Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms
related to:
1. Poor adjustment as an adult 2. Higher divorce rates and marital discord 3. Poor friendship patterns 4. Higher incidence of mental illnesses 5. Greater number of sick leave days taken 6. Poorer general health
D. Anticipation: realistic planning for future discomfort E. Humor: overt expression of ideas and feelings (especially those
that are unpleasant to focus on or too terrible to talk about) without personal discomfort and without unpleasant effect on others.
The use of the "mature defenses" (Level 4) is related to: 1. Excellent adjustment as an adult 2. Happiness (by self-report) 3. Job satisfaction 4. Rich friendships 5. Fewer hospitalizations over life 6. Better overall health 7. A lower incidence of mental illness.
When is a defense mechanism considered really "adaptive" and when is it considered "pathological"? What we call "mental illness" is actually a manifestation of an individual's pathological adaptive response to events in his/her life. Here is what makes a defense "pathological":
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
the defense is used in a rigid, inflexible, and exclusive manner the motivation for using the defense comes more from past needs than present or future reality the defense severely distorts the present situation use of the defense leads to significant problems in relationships, functioning, and enjoyment of life use of the defense impedes or distorts emotions and feelings, instead of rechanneling them effectively