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Meyers- Briggs tipology


Protectors (SJ) Creators (SP) Intellectuals (NT)Visionaries (NF)

ESTJ - Overseer ESFJ - Supporter ISTJ - Examiner ISFJ - Defender

ESTP - Persuader ESFP - Entertainer ISTP - Craftsman ISFP - Artist

ENTJ - Chief ENTP - Originator INTJ - Strategist INTP - Engineer

ENFJ - Mentor ENFP - Advocate INFJ - Confidant INFP - Dreamer

orientation & MBTI name preference order iNf = inF = eNf = enF = iSf = isF = eSf = esF = iSt = isT = eSt = esT = iNt = inT = eNt = enT = I and N-F-T-S = Ni-Fe-Ti-Se = INFJ I and F-N-S-T = Fi-Ne-Si-Te = INFP E and N-F-T-S = Ne-Fi-Te-Si = ENFP E and F-N-S-T = Fe-Ni-Se-Ti = ENFJ I and S-F-T-N = Si-Fe-Ti-Ne = ISFJ I and F-S-N-T = Fi-Se-Ni-Te = ISFP E and S-F-T-N = Se-Fi-Te-Ni = ESFP E and F-S-N-T = Fe-Si-Ne-Ti = ESFJ I and S-T-F-N = Si-Te-Fi-Ne = ISTJ I and T-S-N-F = Ti-Se-Ni-Fe = ISTP E and S-T-F-N = Se-Ti-Fe-Ni = ESTP E and T-S-N-F = Te-Si-Ne-Fi = ESTJ I and N-T-F-S = Ni-Te-Fi-Se = INTJ I and T-N-S-F = Ti-Ne-Si-Fe = INTP E and N-T-F-S = Ne-Ti-Fe-Si = ENTP E and T-N-S-F = Te-Ni-Se-Fi = ENTJ

The Functions
The middle two letters represent the functions of the personality type. Functions being the process through which we either gather or interpret information in our lives. -Perceiving : The perceiving functions are known as the irrational functions because they represent the type of information we take from the world, which is thought to be an unconscious preference. If you think of the brain as a hard drive, perception is the input. Sensing (S): Sensing is the gathering of data through the physical world. S types build knowledge through the 5 senses and concrete details. Information to S types is to be experienced. iNtuition (N): Intuition is the gathering of data through the world of ideas. Information is stored in the abstract form. Knowledge is stored as concepts instead of details. Information to N types is to be thought through. -Judgment: The judgment functions are referred to as rational because they are the deliberate cognitive reasoning. Input received from perception has no meaning until the judgment function processes it. Feeling (F): Feeling evaluates perception and determines importance based on a sense of harmony. It judges holistically to maintain peace. **Feeling in the MB system is not equated to emotion. Feeling is a reasoning process handled in the higher brain. Contrast with the lower brain's limbic system which has physical responses to stimuli we experience as emotion. Thinking (T): Thinking is linear judgment based on logical axioms. It bases decisions on information in a cause/effect, if/then, true/false fashion to reach validity.

Orientation: The J/P Divide

The last letter in the code represents judgment and perceiving. They are commonly mistaken as functions because there are tendencies between types of the same orientation. However, they only serve to notate which of the function is exhibited in the external world of people and things as opposed to the internal world of thoughts and ideas. This divides the four functions stated above into either an extraverted or introverted form.

-Extraverted Perceivers (P): P types constantly gather information through the external world and judge internally. They desire a consistent inner world. Externally they appear to be scattered and unstructured. In general, decisions are withheld for the idea that new information will always need to be taken into account. The world is to be responded to and understood. Common P traits are less pronounced in introverts as will be covered later.

Extraverted Sensing (Se): Exploration of the physical world. Looks to be what can be experienced tangibly. Gathering of 'what is.' Extraverted iNtuition (Ne): Exploration of the world of ideas. Looks to what can be conceived from information. Expands upon ideas and the environment. Wonders 'what could be' Introverted Feeling (Fi): Inner understanding of what is harmonious. Fi has a system of complex values as its inner structure. Analyzes 'what is important' Introverted Thinking (Ti): Inner understanding of what is logical. Ti has a system of complex axioms as its inner structure. Analyzes 'how it is'

-Extraverted Judges (J): J types organize their external world based on their internal perceptions. They tend to be goal driven in attempt to achieve consistency in their environment. Perceptual information is stored as content to be judged and applied. The external world is to be controlled. Introverted Sensing (Si): Framework of perceptions of previously experienced physical information based on what has been proven true in the past. A collection of 'what was' Introverted iNtuition (Ni): A synthesizing of internal concepts to predict possibility. Ties unrelated stored information to create perception. A way to determine 'what will be' Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Application of perception to organize the external world to achieve harmony. Desires to do 'what we need' Extraverted Thinking (Te): Application of perception to organize the external world to it's logical structure. Desires to do 'what makes sense'






Inspector Protector Counselor Mastermind ISETIP Crafter ESETIP ISEFIP INEFIP INETIP Architect ENETIP Inventor ENITEJ

Composer Healer ESEFIP ENEFIP

Promoter Performer Champion ESITEJ ESIFEJ ENIFEJ

Supervisor Provider

Teacher Fieldmarshal


Extraverted (E)
Extraversion is a preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extraverts enjoy social interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, verbal, assertive, and animated. They enjoy large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extraverts are likely to enjoy time spent with people and find themselves energized by social interaction. Extravert Characteristics

Introverted (I)
Introversion is a preference to focus on the world inside the self. Introverts tend to be quiet, peaceful and deliberate and are not attracted to social interactions. They prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities such as reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings draining. Introvert Characteristics

Gregarious Assertive Talkative Social/outgoing Likes groups, parties, etc. Energized by interaction Expressive & enthusiastic Volunteers personal information Distractable Has many friends Easy to approach

Energized by time alone Private Keeps to self Quiet Deliberate Internally aware Fewer friends Prefer smaller groups Independent Not socially inclined Enjoys solitude Thinks before speaking

Extraverted Personality Types

Introverted Personality Types

ESTJ - Overseer ESTP - Persuader ESFJ - Supporter ESFP - Entertainer ENTJ - Chief ENTP - Originator ENFJ - Mentor ENFP Advocate

ISTJ - Examiner ISTP - Craftsman ISFJ - Defender ISFP - Artist INTJ - Strategist INTP - Engineer INFJ - Confidant INFP - Dreamer


Sensing (S)
Sensing refers to how people process data. Sensing people focus on the present, they are "here and now" people, who are factual and process information through the five senses. They see things as they are, they are concrete thinkers. Sensing Characteristics

Intuition (N)
Intuition refers to how people process data. Intuitive people focus on the future and the possibilities. They process information through patterns and impressions. They read between the lines, they are abstract thinkers. Intuitive Characteristics

Concrete Realistic Lives in the present Aware of surroundings Notices details Practical Goes by senses Factual

Future-focused Sees possibilities Inventive Imaginative Deep Abstract Idealistic Complicated Theoretical

Sensing Personality Types

iNtuition Personality Types

ESTJ - Overseer ESTP - Persuader ESFJ - Supporter ESFP - Entertainer ISTJ - Examiner ISTP - Craftsman ISFJ - Defender ISFP - Artist

ENTJ - Chief ENTP - Originator ENFJ - Mentor ENFP - Advocate INTJ - Strategist INTP - Engineer INFJ - Confidant INFP - Dreamer


Thinking (T)
Thinking refers to how people make decisions. Thinking people are objective and make decisions based on facts. They are ruled by their head instead of their heart. Thinking people judge situations and others based on logic. Thinking Characteristics

Feeling (F)
Feeling refers to how people make decisions. Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances. Feeling Characteristics

Logical Objective Decides with head Wants truth Rational Impersonal Critical Thick-skinned Firm with people Driven by thought

Decides with heart Dislikes conflict Passionate Driven by emotion Gentle Easily hurt Empathetic Caring of others Warm

Thinking Personality Types

Feeling Personality Types

ESTJ - Overseer ESTP - Persuader ENTJ - Chief ENTP - Originator ISTJ - Examiner ISTP - Craftsman INTJ - Strategist INTP - Engineer

ESFJ - Supporter ESFP - Entertainer ENFJ - Mentor ENFP - Advocate ISFJ - Defender ISFP - Artist INFJ - Confidant INFP - Dreamer


Judging (J)
Judging is the preference outwardly displayed. Judging does not mean "judgmental". Judging people like order, organization and think sequentially. They like to have things planned and settled. Judging people seek closure. Judging Characteristics

Perceiving (P)
Perceiving is the preference outwardly displayed. Perceiving people are flexible, like to keep their options open and think randomly. They like to act spontaneously and are adaptable. Perceivers like to keep things open ended. Perceiving Characteristics

Decisive Controlled Good at finishing Organized Structured Scheduled Quick at tasks Responsible Likes closure Makes plans

Adaptable Relaxed Disorganized Care-free Spontaneous Changes tracks midway Keeps options open Procrastinates Dislikes routine Flexible

Judging Personality Types Perceiving Personality Types

ESTJ - Overseer ESFJ - Supporter ENTJ - Chief ENFJ - Mentor ISTJ - Examiner ISFJ - Defender INTJ - Strategist INFJ - Confidant

ESTP - Persuader ESFP - Entertainer ENTP - Originator ENFP - Advocate ISTP - Craftsman ISFP - Artist INTP - Engineer INFP - Dreamer


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