SAP - Finding BADI or User Exit in Standard Transactions
SAP - Finding BADI or User Exit in Standard Transactions
SAP - Finding BADI or User Exit in Standard Transactions
An easy technique to find BADI or Exit in standard SAP program is by using the class
Please find below an example on how to find BADI’s or Exits which are available when the
transaction VA03 is execute.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Set a break point (or external breakpoint) just after the method
The variable ‘EXIT_NAME’ (underline in the screenshot) will contain the name of the BADI or
Step 4:
Now we will check how to get the BADI or Exit name, execute transaction VA03 (or any other
standard transaction you want to find BADI or Exit). If the above steps have been done correctly,
the debugger will open and it will stop at the breakpoint set up above.
In the debugger, enter the variable ‘EXIT_NAME’ and the variable ‘EXIT_NAME’ will return the
name of the BADI/Exit available when transaction code VA03 was execute. For example, in the
screenshot above, we can noticed that the first BADI encountered is ‘BADI_SD_SALES’.
Press ‘F8’ to view all other BADI’s/Exit’s available when transaction VA03 was executed.
CL_EXITHANDLER is the class which contains the Ext. Services Within Framework of Exit
Technique and is used in the enhancement framework. The class ‘CL_EXITHANDLER ‘ has the
method ‘GET_INSTANCE’ which is used to trigger BADI’s from the standard SAP program. Thus,
each time a standard program which contains BADI’s/Exit’s is executed, the
method ‘GET_INSTANCE’ is triggered and we can find BADI/Exit used by the standard program.