Sustainable Construction
Sustainable Construction
Sustainable Construction
The reuse and conversion of existing buildings to provide accommodation types that are relevant for todays way of life is a fundamentally sustainable process, as many resources are recycled. The land, building structure and many of the original materials are likely to be reused, which reduces the volume of material for disposal. New building work will require clearer analysis on the part of the designer of the impact of siting and orientation and the consequence of incorporating new materials and technology in the development. The orientation of the building within the site will influence both the internal and external character of the building, the microclimate and the energy consumption. If possible, the building would be ideally positioned to take advantage of solar energy, avoid the worst of wind and driving rain, whilst preserving the potential for views.
Minimising waste
Consideration of construction waste should be given at the early stages of a project. With conversion and alteration work there in unlikely to be any significant volume of excavation
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material but for new build and extension sites where it is necessary to demolish a redundant structure then more material is generated.
Construction waste
Sending waste to landfill sites is undesirable for a number of environmental and economic reasons. A far more sustainable response is for design for the use of recycled materials, and to put in place provisions for construction waste to be incorporated in the new development. A number of options can be considered: Minimise volume of excavation through consideration of building footprint and appropriate foundations; Consider use of crushed demolition material in the hardcore for the building; Consider separation, storage and re-use of the following components: o turf rolled; o topsoil reused; o seeds kept from existing plants; o compost from existing plant matter; Separation of waste streams that could be sold or used again elsewhere; Reuse of spare materials on site offcuts for shops, etc; and Delivering programmes to reduce length of storage time on site with risk of damage and subsequent disposal as waste.
Supply of materials
Arrangements with suppliers can result in a reduced environmental impact through improved efficiency and a reduction in waste to landfill. The following criteria could be considered: delivery of building materials: o allow for inspection of materials; o reject / return defective materials; o return protective packaging; o agreement with plasterboard manufacturer that waste will be collected and reused; o consider timing of delivery to avoid storing materials on site, and reducing the risk of damage and waste; use of multi-use palettes, preferably in recycled plastic, for protection and storage of materials, to reduce damage and waste; and use of existing markets for refurbishment waste to reuse unwanted materials, including windows, timber, bathroom suites and kitchens. Sustainably managed sources should also be used wherever possible. In terms of timber, for example, the FSC or PEFC logo will ensure that the forests are managed responsibly. Systems which have been developed to use a reduced volume of materials, such as timber Ibeams rather than sold beams should be considered.
Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
Reclaimed materials
The use of reclaimed materials will result in a significant reduction in the embodied energy of the project. This involves minimal processing between demolition of the original building and construction of the new building, as opposed to recycling. If a building has been detailed in such a way that it can be dismantled and the components reclaimed and recycled or re-used at the end of its lifespan, then this will have a positive effect on the embodied energy of both the original and future buildings. This will also reduce the volume of construction and demolition waste sent to landfill. Where new materials are being specified, consider the possibility for inclusion of recycled elements, for example, recycled cellulose insulation.
Building siting
With projects involving conservation or alteration the orientation of the building will be, to an extent, predetermined. If the buildings function is changing, or an extension being added, there may be an opportunity to orientate certain spaces to take advantage of solar gains. The potential for the use of passive energy will also be, to an extent, predetermined. There may, however, be an opportunity to retain and enhance the traditional lighting and ventilation strategies. With new buildings the three dimensional form of the building can reduce energy consumption through a reduction in exposed perimeter compared with the enclosed volume, or through the incorporation of elements such as atria, courtyards, sunspaces, etc. Environmental sustainability can be addressed through the incorporation of passive energy features into the form of the building. The use of day lighting, natural ventilation and passive heating and cooling will produce a low energy building with reduced environmental impacts, whilst still achieving comfortable internal conditions for occupants. Various devices could be included in a design, for example: atrium; courtyard; area of glazing optimised for balance between day lighting against heat gains and losses; narrow floor plans; or thermal mass: the construction of solid floors and internal walls to retain heat gained, either from solar energy or the heating installation, and to even out the temperature gradient over day and night. The microclimate surrounding the building can influence the operational energy consumption, and the following design considerations could be applied to a new building: consider influence of building form on localised wind patterns; avoid blocking light / views to neighbouring properties; where possible, site building to take best advantage of existing features and topography to influence wind patterns and driving rain;
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consider provision of shelter from additions such as trees, fences, earth forms, etc, to reduce heat losses from the building, and to create pleasant outdoor spaces.
Embodied Energy
The selection of materials will influence the embodied energy of the project, which consists of the energy used for the following processes: extraction of raw materials; manufacture of building materials; transport energy between stages of manufacture, and to construction site; construction; demolition / destruction. The component of the embodied energy will be less than that used in the operational life of the building, but will still be significant and should therefore be addressed during the design process. Responsible sourcing of building components, specification of natural materials and limitation of transport distances are key considerations in the reduction of embodied energy. The traditional building materials used in the past have low levels of embodied energy, being natural with minimal processing, and locally sourced to minimise transport energy. The use of these materials in a development will therefore have benefits in terms of a low embodied energy approach. The use of new materials can potentially increase the embodied energy content of an original building. This can be avoided through the use of local timber, or through the use of reclaimed or recycled materials that also have the potential for re-use after the end of the buildings lifespan. There will be a degree of environmental impact associated with the processing of any building materials and products, across the whole life cycle of each component. There will be resource depletion and potential pollution during the extraction of raw materials, with a further risk of pollution during the manufacturing of building products. Energy will be required at each stage, for processing materials, and for transport and distribution both between stages of manufacture, and delivery to site. To minimise these environmental impacts, the following criteria should be considered: ensure procurement is consistent with Northumberland National Park Authoritys Sustainable, Fair and e-Procurement Policy7 reduce volume of goods ordered through, for example, organisation of site procedures, reuse or repair of existing materials wherever possible; specify products from sustainably managed sources, which use minimal volumes of raw materials, and promote fair trade; consider the whole life cost of products for example, a higher initial capital outlay on a high specification building fabric may save money in the long term through reduced heating bills; source materials locally where possible to invest in the local economy and reduce transport energy; select products free from ozone depleting substances, solvents, VOCs, etc, to reduce pollution and provide a healthy indoor environment; consider products with the potential for re-use or recycling to avoid landfill;
Northumberland National Park Authority: Sustainable, Fair, and e-Procurement Policy (2005) Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
To address the energy used in the construction phase of a new building, the following could be considered: minimise air and water pollution during construction processes, in accordance with Best Practice guidelines from BRE, DTI, SEPA and Environmental Agency; use of timber from sustainable sources for site hoardings or formwork; consideration for neighbours distribution of introductory letters, keeping site working hours within those appropriate to the area, etc.; consideration of Considerate Constructors Scheme, if appropriate to a particular project; include relevant clauses in the Prelims to ensure that the contractor must adhere to best practice guidelines.
Indoor Air Quality
There are no concerns over the release of toxins to the interior if traditional building materials and finishes are used in a development. The use of modern construction materials are not so environmentally benign, however, and can result in chemicals being released to the interior of a building, to the detriment of the occupants health. To avoid problems such as Sick Building Syndrome, or increased asthma cases, the building materials and finishes should be considered carefully. Natural materials with minimal manufacturing or processing will have least potential for negative impacts on the indoor environment, and components such as carpets, paints, and wood preservatives should be carefully considered.
Protected Species
Protected species should be considered when carrying out any alterations, even where planning permission is not needed such as conversion of roof spaces and re-pointing, to ensure that developers do not break the law in relation to these protected species. A bat survey may be required and a licence from Natural England may have to be applied for even if planning permission is not required. When alterations take place and timber requires treatment, non-toxic wood treatments and preservatives should be used to prevent harming bats. Older insecticides, such as lindane, leave a poisonous deposit on the treated surface which can kill bats even if they are not there at the time of treatment. Newer insecticides, such as permethrin, are less poisonous to bats and other mammals. However, they must not be used while bats are present. It is always best to ask for advice about treatments and timings if carrying out work where bats may be present.
Atmospheric Pollution
The widespread availability and use of electricity is a relatively recent phenomenon, and would not have been relied on in the original buildings in the National Park. The modernisation of these buildings is likely to introduce a new rate of energy consumption and with it an increase in
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atmospheric pollution. The degree to which the building will cause pollution will depend on a number of factors, including: the chosen fuel source; the efficiency of the building fabric and systems; and the use of passive energy. The most effective way in which to eliminate pollution is to reduce the energy demand from the building. This can be achieved in a number of ways: increasing the insulation levels in the building fabric; upgrading the specification of the glazing; maintaining and enhancing the traditional natural light and ventilation strategies; and efficient energy systems, for example heat recovery, use of condensing boilers, etc.
Connect to municipal sewage system for foul drainage, if possible; If there is no available public drainage system, a packaged sewage treatment plant would be the next consideration, followed by a septic tank or cesspool; Solutions such as composting toilets and reed beds are ideal in environmental terms. The latter can be used as a stand alone system (though they do require some form of settlement) or in conjunction with a septic tank or package sewage treatment system to provide a higher level of treatment. However, some systems would require maintenance and upkeep by the users. This is generally an unpleasant and undesirable task, and should only be considered in situations where conventional sewage solutions are unavailable, and where the client has requested it and has a full understanding of what will be involved; Consider Sustainable Drainage Systems for external drainage soakaways, swales, ponds, porous paving, etc; and Reduce volume of external surface water drainage for example through arrangement of landscaping, consideration of green roofs.
It must be pointed out that whilst passive treatment systems, such as reed beds and compost toilets, require less maintenance than those systems with mechanical parts, all sewage treatment systems require some maintenance and upkeep; packaged sewage treatment works require regular servicing, and septic tanks and cesspools require emptying (with the frequency being dependent on use).
Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
Grey water
Sustainable drainage techniques should be utilised for surface water disposal and should follow the principles of the Surface Water Management Train so that runoff from development sites is controlled and mimics Greenfield runoff whilst maintaining natural drainage patterns as far as possible. Consideration of rainwater harvesting for applications including flushing of WCs and irrigation; Grey water collection from sinks, basins, baths, etc, and re-use is the less favoured option, and is likely to be appropriate for only a small minority of projects. Techniques including green roofs, soakaways, swales, porous pavements, ponds can all be utilised.
Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
Photovoltaics generate electricity from solar energy, which can be linked to a particular function within the building, the general electricity supply for the building, or can be linked to the National Grid. In a new building, it may be possible to incorporate photovoltaics into the roof or faade as a component of the overall concept. As for solar panels, the optimum location is south facing on a 30o angle roof. Again, it is critical that the panels are never in shade. Efficiency of the panels is related to the type of silicone used, but in general will generate approximately 145kWh per m2. Depending on the design of the system or unless it is to be added to a listed building, or a building within a conservation area, these systems may not require planning permission. The use of PV for street lighting, parking meters, and road furniture lighting is increasing as it reduces costs of mains connections and cabling. PV is also widely used to provide power for communications and monitoring systems in remote areas. Stand-alone systems will require associated equipment such as a battery to store energy during cloudy periods and an electronic controller to manage the energy from the array to the battery and the load.
best colour will vary, although in many cases green/brown is likely to be the most appropriate. There will usually be cost implications in colouring the turbines and in some instances for practical reasons it may not be possible to colour the blades. However, it may be possible to colour the associated equipment such as the mast or the cabling. The siting and design of micro-wind systems should aim to minimise the contrast with the surroundings. This can be achieved by using simple shapes with clean lines, developing a balanced composition in proportion to the surrounding environment; and using regularity, order, and symmetry wherever possible. The form of micro-wind turbines clearly relates to their function, which makes them legible built elements, which can easily be understood by the observer making them a distinctive element in the landscape may be appropriate in some circumstances. There are three main types of small scale wind system; stand-alone or off grid systems, grid connected systems and building mounted wind turbines. Stand alone: these systems are traditionally used in areas where it is physically impossible or too expensive to connect to a mains power supply. The system requires battery banks to store the energy and is traditionally used to provide lighting, pumping or electrical fencing to rural farms and some communities. Stand alone systems commonly combine a wind turbine with a diesel generator for use during periods of low wind speeds. A combined wind and diesel system gives greater efficiency and flexibility than a diesel only system. It allows the generator to be used at optimum load for short periods of time to charge batteries when there is little wind, rather than by constant use at varying loads. Careful consideration should be made to the desired height of the turbine. While it will be important to avoid undue turbulence and areas of low wind speed, the choice of height needs to be carefully balanced with the visual prominence of the turbine in relation to existing buildings and surrounding landscape features. Where possible the height of towers should relate to the height of existing vertical elements in the landscape such as light columns, telegraph poles, trees, buildings and other structures. A turbine sited on a prominent ridge is generally not desirable. Where possible towers should be coloured to minimise the visual impact. Grid connected: these systems require the output from the turbine to be connected directly into the mains electricity to AC at a quality standard acceptable to the grid. No battery storage is required as any unused or excess electricity can be exported to the grid and sold. Building Mounted: these systems are relatively new to the market. They are designed to be mounted on the building itself near the roof line. These turbines are less visually intrusive than larger ones but still require planning permission. Turbines should be sited in a way that creates a balanced composition that does not undermine the architectural integrity of the building or structure. They are generally positioned on the highest point of the roof, however, to reduce their visual impact it may be possible to locate them at a lower position provided they have a 0.5m clearance from the base of roof. Consideration should be given to positioning the micro-wind turbine at the rear of the property, where visual impact will typically be lessened. Siting should consider the relationship to other existing roof structures such as chimneys, aerials, masts equipment housing, or where they can follow the form and positioning of traditional elements on roofs like chimneys. Where more than one turbine is proposed the aim should be to achieve a balanced composition, by grouping them together or installing through the use of symmetry. In some circumstances it may be better to site a turbine on a tower in the land adjacent to a building, particularly where a roof mounted turbine will damage the buildings architectural integrity.
Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
The appropriate siting of a wind turbine is critical in terms of the operating efficiency, power output and economics. It may be possible to use the geometry of the building to enhance the performance of a turbine, for example through channelling the wind through a tapering gap to increase speed, and power output as a result. Detailed information on the appropriate siting of a turbine is available from the British Wind Energy Association8. There are therefore a number of potential planning issues with the use of small scale wind: Visual: Consideration of the visual impact of the proposed turbine in the wider landscape when viewed in conjunction with the existing buildings on the site; Noise: There are two types of noise source: mechanical noise produced by the gearbox, and generator; and aerodynamic noise produced by the passage of the blades through the air; Biodiversity, particularly bird and bat strikes; Electro-magnetic interference; Safety; and Proximity to roads, railways, public rights of way and powerlines. As a result of the potential planning issues, it is essential that developers contact the Development Control Team to discuss these impacts prior to submitting a planning application.
The use of wood fuel to supply space heating and/or domestic hot water: mains gas is unavailable in large parts of the National Park and in these circumstances the typical approach is to provide space heating and/or domestic hot water through an oil fired, LPG or Calor gas system. An environmentally viable and economic alternative could be to use biomass, which involves the burning of wood fuel to heat water for space heating and/or domestic hot water. We are fortunate to have on our own doorstep a potential resource of wood fuel as a by product of the management of Kielder Forest and the Forestry Commission is willing to supply wood chip or pellet fuel to regular users. Burning of wood fuel releases no more CO2 during combustion than that which has been absorbed during the growing phase, so the system is considered to be carbon neutral. The transport of fuel can add emissions and should be considered, but the overall effects are likely to be negligible. Boiler housing is likely to be larger than a conventional system. A water-tight store will also be required to take bulk deliveries of wood fuel, which are typically in tonnes at a time. It should be noted that this system will require a greater amount of input in terms of operation and maintenance as compared to a conventional alternative and many timbers leave deposits of wood tar in the appliance flue which can be difficult to remove. Potential planning issues: Requirement for a flue ending above the roof line;
British Wind Energy Association - Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006
Used to supply low level energy heating and / or cooling, requires an adjacent area of free land in which to bury pipework coils: if there is an area of open land associated with the building, then a ground source geothermal system could be considered. Low grade heat from the ground is converted to temperatures suitable for space heating, to provide a viable alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Temperatures in this system tend to be slightly lower than for a conventional heating system, and would therefore not be considered suitable for domestic hot water. This is, however, ideal for use with underfloor heating. A system such as this would have minimal visual impact once in operation therefore there would be limited planning issues, although there may be archaeological issues. Housing for the heat pumps would also be required, but this tends to be unobtrusive as these are relatively small elements. The most significant impacts arise during installation, when an area of land would be disrupted. After installation, the topsoil, turf, etc. can be replaced and the landscape be reinstated in a short timeframe.
Micro hydro
A small scale turbine is positioned in a stream or river to produce clean renewable energy: small scale turbines can be placed in existing rivers or streams to generate electricity from a renewable source. It is recognised that these sites will be rare, although may be available within the boundaries of the National Park. Potential sites are hilly areas with spring-fed streams. The available power is related to the flow rate and the difference in level (head). Lower head systems, i.e. with a shallow gradient are possible, but may require additional infrastructure, while systems with a sufficient fall can be more efficient, even with a lower volume of water. Each potential site would have to be assessed to determine feasibility and the available power, based on flow rates, available head, seasonal flow characteristics, etc. The Environment Agency would also have to be approached for relevant permissions.
Northumberland National Park Authority Building Design Guide SPD November 2006