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Technology Maturity Benchmark Evaluation Demographics Winchestertonfieldville High School is a small rural school located in Idaho.

The grades are 9-12. There are 323 students in this school. 171 of them are male and 152 are female. By grade there are 78 students enrolled in 9th, 92 students enrolled in 10th, 86 students enrolled in 11th, and 67 students enrolled in 12th. Further, there are 234 White students, 11 Black students, 44 Hispanic students, 5 Asian students, and 29 American Indian students. Lastly, the student-to-teacher ratio is 19:1. Administrative Policy Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Integrated The school is so small that many teachers feel they dont necessarily need to adhere to procedures. This may be because many of the policies are not comprehensive. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and cleaned up. Planning Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Integrated There are committees that engage in planning, but they do not communicate well with what the other groups are doing. There is a 3 year plan, but it is more of a guide than a rule. Planning could be more efficient if the 3 year plan was reviewed more. Budget Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Funds are regularly set aside for technology applications. However, this is more immediate. Technology changes too fast and this institution needs to also set a budget for future upgrades or changes. On the bright side, there is a budget for technology. Amazingly, there are schools out there that dont have a budget for technology. Administrative Information Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Islands Some software systems are used, but theres still quite a bit of paper being used. Interestingly, the schools website was recently updated for mobile viewers. Curricular Electronic Information Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Integrated

Most students have access to electronic information and for the most part use them regularly. However, this school may be having a hard time letting go of traditional resources. Assessment Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Islands Traditional assessment techniques are still used frequently. More training for teachers in this area is advisable. Increasing the frequency of non-traditional assessments needs to be stressed. Teachers may simply be confused about what they should be using. Curricular Integration Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Islands Math and other science courses may benefit from more integration. Most departments, including the aforementioned, use some technology regularly. This has led to some dependency. Teacher Use Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Most teachers have access to the technology that they need. The downside is they arent using it in there lectures as much as they could be. In many cases, the technology is used to assist in developing the lesson itself. Student Use Behavioral: Island Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Students have access to a computer lab at least once a day. For many students this is the only time they get to use the internet because they do not have it at home. This limited exposure may put them at a disadvantage. Support Stakeholder Involvement Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Integrated There is typically an open forum that involves staff, students, and parents. After school meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend. These meetings are held to gather ideas and input from the community. Administrative Support Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Integrated As should be expected the administration does its best to provide ongoing support to staff and students. Suggestions from both are well received and seriously considered.

Training Behavioral: Emergent Resource/infrastructure: Islands There is a lot of talk about technology, but little is actually being done about it. The training that is done may not be applicable for all or at the least may be subpar. Often this may be a result of a limited budget. Technical/Infrastructure Support Behavioral: Emergent Resource/infrastructure: Islands Again, this is a small school. Sometimes technical support isnt as readily available as much as it may be in a larger school. Frustration with technology and lack of support may explain why this school uses traditional resources more than a larger school would. Connectivity Local Area Networking (LAN) Behavioral: Emergent Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Use is clumsy and can be improved. This is a great example of digital divide and inequality. Not having the knowledge to make the most of the network is detrimental. District Area Networking (WAN) Behavioral: Islands Resource/infrastructure: Integrated The school has high speed access, but uses it for many basic applications even though it could be putting it to better use with more data intensive applications. Internet Access Behavioral: Emergent Resource/infrastructure: Intelligent If it is not already apparent, the internet set up is like a super sport motorcycle that is being used as bicycle. This may be a result of the administrations lack of training and knowledge about technology. Communication Systems Behavioral: Intelligent Resource/infrastructure: Intelligent Email is available to students and teachers alike and is frequently used by both. Many of the teachers also communicate with each other via Microsoft Outlook.

Innovation New Technologies

Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Integrated Generally, technology is ultimately accepted by most though they may be reluctant at first. This school has some up-to-date technology in some areas, but is lacking in others. Accepting a technology and becoming proficient at it are two separate things. Training could not be addressed any sooner. Enforcing policies would be a great step in the right direction. Comprehensive Technologies Behavioral: Integrated Resource/infrastructure: Islands Most staff use one to two methods while designing and delivering their lectures. Teachers and students would be benefit from using more advanced techniques and tools. Summary Overall, I would characterize Winchestertonfieldville High School as being at the integrated stage. It is difficult trying to classify so many areas into one neat little box. Some of the technology is there. Of course, more would be helpful. As mentioned above, formal training would greatly help get this school going in the right direction. The school has relatively up-to-date computers and a decent internet connection. It is important that change occurs immediately. Otherwise, the school might eventually be greatly distanced with todays technology. I believe the school can go from using technology to deliver information to allowing technology to facilitate learning and communication more. The administration needs to emphasize gaining technology skills and they need to make sure that teachers have the support and information needed to be more comfortable and capable at their lesson planning and application.

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