Combined Immersed-Boundary Finite-Difference Methods For Three-Dimensional Complex Flow Simulations
Combined Immersed-Boundary Finite-Difference Methods For Three-Dimensional Complex Flow Simulations
Combined Immersed-Boundary Finite-Difference Methods For Three-Dimensional Complex Flow Simulations
and J. Mohd-Yusof
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, Universit ` a di Roma, La Sapienza, via Eudossiana 18, 00184
Rome, Italy; Politecnico di Bari, Istituto di Macchine ed Energetica, Via Re David 200, 70125, Bari, Italy;
Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663 IGPP, MS C305, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
Received April 15, 1999; revised February 3, 2000
A second-order accurate, highly efcient method is developed for simulating
unsteady three-dimensional incompressible ows in complex geometries. This is
achieved by using boundary body forces that allow the imposition of the boundary
conditions on a given surface not coinciding with the computational grid. The gov-
erning equations, therefore, can be discretized and solved on a regular mesh thus
retaining the advantages and the efciency of the standard solution procedures. Two
different forcings are tested showing that while the quality of the results is essentially
the same in both cases, the efciency of the calculation strongly depends on the par-
ticular expression. A major issue is the interpolation of the forcing over the grid that
determines the accuracy of the scheme; this ranges from zeroth-order for the most
commonly used interpolations up to second-order for an ad hoc velocity interpola-
tion. The present scheme has been used to simulate several ows whose results have
been validated by experiments and other results available in the literature. Finally
in the last example we show the ow inside an IC piston/cylinder assembly at high
Reynolds number; to our knowledge this is the rst example in which the immersed
boundary technique is applied to a full three-dimensional complex ow with mov-
ing boundaries and with a Reynolds number high enough to require a subgrid-scale
turbulence model. c 2000 Academic Press
Key Words: 3D complex ows; immersed boundaries; nite differences.
The continuous growth of computer power strongly encourages engineers to rely on
computational uid dynamics for the design and testing of new technological solutions.
Corresponding author: E. A. Fadlun, Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184
Rome, Italy. E-mail:
0021-9991/00 $35.00
Copyright c 2000 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Numerical simulations allow analysis of phenomena without resorting to expensive proto-
types and difcult experimental measurements. On the other hand, while simple geometries
discretized by regular grids are efciently handled by currently available codes and hard-
ware, complex geometry ows requiring body-tted curvilinear or unstructured meshes are
still challenging problems for todays computers.
In addition, in most industrial applications, geometrical complexity is combined with
moving boundaries and high Reynolds numbers which considerably increase the computa-
tional difculties since they require, respectively, regeneration or deformation of the grid
and turbulence modeling. As a result, engineering ow simulations have large computa-
tional overhead and low accuracy owing to a large number of operations per node and high
storage requirements in combination with low-order dissipative spatial discretization. Given
the nite memory and speed of computers, these simulations are very expensive and time
consuming, with discretizations that are generally limited to a maximum of 100
In view of these difculties it is clear that an alternative numerical procedure that can
cope with the ow complexity but at the same time retain the accuracy and high efciency
of the simulations performed on xed regular grids would represent a signicant advance
in the study of industrial ows.
One possibility for the solution of this problem is the introduction of a body-force eld
f such that a desired velocity distribution V can be assigned over a boundary S. In other
words, we can add to the NavierStokes equations the body-force f and solve for u from
+(uu) = p +
u +f, u = 0. (1)
In principle there are no restrictions for the velocity distribution V and for the shape and
motion of S; therefore a wide variety of boundary conditions can be imposed. The main
advantage of this approach is that f can be prescribed on a regular mesh (Fig. 1) so that the
accuracy and efciency of the solution procedure on simple grids are maintained.
Indeed this idea is not newsince it has alreadybeenpursuedbymanyresearchers inthe last
three decades. Peskin [1, 2] reports at the beginning of the seventies simulations of the blood
ow in the mitral valve and in the heart assuming a very low Reynolds number and two-
dimensional ow. Three-dimensional heart ows were consideredsuccessivelybyMcQueen
and Peskin [3, 4] that included also the contractile and elastic nature of the boundary. In
the above papers, the motion of the boundary was determined by the ow and only the
forces occurring between boundary elements were known. Within this framework, solid
boundaries were modeled by elements linked by very rigid springs even if the computation
FIG. 1. Sketch of the immersed boundary.
of the force system remained as complex as in the case of elastic boundaries. In contrast
if the boundary conguration is known the computation of f becomes much simpler since
for every boundary element only local information is needed instead of the complete force
distribution over the boundary.
Accordingly, Briscolini and Santangelo [5] used an immersed boundary approach (re-
ferred to as the mask method) to compute the unsteady two-dimensional owaround circular
and square cylinders at Reynolds numbers up to 1000. Goldstein et al. [6] considered the
two-dimensional startup ow around a circular cylinder and three-dimensional plane, and
ribbed-turbulent channel ow. In the last two papers the immersed boundary technique
was combined with spectral methods and spurious oscillations at the boundary appeared
if the forcing was not spread over several (34) gridpoints across the boundary. Saiki and
Biringen [7] used the forcing of [6] to compute the ow around steady and rotating cir-
cular cylinders using fourth-order central nite-difference approximations. Indeed the use
of nite differences avoided the appearance of spurious ow oscillations at the boundary
even if also in that case the forcing was spread across the boundary using a procedure
that the authors refer to as rst-order accurate similar to the delta-function of Peskin [1].
The main drawback of the forcing introduced in [6] is that it contains two free constants
that need to be tuned according to the frequencies of the ow (see Subsection 2.1) and the
higher the magnitude of the constants the stiffer the equations become. This implies that
for strongly unsteady ows the time step size must be reduced to small values thus making
the application of the method expensive. Even with this drawback, however, the method is
always more convenient than the classic body-tted mesh approach and it has been recently
used for the simulation of three-dimensional ows by Goldstein et al. [8], Goldstein and
Tuan [9], Saiki and Biringen [10], and Arthurs et al. [11].
Recently Mohd-Yusof [12] derived an alternative formulation of the forcing that does
not affect the stability of the discrete-time equations. In addition, in this case there are
no free constants, making the derivation of f ow independent. In [12] the new forcing
was combined with B-splines to compute the laminar ow over a three-dimensional ribbed
channel, showing substantial improvements with respect to the previous formulations. This
discrete-time forcing scheme was originally developed in a spectral context and has also
been successfully applied to ows around cylinders and spheres, at moderate Re.
In the present paper the forcings of [6, 12] are both implemented in a second-order
nite-difference scheme with the aim of comparing their accuracy and efciency. It is
shown that while both methods give essentially the same results, the latter is substantially
more efcient making it suitable for the simulation of complex three-dimensional ows.
This remains true even after the rst method is partially modied to make the time step
limitation less restrictive.
An adapted version of the forcing of Mohd-Yusof [12] has been applied to the simula-
tion of: (a) the vortex ring formation from a curvilinear nozzle, (b) the axisymmetric and
three-dimensional ow around a sphere, and (c) the three-dimensional turbulent ow inside
a motored IC piston/cylinder assembly. For the rst ow an ad hoc experiment has been
performed in order to validate the method thus proving the reliability of the results. In the
second case we wanted to investigate the capability of the present approach to capture sep-
aration phenomena over a smooth surface even if the boundary of the sphere was mimicked
over a rectangular mesh. Finally the results of the third ow were validated by available
experiments in the literature and, to our knowledge, this is the rst example of an immersed
boundary simulation with an LES turbulence model.
We can now specify the analytic expression of the force density f. Let us dene f(x
, t )
as the force acting on the element of mimicked boundary whose position at time t is x
Since the force is dependent on the uid velocity, which in general is unsteady, and the
boundary itself could move, it turns out that both f and x
are functions of time. It must be
noted that the location of x
generally is not coincident with the position of the solution
variables on the grid (in particular this never happens in the present case where a staggered
grid is used) therefore the forcing must be interpolated in the nodes where unknowns are
located. In the next two subsections we will specify the forcing disregarding the problem
of the interpolation. Instead, Subsection 2.3 will be devoted to the interpolation procedure
and its inuence on the accuracy of the scheme.
2.1. Feedback forcing. According to the papers by Goldstein et al. [6] and Saiki and
Biringen [7] the forcing f(x
, t ) can assume the expression
, t ) =
, t
) V(x
, t
)] dt
, t ) V(x
, t )]. (2)
are negative constants whose dimensions are, respectively, 1/T
and 1/T.
, t ) is the velocity of the boundary that, through its space and time dependence, might
mimic also deformable moving bodies. The above quantity is a feedback to the velocity
difference u(x
, t ) V(x
, t ) and behaves in such a way to enforce u =V on the immersed
boundary. In fact the rst term of Eq. (2) will decrease in time, in the sense that it becomes
more negative as the velocity difference increases thus tending to annihilate any difference
between u and V. The second term, on the other hand, can be interpreted as the resistance
opposed by the surface element to assume a velocity u different from V.
An intuitive argument for understanding the action of the above forcing is the following:
if from Eq. (1) we retain only the rst term on the left hand side and the last term on the
right hand side we have (in the case of V =0 or V constant in time)
f =
q dt
q, (3)
with q =u V. Equation (3) represents a simple damped oscillator with frequency
| and damping coefcient
|). This implies that as u on the bound-
arybecomes different fromVthe forcingf brings ubacktoV. Inanunsteadyowthe mag-
nitude of
must be large enoughsothat the restoringforce canreact witha frequencywhich
is bigger than any frequency in the ow. Unfortunately the value of the constants is ow de-
pendent and, even if, when
are big enough, the owbecomes independent of their
value, there is not a general rule for their determination. The major drawback of this forcing,
however, is that big values of
render Eq. (1) stiff and its time integration requires
very small time steps. Goldstein et al. [6] performed the stability analysis and they found
that when all the forcing terms are computed explicitly, for an AdamsBashforth scheme
the stability limit is given by t <(
, k being a ow dependent
constant of order 1. To have a avor of how restrictive this constrain is we can refer to the
simulations of Goldstein et al. [6] that were performed at a CFL =O(10
). Since
the main aim of the present study is to develop a method for simulating three-dimensional
ows in complex geometries we found the above limitation too restrictive making the
simulation of three-dimensional ows too expensive.
A partial improvement to the stability limit is obtained when the second term in the right
hand side of Eq. (3) is computed implicitly in time,
q dt +
q dt
l being the discrete time level and
, and
the coefcients of the time integration
This modication allows us to increase considerably the time step with respect to a
fully explicit treatment of the forcing. Once again the time step size depends on the values
and also on the kind of ow and its Reynolds number. Nevertheless, the
simulations that with the fully explicit scheme where performed at CFL =10
now were
run at CFL =2.5 10
which represents a substantial improvement. It is worth
noting that this modication does not require extra memory; it only needs the change of the
coefcients related to the implicitly treated terms that, in case of moving boundaries, must
be recomputed every time step.
It should be stressed that the stability of the calculation (and therefore the time step size)
depends not only on the values of
but also on the ow, i.e., on the details of
the geometry to be mimicked. We have observed, for example, that the presence of sharp
corners prevents the adoption of small values (in magnitude) of
. On the other
hand, for smooth geometries small values of the constants can be used and simulations up
to CFL =0.5 can be run. It is also possible to relax the values of
during the
quiet phases of the ow evolution, but there is no unique criterion for this and ad hoc
judgments are needed.
2.2. Direct forcing. An alternative expression for the forcing f which, when properly
computed, does not suffer fromthe limitations previously mentioned was derived by Mohd-
Yusof [12]. If Eq. (1) is discretized in time, we have
, (5)
where RHS
contains convective and viscous terms and the pressure gradient. If now
we ask which value of f
will yield u
on the immersed boundary the answer
is simply given from the above equation,
. (6)
This forcing is direct in the sense that the desired value of velocity is imposed directly on
the boundary without any dynamical process. Therefore, at every time step, the boundary
condition holds regardless of the frequencies in the ow. Another advantage is that there are
For example, if an AdamsBashforth scheme is used for the explicit term and a CrankNicolson scheme for
the implicit term the coefcients in Eq. (4) are l =1 and
=1/2, and
=1. The results shown in
the present paper have been obtained using a hybrid third order RungeKutta CrankNicolson scheme for which
we have l =1, 2, 3 and the coefcients can be found in Verzicco and Orlandi [26].
no free constants to choose and the boundary conditions are exactly enforced. In addition
the forcing of Eq. (6) does not require additional CPU time since it does not involve the
computation of extra terms, and, when every term is computed at the appropriate time (see
the Appendix), it does not inuence the stability of the time integration scheme.
2.3. Interpolation procedures. As mentioned at the beginning of Section 2, the expres-
sions given for the forcing would be correct if the position of the unknowns on the grid
coincided with that of the immersed boundary. This in general is not true because it would
require the boundary to lie on coordinate lines or surfaces which is not the case for complex
curvilinear geometries. In particular, in the present case, where a staggered grid is used,
even if the boundary was coincident with the position where one velocity component was
dened, this would not be so for the other components. Therefore, an interpolation proce-
dure would be needed anyway. In order to test the importance of the interpolation, we have
implemented three different procedures, and we have computed the effect on the accuracy
of the scheme.
The simplest possibility is to select the gridpoints closest to the immersed boundary and
to apply the forcing as if position of the unknown and the boundary were coincident. In
fact, in this case there is no interpolation and the geometry is described in a stepwise way
(Fig. 2a). Note also that the surface is somewhat diffused since the 3 velocity boundary
conditions are applied at different locations.
The second procedure consists of computing for each cell crossed by the boundary the
volume fraction occupied by the body
with respect to the volume of the cell . The
weight coefcient
/ is then used to scale the forcing applied to the unknowns closest to
the boundary. For example, with reference to Fig. 2b for the u
variable the forcing would
be f
/, f
being the i th component of one of the forcings computed above (Eqs. (2),
(4), (6)).
Inthe thirdcase, insteadof applyinga scalingtothe forcing, we compute the velocityvalue
that, in a linear approximation, the point closest to the boundary would have if the boundary
had the velocity V. In Fig. 2c the procedure for one gridpoint is shown, and the forcing is
simply given by one of the expressions above with the imposed velocity
V instead of V.
In order to test these procedures, we computed the formation of a vortex ring by injecting a
nite amount of uid through a curvilinear nozzle (Fig. 3a). The owand the geometry have
been selected in such a way to reproduce an existing experimental apparatus whose ows
have been used to validate the numerical results. Adetailed comparison with the experiments
will be shown in Subsection 3.1; here we only compare the different numerical results to
FIG. 2. Sketch of the interpolation procedures: (a) no interpolation stepwise geometry, (b) volume fraction
weighting, (c) velocity interpolation.
FIG. 3. (a) Sketch of the ring formation problemand its boundary conditions; (b) immersed boundary without
interpolation () and with interpolation (- - -).
estimate the accuracy of the resulting scheme. The efciency of the different forcings will
be considered in the next subsection. Preliminary simulations have shown that the accuracy
of the scheme is independent of weather the forcing of Eq. (4) or (6) is used (see also the next
section); therefore, for the moment we will leave the forcing unspecied, and we focus only
on the interpolation procedure. In Fig. 4, we show the evolution of the formation of the ring
subsequent to the injection of uid and the generation of secondary vorticity that eventually
rolls up in a secondary vortex ring. In order to analyze the accuracy of each interpolation
FIG. 4. Azimuthal vorticity contour plots for the vortex ring formation from a curvilinear nozzle,
Re =1500 (129 257 gridpoints, respectively, in the radial and axial directions); panels are at t =2.5 (a), t =5.0
(b), and t =7.5 (c) time units. , for positive; , for negative values (
FIG. 5. L
-norm error of the axial velocity component vs number of gridpoints: , interpolated velocities;
, volume fraction; , stepwise geometry; , 2 slope; - - -, 1 slope.
procedure, the simulation of Fig. 4 has been repeated using different grids ranging from
385 769 down to 49 97 in the radial and axial directions, respectively. Regarding the
solution on the nest grid as exact we have computed the errors of the solutions obtained
on the coarser grids. Both the l
norm and maxima errors have been computed for the
radial and axial velocity components always showing the same behaviour; therefore here
we report the l
norm error for the axial velocity component as a representative case. In
Fig. 5, it is shown that for the stepwise geometry (reported also in Fig. 3b with a solid
line) the error decreases slower than rst order. Better results are obtained by weighting the
forcing by the volume fraction of the cell occupied by the body, improving the error to rst
order. Indeed preliminary simulations of ows over at immersed boundaries have shown
that this interpolation procedure underestimates the velocities at the boundary; therefore,
even if the geometry is now smooth the velocity boundary conditions are not completely
satisfactory yet. The best results are given by the third interpolation approach which yields
a solution essentially accurate to second order. This means that within the overall accuracy
of the scheme the immersed boundaries are mimicked exactly. This result is not surprising
since a linear interpolation has a second order accuracy; however, it must be noted that with
this interpolation we do not solve any equation at the rst gridpoint external to the boundary
but we are rather imposing a linear velocity prole.
This interpolation scheme is more accurate than those proposed by Peskin [1] and Saiki
and Biringen [7] that the authors refer to as rst-order accurate; nevertheless in the present
case, very close to a wall the velocity prole is assumed to be approximately linear, and this
requires the grid to be ne enough in the region of the immersed boundary. Although some
local renement can be obtained using non-uniform orthogonal grids, this is not always
possible for every complex geometry. This aspect could be improved on by combining
immersed boundaries with embedded grids [14, 15], but a cost/benet estimate should be
performed to see if in this case the immersed boundary technique is still advantageous with
respect to a scheme with boundary conforming meshes.
Before concluding this section we wish to stress the following points: in this technique
there is no difference between steady or moving boundaries (at least if the motion of the
wall is prescribed). In fact in both cases a velocity value coming from the interpolation of
Fig. 2c is assigned as boundary condition. Of course in the case of moving bodies the points
over which this boundary condition is assigned must be recomputed every time step but this
does not change the nature of the interpolation.
Sharp corners are treated as the other parts of the immersed boundary. In fact we are using
a staggered grid; therefore we must compute for every velocity component its distance from
the boundary. In this respect it does not make any difference if the boundary is smooth or a
sharp corner.
2.4. Efciency of the forcings. In the previous section, we have shown how the inter-
polation procedure affects the accuracy of the numerical scheme. In the discussion, we
have left unspecied the particular expression of the forcing since we have found that the
accuracy is independent of the forcing used. In contrast, now we are concerned with the
efciency of the method, and this proved to be strongly dependent on the forcing used.
We have again considered the ow of Fig. 4, and using the forcing of Eq. (4) we have
repeated the simulation gradually increasing CFL up to the stability limit. It turned out that
with the semi-implicit treatment of that forcing, the integration could be performed up to
CFL =0.025whichis alreadya substantial improvement withrespect tothe CFL =O(10
imposed by the fully explicit treatment.
In order to compare the results of the two forcings, in another simulation, we have xed
the CFL =0.025 and we have used the forcing of Eq. (6). The results obtained with the
two forcings are compared in Fig. 6a and they prove to be indistinguishable from each
other. Nevertheless, while the rst forcing is already at its stability limit, the simulation
with the second forcing can be run at much higher CFL without losing stability or accuracy.
In Fig. 6b the time evolution of the peak vorticity for the ow in Fig. 4 is shown for several
CFLs. It can be noted that the long term dynamics are well predicted even by the simulation
at CFL =1.5 which is very close to the theoretical stability limit CFL =
3 of the third
order RungeKutta.
It is worth noting that while both forcings give the same results, since the CFL depends
linearly on the time step size, the direct forcing allows a speed-up of about 60, making this
technique very appealing for the computation of three-dimensional ows. Accordingly, all
the numerical simulations shown in Section 3 have been performed using the forcing of
Eq. (6) at a CFL of about 1.5.
Once again we wish to stress that better performances could have been obtained from
the feedback forcing by tuning the
constants during the ow evolution; however,
since a quantitative procedure is not available, this tuning would rely too much on the
personal judgment of the researcher making the technique somewhat subjective.
2.5. Internal treatment of the body. A few words should be said about the internal
treatment of the bodies since the forcings described in Subsections 2.1 and 2.2 only hold
at the boundary. For the internal treatment of the body there are several possibilities, even
if in our simulations we have found that the external ow is essentially independent of the
internal conditions.
A rst possibility is to apply the forcing inside the body without any smoothing. This
is equivalent to imposing the velocity distribution inside the body with the pressure that
adjusts accordingly.
An alternative approach consists of leaving the interior of the body free to develop a ow
without imposing anything. Of course, in this case the ow pattern inside the body will be
different from the previous case, but the external ow is unchanged.
FIG. 6. Time evolution of the peak azimuthal vorticity for the vortex ring formation problem; (a) simula-
tions at CFL =0.025forcing of Subsection 2.2; , forcing of Subsection 2.1; (b) simulations with forcing of
Subsection 2.2; , CFL =1.5; - - -, CFL =1.0; , CFL =0.5; CFL =0.025 (129 257 grid).
The last possibility we have investigated is to reverse the velocity at the rst point inside
the body in such a way that it still results u =Von the boundary. This approach is equivalent
to continuing the linear velocity prole of gure 2c up to the rst gridpoint inside the body.
Also in this case the internal ow pattern is different again, but the external ow is the same
as before. Note that this internal treatment was required by [12] in spectral simulations to
alleviate the problem of spurious oscillations near the boundary; this procedure was used
also by Goldstein et al. [6] for their simulations.
Extensive testing of these procedures has been performed to check the inuence of the
internal treatment of the body on the accuracy and the efciency of the scheme. We have
found that when using the direct forcing of Subsection 2.2 there is essentially no inuence.
Therefore, depending on the particular ow, the easiest treatment can be used. On the other
hand, the feedback forcing of Subsection 2.1 required smaller values of
absolute value) when the velocity distribution inside the body was prescribed. Although
this did not affect the external ow, lower values of
allowed the use of bigger
time steps, thus improving the efciency.
In this section we will show some applications of the immersed boundary technique in
order to validate the procedure and the numerical results. We consider three different ows
which can be considered as prototypes of interesting problems for practical applications.
The rst two examples are moderate-Reynolds ows; therefore, the simulations were carried
out without a turbulence model (i.e., direct numerical simulations). In contrast the ow of
Subsection 3.3 is the reproduction of an experiment and the high Reynolds number required
a sub-grid-scale turbulence model (i.e., large-eddy simulation).
In particular, in the next subsection, we will show the formation of a vortex ring, and the
results will be compared with laboratory experiments performed under the same conditions
in order to validate the numerical results with ow visualization. In Subsection 3.2 we
consider the ow around a sphere for which extensive data are available in the literature
for the axisymmetric and the fully three-dimensional ow. In particular, we will show for
the sphere that the present approach is capable of predicting not only the ow patterns but
also the force coefcients, which are the most relevant quantities in practical applications.
Finally in Subsection 3.3 we will mention some results obtained for the computation of
the ow inside a motored IC piston/cylinder assembly. This example is important since the
experimental data were obtained for a high Reynolds number and a turbulence model was
needed in the computation. We will show that even in this case the results given by the
immersed boundary technique are very good, and this makes this method very promising
for industrial applications.
3.1. Vortex ring formation. The generation of a vortex ring is generally obtained by
pushing a nite amount of uid through a nozzle of diameter D. In the present case, this was
achieved experimentally by a piston/cylinder assembly driven by a AC motor/cam/electric
clutch mechanism by which the (constant) velocity of the piston (U
) and the stroke
(L = D/4) could be controlled. The cylinder, of diameter D
=2D, was connected to a
curvilinear nozzle like that shown in Fig. 3a. The nozzle provided an acceleration to the
ow and at the end of the stoke the piston was ush with the bottom margin of the panels of
Fig. 7 (i.e., at the position x =0 in Fig. 3b). The ring was generated in water and injected
uid was coloured by di-sodium uorescein illuminated by a laser sheet in a plane crossing
the axisymmetric nozzle through a diameter. This provided ow visualizations of Fig. 7
that could be compared with the numerical simulations. Further details of the experimental
apparatus can be found in Verzicco and Orlandi [13]; here we only wish to stress that the
vortex ring was injected in a full tank of 50 50 70 cm
, thus containing 175 liters of
water. This large amount of water was changed only after several rings were produced, and
although we tried before each run to eliminate all the uorescein from the previous shot,
some small parcels were left inside the tank like the wisps of Fig. 7.
Let D be the exhaust diameter of the nozzle, U 4U
the mean ow velocity and
the kinematic viscosity of the working uid. Then a Reynolds number for the present ow
can be dened by Re =UD/. The dynamics of the ring generation have been already the
subject of many papers; therefore, we will only summarize it here.
FIG. 7. Experimental ow visualizations of the vortex ring formation at Re =2500; panels are at t =2.5
(a), 5 (b), 7.5 (c), 10 (d), 40 (e), and 60 (f) time units.
As the uid ows along the inner walls of the nozzle some vorticity is generated and this
separates at the corner in the exhaust region. This vortex sheet is very unstable and starts
rolling up forming a compact toroidal structure (Fig. 7a). During the roll-up some ambient
irrotational uid is entrained. The initial impulse is thus shared with a larger quantity of
uid, and this causes the ring to translate slower than the ejection velocity U. During the
roll up, the primary vorticity induces at the external wall of the nozzle a secondary vorticity
that also separates at the corner and forms a secondary vortex ring (Fig. 7b). This structure,
however, has a circulation oppositely signed with respect to the primary ring, and thus
propagates backward inside the nozzle (Figs. 7c7d). During the descent, this ring interacts
with the head of the piston following the dynamics of the ring/wall collision extensively
described in Verzicco and Orlandi [13] (Fig. 7e). Depending on the Reynolds number, i.e.,
on the strength of the primary vortex ring, the secondary vortex can be strong enough to
generate a tertiary vortex ring that propagates in the positive axial direction (Figs. 7e7f).
The dynamics described above only occur if the Reynolds number is high enough. In
particular in the present experiments, the tertiary ring propagated away from the nozzle
only for Re 2500, while Re 1500 was necessary for the secondary ring to interact with
the piston at its upper position. Finally, only for Re 500 was the strength of the primary
sufcient to generate a secondary ring.
We have repeated the above described laboratory experiment by numerical simulation
with the shape of the curvilinear nozzle reproduced by the immersed boundary technique.
The only relevant difference between the experiment and the simulation was that the motion
of the pistonwas not computed. At the inowof Fig. 3a, we prescribeda constant owrate for
a time equal to that of the piston motion (T =2D/U) in the experiment, and after the bound-
ary was set as a no-slip wall to account for the presence of the piston at the end of its stroke.
The variation of ow behavior with Reynolds number has been conrmed by the nu-
merical simulations, and in Fig. 8 evidence of the three ow regimes is given. That the
FIG. 8. Contour plots of passive scalar (Q =0.1) at t =5, t =40, and t =60 time units at Re =500 (a)-(b)-
(c) (129 257 grid); Re =1500 (d)-(e)-(f) (129 257 grid); Re =2500 (g)-(h)-(i) (193 385 grid). The Peclet
number is Pe =10000 in every simulation.
FIG. 9. Comparison between numerical and experimental vortex trajectories at Re =500 (a), Re =1500
(b), Re =2500 (c). Primary ring: lled , numerical; , experimental results. Secondary ring: lled , numerical;
lled , experimental results. Tertiary ring: , numerical; , experimental results.
agreement is not only qualitative but also quantitative is shown in Fig. 9 where the numeri-
cal and experimental trajectories for the three ow regimes are given. When comparing the
results, it must be noted that in the experiments the trajectories have been evaluated from
frames like those of Fig. 7. Therefore some uncertainty in the evaluation of the centres of
the compact patches is possible. In addition the diffusivity of scalars in water is extremely
small with Peclet number Pe =O(10
) (for Re =O(10
)), and such a small value cannot be
used in numerical simulations owing to resolution problems. This implies that the numeri-
cally simulated scalar is more diffusive than in reality and this could cause some additional
Before concluding this section, we wish to stress that concerning the passive scalar
transportation we were not able to impose exactly the condition Q n =0 along the im-
mersed boundary and as a palliative we canceled out the viscous terms of the passive scalar
equation inside the mimicked body. This prevents the scalar from diffusing inside the body
and, since the velocity is zero at the wall, the convection is also inhibited. Although the
resulting elds show a satisfactory behaviour, we are aware that it is not exact and it was
only meant as a means to compare computer simulations and laboratory experiments within
this study.
3.2. Flow around a sphere. In the previous section, we have seen that the immersed
boundary technique can cope very well with ow in a complex geometry whose boundary
crosses the coordinate lines. In that case, however, owing to the presence of a sharp corner the
separation of the ow was naturally imposed by the geometry and an inaccurate treatment
of the geometry probably would not affect the ow evolution. For this reason we will show
here the results of the owaround a spheres since in this case the body is smooth everywhere
and the owseparation is determined solely by the viscous processes at the wall. We believe
that this ow should display every problem in the treatment of the boundary, and for this
reason extensive analysis has been performed.
In this case, a uniformowwith velocity U is imposed at a certain distance froma sphere
having a diameter D. The Reynolds number is nowRe =UD/, and, depending on its value,
the ow exhibits different regimes ranging from steady to unsteady up to fully turbulent.
Indeed, in the present study, the fully turbulent regime has not been considered since it would
require a large computational effort, which is beyond the purposes of the present paper.
As a rst test, we have reproduced the simulations carried out by Fornberg [16] that used
boundary tted meshes to simulate the axisymmetric owaround a sphere fromRe =100 up
to Re =5000. Those results were checked for grid-independence and domain size; therefore,
they can be considered accurate enough to be used as reference solutions. We are aware that
for Re 300 the hypothesis of axial symmetry is not physical because the ow develops
three dimensionality in the wake; however, the high-Re axisymmetric simulations were
used to compare our results with those of Fornberg [16] obtained with a similar hypothesis.
In the second part of this section, in contrast, we will simulate the full three-dimensional
ow to capture the losses of symmetry occurring at Re 300 and Re 450 (Mittal [17]).
The simulations have been performed on a grid like that of Fig. 11a. Both in the radial
and axial directions a non-uniformmesh has been used in order to cluster enough gridpoints
in the region around the sphere. The spatial resolution of each simulation has been varied
according to the Reynolds number and the grid renement check for the most critical cases
has been performed. At the external radial boundary a free slip condition has been imposed
and this could cause a ow acceleration, due to blocking effects, if the radial boundary is
placed too close to the sphere. Preliminary simulations have shown that a radial boundary at
4 sphere diameters induced negligible errors while an adequate radial stretching of the grid
allowed the use of a sparse grid in the dynamically passive region. Another possible cause
of error is the proximity of the sphere to the inow which was assumed axially uniform;
FIG. 10. (a) Length of the separation bubble vs Re; , present results; , results by [16]. , linear t from
[18]. (The length at Re =1000 is not reported to avoid the shrinking of the data at Re 100, it results /D=2.4 in
the present case and /D=2.5 by [16].) (b) Pressure proles over the sphere surface at Re =100, 200, 500, and
1000 (Re =100 corresponds to the line with the most negative values and Re =1000 is that with the less negative
values); , present results; , data from Fornberg [16].
also in this case some tests have been performed and a location of the sphere 3 diameters
downstreamof the inowwas found satisfactory. Downstreamof the sphere the domain was
4 sphere diameters long, and at the outowconvective boundary conditions [20] were used.
According to Batchelor [18] the ow around a sphere does not separate up to Re 24,
and for increasing Reynolds number the axial length of the separation bubble grows linearly
up to Re 100. The same results have been found by the present numerical simulations, and
the length of the separation bubble is very well predicted as shown in Fig. 10. Concerning
the onset of the separation we have found that the owremains attached up to Re =22, while
for 23 Re 25 the separation length is of order of 10
D. Using the results published by
Fornberg [16], we could compare for Re 100 the pressure distribution over the surface of
the sphere and the force coefcients. Representative pressure elds for various Reynolds
numbers are shown in Fig. 11, while the pressure proles over the surface of the sphere
are given in Fig. 10b together with the curves computed by Fornberg [16]. At rst glance
the correct behaviour of the pressure might appear very surprising since the boundary
body force apparently does not imply any condition for the pressure. In the Appendix,
however, it will be shown that indeed the correct boundary conditions for the pressure
are automatically imposed by the forcing thus explaining this good agreement. From the
pressure and velocity eld around the sphere we have computed also the drag coefcient
FIG. 11. (a) Stretching of the grid used for the computation of the ow around the sphere. Pressure contour
plots at Re =200 (b), 500 (c), and 1000 (d). (p =0.05, , positive; , negative, - - -, 0 value). Grid 129 257
gridpoints, respectively, in the radial and axial directions.
that, as shown in Table I, agrees very well with the results of Fornberg [16] and the
error never exceeds the 2%. Considering that the resolution of the boundary layer used by
Fornberg [16] with the body tted mesh was incomparably better than ours, we can consider
the present values of the C
essentially correct. It must be noted that the drag coefcient is
made by two contributions: pressure and viscous drag. For each simulation we have checked
that each separate term compares well with the results given by Fornberg [16]. In addition,
in Fig. 12, we show that the rate of convergence of the present drag coefcient to the value
of Fornberg [16] is second order for the ner grids and even third order for the coarser
grids; this behaviour is not surprising since the drag coefcient is an integrated quantity,
and its convergence rate is consistent with the results of Fig. 5. This result is very important
for the validation of the immersed boundary approach because we have shown that all the
viscous processes and the pressure dynamics are correctly handled even if these simulations
are much more inexpensive than those performed on a curvilinear grid (see Section 4 for
quantitative comparisons).
Comparison of the Drag Coefcient for the Flow around
the Sphere at Different Reynolds Numbers
Re C
(Fornberg [16]) C
(Present results) % error
100 1.0852 1.0794 0.53
200 0.7683 0.7567 1.50
500 0.4818 0.4758 1.24
1000 0.3187 0.3209 0.69
FIG. 12. Convergence of the drag coefcient C
to the value given by Fornberg [16] C
vs number of grid
points. , slope 3; - - -, slope 2 given for comparison. Flow at Re =100.
In order to test the capability of the code to cope with fully three-dimensional ows and
to capture ow transitions, we have performed some simulations in which the hypothesis
of axial symmetry was removed. Similar simulations were performed by Mittal [17] using
boundary tted grids and he found that the owpreserves symmetry for Re 270. When the
Reynolds number is in between 270 and 300 the wake becomes wavy but it still preserves
symmetry about a plane crossing the sphere in the centre. Finally for Re 450 the ow
becomes fully three dimensional and all symmetry is lost.
In the present simulations, we have initiated the three dimensionality as follows: over
a developed axisymmetric ow, we have imposed a perturbation of the inow according
to U() =U(0)[1 + A sin()] with A =0.25 for all simulations. This perturbation was ap-
plied for a window of time of 5D/U units and then stopped. The response of the ow to
this perturbation was analysed by looking at the azimuthal energy modes. If u(r, , x) is
the velocity eld, after a Fourier transform in the azimuthal direction, we have u(r, k, x)
with k the azimuthal wavenumber. Indicating by u
u dr dx, L
and L
being the dimensions of the computational
domain in the radial and axial directions, respectively. E(k) is proportional to the kinetic
energy of the eld in the azimuthal wavenumber k and its evolution is shown in Fig. 13
for three different Reynolds numbers. We can see that when the Reynolds number is below
the rst critical value, the perturbation gradually dies out and the ow recovers its initial
axial symmetry (Fig. 13a). When the Reynolds is slightly above the threshold, in contrast,
FIG. 13. Time evolution of the azimuthal energy modes for the three-dimensional ow around the sphere at
Re =200(a), 300(b), and500(c). , k =1; thick- - -, k =2; - - -, k =3; , k =4; - , k =5; and , k =6. (Inthe
long term evolution of panels (b) and (c) the lines for the modes 1 to 6 are monotonically decreasing in amplitude.)
FIG. 14. Contour plots of azimuthal vorticity at Re =300 (a)(c) and Re =500 (d)(f) through orthogonal
sections. The r sections (c) and (f) are taken in both cases at a distance x/D=2 downstream of the sphere
=2). Grid 97 97 193 gridpoints in the azimuthal, radial, and axial directions.
the perturbation is sustained indicating that the ow has some three dimensionality. It is
worth noting that the immediate response of the energy modes to the given perturbation
displays the growth only of the odd modes thus conrming that a symmetry about one
plane is retained. Later on, however, the even modes start growing owing to the nonlinear
interaction of the odd ones. It might seem that the energy spreading among all the az-
imuthal modes evidences the loss of symmetry about a plane; however, this is true only
when the ow remains centered at the axis (i.e., the k =1 mode has zero energy). In this
ow this certainly does not happen since the wake oscillates off axis and this explains why
the ow is still symmetric even if all azimuthal modes contain energy. This is conrmed
by the vorticity contour plots of Fig. 14 showing the oscillation of the wake only in one
plane. It might be objected that this behaviour is a consequence of the perturbation which is
also symmetric. However, while the symmetry of the perturbation was about the =/2
plane the symmetry of the wake is about a different plane thus excluding the objection.
In addition, Mittal [17] obtained essentially the same results starting from a random per-
turbation without any symmetry. The last simulation is performed at Re =500 which is
above the second critical Reynolds number. Now all energy modes gain energy directly
form the perturbation indicating the loss of the previous symmetry. Again this is conrmed
by the ow visualizations of Fig. 14 showing the waviness of the wake in two orthogonal
3.3. Flow inside a IC piston. In this last example we show the capability of the method
to simulate high-Re turbulent ows in complex geometries for which a turbulence model is
needed. In addition, this example includes a moving boundary, a feature which was missing
in the two previous ows.
The conguration chosen is a simplied axisymmetric piston-cylinder assembly with a
xed central valve. For a conguration like that of Fig. 15a, experimental measurements
are available for the validation of the numerical results. In particular, Morse et al. [19] used
laser-Doppler anemometry to measure phase averaged mean and rms radial proles of axial
velocity. The proles are available at 10-mm increments starting from the cylinder head for
crank angles 36
and 144
after top dead center. In the experiment, the piston was externally
FIG. 15. Flow inside the IC piston: geometry details (a) and grid with the immersed boundary (b). Vector
plots at t =/2 of the oscillation cycle (c) and (d). The r section (d) is taken 10 mm below the ceiling of the
cylinder. Grid 65 65 151.
driven so that the uid owed into the cylinder from outside during the downward piston
motion and vice versa when the piston moved up. Since the valve was xed and a tiny
annular gap was left open between the valve and the cylinder head, no compression phase
was included in the ow dynamics. The piston was driven by a simple harmonic motion at
a speed of 200 rpm21 rad/s which for the present geometry yields a mean piston speed
=0.4 m/s (when averaged over half cycle). The Reynolds number of the ow based
and on the piston radius is Re =2000 in air.
Details of the subgrid-scale model used in this computation are given in Verzicco et al.
[20]. Here it sufces to mention that a dynamic Smagorinsky model was used (Germano
FIG. 16. Comparison between numerical and experimental averaged vertical velocity proles for the crank
angle 36
respectively 10 (a), 20 (b), and 30 mm (c) below the cylinder ceiling., present results; , experiments
by [19]. The abscissa is expressed in millimeters. The velocity proles drop to zero for r 37.5 mm when the
immersed boundary region is crossed.
et al. [21] and Lilly [22]) and all the points with total viscosity smaller than zero were
clipped; their number never exceeded the 3% of the total points. In Verzicco et al. [20] all
the details of the computation and the boundary conditions are given; in this paper we only
mention that all the solid surfaces are obtained by immersed boundaries (Fig. 15) while the
lateral surface is free-slip. At the lower surface a prescribed mass ow is assigned with a
constant axial velocity prole in such a way as to preserve the free divergence in the region
between the lower boundary and the piston. At the upper boundary, convective boundary
conditions are used as extensively explained in [20].
In Verzicco et al. [20] extensive analysis of the ow inside the piston has been performed
showing the changes in the dynamics when the axial symmetry was enforced, when three-
dimensionality developed, and when the turbulence sets in. In this paper we only show the
turbulent case for which the comparison with the experiments was made.
In Fig. 15 snapshots during one instant of the oscillating cycle are given and the high
three dimensionality of the ow can be appreciated from the vector plots in orthogonal
sections. Radial proles of axial velocity were obtained by phase averaging the elds over
four piston cycles and then averaging in the azimuthal direction. These proles are shown
in Fig. 16 for several distances from the top of the cylinder at two different crank angles and
the comparison with the experimental data shows that the agreement is always very good.
In Verzicco et al. [20] proles for additional sections and rms proles of axial velocity
are also given showing that the quality of the agreement is always very good. Finally in
Haworth [23] the present results are compared also with the data obtained by a code using an
unstructured boundary tted deformable mesh. In that paper it is shown that the quality of
the results is the same even though the immersed boundary technique is much less expensive
(see Section 4 for a quantitative comparison).
In Section 3 we have discussed three numerical examples showing the capability of
the present method to deal with different complex geometry ows. We have seen that,
although the ows are quite complex, the simulations are in fact performed on simple grids.
Therefore, two main advantages immediately arise. The rst is that the computer codes are
much simpler than the curvilinear coordinate counterparts since the former do not need
metric arrays and the solution procedure requires less operations per node. This implies that
immersed-boundary codes have in general low RAM and CPU-time requirements making
possible three-dimensional complex ow simulations on PCs or small workstations. For
example, for the ow around the sphere, Fornberg [16] reports that his code required
708 Mb of memory for a grid 487 163 on a 64-bit precision machine. The present code,
for the same grid in double precision, has a size of only 20 Mb; the comparison of the CPU
time is not given since Fornbergs simulations were run in 1988 and the actual processor
speeds are not comparable.
A better comparison can be performed for the IC cylinder ow of Subsection 3.3 which
was simulated at the same time using body-tted and immersed boundary codes. The present
incompressible immersed-boundary three-dimensional turbulent case was run on a PC-like
workstation (500-MHz processor) with 128 Mb of RAM in about one week using a grid
of approximately 6 10
nodes (about 24 CPU-hours per engine cycle). By contrast, the
compressible unstructured boundary-tted deforming-grid case by Haworth and Jansen
[24] (1.5 10
nodes) was run either on a single processor of a Cray T-90 or on eight
processors of a SGI Origin 2000, occupied 600 Mb of RAM, and required 3040 CPU-
hours per engine cycle. Further simulations were performed by Haworth and Jansen [24]
with increased spatial resolution and results of the same quality as the present required a grid
of 5 10
nodes with a consistently higher memory and CPU time requirement (Haworth,
personal communication).
On the other hand, the present immersed boundary technique has some disadvantages
that should be considered when deciding which approach is the most convenient for a given
problem. In fact, the points inside the mimicked boundary are passive concerning the ow
dynamics but the equations of motion are integrated in that region anyway. For this reason
the choice of the simple grid over which equations are integrated must be a compromise
between the need of having an efcient computer code and a low percentage of the total
gridpoints inside the boundaries. For the examples shown in this paper a polar-cylindrical
grid was a quite natural choice, but this is not always the case. For example, if one had to
compute the owinside a 90
( u +u
) +f
. (7)
u is then projected onto a solenoidal eld by
= u
, (8)
with the scalar
computed applying the divergence to the above equation thus solving
. (9)
Once the scalar
is known the velocity eld is updated using Eq. (8) and the newpressure
eld is obtained from
= p
. (10)
The rst point to be noted is that when comparing Eq. (7) with Eq. (5) (with u instead of
) we see that, owing to the implicit treatment of the viscous terms, RSH
is in fact a
function of u therefore the evaluation of f
through Eq. (6) is not explicit but it requires
the inversion of a discrete system of equations coupled with that of the discrete momentum
equation. In practice the inversion of this additional systemis not performed because Eqs. (7)
and (6) can be properly recast in such a way that only the standard Eq. (7) is inverted. Since
the notation is the easiest in one dimension we will show the procedure only for one-
dimensional equations, the extension to two and three dimensions being straightforward.
First we note that Eq. (7) holds both in the uid and on the immersed boundary resulting
in the rst case f
0. Accordingly, indicating by u = u u
Eq. (7) inside the ow
u = RHS
, (11)
or when d/dx
is discretized spatially by a three-point stencil approximation
i 1
+(1 +b
i +1
, (12)
where a
, b
, and c
depend on the particular approximation used for the spatial derivative.
Note that now RHS
contains only quantities known from the previous step therefore
its evaluation is straightforward.
For Eq. (7) on the immersed boundary the computation of the forcing should be per-
formed; however, even if we do not know the value of f
we know that at the rst
gridpoint outside the boundary we must have u
(see Subsection 2.3). But
is just a
linear interpolation between V
and u
i e
with i e =i +1 or i e =i 1 depending on the di-
rection of the outward normal of the body (for example, for the case of Fig. 2c we have i e =
i +1). This implies that u
can be written as u
i e
with d
and e
the co-
efcients of the linear interpolation. By adding and subtracting the appropriate terms the
previous relation can be rewritten as
i e
= d
i e
. (13)
The above equation has a structure similar to Eq. (12) therefore they can be solved together
without changing the solution procedure and without requiring the explicit evaluation of
the forcing.
Another point that needs to be claried is the imposition of the forcing in the equation for u
instead of u
. Although this problem does not pertain directly to the immersed boundary
technique but rather to its combination with the fractional step method, we believe that
some discussion is necessary since, if the correction step (8) changed the velocities on
the immersed boundary, the treatment of the body would be incorrect. Indeed for every
numerical simulation we have monitored the errors at the immersed boundaries and we
have seen that the modication produced by the correction step (8) was always negligibly
small (O(10
)) when compared to the velocity values themselves. A possible
explanation for this behaviour is the following: the velocity boundary conditions in a frame
moving with the mimicked (plane) surface would be u
0, with and n the tangential
and normal directions, respectively. If it happened that u
0 then the forcing would
vanish since there is nothing to enforce and the momentum equation normal to the wall
would read
. (14)
Because of the boundary conditions, all the terms disappear except for the rst and the last
on the left hand side. However, if the velocities are linearized at the immersed boundary
the term 1/Re
also vanishes and the above equation yields p/n =0. The same
arguments could be repeated for the tangential velocity component u