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Chapter 4 Data Analysis

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This study was intended to investigate whether or not there is a relationship between various factors of job satisfaction and

workers productivity in three organizations at SIDCUL. This chapter especially focuses on the results obtained based on the empirical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses. The descriptive statistics calculated for the sample are provided in the sections that follow. Data were also summarized using graphic presentations for the interpretation of findings. Statistics were based on percentages and frequencies. Association between socio-demographic characteristics and job satisfaction, as well as comparison of the level of job satisfaction between categories of respondents was assessed for statistical significance using the chi-square test of association. Factors influencing job satisfaction were also determined. The relationship between dimensions of job satisfaction and organizational commitment was measured using Pearson correlations. Total 165 questionnaires printed and distributed, 159 were returned (a response rate of 96.39 percent) questionnaires were available for analysis(Table-1). Quantitative data from the returned questionnaires were coded and entered. The statistical software SPSS version16.0 was used to analyze the generated data. Table-1Survey Response Questionnaires Sent Questionnaires Received Response rate 165 159 (159/165)*100=96.39

Basically, the study was based on two constructs. The first was the demographic survey that solicited information regarding the respondents category, age, highest educational degree attained, length of service, and reasoning for joining the organization. Demographic variables have examined in a number of studies to determine their effects on the job satisfaction as well as satisfaction with various aspects of job experienced by workers in various position. The second construct measured the job satisfaction level of the respondents. It consists of items, which comprises of various factor inherent in the job and factor under the control of management i.e. person-job fit, promotion opportunities, supervision, co-worker, fairness, working conditions, pay, opportunity for advancement, communication etc. .

Frequency of Respondents of Three Companies Label Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Tata Motors 55 34.6 34.6 Minda 51 32.1 32.1 Ashoka Leyland 53 33.3 33.3 Total 159 100 100

1 2 3

Cum. Percentage 34.6 66.7 100

Source Field Survey: 2011

The final sample consisted of 159 employees working in different departments of three organizations under study. Frequency of respondents of three organization under study is given in Table-1, Among the three organizations Tata has a high response rate i.e 34.6 percent. Response rate from Ashoka Leyland is 33.3 percent,and Minda is having 32.1 percent response rate.

Job Category of Respondents Valid Frequency Percentage 137 22 159 86.2 13.8 100

Label 1 2 Permanent Employees Contractual /Temporary Employees Total

Source Field Survey: 2011

Cum. Percentage 86.2 100

Demographic Information in Terms of the Sample The section commences with an analyses of the biographical data gathered from the research sample (n = 159). The data analyzed are presented by a description of the most salient sample characteristics by means of frequencies and percentages.

Job Category of Three Organisation Tata Motors Minda Ashoka Leyland 44 80 Contractual /Temporary Employees Total
Source Field Survey: 2011

Lebel 1 Permanent Employees

Total 137 86.2

48 94.2

45 84.9

11 20 55

3 5.88 51

8 15.09 53

22 13.8 159

As employment category has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Category is directly or indirectly linked with job satisfaction. People who state their job is secure have a much larger probability of reporting themselves happy with their work. Job security also reduces tension and thus guaranteed devotion to the job. From Table- 2 it is revealed that among 159 employees, 137 were Permanent Employees and 22 were Contractual /Temporary Employees which constitute 86.2 percent and 13.8 percent of the sample respectively. It can, therefore be concluded that the majority of the workforce included in the study are permanent employees. Job category of respondents of three organizations is shown in Table-3.

Lebel 1 2 3 Less than 25 yrs 26-35 Yrs More than 36 Yrs Total Age Group of The Respondents Frequency Valid Percentage 49 66 44 159 30.8 41.5 27.7 100 Cum.Percentage 30.8 72.3 100

Source Field Survey: 2011

The frequency distribution, percentages, of the participants age are shown in Table-4. The majority of the respondents 41.5 percent fall in the age category 26-35 years. This is followed by 30.8 percent of the respondents in the age category, Less than 25 years. The age category more than 36 years, constitutes 27.7 percent of the sample. From the ensuing results it can therefore be concluded that the majority of the workforces participating in the study are fairly young, ranging between the ages 26-35 years. Table 5 reveals that in Tata Motors majority of the respondents fall in the age group Less than 25 yrs, while in Minda and Ashoka Leyland most of the respondents fall in 26-35 years age group.

Lebel Less than 25 yrs 26-35 yrs More than 36 Yrs Total Age of Respondents Company wise Tata Motors Minda Ashoka Leyland 28 5 16 19 28 19 8 18 18 55 51 53 Total 49 66 44 159

1 2 3

Source Field Survey: 2011

Education is an important variable in conditioning the kinds of expectations workers bring to the workplace. Educationusually considered a key not only to personal happiness but also for professional satisfaction. Table 7 illustrates the education level of the sample. The table depicts that the majority of the respondents, 46.5 percent has an educational level of Graduation, whereas 28.9 percent possess an educational level of Post Graduation. 13.2

percent has other educational qualification like diploma, certified courses etc. It can therefore be concluded that, the study was conducted mostly employs individuals with an educational level of Graduation having B.Tech, B.Com., BBA etc. Table-6
Age wise Job Category of Respondents Permanenet Employees Frequency Percentage Temporary/Contractual Employees Frequency Percentage


1 2 3

Less than 25 yrs 26-35 yrs 36-45 yrs Total

43 56 38 137

6 10 6 22

Source Field Survey: 2011

Educational Level of Respondents Label Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Cum.Percentage 1 Intermediate 18 11.3 11.3 2 Graduation 74 46.5 46.5 Post 3 Graduation 46 28.9 28.9 Total 21 13.2 13.2 159 100 100
Source Field Survey: 2011

11.3 57.9 86.8 100

It can be viewed in Table-9 that the majority of the respondents 38.4 percent fall in the 2 year5 years service group, and 32.1 percent fall in the 6 month-1 years service group. 13.8 percent fall in the less than 6 months service group. 9.4 percent fall in the 10 year or more years service group. The smallest number of respondents 6.3 percent falls in the 6 years - 10 years service group. These results conclude that most of the responds have completed 2 years -5 years in the organization. Table-8
Educational Level of Three Companies Tata Motors Minda Ashoka Leyland Total 8 6 4 25 16 6 55 27 11 7 51 22 19 8 53

Label 1 Intermedia 2 Graduate 3 Post Graduate 4 Other Total

Source Field Survey: 2011

18 74 46 21 159

Length of service of Respondents Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Cum. Percentage 22 13.8 13.8 13.8 51 32.1 32.1 45.9 61 38.4 38.4 84.3 10 6.3 6.3 90.6 15 9.4 9.4 100 159 100 100

1 2 3 4 5

label Less than 6 Months 6 Months to 1 yrs 2 yrs to 5 yrs 5 yrs to 10 yrs 10 yrs or more Total

Source Field Survey: 2011

Length of service of three organizations Tata Minda Ashoka Leyland 9 6 23 19 3 1 55 11 20 5 9 51

label 1 Less than 6 Months 2 6 Months to 1 yrs 3 2 yrs to 5 yrs 4 5 yrs to 10 yrs 5 10 yrs or more Total
Source Field Survey: 2011

Total 7 17 22 2 5 53 22 51 61 10 15 159

Table 11 displays the reason for joining the organisation of the sample. The majority of the respondents 54.7 percent has joined the organization due to goodwill of the company. 26.4 percent joined due to good working environment while for 9.4 percent respondents salary was the main reason for joining the organization. Only 7.5 percent feel that job security was the main reason. 1.3 percent of the employees have some other reasons like personal reasons to

join the organization.This indicates that goodwill of the companies is the main reason to join the organization.

Reason for joining the organization Frequency Percentage Valid Percentage Cum. Percentage 87 54.7 54.7 54.7 16 10.1 10.1 64.8 42 26.4 26.4 91.2 12 7.5 7.5 98.7 2 1.3 1.3 100 159 100 100

1 2 3 4 5

Label Goodwill Salary Work Environment Job security Other Total

Source Field Survey: 2011

Reason for joining the organisation for 3 organisations Tata Minda Ashoka Total 24 34 29 9 3 4

Label 1 Goodwill 2 Salary Work 3 Environment 4 Job security 5 Other Total

Source Field Survey: 2011

87 16

13 9 0 55

12 0 2 51

17 3 0 53

42 12 2 159

In general, the profile of the respondents of this study seems to mirror the general population of all employees at the three organizations under study. Hence, there is no reason to suspect that the findings of the present study are not generalizable to the overall population.

Measurement of amount of job satisfaction and productivity in different organization

Job satisfaction has a direct impact on productivity and commitment level of the employees. It is also an indicator for organizational effectiveness. Job satisfaction is characterized by various factors like employees overall perception towards the organization, content of job,

institutional support, facilities regarding skill enhancement, interpersonal relation, scope for innovation, equity, organizational concern for employees, work life balance facility and organizational communication. This part of the analysis consists of measurement of amount of satisfaction with various factors and effect of these entire factorss on productivity of the employees in selected three organizations at SIDCUL. The various dimensions of job satisfaction has been studied with the help of five- point scale ranging from (1 = very dissatisfied, 5 = very satisfied and 5=Almost always true,1= not at all true) three-point scale ranging from(3=always,1=not at all ) and simple scale, in which participants asked to rank either yes or no. Finally Mean, standard deviation..have been calculated to compare the level of satisfaction with various factors among three organizations. Other demographic variables have also been studied to understand the significance difference in the level of satisfaction for different variables. The reliability of the questionnaire was established using Cronbach Alpha, a reliability coefficient of 0.916 was obtained. Drawing a number of factors of job satisfaction, the overall level of satisfaction has been measured keeping in mind various significant factors related to employees perception towards organization Merely studying the role of human resource department functional in the organization was considered to be insufficient in understanding the current level of satisfaction and hurdles, which prevented the productivity and commitment of employees. The respondents of three organizations were asked to know whether they were satisfied with the above mentioned factors related to job satisfaction and whether there was any effect of all these factors to their productivity and commitment level In this context the respondents were asked to measure the employees general perception towards organization on a five point scale. It consists of items like promotion decision, job security provided by the company, training, resource availability, employee welfare, induction, recognition, conflict managementand organisational structure. The study by various researchers has been the source of reference for identifying various variables to measure the importance of employees perception towards organizational success. Table-18 shows that Minda Corporation employees (with a higher mean value) have relatively higher satisfaction level with various variables included to know the employees general perception with regards to respondents of Tata Motors and Ashoka Leyland.

Further, employees were asked about the job content satisfaction using five point scale and general scale. It includes dimensions like flexibility and freedom in job, . ,scope offered by job, jobs contribution in organisational success, physical conditions, nature of job etc. Table-18 also suggest that with a higher mean value, the respondents of minda corporation have a higher level of satisfaction in job content than their counterparts in Tata Motors and Ashoka Leyland.It is also seen that Minda Corporation with a lesser standard deviation have the most representative mean. In order to ensure employee satisfaction, support from management is must. Each organization employees believe the organisation provides them with needed support Same for other factors.

Finally, the mean score of all the factors indicate that Minda Corporation employees seems to be most satisfied in..In this context it was also found that. One way ANOVA was used to compare the various factors of job satisfaction with three organizations. No significant difference were found when comparing the various factors of job like organizational perception, job content satisfaction, interpersonal relation, organizational concern. On the other hand , factors notable like organizational support, skill enhancement and work life balance indicating significant difference in between Tata Motors and Minda Corporation as well as in Minda corporation and Ashoka Leyland.(Table-19).

Tata Motors S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Factor Organisational Perception Job Content Satisfaction Organisational Support Skill Enhencement
Interpersonal Relation Scope For Innovation Equity Organisational Concern Work Life Balance Organisational Communication

N 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Tata Motors

Mean SD 42.73 6.64 28.13 4.98 6.05 1.65 16.31 1.98 9.35 1.62 2.49 0.81 7.62 1.48 6.16 1.33 0.55 0.5 2.44 0.71

S.No 1 Age 2 Education 3 Experience Minda S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Factor Organisational Perception Job Content Satisfaction Organisational Support Skill Enhencement
Interpersonal Relation Scope For Innovation Equity Organisational Concern Work Life Balance Organisational Communication

Mean 55 1.64 55 2.89 55 2.35

SD 0.73 0.99 0.88

N 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Minda

Mean SD 43.25 7.17 29.43 3.75 7.15 1.03 15.24 2.54 9.22 1.63 2.76 0.59 8.00 1.26 6.39 1.23 0.31 0.47 2.61 0.63

S.No 1 Age 2 Education 3 Experience

Mean SD 51 2.25 0.63 51 2.84 0.9 51 3 1.23

Ashoka Leyland S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Factor Organisational Perception Job Content Satisfaction Organisational Support Skill Enhencement
Interpersonal Relation Scope For Innovation Equity Organisational Concern Work Life Balance Organisational Communication

N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 Ashoka Leyland

Mean SD 41.4 7.31 28.19 4.41 5.87 2.18 16.33 2.69 8.94 1.61 2.40 0.86 7.40 1.62 6.15 1.21 0.51 0.50 2.64 0.48

S.No 1 Age 2 Education 3 Experience Over all S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Factor Organisational Perception Job Content Satisfaction Organisational Support Skill Enhencement
Interpersonal Relation Scope For Innovation Equity Organisational Concern Work Life Balance Organisational Communication

Mean SD 53 2.04 0.81 53 3.06 0.91 53 2.64 1.08

N Mean SD 159 42.45 7.04 159 28.57 4.44 159 6.31 1.77 159 15.97 2.45 159 9.17 1.62 159 2.55 0.77 159 7.67 1.48 159 6.23 1.26 159 0.46 0.50 159 2.56 0.62 Overall

S.No 1 Age 2 Education 3 Experience

N Mean 159 159 159


S.No 1 2 3

Organisational Perception (Factor-1) Tata Motors Ltd Minda Corporation Ashoka Leyland

Mean SD 55 42.73 6.63 51 43.25 7.17 53 41.40 7.31

Job Content Satisfaction (Factor-2) 1 Tata Motors Ltd 2 Minda Corporation 3 Ashoka Leyland

Mean SD 55 28.13 4.98 51 29.43 3.75 53 28.19 4.41

Comparison of Dimensions of Job Satisfcation among the respondents of Three Companies-Duncan's Tata Minda Ashoka Motors(N=55) Industries(N=51) Leyland(N=53) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 42.73 6.64 43.25 7.17 41.40 7.31 28.13 4.98 29.43 3.75 28.19 4.41 6.05 1.65 7.16 1.03 5.87 2.18 16.31 1.98 15.24 2.54 16.33 2.69 9.35 1.62 9.22 1.63 8.94 1.61 2.50 0.81 2.76 0.59 2.40 0.86 7.61 1.48 8.00 1.26 7.40 1.62 6.16 1.33 6.40 1.23 6.15 1.21 0.55 0.50 0.31 0.47 0.50 0.50 2.44 0.71 2.61 0.63 2.64 0.48

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dimensions of Job satisfcaion Organisational Perception Job Content Satisfaction Organisational Support Skill Enhencement
Interpersonal Relation Scope For Innovation Equity Organisational Concern Work Life Balance Organisational Communication


* *

* Significant at .05 level ** Significant at .001 Level

Table 13 presents the job satisfaction mean score for ten factors in Tata Motors three factors notable employee perception towards organization, job content satisfaction, opportunities for skill advancement is very high mean employees overall perception towards organization is very high as mean score is 42.73 In order to ensure employees commitment with the organization, each organization providing employees more rewards which yields mutual trust and commitment.Organizational commitment is determined by a number of factor, including personal factors (e.g., age, tenure in the organization, education) organizational factors (job content, organizational support, equity, scope for innovation) In this part of the dissertation, relationship with various dimensions of job satisfaction and their effect on commitment is analyzed.

Relationship of Commitment with dimensions of Job Satisfcation of Respondents of Minda S.No Dimensions Of Job satisfcation Commitment 1 Organisational Perception .0278NS 2 Job Content Satisfaction .3178* 3 Organisational Support .1131NS 4 Skill Enhencement .0363NS 5 Interpersonal Relation .0668NS 6 Scope For Innovation .2171NS 7 Equity .0000NS 8 Organisational Concern .1076NS 9 Work Life Balance .1613NS 10 Organisational Communication .4327**

* Significant at .05 level ** Significant at .001 Level

Table 21 indicates the relationship between the respondents biographical characteristics and their level of commitment

One of the main findings in this study is that in Minda Corporation Ltd, among the ten job satisfaction dimensions , satisfaction from job content and organizational communication is find to have the significant relationship on commitment while other factors have no significant relationship with commitment (Table-20) Table 21 indicates the relationship between the respondents biographical characteristics of the employees of Minda Corporation Ltd and their level of commitment.

The average score per variable is converted from the five-point response scale towards a value that ranges between 1 and 3

Table -18 elucidates the mean and standard deviation of the factors in relation to the respondents at Tata Motors, Minda, Ashoka Leyland. Table indicates that Minda corporation employees (with a higher mean values) have relatively positive perception towards organization, respondents are able to apply their abilities and skills and embody a diversity of tasks, freedom, and performance feedback. Support from top management regarding encouragement to experiment of new methods and authority to take decisions. with regard to the respondents of Tata Motors and Ashoka Leyland.

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