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Manuscript Title: With Forced Linebreak

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Manuscript Title: with Forced Linebreak

Ann Author and Second Author

Authors institution and/or address This line break forced with \\

(MUSO Collaboration) Charlie Author

Second institution and/or address This line break forced and Third institution, the second for Charlie Author

Delta Author
Authors institution and/or address This line break forced with \\

(CLEO Collaboration)
(Dated: August 10, 2010) An article usually includes an abstract, a concise summary of the work covered at length in the main body of the article. Usage: Secondary publications and information retrieval purposes. PACS numbers: May be entered using the \pacs{#1} command. Structure: You may use the description environment to structure your abstract; use the optional argument of the \item command to give the category of each item.



Second-level heading: Formatting

This sample document demonstrates proper use of A REVTEX 4.1 (and L TEX 2 ) in mansucripts prepared for submission to APS journals. Further information can be found in the REVTEX 4.1 documentation included in the distribution or available at http://authors.aps.org/ revtex4/. When commands are referred to in this example le, they are always shown with their required arguments, using normal TEX format. In this format, #1, #2, etc. stand for required author-supplied arguments to commands. For example, in \section{#1} the #1 stands for the title text of the authors section heading, and in \title{#1} the #1 stands for the title text of the paper. Line breaks in section headings at all levels can be introduced using \\. A blank input line tells TEX that the paragraph has ended. Note that top-level section headings are automatically uppercased. If a specic letter or word should appear in lowercase instead, you must escape it using \lowercase{#1} as in the word via above.

This le may be formatted in either the preprint or reprint style. reprint format mimics nal journal output. Either format may be used for submission purposes. letter sized paper should be used when submitting to APS journals.
1. Wide text (A level-3 head)

The widetext environment will make the text the width of the full page, as on page 4. (Note the use the \pageref{#1} command to refer to the page number.) a. Note (Fourth-level head is run in) The widthchanging commands only take eect in two-column formatting. There is no eect if text is in a single column.
B. Citations and References

A citation in text uses the command \cite{#1} or \onlinecite{#1} and refers to an entry in the bibliography. An entry in the bibliography is a reference to another document.
1. Citations

A footnote to the article title Also at Physics Department, XYZ University. Second.Author@institution.edu http://www.Second.institution.edu/Charlie.Author

Because REVTEX uses the natbib package of Patrick Daly, the entire repertoire of commands in that package

2 are available for your document; see the natbib documentation for further details. Please note that REVTEX requires version 8.31a or later of natbib. a. Syntax The argument of \cite may be a single key, or may consist of a comma-separated list of keys. The citation key may contain letters, numbers, the dash (-) character, or the period (.) character. New with natbib 8.3 is an extension to the syntax that allows for a star (*) form and two optional arguments on the citation key itself. The syntax of the \cite command is thus (informally stated)
2. Example citations

\cite { key }, or \cite { optarg+key }, or \cite { optarg+key , optarg+key. . . }, where optarg+key signies

key, or *key, or [pre]key, or [pre][post ]key, or even *[pre][post ]key. where pre and post is whatever text you wish to place at the beginning and end, respectively, of the bibliographic reference (see Ref. [1] and the two under Ref. [2]). (Keep in mind that no automatic space or punctuation is applied.) It is highly recommended that you put the entire pre or post portion within its own set of braces, for example: \cite { [ {text }]key}. The extra set of braces A will keep L TEX out of trouble if your text contains the comma (,) character. The star (*) modier to the key signies that the reference is to be merged with the previous reference into a single bibliographic entry, a common idiom in APS and AIP articles (see below, Ref. [2]). When references are merged in this way, they are separated by a semicolon instead of the period (full stop) that would otherwise appear. b. Eliding repeated information When a reference is merged, some of its elds may be elided: for example, when the author matches that of the previous reference, it is omitted. If both author and journal match, both are omitted. If the journal matches, but the author does not, the journal is replaced by ibid., as exemplied by Ref. [2]. These rules embody common editorial practice in APS and AIP journals and will only be in eect if the markup features of the APS and AIP BibTEX styles is employed. c. The options of the cite command itself Please note that optional arguments to the key change the reference in the bibliography, not the citation in the body of the document. For the latter, use the optional arguments of the \cite command itself: \cite *[pre-cite] [post-cite]{key-list }.

By default, citations are numerical[3]. Author-year citations are used when the journal is RMP. To give a textual citation, use \onlinecite{#1}: Refs. 1 and 4. By default, the natbib package automatically sorts your citations into numerical order and compresses runs of three or more consecutive numerical citations. REVTEX provides the ability to automatically change the punctuation when switching between journal styles that provide citations in square brackets and those that use a superscript style instead. This is done through the citeautoscript option. For instance, the journal style prb automatically invokes this option because Physical Review B uses superscript-style citations. The effect is to move the punctuation, which normally comes after a citation in square brackets, to its proper position before the superscript. To illustrate, we cite several together [1, 2, 46], and once again in dierent order (Refs. [1, 2, 46]). Note that the citations were both compressed and sorted. Futhermore, running this sample le under the prb option will move the punctuation to the correct place. When the prb class option is used, the \cite{#1} command displays the references number as a superscript rather than in square brackets. Note that the location of the \cite{#1} command should be adjusted for the reference style: the superscript references in prb style must appear after punctuation; otherwise the reference must appear before any punctuation. This sample was written for the regular (non-prb) citation style. The command \onlinecite{#1} in the prb style also displays the reference on the baseline.
3. References

A reference in the bibliography is specied by a \bibitem{#1} command with the same argument as the \cite{#1} command. \bibitem{#1} commands may be crafted by hand or, preferably, generated by BibTEX. REVTEX 4.1 includes BibTEX style les apsrev4-1.bst, apsrmp4-1.bst appropriate for Physical Review and Reviews of Modern Physics, respectively. To display titles for cited journal articles, use the longbibliography class option.
4. Example references

This sample le employs the \bibliography command, which formats the apssamp.bbl le and species which bibliographic databases are to be used by BibTEX (one of these should be by arXiv convention apssamp.bib). Running BibTEX (via bibtex A apssamp) after the rst pass of L TEX produces the le apssamp.bbl which contains the automatically formatted \bibitem commands (including extra markup

3 information via \bibinfo and \bibfield commands). If not using BibTEX, you will have to create the thebibiliography environment and its \bibitem commands by hand. Numerous examples of the use of the APS bibliographic entry types appear in the bibliography of this sample document. You can refer to the apssamp.bib le, and compare its information to the formatted bibliography itself. Just use \ref{#1}, where #1 is the same name that used in the \label{#1} command. Unnumbered single-line equations can be typeset using the \[, \] format: g+ g+ g+ g+g+ g+ . . . , q+ q+ q+ g+ g+ . . . .
A. Multiline equations



Multiline equations are obtained by using the eqnarray environment. Use the \nonumber command at the end of each line to avoid assigning a number:
e 2 2 M =igZ (4E1 E2 )1/2 (li )1 1 ,2 (g2 )2 2 (p2 ) (4) [j li i ]1 1 (p1 ), 2n4 viol |Mg |2 = gS (Q2 ) N n2 (N 2 1) 1 1 cf . S12 S12 perm i<j

Footnotes, produced using the \footnote{#1} command, usually integrated into the bibliography alongside the other entries. Numerical citation styles do this[7]; author-year citation styles place the footnote at the bottom of the text column. Note: due to the method used to place footnotes in the bibliography, you must re-run BibTEX every time you change any of your documents footnotes.




Inline math may be typeset using the $ delimiters. Bold math symbols may be achieved using the bm package and the \bm{#1} command it supplies. For instance, a bold can be typeset as $\bm{\alpha}$ giving . Fraktur and Blackboard (or open face or double struck) characters should be typeset using the \mathfrak{#1} and \mathbb{#1} commands respectively. Both are supplied by the amssymb package. For example, $\mathbb{R}$ gives R and $\mathfrak{G}$ gives G A In L TEX there are many dierent ways to display equations, and a few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will center by default. Use the class option fleqn to ush equations left. Below we have numbered single-line equations; this is the most common type of equation in Physical Review : + (p) [2|p|(|p| + pz )]

Note: Do not use \label{#1} on a line of a multiline equation if \nonumber is also used on that line. Incorrect cross-referencing will result. Notice the use \text{#1} for using a Roman font within a math environment. To set a multiline equation without any equation numbers, use the \begin{eqnarray*}, \end{eqnarray*} format:
2n4 viol |Mg |2 = gS (Q2 ) N n2 (N 2 1) 1 S S S perm 12 23 n1 i<j

1 . S12

To obtain numbers not normally produced by the automatic numbering, use the \tag{#1} command, where #1 is the desired equation number. For example, to get an equation number of (2.6 ), g + g + g + g + g + g + . . . , q + q + q + g + g + . . . . (2.6 )

|p| + pz px + ipy 1 A2
a b

, .

(1) (2)

1 1234567890abc1231234556

Note the open one in Eq. (2). Not all numbered equations will t within a narrow column this way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot t on the same line with a one-line equation: ab12345678abc123456abcdef 1234556 1 b A2

(3) When the \label{#1} command is used [cf. input for Eq. (2)], the equation can be referred to in text without knowing the equation number that TEX will assign to it.

a. A few notes on tags \tag{#1} requires the amsmath package. Place the \tag{#1} command before the \label{#1}, if any. The numbering produced by \tag{#1} does not aect the automatic numbering in REVTEX; therefore, the number must be known ahead of time, and it must be manually adjusted if other equations are added. \tag{#1} works with both single-line and multiline equations. \tag{#1} should only be used in exceptional casesdo not use it to number many equations in your paper. Please note that this feature of the amsmath package is not compatible with the hyperref (6.77u) package. Enclosing display math within \begin{subequations} and \end{subequations} will produce a set of equations that are labeled with letters, as shown in Eqs. (6b) and (6a) below. You

4 may include any number of single-line and multiline equations, although it is probably not a good idea to follow one display math directly after another.
2 2 e M =igZ (4E1 E2 )1/2 (li )1 (g2 )2 2 (p2 ) [i ]1 1 (p1 ).

Giving a \label{#1} command directly after the \begin{subequations}, allows you to reference all the equations in the subequations environment. For example, the equations in the preceding subequations environment were Eqs. (6).
1. Wide equations


abc123456abcdef 1234556

1 A2

a b


The equation that follows is set in a wide format, i.e., it spans the full page. The wide format is reserved for long equations that cannot easily be set in a single column:

e R(d) = g2

[Z (3, 21)]1 [Z (13, 2)]1 + 2 2 2 Q2 M W Q13 MW 12

+ xW Qe

[ (3, 21)]1 [ (13, 2)]1 + 2 2 2 Q2 M W Q13 MW 12


This is typed to show how the output appears in wide format. (Incidentally, since there is no blank line between the equation environment above and the start of this paragraph, this paragraph is not indented.)





REVTEX will automatically number such things as sections, footnotes, equations, gure captions, and table captions. In order to reference them in text, use the \label{#1} and \ref{#1} commands. To reference a particular page, use the \pageref{#1} command. The \label{#1} should appear within the section heading, within the footnote text, within the equation, or within the table or gure caption. The \ref{#1} command is used in text at the point where the reference is to be displayed. Some examples: Section I on page 1, Table I, and Fig. 1.

TABLE I. A table that ts into a single column of a twocolumn layout. Note that REVTEX 4 adjusts the intercolumn spacing so that the table lls the entire width of the column. Table captions are numbered automatically. This table illustrates left-, center-, decimal- and right-aligned columns, along with the use of the ruledtabular environment which sets the Scotch (double) rules above and below the alignment, per APS style. Lefta 1 10 100
a b

Figures and tables are usually allowed to oat, which A means that their placement is determined by L TEX, while the document is being typeset. Use the figure environment for a gure, the table environment for a table. In each case, use the \caption command within to give the text of the gure or table caption along with the \label command to provide a key for referring to this gure or table. The typical content of a gure is an image of some kind; that of a table is an alignment. Insert an image using either the graphics or graphix packages, which dene the \includegraphics{#1} command. (The two packages dier in respect of the optional arguments used to specify the orientation, scaling, and translation of the image.) To create an alignment, use the tabular environment. The best place to locate the figure or table environment is immediately following its rst reference in text; this sample document illustrates this practice for Fig. 1, which shows a gure that is small enough to t in a single column. In exceptional cases, you will need to move the oat

Test Figure

Centeredb 2 20 200

Decimal 3.001 30 300.0

Right 4 40 400 FIG. 1. A gure caption. The gure captions are automatically numbered.

Note a. Note b.

Wide Test Figure

FIG. 2. Use the gure* environment to get a wide gure that spans the page in twocolumn formatting.

TABLE II. This is a wide table that spans the full page width in a two-column layout. It is formatted using the table* environment. It also demonstates the use of \multicolumn in rows with entries that span more than one column.
1 D4h 5 D4h

Ion K Mn Cl He Ag

1st alternative (2e) + (2f ) (2g)a (a) + (b) + (c) + (d) (8r)a
1 . 4

2nd alternative (4i) (a) + (b) + (c) + (d) (2g)a (4j)a (4k)a

lst alternative (2c) + (2d) (4e) (4e)a (4g)a

2nd alternative (4f ) (2a) + (2b) (4h)a

The z parameter of these positions is z

earlier in the document, as was done with Table II: A L TEXs oat placement algorithms need to know about a full-page-width oat earlier. Fig. 2 has content that is too wide for a single column, so the figure* environment has been used. The content of a table is typically a tabular environment, giving rows of type in aligned columns. Column entries separated by &s, and each row ends with \\. The required argument for the tabular environment species how data are aligned in the columns. For instance, entries may be centered, left-justied, right-justied, aligned on a decimal point. Extra column-spacing may be be specied as well, although REVTEX 4 sets this spacing so that the columns ll the width of the table. Horizontal rules are typeset using the \hline command. The doubled (or Scotch) rules that appear at the top and bottom of a table can be achieved enclosing the tabular environment within a ruledtabular environment. Rows whose columns span multiple columns can be typeset using the \multicolumn{#1}{#2}{#3} command (for example, see the rst row of Table II).

Tables I, II, III, and IV show various eects. A table that ts in a single column employs the table environment. Table II is a wide table, set with the table* environment. Long tables may need to break across pages. The most straightforward way to accomplish this is to specify the [H] oat placement on the table or table* A environment. However, the L TEX 2 package longtable allows headers and footers to be specied for each page of the table. A simple example of the use of longtable can be found in the le summary.tex that is included with the REVTEX 4 distribution. There are two methods for setting footnotes within a

TABLE IV. A table with numerous columns that still ts into a single column. Here, several entries share the same footnote. A Inspect the L TEX input for this table to see exactly how it is done. Cu Ag Au Mg Zn Cd Hg Al Ga In Tl
a b c d e

TABLE III. Numbers in columns ThreeFive are aligned with the d column specier (requires the dcolumn package). Nonnumeric entries (those entries without a .) in a d column are aligned on the decimal point. Use the D specier for more complex layouts. One one He Ca
a b

Two two 2 Cb

Three three 2.77234 12537.64

Four four 45672. 37.66345

Five ve 0.69 86.37

r c ( ) A 0.800 0.990 1.150 0.490 0.300 0.530 0.550 0.230 0.310 0.460 0.480

r 0 ( ) A 14.10 15.90 15.90 17.60 15.20 17.10 17.80 15.80 16.70 18.40 18.90

r0 2.550 2.710 2.710 3.200 2.970 3.160 3.220 3.240 3.330 3.500 3.550

Sna Pbb Cac Srd Lib Nae Ke Rbc Csd Bae

r c ( ) A 0.680 0.450 0.750 0.900 0.380 0.760 1.120 1.330 1.420 0.960

r 0 ( ) A 1.870 1.930 2.170 2.370 1.730 2.110 2.620 2.800 3.030 2.460

r0 3.700 3.760 3.560 3.720 2.830 3.120 3.480 3.590 3.740 3.780

Some tables require footnotes. Some tables need more than one footnote.

Heres the Heres the Heres the Heres the And etc.

rst, from Ref. 2. second. third. fourth.

6 appendixes instead of regular sections. Therefore, the \appendix command should be used only onceto setup the section commands to act as appendixes. Thereafter normal section commands are used. The heading for a section can be left empty. For example, \appendix \section{}
Video 1. Students explain their initial idea about Newtons third law to a teaching assistant. Clip (a): same force. Clip (b): move backwards.

Clip A Frame

Clip B Frame

will produce an appendix heading that says APPENDIX A and \appendix \section{Background} will produce an appendix heading that says APPENDIX A: BACKGROUND (note that the colon is set automatically). If there is only one appendix, then the letter A should not appear. This is suppressed by using the star version of the appendix command (\appendix* in the place of \appendix).

table (these footnotes will be displayed directly below the table rather than at the bottom of the page or in the bibliography). The easiest and preferred method is just to use the \footnote{#1} command. This will automatically enumerate the footnotes with lowercase roman letters. However, it is sometimes necessary to have multiple entries in the table share the same footnote. In this case, there is no choice but to manually create the footnotes using \footnotemark[#1] and \footnotetext[#1]{#2}. #1 is a numeric value. Each time the same value for #1 is used, the same mark is produced in the table. The \footnotetext[#1]{#2} commands are placed after the A tabular environment. Examine the L TEX source and output for Tables I and IV for examples. Video 1 illustrates several features new with REVTEX4.1, starting with the video environment, which is in the same category with figure and table. The \setfloatlink command causes the title of the video to be a hyperlink to the indicated URL; it may be used with any environment that takes the \caption command. The \href command has the same signicance as it does in the context of the hyperref package: the second argument is a piece of text to be typeset in your document; the rst is its hyperlink, a URL. Physical Review style requires that the initial citation of gures or tables be in numerical order in text, so dont cite Fig. 2 until Fig. 1 has been cited.

Appendix B: A little more on appendixes

Observe that this appendix was started by using \section{A little more on appendixes} Note the equation number in an appendix: E = mc2 . (B1)


A subsection in an appendix

We wish to acknowledge the support of the author community in using REVTEX, oering suggestions and encouragement, testing new versions, . . . .
Appendix A: Appendixes

You can use a subsection or subsubsection in an appendix. Note the numbering: we are now in Appendix B 1. Note the equation numbers in this appendix, produced with the subequations environment: E = mc, E = mc2 , E mc3 . (B2a) (B2b) (B2c)

To start the appendixes, use the \appendix command. This signals that all following section commands refer to

They turn out to be Eqs. (B2a), (B2b), and (B2c).

[1] E. Witten, therein

(2001), hep-th/0106109, and references

[2] See the explanation of time travel in R. P. Feynman,

Phys. Rev. 94, 262 (1954); The classical relativistic treatment of A. Einstein, Yu. Podolsky, and N. Rosen (EPR), ibid. 47, 777 (1935) is a relative classic E. Beutler, in Williams Hematology, Vol. 2, edited by E. Beutler, M. A. Lichtman, B. W. Coller, and T. S. Kipps (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994) Chap. 7, pp. 654 662, 5th ed. N. D. Birell and P. C. W. Davies, Quantum Fields in Curved Space (Cambridge University Press, 1982). J. G. P. Berman and J. F. M. Izrailev, Physica D 88, 445 (1983). E. B. Davies and L. Parns, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 51, 477 (1988). Automatically placing footnotes into the bibliography requires using BibTeX to compile the bibliography. E. Beutler, in Williams Hematology, Vol. 2, edited by E. Beutler, M. A. Lichtman, B. W. Coller, and T. S. Kipps (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994) 5th ed., Chap. 7, pp. 654662. D. E. Knuth, in Fundamental Algorithms, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1 (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1973) Section 1.2, pp. 10119, 2nd ed., a full INBOOK entry. J. S. Smith and G. W. Johnson, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. B 777, 1395 (2005). W. J. Smith, T. J. Johnson, and B. G. Miller, Surface chemistry and preferential crystal orientation on a silicon surface, (2010), J. Appl. Phys. (unpublished). V. K. Smith, K. Johnson, and M. O. Klein, Surface chemistry and preferential crystal orientation on a silicon surface, (2010), J. Appl. Phys. (submitted). U. Underwood, N. Net, and P. Pot, Lower bounds for wishful research results, (1988), talk at Fanstord University (A full UNPUBLISHED entry). M. P. Johnson, K. L. Miller, and K. Smith, personal communication (2007). J. Smith, ed., AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 841 (2007). W. V. Oz and M. Yannakakis, eds., Proc. Fifteenth Annual, All ACM Conferences No. 17, ACM (Academic Press, Boston, 1983) a full PROCEEDINGS entry. Y. Burstyn, Proceedings of the 5th International Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Santa Fe, NM, (2004), (unpublished). B. Quinn, ed., Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, 12-16 May 2005 (Wiley, New York, 2001) albeit the conference was held in 2005, it was the 2003 conference, and the proceedings were published in 2001; go gure. A. G. Agarwal, Semiconductors 66, 1238 (2001). R. Smith, J. Appl. Phys. (these proceedings) (2001), abstract No. DA-01. J. Smith, Proc. SPIE 124, 367 (2007), required title is missing. T. Trric, An O(n log n/log log n) Sorting Algorithm, e Wishful Research Result 7 (Fanstord University, Computer Science Department, Fanstord, California, 1988) a full TECHREPORT entry. J. Nelson, TWI Report 666/1999 (Jan. 1999) required institution missing. [24] W. K. Fields, ECE Report No. AL944 (2005) required institution missing. [25] Y. M. Zalkins, e-print arXiv:cond-mat/040426 (2008). [26] J. Nelson, U.S. Patent No. 5,693,000 (12 Dec. 2005). [27] J. K. Nelson, M.S. thesis, New York University (1999). [28] E. Masterly, Mastering Thesis Writing, Masters project, Stanford University, English Department (1988), a full MASTERSTHESIS entry. [29] S. M. Smith, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003). [30] S. R. Kawa and S.-J. Lin, J. Geophys. Res. 108, 4201 (2003), DOI:10.1029/2002JD002268. [31] F. P. Phony-Baloney, Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning French Phrases, PhD dissertation, Fanstord University, Department of French (1988), a full PHDTHESIS entry. [32] D. E. Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd ed., The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2 (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1981) a full BOOK entry. [33] J. C. Knvth, The programming of computer art, Vernier Art Center, Stanford, California (1988), a full BOOKLET entry. [34] R. Ballagh and C. Savage, Bose-einstein condensation: from atomic physics to quantum uids, proceedings of the 13th physics summer school, (World Scientic, Singapore, 2000) cond-mat/0008070. [35] R. Ballagh and C. Savage, in Proceedings of the 13th Physics Summer School, edited by C. Savage and M. Das (World Scientic, Singapore, 2000) cond-mat/0008070. [36] W. Opechowski and R. Guccione, Introduction to the theory of normal metals, in Magnetism, Vol. IIa, edited by G. T. Rado and H. Suhl (Academic Press, New York, 1965) p. 105. [37] W. Opechowski and R. Guccione, in Magnetism, Vol. IIa, edited by G. T. Rado and H. Suhl (Academic Press, New York, 1965) p. 105. [38] W. Opechowski and R. Guccione, in Magnetism, Vol. IIa, edited by G. T. Rado and H. Suhl (Academic Press, New York, 1965) p. 105. [39] J. M. Smith, Molecular dynamics, (Academic, New York, 1980). [40] V. E. Zakharov and A. B. Shabat, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 61, 118 (1971), [Sov. Phys. JETP 34, 62 (1972)]. [41] J. M. Smith, in Molecular Dynamics, edited by C. Brown (Academic, New York, 1980). [42] D. D. Lincoll, in High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization, Fast Computers No. 23, edited by D. J. Lipcoll, D. H. Lawrie, and A. H. Sameh (Academic Press, New York, 1977) 3rd ed., Part 3, pp. 179183, a full INCOLLECTION entry. [43] A. V. Oaho, J. D. Ullman, and M. Yannakakis, in Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM, Boston, 1982, All ACM Conferences No. 17, edited by W. V. Oz and M. Yannakakis, ACM (Academic Press, New York, 1983) pp. 133139, a full INPROCEDINGS entry. [44] L. Manmaker, The Denitive Computer Manual, ChipsR-Us, Silicon Valley, silver ed. (1986), a full MANUAL entry.


[4] [5] [6] [7] [8]


[10] [11]



[14] [15] [16]

[17] [18]

[19] [20] [21] [22]


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