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B-GL-300-001 Operational Level Doctrine For The Canadian Army (1998)

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N ational D éfense

D e f e n c e n a tio n a l e



Issued on Authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff

Conduct of Land Operations

N ational D éfense
D e f e n c e n a tio n a l e


Issued on Authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff

BPR : DAD 1998-07-01




1. The fundamental role of Canada’s army is to defend the nation and,

when called upon, to fight and win its wars. The army may fulfil this role
through deterrence, which requires the maintenance of forces that are credible
and visible in peace and conflict, or through the conduct of combat operations if
deterrence fails.

2. Sound doctrine and its effective application are essential for success.
Military doctrine provides a common understanding of the nature of conflict as
well as the planning and conduct of combat operations. A stronger focus on
doctrine and the recognition of its evolutionary nature is necessary to prepare
army leaders to conduct military operations in the 21st century.

3. The approach outlined in this manual is consistent with previous

Canadian doctrine but builds upon it with new and innovative ideas and
concepts. It is different in five main ways. First, the doctrine requires an
understanding of the operational level in order to participate as part of a joint
and combined force. Secondly, it steers the army toward an approach to
winning which is consistent with allied doctrine yet retains a distinctive national
flavour. This approach is based on manoeuvre warfare theory and seeks to
shatter the enemy's cohesion through a series of rapid, violent, and unexpected
actions that create a turbulent and rapidly deteriorating situation with which he
cannot cope. Thirdly, it introduces six combat functions that are applicable
across the spectrum of conflict and represent the purest expression of the
components of combat power. Fourthly, it introduces operational level doctrine
for the conduct of operations other than war. Finally, it emphasizes a
philosophy of command based on the disciplined use of initiative guided by an
understanding of the higher commander’s intent. This philosophy is a
prerequisite for implementing the Canadian approach to operations, and for
coping with high-tempo operations amidst the friction, chaos, uncertainty and
violence of combat.

4. This manual covers many aspects common to all levels of conflict, but
focuses on the operational level, between military strategy and tactics. To
understand the operational level, one must recognize that military action, at any
level, should ultimately serve the demands of policy. Tactical military action
should never exist for its own sake, but should always be conducted to achieve
success at the strategic level. The vital link between the setting of military
strategic objectives and the tactical employment of forces on the battlefield is
the exercise of command at the operational level, also referred to as operational
Conduct of Land Operations
5. This doctrine fulfils particular Canadian needs and suits the
characteristics and strengths of the Canadian soldier, seeking as much as
possible to build upon the proud military heritage of the Canadian army.
Although rooted in time-tested theories and principles, it is forward looking and
adaptable to changing technologies. Precision guided munitions, robotics,
digitization, and communications, information and space technologies are
changing the means by which war is prosecuted. This doctrine is designed to be
sufficiently broad to accommodate such technologies, and sets the conditions to
exploit technological advancement in a way that complements the approach to
winning. At the same time it recognizes that conflict remains chaotic, violent
and unpredictable in spite all of our efforts to decrease uncertainty and reduce
friction through technology, doctrine, equipment and training.

6. The Conduct of Land Operations is a statement of doctrine, but it is

also intended to educate and to open the door to concerted study of the
profession of arms. For this reason a reading list has been included. I
encourage everyone to read, discuss and critique existing doctrine as this can
only lead to its improvement and to increased understanding for those involved
in the debate. Memorizing this manual from cover to cover will not guarantee
success, but understanding the concepts in the context of practical experience
and historical examples will make success more likely.

7. Therefore, to be effective in promoting a coherent approach to

operations, this manual must be read and understood by all. As one of our
keystone manuals, it is essential reading for all Canadian army officers and
students of the profession of arms.

M.K. Jeffery
Army Training Authority



Military doctrine is a formal expression of military knowledge and

thought, that the army accepts as being relevant at a given time, which covers
the nature of conflict, the preparation of the army for conflict, and the method of
engaging in conflict to achieve success.


1. B-GL-300-001/FP-001 is the Land Force’s operational level doctrine.

Its purpose is to establish the doctrinal basis for the conduct of land
operations. Although designed primarily for formation commanders and their
staffs, for officers serving on joint and combined staffs, and for use in staff
college training, the basic principles elaborated here apply equally to
commanders and staff at all levels. To be useful it must be uniformly known
and understood.

2. While firmly based upon the foundations established in

B-GL-300-000/FP-000, Canada’s Army, this manual also forms the vital link to
the Canadian army tactical doctrine, B-GL-300-002/FP-000, Tactical Level
Doctrine for the Canadian Army, which describes how the doctrine should be
put into practice at the tactical level. In this way, it is intended that commanders
at all levels have a common grounding on which to base their plans. This will
enhance communication between leaders of all ranks and help to establish a
shared professional culture and approach to operations.

3. The content of B-GL-300-001/FP-000 is derived from a variety of

sources : government policy, history, military theory, an analysis of trends in
technology, the nature of current threats, and the doctrine of allies.
Acknowledging the intrinsic joint nature of Canadian Forces operations, this
manual is consistent with B-GG-005-004/AF-000 Canadian Forces Operations
and subordinate CF manuals. It is not based upon, nor does it call for, any
particular equipment suite or force structure. It does not depend on specific
technologies or numbers of soldiers, and remains applicable in the broadest
number of circumstances involving any configuration of joint and combined
military forces. It is a doctrine national in context, seeking as much as possible
to build upon the military heritage of the Canadian army and the distinct cultural
characteristics of its members.

4. This manual explains the Canadian army's approach to achieving

success in operations. In doing so, it is descriptive rather than prescriptive,
requiring judgement in application. It does not establish dogma or provide a
Conduct of Land Operations
checklist of procedures, but is rather an authoritative guide, describing how the
army thinks about fighting, not how to fight. As such it attempts to be definitive
enough to guide military activity, yet versatile enough to accommodate a wide
variety of situations.


5. The manual is divided into three parts. Part I establishes the theoretical
foundations of doctrine. It describes the nature of armed conflict and establishes
the foundations of the Canadian approach to achieving success in operations,
including the philosophy of command. It is general in nature and the concepts
are applicable at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. Part II focuses on
the operational level and describes the design, planning, conduct and
sustainment of campaigns. Part III addresses the unique aspects of designing,
planning and conducting campaigns involving combined operations and
operations other than war.

6. Unless otherwise stated, masculine pronouns apply to both men and




FOREWORD ............................................................................... II
PREFACE ..............................................................................IV
PART I FUNDAMENTALS .............................................. 1
SECTION 1 NATURE OF CONFLICT................................... 2
THE SPECTRUM OF CONFLICT......................................... 2
THE CONTINUUM OF OPERATIONS ................................ 3
THE LEVELS OF CONFLICT ............................................... 4
MORAL................................................................................... 7
CONFLICTS......................................................... 8
SECTION 3 PRINCIPLES OF WAR....................................... 9
SUMMARY .......................................................................... 10
PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION ............................................... 13
ATTACKING THE ENEMY'S WILL .................................. 13
COHESION ........................................................................... 14
TO SUCCESSFUL OPERATIONS .................. 15
SECTION 3 ATTACKING COHESION ............................... 17
PRE-EMPTION..................................................................... 17
DISLOCATION .................................................................... 17
DISRUPTION ....................................................................... 19

Conduct of Land Operations
(Table of Contents, continued)

SECTION 4 THE TWO DYNAMIC FORCES ..................... 20

FIXING.................................................................................. 20
STRIKING ............................................................................ 21
SECTION 5 COMBAT POWER ............................................ 22
COMMAND.......................................................................... 24
INFORMATION OPERATIONS.......................................... 24
MANOEUVRE...................................................................... 25
FIREPOWER ........................................................................ 25
PROTECTION ...................................................................... 26
SUSTAINMENT ................................................................... 27
MAIN EFFORT..................................................................... 27
SYNCHRONIZATION ......................................................... 28
TEMPO ................................................................................. 29
SECTION 7 SUMMARY......................................................... 31
PARTIE II CAMPAIGNING ................................................ 32
SECTION 2 OPERATIONAL ART ....................................... 33
SECTION 3 STRATEGIC DIRECTION............................... 34
SECTION 4 CAMPAIGN DESIGN ....................................... 34
MISSION ANALYSIS .......................................................... 35
MILITARY END-STATE..................................................... 37
SECTION 5 OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES ...................... 37
CENTRE OF GRAVITY....................................................... 38
DECISIVE POINTS .............................................................. 39
LINES OF OPERATION ...................................................... 40

(Table of Contents, continued)

SECTION 6 SEQUENCING ................................................... 41

.............................................................................. 41
COMMANDER’S VISION................................................... 42
COMMANDER’S INTENT.................................................. 43
THE COMMANDER’S DECISION ..................................... 44
THE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS .................................... 46
SECTION 8 SUMMARY......................................................... 46
THE CAMPAIGN PLAN...................................................... 47
SECTION 2 THEATRE ORGANIZATION ......................... 48
THE BATTLEFIELD FRAMEWORK ................................. 49
AREA OF OPERATIONS .................................................... 49
AREA OF INTEREST .......................................................... 50
AREA OF INFLUENCE ....................................................... 50
DEEP, CLOSE AND REAR OPERATIONS........................ 51
OPERATIONAL LEVEL.................................. 53
THE FUNCTIONAL FRAMEWORK .................................. 53
OPERATIONAL LEVEL COMMAND................................ 54
OPERATIONAL MANOEUVRE......................................... 55
OPERATIONAL FIREPOWER............................................ 56
OPERATIONAL PROTECTION ......................................... 56
OPERATIONAL SUSTAINMENT ...................................... 57
SECTION 4 CONTINGENCY PLANNING ......................... 57

Conduct of Land Operations
(Table of Contents, continued)

BRANCHES AND SEQUELS.............................................. 58

SECTION 5 SUMMARY......................................................... 58
SECTION 1 GENERAL .......................................................... 59
OPERATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ........................................ 61
FREEDOM OF ACTION ...................................................... 62
OPERATIONAL LEVEL INTELLIGENCE ........................ 62
SECTION 4 CONDUCT OF THE CAMPAIGN................... 63
TEMPO ................................................................................. 64
MAIN EFFORT..................................................................... 65
............................................................................................... 66
LEVEL ................................................................ 66
THE OFFENCE..................................................................... 67
THE DEFENCE .................................................................... 69
RESERVES ........................................................................... 69
CULMINATING POINT ...................................................... 70
USE OF FORCE GUIDELINES ........................................... 71
HOST NATION SUPPORT.................................................. 74
MILITARY CIVIC ACTION................................................ 75
POST-CONFLICT ACTIVITIES.......................................... 76
(Table of Contents, continued)


............................................................................................... 77
SECTION 8 SUMMARY......................................................... 77
.............................................................................. 78
STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT ........................................... 78
............................................................................................... 78
SEQUENCING...................................................................... 78
CONDUCT OF THE CAMPAIGN....................................... 79
CONCLUDING THE CAMPAIGN...................................... 93
THE MALAYA CAMPAIGN ........................... 94
CENTRE OF GRAVITY....................................................... 94
CONDUCT............................................................................ 94
DECEPTION OPERATIONS ............................................... 95
SUMMARY .......................................................................... 95
THE STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT .................................. 97
THE CAMPAIGN IN UPPER CANADA............................. 97
MICHILIMACKINAC .......................................................... 98
MANOEUVRE TO DETROIT ............................................. 98
THE SURRENDER OF DETROIT....................................... 99
SUMMARY ........................................................................ 100
PART III SPECIFIC OPERATIONS .............................. 102
SECTION 1 GENERAL ........................................................ 102

Conduct of Land Operations
(Table of Contents, continued)

ALLIANCES AND COALITIONS..................................... 103

SECTION 3 UNITY OF EFFORT ....................................... 104
............................................................................................. 104
CULTURAL DIFFERENCES............................................. 106
LANGUAGE ....................................................................... 106
EQUIPMENT STANDARDIZATION ............................... 106
INTELLIGENCE................................................................. 107
DESIGN AND PLANNING............................. 107
............................................................................ 108
OPERATIONS .................................................................... 109
CANADIAN NATIONAL COMMANDER ....................... 109
JOINT FORCE COMMANDER ......................................... 110
LIAISON IN COMBINED OPERATIONS ........................ 111
............................................................................ 111
OPERATIONS.................................................. 113
............................................................................ 113
SECTION 10 SUMMARY...................................................... 114
SECTION 1 GENERAL ........................................................ 115

(Table of Contents, continued)


............................................................................ 116
............................................................................ 119
LEGITIMACY .................................................................... 119
CREDIBILITY .................................................................... 120
MINIMUM USE OF FORCE.............................................. 121
TRANSPARENCY ............................................................. 123
CONSENT........................................................................... 123
............................................................................ 124
BATTLEFIELD FRAMEWORK........................................ 127
FUNCTIONAL FRAMEWORK......................................... 127
INFORMATION OPERATIONS........................................ 128
............................................................................ 130
PREPARATION AND DEPLOYMENT ............................ 130
CONDUCT.......................................................................... 130
............................................................................................. 131
WAR.................................................................................... 135
WAR .................................................................. 136
Conduct of Land Operations
(Table of Contents, continued)

DOMESTIC OPERATIONS ............................................... 136

............................................................................................. 136
PEACE-SUPPORT OPERATIONS .................................... 136
ARMED CONFLICT .......................................................... 137
PEACE ENFORCEMENT .................................................. 138
HUMANITARIAN OPERATIONS .................................... 138
SECTION 10SUMMARY....................................................... 141
SUGGESTED READING ............................................................ 142
............................................................................................. 142
OPERATIONS OTHER THAN WAR................................ 145
CANADIAN MILITARY STUDIES .................................. 146


Figure 1-1: The Continuum of Operations Projected on the Spectrum of
Conflict......................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1: Combat Functions ...................................................... 23
Figure 4-1: Relationship of Functional and Battlefield Frameworks54
Figure 5A-1: Japanese Southern Theatre of Operations .................. 91
Figure 5C-1: The Defence of Upper Canada - 1812...................... 100
Figure 7-1: Cohesion in Operations other than War ................... 118
Figure 7-2: Fixing and Striking in Operations other than War
.................................................................................. 133

Conduct of Land Operations


Part I of B-GL-300-001/FP-000 builds upon, B-GL-300-000/FP-000

Canada’s Army, to establish the theoretical foundations of Canadian army
doctrine. As such, the concepts presented in this part are applicable to all levels
of conflict, and are used to provide the basis for the discussion of the operational
level of conflict in Part II, Campaigning. The central theme of this part is the
development of the Canadian army approach to fighting and winning in combat

Part I is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 builds on the Canadian army
understanding of the nature of conflict and principles of war described in
B-GL-300-000/FP-000. It reaffirms that the object of conflict is to impose one's
will upon the enemy.

Chapter 2 explains and develops the Canadian army approach that success
is achieved through the controlled and focussed application of the elements of
combat power to overcome the opponent's will by attacking his moral and
physical cohesion rather than by destroying him physically through incremental
attrition. Such themes draw heavily from manoeuvre warfare theory, and steer
Canadian military thinking in a direction significantly different from previous

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 1
Conduct of Land Operations


Fighting . . . is a trial of moral and physical forces

through the medium of the latter. Naturally moral strength
must not be excluded, for the psychological forces exert a
decisive influence on the elements involved in war.

General Carl von Clausewitz


1. B-GL-300-001/FP-000 established a spectrum of conflict to describe

the varying states of relations between nations and groups and a continuum of
operations to describe the range of military responses to peace and conflict
(including war). The key elements of the nature of conflict are reviewed here
and developed to provide the basis for the development of the Theory of
Conflict in Chapter 2.


2. Relations between different peoples can exist in a condition either of

peace or of conflict. Peace exists between groups of people and states when
there is an absence of violence or the threat of violence . Conflict exists when
violence is either manifested or threatened.

3. The essence of conflict is a violent clash between two hostile,

independent, and irreconcilable wills, each trying to impose itself on the other.
Thus, the object of conflict is to impose one's will upon the enemy. The means
to that end is the coordinated employment of the various instruments of national
power including diplomatic, economic, informational and political efforts as
well as the application, or threat, of violence by military force.

4. In conflicts that have proven resistant to both peacemaking and peace

enforcement efforts, there may be no alternative left but to embark on a policy

International Peace Academy, New York.

2 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
of war. Therefore it can be seen that war is essentially a subset of conflict and
not an isolated state. As with peace and conflict, the distinction between
conflict other than war and war will be blurred. For example, a conflict may
encompass a period of war fighting and then transition to prosecution through
other means.


5. The Army classifies its activities during peace and conflict other than
war as operations other than war. In peace, the purpose of military forces is to
take part in activities in support of the civil authorities either at home or abroad,
to contribute to deterrence and to train for combat operations. During conflicts
other than war, the government may call upon the Army to carry out operations
with the purpose of supporting the overall policy to resolve or end a conflict.

6. The military response to war is called war fighting. In prosecuting

war, one side seeks to impose its will by engaging the enemy in protracted
combat with the full economic, political, and social resources of the nation.

7. The continuum of operations also encompasses the concepts of combat

and non-combat operations as outlined in B-GL-300-000/FP-000.









Figure 1-1: The Continuum of Operations Projected on the Spectrum of Conflict

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 3
Conduct of Land Operations

8. Although focussed on war fighting, the Army’s frequent role in

operations other than war is critical and cannot be ignored. In military terms
there may be little if any distinction between the conduct of combat operations
in war fighting and operations other than war. Consistent with this approach,
this manual will focus primarily on the military aspects of combat operations.
As proven repeatedly by Canadian units in peace and conflict (including war),
well-trained, properly equipped and well-led combat capable forces are flexible
enough to adapt to the requirements of non-combat operations. Those unique
aspects relating to the overlap of combat and non-combat operations in
operations other than war are discussed later in this manual.

9. Therefore, the general concepts and thought processes described

throughout this manual, although emphasizing combat operations, apply to the
full range of land operations. No matter what the nature of the next mission for
the Army - general or regional war, contingency operations, peace support,
nation building, or domestic operations - this doctrine will be applicable.


10. The military response to conflict must be consistent with national

policy objectives. The translation of policy goals into military action must be
done in a way that ensures clarity and preserves unity of effort. Accordingly,
military activity has been categorized into three levels : strategic, operational,
and tactical. These levels of conflict help commanders to visualize a logical
flow of operations, allocate resources, and assign tasks to subordinates. Each
level is defined by the outcome intended - not by the level of command or
the size of the unit or formations involved. While the levels form a hierarchy,
there are no sharp boundaries between them and they often overlap.

11. At the top of this hierarchy is the strategic level of conflict. In the
broadest sense, strategy involves the employment of a nation's resources -
political, economic, moral, scientific, technological, informational and military -
to achieve the objectives determined to be in the national interest. Military
strategy is a component of national strategy. It provides direction for the use of

Sometimes referred to more narrowly as the Levels of War, however as used here,
the term Levels of Conflict is equally applicable across the spectrum of conflict.

4 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
military power to achieve national objectives by the application of force or the
threat of force.

12. At the operational level, a commander prescribes what military actions

are necessary to achieve the strategic aim. He does this by articulating the
military intent of the operation, by planning sequential military actions to
achieve this intent, and by initiating and sustaining such actions. At this level,
commanders design, prepare and conduct joint campaigns and major operations,
each of which comprise a series of battles, engagements and other actions.

13. The operational level is not defined by the number and size of forces or
the echelon of headquarters involved. In a large scale conflict, a corps may be
the lowest level of operational command. However, in smaller scale conflict,
operational level activity can take place at much lower levels. If a military
force, of whatever size, is being used to achieve a strategic objective, then it is
being employed at the operational level.

14. At the tactical level, battles, engagements, and other actions are
planned and executed to accomplish military objectives established by the
operational level commander. The tactical level should never be viewed in
isolation, for tactical success alone does not guarantee strategic success. Battles
and engagements generally shape the course of events at the operational level,
but they become relevant only in the larger context of the campaign. The
campaign, in turn, only gains meaning in the context of strategy. This is
illustrated by the dramatic tactical victory at Cannae that nonetheless failed to
bring Hannibal success in his campaign to conquer Rome; in the same way US
operations in Vietnam achieved consistent tactical successes but they did not
lead to strategic victory. A comprehensive view is required to understand that
the three levels of conflict are inextricably linked.

15. This delineation into levels of conflict has limitations. Factors such as
the advent of information technology are compressing these levels, blurring the
distinction between each. The important lesson is not to discern at what level
a certain activity takes place or where the transition occurs between levels,
but to ensure that from top to bottom and bottom to top all activities are
coordinated and focused towards achievement of the strategic objective.

16. An understanding of the complexities of working at the operational

level in a joint and combined context is essential for the Canadian army to
execute, or even to cooperate in the planning and conduct of, campaigns and
major operations. Commanders need to develop an appreciation of the
interaction of the levels of conflict to provide timely and astute advice to the

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 5
Conduct of Land Operations
government on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of military force in
domestic and international operations.


17. Conflict, in all its forms, has the following enduring characteristics :
friction, uncertainty, ceaseless change, violence, and the human dimension.
Although their influence can be reduced, these factors are always present. This
essential truth cannot be ignored.

18. An army must recognize these timeless characteristics and attempt to

exploit them advantageously or to minimize their negative effects. Soldiers
should learn to operate in conditions where friction, uncertainty, change and
violence constantly disrupt even seemingly simple tasks. This is achieved by
training every soldier to fight with determination and the strength of will to
overcome setbacks and take advantage of fleeting opportunities. Self-induced
friction can be reduced through an effective command and control system, and
by maintaining high morale and cohesion. While thriving in an atmosphere of
chaos and friction an army can, simultaneously, attempt to increase the enemy's
friction to a level that destroys his ability and his will to fight.

19. Armies can operate in an environment of uncertainty by encouraging

the use of simple, flexible plans; by planning for contingencies; by developing
standard operating procedures; and by encouraging initiative among
subordinates, consistent with the higher commander’s intent. This allows forces
to exploit the chaos and chance opportunities of battle. As well, an army needs
to be able both to withstand the shocks of violence and to manage the
application of violence to achieve its objectives.

20. Technological development or scientific calculation will not completely

overcome these enduring characteristics of conflict. Any doctrine that attempts
to reduce combat to ratios of forces, weapons, and equipment, neglects the
impact of human will on the conduct of operations and is therefore inherently
false. Conversely, any doctrine that has as its bedrock the belief in the
individual soldier's will to fight as the most important component of combat
effectiveness will be well served. The army that will succeed is the one best
organized, trained and led to resist the violence, friction and uncertainty of
conflict and destroy the enemy's resolve.

6 B-GL-300-001/FP-000

21. The object of conflict is the imposition of one's will on an opponent.

The organized application of violence by physical force is one means to that
end. Thus, there are both physical and non-physical aspects of the prosecution
of conflict. Seen from this perspective, conflict exists on two planes, the
physical and the moral.

22. The Physical Plane. On the physical plane conflict is a clash between
armed combatants, equipped with an array of armaments and sophisticated
military technologies. Each party expends quantities of munitions and other
combat supplies, and each is supported by the industrial and economic power of
their respective sides.

23. Conflict on the physical plane can generally be easily observed,

understood, estimated and measured with a degree of certainty. Of primary
concern are the material support requirements for manoeuvre and firepower. It
is on this plane that the science of conflict predominates, including those
activities directly subject to the laws of physics, chemistry and like disciplines.

24. The Moral Plane. On the moral plane conflict is a struggle between
opposing wills. The term moral used here is not restricted to ethics but pertains
to those forces of psychological rather than physical nature, including the mental
aspects of conflict. These are difficult to grasp and impossible to quantify.
They are manifest in such intangibles as the national resolve of adversaries, their
military plans and tactics, the quality of leadership and the determination of the
individual combatants to achieve victory.

In war, the moral is to the material as three to one.


25. Actions that take place predominantly on the moral plane are more
difficult and require the greater investment in combat development and training,
however they are more flexible. On this plane the quality of military leadership,
the morale of the fighting troops, their cohesion and sense of purpose are of
primary importance. Here the art of conflict is dominant.

26. Each episode in conflict is a unique product of the dynamic interaction

of a multitude of moral and physical forces. Whereas the physical forces may

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 7
Conduct of Land Operations
be quantified with some measure of effectiveness, the intangible aspects of
moral forces defy scientific explanation. Therefore conflict remains ultimately
an activity of human creativity and intuition powered by the strength of human
will. It requires intuition to grasp the essence of unique situations, creativity to
devise innovative solutions and the strength of purpose to act. Conflict is above
all a moral undertaking. As a result, moral forces exert a more significant
influence on the nature and outcome of conflict than do physical. This point
is fundamental to understanding Canadian army doctrine.

One might say that the physical seems little more than the
wooden hilt, while the moral factors are the precious metal,
the real weapon, the finely honed blade.



27. Although conflict has unchanging elements, it is constantly evolving.

Doctrine, training, equipment and procedures must change to accommodate the
characteristics of current and future conflicts.

28. Since the end of the Cold War, there have been, and will continue to be,
deployments to locations and environments that cannot be predicted beforehand.
The army requires the adaptability to react to various contingencies and to face
previously unforeseen threats. This calls for increased flexibility in doctrine and
training because there is no longer the luxury of basing our actions on a known
adversary. The Canadian army must be prepared to conduct combat operations
in a variety of locations and to deal with varying threats from terrorists up to and
including the threatened use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons of mass
destruction. In addition to traditional methods using lethal force, soldiers must
be capable of applying non-lethal responses, including information, and
interpersonal skills such as negotiation to achieve success on operations.
Although this manual is primarily concerned with combat operations, the
conduct of operations other than war at the operational level is discussed in
Chapter 7.

29. In most cases the army will not operate alone, but will integrate its
activities with one or more of the other environments, other countries or with
civil agencies. This trend will continue, and cooperation with joint and
combined forces, and other agencies will permeate all aspects of operations and
8 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
will take place at lower levels than in the past. As a result, the operational
doctrine in this manual is inherently joint and, therefore, consistent with
Canadian joint doctrine. The specific aspects of combined operations are
outlined in Chapter 6.

30. Technological advances in all areas of science continue to change the

face of conflict. The accuracy, lethality and range of modern weapon systems
have forced commanders to disperse their formations, and therefore decentralize
decision-making and execution. Also, improved surveillance and target
acquisition from space and aerial platforms has decreased the freedom to
manoeuvre. The speed of decision-making, the synchronization and
concentration of force have increased in importance and all depend on accurate
information. Meanwhile, technologies such as digitization have increased the
ability to share information so that friendly and enemy forces will be more
dependant on the electromagnetic spectrum to obtain and transmit information.
As a result, our own vulnerabilities must be protected and the enemy’s
exploited. The instantaneous reporting of military operations by the
international and national media has also put new pressures on commanders.
These technological changes have resulted in the development of concepts of
information or knowledge-based operations. These are discussed in
B-GL-300-005/FP-001 Land Force Information Operations.


31. In addition to the elements that describe the nature of conflict, our
doctrine is consistent with the Canadian principles of war. The idea of
principles of war is not new. For more than two thousand years commanders
and military thinkers have set down their thoughts on the conduct of war. These
ideas were the distilled essence of what they found essential to the achievement
of success. The ideas have taken different forms and have ranged from various
philosophical propositions to the formal one hundred and fifteen maxims of

32. This has resulted in most armies developing a set of principles for the
conduct of operations, which, derived as they are from experience and practice,
should not be regarded as immutable laws. As warfare evolves, so also can
these rules or principles be expected to evolve. The Canadian principles of war
provide general guidance for the conduct of war but are also applicable to
operations other than war. They are the enduring bedrock of Canadian army
doctrine. The principles are listed here and explained in detail in
B-GL-300-000/FP-000, Canada’s Army.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 9
Conduct of Land Operations
33. The mere application of these principles does not guarantee success.
Circumstances will dictate the relative importance of each principle. Often, the
commander adheres to one at the expense of another. To disregard a principle,
however, involves risk and the possibility of failure. The problem for a
commander will be to decide which principles will receive emphasis at any
given moment. Therefore, the practical value of these principles, as a guide to
action, depends very much upon the skill of the individual and his understanding
of the nature and theory of conflict.



Selection and Maintenance of the Aim

Maintenance of Morale

Offensive Action



Concentration of Force

Economy of Effort





34. The essential nature of conflict remains unchanging. It can be seen as a

clash of wills, with the object to impose our will upon the enemy. To function
effectively the army must be able to operate across the spectrum of conflict. By
emphasizing combat operations, it retains the focus on fighting the nation's wars,
while also accepting the reality that the army will be involved in a variety of
operations other than war, both in Canada and around the world. Canadian
10 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
doctrine recognizes three levels of conflict. However, the emphasis in this
manual is on the operational level, which is the vital link between military
strategy and tactics.

35. The concept that conflict exists on both the physical and moral planes,
while emphasizing the decisiveness of the latter, is an essential element of our
doctrine. However, doctrine should also be forward looking and adaptable to
changing technologies, threats, and missions.

36. Canadian army doctrine is compatible with the nature of conflict and is
consistent with the enduring characteristics of conflict and the principles of war.
It is intended to be a guide to the application of those principles. The doctrine
retains a Canadian character and reflects Canadian realities, but it is also
consistent with the doctrine of our closest allies, alongside whom we will
conduct combat and non-combat operations.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 11
Conduct of Land Operations


The aim in war is to overcome the enemy’s will to resist

and this will be achieved, . . . in one or both of two main
ways. The physical destruction of most of or part of his forces
by killing is one way to induce in him the feeling of
helplessness which begets hopelessness and defeat.
Sometimes, however, it will be enough to disrupt his cohesion
by placing forces where they can cut his central nervous
system - his channels of communication and supply - or where,
by the threat of fire, the enemy is persuaded to give up. The
aim should be as much to slip a knife between his ribs as to
beat out his brains with a club.

CFP 165, Conduct of Land Operations, 1967


1. The object of conflict is to impose our will upon the enemy. Success in
achieving that objective is measured against predetermined criteria, generally
referred to as the end-state. The end-state is the result that must be achieved at
the end of a campaign to conclude the conflict on favourable terms. The end-
state will likely have political, diplomatic, economic and psychological, as well
as military aspects.

2. The military contribution to success is achieved by using the

appropriate amount of force, or threat of force, to compel an opponent to
conclude the conflict in accordance with the desired end-state. It may be a
resolution to the satisfaction of all parties or termination on one side's terms
alone. Rather than a pure military victory, it may often be defined in terms such
as reconciliation, acceptance of the status quo, or agreement to a peace plan.

3. Consistent with the Canadian army understanding of the existence of

conflict on two planes, the means to achieve the desired end-state include
physical destruction of the enemy's means of fighting, and attacking his will to
resist. This doctrine embraces both of these means.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 12
The Theory of the Conflict

4. Physical destruction of the enemy’s capacity to fight will be but one of

a number of ways to defeat him. Destruction may be pursued to undermine an
enemy's ability to conduct operations, but is often most effective when it is used
to damage the enemy's morale, and increase his feelings of fear, desperation and
hopelessness. Selective physical destruction can be aimed at isolating
components of the force or breaking the enemy physically into smaller groups.

5. Physical destruction may not in itself lead to success. This was re-
learned by the US in Vietnam and is well stated by Liddell Hart :

There are . . . plenty of negative examples to prove that

the conquest of the main armed forces of the enemy is not
synonymous with victory. History has no more complete
victories than Cannae and Sedan, yet the one failed to bring
Hannibal to his goal and the other was only consummated
when Paris fell several months after.

6. The comprehensive physical destruction of the enemy may also be

difficult and targeting the enemy could cause unnecessary collateral damage.
Success criteria that rely on destruction must take into account the risk to public
and political support that protracted and inconclusive battles and engagements
entail. Physical destruction of the enemy, by itself, is not therefore a wholly
reliable means of achieving success.


7. As defeating an enemy by destruction alone have limitations, our

doctrine also encompasses defeating him by striking his moral fibre : his will to

8. To attack the enemy's will to resist, an understanding of the nature of

human will is necessary. When an individual faces combat, the primary
responses are to fight, flee, or surrender. In most cases, an attack on the enemy's
will to fight should be accompanied by measures that encourage the enemy to
surrender or flee.

9. This can be accomplished not only through fear generated by violent

physical actions such as massive firepower but also by surprising him with

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 13
Conduct of Land Operations
unexpected threats. It can also be achieved by offering fair treatment for
prisoners and wounded, showing respect for the law of armed conflict, offering
honourable surrender terms or pursuing other methods that legitimize and
encourage his surrender. If desirable, flight can be encouraged by offering an
open avenue of escape, such as when dispersing a riot.

10. An individual's will to resist is built on internal influences, those of the

group, and those of the leader. Internal influences include personal motivation
and emotions, such as hatred or revenge, that motivate the individual to continue
fighting even if alone. Often more dominant are the influences of the small
group. Battlefield studies, notably the work of S.L.A. Marshall, have shown
that the primary reason men fight is the feeling of group loyalty or the fear of
letting down other members of the group.

11. The individual, and in fact the group, are also affected by the influence
of leaders who can provide motivation and compulsion to fight and legitimize
the efforts of individuals.

12. It is difficult to alter strongly held personal beliefs, and closely knit
small groups are difficult to break up. Therefore, efforts aimed at attacking the
enemy's will to fight should focus on two areas. The first is to attack the leaders'
will to fight and the second is to disrupt the bonds between larger groups, and
shattering the links between leaders and followers. In other words the preferred
method of attacking the will to fight is to render the enemy incapable of resisting
by shattering the physical and moral cohesion of his force.


13. Cohesion is unity. It is the quality that binds together constituent parts
of a military organization. With a cohesive force, a commander can maintain
unity of effort in imposing his will on the enemy. Cohesion comprises the
general identification with a common aim or purpose, the means to
concentrate force in a coordinated and timely manner and the maintenance
of high morale.

14. Cohesion reflects the unity of effort in the force. It includes the
influence of a well articulated commander's intent focussed at a common goal,
the motivation and esprit de corps of the force and also the physical components
necessary to integrate and apply combat power. Cohesion therefore has both
moral and physical components.

14 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
15. The enemy's cohesion can be attacked by making his overall aim, or the
missions of his component parts, increasingly inappropriate or irrelevant; by
forcing him to dissipate his forces in both time and space; and by targeting the
spiritual, intellectual and material pillars of his morale.

16. Cohesion is an intangible but potent force. A breakdown in cohesion

will lead to isolation, fear, confusion, and loss of the will to fight. The enemy
will be unable to apply his full combat power and his component parts can be
defeated in detail. Ideally, the result is an adversary made up of a collection of
individuals and small groups lacking motivation, direction and purpose. This
loose collection can be more easily defeated because the ability to fight
effectively as a force has been eliminated. Breaking the enemy's cohesion,
however, may only be a temporary or transitory effect, and the enemy could
regroup and recover if pressure is not maintained. Where physical and moral
cohesion is shattered and resistance continues, such as by fanatical individuals
or groups, physical destruction may be the only alternative.


17. Our doctrine is built upon our understanding of the nature of conflict
and is consistent with the principles of war. At the same time, Canadian army
doctrine acknowledges the existence of moral and physical forces, and the
significance of moral factors in conflict. Cohesion is seen as the glue that
solidifies individual and group will under the command of leaders. Cohesion
allows military forces to endure hardship and retain the physical and moral
strength to continue fighting to accomplish their mission.

18. As a result, the Canadian army seeks manoeuvrist approach to defeat

the enemy by shattering his moral and physical cohesion, his ability to fight as
an effective coordinated whole, rather than by destroying him physically
through incremental attrition.3 This manoeuvrist approach strikes a balance
between the use of physical destruction and moral coercion, emphasizing the
importance of the latter, to attack the enemy’s will. This is achieved through a
series of rapid, violent, and unexpected actions that create a turbulent and
rapidly deteriorating situation with which the enemy cannot cope. Attacks are

In the British Army and the US Marine Corps, this approach is referred to as
manoeuvre warfare.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 15
Conduct of Land Operations
directed against the enemy's moral components - particularly his willpower, his
military plans, his ability to manoeuvre, his command and control ability and his
morale. These actions are integrated to seize and maintain the initiative, outpace
the enemy, and keep him off balance.

19. The physical application of violence is still critical, but is conducted

selectively. Rather than conducting an operation as a toe-to-toe slugging match
between two boxers, it should be fought like a bullfight where a stronger
opponent can be worn down, confused, and disoriented by the picadors and the
elusive and flexible cape of the matador until the latter delivers the final blow
with a thrust to the heart.

20. The Canadian army approach to operations is dynamic and

multidimensional. It requires a balance between mass, time and space. By
speed of action we attempt to pre-empt enemy plans, dislocate enemy forces,
disrupt his movement and his means of command and control. Our combat
forces are pitted against the enemy's strength only if this is required to hold and
neutralize the opponent's forces, or to set up the conditions for decisive action
against a critical vulnerability. Normally our combat power is directed against
enemy weakness, particularly against his cohesion.

21. Where possible, existing weak points are exploited. Failing that, they
must be created. Weak points may be physical, for example, an undefended
boundary : they may also be less tangible, such as a vulnerability in passage of
information. They are often produced when an enemy is over-extended or
suffering the effects of a high tempo of operations. Exploiting weak points
requires agility, flexibility and anticipation, and low level freedom of action.

22. Enemy strength is avoided and combat power targeted through his
weakness to strike at his critical assets (lines of communications, headquarters,
rear areas, reserve forces etc.) directly. The image of water flowing over
surfaces and gaps is useful to understand the notion. Water runs off surfaces -
enemy strengths - and pours through gaps - enemy weaknesses to follow the
path of least resistance. This relates to the concept of gathering intelligence and
searching and probing with reconnaissance elements to find gaps to “pull”
combat power towards weakness rather than “pushing” based exclusively on
centralized direction from the commander.

23. Using this approach, tactical battles are not an end in themselves, but
only a building block within the framework of a larger campaign that uses
surprise, deception, manoeuvre and firepower to break the enemy's will to fight,
primarily through attacking moral and physical cohesion.

16 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict

24. There are three approaches to attacking enemy cohesion. These are, in
order of preference : pre-emption, dislocation and disruption.


25. To pre-empt the enemy is to seize an opportunity, often fleeting, before

he does, to deny him an advantageous course of action. Pre-emption relies on
surprise above all and requires good intelligence and an ability to understand
and anticipate the opponent’s actions. Its success lies in the speed with which
the situation can subsequently be exploited. Pre-emption is used to produce a
sufficient and suitably located threat that causes confusion and doubt; destroys
confidence by foiling the enemy's plans; and makes his intended course of action
irrelevant. Pre-emption denies initiative to the enemy.

26. Whether offensive or defensive, pre-emption demands a keen

awareness of time and a willingness to take calculated risks which offer a high
payoff. These risks may be reduced with the benefit of intelligence derived
from real time sensors that provide a more accurate assessment of the enemy's
true situation. Pre-emption can also be achieved by allowing subordinates at all
levels the initiative, consistent with the commander’s intent, to seize
opportunities as they arise.

27. Pre-emption can be achieved, for example, by establishing air

superiority or establishing control of the electromagnetic spectrum at the start of
operations. On the moral plane, the enemy can be pre-empted by use of a pro-
active public affairs programme. This may also include actions to secure the
support or neutrality of third parties before the opposition can do so.


28. To dislocate the enemy is to deny him the ability to bring his
strength to bear. Its purpose is much wider than disruption and goes beyond
the frustration of the enemy's plans; it is to render the strength of elements of the
force irrelevant. It seeks to avoid fighting the enemy on his terms. This is done
by avoiding his strengths and neutralizing them so they cannot be used
effectively. A dislocating move is usually preceded by actions to distract the
enemy and fix his attention. As stated by Liddell-Hart : “It is through
‘distraction’ of the commander’s mind that the distraction of his forces follows.
B-GL-300-001/FP-000 17
Conduct of Land Operations
The loss of freedom of action is the sequel to the loss of his freedom of

Operation Overlord, 6 June 1944

During the initial stages of the landings in Normandy, the Allies' main fear was
a rapid and concentrated German counter-attack before the beachhead was
secured. Actions were taken to break the cohesion of the German response by
pre-emption, disruption and dislocation.


Allied troops were parachuted into German rear areas and on the flanks of the
landings to seize bridges and other points vital to both sides. This denied
mobility to the German troops moving to repel the invaders. At the same time,
Ranger and Commando units were employed to seize key emplacements that
dominated the landings.


Part of Operation Overlord was the construction of the First United States Army
Group (FUSAG) under Gen George S. Patton. This army, an elaborate fake,
helped deceive the Germans into believing that the Normandy landings were a
feint. The plan used a minimal number of Allied troops to hold German
reserves in the Pas de Calais region. This dislocated the main component of the
Axis reserves so that their full strength was not brought to bear against the
Allied invasion.


French resistance forces, carefully coordinated with Operation Overlord,

destroyed key portions of the railway net in France. At the same time, Allied air
forces bombed other targets on the lines of communications. This disrupted the
German transport system, and damaged the ability of the Axis commanders to
redeploy their forces to meet the Allied invasion, and to supply their forces in
the field.

29. Envelopments or deep penetrations into the operational depth of an

enemy, even by small military forces, may cause dislocation of elements of the
force by attacking reserves, lines of communications and command and control
networks. Deception and operations security can also be used to lure the enemy

18 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
into making incorrect deployments, inappropriate use of reserves, and
inadequate preparations for operations.


30. To disrupt is to attack the enemy selectively to break apart and throw
into confusion the assets that are critical to the employment and coherence of his
combat power. It is a deliberate act that requires sound intelligence. Its
purpose is to rupture the integrity of the enemy's combat power and to
reduce it to less than the total of its constituent parts. Identifying and
locating the most critical assets may not be easy. Key strategic and military
targets might include command centres, high-value base facilities, air defence
systems, weapons of mass destruction, choke points and critical logistics and
industrial facilities. This can be done by getting into his rear areas (normally
considered secure), seizing or neutralizing what is important to him, surprising
and deceiving him, presenting him with unexpected situations, using
psychological operations, and attacking his plans and preparations.

31. To attack moral cohesion, components of the enemy force should be

isolated from their command and control. Opposing commanders should be cut
off from their sources of information. The lack of information will force bad
decisions and cause loss of credibility, motivation, and the will to fight for a
“losing” commander. This creates a lack of faith in enemy leaders, so that their
effectiveness and competence, as well as the legitimacy of their cause will come
into question. This takes away the enemy’s sense of purpose and induces fear.
The ultimate goal is to produce panic and paralysis by presenting the opponent
with sudden unexpected and dangerous change or a series of such changes to
which he cannot adjust.

32. Physical cohesion can be attacked by separating commanders from

their subordinates by severing, disrupting or jamming communications,
attacking lines of communications, destroying elements of the force and
interfering with control measures. During World War I, the Canadian Corps
became experts in the use of counter-battery fire to disrupt the physical cohesion
of the defending Germans. The Canadians were able to separate the defending
infantry from artillery support so they could be isolated and defeated more

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 19
Conduct of Land Operations

33. The attack on the enemy's cohesion is executed through a combination

of the two dynamic forces of fixing and striking. Implicit in both is the need to
find the enemy. Armies pre-empt, dislocate and disrupt by fixing and striking
the enemy, both on the physical and moral planes of conflict.

34. In all conflict - whether between two boxers, between two hockey
teams, between small groups of guerrillas and soldiers in the jungle, or between
large armies in the desert - the interaction between them is defined in terms of
the two dynamic forces.
The Two Dynamic Forces :


35. Sun Tzu, in the 5th century BC, coined the terms normal force to
describe the action of fixing the enemy or denying him the freedom to achieve
his purpose, and extraordinary force for the action of manoeuvring into a
position of decisive advantage from which the enemy can be struck.

36. General George S. Patton Jr. has described these dynamic forces even
more succinctly :

Hold 'em by the nose . . . and kick 'em in the ass.


37. Fixing in physical terms involves the use of combat forces to hold
ground against enemy attack, to hold or fix an enemy in one location by
firepower and/or manoeuvre, or to hold vital points by protecting against enemy
intervention. Its object is to restrict enemy freedom of movement and
increase our own ability to manoeuvre.

38. Fixing on the moral plane involves holding the enemy's attention. The
object is to restrict his mental freedom of choice. Our freedom of action is
enhanced by denying the enemy the opportunity to achieve his goals and putting
him in a reactive frame of mind. This is done by deceiving, luring, and
surprising him. When an enemy is deceived, he is certain how to act - but his

20 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
decision is wrong. When he is lured, he is invited to take a course of action that
will make him vulnerable. When he is surprised, he becomes uncertain how to
react to ambiguous information until it is too late. True to the enduring
characteristic of uncertainty the enemy can be forced to cover all options,
thereby dissipating his force and being distracted from his purpose.

39. To fix the enemy, we should deny him information, suppress his ability
to pass orders and inhibit their execution. One way that this may be achieved is
by domination of all or portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

40. When the enemy is distracted and held physically (by a strong defence
or a supporting attack) or morally (by keeping him in a state of uncertainty) his
ability to interfere with friendly operations is reduced.

41. Fixing an enemy may require the use of more direct and lethal means
by battle and engagement. Such actions can swallow combat forces quickly.
Thus a balance must be struck to ensure that the resources allocated to fixing do
not unnecessarily reduce those required for striking.


42. Striking the enemy is achieved by attack on the moral or physical

planes, or ideally a combination of both.

In battle there are only the normal and extraordinary

forces, but their combinations are limitless; none can
comprehend them all. For these two forces are mutually
reproductive; their inter-action as endless as that of
interlocked rings. Who can determine where one ends and the
other begins?

Sun Tzu

43. Striking in physical terms involves the attack on enemy forces to seize
or capture ground; destroy equipment, vital points, and installations; kill enemy
personnel; or to gain a position of advantage. The object is either to
manoeuvre forces or to concentrate and deliver firepower to gain leverage
over an opponent.

44. To strike in moral terms is to attack an enemy's cohesion - to attack his

morale, his sense of purpose or his decision making ability. The object is to

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 21
Conduct of Land Operations
seize the initiative by debilitating him mentally, and eroding his will to

45. Striking at enemy cohesion entails selective psychological attack upon

his morale, his sense of purpose, and upon his capability to decide, plan and act
with any degree of certainty. Electronic warfare, deception, special forces and
psychological warfare assets are integrated, when possible, with applied
physical combat power. By these means the enemy's decision-action cycle can
be disrupted and his command and control abilities destroyed or neutralized.
Feint attacks, selective jamming, demonstrations of force, the surgical removal
of key elements in his force will create a sense of isolation within an enemy.
Striking an enemy on the moral plane by psychological attack requires good
intelligence, specialist assets and thorough coordination.

46. Conflict includes the constant interaction of the dynamic forces of

combat - fixing and striking - on both the physical and moral planes. They are
not effective in isolation and must be coordinated by commanders. Although
the means employed may vary, these dynamic forces apply equally to the rifle
section as to a multinational joint force. They are useful to both operational
level planning and tactical activity.


47. Armies use combat power to fix and strike the enemy. Combat power
is the total means of destructive and/or disruptive force that a military
unit/formation can apply against the opponent at a given time. It is generated
through the integration of several elements, called combat functions. To
produce the desired effect on the enemy, combat power is applied through a
combination of fixing and striking to attack moral and physical cohesion.

48. The army defines six combat functions. They are : command;
information operations; manoeuvre; firepower; protection; and sustainment.
The central importance of command is reflected in Figure 2-1, however all of
the functions are clearly interrelated.

22 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict




Figure 2-1: Combat Functions

49. Commanders seek to integrate these functions and apply them as

overwhelming combat power when and where required. The aim is to convert
the potential of forces, resources and opportunities into actual capability that is
greater than the sum of the parts. Integration and coordination are used to
produce violent, synchronized action at the decisive time and place to fix or
strike the enemy.

50. Attacking the enemy’s cohesion can also be visualized in terms of

attacking his efforts to generate cohesive combat power. This can be done by
destroying or degrading individual functions, such as command or sustainment,
or attacking the links that join them, such as lines of communications or
command and control links. In this way the enemy commander can be isolated
from receiving information; coordination of manoeuvre and firepower can be
disrupted; and the force cannot be sustained. Cohesion can also be attacked by
frustrating the integration of the elements of his combat power through foiling
his attempts at synchronization, destroying his planned tempo, and making his
main effort irrelevant.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 23
Conduct of Land Operations

51. Command is the exercise of military authority by a designated

commander for the planning, directing, coordination and control of military
forces. Command is exercised through an arrangement of personnel, equipment,
facilities and procedures employed by a commander to accomplish his mission.
Control is a supporting means by which command is exercised and regulated,
and is normally conducted through a staff.

52. The command function provides the means to unify and integrate the
activities of the other functions. Elements of the six combat functions can be
combined in an infinite number of ways, just as the artist uses his palette to
create any colour that he can imagine. The commander coordinates and focuses
forces involved in fixing and striking operations to attack an enemy’s cohesion
constantly. This is accomplished by applying combat power in well coordinated
operations to dislocate, disrupt, and seize opportunities to pre-empt.

53. The central component of the command function is a philosophy

emphasizing the importance of formulating and communicating the
commander’s intent. A thorough understanding of the intent guides decision-
making at all levels, encourages both initiative and speed of action. Command
is discussed in more detail in B-GL-300-003/FP-000 Command.


54. Information operations integrate all aspects of information to support

and enhance the other combat functions, with the goal of dominating the enemy
at the right time, the right place and with the right weapons or resources. These
operations take place within four interrelated components of information
operations : Intelligence and Information (including ISTAR), Communication
and Information Systems (CIS), Command and Control Warfare (C2W),
Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), and Public Affairs (PA).

55. The principal objective in information operations is to gain

information dominance - a relative advantage between the friendly
commander's decision-action cycle and that of the adversary, and to use that
advantage to enhance and enable the other elements of combat power. They are
also used to gain and maintain public support, attack the cohesion and morale of
enemy forces and win the support of the indigenous population and government.
The concept of information operations goes beyond the simple collection of
information, and embraces information as a tool, a shield and a weapon to be

24 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
used by the commander. Land Force Information Operations are covered in
more detail in B-GL-300-005/FP-001.


56. Manoeuvre is the movement of forces, in combination with direct and

indirect fire or fire potential, to achieve a position of advantage with respect to
enemy forces. It is the means of concentrating land, sea and air forces at the
decisive point to pre-empt, dislocate or disrupt the enemy’s cohesion through
surprise, psychological shock, physical momentum, and moral dominance.
While mainly physical it can also have moral effects such as uncertainty,
confusion, and paralysis. It involves trade-offs : speed against security, breadth
against depth, concentration against dispersion. Asymmetry and a degree of
risk-taking are implicit.

57. The freedom of manoeuvre of friendly forces encompasses mobility.

Mobility tasks include overcoming natural and man-made obstacles, improving
existing lines of communication and other routes or building new ones, and
identifying routes around or through areas contaminated by NBC agents, mines
or unexploded ordnance.

58. As the commander develops his concept of operations and considers

the manoeuvre of all his forces, he is careful to retain a balance in the
application of manoeuvre, firepower and protection. The nature of this balance
establishes the priorities and relationships of manoeuvre to the other combat
functions as the commander translates the art of his vision of operations to the
science of detailed planning and application of combat power.

59. While manoeuvre and firepower are complementary, firepower can

rarely substitute adequately for manoeuvre. For example, ground manoeuvre
used to secure a position has an enduring effect, which compels the enemy to
respond to our actions.


60. Firepower, integrated with manoeuvre or independent of it, is used to

destroy, neutralize and suppress the enemy. Firepower should be viewed as a
joint concept. It encompasses the collective and coordinated use of target
acquisition data from all sources, direct and indirect fire weapons, armed aircraft
of all types, and other lethal and nonlethal means against air, ground, and sea

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 25
Conduct of Land Operations
targets. The delivery systems include artillery, mortar, and other non-line-of-
sight fires, naval gunfire, close air support, counter air, air interdiction and
electronic attack.

61. Firepower can be used for both fixing and striking. Its utility demands
coordination with other battlefield activities to achieve the greatest combined
effect upon the enemy. The sudden lethal effect of firepower can cause
localized disruption and dislocation, which can then be exploited by manoeuvre.
Firepower is also coordinated with information operations to ensure that
electronic and psychological attack reinforces the physical and moral effects of
firepower and manoeuvre. Using a combination of weapon systems to
complicate the opponent’s response is always desirable. The use of firepower,
and the threat of its use, can have a tremendous effect upon enemy morale. The
effects, however, are always temporary and should be exploited immediately.
Firepower is covered in more details in B-GL-300-007/FP-001 Land Force


62. Protection encompasses those measures the force takes to remain viable
and functional by protecting itself from the effects of enemy weapon systems
and natural occurrences. Protection can be enhanced by active measures
employing firepower, manoeuvre, air defence and counter-mobility measures to
fix the enemy and if necessary destroy him before he can attack effectively.
Passive measures include hardening of facilities and fortification of battle
positions, protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, NBC defence
measures as well as camouflage, concealment and non-electronic deception. It
also includes actions to reduce fratricide.

63. Protection is also enhanced through efforts to limit non-combat losses

by providing basic health needs and welfare facilities to preserve cohesion and
morale as part of sustainment. The overall protection of the force is coordinated
with application of defensive command and control warfare (OPSEC, deception,
EW, and PSYOP), as part of information operations. Air defence is another key
aspect of protecting freedom of action and it encompasses maritime, land and air
capabilities. It prevents the enemy from using a primary means, air power, to
break our cohesion.

64. Denying mobility to enemy forces aims to disrupt, turn, block or fix
enemy offensive movement, thereby breaking the physical cohesion of his
forces and enhancing the combined effects of fire and manoeuvre. Counter

26 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
mobility includes obstacle creation and obscuration B-GL-300-006-/FP-001
Land Force Protection.


65. Sustainment is achieved through a balance of military administration

and civilian support through host nation support, other government departments,
and agencies and civilian contractors. Military administration includes,
primarily, personnel administration and logistics. Sustainment provides the
physical means with which forces operate but also contributes to moral cohesion
through effective medical services, flexible personnel administration and morale
programmes. Sustainment is covered in greater detail in B-GL-300-004/FP-001
Land Force Sustainment.


66. The multiple combinations of the combat functions are designed by the
commander to produce maximum combat power. They are integrated in time
and space through the designation of the main effort, and the use of
synchronization and tempo.


67. Designation of a main effort is a clear and simple method of enabling

the commander to direct the desired weight of his combat power to one purpose.
The main effort is the activity that the commander considers crucial to the
success of his mission at that time. By focussing his efforts to strike hard at one
of the enemy's weak points, it can overthrow an opponent who may be, in total
strength, more powerful.

68. The statement of main effort allows a subordinate commander to focus

his actions on the commander's aim, while giving him flexibility in achieving it.
It is not a point on a map. The main effort is the activity the commander wants
to use to achieve a decision. It should be qualified by location, time and the
force(s) directly involved. For ease of comprehension, the designated force is
referred to as being “on the main effort.” Designation of the main effort helps to
ensure that in the absence of detailed orders commanders can still act decisively
within the framework of the higher commander’s intent, while clearly
understanding the priority of effort.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 27
Conduct of Land Operations
69. There may be a different main effort for different phases of an
operation. Initially, for example, the main effort may be fixing the enemy as
part of a deep operation, using part of the force. It may then switch to striking
the enemy in a close operation, involving the main body. Similarly, although
the main effort for other support forces must always reinforce the main effort of
the unit or formation they are supporting, they will not necessarily coincide with
it. For example, the main effort for sustainment forces may be the establishment
of forward bases to support a subsequent exploitation of tactical success by
forces currently out of contact.

70. The commander can reinforce his main effort through narrowing the
area of operations, grouping extra combat power on the main effort, allocation
of priority for firepower, sustainment, mobility or information operations
support and planning options for reserve forces to support the main effort. Once
defined at one level, main efforts should be designated at every subordinate


71. Synchronization is the arrangement of military actions in time, space

and purpose to produce maximum combat power at a decisive place and time.
Synchronization is used to overload the enemy commander. He is attacked or
threatened from so many angles at once that he is denied the ability to
concentrate on one problem at a time or to establish priorities. Facing menacing
dilemmas about how and where to react, he is torn in different directions. Even
if not totally paralysed, he finds it hard to respond coherently and in a timely

72. If the effect is repeated simultaneously against enough levels of

command, a cumulative effect on cohesion is felt throughout the enemy force.
His problems are compounded so that the response to one form of attack makes
him vulnerable to others or it exacerbates a different problem. In this way the
commander can, in the words of the US Civil War General William T.
Sherman, “put the enemy on the horns of a dilemma.”

73. For example, the enemy may have his use of the electromagnetic
spectrum curtailed and he may be attacked simultaneously using firepower from
artillery and from the air at ranges he is unable to match. When this is
synchronized with manoeuvre of friendly forces, the enemy can be forced into a
position from which he can neither fight effectively nor escape.
Synchronization is not useful for its own sake, but should be seen through the

28 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
eyes of the enemy and judged by its effect on his actions. Over control to
achieve synchronization can stifle initiative and interfere with the desired tempo
of operations.


74. Tempo is the rhythm or rate of activity on operations, relative to the

enemy. Tempo consists of three elements : speed of decision, speed of
execution, and the speed of transition from one activity to another. It relates to
the temporal integration of the combat functions to maximize combat power.
Within tempo the ability to reconstitute quickly is paramount. Forces should,
therefore, be organized to achieve high tempo operations, when necessary, by
grouping at each level of command for independent action to the greatest extent

75. Tempo seeks to keep the enemy off balance by posing new and
different threats, so that the situation the enemy believes he is facing is
repeatedly changed so that his responses are inappropriate. This can be done
by speeding up or by slowing down, or changing the type of activity. It can
also be achieved not only by attacking the enemy, but by attacking his plan and
his decision-action cycle.


During the “Hundred Days” campaign of WW 1, the Canadian Corps found that
after the first day of a successful attack, the infantry outran the artillery support;
communications could not be maintained and tank support faded resulting in
erosion of physical cohesion. The lack of artillery support led to high casualties
against the deep German defence as the attack slowly ground to a halt. In
response to this, commanders decided to slow the tempo of the attack by
inserting a pre-planned 4-6 hour delay to bring up artillery and tanks, re-
establish communications and conduct resupply and battle procedure. In this
way the Canadians, and not the enemy, dictated the tempo of operations and
were therefore able to preserve the cohesion of the attack and retain the

76. In all forms of conflict each party assesses the situation, decides and
acts, then reassesses to see what effect his actions have had. This is called the

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 29
Conduct of Land Operations
decision-action cycle.4 He who consistently completes the cycle faster gains an
advantage that increases with each repetition. The enemy's actions become less
and less appropriate to the real situation until he loses the cohesion needed to
continue to fight. The enemy should be made to see that his situation is not only
deteriorating but doing so at an ever increasing and unstoppable rate. The
ultimate goal is panic and paralysis - resulting in erosion of the enemy’s will to

77. Decentralization of decision-making authority consistent with the

commander’s intent can also be used to increase tempo. This allows decisions
to be made quickly and at the lowest practical level. If observations need to be
passed up the chain of command before a decision is made, and the orders
transmitted back down the chain, the decision-action cycle is going to be slow.

78. Clear, simple and short orders that clearly state the mission, the
commander’s intent and the main effort can also help increase tempo. Well-
known and understood doctrine and practised standard operating procedures will
greatly assist in the transmission, understanding and implementation of orders.
However, they should not be used to restrict initiative, but as multipurpose tools
that can be adapted to changing circumstances.

79. Tempo can be increased by avoiding battle unless absolutely necessary,

consistent with the commander’s intent. Preparation, conduct and recovery from
battle all consume valuable time and disrupt the tempo of friendly forces. The
aim should be to give battle only when success contributes directly to the
operational end-state.

The soundest strategy in any campaign is to postpone

battle, and the soundest tactics to postpone attack, until the
moral dislocation of the enemy renders the delivery of a
decisive blow practicable.

Basil Liddell-Hart

80. Above all, to operate at a quicker tempo than the enemy, the friction,
chaos and uncertainty of the battlefield must be accepted. Fluidity of operations
should be embraced as the norm.

Sometimes referred to as the observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) loop or Boyd cycle
after USAF Colonel John Boyd. See also Chapter 3.

30 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Theory of the Conflict
81. To avoid having the enemy cut inside the commander's decision-action
cycle, patterns and formulas are to be avoided. The enemy should not be able to
predict friendly actions and adapt his responses accordingly. New, imaginative,
quick and unexpected solutions are always required.


82. The success of operations is measured against the criteria defined in the
campaign end-state and is accomplished by the imposition of our will on an
opponent. This is achieved by the application of combat power through a
combination of physical destruction of the enemy’s means to fight and attacks
on his will to fight.

83. Combat power is applied using the dynamic forces of combat, fixing
and striking, to achieve decisive effects on enemy cohesion. Combat power is
generated through the combination and integration of the combat functions.
They are integrated in time and space through designating a main effort and
utilizing synchronization and tempo.

84. Canadian army doctrine seeks to achieve success by attacking the

enemy’s will by targeting moral and physical cohesion rather than the detailed
destruction of his combat power. This method strikes a balance between use of
physical destruction and attacking the enemy's will, emphasizing the importance
of the latter.

85. The approach outlined in this manual demands imaginative and creative
thinking to present the enemy with innovative and novel problems at a tempo
with which he cannot cope. Formulas and checklists are to be rejected.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 31
Conduct of Land Operations


Campaigning reflects the operational level of war, at which the results of

individual tactical actions are combined to fulfil the needs of strategy. A
campaign is a series of related military actions undertaken over a period of
time to achieve a strategic objective within a given theatre. A campaign
usually involves coordination of land, sea and air forces and, as a result, will
almost always be joint.

The methods outlined for the design and execution of operations in Part II
employ the doctrine outlined in Part I, and are applicable for operations
throughout the spectrum of conflict. They advocate success by attacking and
destroying an enemy's moral and physical cohesion, rather than by destroying
him physically through incremental attrition. They attempt to illustrate how
decisive military success may be achieved by moral coercion and selective
The campaigning methodology described below accommodates the
enduring and contemporary characteristics of conflict, and also puts into
perspective such issues as how information age technology will impact on
military operations. This discussion is primarily conceptual and descriptive.
Prescriptive procedures are defined in the B-GG-005-004/AF-000 Canadian
Force Operation.
Part II is divided into three chapters. The first deals with campaign
design. This is the operational commander's overall scheme for accomplishing
the assigned goals, and is the foundation for all subsequent campaign planning
and preparation. It is here that the commander must display an ability in
operational art. The second chapter describes the campaign plan itself. This is
the statement of the commander's design for prosecuting the operation. It
provides the guidance and direction to subordinates executing tactical missions
and for staff planning. The third chapter discusses the conduct of the campaign,
focussing on the operational commander's responsibilities. Annexes to this
chapter examine historical campaigns in greater detail to illustrate the concepts
in the preceding chapters.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 32
Conduct of Land Operations


In war as in art there is no general rule, in both talent

cannot be replaced by a precept.

Field Marshal Von Moltke


1. The Canadian Forces has developed an operational level planning

architecture within which, in peacetime and crisis, the nation’s policies are
translated - using the Canadian Forces Operational Planning Process5) (CFOPP),
Contingency Operation Plans, Operation Plans and Supporting Plans. This
planning structure provides for the issue of operational directives and operation
orders to subordinate commanders.

2. The purpose of this and the subsequent chapter is to describe a process

that will enable an operational level commander to formulate a campaign plan.
The campaign planning process, using concepts of campaign design and the
CFOPP as tools, comprises all of the actions of the commander and his staff
from the receipt of strategic direction, through an estimate to the finalized plan.
Subsequent cycles of the CFOPP will create more detailed orders for each phase
of the campaign. This planning would of course be made easier if contingency
plans already existed for the specific scenario and area of operations. A well-
considered campaign plan is essential for success at the operational level of war,
since it provides the overall unity of purpose for all activities in the theatre.


3. Operational art is the skill of translating strategic direction into

operational and tactical action. It is that vital link between the setting of military
strategic objectives and the tactical employment of forces on the battlefield
through the skilful execution of command at the operational level. Operational

This manual should be read in conjunction with B-GG-005-005/AF-004, Force
Employment, which outlines the detailed planning process for joint campaigns.

33 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
art involves the design, planning, and conduct of campaigns and major
operations. It requires a clear understanding of the consequences of operational
level decisions, their tactical results, and their impact on strategic aims.

4. No specific level of command is solely concerned with operational art.

In its simplest expression, operational art determines when, where, and for what
purpose major forces will fight. It governs the deployment of those forces, their
commitments to or withdrawal from battle, and the sequencing of successive
operations to attain operational objectives.

5. The skilful employment of operational art requires commanders with

broad vision, the ability to anticipate, and a careful understanding of the
relationship of means to ends. Using operational art, the commander applies
intellect to the situation in order to establish and transmit a vision for the
accomplishment of the strategic objective.


6. Government policy creates and directs the nation’s response to conflict.

The activity that strives to attain the objectives of policy, in peace as in conflict,
is strategy. At the highest level there is national strategy. This involves the
application and coordination of all elements of national power : economic,
diplomatic, psychological, informational, technological, and military.
Subordinate to this is military strategy, which in essence, is the applied or
threatened use of military force to impose policy. Military strategy, being a
subset of national strategy, must be coordinated with the use of other elements
of national power.

7. Military strategy is the province of national policy makers, their

military advisers, and the nation's senior military leadership. Their first
concerns are defining the national strategic conditions that determine success,
translating policy goals into military terms by establishing military strategic
objectives, assigning operational level command, imposing limitations, and
allocating resources. These should be clearly encapsulated in a strategic
directive, which initiates the operational commander’s decision-action cycle.


8. Regardless of the clarity and comprehensiveness of the strategic

directive, the operational commander must formulate his own vision for the

34 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design
conduct of the campaign. This conceptual vision is the essence of his campaign
design. It also serves as the basis for subsequent development, with the staff, of
the campaign plan, orders and directives.

9. After the commander receives the strategic directive, his principal task
is to determine and pursue the sequence of military actions that will most
directly serve the strategic objective. The mission analysis of the strategic
direction as part of a rigorous estimate process is a vital part of this process.

10. Generally, campaigns have a single strategic objective. If there is more

than one strategic objective, campaigns are waged sequentially or
simultaneously. In this way, smaller campaigns may exist within larger ones.
Regardless, the focus on the military strategic objective is the single
overriding element of campaign design.


11. Mission analysis is a logical process for extracting and deducing, from
a superior’s order, the tasks necessary to fulfil a mission. At the operational
level, it places in context what effect is to be achieved by the campaign.

12. The operational commander must analyse and discuss the strategic
directive with senior military or government leaders to ensure that the policy
goals are clear and that the national level authorities are made fully aware of the
consequences of committing military forces to a campaign. When strategic aims
and conditions appear unreasonable, the commander must so state. When they
are unclear, he must seek clarification. While required to pursue the established
aim, he is obliged to communicate the associated risks to his superiors. He must
also state if the resources are insufficient and what he perceives will be the
consequences of any imposed limitations on the achievement of the strategic
aim. When limitations imposed by the strategic authority are so severe as to
prevent the attainment of the established aim, the commander must request
relaxation of either the aim or the limitations.

13. Military planning in a crisis will be an iterative process with political

and diplomatic activity occurring in parallel. Even in purely national operations,
the ideal contents of a strategic directive are unlikely to be available at an early
stage. In some cases it must be acknowledged that contingency planning and
some preparations may begin without a politically approved mission, but formal
military planning should not begin without a clear mission. If a clearly

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 35
Conduct of Land Operations
enunciated strategic directive is difficult to obtain, the operational commander
should prepare options for approval.

14. The mission analysis should consider what other instruments of

national power, particularly diplomatic, legal, and economic that will be used to
support the commander to achieve the overall objective. He must consider the
military end-state and the operational objectives required to achieve it. The
mobility and sustainment of the force must also be considered.

15. The operational commander’s mission analysis will allow him to

provide planning guidance to his staff. It should clearly state the tasks to be
accomplished and the framework within which the estimate is to be conducted.6

16. Flexibility and adaptability in campaign design and planning are

essential because each new crisis and each development during a crisis brings
unforeseen complexities for which there may be no preplanned solutions. As
costs, capabilities and expectations are re-evaluated during the campaign, the
strategic aims, or the criteria for success, may require mission analysis to be
conducted again. Thus, military options will evolve and may be limited by
complicated command and control arrangements, restrictive rules of engagement
and hedged with political limitations.

17. The optimum use of force from the military perspective may not be
feasible from the political or diplomatic perspective. Force levels may be
determined by the political situation, the national will to commit forces, public
perception and its influences on government leaders and other competing
strategic priorities.

18. Commanders and staffs must anticipate crises, plan for them and act in
parallel with political, diplomatic, and relevant non-governmental activity. This
will ensure that, if the use of force is necessary, it will be as effective as
possible. This does not, however, absolve the strategic authority of the absolute
requirement to provide clear and practical guidance to operational level
commanders. Without this guidance, the military effort will be unfocussed,
wasteful and, most likely, ultimately unsuccessful.

The estimate process at the operational level is described in detail in
B-GG-005-000/AF-004 Force Employment, Chapter 4.

36 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design

19. Commanders at all levels must have a common understanding, prior to

hostilities, of the criteria or conditions that constitute military success. This
situation is referred to as the military end-state. A military end-state includes
the required conditions that, when achieved, attain the strategic objectives or
allow other instruments of national power to achieve the final strategic end-state.
The military end-state is that state of military affairs that needs to be
achieved at the end of the campaign to either terminate, or help resolve, the
conflict as defined by the strategic aim.

20. Determining the military end-state, and ensuring that it accomplishes

the strategic objectives, are the critical first steps in the conceptual design of the
campaign. Failure to make this determination will waste scarce resources and
put the entire effort at risk.

21. The end-state consists of those necessary conditions that by their

existence will achieve the established objective. These conditions will vary
between moral coercion by the threat of military violence and complete physical
destruction of the enemy's means to fight. Generally, in war, where military
factors are predominant, policy goals are translated into military terms entailing
the defeat of enemy forces or occupation of terrain. For instance, the
unconditional surrender of the enemy as a policy objective implies the outright
defeat of his military forces. General D.D. Eisenhower received such an
objective in 1943 :

“You will enter the continent of Europe and in

conjunction with other Allied Nations, undertake operations
aimed at the heart of Germany and the destruction of her
armed forces.”


22. Once the military end-state is clearly defined, the commander must
identify the operational objectives of the campaign. These are the military
goals that need to be achieved in the campaign to produce the desired end-state.
They may include the enemy's command, control and communications system,
his logistic installations and elements, or those aspects that are vital to the
morale of his troops or his public support. Operational objectives may also
include elements of the enemy's forces whose neutralization or destruction will

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 37
Conduct of Land Operations
have a decisive effect. These operational objectives, taken in combination, will
achieve the conditions necessary to achieve the desired end-state.

23. Selecting the operational objectives is made easier with an

understanding of the concepts of centre of gravity, decisive points, and lines of
operations and how they apply to fighting the campaign.


24. The centre of gravity is that aspect of the enemy's total capability that,
if attacked and eliminated or neutralized, will lead either to his inevitable defeat
or his wish to sue for peace through negotiations. It has also been described as
that characteristic, capability, or location from which enemy and friendly forces
derive their freedom of action, physical strength, or will to fight. The
identification of the enemy's centre of gravity, and the single-minded focus
on the sequence of actions necessary to expose and neutralize it are the
essence of operational art.

25. At the strategic level the centre of gravity may often be abstract, such
as the enemy's public opinion or perhaps his strength of national purpose. Thus,
the strategic centre of gravity may be discernable but not accessible to military
attack. In such cases an operational level centre of gravity must be selected
which could contribute to the elimination of the strategic centre of gravity.
Therefore, there is an obvious interrelationship between the strategic centre of
gravity, the operational objectives and the operational centre of gravity.

26. The centre of gravity may be moral or physical. If the centre of gravity
at the strategic level is identified as a state capital or vital installation, or at the
operational level as a military formation, then the military targets are clear.
However, if the centre of gravity is moral, such as the public will (strategic
level) or the cohesion of a multinational coalition (operational level), the
problem of its elimination or neutralization is more complex.

27. While we are attempting to find and attack the enemy centre of gravity,
he will be trying to do the same to us. The friendly force centre of gravity must
be determined as part of the campaign design. The campaign is then conducted
by attempting to destroy or neutralize the opposing force's centre of gravity
while continuously protecting the friendly force centre of gravity from opposing
force actions.


38 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design

Centre of Gravity : Québec, 1758-1760

As part of the actions fought in the British and French colonies of North
America during the Seven years war , the British in 1758 captured Louisbourg at
the mouth of the St. Lawrence, as well as the French posts at Fort Duquesne, in
the Ohio Valley, and Fort Niagara. The loss of Louisbourg and the western forts
interfered with French trade, but the key to the “Nouvelle France” interior was
the capital, Québec City. The British could not gain control of New France
without taking Québec.

Not only was it the capital, but the heights of Québec's upper town dominated
the place where the St. Lawrence River narrows. Sailing upstream, the town is
the first place where a shore battery or a single ship can cover the entire channel
of the river. All traffic into the interior of New France from the Atlantic had to
pass under the guns of Québec.

After an innovative indirect approach by the British, and a fiercely fought battle
on the Plains of Abraham on 12 September, 1759, the French army retreated into
the country. The town garrison, out of food, surrendered, and the British held
Québec City. The following year, a spirited attempt by the French land forces to
retake the capital failed for lack of supplies, and British troops, supplied by sea
through Québec, slowly constricted the French army and starved it into

The British did not destroy the French army in 1759. New France was not taken
by reducing her outlying forts. The land warfare in North America largely
ended after the fall of the capital. Therefore, the city of Québec may be
described as the centre of gravity of the three campaign seasons of 1758-1760.


28. It may not always be possible nor desirable to attack an opponent's

centre of gravity directly. Indeed, since a judicious enemy commander will
strive to protect his centre of gravity, logic suggests that an indirect approach
that applies pressure to vulnerable points on which that centre of gravity
depends will offer the best prospects of success. A vulnerability may have to be
created to get at the centre of gravity or to strike it indirectly in an unexpected
manner. Consequently, a series of decisive points leading from the

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 39
Conduct of Land Operations
commander's base of operations to the opposing force's centre of gravity will
need to be identified.

29. Decisive points are those events, the successful outcome of which
are preconditions to the defeat or neutralization of the enemy's centre of
gravity. They are the keys to unlocking his centre of gravity. The term decisive
point may also be used to describe an event required to protect one’s own centre
of gravity. They may be moral or physical events. An event need not be a
battle. It may be the elimination of a capability (such as the destruction of early
warning radar systems or the domination of the electromagnetic spectrum), and
may or may not have geographical relevance. The key consideration is the
effect on the enemy.


30. Lines of operation describe how military force is applied in time and
space through decisive points on the path to the centre of gravity. They are not
synonymous with physical axes of advance. Lines of operation establish the
relationship between decisive points, produce a critical path to the centre of
gravity, and ensure that events are tackled in a logical progression.

31. Lines of operation are established to flow through the defined decisive
points towards the enemy centre of gravity. The approach to the centre of
gravity may be direct or indirect. The best approach may be using multiple
lines, attaining a multidimensional effort where several attacks converge upon
and defeat the enemy centre of gravity. The synchronization of multiple lines of
operations can overload the enemy commander by presenting him with several
threats at the same time.

32. Where the decisive points are physical, a line of operation can be
defined in physical terms; manoeuvring a force from its base of operations to
operational objectives. Where decisive points are moral and intangible, the
linkages between them will be harder to define. Moral decisive points can be
achieved through the exploitation of electro-magnetic spectrum, through special
operations, deception or through psychological operations. Properly sequencing
these activities through lines of operations is critical.

40 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design

33. Operational objectives are not generally attainable through a single

action, so the operational commander would normally design his campaign to
comprise a number of related phases. He must therefore have a clear
understanding of the relationship between events in terms of time, space,
resources and purpose. Without this he cannot establish which events can be
done simultaneously, which have to be done sequentially, and in what order.

34. Sequencing is the arrangement of events within a campaign in the

order most likely to achieve the elimination of the enemy's centre of gravity.
It can also be thought of as the staging of decisive points along lines of
operation leading to the enemy centre of gravity.


The original campaign plan for DESERT STORM illustrates a clear sequence of
operations aimed at the elimination of the Iraqi centre of gravity. The campaign
began with an air operation which targeted in sequence, enemy early warning
systems, enemy air defence, enemy air power and command and control
systems. It progressed to an air operation targeting enemy logistic and
communications assets, followed by air, naval gunfire and artillery attacks
against ground forces. Finally, once certain decisive points had been achieved,
the ground operation commenced against the operational centre of gravity - the
Republican Guard.
35. Skill at sequencing allows commanders to determine the correct
relationship between time, space and forces available to achieve a higher
purpose. This skill will also help to determine what instructions the operational
commander must give his subordinates, who must understand the impact of their
tactical missions on the campaign. This ability to design campaigns is essential
to operational art.


36. The degree of success with which a commander can apply operational
art will depend on his experience, education, leadership, intellect, judgement,
flexibility, courage, strength of will and determination.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 41
Conduct of Land Operations
37. In addition to his personal abilities, the commander must also
understand, and thrive in, the external environment within which he must
operate. In the complex conditions of contemporary conflict, commanders are
increasingly likely to contend with a wide range of external factors, including
political and legal constraints, considerations of joint and combined operations,
and media interest over which he will have little or no influence.

38. The commander's success in this environment must be built upon a

foundation of experience and professional knowledge. This is gained through
operational command, training and self-study. It cannot be obtained simply or
cheaply and must be built up carefully and sustained through constant effort. It
also includes the ability to fuze the input of the staff with his own ideas. The
commander must demonstrate originality and creativity, always being prepared
to employ cunning, shrewdness, and deception. He should be willing to use, in
the words of Churchill, “an original and sinister touch, which leaves the enemy
puzzled as well as beaten.”


39. Once the commander has conducted his mission analysis of the
strategic direction and considered the end-state and enemy centre of gravity, he
must formulate the vision of how the campaign will be conducted. The
commander must possess the creativity and intuition to accurately visualize the
future state through a series of “snapshots,” a sequence of activities and events
over time that lead to the desired end-state. This ability to instantly perceive the
essence of how to proceed is sometimes referred to as coup d’oeil. The
commander’s vision will provide the focus for coordinated tactical actions,
extended over time and space, towards a common goal.

Coup d’oeil [is] the quick recognition of a truth that the

mind would ordinarily miss or would perceive only after long

Clausewitz, On War

42 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design
Success in war depends on coup d’oeil, and on sensing
the psychological moment of battle. At Austerlitz, had I
attacked six hours earlier, I should have been lost.

Napoleon I
quoted in J.F.C. Fuller, The Conduct of War

In ...battles, theory becomes an uncertain guide; for it is

then unequal to the emergency, and can never compare in
value with a natural talent for war, nor be a sufficient
substitute for the intuitive coup d’oeil imparted by experience
in battles to a general of tried bravery and coolness.

Jomini, Summary of the Art of War

The clever general perceives the advantages of the terrain

instantly; he gains advantage from the slightest hillock, from a
tiny marsh; he advances or withdraws a wing to gain
superiority; he strengthens either his right or hhis left, moves
ahead or to the rear, and profits from the merst bagatelles. . .
Whoever has the best coup d’oeil will perceive at first glance
the weak spot of the enemy and attack him there.

Frederick the Great,

Instructions for His Generals

40. As conflict is a contest of wills, the vision is an expression of the

commander's will, and the method of imposing it on t he enemy. No coherent
operations plan can be written without a clear and consistent vision of how the
operation should be concluded.


41. This vision is communicated by the statement of the commander's

intent. Consistent with the command philosophy, the commander’s intent
provides subordinates with the freedom to adapt their actions to achieve success.
The intent should be expressed in a few simple sentences that clearly state why
an operation is being conducted, the desired end-state, and how the force as a
whole will achieve that end-state. By focusing on the end-state rather than

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 43
Conduct of Land Operations
sequential events, it allows subordinate forces, and hence the whole force, to
operate faster,with increased speed and efficiency in decision-making and with
greater agility, than the adversary. The intent statement is written by the
commander himself and should reflect his personality and leadership style.
Therefore he should not be afraid to be inspirational or emotional because the
commander’s intent must provide motivation as well as direction.

42. While the specific tasks assigned to subordinates may become obsolete
through changed circumstances, the commander's intent remains valid. A clear,
well-expressed intent allows for continued unity of command in spite of the
friction, chaos and uncertainty of conflict. The commander's vision is
communicated through his intent and eventually through plans and orders
prepared by the staff.

43. Communicating the intent clearly and powerfully through numerous

layers of command, each of which exerts a certain friction on effective
communication is as vital as the formulation of the intent itself. However
brilliant a commander's powers of leadership and decision making, they are of
no use if he cannot communicate his intent clearly so that others can act. The
intent may be transmitted personally, by addressing large audiences, visiting
subordinates and units, issuing orders and directives or a combination of these
methods. As Field Marshal Slim said, the operational commander must possess
“the power to make his intentions clear right through the force.” “The will of
Frederick and Napoleon,” Hans von Seekt wrote, “was a living force in the
humblest grenadier.”


44. The commander selects, from the courses of action open to him, the
one which he considers the most likely to achieve the strategic objective and
expresses it in his decision.


The concepts of visualization, commander’s intent and end-state can be

understood by examining the events of the invasion of France in May 1940 from
the viewpoint of one of the senior commandrs, General Heinz Guderian. In
March 1940, two months before the invasion of France General Guderian
described his vision of the campaign :
“Each of us generals outlined what his task was and how he intended
to carry it out. I was the last to speak. My task was as follows : on the day

44 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Campaign Design
ordered I would cross the Luxembourg frontier, drive through Southern Belgium
towards Sedan, cross the Meuse and establish a bridgehead on the far side so
that the infantry corps following behind could get across. I explained briefly
that my corps would advance through Luxembourg and Southern Belgium in
three columns; I reckoned on reaching the Belgian frontier posts on the first day
and I hoped to break through them on that same day; on the second day I would
advance as far as Neufchâteau; on the third day I would reach Bouillon and
cross the Semois; on the fourth day I would arrive at the Meuse; on the fifth day
I would cross it. By the evening of the fifth I hoped to have established a
bridgehead on the far bank. Hitler asked : 'And then what are you going to do?'
He was the first person who had thought to ask me this vital question. I replied
'Unless I receive orders to the contrary, I intend on the next day to continue my
advance westwards. The supreme leadership must decide whether my objective
is to be Amiens or Paris. In my opinion the correct course is to drive past
Amiens to the English Channel....' I never received any further orders as to what
I was to do once the bridgehead over the Meuse was captured. All my decisions,
until I reached the Atlantic seaboard at Abbéville, were taken by me and me
“Guderian's view of the campaign's end-state and his own intent are
clear from his thoughts immediately before the operation started:
“The 1st Panzer Division was commanded by General Kirchner, the
2nd by General Veiel, and the 10th by General Schaal. I knew all three of them
well. I had complete trust in their competence and reliability. They knew my
views and shared my belief that once armored formations are out on the loose
they must be given the green light to the very end of the road. In our case this
was - the Channel! That was a clear inspiration to every one of our soldiers, and
he could follow it even though he might receive no orders for long periods of
time once the attack was launched.”
45. In making his decision, the commander must balance the abstract
concepts of campaign design, leadership, vision, and intuition associated with
operational art with the more concrete, mechanical, and analytical staff
procedures such as the production of estimates, staff checks, directives and
orders. He must determine what aspects should be developed by the staff and
which ones he will complete himself. Although quite different in concept, the
two aspects, art and procedure, are complementary and their influence must be
given due consideration in the commander’s decision.

46. The decision is reflected and promulgated in the commander’s concept

of operations and eventually, except for the simplest of operations, a campaign
plan. The development of the campaign plan is covered in detail in Chapter 4.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 45
Conduct of Land Operations

47. The commander’s concept of operations expresses his intentions on the

use of forces, time and space to achieve his objectives, and how the available
resources are to be utilized. The concept should also include the desired end-
state which should exist when the operation is terminated. The operational
commander may be required to submit his concept of operations to the strategic
authority for approval.

48. Once the commander has determined the overall concept and intent of
the campaign, and a tentative sequence of operations, he must provide sufficient
guidance for staff and subordinates to focus the detailed planning through the
campaign plan.


49. The link between strategic direction and tactical action is described as
operational art. Operational art requires commanders with the ability to
visualize the end-state and to communicate his intent clearly throughout the span
of command.

50. Campaign design is the process that the commander uses to assist him
to visualize the campaign. Campaign design starts in earnest once a strategic
directive is received and the policy goals are made clear. Campaigning then
becomes an operational level concern. The operational commander must
conduct mission analysis and consider the military end-state desired. He then
establishes the operational objectives; identifies both his own and the enemy's
centre of gravity, and determines the sequence of decisive points along his lines
of operations.

51. Once the commander has made his decision, he must then transmit his
vision downward by articulating a clear statement of his intent and concept of
operations. Throughout the subsequent planning process, the commander's
vision, as expressed in the intent, must remain paramount. It should be clear
that no amount of subsequent detailed planning can reduce the requirement
for this clearly defined vision. The commander's intent becomes the heart and
soul of a successful campaign plan.

46 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations


No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Field Marshal von Moltke


1. The commander's intent is a direct statement of his vision for the

conduct of the campaign. It establishes the conceptual framework for the
campaign by focusing initial planning for staff and subordinates. The
commander's intent is captured in the primary command and control instrument
at the operational level, the campaign plan.


2. The campaign plan and its attendant planning process are techniques
used to help the operational commander to flesh out his design, and to
orchestrate operations and battles to conclude a conflict successfully. The
campaign plan can be seen as a practical expression of the operational art.
While highlighting the strategic aim, it provides focus and direction to
subordinates planning and executing tactical missions.

3. Until the end-state is realized, the campaign plan must be continuously

adapted to changing situations (ours and the enemy's), the availability of
resources, and limiting factors. It must be recognized that an important feature
of any plan, no matter how detailed, is its usefulness as a common basis for
change. Detailed planning should not become so specific that it inhibits
flexibility. In the words of General Eisenhower :

Rigidity inevitably defeats itself, and the analysts who

point to a changed detail as evidence of a plan's weakness are
completely unaware of the characteristics of the battlefield.

4. There is no standard format for a campaign plan. In fact, the utility of a

formal campaign plan diminishes as the scale of contemplated operations and
the imminence of hostilities decreases. Therefore it may not always be required,

47 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
especially for peacetime deliberate planning. Regardless of whether or not a
campaign plan is produced, the operational commander includes the equivalent
of the “plan of campaign” within the concept of operations portion of any plan
prepared in response to strategic direction.

5. The campaign plan should be concise. It should describe, to

subordinates and superiors alike, the end-state that will achieve the strategic
aim; the overall concept and intent of the campaign; the enemy's operational
centre of gravity; decisive points; and a tentative sequence of phases and
operational objectives that will lead to success. It may describe the initial
phases of the campaign with some certainty, but the design for succeeding
phases will become increasingly general as uncertainty grows and the situation
becomes unpredictable. Subsequent cycles of the Joint Operations Planning
Process will create more detailed orders for each phase of the campaign.

The campaign plan is a practical expression of the operational art. Irrespective

of the detailed format of the campaign plan, it should address the following
questions :

What military conditions constitute success in relation to the strategic


What sequence of events is most likely to produce the desired end-


How should the resources be applied?

6. It should also outline a theatre organization and a functional

framework. These will facilitate integration of the combat functions and unify
the efforts of subordinate commanders and staff, consistent with the
commander's intent.


7. In developing the campaign plan, the operational commander and his

staff need a clear picture of the potential theatre organization and command
relationships. The picture helps them clarify the different phases of the
campaign, determine priorities and assign tasks.

48 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Campaign Plan

8. The battlefield framework7 is the tool used to facilitate decentralization

by identifying subordinate commanders and establishing command relationships
for each phase of a campaign. The layout of the battlefield framework should
flow from the campaign design and be related to specific decisive points and
lines of operation.

9. There are several ways of dividing the theatre of operations, depending

on the countries and resources involved, however most often it is subdivided
into a number of areas of operations8. Each subordinate level of command will
further define their area of operations by determining their area of interest and
area of influence.

10. Decentralization is further enhanced by defining, within a particular

area of operations, responsibility for deep, close and rear operations.

11. The operational commander may also divide the theatre into Combat
and Communications Zones to complement the establishment of areas of
operations, although often, especially in operations other than war, these terms
may be irrelevant.


12. Areas of operations are allocated to define the geographical limits

within which a subordinate commander has the authority to conduct operations,
coordinate fire, control movement, and develop and maintain installations. They
are normally associated with specific operational objectives and one or more
lines of operation. The commander's authority should also include the control of
all joint actions supporting his mission and allow him to employ his organic and
supporting systems to the full extent of their capabilities. The designation of an
area of operations satisfies the commander’s requirement for depth to

This is referred to as the “Battlefield Framework” in the US and the “Operational
Framework” in the UK. In FM 100-5, the concept of “battle space” is similar to that of
“area of influence” presented here.

For example the commander may also establish a Joint Operations Area (JOA), a
Joint Zone (JZ), or Joint Special Operations Area (JSOA) as required.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 49
Conduct of Land Operations
manoeuvre and protect his force and to fight at extended ranges. The area of
operations may be changed with a change in the mission.

13. At any one level of command, areas of operations will never overlap;
conversely, in non-linear and dispersed operations there may be gaps between
them. Boundaries and height bands may also be used to describe geographical
limits of the area of operations.


14. An area of interest is the three-dimensional space, defined in

geographic terms, in which a commander wishes to identify and monitor those
factors, including enemy activities, which may influence the outcome of current
and anticipated missions. A commander will decide for himself how wide he
must look - in both time and space - forward, above, laterally and to the rear.

15. His area of interest will most likely overlap those of adjacent forces.
Therefore, coordination is required to ensure unity of effort. The scope of this
wider view is not limited by the reach of his organic intelligence sources, but
depends upon the location of friendly, enemy and other activities that may affect
his operations. Where it does extend beyond his collection ability, it is the basis
for integrating intelligence with other forces. Thus the commander at each level,
having been given the geographical limits within which he will operate, then
decides for himself how far beyond those limits to look, in time and space, for
intelligence and warning.


16. An area of influence is the physical volume of space within which a

commander can directly influence operations by manoeuvre, information
operations, or fire support systems under his command or control. It can be
visualized as a three-dimensional “bubble” that moves with the force and
expands and contracts depending on the type and location of organic and
attached weapon systems. It also includes influence throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum. Although it may change often, at any time it will be

17. At higher levels of command, it is possible that the area of influence

and area of operations may coincide. At lower tactical levels, terrain has a more
restricting effect on reach and mobility. So, the area in which a force can bring

50 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Campaign Plan
combat power to bear at any time will vary. It can only really be judged by a
commander, who needs constant awareness of his area of influence. If his reach
overlaps adjacent forces, unity of effort is then essential. Ownership of assets or
ground is less important than application towards a common purpose.


18. The designation of deep, close and rear operations is a means of

visualising operations and aiding synchronization. This distinction helps the
commander relate friendly forces to one another, and to the enemy, in terms of
time, space, resources and purpose. Deep, close and rear operations are focused
on attacking the enemy’s cohesion and will be conducted on both the moral and
physical planes. There are no strict divisions between deep, close and rear
operations and it is incumbent upon the commander to decide which formation
or function is best suited and placed to be used in each type of operation. Deep,
close and rear areas may overlap in time and space and some formation and
units may engage in each at different stages.

19. Deep Operations. Deep operations are those directed against enemy
forces and functions beyond the close battle. Deep operations seek to restrict the
freedom of action of the opposing commander through pre-emption, disruption
of the coherence and tempo of his actions, dislocation and destruction or
neutralization of selected parts of his force. Although they may achieve, in
themselves, an operational objective, or establish favourable circumstances for
such an achievement, their primary purpose is to create favourable conditions
for close operations. Therefore, an operational level commander may have great
interest in the sequencing and coordination of a tactical commander's deep

20. Deep operations include passive measures such as deep reconnaissance,

intelligence collection, surveillance and target acquisition, and active measures
such as interdiction or selective psychological attack. They are usually
conducted at long range and over a protracted timescale.

21. The scope of deep operations extends to a variety of tasks such as raids
or attacks into the enemy's rear areas, or surveillance and target acquisition. The
tools available to the operational commander to prosecute deep operations range
from armoured or aviation formations and units to air power, naval fire support,
electronic warfare assets, psychological operations, deception and special forces.
The operational commander should designate one subordinate to command and

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 51
Conduct of Land Operations
coordinate deep operations to simplify synchronization and avoid conflict with
other deep or close operations.

22. Close Operations. Forces in immediate contact with the enemy, in the
offence or defence, are conducting close operations. Close operations include
tactical battles and engagements with enemy forces, and other actions. They are
conducted to achieve, or contribute to the achievement of operational objectives.
They are usually conducted at close range in a short time-frame and their effects
are likely to be immediate and tangible. Close operations achieve their effect by
direct action against enemy combat power, and the means may range from
destruction to blocking.

23. Close operations may include combat and non-combat operations using
all of the combat functions. Integration of these functions to achieve pre-
emption, disruption, dislocation or destruction of the enemy is the essence of
tactical level command.

24. Command of close operations is normally best conducted by

subordinate tactical formation or unit commanders. They are well placed to plan
and direct the conduct of close operations and can use their initiative, consistent
with the commander’s intent, to adjust to fluid changes that occur in contact
with the enemy.

25. Rear Operations. The purpose of rear operations is to ensure friendly

freedom of action by protecting the force, sustaining operations and retaining
freedom of action of uncommitted forces. They are fundamental in ensuring
that the friendly force centre of gravity, the lines of operations and the
sequencing of actions are protected. Rear operations are not synonymous with
combat service support activities and are much wider in scope. Rear operations
include reception, assembly, movement and security of reserves and
reinforcements, Host Nation Support, lines of communication, and also support
for and protection of civilians and civilian installations.

26. In the interest of economy of effort rear operations must be focused

clearly to support the commander's intent. Therefore, there is a need to balance
resources between protection and sustainment efforts. Rear operations will be
the target of enemy deep operations, and although physical protection is
important, rear operations must not neglect moral protection against deception,
and psychological attack. Gaining public support by winning the hearts and
minds of the local civilian population is an essential part of rear operations.

52 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Campaign Plan
27. Forces within the rear area of operations may need to conduct battles
and engagements to eliminate an enemy threat. Therefore the command
organization of rear operations needs to include the capability to gather
intelligence, and to plan and mount operations, beyond its primary role of
sustaining the force. To avoid potential clashes of interest or priorities, unity of
rear command is essential. Thus, a commander for rear operations should be
appointed at every level with clear command relationships to the forces located
within his designated area of responsibility.


28. The campaign plan derives from policy and requirements, sets
operational goals, and is the basis for further detailed operational level planning.
It will specify command, information operations, and sustainment relationships
and the concepts for manoeuvre, firepower and protection. The integration of
these functions is achieved using synchronization, tempo and the designation of
a main effort as discussed in Chapter 2.


29. The functional framework is a tool used by the commander to define

the relationship between the functional components necessary to support the
campaign design and to unify their efforts toward a common goal. It can also be
used to specify the commander's vision for the balance between centralization
and decentralization of these functions. For example, the commander may
determine the degree to which the location and control of logistics and
intelligence assets are centralized or decentralized. Authority for some or all
these functions may be delegated to subordinate commanders.

30. Functional activity can be focussed to achieve operational objectives

either along separate lines of operations, or to reinforce or support lines of
operations tied to the battlefield framework. Most of these functional activities
transcend several levels of command and overlap areas of operation. Therefore
the functional framework can be visualized as being superimposed on the
battlefield framework. In contrast with the use of a hierarchical battlefield
framework, information relating to the functional framework, in such areas as
logistics, movement control, air defence warning, intelligence and other areas
can be readily accessed through inter-netted and non-hierarchical information
systems. Some functions such as fire support will be exercised by both means.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 53
Conduct of Land Operations
It is a command responsibility to ensure that functional activities are coordinated
with command responsibilities at all levels to best achieve the synergy of all
force activities.

Figure 4-1: Relationship of Functional and Battlefield Frameworks


31. Command is the glue that binds the combat functions together, at any
level. Operational command includes establishing the decision-action cycle and
the attendant operations planning process; establishing the command support
system; specifying the organization of command and command relationships;
and establishing the battlefield framework.


32. At the operational level, information operations are continuous. In

peacetime, they support deterrence and reassurance, improve understanding of
the situation, support contingency planning, and training. Information
operations greatly expand a commander's area of influence, and include
interaction with the media, industry, joint forces, multinational forces, and
computer networks worldwide. In operations, they help the commander seize,
and maintain the initiative, and synchronize the other combat functions.

54 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Campaign Plan

33. Operational manoeuvre is the disposition of forces to create a decisive

impact on the conduct of the campaign by either securing the operational
advantages of position before battle is joined or exploiting tactical success to
achieve operational or strategic results. Operational manoeuvre usually takes
large forces from a base of operations to an area where they are in a position to
achieve operational objectives. Once deployed into battle formations in the area
of operations, manoeuvre is normally considered tactical in nature.

34. Obtaining a superior advantage over the enemy allows the commander
to move his land, sea and air forces to the optimum positions before the start of
hostilities. Operational manoeuvre, when integrated with joint operational
firepower, can be decisive. However, to be successful, operational manoeuvre
must be conducted with the security and freedom of action provided by
operational protection. Besides conventional land, sea and air forces, the
commander can also use special forces as a key element of operational

35. Special Forces Operations. Special forces are troops selected, trained,
equipped and organized to conduct specific operations in pursuit of strategic or
other high level operational objectives. They may operate in support of
conventional forces or independently.

36. The principal roles of special forces may include : reconnaissance,

including information reporting and target acquisition; offensive action, which
includes direction of air, artillery and naval gunfire, designation for precision
guided munitions, and raids; work with indigenous populations; VIP protection;
combat search and rescue and counter terrorist hostage rescue.

37. Special forces extend the conflict in depth. The effects may be purely
physical through destruction, or they can achieve effects on the moral plane by
creating confusion, uncertainty and surprise through unexpected actions and
operating in enemy rear areas. Their influence will often be out of proportion to
the size of forces involved. The mere existence of a special forces threat can
have a significant adverse impact on the enemy’s morale and cause an increase
in the level of enemy forces dedicated to rear area protection. Similarly, special
forces’ support can significantly bolster moral will and physical efforts of
friendly indigenous factions.

38. Special forces should be employed on high value tasks, exploiting their
potential while limiting their vulnerability. They should be commanded at the

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 55
Conduct of Land Operations
highest appropriate level, and be tasked using operational directives that allow
maximum freedom of action for conduct of operations. Special forces
operations however, must be coordinated with tactical conventional operations.
They rely heavily on surprise and must also have access to the highest level of
intelligence to conduct operations and facilitate precision targeting.
Consequently, their operations require tight security measures, as compromise
may come with serious penalties. Public information plans should normally
neither confirm nor deny special forces activity.


39. Operational firepower is the application of lethal and non-lethal

firepower to achieve a decisive impact on the conduct of the campaign or major
operation. Operational firepower can provide the destructive force essential to
defeat the enemy’s ability and will to fight.

40. Firepower and manoeuvre are not interchangeable at the operational

level; each has a distinctive quality, complementary to the other. Operational
firepower is normally furnished by joint assets other than those required for the
routine support of tactical manoeuvre. However, some assets such as air support
and tactical missile systems can support both.

41. Operational firepower focuses mostly on one or more of three general

tasks : facilitating operational manoeuvre; isolating the battlefield, and
destroying critical functions and facilities. Manoeuvre is supported by creating
delays in enemy movement, complicating enemy command and control,
disrupting the sustainment of his forces and degrading his weapon systems.
Isolating the battlefield could involve disruption of lines of communications,
destruction of intelligence collection means and communications networks, and
prevention of the move forward of reserve and follow-on forces. Operational
firepower may also be used independent of manoeuvre to damage key enemy
forces or facilities.

42. Commanders must understand the techniques of integrating air, naval

and land firepower with manoeuvre, information operations and protection.


43. Operational protection consists of active and passive measures taken to

counter the enemy’s firepower and manoeuvre by making soldiers, systems and

56 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
The Campaign Plan
operational formations difficult to find, strike and destroy. At the operational
level it includes activities such as theatre air and missile defense, NBC defense
measures, protection of non-combatants, security of lines of communication and
the construction of major obstacle systems. Protection enhances the freedom of
action of the friendly force while conserving and protecting it from enemy

44. To be effective, protection measures must be fully coordinated with the

other combat functions, including the protective aspects of information
operations, such as defensive command and control warfare, deception and
operations security (OPSEC).


45. Success depends on effective sustainment. Commanders require a clear

understanding of the administrative factors that affect their selection of a target
centre of gravity, decisive points and lines of operation. Adequate direction
must be given to administrative planners for them to determine the feasibility
and sustainability of a campaign design. The commander is responsible for
developing the concept and the overall plan for the use of administrative


46. Options must be built into a campaign to anticipate opportunities or

reverses and preserve the commander’s freedom of action. Contingency
planning gives the commander the flexibility to retain the initiative. The
planned sequence of events to the desired end-state is not immutable. Therefore,
a commander must be prepared to adjust the sequence, quicken or reduce the
tempo, or develop new options to seize unforeseen opportunities that unfold

47. Continuous contingency planning will keep a range of options available

for commanders to maintain agility and tempo. These options may be
incorporated into the initial plan, enabling a commander to adjust his lines of
operations and vary his plans to offer or decline battle on his own terms.
Contingency planning should give the commander the freedom of action to
maintain the initiative, or to regain initiative if a developing situation results in
its loss. This can be accomplished by developing branches and sequels.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 57
Conduct of Land Operations

48. Branches are contingency options built into the basic plan for changing
the disposition, orientation, or direction of movement and for accepting or
declining battle. They give commanders flexibility by anticipating enemy
reactions that could alter the basic plan.

49. Sequels are subsequent operations based on the possible outcomes of

the current operation--victory, defeat, or stalemate. A counter-offensive, for
example, would be a logical sequel to a defence. Executing a sequel will
normally mean beginning another phase of the campaign. This is a continuous
process during operations. The commander should never be without options.


50. The campaign plan outlines how each phase of the campaign is
conducted in sequence to achieve decisive points and ultimately to eliminate the
enemy centre of gravity. The plan can only be as good as the original campaign
design, which is formulated by the commander. His vision, and a well-
articulated statement of his intent, are the most important elements in the entire
process of campaign planning.

51. Synergy depends in large part on the commander’s ability to integrate

activities along selected lines of operations using both the battlefield and
functional frameworks. These are used to implement decentralization and
coordinate the efforts of subordinate commanders and the staff. The battlefield
framework is generally related to terrain and each area of operations is related to
one or a number of lines of operations. On the other hand, the functional
framework is related to the integration of the operational functions through the
designation of main effort, synchronization and tempo during the conduct of the

58 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations


Many years ago, as a cadet hoping some day to be an

officer, I was poring over the 'Principles of War,' listed in the
old Field Service Regulations, when the Sergeant-Major came
up to me. He surveyed me with kindly amusement. “Don't
bother your head about all them things, me lad,” he said.
“There's only one principle of war and that's this.

Hit the other fellow, as quick as you can, and as hard as

you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't lookin'!”

Field Marshall Sir William Slim


1. The overriding consideration in conducting the campaign is an

unwavering focus on the requirements of the strategic objective. The aims,
resources, and limitations established by the strategic level become the filter
through which all actions are viewed, even if, as at the lower echelons of
command, the connection with strategy is only derivative. This is done by
establishing operational objectives needed to accomplish the strategic
objectives, sequencing events to achieve the operational objectives, and
initiating actions and applying resources to bring about and sustain those events.

2. Command at the operational level involves deciding when, where, for

what purpose, and under what conditions operations against the enemy are to be
conducted. This includes deciding when to give - and to refuse - battle. The
operational level governs the deployment of forces, their commitment to or
withdrawal from combat, and the sequencing of successive tactical actions to
achieve strategic objectives.


3. The first stages of conducting the campaign, whether it is for domestic

or overseas operations, normally includes the preparation and deployment of the

59 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
force. This entails establishing a point of entry, securing a base of operations,
building-up the complete force, and preparing to execute the campaign.

4. Coordination of movement and logistics support during deployment is

essential. Deployment is primarily a strategic responsibility. However, the flow
into the theatre should be monitored and, where facilities (e.g., airfields or ports)
are limited, it should be coordinated by the operational commander. All
deployment planning should be based on the commander's intent so that the right
equipment and personnel arrive at the proper time. The commander must insist
on the correct phasing and balance of the combat functions to develop
operations in line with the campaign plan. The force may be vulnerable in the
early stages of a conflict and therefore, it must have satisfactory combat power,
robust command and control, and infrastructure elements to adapt to changes in
the situation.

5. Consideration should be given to the commencement of information

operations early in the campaign. Activities such as collection of intelligence,
extension of information networks, deception, electronic warfare (EW),
operations security (OPSEC), psychological operations, and public affairs often
take time to produce results, but may not require extensive personnel resources.
They can be conducted using the concept of “split-basing” where the majority of
resources are located in Canada or another forward location. Information
operations also give the commander flexibility to begin the conduct of
operations without committing him irretrievably to a particular course of action.

6. The organization for the movement of the force will differ, depending
on whether or not the entry is opposed. If it is, then movement will be tactical
with formed combat units leading. If unopposed, movement may be
administrative with units sub divided to make the most efficient use of the
available transport.

7. Preparations for the campaign will also include preparing personnel for
the mission through realistic pre-deployment and in-theatre training. The
operational commander must provide direction to his subordinates to facilitate
focused training in line with the commander's intent. He must also train the
senior commanders and staff, and get to know them personally. This fosters
trust and mutual understanding, and can rectify weaknesses and

8. These personnel preparations must focus on the cohesion of the force.

While destroying enemy cohesion is an essential element of success, building
friendly force cohesion is equally important to avoid one's own defeat. The

60 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
force will often be “ad hoc” in nature and may include personnel from other
environments and nations who have never worked together. In these cases, trust
and mutual understanding will have to be built in the time available until all
elements function together as a team. This can be achieved partly through the
training process. However, the commander must ensure that before the
commencement of operations, all soldiers are motivated, understand the
commander's intent, and are confident in their ability to achieve the mission.


9. After preparation and deployment are complete, the mission set, and
orders issued, the operational commander focuses his efforts on establishing
positive conditions for operations to occur in accordance with his campaign
design. He does this by employing a number of tools to shape the battlefield
that are not normally available to tactical commanders. These include, but are
not limited to : the use of operational reserves, air interdiction, special forces,
major airborne, airmobile and amphibious forces, tactical and cruise missiles,
theatre level intelligence assets, deception, and control over the allocation of
theatre level logistics stocks. While the tactician prepares and fights the battle,
the operational commander must look beyond the battlefield in both time and
space to make the best use of his resources.


10. The commander must maintain a broad perspective on the campaign.

In Field Marshal Slim's words, he must “THINK BIG.” He must avoid the
temptation to over control tactical activities thereby losing his wider perspective.
The operational commander must understand how events at the strategic,
operational and tactical levels are intertwined and affect each other.

11. As the campaign forms the framework for combat, so do tactical results
shape the conduct of the campaign. At the operational level, the task is to
exploit tactical victories to strategic advantage and to minimize, nullify, or even
reverse the strategic effect of tactical losses. The commander uses events to
create the most favourable conditions possible for those actions he chooses to
fight. Tactical results will impact on the progress of the campaign, so he must
have the flexibility to react to any changes. He seeks to anticipate the results of
combat and to be prepared to exploit them to the greatest strategic advantage.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 61
Conduct of Land Operations

12. To allow freedom of action for subordinates, the operational

commander must first obtain maximum freedom of action for himself from the
strategic authority. Military freedom of action is ultimately built upon the trust
of the public and therefore the government. Diplomatic, economic and
informational efforts at the strategic level can greatly increase the operational
commander's flexibility and freedom to act. Sufficient logistic and personnel
resources, reasonable and clear limitations, and good operational security also
contribute to freedom of action at the operational level.

13. Other elements, however, may affect freedom of action such as

sophisticated information technology and the nature of modern news reporting,
which make tasks of ensuring operations security and surprise more difficult.
Perhaps the greatest threat to freedom of action at the operational level is the
capability, through information technology, to over-control operations from the
strategic level, especially when they have a high media profile. This tendency
must be avoided to allow subordinate commanders to maintain an appropriate
degree of authority and flexibility to respond quickly to changing circumstances.

14. Once the degree of freedom of action has been obtained at the
operational level, the commander must decide how much freedom of action that
subordinates can be allowed at various stages of the operation. In doing so, the
commander must find the correct balance between centralization and

15. Although, modern technology allows operational commanders to

communicate and direct actions at the lowest levels, operations may have to be
conducted in a severely degraded communications environment. Clear and
simple orders, with a clearly understood commander's intent, enable
subordinates to exercise disciplined initiative and flexibility while pursuing the
commander's goals and priorities.


16. A prerequisite for the conduct of successful operations is timely and

accurate intelligence as part of information operations. Compared with tactical
intelligence, operational level intelligence must take a wider view beyond terrain
and a longer view over time. At this level, the opposing commanders will likely
be known by name and personality specific information will be essential. As the
operational level of war is less a mater of actual figting and more a mater of

62 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
schemes and intentions, operational intelligence focuses less on current combat
capabilities and more on forecasting future enemy capabilities, intentions and

Therefore, determine the enemy's plans and you will know

which strategy will be successful and which will not; Agitate
him and ascertain the pattern of his movement. Determine his
disposition and so ascertain the field of battle. Probe him and
learn where his strength is abundant and where deficient.

Sun Tzu

By far the majority of winners in battle in which the

beginning force ratios were generally within...”reasonable”
limits...were those who somehow seized the initiative from the
enemy, and held it to battle's end.

Gen D. Starry, US Army

Commander TRADOC, 1977-1981

17. Operational intelligence supports the commander’s continuous search

for enemy weaknesses and intentions. This information is essential for
disrupting the enemy's campaign plan and attacking his centre of gravity.



18. The key to success at both the operational and tactical levels, whatever
theatre or type of conflict, is the early seizure of the initiative, and its
maintenance, so that the enemy is forced to comply with the commander's will.

19. At any level, the commander that has the initiative will be able to
pursue his desired course of action. He will be able to foil the enemy's plans and
force him to conform to his own campaign plan. This will lead to a rapidly
deteriorating situation as the enemy is forced to react to the commander’s
actions, and he will be unable to determine when and where tactical battles and
engagements will occur. Therefore it is a fundamental concern of the
commander to seize the initiative, maintain it and regain it if it is lost. Only by
B-GL-300-001/FP-000 63
Conduct of Land Operations
doing so can he dominate and begin to impose his will on the enemy. This is a
prerequisite for achieving the chosen operational objectives and destroying or
neutralizing the enemy centre of gravity. Dominating the enemy is
accomplished by viewing the campaign, and its component operations and
battles as the interplay of the two dynamic forces of fixing and striking.

20. The initiative can be seized by a combination of fixing enemy strength

and striking enemy weakness on both the moral and physical planes of conflict.
A campaign may be designed to fix the enemy initially by denying him his
objectives, robbing him of his freedom of action, and shaping events in
preparation for subsequent action. Subsequently, commanders should plan to
strike the enemy by pre-emption to seize and exploit the initiative, then to defeat
the enemy at successive decisive points and move the force toward the defeat or
neutralization of the enemy's centre of gravity.

21. At all levels, commanders attempt to ascertain the enemy's intentions;

identify his main effort; isolate and target elements critical to his cohesion;
manipulate his perceptions; delay enemy reinforcements by interdiction; and
degrade critical enemy functions such as command and control, information
operations, offensive air support or logistics.

22. Commanders conduct these activities in coordinated defensive and

offensive operations -both of which aim toward achieving operational
objectives. Activities related to the functional framework are planned to occur
simultaneously, or in sequence, throughout the battlefield framework, thus
overloading and putting the enemy commander off balance.


23. A faster relative tempo will allow us to seize the initiative and dictate
the conduct of operations. Tempo incorporates the capacity of the force to
transition from one operational posture to another. By increasing and varying
the tempo, or rhythm, of operations, one side seeks to impose threats to which
the enemy is increasingly unable to react. It is focussed on completing the
decision-action cycle faster than the enemy such that his responses are made
increasingly inappropriate.

24. Tempo does not imply an ever increasing speed of operations. Rather,
it is the competitive pace of operational change. While dictating the tempo, one
must be careful not to establish a pace that cannot be maintained.

64 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
25. Commanders set and hold the desired tempo to achieve the proper
sequencing of events. Subordinate tactical commanders attempt to establish
tempo commensurate with the operational commander’s design. There must be
flexibility in both cases to compensate for unexpected success or failure at either


26. The purpose of designating a main effort is to achieve unity of effort

and maximize combat power through integration of the combat functions. The
use of the term main effort must therefore be understood and applied in an
appropriate way at all levels of command. Once the commander has established
his main effort as that crucial activity that is essential to the success of his
mission and has ensured that it is known by his subordinates, it is their duty to
do their utmost to support that main effort.

27. Initially the main effort may be to fix the enemy at his point of strength,
prior to shifting the main effort to striking him at a point of relative weakness.
However, the commander will not plan to shift his main effort lightly, and can
only do so if he has the means available and the time required to effect the shift.
Repeatedly shifting the main effort may cause confusion and have the undesired
effect of dissipating combat power instead of achieving concentration. On the
other hand, a failure to shift the main effort at the appropriate time will result in
an inflexible plan, incapable of adjusting to the chaos and uncertainty of


Before Montgomery’s assault [across the Rhine in March 1945] was launched,
...the Allies had already crossed the Rhine elsewhere. The First United States
Army was exploiting its Remagen bridgehead in the direction of the Sieg River.
Farther south, above Mainz, General Patton beat Montgomery to the east bank
by nearly a day. But Montgomery’s bridgehead, in accordance with the
decision of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, remained the point of main effort.

Colonel C.P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 65
Conduct of Land Operations

28. Within their respective areas of operations, commanders at all levels

direct the conduct of deep, close, and rear operations simultaneously, or in rapid
succession, in a way that appears to the enemy as one continuous operation
against him. Fighting within the battlefield framework thus requires continuous
coordination of a variety of assets, including space-based systems, air and
maritime elements to achieve a synergistic effect.

29. Deep operations set the conditions for decisive current and future close
operations. However, the enemy is best defeated by fighting him close and deep
simultaneously. Attacking enemy formations in depth disrupts, dislocates, or
reduces enemy combat capabilities, degrades cohesion and hastens enemy
defeat. These operations enable friendly forces to choose the time, place, and
method of conducting close operations.

30. The synergy achieved by integrating and synchronizing friendly

manoeuvre and air interdiction produces significant advantages, especially at the
operational level. Potential responses to synchronized manoeuvre and air
interdiction can create a dilemma for the adversary. If he attempts to
concentrate his forces against the manoeuvre, he can be exposed to unacceptable
losses from air interdiction. If the enemy disperses to reduce air interdiction
losses, his forces may not be able to respond to the manoeuvre.

31. Synchronization of deep, close, and rear operations is a complex

undertaking that must be balanced with the requirements of a command
philosophy that emphasizes decentralization. It requires a clear understanding
of the commander's intent and main effort throughout the force, stimulating both
command and staff initiative. Continuous synchronization is neither possible
nor desirable and the emphasis should be on using synchronization to produce
maximum combat power at the decisive time and place.


32. At the operational level, the primary land operations of war are the
offence and the defence.9 Together these operations permit a degree of flexibility

At the tactical level the operations of war are the offence, the defence, and the delay,
as outlined in B-GL-300-002/PF-000.

66 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
and fluidity in the land battle and allow the tempo to be varied. Defence and
offence may be conducted simultaneously or sequentially throughout the

33. A commander at any level must be able to use offensive or defensive

operations in combination and flow from one to the other. For example, he may
use economy of effort through defence in one sector to allow concentration of
force for an offensive in another sector. An operational level defensive may
incorporate tactical level offensive actions and vice versa. In essence they are
each part of the same continuum and have a common purpose - to defeat
the enemy by shattering his moral and physical cohesion. The commander
must find the balance between the two forms of action. He must always be
ready to take actions to seize the initiative, maintain it and regain it if lost.

34. Commanders may be presented with a variety of options for the

conduct of offensive and defensive operations ranging from a linear framework
with clearly defined geometry and lines with contiguous units to a less precisely
structured non-linear framework. In linear operations, emphasis is placed on
maintaining the position of the land force in relation to other friendly forces. As
a result, security is enhanced and massing of forces is easier to accomplish.
Also inherent in linear operations is the security of rear areas, especially lines of

35. However, the increase in lethality, dispersion and depth of modern

operations leads to a greater potential for them to be non-linear. In these
operations, forces tend to focus on assigned objectives and less on their
geographic relationship to other friendly forces. Forces conducting non-linear
operations must rely more on a shared view of the battlefield, mobility and
freedom of action. They must have the ability to mass the effects of combat
power at a decisive point from dispersed locations and rapidly disperse again.
Rear areas may not be clearly defined and less secure, leading to the requirement
for innovative sustainment options.


36. The purpose of offensive operations is to impose one's will upon the
enemy by the focused application of force, when and where required to achieve
military objectives. Successful offensive operations are often decisive. The
types of offensive operations include reconnaissance in force, raids, feints and
demonstrations, counter-attacks and spoiling attacks, hasty attacks and
deliberate attacks.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 67
Conduct of Land Operations
37. Offensive operations are conducted to achieve operational objectives as
part of an overall campaign. This is accomplished by seizing and maintaining
the initiative. Once the initiative has been won, the commander continues
offensive action to control the tempo of operations to achieve an irrepressible
momentum. Synchronized deep and close operations are focussed through
decisive points to attack the enemy centre of gravity. The commander will seek
concentration to achieve overwhelming combat power where and when required,
to produce a breakthrough that can be followed by ruthless exploitation.

38. Successful offensive operations require manoeuvre. At the tactical

level, manoeuvre must be conducted to create the conditions for further
exploitation. At the operational level, forces should be tasked to exploit the
results of battle by penetrating deep into the enemy's rear areas and gaining the
exponential advantages of a successful pursuit. The various forms of manoeuvre
in the attack include : frontal, penetration, envelopment (or flanking attack),
turning movement, and infiltration.

39. Offensive operations are used to defeat the enemy. However, inflicting
physical damage is merely a means to success. The real damage is to the
enemy's will by destroying the coherence of his forces, fragmenting and
isolating his combat power, and shattering his cohesion. By operating
throughout the depth of the area of operations, the effects of the elements of
combat power are integrated through tempo, synchronization and designation of
the main effort.





Turning Movement


40. Offensive action can also be used to seize ground, fix the enemy as an
economy of force measure, gain information through reconnaissance in force, or
deceive the enemy as to the time or place of the main effort.

68 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign

41. Although the offence is normally decisive, operational circumstances

may compel the commander to adopt the defence. Defensive operations may be
imposed through strategic direction, or the commander’s freedom to initiate
offensive action may be denied either for political reasons or because his combat
power is weak. In some cases, defensive operations alone will deliver a
favourable and decisive outcome to a campaign, depending on the desired end-
state. Once defensive operations have been initiated, the immediate purpose is
to defeat or deter a threat in order to provide the right circumstances for further

42. An attacker normally determines the time and location of his attack and
can mass his forces whenever he wishes. He will normally seek out operational
level centres of gravity, attempting to disrupt the tempo of current operations
and the planning and preparation of future ones.

43. An effective defence is therefore rarely passive, and it is desirable to

incorporate aggressive offensive action to pre-empt, dislocate or disrupt the
enemy whenever possible. This is done on the moral plane by fixing the enemy
by deception and encouraging him to make inappropriate plans, luring the
enemy into situations where one can exploit surprise, denying the enemy
information, and striking at his cohesion. On the physical plane deep operations
are conducted to fix the enemy by denying him freedom of action, and striking
in order to dislocate his potential for offensive manoeuvre, and disrupt his
ability to pass orders.

44. Defensive operations are not a reactive form of warfare. They aim to
create the right conditions for achievement of decisive points and offensive
action to eliminate the enemy's centre of gravity. In conducting the defence, the
aim will generally be to limit the enemy's freedom of action and to develop the
conditions for future offensive operations. Therefore, warfare contains
elements of offence and defence, with each type of operation happening
sequentially, simultaneously, or both, within an area of operations.


45. A significant concern in offence and defence will be the defeat of the
enemy's operational reserves and the commitment of our own reserves at the
decisive time and place. Reserves are those forces that provide the commander
with an element that is free to manoeuvre to meet an anticipated threat, to

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 69
Conduct of Land Operations
reinforce success, or to complete the destruction of the enemy. Reserves may be
used to react to the developing situation as a hedge against the unexpected, and
they are given planning options, not specific missions. Once it is committed, the
commander must immediately begin reconstituting his reserve.

46. The commander uses his reserves to ensure success, not to reinforce
failure. They can be used to exploit opportunities, fix the enemy in order to
regain the initiative, or to achieve operational objectives through deep
penetration. The challenge is knowing when and where to commit the reserve.

47. The employment of reserves may be the most crucial decision that the
operational commander makes. The ability to know, or sense, when is the
decisive moment to commit the reserve is part of operational art. This
commitment may entail risk and must be balanced with the possibility of
overcommitting the force and reaching a culminating point.


48. An operation, battle or engagement reaches its culminating point

when the current situation can just be maintained but not developed to any
greater advantage. Identifying a culminating point in terms of time and space is
a difficult task for any commander, because there is a natural temptation to make
one further effort to achieve an objective.

49. Because operations, battles and engagements cannot be conducted

indefinitely, the commanders at all levels must pay close attention to the
sustainment of forces, their morale and physical condition, and know the limit of
their fighting power.

50. If necessary, a commander will order an operational pause. The

initiative can be retained by ensuring that when an operational pause is imposed
on one line of operations, the level of activities on another must be increased.
This may include use of a stepped-up air programme, deception, use of special
forces, a temporary reversion to the defence, or political and diplomatic actions.
By employing units held in reserve, depleted units can be sent to the rear for
rest, replacement and replenishment, thereby denying the enemy time to regroup
or regain the initiative.

51. The notion of a culminating point applies to enemy as well as friendly

forces. Assessing when, where, and under what conditions the enemy is likely
to reach his culminating point is essential to the conduct of operations and the

70 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
decision to commit reserves. Actions may be taken specifically to force the
enemy to over extend himself and outstretch his resources.


52. Control of the use of force is an important aspect of all military

operations. The Canadian Forces will be involved in either domestic
operations (discussed in Chapter 7) or international operations. International
operations may be conducted under Chapter VI of the UN Charter (e.g.,
peacekeeping), where the use of force is normally restricted to self-defence;
under Chapter VII of the UN Charter where a range of actions from embargos
to the “use of such force necessary to maintain or restore international peace and
security” is permitted; or as war.

53. The overuse or under use of force may affect a mission's success and
can lead to unnecessary loss of human lives, damaged property, destruction of
natural resources, and alienation of the local and international public. Therefore,
commanders at all levels must be provided with clear direction and orders that
control the use of force. This direction is based on the guidance of Canadian
Law, which encompasses both domestic and international law, the law of armed
conflict (LOAC), self-defence and rules of engagement (ROE).10

54. The modern law of armed conflict has its sources in international
conventions, international customs and practice, general principles recognized
by civilized nations, and national and international court rulings. The basis for
the law of armed conflict are the Hague Conventions of 1907 and the four
Geneva Conventions of 1949, which have been supplemented by the Protocols
to the Conventions. The law of armed conflict is not intended to inhibit
commanders in their use of force to accomplish military missions, but to protect
combatants and non-combatants from unnecessary suffering; protect property of
historic, religious or humanitarian value and the environment from unnecessary
destruction; and facilitate the restoration of peace upon the conclusion of
hostilities. It is based on the concepts of military necessity, humanity and
chivalry and is applicable in all conflicts.

Full details are included in B-GG-005-004/AF-005, Canadian Forces Operations.
Use of force guidelines for operations other than war are discussed in Chapter 7.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 71
Conduct of Land Operations
55. Canadian Forces personnel are always entitled to use force, up to and
including deadly force, in self defence, defence of other Canadian Forces
personnel and other Canadian Forces units in either peace, conflict or war. In
some circumstances, even in times of peace, Canadian Forces personnel may be
entitled to protect others and, in some international operations, property.

56. Rules of engagement are directions and orders issued by the strategic
authority regarding the use of force in peacetime, periods of tension, and armed
conflict. They constitute lawful commands that are designed to remove any
legal or semantic ambiguity that could lead a commander to violate national or
combined policy by inadvertently under reacting or overreacting to an action by
foreign forces. Military, political, diplomatic and legal factors are all reviewed
when considering the authorization of rules of engagement. They can also be
used to provide direction on when force can be used to protect larger national
interests, or to defend against larger scale attacks on an operational or strategic
level or to protect other foreign forces or non-military individuals. Rules of
engagement will be tailored as required for each operation and may change as
the tactical, operational, political or diplomatic situation dictates.

57. In combat operations, the operational commander must be able to seek

out, engage and destroy the enemy in accordance with the principles of war, the
law of armed conflict and the assigned mission. In some cases, even in the
absence of a declaration of war by an opponent, specific direction from the
strategic authority may suspend all rules of engagement permitting unrestricted
combat operations. On the other hand, these combat operations may be limited
by the strategic authority through conflict rules of engagement which may
introduce restrictions on operations for political, operational or safety reasons.
In other cases, for example Chapter VI operations, Canadian Forces personnel
may be restricted from the use of force except in self-defence unless specifically
authorized by rules of engagement. Therefore, the operational commander must
ensure that he fully understands the strategic guidance on the use of force, and
seeks clarification if any ambiguities exist.

58. Although there may be formal guidelines for the use of force on
operations, they will not cover all situations. At times when the appropriate
action is unclear, the use of force by commanders and soldiers must be guided
by their professional ethos and the law of armed conflict.

72 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign

59. The primary objective of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) is to

achieve the co-operation between civil authorities and military forces needed to
ensure effective planning, preparation, support and execution of military

60. For all operations, CIMIC may be critical to the achievement of

military objectives. On the one hand, CIMIC can enhance support to an
operation by obtaining supplies, information, facilities, services and labour
resources with the cooperation of the local population. On the other hand,
uncoordinated movement of civilians in the vicinity of operations, hostile
actions by the population, or failure of the population to cooperate with friendly
forces can significantly disrupt military operations.

61. The operational level commander may also have certain explicit or
implicit responsibilities for civil administration within his theatre of operations.
He may have to consider the movement of refugees and minimising damage to
civil infrastructure, in addition to his legal, moral, and ethical obligations to
minimise civilian casualties. Once the operations have ended, the military may
be the only form of government and authority in the area, and therefore
responsibilities for civil affairs will assume greater importance, at least during
the transition to civil control.

62. CIMIC is divided into two categories : civil-military operations (CMO)

and support to civil administration. CMO are conducted to support the
operational commander's mission and Canadian national policy. CMO include
Host Nation Support, military civic action, population and resources control,
humanitarian assistance (see Chapter 7), and civil defence. Support to civil
administration is assistance to stabilize a foreign government. Such support
results from the direct military involvement in executive, legislative or judicial
areas of civilian government. Only CMO will be discussed here. CIMIC is
covered in more detail in B-GG-005-004/AF-000.


While the Canadian Army conducted combat operations to liberate the

Netherlands in April 1945, the situation in the western part of the country was
such that the inhabitants were in danger of starvation. As a result, there was
political pressure by the Dutch authorities in London for action to be taken.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 73
Conduct of Land Operations

The problems of possible food shortages and disease had been included in allied
plans, and as early as May 1944, the Combined Chiefs of Staff laid down broad
policies covering distribution of relief supplies in liberated countries. There
were Civil Affairs and Military Government staffs established at Headquarters
First Canadian Army and at each Canadian corps headquarters, including over
130 officers who had been trained on the Canadian Civil Affairs Staff Course
since October 1943.

In February, the Headquarters Netherlands District was created to bring in and

distribute relief supplies. On 13 April it came under General Crerar’s
operational command, and was placed under 1st Canadian Corps, commanded
by General Foulkes, on 24 April. During this period the situation deteriorated.
For example, when the town of Apeldoorn was liberated on 17 April, the
population was swollen by 65,000 refugees. The day after the liberation, 40 tons
of food were distributed to the inhabitants. Other problems included supply of
clean water, electricity and coal and repair of roads. These activities continued
while normal combat operations continued at the front.

Finally on 28 April 1945, political and humanitarian factors forced a temporarily

suspension of military operations and a truce was arranged with the Germans. It
was agreed that they would not carry out further flooding and that land and
water convoys would be allowed to cross German lines. Detailed arrangements
were made between General Foulkes and the chief of staff of the German
military commander. By 3 May convoys were delivering approximately 1000
tons of food daily across the truce line and this was supplemented by the air
drop of a total of over eleven million rations. The operations continued after the
cessation of hostilities on 5 May and the formal surrender on 7 May.

The immediate crisis was over by 12 May, and Headquarters Netherlands

District assumed full responsibility for the relief and rehabilitation of the
affected areas under the direction of 21st Army Group. The Canadian Army had
made a significant contribution to the relief of suffering for the inhabitants of the
Netherlands while at the same time conducting combat operations and post
conflict activities. Beginning in May 1945, the Canadians became involved in
more CIMIC related tasks including the organization of the Canadian Army
Occupation Force which remained in Germany until June 1946.


63. Host Nation Support (HNS) is normally obtained through agreements

negotiated with a host nation to support exercises during peace and to prepare

74 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
for and provide support in times of crisis or armed conflict. The host nation
provides the types and volume of support in accordance with these agreements
and the laws of the host nation, based on its capability to provide such support.
For operations in countries where there are no host nation support plans or other
formal agreements for the procurement of support, ad hoc arrangements for
support are established.


64. Military civic action involves activities intended to win support of the
local population for the military and for the local civilian leadership. It is one of
the best ways to gain the moral initiative with the local population in war and
especially operations other then war. Military civic action can help eliminate
some of the causes of civilian unrest by providing such services as emergency
food delivery, health care, by constructing or repairing schools, clinics or
community buildings and other infrastructure such as roads and bridges.


65. Population controls include curfews, movement restrictions, travel

permits, registration cards and resettlement of civilians. Resource controls
include licensing, regulations, checkpoints, road blocks, ration controls and
inspection of facilities. Most military operations will require some type of
population and resources control measures.

66. Dislocated civilians operations involve a special category of population

and resources control. Dislocated civilian is a generic term that describes such
categories of civilians as displaced persons, refugees, evacuees and stateless

67. The involvement of multinational and voluntary organizations in

dislocated civilian operations decreases the need for military resources. As well,
non-military sources such as international aid organizations may assist civil
authorities in dislocated civilian operations, provided the aid organizations are
accepted by civil authorities or agencies.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 75
Conduct of Land Operations

68. Military operations are conducted to end conflict in accordance with

the strategic objective. Knowing when to end a campaign and how to preserve
the objectives achieved are vital aspects of operational art. Therefore, military
success should give political leverage to achieve the strategic objectives. Since
war is fought for political aims, it is only successful when such aims are
ultimately achieved. Success on the battlefield, however does not always lead to
success in conflict. Making sure that it does requires the close collaboration of
political and military leaders and clearly understood strategic goals.

69. It is always possible that for political, diplomatic or economic reasons

the conflict may be terminated before the originally envisaged military end-state
is reached. The commander must consider the consequences of a premature
termination and the need for his force to take on new missions.


70. A period of post-conflict activities will exist from the immediate end of
the conflict to the accomplishment of the national strategic goals and objectives.
A variety of non-combat operations may occur during this period. This
transition can occur even if residual combat operations are still underway in
other parts of the theatre of operations. Anticipation and appropriate planning
during earlier stages will smooth the transition during the critical period
immediately after the fighting ends. Planning should also consider the use of
information operations, especially public affairs and psychological operations
(PSYOPs) to assist in the transition to post-conflict activities.

71. Military forces may be the only source of stability in the area and may
have to restore communications facilities, essential services, and provide
humanitarian relief. The operational commander may have to be the conduit for
negotiations with the belligerent political and military leaders as part of the
initial conflict termination process.

72. Military forces are very well suited for post-conflict operations. They
have the skills and staying power to control prisoners, handle refugees, mark
minefields, destroy unexploded ordnance, provide emergency health service
support, provide restoration of essential utilities and other civil affairs, transport
food and perform other required humanitarian assistance activities. However,
they should always seek a quick transition to civilian control. The aim of post-
conflict activities should be to speed up the stabilization of the area until
76 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conducting the Campaign
international, non-governmental or host nation agencies assume responsibility.
As violence diminishes during an operation, military control and coordination
will become less critical and the delicate transition between military and civilian
control can take place. This transition is an important consideration at the
operational level.


73. At the campaign's end, the operational commander must consider the
redeployment of the force. Redeployment should not be considered as a final
activity but merely a transition to future operations. Unit and formation
integrity should be maintained during redeployment whenever possible and the
commander should always keep in mind the reconstitution process for the next
operation. This will include finalization of post operation reports and
submission of observations as potential “lessons-learned.”

74. Consideration must also be made for the reintroduction of troops into a
peaceful western society after service in war-torn areas and after witnessing
widespread pain, suffering and death. The efforts spent to build and preserve
cohesion within a force prior to and during operations must be continued after
redeployment. Commanders at all levels are responsible for the successful
integration of their troops into post-conflict routine.


75. The campaign is conducted in line with the commander’s guidance

outlined in his intent and articulated in the campaign plan. In order to respond
to changes as they occur, the operational commander must retain a wider
perspective and maximum freedom of action.

76. The key to success in conducting operations is seizing and maintaining

the initiative in line with the approach outlined in Chapter 2. Combat power is
applied in offence and defence to achieve at success decisive points and
ultimately achieve the military end-state. Concluding the campaign is an
essential aspect of the design and planning and must be done in a way that
reinforces political and diplomatic goals and allows the military presence to be
reduced or removed.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 77
Annex A to Chapter 5



1. The Imperial General Headquarters (IGHQ), a strategic level joint

headquarters, had conducted a strategic level assessment, based on political
direction, and evaluated courses of action prior to August 1941. The strategic
direction was clarified in a number of conferences in September, October and
November 1941. In anticipation of operations, troops and supplies began being
moved into forward staging areas at this time.


2. The IGHQ issued their strategic direction confirming the end state as :
occupation of strategically important regions in the south, reduction of the main
far eastern bases of the allies and setting of conditions for further operations (see
Figure 5A-1).

3. At the strategic level the centre of gravity was allied naval power in
the South Pacific. The other objectives could not be occupied and held without
control of the seas. This led to the selection of three main decisive points with
their associated lines of operation : attacking the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl
Harbour; occupying the Philippines; and the capture of the Singapore naval


4. After consideration of various options and the necessity to maximize

surprise it was decided to conduct simultaneous attacks at Pearl Harbour, with
landings in Philippines and Malaya on 7/8 December 1941. At the same time
Hong Kong would be occupied and a combination of military pressure and
diplomatic efforts would be used to sway Thailand to facilitate Japanese
operations in Malaya and Burma without the need for combat operations against
the Thai army.

78 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Annex A to Chapter 5
5. The main effort would initially be on the Malaya campaign with the
secondary effort in the Philippines. It would then switch to Java/Sumatra and
finally Burma (see Figure 5A-1).


6. The theatre level campaign design called for the Japanese to seize the
initiative immediately and pursue synchronized joint operations at high tempo
until the enemy was defeated. Deep operations at Pearl Harbour intended to
dislocate the US Pacific Fleet were effective in neutralizing this force for the
duration of the campaign. This was conducted with simultaneous operations
aimed at the theatre level decisive points in Malaya and the Philippines.

7. The operations were inherently joint and all operations called for
establishing air superiority as a prelude to amphibious landings and land
operations. Initial objectives would invariably be enemy airfields in order to
expand the area of influence.

8. The tempo of operations was sustained as initial successes were

exploited by shifting resources, first air and then land forces. For example, the
operations in Java/Sumatra, aimed at securing the strategic oil fields, were
accelerated by one month. In this case air resources from the Malaya area of
operations and land forces from the Hong Kong operation and troops fresh from
the fall of Manila were shifted to support the new main effort. In a similar vein,
ground troops from Singapore were shifted to the Burma area of operations.
The control of the seas and the flexibility of the planning allowed the
commanders to quickly shift resources as required to meet the higher level

9. Concurrent with the land operations, the Japanese used a combination

of air and naval power to destroy allied naval power. Other minor operations
were also conducted by the South Seas Detachment (a joint task force reporting
directly to the IGHQ) in order to seize operational objectives (e.g. Dutch Timor,
Bismarck Islands, etc.,) not directly related to the centre of gravity.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 79
Annex A to Chapter 5


Surrender of
Dutch Forces
Fall of
8 Mar 42 and
9 Apr-7 M
Occupy Dutch
Timor Airborne/Amphibious Battle of
20 Feb 42 Landings in Java/Sumatra Sunda Strait
Capture Celebes
Feb 42 28 Feb - 1 Mar 42
and South Borneo
9 Feb 42
Occupy Bismarck Establish Air Battle of the
Islands Superiority in Java Java Sea
23 Jan 42 14 Feb 42 27 Feb 42

Occupy British
Borneo (Brunei)
31 Dec. 41 Fall of
Hong Kong
25 Dec 41 Sinking of Fall of
Occupy Guam REPULSE and

Attack Attack Air Atta

Hong Kong Pearl Harbour Landing

Figure 5A-1: Japanese Southern Theatre of Operations

Annex A to Chapter 5


10. The Japanese advance reached its culminating point in Burma,

stretched to the limit of its line of communication and faced with the monsoon
season. Farther south, attempts to capture Port Moresby were dashed by the
battle of the Coral Sea.

11. Plans had already been made for the establishment of a military
administration in the occupied territories and for obtaining the necessary natural
resources. Plans began in March 1942 in anticipation of allied counter-attacks
and for the establishment of a defensive perimeter of the occupied territories.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 93
Annex B to Chapter 5


1. Some of the aspects of the Malaya campaign will be discussed in order

to contrast the strategic level versus operational level.


2. While the strategic level centre of gravity was physical, i.e. the allied
naval forces, the operational level centre of gravity was the morale and
cohesion of the commonwealth forces in Malaya composed of Indian, Australian
and British troops.

3. The Japanese commander, General Yamashita, recognized this early

and placed great emphasis on maintaining a high tempo of operations and
employing deep operations combined with deception.


4. The Japanese pre-empted the British by attacking through neutral

Thailand and seizing the vital high ground dominating the landing areas.
Simultaneous deep attacks were launched against the port of Singapore in order
to disrupt the British and erode morale. Air superiority was quickly established
and northern airfields were seized as a first priority to extend the area of
influence. The Japanese achieved a higher relative tempo than the British using
bicycles, trucks and a few medium tanks against the mostly foot borne infantry.
Although the Japanese were outnumbered in Malaya, they consistently
concentrated their forces to outnumber the British at the decisive points

5. At sea, the sinking of the REPULSE and the PRINCE OF WALES by

Japanese air power was another severe blow to morale in Singapore. Yamashita
also used his control of the sea to launch major deep amphibious operations to
dislocate the defenders and cause panic. However his ability as a commander
was demonstrated during the attack on Singapore.

6. Stretched to the limit of his line of communication, running low on

ammunition, and with subordinate commanders advising an operational pause,
Yamashita was in trouble outside the walls of Singapore. He had released his

94 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Annex B to Chapter 5
reserve division because he did not have sufficient logistics to support them.
The deception plan became his key weapon.


7. The Japanese operational security was very effective. With Japanese

control of the skies, the British had no indication of the size of the enemy force,
or their logistics problems. The British believed that they were facing a force of
over 100,000 well supplied troops rather than the actual strength of 30,000
troops. During the final attack on Singapore, the Japanese commander fired off
the bulk of his remaining artillery ammunition to give the impression that he had
plenty of supplies. The violent attack secured a lodgement and desertion,
disorganization, chaos and fear were rampant in Singapore. Yamashita
employed his joint resources to ensure that Singapore was isolated and could not
be reinforced. As well, psychological operations were employed in the form of
leaflets dropped into the city calling for surrender. On 15 February 1942 a force
of approximately 100,000 troops in the “fortress” city surrendered to the

8. Yamashita described the situation in his own words :

“My attack on Singapore was a bluff - a bluff that

worked. I had 30,000 men and was outnumbered more than
three to one. I knew if I had to fight long for Singapore I
would be beaten. That is why the surrender had to be at once.
I was very frightened all the time that the British would
discover our numerical weakness and lack of supplies and
force me into disastrous street fighting.”


9. This campaign illustrates how a force that maintains the initiative by

using a high tempo of operations, and synchronization of joint assets can attack
a larger force that had terrain knowledge and time to prepare defenses. It also
illustrates the importance of information operations. The physical actions were
important, but more important was the effect on the morale and cohesion of the
force. This, combined with the loss of the British naval assets shattered the
morale and took away the sense of purpose for soldiers defending a port that had
no navy.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 95
Annex B to Chapter 5

96 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Annex C to Chapter 5



1. The American strategic aim in the summer of 1812 was to invade the
Canadas, take British land, and then exchange it at the bargaining table for trade
concessions and freedom of the seas. United States forces threatened to invade
Lower Canada, striking at the main fortress of Québec and the chief city,

2. The British strategic objective was to maintain the status quo. Failing
that, they would fall back and hold the city of Québec until reinforcements
arrived from Great Britain.

3. The provinces of Canada were vulnerable to the United States in three

places: the Detroit River, the Niagara River, and the border formed by the St
Lawrence River and the long island border between Lower Canada and the State
of Vermont. The only remaining narrow crossing between the United States and
the Canadas was Michilimackinac, on the St Mary’s River between Lake Huron
and Lake Superior.


4. American forces could only cross the Great Lakes by boat, and the
Provincial Marine vessels on the lakes prevented that. Therefore the United
States could threaten Upper Canada in only two places: the Detroit River and the
Niagara River. Brock knew that the Americans were preparing to attack both.

5. The initial plan for the defence of the Canadas was to abandon these
two lines to the Americans, and fall back on Montréal and Québec. Major-
General Sir Isaac Brock, Administrator and Commander in Upper Canada,
however, felt that it was possible to defend Upper Canada as well, and
convinced Lieutenant-General Prevost, the theatre commander. Prevost gave
Brock some regular forces and permitted him to raise the militia. However,
Brock knew that he did not have enough troops to defend the entire long border
with the United States, and that dividing his forces between the Detroit and the
Niagara frontiers would fatally weaken both.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 97
Annex C to Chapter 5
6. There was an additional factor: the Natives. A confederacy of the
Shawnee, Miami, Delaware and Potawatomi nations under Tecumseh was
prepared to resist American expansion, but had become convinced that the
British were not reliable. To bring the Shawnee confederacy to the defence of
Upper Canada, Brock needed to prove to the Indians that the British Crown was
a credible ally.


7. As soon as word came of the American declaration of war, General

Brock, from his headquarters in York (now Toronto), issued orders to the
commander of the British trading station across the border from Fort
Michilimackinac. Due to the remoteness of the fort, Brock gave the commander
great freedom of action, stating simply that he was to use “the most prompt and
effectual measures” to take the fort.

8. The commander seized the initiative and with a mixed force of regular
soldiers, Canadian employees of the North West Company, and Natives of
several tribes took the island fort, establishing British credibility. This pre-
emption had immediate psychological results: the Wyandot tribe defected to the
British; Brigadier-General William Hull, a politician newly appointed to general
rank, abandoned his isolated base at Fort Dearborn, the site of modern Chicago;
and Natives, their alliance with the British renewed, destroyed the withdrawing
Fort Dearborn garrison.


9. Only days before the American surrender at Michilimackinac,

Brigadier Hull had crossed the Detroit River to the town of Sandwich, and
proclaimed himself an emancipator. Some Upper Canadians defected to the
American side, some reported to the British fort at Amherstburg, but most,
including the natives of the Six Nations, stayed home altogether.

10. By crossing the river, Hull threatened more than the cohesion of the
Native alliance, his force could also move eastward by land to join up with other
forces threatening Québec. Fortunately the British had captured Hull's orders.
Brock, however, also knew that he was vulnerable near Niagara, that a large part
of his militia was away bringing in the harvest, and that he could not send many
troops to hold a line against Hull's 400 US regulars and 800 Ohio volunteers.

98 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Annex C to Chapter 5
11. Instead, Brock took 50 regulars, 250 militia and a 6-pounder gun, and
moved to attack Detroit using his superior mobility on the Great Lakes. While
Brock moved westward, raiding parties of British regulars and natives led by
Tecumseh, infiltrated across Lake Erie in vessels of the Provincial Marine, and
conducted deep operations to disrupt Hull's lines of communication. When Hull
heard that Brock was coming, the “liberator of Upper Canada” crossed back to
Detroit: Brock's manoeuvre westward caused Hull's larger force to give ground
without a fight.


12. Shortly after arriving at Amherstburg, Brock sent Brigadier Hull a

carefully worded note:

It is far from my intention to join in a war of

extermination, but you must be aware, that the numerous body
of Indians who have attached themselves to my troops, will be
beyond controul(sic) the moment the contest commences.

13. Even as Hull refused to surrender, Brock's guns were starting to fire on
Detroit. That night, Tecumseh's natives infiltrated to the American side of the
river. To Hull and his militia the threat of aboriginal attack was very real and
very frightening. In a joint operation the next morning, Brock moved his force
across under the guns of two Provincial Marine vessels. Brock used deception
to make his force seem more formidable: he dressed his militia in spare red
tunics to make them look like British regulars, and to make their line look longer
he formed his troops with extra distance between sections.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 99
Annex C to Chapter 5

Figure 5C-1: The Defence of Upper Canada - 1812

14. These actions, combined with the psychological effect of the

appearance of natives began to create a rapidly deteriorating situation in the
mind of the Americans. Then an artillery round fired from Sandwich struck the
American officers' mess, killing four. Hull surrendered not only the garrison in
Detroit, a large detachment of Ohio volunteers who were away escorting a
supply train, but also the brig USS Adams. Soon after, Natives overran the
American garrison at Fort Wayne in the Indiana Territory, the last American fort
in the West.


15. Brock had conducted a defensive campaign in Upper Canada by going

on the tactical offence. Rather than trying to hold a line against the invasion
force of Brigadier Hull, Brock moved quickly to attack American soil: first at
Michilimackinac, then along Hull's lines of communication, and finally at
Detroit. Brock used only a small number of troops to make safe his western
frontier and maintained his cohesion by cementing the alliance with Tecumseh's
confederacy. By clever use of manoeuvre, synchronized with psychological
warfare, joint operations, and selective firepower, he had completely eliminated
the American threat in the far west for the rest of the campaign season. After
this campaign, Brock immediately redeployed to the Niagara frontier using his

100 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Annex C to Chapter 5
superior mobility on the lakes. Brock was then free to defend the Niagara
Frontier, where he was killed in action later that year during the Battle of
Queenston Heights.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 101
Conduct of Land Operations



The successful general and senior combat officer is an

experienced commander and staff officer who understands the
peculiarities, complexities and vagaries of joint and combined
operations at his own and at one or two levels above his level
of command. He is also capable of acting as a national
commander in a foreign theatre; and can represent Canadian
military and other interests in multinational and other
environments. Adequate training, development and
experience must be provided to those whose task it is to
perform these combat command and staff functions.

Lieutenant-General Richard Evraire

Canadian Military Representative - NATO, 1990


1. Outside Canada, the Canadian army will almost exclusively be

involved in combined operations.11 In most cases, Canadian commitments will
be in the form of separate land, sea or air forces, each in turn coming under
command of allied land, sea and air forces. Such arrangements existed in the
First and Second World Wars, the Korean conflict, during our cold war NATO
commitment, and in the Gulf War. However, the Canadian Forces may also
operate as an independent joint force within a multinational chain of command
with a specific area of operations such as in Somalia, during 1992-3. Either of
these options may occur in the future and this doctrine accommodates both.

Current NATO terminology uses the term “combined”, however in this chapter it is
used interchangeably with “multinational.”

102 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations

2. Combined operations involve the military forces of two or more nations

acting together for a common purpose. If the relationship is longstanding and
formalized by mutual political, diplomatic, and military agreements, it is
referred to as an alliance. Alliances afford the participant nations the time to
establish formal, standard agreements for broad, long-term objectives. Alliance
nations strive to field compatible military systems and doctrine, develop
common structures, procedures and contingency plans to meet potential threats
in a fully integrated manner.

3. If the relationship is short term, ad hoc, and less formal, it is referred to

as a coalition. Nations usually form coalitions for focused, short-term purposes.
Occasionally, coalitions mature into more formal alliance relationships.

4. Combined operations occur both in war and in operations other than

war. They demonstrate the advantage of successful multinational operations
over the unilateral efforts of a single nation. Coalitions increase the size of the
overall force, share the costs of conducting operations among the nations, and
enhance the legitimacy of the strategic aims.


5. Throughout its history, Canada has been a participant in multinational

alliances and coalitions ranging from imperial defence arrangements and
alliances to United Nations missions designed to conclude, prevent or monitor
international conflicts. However, multilateral security cooperation is not merely
a Canadian tradition; it is the expression of Canadian values in the international

6. In these large alliances and coalitions, as demonstrated in World Wars

I, and II, Korea and the Cold War, Canada has not exerted a major influence on
combined political or military strategy. However, Canada's status as a middle
power, and our global foreign policy has placed the country in a position to
work behind the scenes to influence the implementation of that strategy. The
importance of the Canadian contribution has frequently not been the quantity of
combat power brought to the alliance or coalition, but the international prestige
of Canada and the ability to build and sustain consensus and unity in
multinational operations.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 103
Conduct of Land Operations


During the operations in North-West Europe, 1944-1945, the First Canadian

Army served under 21st Army Group, which was part of the Allied
Expeditionary Force. At various times during that period, units and formations
from the United Kingdom, Poland, the United States, Belgium, Czechoslovakia,
and the Netherlands served as part of the First Canadian Army. It reached its
zenith in February 1945, during Operation VERITABLE, when its total strength
reached 470,000, although only one quarter of these were Canadian troops.

7. The strong desire for Canada to be a participant in international affairs

is contrasted by a shortage of resources, and a consistent desire to resist
domination by our allies and maintain Canadian independence in the
international forum.

8. From the military perspective, Canadians are particularly suited for

combined operations. Canadian soldiers come from a country where different
languages, races and nationalities form a national mosaic. They approach
problems with an open attitude and a spirit of compromise aimed at finding
innovative solutions to problems. These attributes combined with excellent
training and fighting abilities enable the Canadian army to carry out a variety of
tasks in multinational operations.


9. Successful combined operations require unity of effort. It is unlikely

that all the nations in the multinational force will share exactly the same
strategic goals. To complicate this, the military contingents participating in a
multinational operation, although under tactical or operational control of the
combined force commander, are ultimately responsible to their own national
chain of command.

10. In this environment, friction will occur, detracting from unity of effort.
To diminish this, the member nations must agree to mutually attainable military
objectives, in particular those regarding resolution or termination of the conflict.


11. Unity of effort in multinational operations is built on consensus. This

unity requires a clear recognition and understanding of other nations’
104 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations
capabilities and perceptions as well as concessions to accommodate them as
appropriate. Compromise will inevitably be required if consensus is to be

12. Nations may reassess their objectives, both political and military, as the
conflict progresses. Therefore, strategic and operational commanders must be
concerned with maintenance of consensus throughout campaign design,
planning, and execution.

13. The cohesion of the combined force may be its centre of gravity and
could be targeted by the enemy. Appropriate military and diplomatic efforts
may be required to maintain solidarity. During the Persian Gulf War, Iraq
launched SCUD attacks into Israel hoping for reprisals that would alienate the
Arab members of the coalition and erode cohesion. Aggressive joint and
combined military actions, including “SCUD hunting,” and deployment of
PATRIOT missiles to Israel, combined with multinational diplomatic efforts
were successful in retaining the cohesion of the force.

14. The solidarity of the coalition may be a critical vulnerability, but it is

also a key to the legitimacy and public support of the coalition's actions. Efforts
to maintain the consensus are extremely important, but this should not distort the
actions of the combined force commander unnecessarily.

15. If all participating nations understand clearly stated military objectives

and have trust and confidence in their leaders, unity of effort can be sustained.
Building cohesion and teamwork and establishing trust before, during, and after
the battles and campaign is vital to success. Canadian commanders and staffs
can greatly assist in maintaining cohesion in multinational operations by acting
as a bridge between the dominant and smaller partners. To preserve this special
status, it may be necessary to maintain an independence of thought from the lead
nation in the combined force.


16. Along with the many benefits of multinational operations cited above,
there are several challenges that must be overcome to ensure success.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 105
Conduct of Land Operations

17. Coalitions may be formed from nations with different cultures,

language, moral and ethical values, and incompatible social and economic
outlooks. Sources of national pride and cultural sensitivities will vary widely,
yet the combined force commander must accommodate them. Differences in
work ethic, standards of living, religion, and discipline affect the way nations
approach warfighting and operations other than war.

18. Commanders may have to accommodate religious holidays, prayer

calls, and other unique cultural traditions that are important to allies. These may
be seen as relatively unimportant by some, but unless handled sensitively, they
could cause friction, misunderstanding, and cracks in cohesion. As illustrated in
the Persian Gulf War, recognition and accommodation of Arab cultural
differences were essential in gaining consensus and maintaining cohesion within
the coalition.


19. Specifying the official coalition language may be a sensitive issue.

After a language is selected, all written documents must be translated for tactical
execution by units of different nations. This effort may affect planning time and
introduces the potential for mistakes or misunderstandings related to differences
in terminology. Few linguists have both the technical expertise and depth of
understanding to cross both language and doctrinal boundaries and be fully
understood. Loss of meaning in translation can be high.

20. With two official languages, Canadian soldiers can provide a useful
insight into understanding the problems associated with working with translated
documents and of coalition partners operating in their second language.


21. Commanders in multinational operations may face a large

technological disparity between units, resulting in a mixture of weapon systems.
Difficulties such as incompatible communications and differences in the
cross-country mobility of vehicles should be expected. As well, certain
coalition units may have some systems similar to that of the enemy, making
measures to avoid fratricide vital.

106 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations
22. These differences can be exploited by placing units with similar
capabilities adjacent to, or reinforcing, one another. Unique equipment
capabilities can also be used to complement equipment of other nations and
present new problems to the enemy. Therefore, commanders must understand
the actual equipment capabilities and deficiencies of allied or coalition partners
to integrate them successfully into the operation.

23. International standardization efforts in peacetime under the auspices of

NATO or other international organizations will also greatly increase
interoperability of equipment, ammunition, doctrine and procedures.


24. National restrictions on intelligence sources and methods may prevent

some intelligence from being shared among members of the multinational force.
Such intelligence information should be provided as much as possible by
sanitizing it to separate it from the sources and methods used to obtain it.
Special arrangements should be considered for developing, communicating, and
using intelligence information within the multinational force. Whenever
possible, these arrangements should be agreed and exercised well before
operations commence.


25. In combined operations there will be coalition strategic objectives, as

well as corresponding Canadian strategic objectives and limitations that may
affect the employment of Canadian troops. Canadian commanders must ensure
that they understand the Canadian strategic direction in the context of the
combined force strategic objectives.

26. The government will state political objectives and assign resources. It
is the role of the military to translate these political objectives into operational
objectives. Therefore, it is essential for the operational commander to keep the
government informed of all pertinent aspects of operations. This will foster trust
and mutual understanding between the military and the government in order to
ensure adequate support for operations.

27. This is particularly difficult in a country such as Canada where few

government leaders and public servants have experience with military affairs.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 107
Conduct of Land Operations
Commanders must be prepared to explain military capabilities, risks, and
limitations in terms that every Canadian can understand so that the appropriate
government decisions can be made. Anything less will lead to a poor definition
of the strategic objective, a lack of operational focus, and potential military


28. In combined operations, the chain of command must be clear.

Invariably, there will be a multinational chain of command and a national chain
of command.

29. The combined force commander will discuss specific issues with
national commanders on a bilateral basis as part of the planning process and
throughout the campaign. In this way, they can avoid competition, detect
problems early and, in particular, be made aware of any national concerns or
sensitivities. This allows the combined force headquarters to produce plans that
will be acceptable well in advance and to coordinate activities to achieve unity
of effort.

30. The combined force commander should establish a working rapport

with national commanders to overcome many of the difficulties associated with
multinational operations. Still, nations will tend to delegate only the minimum
necessary authority to the combined force commander to achieve the common

31. In multinational operations, particularly when forces from cooperating

nations are of different sizes, the line between the operational and tactical levels
will be particularly blurred. Even if a force from a different nation is only of
small tactical value, its employment will have a political context. The
Canadian national commander will therefore have operational, in addition
to tactical, level considerations.


32. Command and control may be exercised in combined operations either

through a multinational headquarters or through that of a lead nation.

33. Longstanding alliances such as NATO, where the countries have

common procedures, tend to use multinational headquarters, as do international

108 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations
organizations such as the UN. Multinational headquarters are most effective
when well established command procedures have been developed and practised,
and a consistent quality of staff is available.

34. The lead nation concept recognizes that one nation will be assigned the
lead role and its command and control system will predominate. This method
contributes to unity of effort and can avoid duplication and confusion.



35. The national dimension in combined operations is a key factor. This is

particularly true with the realization that the senior national commander of each
contingent within a coalition, irrespective of his rank or the size of his nation's
military contribution, will effectively be commanding at the operational level,
from a national perspective.

36. Without an understanding of the operational level, the Canadian army

will be ill prepared to plan or even to cooperate in the planning and conduct of
campaigns and major operations. Canada cannot rely on other countries to
understand fully the capabilities, limitations and external support requirements
of the Canadian formations and units, and employ them properly in
multinational operations. This reason alone demands that Canadian
commanders understand the higher level concepts articulated by our allies.

37. The key concepts of Canadian command and control in combined

operations relate to the roles of a Canadian national commander and a joint force
commander, and the transfer of command. (These concepts are discussed in
greater detail in B-GG-005-004/AF-000 Canadian Forces Operations.


38. In all cases when elements of the Canadian Forces operate as part of a
multinational force, a Canadian national commander will be designated. The
Canadian national commander provides the interface between the component
commanders and the CDS to ensure national prerogatives are not usurped and
that support is effective. The national commander's role will be to provide
administrative support to the Canadian contingent of the combined force; to
liaise with the combined force headquarters concerning the employment of
Canadian Forces; and to monitor the employment of Canadian Forces. The

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 109
Conduct of Land Operations
national commander should also establish liaison with Canadian diplomatic
representatives in the theatre of operations.

39. A national headquarters will normally be established in the theatre of

operations to provide national command and control and provide the commander
with the facilities and resources to accomplish these roles.

40. The Canadian national commander is generally delegated operational

command (OPCOM) over Canadian forces participating in a combined
operation. The national commander may then transfer operational control
(OPCON) of the force to the combined force commander. In certain cases, for
example in NATO operations, the national commander may transfer operational
command (OPCOM). In either case, the national headquarters will not normally
have the capability to plan, organize and conduct major operations, which will
generally be the responsibility of the combined headquarters. However, the
national headquarters may be required to step-up to one capable of planning and
conducting major activities, such as withdrawal operations, if required.


41. Although a Canadian national commander is always designated, a joint

force commander is only appointed when an operation is declared “joint.” Due
to the nature of the Canadian Forces, operations involving elements of more
than one environment are not automatically “joint,” but must be designated so
by the CDS.

42. Once a joint force is established, a separate chain of command is

created under the joint force commander who reports directly to the CDS. This
chain of command will then be activated at an appropriate time determined at
the strategic level and specified in orders through the mechanism of transfer of
command. Transfer of command is the formal transfer of a specified degree of
authority over forces assigned to an operation, between commanders of
supporting commands and the supported commander. The degree of command
authority transferred to the joint force commander and the mechanism to effect
transfer of command will be determined by the CDS and specified in orders.
The transfer of command will occur at a time deemed appropriate by the CDS
and the joint force commander.

43. If the Canadian joint force commander is placed in the operational

chain of command and assigned a specific task or area of responsibility, the joint
force commander will normally retain operational command of all Canadian

110 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations
Forces. Otherwise, the joint force commander may transfer operational control,
or in certain cases operational command, to the combined force commander for
all or part of the operation. The joint force commander may assume the duties
of the national commander or a separate national commander may be appointed.


44. Robust liaison is essential to developing and maintaining unity of effort

in combined operations. Liaison officers are the lubricant that reduces internal
friction in the multinational military machine. Effective liaison fosters
understanding of missions, concepts, doctrine and procedures, provides for the
accurate and timely transfer of vital information and enhances the mutual trust,
respect and confidence that are important in maintaining cohesion. Liaison
officers will need to be selected with care and will often require specialized
training. If they do not speak the language of the force they are attached to, they
should be accompanied by a competent interpreter.


45. Nations build coalitions and alliances on mutual trust, understanding,

and reliance, which bind the combined force together. Teamwork and mutual
respect are essential to the successful conduct of multinational operations.
Members of the coalition should work with their partners to exploit the unique
capabilities of the various national forces available.

46. Commanders must understand that there should be equity of hardship,

risk and reward within the alliance or coalition according to the various forces'
capabilities and characteristics. Cohesion and a shared sense of mission can be
fostered by frequent face-to-face command and soldier exchanges, assignment
of missions that are matched to capabilities, and assured access to common
reserves and specialized capabilities such as air support.

47. Rewards are also difficult to distribute equitably. Commanders and

staffs should ensure that, when justified, all nations are seen to be successful
both internationally and domestically. This is critical to national pride. It is also
complex, because equity will be judged subjectively, and influenced by national
media. However, although equity is important, it must not be allowed to
prejudice the operation as a whole.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 111
Conduct of Land Operations
48. In multinational campaigns all forces should observe the same policy
on the use of force. However, in some cases, nations may retain different rules
of engagement, especially if there are non-traditional partners involved. As
well, the concept of minimum necessary force may not be universally
understood and accepted by all nations. Therefore, Canadian commanders must
be aware of any differences and make adjustments as required.


The influence of strategic direction on the tactical employment of Canadian

troops in combined operations is illustrated by the situation facing Lieutenant-
Colonel J.R. Stone, Commanding Officer of 2 PPCLI, the first Canadian unit to
arrive in Korea in late 1950.

The Vice-Chief of the General Staff, quoting a memorandum from the Deputy
Minister stated in part that Canada had: “placed the 2nd Battalion under the
unified [UN] command and notified that body that the Commanding Officer had
been instructed not to engage in operations except in self-defence until training
had been completed.”

Upon their arrival in Korea, the US Eighth Army Staff instructed Stone, because
of the deteriorating tactical situation, to move his battalion immediately to the
front as part of 29th British Independent Infantry Brigade Group. Stone was
reluctant to turn down his first operational commitment, but was obligated by
his strategic direction to ensure that his troops were properly trained. This was a
difficult argument to make as US troops, no better trained than the Canadians,
were being rushed forward.

As the senior Canadian officer in Korea, Lieutenant-Colonel Stone finally flew

to Seoul and after personal discussions with General Walton Walker,
Commander Eighth Army, produced his written orders. The Army Commander
subsequently granted Stone the necessary training time. Lieutenant-Colonel
Stone’s moral courage paid off when a few months later, in late April of 1951, 2
PPCLI was awarded a US Presidential Unit Citation for their actions at

49. Special care must also be taken for the execution of information
operations in a multinational force. Policies must be consistent throughout the
force and the use of psychological operations, deception, and public affairs
should take into consideration national sensitivities of the participants.

112 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Combined Operations

50. Sustainment of combined operations will invariably be shared among

the participants. This will allow some nations to avoid bringing a full
complement of administration support, and to specialize in their portion of the
overall support for the operation. Therefore Canadian troops may be supported
by a mix of Canadian units, other nations' administrative and logistics units,
civilian contractors, and coalition (or UN) staff agencies. Canadian
administration units may also provide support to the forces of other countries.
Each situation will be different depending on capabilities and requirements and
will be subject to negotiation and agreement during the preparation phase.
Consideration may have to be given to unique national requirements such as
spare parts or items such as rations that reflect religious or cultural preferences.
As well, personnel administration is specific to individual nations and
sometimes to individual environments. Therefore, even in combined operations,
medical and personnel administration functions should normally be provided by

51. The combined headquarters staff should provide coordination to ensure

that the local infrastructure is not over taxed, and that there is an equitable split
of resources such as medical, water, food, construction materials, and real
property between national contingents. However, cooperative support
arrangements with the host nation or allied nations will not always be available,
possible, or even desirable. As a result, these must be viewed as a supplemental
increment to the national support capability in a theatre of operations, not as a

52. Unless other arrangements are made in combined operations, tactical

level combat service support is a national responsibility.


53. In combined operations, conditions for conflict termination should be

agreed by the alliance or coalition prior to commitment of military forces. The
combined force commander will need to be made aware of national sensitivities
and the conditions that might result in a component of his force being
prematurely withdrawn. In a coalition, the Canadian commander must clearly
understand what Canada expects in the way of conflict termination and the
conditions for premature withdrawal of Canadian forces. This is especially

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 113
Conduct of Land Operations
important as it relates to Canadian participation as part of any post-conflict
peacekeeping force.


54. Operations outside Canada will almost exclusively be multinational.

Consistent with the principle of unity of effort, the Canadian commander must
always be mindful of the national strategic direction and the national chain of
command established.

55. Each multinational operation will have its own unique characteristics
depending on the participants. Extra effort will be required to overcome the
difficulties of these operations in order to benefit from the diversity of the
various contingents.

114 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations



1. In preparing for war, the army develops the leadership, organizations,

equipment, discipline, and skills that are applicable to a variety of operations
other than war. Therefore, doctrine for warfighting is applicable to operations
other than war. Though modified to accommodate different situations, the same
basic principles apply to all types of conflict.

2. Operations other than war may precede and/or follow war, or occur
simultaneously with warfighting in the same theatre. They may also be
conducted in conjunction with wartime operations to achieve strategic
objectives. They may occur inside Canada as well as anywhere in the world.

3. There will often be an overlap between combat and non-combat

operations in operations other than war, as pointed out in Chapter 1. In almost
all cases, troops should be trained and equipped to conduct combat operations.
This will facilitate the controlled transition from non-combat to combat
operations and back as circumstances change.

4. Operations other than war cover a wide spectrum from domestic

operations, service assisted and protected evacuations, peace-support operations
and humanitarian operations. However, they may be broken down into three
categories : those in which Canada is a participant, either through choice or
necessity; those in which Canada is a third party to the conflict; and those
where unarmed assistance is provided.

5. Operations in the first category include armed conflict, service

protected evacuations and some domestic operations. In these operations there
is an identifiable opponent. At the tactical level, they may be conducted in
much the same way as warfighting, however, the application of force at the
operational and strategic levels must be pursued in the context of the overall
political settlement desired.

6. The second category includes most peace-support operations, as well as

some domestic operations. Success of these missions depends upon the consent
of the parties involved and the maintenance of impartiality.

115 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
7. The third category includes unarmed assistance such as disaster relief,
medical support, mine clearance supervision, humanitarian assistance, service
assisted evacuations and peace building operations. This chapter will discuss
operational level aspects of operations other than war that are common to all
three types.


8. In war, political and diplomatic mechanisms are no longer deemed to

be effective and military efforts are seen as the primary method of terminating
the conflict in a satisfactory manner. The full resources of nations may be
directed towards the conflict and the level of commitment could, in theory, reach
its maximum. In war, the desired end-state is usually achieved by coercion
using military force.

9. In conflict other than war, the political and diplomatic means are still
available and are therefore dominant over the military means to de-escalate and
resolve the conflict. All of the instruments of national and international power
need to be coordinated to bring about the desired end to the conflict. These may
include the efforts of political, military, economic, and diplomatic organizations,
as well as civilian and non-governmental agencies. Military force may only be
threatened and even if it is used, its application will be tightly constrained. The
military participation in the resolution or termination process is therefore only
one component of the overall campaign.

10. The aim in operations other than war is normally to seek de-escalation
by controlling and preventing physical violence, and creating the secure
environment that will permit others to pursue long term diplomatic and political
solutions that will be acceptable to the belligerent communities. In conflicts
other than war, therefore, the desired end-state is normally achieved
through negotiation.

11. Operations other than war often develop quickly, and may suffer from
vague or incomplete political direction. They are conducted in the context of a
maze of non-governmental organizations, supranational, international and
national agencies, as well as national and international media. They will
normally involve the commitment of military, police and civilian personnel
undertaking a wide range of diplomatic, security, civil affairs and humanitarian
activities. These operations are often the result of long-term tensions and
irrreconcilable differences between groups. Therefore, they do not lend
themselves to short term solutions or “quick-fixes.”

116 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
12. When conducted outside Canada, operations other than war will
invariably be combined and will take place under the same conditions outlined
in Chapter 6. This will include the use of ad hoc arrangements such as
multinational headquarters, sustainment and other functions.

13. The remainder of this chapter builds on the basic concept that while the
end-state in war is achieved through coercion, in operations other than war the
end-state is normally achieved through negotiation. There are, of course,
exceptions to this general rule; nevertheless, this distinction forms the basis of
Canadian army doctrine presented here.


14. Success in operations other than war will be determined more by

political factors than military considerations. It will be measured in terms of the
degree to which military actions contribute to the achievement of the strategic
end-state. The strategic end-state will rarely be a true victory in the military
sense. Rather, it will be the achievement of the conditions for other political,
diplomatic or social/humanitarian actions to take place to resolve the conflict.

15. Operations other than war are designed to prevent conflict, restore
peace by de-escalating or terminating conflict before escalation to war, and to
help in the rebuilding of peace after conflict or war. Consistent with the
Canadian approach to operations, physical actions should not be ruled out.
However, the preferred method of achieving success will be by attacking or, in
certain cases, reinforcing the physical and moral cohesion of the participants and
the links that bind them to their political leadership, and more importantly to
their base of public support.

16. Physical attrition measures and seizure of terrain are not a useful gauge
of success. Instead, psychological and political factors, such as reduced tension,
increased stability, and shifting loyalties are the correct measures. Still, the
belligerants forces may use a strategy of attrition warfare, especially if public
support is vulnerable to high casualties among friendly forces.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 117
Conduct of Land Operations

National Will COMMANDER Provides Direction

Influences Morale;
Public Scutinizes
AND Through Political
Military Actions
Military Strategy

Strategy Drives Military and

OBJECTIVES Campaign Design Psychological Results


Political and Political and

Psychological Psychological
Results Results
National Will Exerts
Political Pressure POLITICAL
Applies Reason
to Establish
Justifies Effort Required to
Achieve Political Objectives

After A.V. Grant, "Strategic Decisions: The Mire of Low-Intensity Conflict,"

Comparative Strategy vol. 10 (April-June, 1991).

Figure 7-1: Cohesion in Operations other than War

17. Success in operations other than war requires a wider perspective of the
concept of cohesion. The cohesion that exists between the people, the political
leadership, and the armed forces in operations other than war can be visualized
using the “trinity” illustrated in Figure 7-1. This figure also illustrates the
potential psychological and political effects of military operations.

18. If friendly military operations cause divisions between the people and
the opponent's political leadership through a loss of will; if the opposing military
loses the will to fight through tactical defeats or loss of popular support; and if
the leadership reduces its aims in the conflict, then we are enjoying relative
success in attacking cohesion. On the other hand if friendly actions alienate the
population, strengthen their support of the belligerent armed forces and
encourage the opposition leadership not to deviate from their aims, our military
actions, in spite of local tactical successes, are a failure at the operational and
strategic levels.

118 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
19. Paradoxically, in some operations other than war the aim may be to
reinforce rather than attack the cohesion of the participants. This may occur
when political agreement has been reached, but military and public support of
the government is fragile. This may include such activities as supervision of
elections and training and support of local military and police forces.
Reinforcing cohesion will promote civilian control of the military forces,
promote public support of the agreements, and help to identify and isolate rogue
military factions.

20. An asymmetry may exist between friendly and adversary forces

concerning costs and benefits of the conflict. The costs of the military effort are
measured in physical terms : resources expended, lives lost, etc. On the other
hand, the benefits are measured in moral terms : changes in loyalty, a lessening
of tensions, or the imposition of our will on the adversary forces. When the
belligerents are fighting for their survival, or in their own country, they can
often incur relatively high losses while still retaining their cohesion and will to
fight. However, protracted operations combined with heavy losses and little or
no national interest may erode the political will and public support of friendly


21. Conflict other than war is normally not perceived by the public as a
struggle for survival. Therefore, the prosecution of the conflict does not
automatically take priority over all other national goals. Military actions may be
seen as discretionary and as only one of a variety of methods of conflict
resolution. Therefore military actions must be consistent with the value of the
political objective and hence the level of public support for action. This is why
operations other than war will be characterized by legitimacy, credibility,
the minimum use of force and maintenance of transparency. The principles
of war outlined in Chapter 1 apply equally well, with some adjustment, to
operations other than war. Therefore, the principles outlined below should be
applied in conjunction with the principles of war.


22. Legitimacy is the most important asset of a force in operations other

than war. Legitimacy derives from the perception that the mission of the force,
as well as its execution, is just and represents the will of a recognized national or
international authority rather than some partial interest. Subsequent diplomatic

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 119
Conduct of Land Operations
and political efforts to resolve the conflict can be seriously compromised if the
military force lacks legitimacy.

23. Legitimacy originates from the strategic directive or mandate of the

force, but can only be sustained if operations are conducted with the scrupulous
regard for international norms on the ethical use of military force and regard for
humanitarian principles. It is essential that military forces act, and are seen to
act, within the guidelines of the military ethos of duty, integrity, discipline and
honour in addition to domestic, national, international and military law. The
perceived failure to do so could strip the force of its legitimacy, authority and,
ultimately, its operational effectiveness.

24. Inappropriate, unethical or unprofessional conduct off duty or the

slightest evidence of corrupt practices at any level will damage the overall
legitimacy of the force. The highest standards of conduct and integrity must be
observed by all personnel. Commanders must set the ethical tone of the force by
their personal example, and be prepared to take severe disciplinary action
against those who violate such standards.

25. The conduct of information operations, including public affairs, and

military civic action programmes can enhance both the domestic and
international perceptions of the legitimacy of an operation. Legitimacy may also
be strengthened by the international composition of the force such that it
contains elements from countries that are geopolitically balanced in terms of
regional or political affiliation. Once established, legitimacy will also encourage
the wider participation of the international community and non-governmental
agencies. Legitimacy also reinforces the morale and cohesion of the force,
reinforces national will and helps to solidify public support.


26. In the conduct of the campaign in operations other than war, the one
overriding characteristic that is applicable at every level from a rifleman on
observation post duty, to the police officer, to the force commander, to the force
as a collective whole is that of credibility. Credibility is built on a foundation
of legitimacy. If the individual, unit or the force itself lacks credibility in the
eyes of any of the parties involved, then it will have great difficulty in achieving
whatever mission has been assigned to it.

27. The more credible the military option, the less likely that it will be
tested. Credibility is based on the demonstrated capability to use military force,

120 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
combined with operations conducted with restraint, discipline, firmness and
consistency, and always within the guidance of the rule of law. Adversary
forces will continuously be “testing” the resolve and ability of the friendly
forces. Threats, intimidations and seizures must be met with robust and resolute

28. Failing to demonstrate resolve may lead to the impression that the force
is weak. It will not be taken seriously by the adversary military forces, the local
population or the international community and will fail to inspire confidence.
Weak tactics tend to be counterproductive and actually encourage further
attempts at coercion. To avoid this situation, we should seek to create an
impression of strength, resolution and competence. This can be reinforced by
speed and efficiency of deployments, the demonstrated alertness and
professionalism of all ranks, by quality briefs to the media, and other means.
The more effective the local defence and security of troops using combat skills,
the greater the commander's freedom of action.

29. The force should always hold the respect of the adversary forces. If
that respect is lost, action should be taken as a matter of priority to restore it.
Such respect should be mutual and the members of the force must respect the
host country’s laws, language, religion, culture and social customs, and show
patience and respect for the problems and negotiating positions of the
adversaries wherever possible.


30. Decisions regarding the use of force may be the most critical that a
commander will take in operations other than war. The use of force in
operations other than war tends in the long term to attract a response in kind and
its use may heighten tension, polarize opinion, foreclose negotiating
opportunities, prejudice credibility of the force, and escalate the overall level of
violence. Collateral damage may also set back any developing civil-military
cooperation efforts, and adversely affect the overall attitude of the indigenous
population. Therefore, the use of force should be a last resort used only when
other means of persuasion are exhausted. Ideally, the aim should be to achieve
the strategic objective without any use of force.

31. Consistent with this principle, commanders should develop a range of

options, appropriate to the specific operations and short of the actual use of
force, for dealing with threats. This may include, for example, negotiation;
raising a matter to a higher political level; employment of a variety of defensive

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 121
Conduct of Land Operations
actions; control measures, such as planned or improvised road blocks, cordons,
and checkpoints; warnings; use of non-lethal force such as riot control agents or
batons; and demonstrations or shows of force that act as a deterrent. The media
can also be used to help expose the actions of the belligerents to international
scrutiny and encourage them to use restraint. Commanders should always seek
to de-escalate and not inflame an incident or crisis whenever possible.

32. However, the principle of minimum use of force does not preclude the
disciplined and controlled application of appropriate force when required. There
must never be hesitation to use sufficient force, within the framework of self-
defence and rules of engagement. The disciplined use of force, when justified
and commensurate with the provocation, actually contributes to our credibility
and acts as a deterrent against further provocations. It should also be precise to
minimize friendly and noncombatant casualties and collateral damage.


The conduct of military operations during the “Oka crisis” of 1990 clearly
illustrates the application of the principles of operations other than war.

The legitimacy of the military intervention was firmly based upon the fact that it
was in response to a request by the Government of Québec and supported by
eight out of ten Québecois. This was repeatedly emphasized in all dealings with
the Mohawks, the public, and the media. The operation was conducted in a
professional manner and resolute actions combined with a pro-active public
affairs campaign served to build the credibility of the military while decreasing
the credibility of the Warriors as spokesmen of the Mohawks nation. The
credibility was reinforced by adherence to the principle of minimum use of force
in the control of military forces.

The use of transparency served not only to reinforce the credibility of the force,
but also reduced the risk of escalation of force. This policy was stated at the
strategic level by the CDS, General DeChastelain (“In accordance with my
commitment to ensure transparency in the operations of the Armed Forces, we
shall continue to announce our intentions.”) and implemented at the tactical
level by Brigadier-General Roy. (“The approach to our public affairs strategy
will be pro-active in the sense that any information concerning the Army’s
activities that does not risk putting the security of our operations in danger will
be announced to the public by means of the media.”)

122 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War

33. It is important that the force’s actions should not be misinterpreted by

the parties to the conflict, government and non-government agencies or the
national, international or local public. Such misunderstandings may prove
dangerous in times of tension. At all times, the force’s activities should be
manifestly “above board” and not be vulnerable to accusations of pursuing an
illicit hidden agenda. This may require the establishment of liaison with all
interested parties, including belligerents, and close contact with the media.

34. Consistent with the prevailing requirements for operations security, the
parties to a conflict in operations other than war should be made as fully aware
as possible of the motive, mission and intentions of the force. Failure to
communicate this will foster suspicion and may prevent the development of
confidence and trust, thus prejudicing prospects for future conciliation,
cooperation and ultimate resolution of the conflict. There is, however, a risk to
transparency because the adversaries may have forewarning of our intentions,
and may be able to predict our actions. It may also preclude the use of some
survivability measures such as camouflage, concealment and deception.

35. Transparency also applies to the work of the media. Restrictions on the
media may not be desirable or even possible in many cases. Open and
independent reporting should be the norm, and unrestricted access should be
allowed to accredited media whenever possible. Warning of dangers specific to
certain areas should be given but the existence of dangerous situations should
not necessarily preclude media access.


36. The promotion of cooperation and consent which is a prerequisite in

most operations other than war but is essential in all peace support operations.
In some instance, local consent may be lost to achieve an operational objective.
However, a general loss of consent will normally lead to escalation and force
either the withdrawal of the force or the transformation to a classical military
conflict where Canada and its allies become party to the conflict. This will lead
to operations conducted in the same fashion as warfighting at the tactical level,
but constrained at the operational and startegic level by the need to achieve the
desired political settlement.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 123
Conduct of Land Operations

37. The application of command in operations other than war rests on

common principles for all types of conflict. However, a modified approach, and
a shift of emphasis, may be required. Operations in this environment can
present a special leadership challenge since the activities of relatively small
units can have operational and even strategic impact. Commanders must ensure
that their troops understand that a tactically successful operation can also be
strategically counterproductive because of the way in which it is executed and
how the adversaries or the public perceive its execution.

38. Therefore, there is a greater requirement for commanders, at all levels

to maintain a broad perspective and keep the larger political and psychological
objectives in mind. Canadian doctrine also calls for commanders who can grasp
the diverse perceptions, needs and concerns of the other groups involved in the
conflict. In other words those who are capable of operating beyond traditional
military operations. It is important to comprehend the total situation and realize
where there is flexibility for negotiation and what the non-negotiable elements

39. The ambiguity of operations other than war enhances the importance of
the concepts of vision and commander's intent. When formulating their vision,
commanders should include clear political, psychological, as well as military,
objectives and considerations. A clear statement of the commander's intent,
supported by a broad information effort, will provide a focus for unity of effort
among all agencies involved and ensure that all elements of the force act in


An example of an operational level commander’s intent in operations other than

war is from General Sir Michael Rose’s Campaign Plan for BHC [Bosnia-
Herzegovina Command] :

BHC Comd intends to gain the initiative in the present, largely chaotic, situation
by taking all necessary steps within the powers authorized by the UN mandates
to work steadily towards peace. Information policy will play a major role in
these objectives. Within a framework of consent between all parties, the focus
will be on developing more cooperative, positive and trusting attitudes by the
peoples of BH. In this way progress will be made towards achieving the desired
end-state of peace-security and creating the conditions for economic renewal for
all the peoples of BH.

124 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
40. Decentralization is used to encourage the low level initiative needed to
exploit operational or strategic breakthroughs. At the same time, the operational
level commander must be sensitive to unforeseen tactical successes or inspired
initiative and be prepared to reinforce and exploit them as means of progressing
towards the desired end-state.

41. In many operations other than war, other agencies will have the lead.
Commanders may answer to a civilian chief, such as a UN or government
official, or may themselves employ the resources of a civilian agency. In some
cases, a civilian organization may be designated as a “lead agency” to provide
an informal coordination function. Command arrangements may often be only
loosely defined, causing commanders to seek an atmosphere of cooperation
rather than command authority to achieve objectives by unity of effort. Military
commanders must therefore consider how their actions contribute to initiatives
that are also political, economic, and psychological in nature.

42. Command in multinational operations will be influenced by the factors

outlined in Chapter 6. Most often, command in domestic operations will be the
responsibility of a Land Force Area Commander, supported by his headquarters,
and reinforced as required by staff from other environments. The area
commander is responsive to civil authorities (e.g., the RCMP) but reports to the
CDS. Civilian representatives of other government departments, including the
RCMP, have no authority to direct military operations or to issue commands or
orders to Canadian Forces personnel (they may provide advice or make
requests). The chain of command in a domestic operation, therefore, must
ensure that armed forces are always acting in support of civil authorities, and
military forces are always commanded by their military superiors.


43. Beyond normal liaison with friendly military forces, there is a

requirement for coordination with outside agencies, local governments and, in
some cases, even adversary forces. Effective liaison is paramount to the success
of operations other than war. Due to the sensitivity and importance of their
work, liaison officers must have the trust and support of the commander, and be
provided with quality interpreters.

44. Regular inter-agency meetings and designation of liaison staff are a

good way to improve relations, exchange information, and provide a convenient
focus for requests for military assistance from civilian agencies. Effective
liaison ensures that misunderstandings are avoided, communications avenues

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 125
Conduct of Land Operations
remain open, and negotiations can be initiated when required. In this way the
intent and actions of friendly and belligerent forces cannot be misinterpreted,
and rogue elements can be identified and dealt with.


45. Campaign design is similar for all types of conflicts, however it may
need to be adjusted to apply to operations other than war. As a negotiated
settlement is the desired strategic end-state, conflict de-escalation will be sought
by tying the resolution of individual incidents into a larger campaign plan.

46. The most important aspect of campaign design remains the absolute
requirement for focussing activities at the strategic, operational and tactical
levels on achieving the strategic objective. Unfortunately, in operations other
than war political imperatives are likely to be less well defined, more volatile
and of greater direct influence on all aspects of the conflict than in war. In
planning campaigns, therefore, military objectives and activities must be
defined, refined and subsequently reviewed against shifting political direction as
part of mission analysis. The operational level commander must recognize that
he will be significantly, and properly, constrained in his freedom of action by
social, economic and political imperatives, and may be subject to shifting and
inadequate strategic direction. In most cases, the limitations on the use of
physical military force will mean that operations will be conducted primarily on
the moral plane.

47. Even with vague or incomplete strategic direction, the campaign must
be designed to achieve a clearly articulated end-state, in order to give the
operational level its planning start point. Any assumptions that are made must
be noted and constantly verified. Several contingency options along alternate
lines of operation may be required to help provide the necessary flexibility to
respond to changes in the strategic aim. As well, competing priorities, external
pressures and unforeseen events may lead to uncontrolled and incremental
changes in mission or “mission creep. “To avoid this, commanders should be
prepared to conduct regular mission analysis and seek clarification of the
strategic end-state as required.

48. In operations other than war, the centre of gravity is generally the
popular support for the belligerent forces and their political leadership. They
depend on popular support for their legitimacy, as well as moral and physical
sustainment. Military operations targeting cohesion should be designed to

126 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
produce political and psychological results that influence popular support of the
belligerents, isolate their armed forces from their source of moral and physical
support and thereby create the conditions for a favourable resolution of the
conflict (see Figure 7-1). Military actions should demonstrate that the use of
force by belligerents to obtain goals will not be successful and only a negotiated
solution is possible.

49. It requires political acumen to identify military operations that affect

the cohesion between an opponent's government, people and their armed forces.
This political judgement is not automatically a part of a soldier's skills, and
therefore measuring the political value of a military success is one of the
toughest problems in operations other than war.

50. The centre of gravity for friendly forces will also be related to national
popular support and political will. Appropriate measures may have to be taken
to preserve the cohesion of the friendly forces' “trinity” and protect it from
attack by adversary forces.


51. The concept of a battlefield framework should be used flexibly in

operations other than war. Areas of operations may need to be aligned with
existing administrative (provincial, county, or municipal) boundaries, with
headquarters located in the provincial, county or municipal capitals to simplify
relations with local authorities.

52. Regional conflicts are often linked to transnational groups tied by

religious, ethnic or cultural bonds. Therefore the area of interest at the
operational level may extend well beyond the current theatre and consider the
maintenance of regional stability as well.


53. The concept of a functional framework is applicable to operations other

than war, however there will be a shift of emphasis towards such functions as
civil-military cooperation, interagency cooperation and public information. The
concepts of synchronization, tempo and designation of the main effort remain
applicable as essential tools to integrate various functions.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 127
Conduct of Land Operations

54. Information operations become very important in operations other than

war because of the emphasis on actions on the moral plane. Local and
international public support feeds on the credibility of the force and the
perceived potential for successful resolution of the conflict. As a result, the
force needs a pro-active information plan that allows it to transmit correct
information quickly to decision makers, both within the mission, and those
outside it. As well, the force must be able to counter false or incorrect stories.


Information operations are also an essential aspect of domestic operations where

military forces are under intense media scrutiny. An excellent example of a pro-
active public affairs programme is that conducted during the Oka crisis of 1990.

“The presence of reporters served not only to inform the people but also to
influence them to a certain point. In fact, announcing all troop and equipment
movements via the press contributed to a reduction of tensions in the field and
even went as far as to spark dialogue. Also the omnipresence of cameras
encouraged opposing groups to remain calm and not commit themselves to an
escalation of violence. When first looking for the support of the people, the
Warriors did not know how to effectively exploit the support given them by
Canadians at the beginning of hostilities. Their violent and unjustified actions,
once broadcast, had the effect of turning opinion against the Mohawks. A
public relations plan which included an information campaign definitely aided
in the understanding of our role in the crisis.”

“In a world where information is of capital importance, the media provides

everything. In openly expressing our point of view, the risk of ambiguity was

Brigadier-General J.A. Roy

Commander GBMC, 1990

55. The important effect of information in operations other than war is

illustrated by the situation of UNAMIR in Rwanda. The commander stated the
following :

The UN force had no capability to counter deliberately

inflammatory broadcasts from the nominally independent

128 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines....These broadcasts
were in large measure responsible for the spread of panic and
hatred, which in turn convinced large numbers of civilians to
take flight to refugee camps in neighbouring countries....

Major-General R.A. Dallaire

56. Unlike warfighting, the information collection process in operations

other than war may be restricted by domestic, political, UN or peace supervisory
organization criteria. This may include a restriction that information gathering
may only use overt methods and rely primarily on such sources as patrols,
observation posts, airborne reconnaissance, liaison and contacts with the local
population and local and international media. This will increase the importance
of using all personnel to collect information during the course of their duties,
and they should be debriefed on a regular basis. For example, drivers and other
personnel assigned to resupply convoys will see more of the theatre of
operations and may have access to some areas that are otherwise restricted to
travel and observation. Care must be taken in the collection of information as in
some cases it may be required for use in criminal investigations for violations of
domestic or international law.


57. The operational commander tailors logistics support of these operations

based on strategic objectives much as they would in wartime situations.
Operations other than war tend to use smaller quantities of combat supplies,
such as ammunition and fuel, and have a lower density of troops than in war.
However, they also require more unique and specialized support and often
unexpected items such as bulk water and material to support military civic
action programmes. Therefore, logistics support systems designed for war are
capable of supporting operations other than war. The limiting factor becomes
the personnel and material resources available in the theatre.

58. In some cases, combat support or combat service support units may be
the only troops involved in operations other than war and the logistics operations
may well be the main effort. Other typical support tasks in operations other than
war involve constructing roads, bridges and other key infrastructure, and
providing emergency medical support abroad in support of diplomatic and
political initiatives.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 129
Conduct of Land Operations

59. Sustainment in UN operations is different from other multinational

operations. Forces arriving in a theatre at the start of a mission are expected to
be self-sufficient for a period of time. However, the overall responsibility for
logistics support in peacekeeping operations rests with the UN. As a result, the
Canadian elements operate within the UN logistics system and in accordance
with UN procedures. However, when the UN logistics system is inadequate, or
if the operational commander requires additional support beyond UN standards,
then this becomes a national responsibility. For further details see
B-GL-321-005/FP-001, Peace Support Operations.



60. Operations other than war should be conducted from a secure base.
Security for the force must be provided in order to retain freedom of action and
the ability to seize the initiative from the adversary forces.


61. By the time military forces arrive, the adversary force(s) will likely
have the initiative. Therefore, the commander must conduct operations to fix
the adversary force and set the conditions to seize the initiative either physically
or morally. This can be done, for example, with a massive show of strength and
the demonstrated ability to use disciplined force as was done in the FLQ crisis,
Oka, Somalia, and in Haiti. This demonstrates the ability to use force, however
the psychological effect of a demonstration of military power may often negate
the need to actually use it.

62. As soon as troops are committed, there will be uncertainty in the minds
of the adversary forces as to what the military will do, and the adversary forces
will go through a period of “testing” the resolve and ability of the friendly
forces. The commander should seize the initiative to capitalize on the initial
period of uncertainty following the deployment of his troops and take advantage
of it before the conflict slides into a static situation, where making progress is
much more difficult. At this stage, the credibility of the force is essential to

130 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
preserve security, provide freedom of action, and set the conditions for offensive
action centred on negotiations.

63. In situations where there is an identifiable opponent, the key decision

will be how best to terminate or resolve the conflict by attacking the opponent's
cohesion. This is achieved through a combination of destruction, pre-emption,
dislocation or disruption. The balance between them will be different from that
in war and a wider interpretation of cohesion may be required.

64. Efforts targeting cohesion should concentrate not only on the military
forces of the adversaries but also on their public support and political leadership,
as illustrated in Figure 7-1. Politically and psychologically the results of his
operations must convince the opposing leadership that their cause is hopeless, or
at least too costly in terms of political dissent, to proceed. Any adversary force
must see that they ultimately will be unable to achieve their political objective.

65. To eliminate an adversary’s will to fight the commander must look

beyond the tactical battles and look at their political strengths and weaknesses.
Imposing our will on the other factions is crucial and requires an understanding
of politics and societal dynamics. If the opposing commander thinks that he can
eventually win, or can gain some advantage, then he will continue to fight.

66. Selective destruction at the tactical level may be appropriate. But in

general, political objectives are unlikely to be served by high casualties on either
side or to noncombatants and therefore attacking the will and cohesion of the
opposition will be more appropriate and practicable approaches to success. The
unnecessary or inappropriate use of force may, in fact, jeopardize the desired
operational end-state and prejudice longer term post-conflict activities.


67. The conduct of all such operations will be founded on the dynamic
forces of fixing and striking. However, a wider interpretation will need to be
placed on these concepts for application to operations other than war. Each
meeting, check point encounter, patrol or convoy escort should be considered as
a “battle” or “engagement” whose conduct should be guided by the
commander's intent.

68. In operations other than war, it may not only be desirable, but
unavoidable to concentrate on fixing and striking on the moral plane. In the
contest of wills in operations other than war, the psychological initiative must be

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 131
Conduct of Land Operations
retained. This should be built on a firm foundation of legitimacy, which is tied
to national or international law. Once the legitimacy of the force is established,
further action can be taken.

69. The Canadian approach to conflict de-escalation relies first upon

competence with basic combat skills and the use of contact skills to reduce the
number and severity of incidents over time. Combat skills include the ability to
conduct manoeuvre, self-defence, reconnaissance, proper reaction to fire, etc.
Conversely, contact skills include personal contacts primarily involving
investigation, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, conciliation, other confidence
building measures and information operations.

70. Fixing. Fixing involves denying goals, restricting freedom of action

and putting the other party in a reactive frame of mind. By fixing, the
commander attempts to create the conditions to seize and maintain the initiative.
Indeed, fixing may be the main effort as a prelude to decisive political and
diplomatic activity. Fixing actions should not, however, lead to stagnation and a
hardening of the status quo, which will make it more difficult to progress
towards resolution of the conflict. There will be some use of confidence-
building measures and negotiating at the tactical level, but the primary purpose
of the fixing operations is to create the conditions for higher levels actions that
can lead to a negotiated end-state.

132 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War


Combat Skills

Contact skills Commander's
(Negotiation) Intent

Figure 7-1: Fixing and Striking in Operations other than War

71. Militarily the commander must protect the lives and integrity of his
forces. This is done by soldiers defending themselves using basic combat skills
and fixing the opponent to create the conditions of security so that other
elements of the force can operate to de-escalate the conflict.

72. Striking. The wider interpretation of “striking” required for operations

other than war includes the concept of using negotiations as an offensive
measure to gain the initiative and achieve tactical and operational objectives.
Once the situation has been stabilized by a “fixing” action, the possibility exists
to regain lost ground or achieve new gains in the negotiation process.
Therefore fixing actions using primarily combat skills establish the
conditions for striking actions using primarily contact skills.

73. There may be opportunities when the direct application of physical

combat power at the tactical level within the guidelines of use of minimum force
is appropriate. Often the credible threat of military power, through a massive
show of strength, may be equally effective.
B-GL-300-001/FP-000 133
Conduct of Land Operations
74. However, the use of physical destruction at the operational level should
be used sparingly as the situation could escalate more rapidly and with more
severe consequences when higher level forces are engaged. Physical destruction
may be used to demonstrate both the ability and willingness to use
overwhelming firepower and therefore encourage the participants to negotiate.
Force may also be used to establish conditions such that friendly forces can
enter negotiations from a position of strength.

75. Where it is neither possible nor appropriate to strike at the other party
physically, an alternative response may be to manoeuvre by changing the
situation, posing new threats and challenges. Manoeuvre, either psychological
or physical, confers initiative, the ability to change and therefore dominate the
situation. Manoeuvre is a particular attitude of mind. This attitude seeks to
undermine the adversaries' resolve through psychological pressure exerted
against a background of patience, restraint, professionalism and impeccable


Canadian troops were deployed as part of a UN mission in the Former

Yugoslavia beginning in 1992. As a result of an impasse at the strategic level,
on 22 January 1993, Croatian forces had advanced in Sector West to seize
control of Kryena Serb occupied areas within Croatian territory. Had there been
more warning, diplomatic channels might have been used to pressure Croatia.
As it was, political as well as liaison officers were caught off guard. The
advance gained control of parts of those areas commonly known as “Pink
Zones” in UN Sector South. Along the ZAGREB-BELGRADE highway near
the town of NOVSKA, they encountered two companies of 3rd Battalion,
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry occupying dug-in positions with all-
round defence and heavy weapons covering a narrow avenue of approach. The
defensive deployment was coupled with intensive negotiating efforts from the
UN battalion commander up to the Special Representative to the Secretary
General. During negotiations, every opportunity was taken to stress the
preparedness of the positions and the determination of the UN forces to hold
them against attack from either side. Ultimately, defensive deployment
combined with a major negotiating effort at the operational level were
successful and the attack was halted short of incursion into the UN-controlled

76. As operations may be focussed on the moral plane, information

operations will be a primary method available to the operational commander to
influence adversary forces, and the international and national public.

134 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
77. In many cases, a pure military response is inappropriate and the
incident must be solved by higher level negotiation. Negotiation and mediation
may be used to reconcile opponents, both to one another and friendly forces. In
many societies, self-esteem and group honour are of great importance and
simple face-saving measures to preserve a party’s dignity may serve to relax
tension and defuse a crisis. On the other hand, a weak and delayed tactical
response is likely to increase the chances of repetition. This must be done with
patience, resolve, knowledge of the adversary forces strengths and weaknesses,
and be guided by a clear understanding of the commander's intent.



78. The mechanisms of self-defence and rules of engagement (ROE) remain

valid in operations other than war, although the use of ROEs may be more
restrictive and those for domestic operations may be significantly different from
those for operations outside Canada. However, military personnel are always
entitled to use force in self-defence or in designated circumstances to protect
others from death or serious bodily harm.

79. For United Nations operations there is a distinction between missions

authorized under Chapter VI of the UN Charter (Pacific Settlement of Disputes)
and Chapter VII (Actions with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the
Peace, and Acts of Aggression). The fundamental difference between these two
chapters and their provisions is the authorization for the use of force. Chapter
VI deals primarily with peaceful means of settling disputes but does not
preclude the deployment of military forces. Therefore, the use of force under
Chapter VI is normally confined to self-defence. Chapter VII provides for
additional means (but still within the realm of peace) of achieving compliance,
enforcement actions, and the use of force up to and including deadly force to
ensure a return to peace and stability. Use of force guidelines are covered in
greater detail in B-GG-005-004-AF-005 Use of Force in Canadian Forces

General guidelines on the use of force were outlined in Chapter 6.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 135
Conduct of Land Operations


80. Domestic operations are operations to aid in the maintenance of public

order and security, emergency relief and the pursuit of national development
goals through the provision of armed or unarmed assistance to civil authorities.
In domestic operations, the Canadian Forces complement and supplement civil
authorities until such time as the civil authorities can resume normal activities.


81. There are many areas in the world where Canadian citizens may be in
danger from terrorists, dissidents, guerilla forces, or a general breakdown of law
and order. In such situations, the Canadian Forces may be called upon to
evacuate these citizens. These operations will invariably be joint and most
likely combined.

82. A service-assisted evacuation operation is conducted when the host

country is able to provide and guarantee the security of the operation. The use
of military force is limited to the provision of such assets as communications,
transportation and medical support. A service-protected evacuation operation
is necessary when the host country cannot guarantee the security of the
operation. In this case, military force is deployed to provide security and
protection while conducting the evacuation.


83. Peace-support operations are multi-functional operations conducted

impartially in support of a United Nations/Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe mandate involving military forces and diplomatic and
humanitarian agencies and are designed to achieve a long term political
sttlement or other conditions specified in the mandate. They include
peacekeeping and peace enforcement as well as conflict prevention,
peacemaking, peace building and humanitarian operations.

84. In peace-support operations, Canadian army units and formations do

not have an “enemy” as in war. The success of the mission will depend upon

136 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
the consent of the parties involved and the maintenance of impartiality by the
peace-support forces.

85. Consent is unlikely to be absolute or permanent. At the operational

level, consent derives from formal agreements and its boundaries are fairly
clear. At the tactical level, however, consent is subject to many local influences,
including the degree of control commanders exercise over local forces, and the
credibility and mutual respect generated between intervening forces and the

86. In these operations, the impartial status of the force does not allow the
conduct of operations to be predicated on the identification of an enemy. In
Canadian army doctrine, once a force loses its impartiality, it becomes a
participant, and in so doing opens itself up for criticism and for physical

87. In peace-support operations there is often little peace. Conflict exists

and there are belligerents that are pursuing their own campaigns to attack each
other's centre of gravity, exploit weaknesses and defeat each other's cohesion in
order to achieve their strategic goals. The first requirement of the commander in
peace-support operations is to understand the strategic context of the conflict,
the goals and operational objectives of each side and the means they intend to
use to achieve those objectives. A thorough knowledge of the operational level
of conflict is essential to this understanding.

88. Once a full understanding of the existing conflict is achieved, the

operational commander can then determine each sides’ vulnerabilities and
respective centres of gravity, select his operational objectives and proceed to
seize the initiative. The challenge will be to translate mandated activities into
coherent, lasting and achievable objectives that support progress to a defined
political end-state through campaign design.


89. The conscious decision to dispense with impartiality and become a

party to a conflict differentiate these Armed conflicts from Peace Support
Operations. These actions are distinct from wars as they are discretionary in
nature and do not strategically threaten our nation.

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 137
Conduct of Land Operations

90. Peace enforcement operations are undertaken under Chapter VII of the
United Nations Charter. They are coercive in nature and are conducted when
the consent of all Parties to a conflict has not been achieved or might be
uncertain. They are designed to maintain or re-establish peace or enforce the
terms specified in the mandate. Peace enforcement is therefore a conflict
termination activity using either direct or indirect intervention. Enforcement
may be seen as a vehicle for transition to post-conflict activities, including peace
building. This longer term perspective is likely to have a profound influence on
the way in which a peace enforcement campaign is planned and executed.


91. Military involvement in humanitarian assistance encompasses short-

range programmes aimed at ending or alleviating suffering caused by natural or
manmade disasters, including combat. These programmes help reduce human
pain, disease, hunger and hardship. Humanitarian assistance supplements or
complements the efforts of local civil authorities or other agencies that may have
primary responsibility for providing this type of assistance.

92. Humanitarian operations may be conducted as an independent task or

in the context of a peace-support operation. Starvation and population
dislocation are sometimes used as weapons of war and means of acquiring land.
The use of aid convoys and protected areas may reduce the effectiveness of
these tactics and push the adversaries to negotiate. Conversely, humanitarian
efforts may also encourage retention of the status quo, or even worse, encourage
continuation of the conflict indefinitely. Therefore, there is a need for a far-
reaching strategy for combined peacekeeping/ military humanitarian operations
to be integrated with diplomatic efforts.

93. The lack of a clear political objective and the lack of effective
coordination between military and aid organizations at the operational level can
prevent the humanitarian aid effort from being as effective as it can be, even
though lives are being saved. Humanitarian assistance alone will not produce
long term solutions. Both the military security and humanitarian efforts should
be co-ordinated with political initiatives to reduce the tensions and hostilities
that keep refugees and displaced persons away from home. This will permit
early resettlement and a return to normal political and economic activity in
conjunction with a coherent strategic framework based on peace building

138 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
initiatives and revitalization of the local infrastructure. This can be achieved, in
part, through interagency cooperation.


94. Canadian army commanders must be prepared to fight wars and

conduct joint and multinational operations other than war while working with a
variety of government, non-government, private volunteer and international
agencies. This is true not only when the military is the prime strategic option as
it is in war but when other agencies are the preferred option and the military
provides supporting or protection forces such as in internal security and
humanitarian assistance.

95. In situations calling for a military presence, it is essential to co-ordinate

military and other efforts through interagency cooperation. Military forces
should concentrate on establishing the conditions of security and stability which
permit other agencies to function effectively. This may need to be done with the
assistance of the local government. Once the secure environment is established,
humanitarian assistance and related tasks should be relinquished to civilian
agencies suited to the task of providing humanitarian support, economic aid,
police services, and political-social development to end the conflict. The
military should eventually become less involved in the work of other agencies,
and the combined effort will provide legitimacy and leverage to assist in the
achievement of military and political objectives.
96. Interagency cooperation must begin with a clear understanding of the
desired end-state of the campaign. Military, political and diplomatic
cooperation is essential. This is easiest to obtain when the objectives are clear,
the leadership of the operation is identified, and the roles of different agencies
are well-defined. This implies a clear concept and plan at the operational level.
97. The challenge of interagency cooperation is to achieve sufficient
consensus about strategic ends that operational campaigns by one agency do not
undermine the efforts of another. In dealing with these agencies, the
commander must understand their objectives, resources and limitations, and
understand how they can assist or endanger the achievement of his own
objectives. Co-ordination of strategic objectives (for example, peaceful
resolution of the conflict) should be emphasized in order to foster cooperation,
at least, and hopefully consensus and unity of effort. The situation is similar to
multinational operations where significant effort may have to be expended in
order to gain a consensus. In some cases this may not be possible and the goal

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 139
Conduct of Land Operations
may be simply cooperation and mutual non-interference. In the end the results
will be worth the effort.

98. Cooperation with other agencies, ranging from police and local
governments to non-government organizations, and private volunteer
organizations may yield other valuable benefits to the force. These agencies
may be useful sources of local knowledge or cultural expertise for others new to
an area. For example, some non-governmental organizations concentrate on
emergency aid, but most establish long-term operations in countries with
chronic needs. Many agencies are likely to be in the theatre before the arrival of
the military force, and are likely to remain after its departure.


99. CIMIC is meant to both further Canadian national objectives and to

assist military operations. In some cases such as humanitarian or disaster relief
operations, CIMIC may be the primary task of the force.

100. There may be confusion and overlap between military involvement in

strictly humanitarian assistance to reduce pain and suffering, and military civic
action as part of an overall CIMIC program. Humanitarian assistance and
military civic action may be conducted simultaneously and some activities may
satisfy both objectives, however the operational commander must be aware of
the subtle difference when it concerns expenditure of resources allocated for the
achievement of operational objectives.

101. For example, during Operation Deliverance in Somalia it was estimated

that 30 per cent of the effort was devoted strictly to security tasks and the
remaining 70 per cent of the time and resources were devoted directly or
indirectly to long-term rehabilitation and nation-building activities related to the
reconstruction of infrastructure and institutions, redevelopment and political
reconciliation. This was done not only for the satisfaction of helping others, but
because it was an essential element of the commander's plan to establish stability
and security in the area of Belet Uen.

102. To obtain the cooperation of the civilian population, CIMIC operations

may integrate other functions such as public information and psychological
operations (PSYOP) under the concept of information operations. PSYOP
supports CIMIC through political, military and economic actions planned and
conducted to mould the opinions, attitudes and behaviours of foreign groups to
support Canadian national objectives. The J3/G3 division supervises PSYOP

140 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Operations other than War
but the J5/G5 division coordinates those PSYOP directed at the civilian
population. An example of the successful use of PSYOP combined with CIMIC
during Operation Deliverance in Somalia is as follows :

Two days prior to the securing of Belet Uen, 80,000

leaflets were dropped on the town informing the local
residents of our impending arrival, of the need for them to
keep all weapons indoors and of the requirement for the
technicals to leave town. The drop, conducted by a US Air
Force aircraft, was highly successful and, combined with [a]
meeting with the elders the next day, made for an uneventful
arrival in Belet Uen on 28 December.


103. Doctrine for war is applicable to operations other than war. However,
the basis of Canadian army doctrine is that, as opposed to warfighting, in
operations other than war the ultimate end-state is normally achieved through
negotiation. The general concepts of campaign planning are accepted as valid in
operations other than war. As the emphasis in doctrine shifts toward de-
escalation as a means to reach a negotiated settlement, soldiers at all levels must
learn to make a wider interpretation of some common doctrinal concepts.
Operations other than war are divided into three categories, however, there are
several aspects common to them all.

104. The conduct of this campaign of de-escalation is based upon a

foundation of legitimacy and conducted to preserve credibility, consistent with
the principles of minimum use of force and transparency. The concepts of
fixing and striking are used to establish conditions to negotiate from a position
of strength. The use of strictly controlled combat skills must be supplemented
by contact skills focussing on negotiations and persuasion to achieve operational

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 141
Conduct of Land Operations


The list below is designed to call attention to a few books dealing with
various subjects and campaigns which any Canadian student of the war can
benefit from. The list is far from exhaustive and there are many good books not
included in it.


Barnett, Corelli, The Swordbearers : Studies in Supreme Command in the First

World War (London, 1963); The Desert Generals (London, 1960).

Blumenson, Martin and Stokesbury, James L., Masters of the Art of Command
(New York, 1975).

Chandler, David G. The Campaigns of Napoleon. New York : The Macmillan

Co., 1966; The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough (London, 1976).

Churchill, Winston S., The Second World War, 6 vols

(Boston, 1948-53).

Clausewitz, Carl Von. On War. Michael Howard and Peter Paret eds and trans,
(Princeton, 1984).

Du Picq, Ardant, Battle Studies, (Harrisburg, PA, 1947).

Dupuy, Trevor N., A Genius for War (Virginia, 1984).

Eisenhower, Dwight D., Crusade in Europe(New York, 1979).

Erickson, John, The Soviet High Command : A Military-Political History (New

York, 1962); The Road to Stalingrad (New York, 1975); The Road to Berlin
(New York, 1983).

Fuller, J.F.C. The Conduct of War : 1789-1961 (New York, 1992); The Decisive
Battles of the Western World and their Influence upon History (London, 3
vols, 1954-56); The Generalship of Alexander the Great (New York, 1968);
Grant and Lee : A Study in Personality and Generalship (Bloomington, In,

142 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
Gabriel, Richard, and Paul Savage, Crisis in Command(New York; Hill and
Wang, 1978)

Garthoff, Raymond, Soviet Military Doctrine (Santa Monica, Calif., 1954).

Great Britain. War Office. Field Service Regulations. Vol. 3. Operations -

Higher Formations. (HMSO, 1935).

Guderian, Heinz, Panzer Leader(London, 1952).

Hackett, John, Winthrop, The Profession of Arms (London, 1963).

Hamilton, Nigel. Monty, Vol II :Master of the Battlefield 1942-1944. London :

Coronet Books, 1985.

Hattaway, Herman and Archer Jones, How the North Won : A Military History
of the Civil War (Chicago, 1983).

Herzog, Chaim, The War of Atonement : October 1973 (Boston, 1975).

Howard, Michael. War in European History. Oxford : Oxford Univ Press,

1992; The Theory and Practice of War (London, 1965).

Janowitz, Morris, The Professional Soldier : A Social and Political Portrait

(Glencoe, Ill, 1960).

Jomini, Baron de, Précis de l'art de la guerre (Paris, 1838);Published in English

as The Art of War(New York, 1864).

Keegan, John, The Face of Battle (New York, 1976); The Mask of Command
(London, 1987).

Leonhard, Robert R., The Art of Manoeuvre (Novato, 1991).

Liddell Hart, B.H. , Decisive Wars of History (Boston, 1929); Strategy (New
York, 1967).

Lind, William S., Manoeuvre Warfare Handbook (Boulder, 1985).

Luvaas, Jay, trans, and ed, Frederick the Great on the Art of War (New York,

Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Art of War, 2 vols, (London, 1905).

B-GL-300-001/FP-000 143
Conduct of Land Operations
Manstein Field-Marshal Erich Von. Lost Victories. (London, 1958)(edited and
translated by Anthony G. Powell).

Marshall-Cornwall, James, Napoleon as Military Commander (London, 1967).

Montgomery, Field Marshal, The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery (New

York, 1958).

Newell, Clayton R., The Framework of Operational Warfare (Padstow, 1991).

Patton, George S, Jr., War As I Knew It (New York, 1980).

Peter Paret, ed. Makers of Modern Strategy, Military Thought from Machiavelli
to Nuclear Age (Princeton, 1986).

Pogue, Forrest C., The Supreme Command(“United States Army in World War
II : The European Theater of Operations”) (Washington, Office of the
Chief of Military History, U.S.A., 1954).

Ritter, Gerhard, Frederick the Great, ed. and trans Peter Paret (Los Angeles,

Rommel, Erwin, The Rommel Papers ed by B.H. Liddell Hart, trans by Paul
Findlay (New York, 1953).

Rothenberg, Gunther E., The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon (London,

Savkin, V.Y.E., Operational Art and Tactics, translated by the US Airforce

(Washington, 1972).

Seeckt, Hans von, Thoughts of a Soldier trans by Ian Hamilton (London, 1930).

Simpkin, Richard S., Race to the Swift (Virginia, 1985).

Slim, William, Defeat into Victory, (New York, 1956).

Strachan, Hew. European Armies and the Conduct of War (London, 1983).

Sun Tzu, The Art Of War. ed, and trans Samuel B. Griffith, (New York, 1971).

144 B-GL-300-001/FP-000
Conduct of Land Operations
Thibault, George Edward, ed., The Art and Practice of Military Strategy
(Washington : National Defence University, 1984).

Thompson, Julian, The Lifeblood of War : Logistics in Armed Conflict, (London,


Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War (New York, 1935).

Tuchman, Barbara, The Guns of August (New York, 1962), translated and
published as Août 14 (Paris, 1962).

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