7686 Sigmacap Coaltar EP
7686 Sigmacap Coaltar EP
7686 Sigmacap Coaltar EP
June 2008
general purpose two component high build polyamide cured coal tar epoxy coating - tar epoxy coating for steel and concrete structures - easy to apply - relatively long pot life at elevated temperatures - very good corrosion resistance - resistant to chemically polluted water - good abrasion resistance brown or black - semi gloss ( for mixed product ) approx. 1.4g/cm approx. 82% by volume max. 171 g/l 75 - 300 m* 10.9 m/ltr for 75 m* approx. 6 hours min. 6 hours* max. 20 days* 10 days at least 12 months base 27 C - hardener 28 C
COLOUR AND GLOSS BASIC DATA AT 20 C Mass density Solids content VOC (supplied) Recommended dry film thickness Theoretical spreading rate Touch dry after Overcoating interval Full cure after Shelf life (cool, dry place) Flashpoint * see additional data RECOMMENDED SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS
- concrete; dry and free from any contamination - steel; immersed conditions; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 atmospheric conditions; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2 - pervious coat of epoxy primer; within overcoating interval and free from any contamination - substrate temperature must be above 5 C and at least 3 C above the dew point
please turn
June 2008
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE - mixing ratio: by volume; base to hardener 89 : 11
- the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should be above 15 C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain the correct application viscosity - too much solvent will result in lower sag resistance and slower cure - thinner should only be added after proper mixing of the base and hardener Induction time at 20 C Pot life at 20 C AIRLESS SPRAY Recommended thinner Volume of thinner Nozzle orifice Nozzle pressure AIR SPRAY Recommended thinner Volume of thinner Nozzle orifice Nozzle pressure BRUSH AND ROLLER Recommended thinner Volume of thinner CLEANING SOLVENT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS none 6 hours* Sigma thinner 91-92 (flashpoint 20 C) 0 - 5% approx. 0.48 mm (0.019 inch) 150 bar (approx. 2100 p.s.i.) Sigma thinner 91-92 (flashpoint 20 C) 5 - 10% 1.5 - 3.0 mm 3 - 4 bar (approx. 43 - 57 p.s.i.) Sigma thinner 91-92 (flashpoint 20 C) 0 - 5% Sigma thinner 90-53 (flashpoint 30 C) see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and MSDS 7686 for information on LEL and TLV values this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate Dry film thickness in microns (m) Theoretical spreading rate (m/l)
75 10.9
125 6.9
200 4.1 75 m 75 m
300 2.7
Minimum dft for closed film with airless spray: Maximum dft for brush application:
Sheet two
June 2008
20 C 8 hours 20 days
30 C 6 hours 18 days
Curing table
adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing (refer sheets 1433 and 1434) Pot life (at application viscosity) Paint temperature 20 C 30 C 40 C Pot life 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
Limitation of Liability - The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the products made by Sigma Paints, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end users responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use. Sigma Paints has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and application of the product. Sigma Paints does therefore not accept any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise). The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product development. This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the users responsibility to ensure that this sheet is current prior to using the product.