Keep the wrist straight. Do not allow it to bend. The right thumb should be pointed toward the ceiling.

Step 2
Gently lean backwards. Shift your body weight over your back leg. The right arm stays at chest height. Concentrate on keeping your shoulder blades pulling down and back. Do not let your right shoulder roll forward. Keep your head aligned with your spine and avoid any sagging in the low back.

Step 3
Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly bend your right elbow, pulling your entire body away from your arm. Your right elbow should move towards the right ribs. Do not allow your torso to rotate or your wrist to bend. Your torso should be rigid with your head and spine aligned. Avoid any sagging or aching in your low back or hips.

Step 4
Downward Phase: While maintaining your rigid torso, inhale and slowly lower your body back towards your starting position, extending (straightening) your elbow without your shoulder rolling forward. Keep your head and spine aligned together.


Step 5
Exercise Variation (1): Change to a high-back row by raising the elbow to shoulder height (elbow wide) during the pull movement. This places more emphasis on the posterior deltoid and muscles in the upper back.

Step 6
Exercise Variation (2) The intensity of this exercise can be increased by positioning your body further away from the anchor point of the TRX and lengthening the straps. Another option is to change the foot position so that the same side leg is forward.


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