Endocrine Disorders
Endocrine Disorders
Endocrine Disorders
blood stream *NEGATIVE FEEDBACK EFFECT - the mechanism for regulating hormone concentration in the blood stream which is important in regulation of many biologic process
8 ENDOCRINE GLANDS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pineal Gland Pituitary Gland Thyroid Gland Parathyroid Gland Thymus Adrenal Gland Pancreas Ovaries/Testes
Ex. Hydrocortisone -
smaller size and higher lipid solubility can penetrate with cell membranes interact with intracellular receptors Interacts with receptor site in the cell surface Stimulates the intracellular enzyme, andenyl cyclase
PEPTIDE PROTEIN HORMONES Ex. Insulin *adenyl cyclase alters enzyme activity inside the cell (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) nd - becomes a 2 messenger 3. AMINE HORMONE Ex. Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
Endocrine System
Nervous System
Immune System
STEROIDS Slow-acting, long lasting Usually end in one Ex: Progesterone, Testosterone
*Hormone secreted by the endocrine system are affected largely on the structures of the CNS such as the HYPOTHALAMUS (stimulates the PG) and beneath, the pituitary influences he function of a large no of endocrine glands. HYPOTHALAMUS controls the release of pituitary hormone Rapid action by the CNS is balanced by a slower hormonal action
HYPOPHYSIS other name of pituitary gland Known as the master gland Round structure about 1.25cm (1/2 inch) in diameter located at inferior aspect of the brain
Functions POSTERIOR VASOPRESSIN or ADH Controls the excretion of water by the kidney Secretion is stimulated by an in the osmolality of the blood by a of BP OXYTOCIN Facilitates milk ejection during lactation and force of uterine contractions during labor and delivery Stimulated during pregnancy or childhood ANTERIOR Growth Hormone / Stimulates growth of Somatotropin bones and muscles Promotes protein synthesis and fat metabolism CHO metabolism glucose level in the blood PROLACTIN Acts on the breast to stimulate milk production ACTH Adenocorticotropic Stimulates synthesis Hormone / Corticotropin and secretion of adrenal cortical hormones TSH Thyroid Stimulating Stimulates synthesis Hormone and secretion of thyroid hormones FSH Follicle Stimulating Female: stimulates growth Hormone of ovarian follicle, ovulation Male: stimulates sperm production LH Luteinizing Hormone Female: stimulates devt of corpus luteum, release of oocyte, production of estrogen and progesterone Male: stimulates secretion of testosterone, devt of interstitial tissues of testes
THYROID HORMONES THYROID 5cm long, 3 cm wide Butter-fly shaped on the lower neck anterior of trachea Has 2 lateral lobes connected by an isthmus (palpable)
ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC TEST Thyroid gland is inspected by: Identification of its landmark Lower neck region between sternocleidomastoid muscles (check swelling or asymmetry) Instruct to extend neck slightly and swallow Palpation Check size, shape, consistency, symmetry, tenderness
TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) secreted by hypothalamus, helps modulate the release of TSH from pituitary
CHEMICAL: Iodine T3 Contains 3 iodine atoms 5x more potent than T4 More rapid metabolic action T4 Contains 4 iodine atoms Weak hormone Maintains metabolism on a steady state
Increase release by TSH of T3 and T4 in the blood to the target organs or called NEGATIVE FEEDBACK
ISTHMUS only portion of thyroid that is normally palpable If palpation discloses an enlarged thyroid gland Both lobes should be auscultated (there should be BRUIT normal blood circulation) Tenderness, enlargement, modularity (requires referral)
Control cellular metabolic activity Accelerate metanolic processes by levels of specific enzymes Influence cell replication and important for brain development Necessary for normal growth FUNCTION Secreted in response to high levels of calcium and reduces plasma level of calcium by its deposition in bone Essential to the thyroid gland for synthesis of its hormones Major derangement of iodine deficiency is caused by alteration of thyroid function
-synthesized and stored bound to proteins in the cell until its released in blood stream