List of Test Commands SF-7370 320 .7 .! 40
List of Test Commands SF-7370 320 .7 .! 40
List of Test Commands SF-7370 320 .7 .! 40
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8 9 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 50 51 58 72 79 90 91 93 96 97 98
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SF-7320 SF-7370
02 03
me mirrorbase can be moved manually to check activationof the sensor (MHPS, MORS) on the display. The procedureis identicalto the test command 1. Otiotf actionof sensor switches (PPD, POD, PID) can be checked on the display. The indicatorturnsON when the respectiveswitchis active.
... =.
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Otioff action of tie full waste toner box sensor ~FD) and cassette detector can be checked on the display. The indicatorturnsON when the respectiveswitchis active. ... TFD ~oner fuUdetector) =. 8+ CD (Cassette detester) All indicatorson tie operationpanel are turnedon for a period of 5 seconds to check for a lamp failure or a related circuit. The heater lamp is turnedon and off five times for a periodof 0.5 second. Heater lampturnedon for 0.5 second+ Heater lamp turnedoff for 0.5 second t I Used to checkthe heater lamp drive circuit. If the heater lamp flashes duringthe above cycle tith the statusH2. or .H4 on display,the failureis in the LSI input line, notthe outputlines. (Probablythermistoror LSI failure). If the lampsstay ON or OFF continuously, here may be a failurein the triac, heater lamp, or the LSI outputlines. t
05 06
The copy lamp is turnedon for 5 seconds. Duringthe firstone second, a full power voltage is added, then the voltage appropriateto the ex~sure settingwillbe added. IMPORTANT: ~is test command must be executed with the original cover open, in order to prevent continuing exposure of the copy lamp lightover the photoconductor drum. Neither, continuingexecutionof this test commandmustbe avoided. Full powervoltage ~ 0::
Developingbias is turnedon for 30 seconds. The bias voltageand main PWB line signalchecksmaybe made withthis test commend.
MHV, THV, GRID are turnedon for 30 seconds. When a number1 thm 3 is entered after the test commandhas started,the gridvoltage can be changed. 1 ...0 m 2,..750 (w 3... +90 (w The side blanklamps (SL) and the dischargelamp (DL) turnon for a periodof 30 seconds. Afterthe executionof this test command, each side blank lamp turnson dtemately from the frontframe side (LD401) to the rear tiame side (LD41O). Used to cancel the statuscode U1. Used to cancel the statuscode H3. Used to check the maintenance preset counter contents. Set to 3 0 ,0 0 0 and its contents will be displayed on the multicopynumberdisplayin three cyclesto indicatea whole number,two digitsat a time.
Bb* ll ill f :1 ~ / // / ~ 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 ~ I I Bk * // II / ~ I I J I I I II I ~ / Bhk / / / *
13 14 16
I. I 1 1
Used to check the machinestotal c opy count. VVill e displayedin the same manner as (16) above. b Actualcopycountin the maintenancecounteris displayed. Will be displayedin the same manner as (16) above.
.- -.-.-
Function Used to reset the maintenancecounterto zero after the completionof machine maintenance. This test commandmustbe executedafter completionof machine m~ntenanCS. 1. Used to checkthe warm-uptime. 2. Used to performthe agingtest -rding to the entered copy number. When the test mmmand is entered,the machinegoes intothe ordinw machineoperatingmode, and the wmup time startsto countfrom O,and increasesevew 1 second.The warmup time is indiated on the muMmPYnumber dis~ay. of When the RPL turns on, warmupcountingis stopped and the display remainsas it is. Depression the CLEAR key, entry of a copy number, and depression of the PSW begins the aging operation until the enteredcopy number is reached. The paper misfeeddetectfunctionstays active.
Aging testis~ed outtihout using pqer. It wouldbe poasi~eto do the agingtestdisabling misfeeddetectfu~on. the (tike similarto tie test command and the same appliedto the warmuptime checkingas the teat mmmand 21. 21
Agingtest is ~.ed out withoutusingpaper. It WOUMbe possible to do the aging test di~ing the warmup time, heater system trouble funtion, and paper
misfeed funcdon. (Looks similarothetestmmmand but the heater lamp (HL) wtllnot be turnedon). t 21
24 Pemifs machineoperationalti~ks by omitdngthe warmuptime. RPL nghta up immediately upon completionof the initial operation after the execution of the test command. It is possibleto immediately proceedto check machineoperations. 1. Used to check the operatingstatusof the toner sensor ~CS) motorand rotatingparts. %)+~+~+m+D
2. Used to do the automaticdeveloperadjustment(toner concentration). (Automaticdeveloperadjustingmethod) O Makesurethatthe DV unitis not loaded in the copier. NOTE: If a lower toner is met when tie main motor starts to rotate after poweron, the toner is startedto supply.If the DV unit not adjustedwas inserted and the power is turned on with tonerpresentin the toner hopper, it affeds the toner concentration. It is mandatory to follow the dire~on given next beforeadjustingthe TCS for new developer. ~ Turn poweron. O Actuatethe doorewitchusingthe coronacleaner. ~Status CH. willcome flashingin the displaytindow. F cM -/ &J ~, P>\ / / < ~\ ~ ~=utetestmmmsnd w, ~ B + ~ 25. Do not pushthe printswitch. ~ m ~ \ /,. .. ,
0 Insertthe DVunit in thecopier. @ Presstheprintswitch. Wth this, the test commandis executed and the developer will be stirredfor a periodof three minutes.After it
was stirredfor three minutes,the toner concentrationin the developer is interrogatedby the main PWB. While the developeris being stirred,the toner sensor inputvalue of 1 tiru 99 is displayed.Wme value is smaller than .1. or lager than 99, .EU9 willbe displayed. The colorof the DV unitinsetiedwillbe displayedin the followingmanner: ? Red Blue Brown Black Green
x o
o 0
... G.
,x x
O: ON X: OFF NOTE: If the test command was terminated in a middle of its operation, the toner concentrationmay not be recognized.
Test commend 26 (SF-737Oonly) Fundon The lens moves fromnormal+ IOOY~ 80Y0+ 7W14 l~o + IOOYO + + (ABseries) The lens moves fromnorm~ + 100% + 75Y0+ ~VO + 124V0+ 100 (lnChseries) The lens stopsfor 0.5 secondat each position. Used to check lens base operation.
(SF-7~~0 only) No\md + xO.80+ xO.70+ xl.7
Normal + xO.75+ xO.64+ xl .24
Lens stopsthroughthe ratioscontinuously. The lens stopsfor 0.5 secondat each position. Used to agingthe lensbaseoperation.
Displaysthe contentsof the developerpreset counterof the developerunit in use, in a similar manneras test command16.
Similarto test command25 for displayingof the colorof the developerunit. Displaysthe ~ntents of the developercounterof the developerunit in use, in a similarmanner as the test command 25. Similarto test command25 for displayingof the colorof the developerunk. Resets the contentsof the developercounter,in a simila manner as test command 16. This test commandmustbe executed uponreplacementof tie developer. Similarto test command25 for displayingof the colorof the developerunit.
Test mmmand for exposureadjustment Adjustmentsare done in each mode of menuaf,photo,and AE (CPC). Thereare eight kindsof datathat can be programmed the test command,and data are enteredon the numeric by keypad. Theexposure selectkey is used to change the exposuremode whiti can be done by the dark and lightkey.
Ex~sure mode
Mmual Photo AE AE(CPC)
MEMN : Manual exposureupper limit MEMIN : Manual ex~sure lowerlimit PEMAX : Photoe~osure upperlimit PEMIN : Photoexposurelowerlimit AEMIN : AE ex~sure lowerlimit(ex~sure level for a blankoriginal) KP : AE exposuredeviation AEMIN.CPC: AE, CPC mode exposurelowerlimit(exposurelevel for a blankoriginal) KP.CPC : AE, CPC mode exposuredeviation (Adjustingmethod) Exeotitetest&mmand 46.
m+ w)+
At the same momentthe machinestartsto warm up, the value presentiyprogrammed(MEMAX) is displayed.The ready lamp turnedon afterthe warmuphascompleted andit will bme readyto makecopyor to program. Entera numberfor en optimumresultand do the adjustment. s the exposureselect key is pressed, the mode A changes in orderof: M~udPhotoAEAE(CPC mode)Menud Press the dark key to change from EX.1 to EX.5. Press the lightkey to change from EX.5 to EX.1. Use a numberbetweenOand 90. Press the printswitchafter the numberhas entered,then a copy in that mode willbe produced. Terminate the test command46. Press the clear key. 47
measuring command test AE sensorpot adjustmentand AE sensoroutputcharacteri~.c (Adjustingmethod) o Place fourto five sheetsof blankpaper over the originaltable. testcommand. ~ Execute
The mirrorbase startsto scan and stops at the AE sensormeasuringposition,and the RPL comes adve. At the same moment,the value of the previouslyme~ured AE sensorwillbe displayedin a hexadecimalnumber. @ Press the printswitchafterthe ready lamp has turnedon. The copy lamp willcome active and the inputvalue of the presentAE sensorwillbe displayed.
Function O Adjustthe AE sensoradjustingpot on the main PWB. Afler me ~py lamp has turned on, adjust the input value between EOH and FOH usin9 me As sensor adjusting pot. Clockwiseturnof the pot increases the input numberand vise versa. When the inPutv~ue 1swi~in tie limits, the cassettelampwillcome active. After the AE sen=r adjustment has complet~. press the print stitch to tian9e to the AE se~or output characteflsticsmeasurin9 mode. If the print switch W* not pressed witiin ten minutesafier tie coPYlamP h= turned on, it will automatic~ly change to the AE sensor outputcharacteristicsmeasurin9mode. In the AE sensor outputcharacteristics measuringmode. the COPY lamp drive voltage automaticallyshiftsand the AE sensor output characteristics thattime is automati~lY measured and stored in the memory. of If the adjustmentwas not finished within ten seconds, press the print switch once again after the ready lamp turnedon and make adjustment. Q Terminate tie test command47. CLEAR key (twice)
(SF-73$0 only)
Vertid (towardsfrontand rear frame sides) magnificationratioadjustingtest command me magnification ratiotowardsthe vertid COPYdirection(frontframeandrearframe)canbe adjustedby varyingthe lens stopposition.(SF-7370 only) (Adjustingmethod) a Place the scale on the originaltable alongthe front and rear frame sides. a Execute test commmd 43. 1~~ + ~ + ~ + %; +
+ +
~ ~
~ ~
At the same momentthe machine starts to warm up, the present value between 2 and 9 will be displayed. After be~mes enal~. the warmuphas completed,the ready lamp turns on andCOPY Make a normal(xI.0) copy on an A4 (814x 11.) paper. comp~e the size of the sde image on the copy with the astual scale size and obtain the vetial magnification ratio usingthe followingformula. (size of original) - (size of scale on the copy) ~ ,00 Verticaldirectionmagnification ratiocompensationrate [O/.] = (size of original) Use the following formulato obtainthe vedcd magnificationratiopreset value. Vertid magnification ratiopreset value = previousvalue (the numbershownin (2) above) + verticalmagnification ratiocompensationrate x 10 Programthe presetvalue. m+m When the presetvalue is changed by ln, the magnificationratiochanged0.170. Make a normal(x1.0) copy end compare the scafe image withthe scale size. Adjustmentwillbe satisfacto~ if the size of the de image on the copy is withinM.8% with respectto the actual size of tie s~e, if not, repeat the Xove procedures~ thm 0 to adjustit once a9~n. If the inputnumberwas smaller than .2. or larger th~ 9,it may not entile to corr~ the magnificationratio with this test command.In such event, move the slit plate on the lens basetowardsthe paperentrysideif smallerMm 2, or, move it towardsthe paper exit side if larger than 9.Then, do the adjustmental over again. Terminate the test command43. CLEAR
Horizontaldirection(towardspaper transportdirection)magnificationratioadjustingtest command (SF-7~~0 only) me horizontal(paper trans~rt direction)magnificationratiocan be adjustedby varyingthe mirrorbase scan speed. (SF-7370 only) (Adjustingmethod) ~ Place the scale overthe originaltable alongthe paper movingdirection. Q Executetest command49. m)+~ ~ ~+ %)+ E ~~+
At the same moment,the machine startsto warm up, tie presentiyprogrammednumber between 1 ad 99 will come displayed.The ready lamp comes active after the warmup has completedand it becomes ready to make
a fi~~ea normal(x1.0) copy on the A4 (81/2 11=) paper. x O Compare the size of the sc~e image on the copy withthe actual scale size and obtainthe horfzontdmagnification ratio usingthe followingformula. Horizontaldirectionmagnificationratio= Jsize of original)- (size of scale on the coPY)~ ,00 (size of original) compensationrate IYO] a Use the following formulato obtainthe Horizontalmagnification ratiopresetvalue. Horizontalmagnificationratio preset v~ue = previous value (the number shown in ~ ~ove) + horizontal magnificationratiocompensationrate x 10 ~ Programthe presetvalue. n + ~ + Psw When the pre se t v~ue is changedby l, the magnificationratiowillbe changedO.lYO. a Make a normal(x1.0) copy and comparethe scale image withthe scale size. @ Adjustmentwillbe satisfactoryif the size of the scale image on the copy is withinM.8Y0 with respectto the aCtu4 size of the scale. If not, repeat the above procedures~ thru O to adjustit once a9ain.
SF-7 3 2 0 SF-7370 Test mmmartd Q Terminate the test command49. CL~R 50 Copy lead edge image positionadjustingtest commend Adjustmentis done by changingthe RRS on timingso that the image of the originalmaybe copiedonto appropriate Iooationof the copypaper. I Before startingthe test mmmad 50, be sure to check tie hoflzontd magnificationratio if appropriate.f not, do the test command49 to adjustthe magnification ratio. There are some differencesin the adjustmentproceduresbetween the SF-7320 ad the SF-7370. (Adjustingmethod) (SF-7320) O Function
At the same momentthe machinestartsto warm up, the presentlyprogrammednumberbetween Oand 99 will be displayed. Descriptionof RRS-a: After completionof the warmup,the ready lamp till come active and become ready to make a copy. ~ Programthe RRS-ato .O=.
o Press the printswitchand make a copy. 6 Measurethedistancebetween the leadedgeof the paper and the lead edge of fhe image on the copy. O Obt~n the value of RRS-a. If the value measuredin ~ is assumedto be L1; RRS-a = 2.778 x L1 + 6.944 Unit in mm, rounded. a Enter the value of RRS-a obtainedin ~. 0+0 ~ Make a copy end make sure that the lead edge image loss is withinthe limitsof -2.5+1 .5mm. If not, change the value of RRS-a and do adjustmentso that it maybe withinthe limits. o Terminate the test command50. CLEAR (SF-7370) ~ Place the sde over the origin~tablealongthe paper movingdirection. Q Executetestcommand 50.
m ~m
m ~m
At the same momentthe machinestartsto warm up, the presentlyprogrammednumberbetween Oand 99 will be displayed. Descriptionof RRS-a: After completionof the warmup,the ready lamp willcome active and become ready to make a copy. ~ Programthe RRS-ato O. ~.~ O Turn the paper selecf key on. The cassette lamp turned active changes to blink and the presentiyprogrammednumber between O and 99 will be displayed. Descriptionof RRS-b Q Programthe RRS-b to On. ~+~ @ Make one eachof COPY in the norm~ (xI.0) and reductionmode (xO.64), and measure the distancebetween the copy lead edge and the sde image lead edge. Obtainvalues for RRS-a and RRS-b. L1 = distancebetween the copypaper lead edge and tie scale image lead edge in the normal(x1.0) mode. L2 = distance between the copy paper lead edge and the scale image lead edge in the reducdon(xO.64) mode. Substitutethe values of L1 and W intothe followingformulateto obtain RRS-a and RRS-b. RRS-a = 7.716 x (Ll - L2) RRS-b = ((11.574X L2) - (7.407X Ll)) + 60.417 Unit in mm, rounded. Turn the paper select key on. The blinkingcassette lamp changesto permanenton. Programthe value of RRS-a that obtainedin a. O+n Programthe value of RRS-b that obtainedin a. Paper select key (cassettelamp on $ blink) m + m Make a copy in the normal (xl .0) mode and make sure that the lead edge image IOSS not, change the value of RRS-b and do adjustmentso that it may be withinthe limits. Terminate the test command50. CLEAR
is within
.5mm. If
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SF-7320 SF-7370
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Function Copy lead edge void area adjustingtest rwmmand ne void ~ea widthat the copy lead edge is adjustedby varyingthe GRID on timin9. This test command mustbe executed atier the COPY lead edge IOcatiOn has been COmPletti usingthe teStcommand 50. (Adjustingmethod) O Place the sde and a blarrkpaperon the originaltable. I
.. u:.
Executetest command58.
At tie same momentthe machinestartsto warm up, the presentiyprogrammednumber between 1 ~d gg willbe readv lamp comes active after the warmuphas compiet~ ~d ~omes ready to m~e a ~PY. O ihe~ normal(x1.6) copy withme oflginalcover Ieti open. o Enter a numberand make adjustment. Increasingthe numbermakes the void area wider and tice versa. By changingthe numberby 1willchange the void area by about0.12mm. Q Terminate the test command 58. CLEAR 72 Copy tit programming test command (Prooramminamethod) 6 ~xecute t~stcommand 72. =~+m+~+=;+~+
At the same moment the ready lamp comes active, tie presentlyprogrammednumber between 1 and 4 will be displayed. Enter a numberto select the copy kitout of the table below.
Wth this,the numberis storedin the memoryand the ready lamp turnsoff. Maintenance lamp DRL active afier Developerlamp DML active after Parameter Norrnd maintenance Mini-maintenance Color Black 30000 copies 10000 copies 5000 copies 30000 copies 1 30000 mpies 15000 wpies 5000 wpies 30000 copies 3 30000 copies 5000 copies 30000 wpies Does notturn on 30000 copies Does not turnon
5000 copies
~ Terminate tie test command72. CLEAR CLEAR 79 Programmingmodeland destination (Programmingmethod) ~ Executet~st command79. l=!+ ~ ~ ~ ~
I=;~ + +m
At the same time the ready lamp turnsactive, the presentlyprogrammd numbertill be displayed. ~ Select and enter a numberappropriateto the modeland destinationfromthe table below. U+m Press the pdntswitchto storethe numberin the memow. The ready lamp turnsoff. Inchseries AB series Indonesia SEC SUK except SEC except SUK 25 7 6 5 1 SF-7320 35 17 18 15 11 SF-7370 0 Terminate the test command79. CLEAR CLEAR
, ; <-. ; ~ : Used for seting the tising temperature. When this commandis executed,the lowertwo digitsof the currenttyset fusingtemperatureare displayd. (=ample: 75= means 175 degreesCentigrade.) Under fhh state, push the paper select key, and the fusing temperature will be changed by 5 degrees. Repeat pushinguntilthe desiredtemperatureis obtained. Used to selectwhetherthe manualcopy mode is startedautomatidly or by pushingthe PSW. Method: 1) When this test command is executed, the cumentiystored msnu~ copy mode parameter (see table below) is displayedand the ready lamp turnson. 2) Afterthe ready lamp turnson, enter the parameter using a figureOor 1 for the mode to be set. Depressthe PSW and tie parameteris men storedin the memow and me ready lamp goes out.
o 1
Invalid when the multi-bypassstatier is instiled. (Copy starts after depressionof the PSW, when the multi-bypassstacker is installed.)
Used for settingthe fusingtemperaturein the power saving mode. When this command is ex~uted, the lower two digits of the currentiyset fusingtemperature in the power saving mode are displayed. Under this state, push the paper select key, and the fusing temperature will be changed by 5 degrees. Repeat pushinguntilthe desiredtemperatureis obtained. / 5-0 ~~
4. Self-diagnostic functions When the copier mdfundions, operations e suspendedimmediatelyand a status mde w
are representedas an alphanumericmmbination of figures.
t t
1 # I I 1
L -----------------------
I{L -,
~a y~e ddw
Smh t=hnkian shouM m~e tie sw& 41 wti Hssary seMm pm on the beebrof the !rouMestatusreportedby the user.
When one of the test status-s L1, L3, L5, H2, or H4 is indbtad, it maybe cleared by turningthe poweroff. When statusU1 is irrdtited, it maybe ckarad by test timmand 13. When statusde CH or PC is indhted, it maybe cleard automa*l& uponmm~tion of troubkshootiq, wthout entting a test Hind. When statusde mmmand 14. H3 is indkted, h maybe ckared by test
(2) Status code m Status ales willbe displayedon the copy numberdisplaywindowin
the manner shown. ~ CH, L1, L3, L5, H2, H3, H4, Ul, U2, U3, EE @ PC, P flum on), EL, EU
Ahaysdi~layedas: f;
/J // 1 1 1
0 .5 s-
1 1 1 1
.-. -,-----
.--..----.--..--- -
S F-7 3 2 0 S F-7 3 7 0
TroublesyMPtOM [ Mirrorbase feed trouble If the mirrorhome ~sition sensor (MHPS) did not turn off within one second after the start of the mirror. If the mirror base forward movement was not completed withinten seconds after the start of the mirrorbase.
Q[f the mirrorbase was not on the MHPS position when the mirror base staded to move forward duringcopying.
~ Mirrorbase returntrouble L3 If the MHPS did notturnon withinsix secondsafter the mirrorbase startedto return. If it did not move to the given locationwithinfifteen seconds afterthe lens motorstartedto operate.
Magnificationratedtrouble(lens, No.4J5mirror) L5 HZ H3
Open heat rollerthermistor Heat rollerirregularlyhightemperature Heat rollerirregularlylowtemperature If tie heat roller temperature did not reach the prescribedtemperaturewithin the given time after the start of the heat rollerwarmupoperation. I
EU -. EL CH Pc
If the TCS input voltage by test command 25 is above the limit. If the TCS input voltage by test command 25 is
P (blink)
. ----.-