Loyka Summary
Loyka Summary
Loyka Summary
Loyka is a small country with an economy that is 45 % primary sector, 15 % secondary sector, and 40 % tertiary sector. From 2006 to 2008, Loyka was torn by civil war. In 2009, to prevent the eruption of further violence, the United World Peace (UWP) sent 4000 peacekeepers to Loyka. The UWP Mission to Loyka had ethical objectives: its troops (nicknamed the Olive Hats because of their olive coloured helmets) were expected to create stability, fulfilling the UWP Missions aim to maintain order, peace and security. The autocratic General Ron Meiri was appointed by the UWP as Commander of the olive hats, The organizational structure of the UWP Mission was tall and centralized. Due to the presence of the olive hats there has been an improvement in the infrastructure thus creating a motivation to local industries to continue their activities. Although their presence was great but local people and community didnt want foreign solider to interfere since there was some complains about the olive hat behavior and the disagreement between with the Beral area governor and General Meiri the number of patrols. And due to this there has been large disappointment from both sides which might show there has been a failure. In 2011 the Meiri was replaced by Diane in hope of a change in the leadership style and social marketing. She was given two specific objectives: Firstly, she had the strategic objective to improve the image of the Olive Hats in Loyka in order to improve public relations. This would reduce the number of conflicts with the Loykese, thereby improving the safety of the UWP troops. Secondly, she had the operational objective to remotivate her troops. As salaries were set by the UWP, she could not use financial rewards so she would have to use non-financial motivational methods. Pierce was given money to choose from university or hospital (in both cases it was a non-profit), this aim was used to show how important the olive hats was. Pierce delegated the hospital or university deal to the Colonel Michael Donovan in which he calculated the cost and found they were equal so the choice will be based upon other factors.
Donovan asked a local business man Kos were he pointed out that the a nonprofit hospital would increase access to medical care, especially for poorer people. The problem is that most of the good loyke doctors travelled so they will have to hire a foreign which created a conflict. While for the university the country desperately needed engineers, school teachers, nurses and many other highly skilled professionals to help rebuild the social infrastructure. However, although instruction would be in the local language, Kos feared that a university built by the UWP would become a symbol of foreign intervention in Loyka. After alpt of researches about the choice the agreed for a hospital with both genders doctors and the Governor was ready to give up a piece of land to improve the university old campus. The new improvement would be a great opportunity for local business such as Kos where had already planned to enlarge his production except this enlargement will make logistics more complex and unsafe specially if he works outside the radius of UWP and then he is going to need a lorry to transport the products and facility to store the food but even through that he will be very profitable if the UWP stays, he had three options: Option 1: No change. Keep the same scale of operation and stay working at the UWP Mission. Option 2: Increase the scale of operation of his business. Sell more produce to the UWP Mission and to the university or hospital. Kos would need to leave his job at the officers dining hall and lose his regular source of income. Option 3: Maximize the scale of operation. Supply produce not only to the UWP Mission and to the university or hospital, but also to retailers in Beral. In Beral there is no city-wide wholesaler for the produce that Kos distributes. Becoming a wholesaler would require setting up and managing supply chains, employing staff, increasing working capital and adopting a new business structure. But it was okay for him now but if they leave after 10 later and he havent expand yet it would cost him a lot. Where the UWP goal is to bring stabilization to the country so they are able to leave.