Application Form EFRM
Application Form EFRM
Application Form EFRM
active node
By Arnab Roy, IBM India
In some cases there can be requirements when the text node (exit) where the data is manipulated or fetched are not expected to be displayed in the same place. They are required to be displayed at some specific place along with some other data. In these cases the text nodes are created and marked as inactive (to stop implicit calling for display) and that is called explicitly for display from another text node. In the following example it is displayed how an inactive (which is suppressed by SAP to be displayed) text node can be explicitly called and displayed. Along with this, the basic technique of using during loop is explained. Go To Transaction Code PWB. Create an application form of form class IS_U_CS_MOVE_IN_WELCOME_LETTER as displayed below
One installation can have multiple register; here we are displaying those register (logical register number) details.
DATA: LT_LOGIC_NO TYPE EASTL. (Locally Defined) To access this table from other part of the program we need to pass the values into some custom defined global internal table in During Loop
DATA: T_EQUIP TYPE TABLE OF V_EGER (Globally Defined, hence can be accessed from any where from the object)
We are creating one text node in the following node hierarchy, and making this text node as inactive (unclick the check box as described below) and text exit for this node is not created. As the result the
implicit calling of this exit during display will be suppressed. To display the output of this text node, we have to call it explicitly.
Create the display of the text node. And give the following details.
Create a During Loop as explained. (During exit is an exit that is created in the loop of standard data fill flow of PWB(generated function module), in the same manner we can create Before Exit and After Exit that is called before and after the loop of standard data fill flow of PWB (generated function module) respectively.
APPEND WA_LOGIC_NO TO GIT_LOGICNUM. Append the work area into a global internal table, so that can be accessed from other part of object, also create work areas for the internal table GIT_LOGICNUM and T_EQUIP)
Activate. Create another text node with text exit (to call the inactive node) in the following hierarchy as displayed.
Two rows should come in the output of inactive node calling part, as two entries are there in the table where loop is executed.
Rate type data is not there in the table; hence it is blank in output.
Double click on application form, and give the name as Z_TEST_WELCOME_LETTER and click on create button.
Use Form Class IS_U_CS_MOVE_IN_WELCOME_LETTER which is a standard Form Class provided by SAP for Move-in Letter. Fill the other parameters as described. An SAP Script is created to display the output. SMARTFORMS or ADOBE FORMS can also be used. System will ask for Transport Request. Create a Request.
User Top Include is for declaring the global data types and data objects. User Exit Include is for declaring the exits as below. Start Exit is for the purpose what always should be done prior to start the data fetching. End Exit is for clearing the global data and/or what always should be done once the whole data fetching is complete.
Double click and create Include, and create the exits in the user exit include. Activate. As this is welcome letter we will get the Business Partner details. In the following hierarchy we can see that the tables are available, so we decide to display our business partner details here.
We are creating a text exits to write our code and display those data just below the CO_ADDRESS. Click on the node MOVEINDOCC. Click on Create Text [SHIFT + F4]. Give description and text name and create as child. Click on Pencil and T to create the Text and Exit respectively. Now before writing the display variable population logic, go to the generate function module by double clicking on Z_TEST_WELCOME_LETTER.
We can see here that CONTRACT node is populated by the work area WA_CONTRACT, In this work area all the fields of table EVER will be available.
We will write logic to fetch the Business Partner number by using this. In the same manner we can see that installation structure and address structure is filled by using the work area WA_INSTALL and WA_CO_ADDRESS.
SELECT * FROM FKKVKP INTO L_WA_FKKVKP UP TO 1 ROWS WHERE VKONT = WA_CONTRACT-VKONTO. ENDSELECT. Now we have got all our necessary data into the work areas namely L_WA_FKKVKP (Locally defined in exit of structure for table FKKVKP), WA_INSTALL (output type V_EANL) and WA_CO_ADDRESS (output type EADRDAT) and WA_CONTRACT (Output Type EVER). And the move-in letter is generated per contract ( that means for 1 Business Partner and 1 contract account, there is always going to be single entries, thats why work area is considered instead of internal tables) Straight away we can write the WORKAREA-FIELD while displaying the output upon clicking on the pencil button of the text node created (after activating this).
Go back to the main screen and again activate this. Let us create one more text to display the FKKVKP entries that we have fetched.
Dont create any exit for code in this newly created text exit; this is only for display purpose, Write the variables you want to display as described below.
Now execute the PWB object, with one valid (live) contract.
Select the following parameters or you can generate spool by checking the SAP script format as spool of the above screenshot and clicking the new spool request of the below screenshot.
Here is the output displayed in the script. (Installation Status has no values in the table, hence blank).