Index......2 Study and Evaluation Schemes Year I, Semester-I...................................................................................................................4 Year I, Semester-II.................................................................................................................5 Year II, Semester-III..............................................................................................................6 Year II, Semester-IV...............................................................................................................7 Year III, Semester-V...............................................................................................................8 Year III, Semester-VI.............................................................................................................9 Year IV, Semester-VII..........................................................................................................10 Year IV, Semester-VIII........................................................................................................11 List of Electives.....................................................................................................................12 List of Open Electives...........................................................................................................13 Electronics Engineering......................................................................................................14 Solid State Devices and Circuits..........................................................................................15 Solid State Devices and Circuits Lab..................................................................................16 Digital Electronics.................................................................................................................17 Electromagnetic Field Theory.............................................................................................18 Signal and Systems................................................................................................................19 Electronic Workshop and PCB Lab...................................................................................20 Digital Electronics Lab.........................................................................................................20 Microprocessors ..................................................................................................................21 Antennas and Microwaves...................................................................................................22 Analog Communication .......................................................................................................23 Analog Communication Lab................................................................................................24 Microprocessor Lab .............................................................................................................24 Analog Integrated Circuits..................................................................................................25 Digital Communication........................................................................................................26 Advanced Instrumentation..................................................................................................27 VLSI Design...........................................................................................................................28 Analog Integrated Circuits Lab..........................................................................................29 VLSI Design Lab ..................................................................................................................29 Computer Networks ............................................................................................................30 2
Digital Signal Processing......................................................................................................31 DSP Lab.................................................................................................................................32 Electives I and II...................................................................................................................33 Satellite Communication......................................................................................................34 VLSI Technology..................................................................................................................35 Optoelectronics......................................................................................................................36 Radar Engineering................................................................................................................37 Fuzzy Logic with Electronics Engineering Applications..................................................38 Mobile Communications......................................................................................................39 VLSI System Design.............................................................................................................40 Advanced Semiconductor Devices......................................................................................41 Microwave Engineering.......................................................................................................42 Biomedical Electronics.........................................................................................................43 Optical Communication.......................................................................................................44 Wireless Communication.....................................................................................................45 Communication Lab.............................................................................................................46 Electives III and IV ..............................................................................................................47 Telecommunication Switching............................................................................................48 Digital System Design Using VHDL...................................................................................49 Advanced Microprocessor ..................................................................................................50 Image Processing...................................................................................................................51 Virtual Instrumentation.......................................................................................................52 Information Theory and Coding.........................................................................................53 Embedded Systems...............................................................................................................54 Architecture and Applications of Digital Signal Processors ...........................................55 Optical Networks .................................................................................................................56 Biomedical Signal Processing..............................................................................................57
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MA PHY EE ME HU HU PHY HU EE Mathematics I Physics Electrical Engineering Engineering Mechanics Professional Communication Remedial English
Practical /Design/Drawing
Physics Language Lab Electrical Engineering General Proficiency 10 10 30 10 10 20 20 20 50 50 50 1 50 1 100 2 50 1000
TA- Teachers assessment ESE- End semester examination CT- cumulative test Note- Duration of ESE shall be 3 (Three) hours for subjects carrying 100 marks and 2 (Two) hours for those carrying 50 marks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MA CHY ET CS CE CE CHY CS WS Mathematics II Chemistry Electronics Engineering Concepts of Computer and C programming Engineering Graphics Environment and Ecology
Practical /Design/Drawing
Chemistry Computer Lab Workshop Practice General Proficiency 10 10 30 10 10 20 20 20 50 50 -
TA- Teachers assessment ESE- End semester examination CT- cumulative test Note- Duration of ESE shall be 3 (Three) hours for subjects carrying 100 marks and 2 (Two) hours for those carrying 50 marks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. HMA302 HEE303 HEE302 HET301 HPH301 HEE353 HMA352 HET351 HGP301 Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Techniques (CONST) Networks Analysis and Synthesis Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments Solid State Devices And Circuits Solid State Physics
Network Lab Numerical Techniques (CONST) Lab Solid State Devices and Circuits Lab General Proficiency Total
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HCS405 HET401 HEE405 HET402 HET403 HCS455 HEE455 HET452 HET451 HGP401 Data Structures Digital Electronics Electrical Machines Electromagnetic Field Theory Signals and Systems
Data Structures Lab Electrical Machines Lab Electronic Workshop and PCB Lab Digital Electronics Lab General Proficiency Total
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HU EE ET ET ET ET ET GP Engineering Economics & Management Automatic Control System Microprocessors Antenna and Microwaves Analog Communication
Analog Communication Lab Microprocessor Lab General Proficiency Total 2X2 30 2X2 30 8 -
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EE ET ET ET ET EE ET ET GP Fundamentals of Power Electronics Analog Integrated Circuits Digital Communication Advanced Instrumentation VLSI Design
Power Electronics and Control Lab Analog Integrated Circuits Lab VLSI Design Lab General Proficiency Total
Note- 4 to 6 Weeks Industrial Interaction after VI semester exam to be evaluated in VII semester
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CS ET ET ET Open Elective Computer Network Digital Signal Processing Elective-I Elective-II
Industrial Interaction Seminar Project Digital Signal Processing Lab General Proficiency Total
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ET ET ET ET ET ET GP Optical Communication Wireless Communication Elective-III Elective-IV
Project* Communication Lab General Proficiency Total
* Out of 12 periods, 2 periods per week should be allotted for a group and 10 periods per week should be allotted for self studies & project work.
List of Electives
Electives I
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Satellite Communications VLSI Technology Optoelectronics Radar Engineering Fuzzy Logic with Electronics Engineering Applications
Electives II
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mobile Communication VLSI System Design Advanced Semiconductor Devices Microwave Biomedical Electronics
Electives III
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Telecommunication Switching Digital System Design Using VHDL Advanced Microprocessor Image Processing Virtual Instrumentation
Electives IV
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Information Theory and Coding Embedded Systems Architecture and Application of Digital Signal Processors Optical Networks Bio Medical Signal Processing
Electronics Engineering
Introduction to Semiconductors, P-N Junction Diode, V-I Characteristics, Diode Models and Ideal Diode, Diode Application as Rectifier (Half Wave & Full Wave), Diode Circuits- Clippers and Clampers, Zener Diode and its Applications. Bipolar Junction Transistor, CE Configuration, Characteristic Curves (Cut-Off, Active and Saturation Region), Biasing, Transistor as a Switch, Transistor as an Amplifier: Concept of Voltage Gain, Current Gain and Power Gain. Operational Amplifiers: Concepts of Ideal Op-Amp, Inverting, Non-Inverting and Unity Gain Amplifiers, Adders, Difference Amplifier, Integrators and Differentiators, Introduction to Oscillators, 555 Timer; Astable and Monostable Multivibrators, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Concept of Universal Gate. Basic Combinational Circuits, Adder, Subtractor, Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops, Registers & Ripple Counter Electronics Instruments: Digital Multi-meter, CRO, Function Generator & its Applications
Text Books: 1. Malvino, A.P. / Electronics Principles / Tata McGraw-Hill / 6th Ed. 2. Boylestad, Robert & Nashelsky, Louis / Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory / Prentice Hall of India / 8th Ed. 3. Bhargava , Kulshreshtha & Gupta / Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits / Tata McGraw-Hill 4. Malvino & Leach / Digital Principles & Applications / Tata McGraw-Hill / 5th Edition Reference Books: 1. Sedra, Adel S., Smith, Kenneth C. / Microelectronic Circuits/ Oxford University Press / 5th Edition 2. Grob, Bernard & Schultz, Mitchel E. / Basic Electronics, / Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Neamen, Donald A. / Semiconductor Physics & Devices"/ Tata McGraw-Hill 4. Millman and Grabel / Microelectronics/ McGraw Hill.
Digital Electronics
Logic Families: CMOS Logic, CMOS Dynamic Electrical Behaviour, Bipolar Logic: Diode Logic, Transistor Logic Inverter, TTL Logic, NMOS, CMOS / TTL Interface, ECL Number System: Representation of Negative Numbers & 1s Complement, 10s Complement, Arithmetic Using 2s Complement. Minimization of Boolean Function, Dont-Care Input Combinations, K-Map Minimization Using Tabular Method Combinational Logic Design: Decoders, Encoders, Tri State Devices, Multiplexers, Comparator, Adder, Subtractor, ALU Sequential Logic Design: Latches & Flip-Flops, Clock Synchronous State Machine Analysis & Design, Designing State Machine using State Diagram, Timing analysis of digital circuits, Counter, Counter Design, Shift Registers, Introduction to HDL Memory, CPLDs & FPGAs: ROM, R/W Memory, SRAM, DRAM, CPLD, FPGA Text Books: 1. Wakerly, John F. / Digital Design Principles & Practices / Pearson Education / 3rd Ed. References Books: 1. Bartee , Thomas C. / Fundamentals of Digital Computers/ Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Gopalan, K. Gopal / Introduction To Digital Microelectronic Circuits / Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Taub, Herbert & Schilling, Donald / Digital Integrated Electronics/ Tata McGrawHill 4. Millman, Jocob & Taub, Herbert / Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveforms / Tata McGraw-Hill 5. Mano, M. Morris / Digital Design/ Prentice Hall / 6. Malvino, A.P. & Leach, Donald P. / Digital Principles & Applications / Tata McGraw-Hill 7. Mano, M. Morris / Digital Logic and Computer Design/ Prentice Hall (India) 8. Tokheim, H. Roger L. /Digital Electronics Principles & Application/ Tata McGrawHill / 6th Ed.
Text Books: 1. Oppenheim, Alan V. & Willsky, Alan S. / Signals and Systems / Prentice Hall (India) / 2nd Ed. 2. Haykin, Simon / Signals and Systems / John Wiley / Reference Books: 1. Proakis, J.G. and Manolakis, D.G. / Digital Signal Processing: Principles Algorithms and Applications / Pearson Education / Prentice Hall (India) 2. Roberts, M.J. / Signals and Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Ambardar, Ashok /Analog and Digital Signal Processing/ Thomson/ 2nd Ed. 4. Mitra, S.K. / Digital Signal Processing / Tata McGraw-Hill 5. Chen 'Signals & Systems, Oxford University, Press.
Introduction to Microprocessors: Introduction to 8085: Architecture, Programming. Evolution of microprocessors, Register structure, ALU, Bus Organization, Timing and Control. Architecture of 16-bit and 32-bit Microprocessors: Internal Organization of 8086, Bus Interface Unit, Execution unit, Register Organization,Memory Organization, Bus Cycle. Assembly Language Programming: Addressing Modes, Data Transfer Instructions, Arithmetic and Logic instructions, Program Control Instructions (jumps, conditional jumps, subroutine call) Loop and string instructions, Assembler Directives. CPU Module Design: Signal Description of pins of 8086 and 8088, Clock generation, Address and Data bus Demultiplexing, Buffering Memory Organization, Read and Write cycle Timings, Interrupt Structures, Minimum Mode CPU Module, Maximum Mode operation. Basic I/O Interfacing: Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, DMA , Parallel I/O (8255- PPI, Centronics Parallel port), Serial I/O( 8251/8250,RS-232 Standard) 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller, 8237-DMA Controller, 8253/8254, Programmable Timer/Counter, ADC and DAC interfacing, Memory Interfacing. Text Books: 1. Brey, Barry B. / INTEL microprocessors / Prentice Hall (India) /4th Ed. 2. Gaonkar, Ramesh S. / Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Pen ram International Publishing / 5th Ed. 3. Liu and Gibson G.A. / Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family / Prentice Hall (India) / 2nd Ed. 4. Hall D.V. / Microprocessors Interfacing /Tata McGraw Hill / 2nd Ed. Reference Books: 1. Singh, B.P. / Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / New Age International 2. Ray, A.K. & Burchandi, K.M./ Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing/ Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Ayala, Kenneth J. / The 8086 Microprocessor Programming & Interfacing The PC/ Pen ram International Publishing (India) Limited.
Analog Communication
Communication (Transmission) System: Elements of Communication System and its Limitations, Mismatch between Signal & Channel- Modification of Channel or Modification of Signal, Modulation Benefits and Application, An Overview of Different types of ModulationsAnalog & Digital, In Analog- Amplitude & Angle (Frequency & Phase) Modulation Amplitude (Linear) Modulation: Generation and Detection of DSB, SSB and VSB, Carrier Acquisition, AM Transmitter and Receiver Angle (Exponential) Modulation: Types of Angle Modulation, Concepts of Instantaneous Frequency, Wide band & Narrow band FM, Generation and Detection of FM, Generation and Detection of PM, FDM Noise: Random Variable & Random Processes, Stationary Processes, Ergodic Processes, Transmission Through LTI, Power Spectral Density, Gaussian Processes, External and Internal Source of Noise, Thermal Noise, Voltage and Current models of a noisy resistor, Calculation of thermal noise in RC circuits, Shot Noise, Noise Figure, Noise Temperature, Equivalent Noise Band width, Noise Figure for cascaded networks Noise Performance of C. W. Modulation Systems: Noise In DSB-SC, SSB-SC, & AM System Noise in FM and PM, FM Threshold and its extension, Pre Emphasis and De Emphasis in FM Text Books: 1. Haykin, S. / Communication Systems / John Wiley & Sons / 4th Ed. 2. Kennedy, G. & Davis, B. / Electronic Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill. References Books: 1. Taub, Herbert & Schilling, Donald L. / Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Carlson, A. Bruce, Crilly, Paul B. & Rutledge, Janet C. / Communication Systems an Introduction to Signals & Noise in Electrical Communication/ Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. Lathi, B. P. / Modern Analog & Digital Communication Systems / Oxford University Press 4. Kennedy, George & Davis, Bernard / Electronic Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill / 4th Ed. 5. Singh, R.P. & Sapre, S.D. / Communication Systems: Analog & Digital / Tata McGraw- Hill.
Microprocessor Lab
8085/8086 Based Experiments: 1. Signed and unsigned binary addition. 2. Signed Multiplication. 3. Signed and unsigned binary division.
Digital Communication
Elements of Digital Communication and Information Theory: Model of a Digital Communication System, Introduction to Information Theory, Source Coding, Digital Base band Transmission: PCM Coding / DM / DPCM / ADCM, Data Transfer Rate, PAM, PWM, PPM, Line Coding and Its Properties, NRZ & RZ Types, Signalling Format For Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar(AMI) & Manchester Coding and their Power Spectra (No Derivation) Matched Filter Reciver, Derivation of Its Impulse Response and Peak Pulse Signal to Noise Ratio, Correlation Detector, Decision Threshold and Error Probability for Binary Unipolar (On-Off) Signalling, ISI, Nyquist Criterion For Zero ISI & Raised Cosine Spectrum. Digital Modulation Techniques: Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, Types of Digital Modulation, Waveforms for Amplitude, Frequency and Phase Shift Keying, Method of Generation and Detection Of Coherent & Non-Coherent Binary ASK, FSK & PSK, Differential Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Modulation Techniques, QPSK, Probability of Error and Comparison of Various Digital Modulation Techniques Digital Multiplexing: Fundamentals of Time Division Multiplexing, Electronic Commutator, Bit, Byte Interleaving T1 Carrier System, Synchronization and Signaling of E1, TDM, PCM Hierarchy, Introduction to spread spectrum communication, CDMA Error Control Coding: Error Free Communication over a Noise Channel, Linear Block Codes, Cyclic Codes, Convolution Codes Text Book: 1. Haykin, Simon / Communication Systems / John Wiley / 4th Ed.
References Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Simon Haykin / Digital Communication / John Wiley. Taub & Schilling / Principles of Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill / Singh, R.P. & Sapre, S.D. / Communication Systems: Analog & Digital / Tata McGraw-Hill. Lathi, B.P / Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems / Oxford University Press / A.B. Carlson / Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill. Prokis J.J / Digital Communications / McGraw Hill / Charkrabarti, P. / Analog Communication Systems / Dhanpat Rai & Co. Schaums Outlines / Analog & Digital Communication / Tata McGraw-Hill. Kennedy, George & Davis, Bernard / Electronic communication systems / Tata McGraw-Hill
Advanced Instrumentation
Measurement of Non Electrical Quantities: Measurement of Temperature: Absolute, Thermodynamic Scale, Bimetallic Element, Fluid Expansion Systems, Pressure: Manometers, Ring Balance Manometer & Bell Type Manometer, Bellows Element, Bourdon Tube Elements, Force: Helical Spiral Springs, Cantilever Beams, Loads Cells, Liquid Level: Float Element, Level to Pressure Converters, Level to force Converters Flow Passive Electrical Transducers: Resistive: Resistance Thermometers, Resistive Displacement Transducer, Resistive Strain Transducer, Resistive Pressure Transducer, Inductive: Inductive Thickness Transducers, Inductive Displacement Transducers, Eddy Current Type Inductive Transducers, Capacitive: Capacitive Thickness Transducers, Capacitive Displacement Transducer Active Electrical Transducers: Thermo Electric Transducers, Piezo Electric Transducers: Force Transducers, Strain Transducers, Torque Transducers, Pressure Transducers, Photo Electric Transducers, Digital Transducers: Digital Displacement Transducers, Digital Tachometers Telemetry and Data Acquisition System: Telemetry: Introduction & Characteristics, Land Line Telemetry, Radio Telemetry, Components of an Analog Data Acquisition System, Components of an Digital Data Acquisition System, Types of Multiplexing Systems, Uses of Data Acquisition Systems, Use of Recorders in Digital Systems, Modern Digital Data Acquisition System Advance Measuring Instruments: Data Loggers, Digital Read Out Systems, Digital Input Output devices, Digital Storage CRO, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer, Microwave Instruments: Vector Network analyzer, power meter Text Books: 1. Shawhney, A.K. / Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Measuring Instruments / Dhanpat Rai & Co. / 2001 2. Doebilin, E.O. / Measurement Systems / McGraw Hill 3. Murty, D.B.S. / Transducers & Instrumentation / Prentice Hall (India) / 1999 4. Anand, M.M.S. / Electronic Instruments & Instrumentation Technology / Prentice Hall (India) / 2004 Reference books: 1. Cooper, W.D. & Helfrick, A.D. / Modern Electronic Instrument & Measurement Techniques / Prentice Hall (India) / 2000. 2. Oliver & Cage / Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation / McGraw Hill.
VLSI Design
Introduction: Issues in Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Quality Metrics of a Digital Design The Manufacturing Process: Manufacturing CMOS Integrated Circuits, Design Rules, IC Layout, Packaging Integrated Circuits The Devices: Spice Diode Model, The MOSFET Transistors: The MOS Transistor Under Static Condition, Secondary Effects, Spice Models For the MOS Transistors, Scaling, Circuit Simulation The CMOS Inverter: The Static CMOS Inverter, Performance of CMOS Inverter, Power, Energy and Energy Delay Designing Combinational Logic Gates in CMOS: Static CMOS Design, Dynamic CMOS Design, Simulation and Layout Techniques for Logic Gates Designing Sequential Logic Circuits: Static Latches and Register, Dynamic Latches and Register Designing Arithmetic Building Blocks: Data Paths in Digital Processors, Adders, Designing Memory and Implementation Strategies For Digital ICs, From Custom to Semi Custom and Structured Array Design Approaches Custom Circuit Design, Cell Based Design Methodology, Array Based Implementation Approaches Text Books: 1. Rebaey, John M. & Chandrakasan, Anantha & Nikolic, Borivoje / Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Prospective / Pearson Education / 2nd Ed. References Books: 1. Kang, Sun-mo & Leblebici, Yusuf / CMOS Digital integrated Circuits, Analysis & Design/ Tata McGraw-Hill / 3rd Ed. 2. Pucknell, Douglas A. & Eshraghian, Kamran / Basic VLSI Design/ Prentice Hall (India). 3. Razavi, Behzad / Design of Analog CMOS integrated circuits / Tata McGraw-Hill. 4. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design- Systems on Silicon / Addison-Wesley / 2nd Ed. 5. Geiger, R.L., Allen, P.E. & Strader, N.R. / VLSI: Design Techniques for Analog & Digital Circuits / McGraw-Hill. 6. Weste, N.H.E. & Eshraghian, K. / Principles of CMOS VLSI Design / Pearson Education Asia 7. Gopalan, K. / Introduction to Digital Microelectronics Circuits / Tata McGraw- Hill. 8. Millman and Grabel / Microelectronics/ McGraw Hill. 9. Tsividis, Yannis / "Operation & Modeling of the MOS Transistor" / Oxford University Press.
2. Layout Design of NMOS and CMOS Inverter using Layout Generator 3. Layout Design of Two Input NAND Gate 4. Simulation of Full Adder using HDL 5. Simulation of MUX using VHDL 6. Simulation of RS Flip Flop.
Computer Networks
Data Transmission Basics: Review of Digital Data Analog Modulation and Digital Formats. Data Rates, Baud Rates, Channel Capacity, Mediums for Communication. Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Communication ISO-0S1 Model And TCP/IP Model of Network. Protocols and Services. Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services, Their Interpretation At Different Layers. Quality of Services. Design Issues for Different Layers. Data Link Layer Design Issues: Services Provided To Network Layer Framing: Necessity And Techniques. Error Control Feature And Review Of Techniques. Flow Control: Sliding Window Protocols: Go Back N, Selective Repeat. Example Data Link Protocols: SLIP, PPP. Medium Access Sub Layer in Broadcast Channels. ALOHAS: Analysis. CSMA Protocols, Collision Detection. Collision Free Protocols: Binary Countdown, Limited Contention Protocols: Adaptive Tree Walk Compromise between High Load Channel Utilization And Low Load Delay. Examples Of IEEE 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.6 LAN/MAN Framing, Medium, Operation And MAC. 802.3 Performance. Switches. Fast Ethernet, Bridges. 802.2: LLC, FDDI. Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11. Network Layer: Services Provided To Transport Layer. Routing Algorithms: Dijkstras Algorithm for Shortest Path, Flooding Flow Based Routing, Distance Vector Routing, Link State Routing, Hierarchical Routing, and Routing For Mobile Hosts. Congestion Control: Leaky Bucket & Token Bucket Algorithms, Congestion Control In Virtual Circuit Subnets: Choke Packets, Internetworking. Internet, IP Address, IP Protocol Basics Transport Layer: Services Provided To The Upper Layers Elements Of Transport Protocols: Addressing, Establishing And Releasing Connection, Flow Control & Buffering, Multiphasing Crash Recovery. TCP & UDP. Text Books: 1. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. / Computer Networks / Prentice Hall (India) / 3rd Ed. Reference Books :
1. Bertsekas & Gallager / Data Networks /Prentice Hall (India) 2. Black U. / Computer Networks: Protocols, Standards and Interfaces / Prentice Hall (India) / 2nd Ed. 3. Shay, William A. / Understanding Data communications & Networks / Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 4. Michael A Miller / Data & Network Communications / Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. Palmer, Michael & Sinclair, Robart Bruce / A Guide to Designing and Implementing Local & Wide Area Networks / Vikas Publication.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sampling & Waveform Generation. Quantization PCM Encoding Delta Modulation DFT Computation. Fast Fourier Transform Implementation. FIR Filter implementation. IIR Filter implementation. DSP Processor Implementation Computational Experiments with Digital Filters.
7. 8. 9. 10.
Electives I and II
Satellite Communication
Introduction: Origin & Brief History of Satellite Communication, Orbital Mechanism & Launching of Satellite: Equation of Orbit, Locating the Satellite in the Orbit, Look Angles Calculation, ORBITAL Perturbations, Mechanics of Launching a Satellite. Spacecraft Introduction to Satellite Subsystems: Telemetry, Tracking & Command, Communication Subsystem, Spacecraft Antenna Systems Satellite Link Design G/T Ratio of Earth Station, Design of Downlinks, Design of Uplinks, Design for Specified C/N, System Design, Propagation Effects, FM Detection Theory, S/N Improvement, Analog FM Links, Digital Transmission, Baseband and Band-pass Transmission of Digital Data, Digital Links. Multiple Access Techniques FDMA, Calculation of C/N with Intermodulation, TDMA, Bits, Symbols and Channels, TDMA Frame Structure, Synchronization in TDMA Networks, Satellite Switched TDMA, DAMA, FDMA-SCPC-DA, Random Access, CDMA, Spread Spectrum Transmission and Reception. Direct Broadcast Satellite Television and Radio, Satellite Navigation and GPS Introduction to Digital DBS TV, System Design, Satellite Radio Broadcasting Introduction to Satellite Navigation and Global Positioning System Text Books:
Pratt, T, Bostian, C.W. and Allnutt, J. E. / Satellite Communications / John Wiley and Sons / 2nd Ed. Reference Books: 1. Pratt, T. and Bostian, C.W. / Satellite Communications / John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 2. Ha, Tri T. / Digital Satellite Communications / Macmillan Publishing Company 3. Richharia, M. / Mobile Satellite Communications / Pearson Education
4. Roddy, D./ Satellite Communication/ Prentice Hall (India) 5. D.C. Agarwal / Satellite Communication / Khanna Publishing.
6. Raja Rao, K. N. / Fundamentals of Satellite Communication / Prentice Hall (India)
VLSI Technology
Crystal Growth & Wafer Characterization: Electronic Grade Silicon, CZ Crystal Growing, Silicon Shaping, Processing Consideration. Epitaxy: Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Silicon on Insulators Oxidation: Growth Mechanism, Thin Oxides, Oxide Properties, Oxidation Induced Defects Lithography: Optical Lithography, Electron Lithography, X-Ray Lithography, Ion Lithography Reactive Plasma Etching: Feature Size Control and Anisotropic, Etch Mechanisms, Reactive Plasma Etching Techniques and Equipment Dielectric and Polysilicon Film Deposition: Deposition Processes, Poly Silicon, Silicon Dioxide, Silicon Nitride Diffusion: Models of Diffusion in Solids, Ficks One Dimensional Diffusion Equations, Atomic Diffusion Mechanisms Ion Implantation: Range Theory, Implantation Equipment, Annealing Metallization: Metallization Applications, Metallization Choice, Physical Vapour Deposition, Patterning, Bipolar IC Technology Introduction to MOS: MOS, CMOS IC Technology, Metal Gate, Poly Silicon Gate, PChannel, N- Channel Devices, Enhancement Mode and Depletion Mode Devices and their Characteristics Text Books: 1. Sze, S.M./ VLSI Technology / Tata McGraw-Hill / 2nd Ed. 2. Streetman, B.G. & Banerjee, Sanjay / Solid State Electronic Devices / Prentice Hall (India) / 5th Ed. Reference Books: 1. Campbell, Stephen A. / The Science & Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication / Oxford University Press. 2. Gandhi, S. / VLSI Fabrication Principle / John Wiley
Wave guide and Optical fibers Total internal reflection, Dielectric Slab waveguides, Optical fiber waveguides, Step & graded index optical fibers, modes of propagation. Losses in fibers, Fiber jointing, Fiber materials & manufacture & fiber cables Photo Sources p-n junction, Injection Luminescence & the light emitting diode, materials, construction & drive Circuitry, LED power &efficiency, LED characteristics & modulation bandwidth. Lasers: Emission & absorption of radiation, Einstein relations, Population inversion, Optical feed back, Threshold conditions, Laser modes. Semiconductor Lasers Photo Detectors Optical detection principles, Absorption, Quantum efficiency, Responsivity, Long wavelength cut-off, P-N photodiode, Speed of response, Noise, Avalanche photodiode, Multiplication factor Electro- optic Effects Integrated optical devices, Optical bistability & Digital optics, Optical computation, Magnetooptic Effect, Acousto-optic Effect, Nonlinear optics, Holography Sensors & Display Devices Optical Fiber sensors, Display Devices, Plasma display, LCD Display, Numeric Display Text Books: 1. Wilson, J. & Haweks, J.F.B. / Opto-Electronics An Introduction/ Prentice Hall (India) 2. Senior, John M. / Optical Fiber communication/ Prentice Hall (India) Reference Books: 1. Bhattacharya, Pallab / Semiconductor Optoelectronics Devices / Pearson Education. 2. Singh, Jasprit / Optoelectronics An Introduction to Materials and Devices/ McGraw-Hill 3. Khare, R.P. / Fiber Optics & Optoelectronics / Oxford University Press 4. Gupta, S.C. / Text Book of Optical Fiber Communication & Its Applications/ PrenticeHall (India).
Radar Engineering
Nature of Radar Radar block diagram & operation, Radar range performance & its equations, Minimum detectable signal, Cross-section of a target, PRF & Range ambiguity, Antenna parameters MTI & Doppler radar Doppler effect, CW radar, FM CW, Delay line cancellers, Multiple or staggered, PRF, Non coherent MTI, Pulse Doppler Radar Scanning, Duplexers and Radar receivers Sequential lobing, Conical Scanning, Monopulse Tracking RADAR, Tracking with surveillance RADAR, Acquisition, Radar receiver, Display Duplexers Electronic Navigation Introduction, loop antenna, loop i/p ckts, Aural null detection finder, Goniometer, Adcock detection finder, VHF omni-directional range finder, The LF/MF four course radio range Navigation Systems and Clutter VOR receiving equipment, Loran-A, DECCA navigation system, DME, TACAN, Surface clutters Radar equation, Sea clutter, Land clutter Text Book: 1. Skolnik M. I. / Introduction to Radar Systems/ McGraw-Hill 2. Nagraja, N.S. / Elements of Electronic Navigation/ Tata McGraw Hill / 2nd Ed. Reference Book: 1. Nathanson, Fred E. / Radar An Overview Design Principles/ PrenticeHall (India) 2. Toomay, J.C. / Principles of Radar/ PrenticeHall (India)
Mobile Communications
Introduction: Evolution of Mobile Communication, Mobile and Wireless devices. A history of wireless communication. A market for mobile communications. A simplified reference model for mobile communications. Wireless-transmission: A brief introduction of frequencies for radio transmission, signals propagation, Multiplexing, Modulation, spread spectrum, cellular system Medium Access Control: Introduction to MAC, Telecommunication systems, GSM, DECT, TETRA, UMTS & IMT-2000 Satellite System: Review of the System, Broadcast System-Review, Wireless LAN: IEEE 802-11 Protocol, System Architecture, Protocol Architecture, Physical Layer & MAC Layer, Newer developments, Hiper LAN, Bluetooth Technology, Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP, Mobile host configuration Network, Mobile ad-hoc networks Mobile transport Layer: Traditional TCP, classical TCP improvement TCP over wireless network, performance Enhancing, proxies Support for Mobility: File systems, World Wide Web, wireless application protocol, i-mode, Sync ML, WAP2-0 etc. Architecture of future Network & Applications Text Books: 1. Schiller, J. / Mobile Communication / Pearson Education / 2nd Ed. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Richharia, M. / Mobile Satellite communications / Pearson Education Lee, W.C.Y. / Mobile Communication Engineering/ McGraw-Hill Gibson, J.D. / Mobile Communication/ IEEE Press Hand Book Feher, Kamilo / Wireless Digital Communications/ PrenticeHall (India).
Microwave Engineering
Strip Lines &Microwave Filter Micro strip lines, Parallel Coplanar strip lines, Basic Microwave filter theory, Frequency transformation, Transmission of lumped filter to distributed filter, Strip line filter, Quarter wave & Direct coupled cavity filter, Wave Guide Power flow in wave guide, Attenuation, wave guide Excitation, Q of wave guide, Wave guide dimensions & fitting, Other type of wave guide, Q of a rectangular resonator, Excitation and coupling of cavities Wave Guide Component S-Matrix, Microwave hybrid circuits, Directional couplers, Circulators & Isolators, Attenuator Microwave Generation (Mathematical Analysis) Klystron, Reflex klystron, TWTS, GUNN diode Other Microwave Devices Magnetron, Microwave ferrites, Cylindrical resonators, Spherical resonator Text Books: 1. Sisodia, M.L. & Raghuvanshi, G. S. / Microwave Circuits And Passive Devices 2. S.Y. Liao / Microwave Devices and Circuits / Prentice Hall (India) Reference Books: 1. Das, Annaparna & Das, Sisir K./ Microwave Engineering/ Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Collin, R. E. / Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering / Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. Kennedy & Davis / Electronic Communication Systems / Tata McGraw-Hill.
Biomedical Electronics
Introduction: The age of Biomedical Engineering, Development of Biomedical Instrumentation, ManInstrumentation system, Components, Physiological system of the body, Problem encountered in measuring a living system. Transducers & Electrodes: The Transducers & Transduction principles, Active transducers, Passive Transducers, Transducer for Biomedical Applications. Sources of Bioelectric potentials: Resting & Action potentials, propagation of active potential, The Bioelectric potentials-ECG, EEG, EMG, and Invoked responses Electrodes: Electrode theory, Biopotential ElectrodesMicroelectrodes Body surface electrodes, Needle Electrodes, Biochemical Transducers, Reference electrodes, PH electrodes, Blood Gas electrodes. Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography ECG amplifiers, Electrodes & leads, ECG recorders - Three channel, Vector Cardiographs, ECG system for stress testing, Continuous ECG recording (Holter recording ), Blood pressure measurement, Blood flow measurement, Heart sound measurements. Patient Care & Monitoring- Elements of Intensive Care monitoring, patient monitoring displays, Diagnosis, Calibration & Repairability of patient monitoring equipment, pacemakers & Defibrillators. Measurements in Respiratory system: Physiology of respiratory system Measurement of breathing mechanics- Spiro meter, Respiratory Therapy equipments: Inhalators ventilators & Respirators, Humidifiers, Nebulizers & Aspirators. Diagnostic Techniques: Ultrasonic Diagnosis Echocardiography, Echo Encephalography, Ophthalmic scans, X-Ray & Radio-isotope Instrumentation, Computerized Axial Tomography Scanners Bio Telemetry: The components of Biotelemetry system Implantable units, Telemetry for ECG measurements during exercise, for Emergency patient monitoring. Physiological Effects of Electric Current Safety of Medical Electronic Equipments, Shock hazards from Electrical equipment and prevention against them. Text Books: 1. Cormwell / Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements/ Prentice Hall (India). Reference Books: 1. Khandpur R.S./ Biomedical Instrumentation/ Tata McGraw-Hill. 2. Tompkins / Biomedical DSP: C Language Examples and Laboratory Experiments for the IBM PC/ Prentice Hall (India).
Optical Communication
Wave Propagation through Optical Fibers: Introduction to optical fiber communication system and its advantages, Structure of optical wave-guide, light propagation in optical fiber. Modes in optical fiber step & graded index fiber, fiber fabrication, Signal degradation in optical fibers: Attenuation, dispersion and pulse broadening in different types of fibers. Modal birefringence and polarization maintaining fibers. Optical Sources: Review of semiconductor physics, LED structure, materials. Quantum efficiency and power, modulation of LED, Laser diodes Optical Detectors: Principles of photodiodes, PIN photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes, Photo detector noise, Response time characteristic, Avalanche multiplication noise, structures of photodiodes. Optical Receivers: Fundamental receiver operation, Digital receiver noise, shot noise. Preamplifier types, Analog receivers Optical Fiber Communication Systems: Digital system design, Modulation formats for analog optical communication systems, Introduction to WDM concepts, Advanced multiplexing strategies Text Books: 1. Keiser, Gerd / Optical Fiber Communications / McGraw-Hill / 3rd Ed. 2. Senior, John M. / Optical Fiber Communications Principles & Practices / PrenticeHall (India) / 2nd Ed. Reference Books: 1. Agrawal, G.P. / Fiber-optic Communication Systems / Wiley / 3rd Ed. 2. William, B. Jones Jr. / Introduction to Optical Fiber Communication Systems / Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. International Edition 3. Wilson, J. & Hawkes, J.F.B. / Optoelectronics An Introduction/ Prentice-Hall (India) 4. Gupta, S.C. / Text Book of Optical Fiber Communication & Its Applications/ PrenticeHall (India). 5. Slavarajan, A., Kar.S. & Srinivasan T. / Optical Fiber Communication, Principles & Systems / Tata McGraw Hill 6. Khare, R.P. / Fiber Optics & Optoelectronics / Oxford University Press 7. Agarwal, D.C. / Fiber Optic Communication / S. Chand
Wireless Communication
Evolution of mobile radio communication fundamentals. Large scale path loss: propagation models, reflection, diffraction, scattering, practical link, budget, design using path loss model. Small scale fading & multipath propagation and measurements, impulse response model and parameters of multi path channels, types of fading, theory of multi-path shape factor for fading wireless channels. Spread spectrum modulation techniques: Pseudo-noise sequence, direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS), frequency hopped spread spectrum(FHSS), performance of DS-SS, performance of FH-SS, modulation performance in fading and multipath channels, fundamentals of equalization, equalizer in communication receiver, survey of equalization techniques, linear equalizer, non-linear equalization, diversity techniques, RAKE receiver. Characteristics of speech signals: quantization techniques, vocoders, linear predictive coders, time division multiple access, space division multiple access, and frequency division multiple access. Frequency reuse, channel assignment strategies, handoff strategies, interference and system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems. Introduction to wireless networks: 2G, 3G wireless systems, wireless standards Text Book: 1. T.S. Rappaport, "Wireless Communication-Principles and practice", Pearson
Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Willium C. Y. Lee, "Mobile communication Design and fundamentals" D. R. Kamilo Fehar, "Wireless digital communication" Haykin S & Moher M., "Modern wireless communication", Pearson, 2005. R. Pandya, " Mobile and personal communication system", PHI.
Communication Lab
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Sample and hold circuit. PAM, PWM, PPM generation and detection Delta modulation and detection. Pulse data coding and decoding techniques for NRZ formats ASK, FSK, PSK modulation and detection Single bit error detection and correction. PCM Modulation and detection Voice transmission through optical link Losses in optical fiber Fiber optic digital link PC to PC communication Link using optical fiber
Telecommunication Switching
Introduction: Message switching, circuits switching, functions of a switching system, Strowger switch, register- translator-senders, distribution frames, crossbar switch, a general trunking, electronic switching, Reed electronic system, digital switching systems. Telecommunication Traffic Engineering: The unit of traffic, congestion, traffic measurement, lost call systems. Basic Queueing Theory: Poisson Process, The M/M/1 Queueing systems, Littles Theorem, state dependent queues, Birth-death process, M/G/1 queue: mean value analysis, Nonpreemptive priority queueing systems. Fundamentals of Circuit Switching: Simple model, circuit switching: queued mode, pointto-point circuit switching, cost criteria for switching, multistage switching networks, representing connections by Paulls matrix, strict-sense non-blocking networks, Rearrangeable networks, recursive construction of switching networks, The Cantor network. Time division switching: space and time switching, time division switching networks, Blocking probability analysis of multistage switches: Lee approximation, Improved approximate analysis of blocking switch. Switching Systems and Signalling: Example of digital switching systems : AT & T No. 4 ESS, Italtel UT 10/3, software organisation and call processing. Performance analysis of call processing procedure, overload control for circuit switching systems. Signalling: customer line signalling, FDM carrier systems: outband signalling and inband signalling, PCM signalling, inter register signalling, common channel signalling, CCITT signalling system no. 7. Fundamentals of Packet Switching: Statistical multiplexing, Delay in packet switching, jitter and jitter control, generic switch architecture, routing, forwarding, switching and buffering. Switch implementation, buffering schemes: output queued system and input queued system, hybrid system Text Book: 1. Schwartz, M. / Telecommunication Networks: Protocols. Modeling and Analysis / Pearson Education 2. Flood J.E. / Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks / Pearson Education 3. Joseph Y.Hui / Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated Broadband Networks / Kluwer Academic publishers, 1990 Reference Book: 1. Thaygrajan, V. / Electronics Switching System / Prentice-Hall (India) 2. Bellamy, J.C. / Digital Telephony / John Wiley 3. NIIT / Telecommunication & Internetworking/ Prentice-Hall (India) 4. V.E. Benes / Mathematical Theory of connecting Networks & Telephone Traffic / Academic Press, 1965.
Introduction to VHDL: VHDL description, combinational networks, modeling flip flop using VHDL, VHDL model for multiplexer, comliance and simulation of VHDL, codes, modeling a sequential machine, variables, signals and constants, mays VHDL operators, VI-IDL functions, VHDL procedures, packages and libraries, VHDL model for a counter. Advanced VHDL: Attributes, transport and inertial delays, operator over loading, multi valued logic and signal resolution, IEEE-1164, standard logic, generic, generates statements, synthesis ofVHDL codes, s nthesis exam les, file handlin and TEXTIO. Design of Networks for Arithmetic Operations: Design of serial adder with accumulator, state graph for control networks design of binary multiplier, multiplication of signed binary numbers, design of binary divider. Digital Design with SM Chart: state machine charts, derivation of SM charts, realisation of SM charts, implementation of dice game, a\temative realisation of SM charts using microprogramming, linked state machine. Floating Point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers, floating point multiplication, other floating point operations. Designing with Programmable Gate Arrays and Complex Programmable Logic Devices: Xinx 3000 series FPGAs, Xinx 4000 series FPGAs, using one hot state assignment. Memory Models For Memories and Buses: Static RAM, a simplified 486 bus model, interfacing memory to microprocessor bus. Design Examples: UART design, description of MC68HC05, microcontroller, design of microcontroller CPU, complete microcontroller design Text Book: 1. Carles H Roth Jr, "Digital System Design using VHDL", Thomson Learning, 2002. Reference Books: 1. Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic, "Fundamentals of digital logic design with VHDL, TMH, 2nd Ed., 2007. 2. Jhon F Vakerly, "Digital design", PHI, 4th Ed.
Advanced Microprocessor
80386 Salient Features of 80386DX, Architecture and Signal Description of 80386, Register Organization of 80386, Addressing Modes, Data Types of 80386, Real Address Mode of 80386, Protected Mode of 80386, Segmentation, Paging, Virtual 8086 Mode, Enhanced Instruction Set of 80386, the Coprocessor 80387 Pipelining Introduction, The Major Hurdles of Pipelining- Pipeline Hazards, How is Pipelining Implemented Cache Introduction, Cache Performance An Introduction to the Pentium Microprocessor Introduction, Real Mode and Protected Mode Operation, A Functional Description of the Pentium, Pentium Processor Registers, Pentium Data Organization, Pentium Instruction Types, Pentium Addressing Mode, Interrupts, Pentium Instructions, Interrupt Processing: Introduction, Hardware and Software Interrupts, The Interrupt Vector Table, The Interrupt Processing Sequence, Multiple Interrupts, Special Interrupts, Interrupt Service Routine An Introduction to Microcontroller 8051 Text Books: 1. Ray, A.K. & Bhurchandi, K.M. / Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals/ Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Antonakos, James L. / the Pentium Microprocessor / Pearson Education. 3. Hennessy, John L. & Patterson, David A. / Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach / Morgan Hoffmann / 3rd Ed. Reference Books 1. Singh, B.P. / Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / New Age International 2. Singh, B.P. / Microprocessor interfacing and Applications / New Age International 3. Brey, Barry B. / INTEL Microprocessors / Prentice Hall (India). 4. Gaonkar, Ramesh S. / Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 / Pen ram international Publishing 5. Liu and Gibson G.A. / Microcomputer Systems: the 8086/8088 Family / Prentice Hall (India). 6. Hall, D.V. / Microprocessors Interfacing / Tata McGraw Hill / 2nd Ed.
Image Processing
Digitized Image & Its Properties: Basic Concepts, Image Digitization, Digital Image Properties Data Structure for Image Analysis: Label of Image Data Representation, Traditional Image Data Structures, Hierarchical Data Structures Image Processing: Pixel Brightness, Transformation, Geometric Transformation, Local Preprocessing, Image Restoration Segmentation: Thresholding, Edge Based Segmentation, Region Based Segmentation, Matching Shape Representation: Region Identification, Contour Base Representation, Region Based Shape Representation, Shape Classes Image Transforms: Two Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms, Properties of Unitary Transforms, Two Dimensional DFT, Cosine Transforms, Sine Transforms, Hudmard Transforms, KK Transforms, SVD Transforms Image Enhancement: Point Operation, Histogram Modeling, Transform Operation Image Data Compression: Image Data Properties, Discrete Image Transforms in Image Data Compression, Predictive Compression Methods, Vector Quantization, Hierarchical and Progressive Compression Methods, Comparison of Compression Methods, Coding, JPEG and MPEG Image Compression. 3-D Vision, Geometry and Radiometry: 3-D Vision Tasks, Geometry For 3-D Vision, Radiometry and 3-D Vision, 3-D Model Based Vision, 2-D Based Representation of a 3-D Scheme. Text Books: 1. Milan Sonya, Vaclav Hlavac & Roger Boyle / Image Processing Analysis And Machine Vision/ Vikas Publishing House 2. A.K. Jain / Digital Image Processing / Pearson Education Reference Books: 1. Chanda, B. & Majumder, D. D. / Digital Image Processing & Analysis / Prentice Hall (India)
Virtual Instrumentation
LabVIEW Basics: System Configuration Requirements, Installing the student edition of LabVIEW, The LabVIEW environment, The startup screen, Panel and Diagram windows, Short Cut Menus, Pull-Down Menus, Palettes, Opening, loading and Saving VIs, LabVIEW Help options, Virtual Instruments: The front panel, The Block Diagram, Building your First VI, Data flow Programming, Building a VI using Expres VIs, Building blocks: Displacement, velocity and acceleration, Editing and Debugging Virtual Instruments Editing Techniques, Debugging Techniques, A Few Shortcuts, Sub-VIs Editing the Icon and connector: The help Window, Using a VI as a sub-VI, Creating a subVI from a selection, Saving your sub-VI, The Hierarchy Window, Summary, The For Loop, The While Loop Shift registers and feedback Nodes: Case Structures, Flat and Stacked Sequence Structures The Formula Node, MATLAB Script Nodes, Some common Problems in Wiring Structures. Text Books: 1. Bishop, R.H. / Learning with Labiew 7TM / Pearson / Prentice Hall (India) / 2004 Reference Books: 1. Johnson, Gray W. & Jennings, Richard / LabView Graphical programming / McGraw Hill / 2. Gupta, S. & Gupta, J.P. / PC Interfacing For Data Acquisition and Process Control/ Instruments Society of America / 1994
Embedded Systems
Introduction: Embedded systems and its applications, Embedded Operating system, Design parameters of an embedded system and its significance, design life cycle, tools introduction, hardware and software partitioning and co-design Hardware Fundamentals for the embedded 'developers Digital circuit parameters- Open collector outputs Tristate outputs I/O sinking and Sourcing, PLD's, Watchdog Timers, Hardware design and development. Custom Single Purpose Processors: Optimizing program, FSMD, Data path & FSM. General purpose processors and ASIP's (Application Specific Instruction set Programming): Software and operation of general purpose processors-Programmers, View Development Environment-ASIPs Microcontrollers-DSP Chips. Introduction to Microcontrollers and Microprocessors: Embedded versus external, memory devices, CISC and RISC processors, Harvard and Von Neumann Architectures. 8051 Microcontrollers: Assembly language, architecture, registers, Addressing modes, Instruction set, I/O ports and memory organization Interrupts Timer/counter, and serial communication. RTOS: Tasks, states, Data, Semaphores and shared data, Operating system, services, Message queues, Mailboxes. Advanced Processor: (only architectures) 80386, 80486 and ARM (References) Communication basics: Microprocessor Interfacing, I/O Addressing, Direct memory access, Arbitration, multilevel bus architecture, Serial protocols, Parallel Protocols and wireless protocols. Real world Interfacing: LCD, Stepping Motor, ADC, DAC, LED, Push Buttons, Kev board, Latch Interconnection, PPI. Text Books: 1. Embedded System Design-Frank Vahid / Tony Givargis, John WilIey@2005 2. Microcontroller (Theory and Applications) / Ajay V Deshmukh, / Tata McGrawHill@2005. 3. An Embedded Software Primer-David E. Simon, Pearson Education @ 1999 Reference Books: 1. 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems / Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie / 2. Microcontrollers ( Architecture, Implementation and Programming) / Kenneth Hintz, Daniel Tabak / TMH 2005. 3. 8051 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems / Sampath Kumar / Katson Books/ 2nd Ed 2006
Optical Networks
Review of Optical Communication: Propagation of Signals in Optical fibers, Characteristics of optical fibers: attenuation, dispersion and nonlinear effects. Devices: Couplers, Isolators, Circulators, Multiplexers, Filters, Optical Amplifiers, Tunable Lasers, Switches, Wavelength Converters Optical Multiplexing Techniques: Wavelength division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, code division multiplexing. Conventional Optical Networks: SONET/SDH, FDDI, IEEE 802.3 etc. Access networks: Enhanced HFC, FTTC, PON etc. Design Issues: Cost Trade-offs, LTD and RWA problems (only introduction) Network Survivability: Basic Concepts, Protection in SONET/SDH, Optical Layer Protection Schemes, Optical Switching: Fundamental limits on optical switching elements, switching architectures, Photonic packet switching, Burst Switching.
Text Books: 1. Ramaswami, Rajiv & Sivarajan, Kumar N. / Optical Networks a Practical perspective/ Morgan Kaufmann Publishers / 2nd Ed. 2. Tanenbaum. Andrew S./ Computer Networks/ Prentice Hall (India) 3. Black, Uyless / Optical Networks Third Generation Transport Systems/ Pearson Educations Reference Books: 1. Murthy, C. Siva Ram & Gurusamy, Mohan / WDM Optical Networks Concepts, Design & Algorithms / Prentice Hall (India) 2. Mukherjee, B. / Optical WDM Networks / Springer 3. Lu Ruan, and Dingzhu Du / Optical networks: Recent Advances / Springer
Introduction to Bio-Medical Signals: Classification, Acquisition and Difficulties during Acquisition. Basics of Electrocardiography, Electroencephalography, Electromyography, & electro-retinography, Role of Computers in the Analysis, Processing, Monitoring & Control and image reconstruction in bio-medical field. ECG: Measurement of Amplitude and Time Intervals, QRS Detection(Different Methods), ST Segment Analysis, Removal of Baseline Wander And Power line Interferences, Arrhythmia Analysis, Portable Arrhythmia Monitors. Data Reduction: Turning Point algorithm, AZTEC Algorithm, Fan Algorithm, Huffman and Modified Huffman Coding, Run Length Coding EEG: Neurological Signal Processing, EEG characteristic, linear prediction theory, Sleep EEG, Dynamics of Sleep / Wake transition. Study of pattern of brain waves, EpilepsyTransition, detection and Estimation. EEG Analysis By Spectral Estimation: The Bt Method, Periodogram, -Maximum Entropy Method & AR Method, Moving Average Method. The ARMA Methods, Maximum Likelihood Method. EP Estimation: by Signal Averaging, Adaptive Filtering:- General Structures of Adaptive filters, LMS Adaptive Filter, Adaptive Noise Canceling, Wavelet Detection:- Introduction, Detection By Structural features, Matched Filtering, Adaptive Wavelet Detection, Detection of Overlapping Wavelets
Text Books: 1. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Willis J Tomkin, Phi. 2. Biomedical Signal Processing, D.C Reddy McGrawhill 3. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement., Cropunwell, Weibel and Pfeifer, PHI. Reference Book: 1. Biomedical Signal Processing, Amon Cohen, volume I & Licrc Press. 2. Biomedical Signal Analysis A Case Study Approach, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, John Wiley and Sons Inc. 3. Medical instrumentation Application and Design, john G. Webster, john Wiley & Sons Inc.