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Breveclosurfuzzy Paper 1

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Note: An extended version of this paper was published in Fuzzy sets in

approximate reasoning and information systems, edited by J. C. Bezdek, D. Dubois and H. Prade, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1998).


Loredana Biacino Giangiacomo Gerla

Abstract: In accordance with Tarski point of view, in this chapter the theory of closure operators is proposed as a unifying tool for fuzzy logics. Indeed, let F be the set of formulas of a given language. Then an abstract fuzzy logic is defined by a fuzzy semantics (i.e. a class of valuations of the formulas in F) and by a closure operator in the lattice of the fuzzy subsets of F (we call deduction operator). One proves that Pavelkas logic, similarity logic and graded consequence theory can be represented in this way.

3.1 INTRODUCTION. Let U be a nonempty set and denote by P(U) the lattice of all the subsets of U. Then a closure operator on U is any map J:P(U)P(U) such that, XY J(X)J(Y) ; XJ(X) ; J(J(X))=J(X), for every X and Y subsets of U. The theory of closure operators is a very useful tool in several areas of classical mathematics and, in particular, in (crisp) mathematical logic. Indeed, in account of the fact that the deduction operator of a monotonic logic is a closure operator, A. Tarski, D. J. Brown, R. Suszko and other authors proposed a general approach in which a logic is seen as a pair (F,D) where F is the set of formulas in a given language and D:P(F)P(F) is a closure operator (see, e.g., [Tarski 1956] and [Brown; Suszko 1973]).

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS In this chapter we will show that it is possible to extend such an abstract approach to fuzzy logic. To do this, we start from the notion of a closure operator in a complete lattice L (see, e.g., [Ward 1942]). Obviously, we are mainly interested in the case in which L is the lattice of the fuzzy subsets of the set of formulas of a given language. The resulting theory enables us to give a unified treatment of several different approaches to fuzzy logic (such as Pavelka's logic, similarity logic, graded consequence theory). It is worth noticing that the proposed extension of the theory of closure operators to the fuzzy framework is useful not only for fuzzy logic but also for many other branches of fuzzy set theory. Indeed, it gives an elegant and powerful way to treat notions such as those of fuzzy topologies, fuzzy subalgebras, necessity measures and envelopes (see, e.g., [Conrad 1980]), [Biacino; Gerla 1984], [Murali 1991], [Biacino; Gerla 1992], [Biacino 1993]). 3.2 CLOSURE OPERATORS IN A LATTICE Let L be a complete lattice whose minimum and maximum we denote by 0 and 1, respectively. An operator J:LL is called a closure operator if, for every x,yL, (i) xy J(x)J(y) (monotony) (ii) xJ(x) (inclusion) (iii) J(J(x))=J(x) (idempotence). We call an almost closure operator in L, in brief a-c-operator, an operator J satisfying (i) and (ii). A class C of elements of L is called a closure system if the meet of any family of elements of C is an element of C. Every closure system C is a complete lattice in which the meets are the same as in L but the join of a subset X of C is the meet of the set of elements of C that are greater or equal to every element of X. So a closure system is not a sublattice of L, in general; as an example, consider the class of closed subsets of an Euclidean space. Moreover, given a class CL, we define the operator J(C):LL by setting, J(C)(x)=Inf{yC | yx} (3.1) for every xL. If C is a closure system, then J(C)(x) belongs to C and it is called the element of C generated by x. Given an operator J, we set C(J)={xL | J(x)=x}, (3.2) i.e., C(J) is the set of fixed points of J. Proposition 3.2.1 Given any CL, the operator J(C):LL defined in (3.1) is a closure operator. Given an a-c-operator J, the class C(J) L defined in (3.2) is a closure system. Proof. It is immediate that J(C) is a closure operator. To prove that C(J) is a closure system observe that, if (xi)iI is any family of elements of C(J) then by the monotony of J, J(InfiIxi)xi for every iI. So we have J(InfiIxi)InfiIxi and, since the opposite inequality holds by (ii), it is J(InfiIxi)=InfiIxi. This proves tht C(J) is a closure system. The class LL of the operators in L is a complete lattice with respect to the order relation defined by setting, for every J1 and J2 in LL, J1J2 provided that J1(x)J2(x), for every xL. The joins and meets in such a lattice are given by setting

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS (J1J2)(x)= J1(x)J2(x) , (J1 J2)(x)= J1(x)J2(x), for any xL. We have also the following proposition, whose proof is immediate. Proposition 3.2.2 The class CO(L) of the closure operators in L is a closure system in LL. The class CS(L) of the closure systems in L is a closure system in P(L). In accordance with the first part of Proposition 3.2.2, given an operator J, we denote by c(J) the closure operator generated by J, i.e., the meet of all the closure operators greater than or equal to J. Proposition 3.2.3 Let J be an a-c-operator. Then c(J)=J(C(J)), (3.3) i.e., for any x in L, c(J)(x) is the least fixed point of J greater than or equal to x. In particular, if J is a closure operator, then J=J(C(J)). Proof. Set J=J(C(J)), then, J is a closure operator. To prove that JJ observe that for every x, if J(x)=x we have xx and J(x)=xJ(x), thus J(x)J(x). Let H be a closure operator such that HJ. Then J(H(x))H(H(x))=H(x); on the other hand J(H(x))H(x). This proves that H(x)C(J) and, since H(x)x, that H(x) J(x). In accordance with the second part of Proposition 3.2.2, given a system C we denote by c(C) the closure system generated by C, i.e., the intersection of all the closure systems containing C. Proposition 3.2.4 Given a class C of elements of L, we have c(C)=C(J(C)), and therefore, C=C(J(C)) for every closure system C. Moreover, c(C)={Inf(X) | XC}. (3.4) (3.5)

Proof. (3.5) is immediate, to prove (3.4) observe that, since every element of C is a fixed point of J(C), C(J(C)) is a closure system containing C. Let C be a closure system containing C, and x an element of C(J(C)). Then, since x=J(C)(x), x is a meet of elements of C and hence belongs to C. Thus C(J(C)) is contained in C and therefore C(J(C))=c(C). If C and C are closure systems and J, J closure operators, then: CC J(C)J(C) ; J J C(J) C(J). Since in Propositions 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 we proved that J=J(C(J)) and C=C(J(C)), this shows that (3.1) defines a lattice isomorphism from CS(L) on CO(L) and (3.2) defines the inverse isomorphism from CO(L) on CS(L). Proposition 3.2.5 Let J be an a-c-operator and C a class. Then C(J)=C(c(J)) ; J(C)=J(c(C)). Moreover, let be J1, J2 a-c-operators and C1, C2 classes. Then c(J1)=c(J2) C(J1)=C(J2) ; c(C1)=c(C2) J(C1)=J(C2). (3.6) (3.7)

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Proof. Every element of C(J) is a fixed point of J(C(J))=c(J) and this proves that C(J)C(c(J)). Conversely, let x be a fixed point of c(J). Then x=J(C(J(x))) =Inf{yC(J) | yx}. But C(J) is a closure system, so xC(J). Thus C(J)C(c(J)) and therefore C(J)=C(c(J)). The remaining part of the proposition is obvious. 3.3 ABSTRACT LOGICS We define an abstract deduction system as a pair (L,D) where L is a complete lattice and D a closure operator in L. The elements in L are called pieces of information and D the deduction operator. A theory is defined as a fixed point of D, i.e., a piece of information such that D(). So, the theories are the deductively closed pieces of information. Obviously, is a theory iff a piece of information x exists such that =D(x). If this is the case, x is called a system of axioms for . The theory D(0) is called the system of tautologies and is denoted by Tau(D). Since D(1)=1, 1 is a theory, we call the inconsistent theory. A piece of information xL is consistent provided that D(x) is different from 1. We define an abstract semantics as a nonempty class M of elements of L such that 1M, and we call models the elements in M. If x is a piece of information and mM, then m is a model of x, in brief m x, provided that xm. We say that x is satisfiable if a model of x exists and we denote by Sat(M) the class of satisfiable pieces of information, i.e., Sat(M)={xL | mM exists such that m x}. Two pieces of information admitting the same models are said to be logically equivalent. In accordance with Proposition 3.2.1, M induces a closure operator we call logical consequence operator and we denote by ConM (or merely by Con). Then ConM is defined by setting, given a piece of information x, ConM (x)=Inf{mM | m x}. We define the system of tautologies of M as Tau(M)=Inf{m | mM}, i.e., Tau(M)= ConM (0). Definition 3.3.1 An abstract logic is an object like (L,D,M) where (L,D) is a deduction system and M a semantics such that D=ConM . For example, the classical first order logic is an abstract logic in which - the pieces of information are the sets of formulas (systems of axioms) - D(x) is the set of formulas we can derive from x - a theory is a set of formulas containing the logical axioms and closed under the inference rules - a model is identified with the related set of true formulas (and therefore M with the class of complete theories) - ConM (x) is the intersection of all the complete theories containing x. Given any abstract deduction system (L,D) we can define an abstract logic in a trivial way by setting M equal to the class of consistent theories of D. In this sense any deduction system admits an abstract semantics. Nevertheless, such a semantics is unsatisfactory since we look for semantics containing only those theories that are complete systems of information, in a sense.


3.4 CONTINUITY FOR ABSTRACT LOGICS The deduction operators of the crisp logics are compact, i.e., for every D(X) a finite subset Xf of X exists such that D(Xf). This is an immediate consequence of the fact that a proof involves only a finite number of hypotheses. Since the notion of a finite subset is not defined in a generic lattice L, we have to search for a different notion of compactness. A nonempty class T of elements in L is called directed if xT , yT zT , xz, yz. The chains are typical examples of directed classes. If z=Sup(T) we say that z is the limit of T and we write z=limT. If J is an order-preserving operator and T is directed, then the image J(T)={J(x) | x} is also directed, obviously. Definition 3.4.1 An operator J is called continuous if it is order preserving and, for every directed class T, J(limT)=limJ(T). (3.8) A continuous closure operator is also called an algebraic closure operator. One proves that if L is the lattice of all the subsets of a given set, then J is continuous iff J is compact. Definition 3.4.2 A class C of elements of L is called inductive if the limit of every directed family of elements in C belongs to C. An inductive closure system is called algebraic. The following proposition, whose proof we omit, shows that the notion of algebraic closure system is the natural counterpart of the one of algebraic closure operator. Proposition 3.4.3 Given a nonempty class C, C is an algebraic closure system J(C) is an algebraic closure operator. Given a closure operator J J is algebraic C(J) is an algebraic closure system. The continuity is a necessary condition for a deduction operator D works well. Indeed, if we are able to approximate an information x with a partial information y such that yx, then D(y) has to be a suitable approximation of D(x). Definition 3.4.4 An abstract deduction system (L,D) (more generally, an abstract logic) is called continuous provided that D is continuous. 3.5 STEP-BY-STEP DEDUCTION SYSTEMS

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Usually a deduction operator D is obtained by starting from a suitable set A of logical axioms and a suitable set of inference rules. Namely, denote by J(X) the set of formulas that can be obtained by one application of the inference rules to formulas in X, and set H(X)=J(X)AX, i.e., H(X) provided that - either is obtained by applying an inference rule to formulas in X, - or is a logical axiom - or is an element in X. Also, define Hn by induction on n, by setting H1=H and Hn+1=HoHn. Then it is immediate that H is an almost closure operator, D is the closure operator generated by H and that D(X)=Hn(X). Obviously, Hn(X) represents the set of formulas we can obtain from X by an n-step inferential process. To extend such an approach to abstract logics we at first examine how to obtain the closure operator generated by a continuous a-c-operator. Proposition 3.5.1 Let H be a continuous a-c-operator. Then the set C(H) of fixed points of H is an algebraic closure system and the closure operator c(H) generated by H is continuous. Proof. Let T be a directed subclass of C(H). Then, since H is continuous H(Sup({x | xT}))=Sup({H(x) | xT})=Sup({x | xT}) and, hence, Sup({x | xT})C(H). This proves that C(H) is inductive. Thus, since by Proposition 3.2.3 c(H)=J(C(H)), by Propositions 3.4.3 we can conclude that c(H) is algebraic. If H is a continuous a-c-operator the following famous theorem enables us to calculate the closure operator c(H) generated by H. Theorem 3.5.2 (Fixed-point Theorem) Let H be a continuous a-c-operator. Then c(H)=SupnNHn . (3.9) Proof. We have to prove that, for every xL, SupnNHn(x) is the least fixed point of H greater than or equal to x. Now, since H(x)x we have also that Hn+1(x)Hn(x) for every n, and hence the family (Hn(x))nN is directed. Since H is continuous H(SupnNHn(x))=SupnNHn+1(x)=SupnNHn(x) n and SupnNH (x) is a fixed point for H greater than or equal to x. If y is any fixed point such that yx, then for every nN, y=Hn(y)Hn(x) and hence ySupnNHn(x). This proves that SupnNHn(x)=c(H)(x). In accordance with the above considerations, we propose the following definition. Definition 3.5.3 A step-by-step deduction system is an object like (L,J,a) where - J is a continuous operator (the immediate consequence operator) - a is an element of L (the system of logical axioms). Let J be a continuous operator and define H by setting

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS H(x)=J(x)ax (3.10) for every xL. Then it is easily seen that H is a continuous a-c-operator. H(x) corresponds to the set of formulas that either are immediate consequences of x, or are logical axioms or are hypotheses (i.e. elements in x). Definition 3.5.4 Let (L,J,a) be a step-by-step-deduction system, define H by (3.10) and denote by D the closure operator generated by H. Then (L,D) is called the deduction system associated with (L,J,a). The following proposition is an obvious consequence of the Fixed-point Theorem. Proposition 3.5.5 Let (L,J,a) be a step-by-step-deduction system and (L,D) the deduction system associated with (L,J,a). Then D is algebraic and D(x)=SupnNHn(x). (3.11) Moreover, is a theory of (L,D) iff (i) J() and (ii) a. (3.12) Then, while for every integer n, Hn(x) represents the information available in nsteps, SupnNHn(x) represents the whole information we can derive from x. 3.6 LOGICAL COMPACTNESS A closure operator D is said to be logically compact, in brief l-compact, provided that the related class of consistent pieces of information is inductive. A semantics M is called logically compact provided that the related logical consequence operator C is logically compact, i.e., the class Sat(M) of satisfiable pieces of information is inductive. Note that logical compactness is different from continuity. Indeed, while the deduction operator of a fuzzy logic in Hilbert style is always continuous, there are very interesting examples of such logics whose deduction operator is not logically compact (as an example, see the logic of the necessities examined in [Biacino; Gerla 1992]). Proposition 3.6.1 Let D be a deduction operator. Then the following are equivalent (a) D is continuous and logically compact (b) the class of consistent theories is inductive. Proof. (a)(b). Let T be a directed family of consistent theories and denote by its limit. Then, since D is continuous, is a theory and, since D is logically compact, is consistent. (b)(a). In order to prove that D is continuous we prove that the class of theories is inductive. Let T be any directed family of theories and denote by its limit. Then, if all the elements in T are consistent, we have that is a consistent theory. If the inconsistent theory 1 belongs to T, then =1. So, in any case is a theory. Let (xi)iI be a directed family of consistent pieces of information and denote by x its limit. Then (D(xi))iI is a directed family of consistent theories and hence its limit is a consistent theory. Since x, this proves that x is consistent. Thus, D is logically compact.

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS The interest of the logically compact semantics is expressed in the following propositions. Proposition 3.6.2 If M is logically compact, then every satisfiable piece of information admits a maximal model. Equivalently, every element of M is contained in a maximal element in M. Proof. Assume that x is satisfiable, then, since Sat(M) is inductive, the class C={ySat(M) | yx} is inductive. By Zorn's Lemma, a maximal element z of C exists. Since z is satisfiable, mM exists such that mz. Since mC, by the maximality of z we can conclude that z=m. This proves both that z belongs to M and that z is a maximal element in M. In the same way one proves that: Proposition 3.6.3 If D is logically compact every consistent piece of information is contained in a maximal theory. 3.7 BASIC NOTIONS IN FUZZY SET THEORY Denote by and the maximum and the minimum operations in [0,1] and by the unary operation defined by setting (x)=1-x for x[0,1]. Then ([0,1],,,) is a complete lattice with an involution. Given a set U, we denote by (F(U),,,c) the direct power of ([0,1],,,) with index set U and we call fuzzy subsets the elements of F(U). The operations , and c are called union, intersection, complement, respectively. Then a fuzzy subset is a map A:U[0,1] from U to [0,1] and, if A, B are fuzzy subsets of U, (AB)(x)=A(x)B(x) ; (AB)(x)=A(x)B(x) ; Ac(x)=1-A(x). Notice that we prefer the notation Ac instead of the prefix notation c(A). A fuzzy subset A is called crisp provided that either A(x)=0 or A(x)=1. If X is a subset of U, then we denote by X the characteristic function of X, too, i.e. we denote by X the map defined by setting X(x)=1 if xX and X(x)=0 if xX. The following proposition summarizes the main properties of the class of fuzzy subsets. Proposition 3.7.1 (F(U),,,c) is a complete lattice with an involution extending the Boolean algebra (P(U),,,c). More precisely, the map associating every XP(U) with the related characteristic function is a complete monomorphism from (P(U),,,c) into (F(U),,,c). Consequently, we can identify the subsets of U with the crisp fuzzy subsets. For every [0,1], we denote by U the fuzzy subset constantly equal to . Obviously, in such a way U1 is (the characteristic function of) U and U0 is (the characteristic function of) the empty set. Given a fuzzy subset A of U, for every [0,1] the subsets A={xU | A(x)} ; A>={xU | A(x)>}

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS are called the closed -cut and the open -cut of A, respectively. In the propositions below we summarize some basic properties of the cuts. Proposition 3.7.2 Let A and B be two fuzzy subsets, (Ai)iI a family of fuzzy subsets and [0,1]. Then (b) ' AA' (a) A0=U (c) (e) A AB (AB)=AB (d) A=x<A>x (f) (AB)=AB

(g) A=x<Ax (a') A>1= (c') (e') (g')

(h) (Ai)=(Ai) (b') ' A< A<' (d') A>=x>Ax (f') (AB)>= A>B>

A A>> (AB)> = A>B> A>=x>A>x


(Ai)>= (Ai)>.

For every [0,1] and XU, we denote by X the fuzzy subset UX, that is (X)(x) = if xX ; (X)(x) =0 otherwise. Dually, we define by X by setting (X)(x) =1 if xX (X)(x) = otherwise. The following proposition shows that a fuzzy subset is characterized both by its closed cuts and its open cuts. Proposition 3.7.3 For every fuzzy subset A A=A A=A> and, dually, A=A A=A>. (3.15) (3.16) (3.13) (3.14)

Proof. It is sufficient to observe that it is possible to rewrite the above equalities as follows A(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xA} (3.17) (3.18) A(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xA>)} A(x)=Inf{[0,1] | xA} (3.19) A(x)=Inf{[0,1] | xA>} (3.20) where xU. It is possible to identify the fuzzy subsets with the continuous chains as was proposed in [Negoita; Ralescu 1975]. Consider the class P(U)[0,1] whose elements are the families of subsets of U with index set [0,1]. Such a class can be view as the direct power of the complete lattice P(U) with index set [0,1]. Therefore P(U)[0,1] is a

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS complete lattice whose order relation is defined by setting, for every (A)[0,1] and (B)[0,1] in P(U)[0,1] (A)[0,1](B)[0,1] AB for every [0,1]. Further, the join and the meet of these two families are (AB)[0,1], and (AB)[0,1], respectively. One similarly defines the infinite joins and meets. We are interested in a particular class of elements of P(U)[0,1]. Definition 3.7.4 We call a chain in U any order-reversing family (C)[0,1] of subsets of U such that C0=U and we denote by Ch(U) the set of chains in U. We say that a chain (C)[0,1] is continuous if C=x<Cx for every [0,1]. We denote by CCh(U) the class of continuous chains. (3.21)

The family of closed cuts of a given fuzzy set is an example of continuous chain. Proposition 3.7.5 The class Ch(U) of chains of subsets of U is a closure system in P(U)[0,1]. Let (C)[0,1] be any family of subsets of U. Then the chain (C*)[0,1] generated by (C)[0,1] can be obtained by setting C*0=U and, for 0, C*=xCx (3.22)

Proof. The first part of the proposition is obvious. It is immediate that (C*)[0,1] is a chain containing (C)[0,1]. Let (A)[0,1] be a chain containing (C)[0,1]. Then, given [0,1], for every , AAC and therefore AC*. Proposition 3.7.6 The class CCh(U) of the continuous chains is a closure system in Ch(U) (hence in P(U)[0,1]). Let (C)[0,1] be a chain and let (C)[0,1] be the continuous chain generated by (C)[0,1]. Then, for every [0,1] C=x<Cx. (3.23)

Proof. Let I be a set and, for every iI, let (Ci)[0,1] be a continuous chain. Then the intersection of such a family of continuous chains is the chain (C)[0,1] defined by C=iICi. Since

(C)[0,1] is a continuous chain. Suppose (C)[0,1] is a chain. Then, since CC for every >, we have CC. In order to prove that (C)[0,1] is a continuous chain, observe that

x<Cx = x<(iICxi) = iI(x<Cxi) = iICi = C ,

x<Cx = x<(y<xCy) = y<Cy=C. Finally, let (A)[0,1] be a continuous chain containing (C)[0,1], then
A = x<Ax x<Cx = C. The following definition enables us to associate any family of subsets of U with a fuzzy subset of U.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Definition 3.7.7. Let (C)[0,1] be any family of subsets of U and set A=C. Then A is said to be the fuzzy subset associated with (C)[0,1]. The proof of the following propositions is matter of routine. Proposition 3.7.8 Let (C)[0,1] be any family of subsets of U and A the associated fuzzy subset. Then, both the chain (C*)[0,1] and the continuous chain (C)[0,1] generated by (C)[0,1] define the same fuzzy subset A. Moreover, A> = x>Cx C* C = A. (3.25) (3.24)

In particular, if (C)[0,1] is a chain, the fuzzy subset associated with (C)[0,1] by Equation (3.24) coincides with the fuzzy subset associated with (C)[0,1]. Proposition 3.7.9 Let (C)[0,1] be any chain of subsets of U and define A by (3.24). Then we have also that A=C. Moreover, A>=x>CxCx<Cx=A. If (C)[0,1] is continuous, then, for every [0,1], A=C. The following theorem shows that we can identify the lattices F(U) and CCh(U) (see [Negoita; Ralescu 1975]). Theorem 3.7.10 The correspondence h:F(U)CCh(U) defined by setting, for every AF(U) h(A) = (A)[0,1] (3.28) is a lattice isomorphism between F(U) and CCh(U). Moreover, the inverse map h-1:CCh(U)F(U) associates every continuous chain (C)[0,1] with the fuzzy subset A defined by (3.24). 3.8 ABSTRACT FUZZY LOGIC Let F be a set whose elements we call formulas. We call an abstract crisp deduction system, (crisp semantics, crisp logic) any abstract deduction system (semantics, logic) in the lattice of the subsets of F. Then, a crisp semantics is any class M of subsets of formulas such that FM. Also, given a set X of formulas and an element M of M, M is a model of X provided that XM, and we define the set C(M)(X) of the logical consequences of X by C(M)(X)={MM | MX}. An abstract crisp logic is an object like (F,D,M) such that D=C(M) and the elements of the set (3.27) (3.26)

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Tau(M)={M | MM}, are called tautologies. Also, the complement operation c enables us to define the set

Contr(M)={Mc | MM} whose elements we call contradictions. Then, a contradiction is a formula that is false in any model. We can justify the above definitions as follows. Consider a classical logic, then we can identify the class of possible models with the class M of the complete theories. Indeed, we associate each model M with the complete theory TM={F | is true in M} and, conversely, for every complete theory T a model M exists such that TM=T. It is also immediate that M is a model of a set X of formulas iff XTM and that the set C(M)(X) of logical consequences of X is the intersection of all the complete theories containing X. Given a set U, a fuzzy closure operator (system) in U is any closure operator (system) in the lattice F(U). We call an abstract fuzzy deduction system, (fuzzy semantics, abstract fuzzy logic) any abstract deduction system (semantics, logic, respectively) in the lattice of the fuzzy subsets of F. Then, a fuzzy semantics is a class M of fuzzy subsets of formulas such that U1M. The meaning of such a condition is obvious; no world in which every formula is true exists. The elements in M are named fuzzy models. Examples of fuzzy semantics are obtained by setting M equal to the class of the truth-functional valuations of the formulas in a multivalued logic. Another example is furnished by probability logic in which a model is a fuzzy set of formulas P such that, for every ,F P()=P()+P() (if is inconsistent with ) P()=P() (if is logically equivalent to ) P()=1 (if is logically true). Sometimes we call an initial valuation (or a piece of fuzzy information or a fuzzy system of axioms) any fuzzy subset V of formulas. We interpret V as an incomplete information about an unknown world M, namely, since M is a model of V provided that V, the information carried on by V is that, given any formula , "the actual truth value of is at least V()". From this point of view, an initial valuation V is not a fuzzy subset since the values V() are not truth degrees but constraints on the possible truth degrees. This is in accordance with the classical inferential processes where the available information is expressed by a set T of formulas (the assumptions) arising from a partial knowledge of a world M and the information carried on by T is that "at least the formulas in T are true in M. Obviously, the logical consequence operator C is defined by setting, given an initial valuation V, C(V)={MM | MV}. The meaning of C(V)() is still is true at least at degree C(V)(), but we have also that C(V)() is the best possible valuation we can draw from the information V. Notice that, while C(V)()=1 entails that is true in any model of V, C(V)()=0 does not mean that is false but that the available information V says nothing that supports . On the other hand, this happens in the classical logic, too. Indeed, assume that T is a set of sentences expressing our knowledge about an unknown world M and that is a formula that is not a logical consequence of T. Then we cannot conclude that is

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS false in M but only that we are not able to prove . In other words C(V)() carries on only positive information about . The negative information about is represented by the number C(V)(-)(provided that the language under consideration is equipped with a negation -). Also, recall that the fuzzy subset of tautologies is defined by Tau(M)={M | MM}. The meaning of such a fuzzy subset is that, given any formula , is true in any model M at least at degree Tau(M)(). We define a tautology as any formula such that Tau(M)()=1, i.e., M()=1 for every MM. We can also define the fuzzy subset of contradictions Contr(M) as the intersection of all the complements of the elements in M, i.e., Contr(M)={Mc | MM} It is immediate that Tau(M)()+Contr(M)()1 and that Contr(M)()=1-Sup{M() | MM}. The meaning of the fuzzy subset Contr(M) is that, given any formula , is true in any model M at most at degree 1-Contr(M)(). As a consequence, the interval [Tau(M)(),1-Contr(M)()] represents the a-prior information about a formula . We define a contradiction as any formula such that Contr(M)()=1, i.e., is a contradiction provided that M()=0 for every MM. We conclude this section by examining the notion of continuity for fuzzy operators. Recall that a classical closure operator J is continuous iff J is compact, i.e., for every subset X of U J(X)={Xf | Xf is a finite part of X}. (3.29) Also, this is equivalent to saying that for every XU and xU xJ(X) a finite subset Xf exists such that xJ(Xf). (3.30) In order to extend this definition to fuzzy closure operators, we call finite any fuzzy subset whose support is finite. Definition 3.8.1 A fuzzy operator J is called compact if, for every fuzzy set A J(A)={J(Af) | Af finite and Af}. (3.31) J is called p-compact provided that J is order-preserving and, for every fuzzy subset A and xU, a finite fuzzy subset Af of A exists such that (3.32) J(A)(x)=J(Af)(x). The definition of p-compactness was proposed in [Pavelka 1979]. The following proposition whose proof we omit shows that compacity, p-compacity and continuity are not equivalent notions for fuzzy operators. Proposition 3.8.2 Let J be a fuzzy operator. Then (i) J p-compact J compact ; (ii) J continuous J compact ; (iii) J continuous does not imply J p-compact ; (iv) J p-compact does not imply J continuous ;

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (v) (vi) J compact does not imply J p-compact ; J compact does not imply J continuous.

Nevertheless, an interesting characterization of the continuous closure operators in terms of finite fuzzy subsets was established in [Murali 1991]. In the following, given two fuzzy subsets A and B, A`B means that A(x)<B(x) for every xSupp(A). Proposition 3.8.3 A fuzzy operator J is continuous iff, for every fuzzy subset A, J(A)={J(Af) | Af is finite and Af`A} (3.33) Proof. At first we prove a basic property of the relation `, namely that if T is a directed class, then Af finite fuzzy subset and Af`{A' | A'T} A'T s.t. AfA'. Indeed, if Supp(Af)={x1,...,xn}, then for i=1,...,n, from Af(xi)<Sup{A'(xi) | A'T} it follows that AiT exists such that Af(xi)<Ai(xi). So it is sufficient to consider any element A' in T containing A1,..., An. Suppose (3.33), then it is immediate that J is order-preserving. Let T be any directed class of fuzzy subsets. Then we must prove that J({A' | A'T}) = the above implication,

{J(A') | A'T}. Set

A={A' | A'T}, then, on account of

J(A)= {J(Af ) | Af is finite and Af ` A}{J(A') | A'T}. Since the converse inclusion is immediate, this proves that J is continuous. Conversely, assume that J is continuous. Then, since {Af | Af is finite and Af ` A} is a directed family whose union is A, (3.33) is immediate. 3.9. PAVELKAS LOGIC This section is devoted to expose Pavelka's approach to fuzzy logic, i.e., an approach in Hilbert style (see also Chapter 2 in this book). We define a crisp Hilbert deduction system, in brief an H-system, as a pair S=(A,R) such that A is a subset of the set of formulas F, the set of logical axioms, and R is a set of crisp inference rules. In turn, a crisp inference rule is any partial operation in the set of formulas F, i.e., any map r:DF where DFn, nN. We write Dom(r) to denote the domain D of r. A proof of a formula under the hypothesis 1,...,h is any sequence 1...m of formulas such that m= and - either i{1,...,h}, - or iA - or i=r(i(1),...,i(n)), i(1)<i, ... , i(n)<i. Given a set X of formulas, we write X to denote that a proof of exists whose hypotheses are contained in X. These notions enable us to define an operator D by setting D(X)={F | a proof of exists whose hypotheses are in X}. (3.34) Obviously, X iff D(X). The proof of the following proposition is immediate.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Proposition 3.9.1 The operator D associated with an H-system (A,R) by (3.34) is an algebraic closure operator. So, every crisp H-system (A,R) defines a crisp abstract deduction system (F,D). By extending the above definitions, we define a fuzzy H-system as a pair (A,R) where A is a fuzzy subset of F, the fuzzy subset of logical axioms, and R is a set of fuzzy rules of inference. In turn, a fuzzy rule of inference is a pair r=(r',r"), where - r' is a partial n-ary operation on F, i.e. a crisp inference rule - r" is an n-ary operation on [0,1] preserving the least upper bound in each variable, i.e., r"(x1,...,SupiIyi,...,xn) = SupiIr"(x1,...,yi,...,xn) (3.35) So an inference rule r consists of a syntactical component r' that operates on formulas and a valuation component r" that operates on truth values to calculate how the truth value of the conclusion depends on the truth values of the premises (see [Zadeh 1975]). Condition (3.35) entails that r" is order-preserving with respect to any component. Such a condition is also called continuity condition since it enables us to prove that the deduction operator associated with a fuzzy H-system is continuous. We indicate an application of an inference rule r by 1 ,..., n 1 ,..., n ; r ' (1 ,..., n ) r" (1 ,..., n ) whose meaning is that: IF you know that the formulas 1,...,n are true at least to the degree 1,...,n, THEN you can conclude that r'(1,...,n) is true at least to the degree r"(1,...,n). Examples of fuzzy inference rules can be obtained by assuming that r' is the classical modus ponens, i.e., the function associating with any pair of formulas of type and the formula , and assuming that r" is any continuous T-norm (in this case, Dom(r)={(,) | F, F}). A proof is a sequence 1,...,m of formulas, together with a sequence of related "justifications". This means that, given any formula i, we must specify whether (i) i is assumed as a logical axiom; or (ii) i is assumed as a proper axiom; or (iii) i is obtained by a rule (in this case we must indicate also the rule and the formulas from 1,...,i-1 used to obtain i). Differently from the crisp case, the justifications are necessary since different justifications of the same formula give rise to different valuations. Indeed, let V:F[0,1] be any initial valuation. Then the valuation Val(,V) of a proof with respect to V is defined by induction on the length m of by setting Val(,V) =A(m) if m is assumed as a logical axiom =V(m) if m is assumed as a proper axiom =r"(Val((i(1)),V),..., Val((i(n)),V)) if m=r'(i(1),...,i(n)) where, for any im, (i) denotes the proof 1,...,i. If is the formula proven by , the meaning we assign to Val(,V) is that given the information V, the proof assures that holds at least to degree Val(,V).

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Now, it could happen that another proof ' of exists such that Val(',V)>Val(,V). This happen, for instance, if the assumptions used in ' are more true than the assumptions used in . In other words, unlike the usual Hilbert systems, in a fuzzy Hsystem different proofs of a same formula can give different contributions to the degree of validity of . This suggests that, given a fuzzy set of axioms V (the available fuzzy information), in order to evaluate we must refer to the whole set of proofs of and to calculate the number Sup{Val(,V ) | is a proof of }. Definition 3.9.2. The deduction operator of an H-system S is the operator D:F(F)F(F) defined by setting, D(V)()=Sup{Val(,V ) | is a proof of } (3.36) for every initial valuation V and every formula . The meaning of D(V)() is still given the information V, we may prove that holds at least at degree D(V)(), but we have also that D(V)() is the best possible valuation we can draw from the information V. Pavelka proved the following proposition. Proposition 3.9.3 Let S be an H-system, then the operator D defined by (3.36) is a compact fuzzy closure operator. Consequently, every H-system is associated with a compact fuzzy abstract logic. We show also that S defines a step-by-step deduction system in a natural way and therefore that D is continuous. Proposition 3.9.4 Let S=(A,R) be an H-system and define J by J(V)()=Sup{r"(V(1),...,V(n)) | (r',r")R and r'(1,...,n)=}, (3.37) for every VF(F) and F. Then (F(F),J,A) is a step-by-step deduction system whose associated deduction operator D coincides with the one associated with S. Proof. In order to prove that J is continuous, observe that, since every valuation component r" is an order-preserving map, J is order preserving, too. As a consequence, given a directed family T of fuzzy subsets and V=limT, J(V){J(X) | XT}=limJ(T). Conversely, given a formula , by observing that for every S1,..., SnT an element XT exists such that S1X,..., SnX, we have J(V)()=Sup{r"(V(1),...,V(n)) | (r',r")R and r'(1,...,n)=} =Sup{r"(S1(1),..., Sn(n)) | (r',r")R, r'(1,...,n)= and S1,..., SnT} =Sup{r"(X(1),..., X(n)) | (r',r")R , r'(1,...,n)= and XT} ={J(X)() | XT}.

Define H as in (3.10), i.e.,

H(V)=J(V)V. (3.38) Let D be the deduction operator associated with S, we have to prove that D is the closure operator generated by H, i.e.,

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS (3.39) D(V)=c(H)(V)=Hn(V). To this purpose we have to prove that D has the same fixed points of H and therefore of c(H). Indeed, V is a fixed point of H iff V and VJ(V), i.e., V is closed with respect to the inference rules, i.e. r"(V(1),...,(n))V(r'(1,...,n)) for every (r',r")R and 1,...,n in Dom(r'). Now, under these conditions, there is no difficulty to prove, by induction on the length of the proofs, that Val(,V)V() for every formula and proof of . In turn this is equivalent to say that D(V)=V. 3.10 LOGICAL COMPACTNESS AND ULTRAPRODUCTS The relation `, defined in Section 3.8, enables us also to characterize the logical compactness for fuzzy operators. Proposition 3.10.1 A fuzzy closure operator J is logically compact iff, for every initial valuation V, V consistent every finite Vf`V is consistent. (3.40) Proof. Assume that J is logically compact. Then it is immediate that V consistent implies that every finite fuzzy subset Vf such that Vf`V is consistent. In order to prove the converse implication, assume that every finite fuzzy subset Vf such that Vf`V is consistent, then, since V is the inductive limit of the class {Vf | Vf`V, Vf finite}, V is consistent. This proves (3.40). Conversely, assume (3.40) and let H be an inductive class of consistent fuzzy subsets. We have to prove that V=limH is consistent. Now, for every finite fuzzy set Vf such that Vf`V an element AH exists such that VfA. Since A is consistent, Vf is consistent too, and by (3.40) V is consistent. We can rewrite Proposition 3.10.1 in terms of fuzzy semantics as follows. Proposition 3.10.2 A fuzzy semantics is logically compact iff, for every initial valuation V, V satisfiable every finite Vf`V is satisfiable. (3.41) This proposition suggests to call compact a fuzzy semantics M such that, for every fuzzy set of formulas V, V satisfiable every finite fuzzy subset of V is satisfiable. Proposition 3.10.3 Every logically compact fuzzy semantics is compact while compact fuzzy semantics exist that are not logically compact. Proof. The first part of the proposition is obvious. The fuzzy class M={AF(F) | A()<1 for every F} is an example of compact semantics that is not logically compact. Indeed, F=F1 is limit of the class of satisfiable fuzzy subsets F, 1. A simple compacity criterion for a fuzzy semantics is obtained by the notion of ultraproduct, (see, e.g., [Chang; Keisler 1966]). Recall that a class F of subsets of a set I is a filter provided that

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS XF and YX YF and XF and YF XYF and that F is prime if, for every XP(I), either XF or XcF. In this case, either F is generated by one element of I (i.e., is principal) or F contains the filter of co-finite subsets. One proves that a class C of subsets can be extended to a prime filter iff it satisfies the finite intersection property, i.e., the intersection of every finite family of elements of C is nonempty. Moreover, given a family (i)iI of real numbers and a filter F, we write limF i= provided that >0 XF iX |-i|. Equivalently, we can write for every neighborhood (a,b) of , {iI | i(a,b)}F. Such a notion of convergence satisfies the same properties of the classical one but, in addition, if F is prime, for every bounded family (i)iI, limF i always exists. Also, assume that I is the set N of natural numbers, that U is a prime filter on N and that U is not principal. Then, limn n= limU n=. Given a sequence (An)nN of fuzzy subsets of a set U and a prime filter U on N, we call an ultraproduct modulo U of (An)nN the fuzzy subset A=limU An defined by xU. A(x)=limU An(x) Theorem 3.10.4 Let M be a fuzzy semantics closed with respect to the ultraproducts and V an initial valuation. Then, i) the ultraproduct of a family of models of V is a model of V ii) for every formula a model M of V exists such that C(V)()=M() iii) M is logically compact. Proof. i) An immediate consequence of the definition of limit with respect to a filter. ii) Let V be an initial valuation and a formula. Then, since C(V)()=Inf{M() | MM, MV}, a sequence (Mn)nN of models of V exists such that Mn() is decreasing and C(V)()=limnMn(). Let U be a non principal ultrafilter on N and M the ultraproduct of (Mn)nN modulo U. Then, M is a model of V such that M()=limU Mn()=lim n Mn()=C(V)(). iii) In order to apply Proposition 3.10.2, suppose that Vf is satisfiable for every Vf finite such that Vf`V. At first we prove that every finite fuzzy subset A of V is satisfiable. Indeed, it is easy to find an increasing sequence Vn of finite fuzzy subsets such that A(x)=lim n Vn(x) for every x and Vn`A. Since we have also that Vn`V, by hypothesis a sequence of models Mn exists such that MnVn. Let U be a non-principal prime filter and let M be the ultraproduct of (Mn)nN modulo U . Then, since M()=limU Mn()limU Vn()=lim n Vn()=A(), we have that M is a model of A. Denote by I the class of finite subsets of F and let iI. Then, since the restriction of V to i is satisfiable, an element Mi of M exists such that Mi(x)V(x) for every xi. We find a model M of V as a suitable ultraproduct of the obtained family (Mi)iI. To this purpose, we have to find an ultrafilter U such that for every xF the set B(x)={iI / Mi(x)V(x)}U. In turn, this is possible provided that the class {B(x) | xF} of subsets of I satisfies the finite intersection property. Now, let x1,...,xn be formulas and

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS i={x1,...,xn}. Then Mi(xj)V(xj) for j=1,...,n and therefore i belongs to B(x1)B(xn). This concludes the proof. Proposition 3.10.4 suggests a general method to obtain logically compact fuzzy semantics. In the following a closed k-ary relation is a closed subset R of Rk. The equality and the order relation are examples of closed binary relations. As it is usual, if x1,...,xk are real numbers, we write R(x1,...,xk) to denote that (x1,...,xk)R. Proposition 3.10.5 Denote by M the class of fuzzy subsets M of F satisfying a set of conditions like (3.42) R(M(p0(x1,...,xh)),...,M(pk(x1,...,xh))) where - p0..., pk are partial operations on F defined in a domain DFh ; - RRk+1 is a closed relation. Then M is closed with respect to the ultraproducts. Hence, if F1M, M is a logically compact fuzzy semantics. Proof. At first observe that, since R is closed, if (i0)iI,...,(ik)iI are families of real numbers such that R(i0,...,ik) for every iI, then R(limU i0,...,limUik). Indeed, set 0=limUi0,...,k=limUik and assume that (0,...,k) is not in R. Then, since R is closed, k+1 intervals I0,...,Ik exist such that 0I0,...,kIk and I0...Ik is disjoint from R. As a consequence, the sets X0={iI | i0I0}, . . . ,Xk={iI | ikIk} belong to U. Since U is a filter X0...Xk is nonempty, so, if j is any element of this intersection, we have (j0,...,jk)I0...Ik. Thus, (j0,...,jk)R and this contradicts the hypothesis. Now, let (Mi)iI be a family of elements of M, U an ultrafilter on I and M the ultraproduct of (Mi)iI modulo U . Then, since for every iI R(Mi(p0(x1,...,xh)),...,Mi(pk(x1,...,xh)), in view of the property we have just proved, R(limU(Mi(p0(x1,...,xh)),...,limU(Mi(pk(x1,...,xh))). Thus, MM. As an example, consider the class M of the truth-functional valuations in a multivalued logic and assume that the interpretations of the logical connectives are all continuous maps. Then M is the class of fuzzy subsets M satisfying conditions like M(h(1,...,k))=h'(M(1),...,M(k)) where h is a logical connective and h' is a continuous map interpreting h. We can apply Proposition 3.10.5 by setting pi equal to the i-projection for i=1,...,k and R ={(0,...,k) | 0=h'(1,...,k)} ; p0(1,...,k)=h(1,...,k). Thus M is closed with respect to the ultraproducts and therefore logically compact. The same holds for the class of finitely additive probabilities, the class of necessities, the class of the super additive measures and so on (see, e.g., [Dubois, Lang, Prade 1994], [Gerla 1997]).

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3.11 AN EXTENSION PRINCIPLE FOR DEDUCTION OPERATORS Several notions in crisp mathematics are translated into the corresponding notions in fuzzy mathematics in a uniform way by the famous Zadeh's extension principle. So, it is very natural to put the following question: Given a (crisp) closure operator, does there exist a canonical way to extend it in a fuzzy closure operator ? The answer is yes and is suggested by the identification of the fuzzy subsets with the continuous chains (see [Ramik 1983], [Gerla 1994], [Biacino; Gerla 1996], [Gerla; Scarpati [1997]). Indeed, given a closure operator J in U and a fuzzy subset AF(U), it is natural to proceed in the following way - identify A with the continuous chain (A)[0,1] -apply J to each element of this chain by obtaining the chain (J(A))[0,1] - consider the continuous chain (J(A))[0,1] generated by such a family - assume as image of A the fuzzy subset J*(A) corresponding to such a chain. The following diagram can picture such a procedure: A (A)[0,1] (J(A))[0,1] J*(A) (J(A))[0,1] Since, by Proposition 3.7.8, (J(A))[0,1] and (J(A))[0,1] define the same fuzzy subset, we can give the following definition. Definition 3.11.1 For every operator J, we define the canonical extension J* of J as the fuzzy operator defined by setting, for every AF(U) J*(A)=J(A) or, equivalently, J*(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}. (3.43) (3.44)

It is possible to reformulate such a definition in logical terms. Let (F,D) be a crisp deduction system and V a fuzzy set of formulas. Then we say that a formula is a consequence of V at degree , in brief V , provided that is a consequence of V, i.e., can be proved by formulas that are true at least at degree . Definition 3.11.2 Let (F,D) be a crisp deduction system. The canonical extension of (F,D) is the fuzzy deduction system (F,D) where D is defined by (3.45) D*(V)()=Sup{[0,1] | V }. The following lemma, whose proof is abvious, gives some information on the cuts of J*(A). Lemma 3.11.3 Let J be an a-c-operator. Then for every fuzzy subset A and [0,1] J*(A)>=x>J(Ax)J(A>)J(A)x<J(Ax)=J*(A). Note that, J*(A)>J(A>) and J*(A)J(A), in general. For example, if J is the usual topological closure operator in the interval [0,1] and A is a continuous map, then J*(A)=A, and J*(A)>J(A>) since J*(A)>=A> is an open set, while J(A>) is closed.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Proposition 3.11.4 Let J be an order-preserving operator then J*(A)=J(A) J*(A)=J(A>) J (A)=J(A>)

(3.46) (3.47) (3.48) (3.49) (3.50) (3.51)

or, equivalently,

J*(A)(x)=Inf{[0,1] | xJ(A)} J*(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A>)} J*(A)(x)=Inf{[0,1] | xJ(A>)}.

Proof. (3.46) follows from Proposition 3.7.9. To prove (3.47) observe that, since J is order preserving, J(A>))J(A) and, hence, for every fuzzy subset A and xU Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A>))}Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}=J(A)(x). Moreover, by Lemma 3.11.3 we have that J*(A)>J(A>) and J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ*(A)>}Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A>)}. Finally, (3.48) follows from (3.47) and Proposition 3.7.9. Theorem 3.11.5 Let J be an operator. Then J* is an extension of J and the following equivalencies hold: J* almost closure operator J almost closure operator J* closure operator J closure operator. Proof. It is immediate that J* is an extension of J. Assume that J* is an a-c-operator (a closure operator) then, since J is the restriction of J* to the crisp subsets, J is an a-coperator (a closure operator). Let J be an a-c-operator. Then it is immediate that J* is order-preserving. In order to prove that J*(A)A, observe that, since AJ(A), A(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xA}Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}. Assume that J is a closure operator. In order to prove that J*(J*(A))=J*(A), we prove at first that every cut J*(A) is a fixed point for J. Indeed, observe that the intersection of a class of fixed points for J is a fixed point for J and that J*(A)=x<J(Ax). Thus J*(J*(A))(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(J*(A))}=Sup{[0,1] | xJ*(A)}=J*(A)(x).

Now, we will propose a way to extend a closure system C into a fuzzy closure system in accordance with the concept of canonical extension of a closure operator. Indeed, we set (3.52) C*={AF(U) | AC for every 0}, and we say that C* is the canonical extension of C. The proof of the following proposition is immediate. Proposition 3.11.6 Let C be the canonical extension of the class C of subsets. Then C coincides with the class of crisp elements of C* and therefore C* is an extension of C. Further, C* is a fuzzy closure system C is a closure system.

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS The following proposition shows that the notions of canonical extension of a closure system and canonical extension of a closure operator are strictly related in accordance with the following diagrams C J(C) J C(J) C* J(C)=J(C*) J* C(J)=C(J*). Proposition 3.11.7 Let C be a closure system and J a closure operator. Then C*=C(J(C)*) and C(J)=C(J). (3.53) Moreover, J*=J(C(J)*) and J(C)=J(C). (3.54) Proof. In order to prove the first equation in (3.53), observe that if A is a fixed point for J(C)*, then by Lemma 3.11.3 A=(J(C)*)(A)={J(C)(Ax) | x<}C. As a consequence, AC*. Conversely, if AC*, then, every cut A belongs to C and hence is a fixed point for J(C). Thus J(C)*(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(C)(A)}=Sup{[0,1] | xA}=A(x). This proves that A is a fixed point for J(C)*. The remaining part of the proposition is immediate. As an immediate consequence, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 3.11.8 Let T be the class of theories of (F,D). Then T is the class of theories of (F,D), i.e., for every fuzzy subset T of formulas, is a theory of (F,D) every cut of T is a theory of (F,D). The following proposition gives a very simple way to obtain the canonical extension of a closure system. Proposition 3.11.9 Let C be a closure system and set Q(C)={X | XC, [0,1]}. Then, we have C* =c(Q(C)), * i.e., C is the fuzzy closure system generated by Q(C). (3.55) (3.56)

Proof. Given X in C and [0,1], for every [0,1], since (X)=U if and (X)=X if >, we have that XC*. So, Q(C)C* and therefore c(Q(C))C*. Let AC*, then, since A=A and every A belongs to C, we have that Ac(Q(C)). Thus, c(Q(C))C* and (3.56) is completely proven.

Let T be a theory of (F,D). Then the fuzzy subset T is a theory of (F,D), we call a -theory. If T denotes the class of theories of D, then Q(T) is the class of -theories, obviously. As an immediate consequence of Propositions 3.11.8 and 3.11.9, we have the following

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Theorem 3.11.10 Every theory in (F,D*) is intersection of -theories. 3.12 EXTENDING COMPACT DEDUCTION SYSTEMS The canonical extension (F,D*) of a compact deduction system (F,D) can be obtained as follows. Proposition 3.12.1 Let J be a compact a-c-operator. Then J* is continuous and, J*(V)(x)=1 if xJ() and (3.57) J*(V)(x)=Sup{V(x1)...V(xn) | xJ({x1,...,xn})} otherwise. Proof. Let (Ai)iI be a directed family of fuzzy subsets and A=iIAi. Then, since J(A)=J((Ai))= J((Ai)), we have that J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ((Ai)) for a suitable iI} =SupiI{Sup{[0,1] | x J((Ai))} =SupiIJ(Ai)(x). This proves the continuity of J. In order to prove (3.57), let xJ(). Then, since J*(V)J()=J(), we have that J*(V)(x)=1. Suppose xJ() and let [0,1] such that V, then, since J is compact, J(V) = {J({x1,...,xn}) | {x1,...,xn}V} = {J({x1,...,xn}) | V(x1),...,V(xn)} = {J({x1,...,xn}) | V(x1)...V(xn)}. As a consequence, J*(V)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(V)} =Sup{[0,1] | x1,...,xn s.t. V(x1)...V(xn) and xJ({x1,...,xn})} =Sup{V(x1)...V(xn) | xJ({x1,...,xn})}. In terms of a deduction operator D we obtain immediately the following theorem in which we write 1,...,n instead of D({1,...,n}). Theorem 3.12.2 Let (F,D) be a crisp deduction system and assume that D is compact. Then D*(V)()=1 if is a tautology and (3.58) D*(V)() = Sup{V(1)...V(n) | 1,...,n } otherwise. In the case of compact operators we have that the canonical extension can be obtained as follows. Proposition 3.12.3 Let J:P(U)P(U) be a compact classical a-c-operator, then J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A>))}. (3.59) Proof. It is sufficient to prove that

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS J*(A)>=J(A>). Indeed, since (A)> is a directed family, by Lemma 3.11.3 we have that J*(A)>= (3.60)


Proposition 3.12.4 For every classical compact a-c-operator J we have that c(J*)=c(J)*, i.e.,



Proof. Observe at first that, for every nN, (J*)n(A)>=Jn(A>). (3.62) Indeed, in the case n=1 (3.62) coincides with (3.60). Assume (3.62) for the integer n, then (J*)n+1(A)> =J*(J*n(A))>=J(J*n(A)>))=J(Jn(A>))=Jn+1(A>). Also, we have that (3.63) c(J*)(A)>=c(J)(A>). Indeed, c(J*)(A)>=(nNJ*n(A))>=nN(J*n(A)>))=nNJn(A>)=c(J)(A>). Finally, by (3.63) c(J*)(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | x(c(J*)(A))>} =Sup{[0,1] | xc(J)(A>)}=(c(J))*(A)(x). The proof of the following proposition is immediate. Theorem 3.12.5 Let (P(F),J,A) be a step-by-step deduction system and define H and (P(F),D) as in Section 3.5, i.e., for XP(F), H(X)=J(X)AX. Then the fuzzy deduction system (F(F),D) can be obtained by setting D=nN(H*)n. 3.13 SIMILARITY LOGIC By following [Ying 1994] and [Biacino; Gerla 1998], we will consider logics in which the reasoning may be approximate by allowing the antecedent clause of a rule to match its premises only approximately. Such an idea was explored in the direction of a similarity-based Prolog in [Ferrante; Formato; Sessa 1998]. As an example we can have an inference like 1. x is a thriller book x is good for me + 2. b is a black book + 3. black book is similar to thriller book = b is good for me But the similarity among predicates is a fuzzy notion, in general, so the degree at which we can admit the conclusion "b is good for me" depends on the degree of similarity between "black book" and "thriller book". Notice that such an approach, syntactical in nature, is rather different from the one proposed in [Esteva; Garcia; (3.64)

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Godo; Rodriguez 1997] and [Dubois; Esteva; Garcia; Godo; Prade 1997], semantical in nature. Indeed in the latter the similarity is defined on the set of worlds and not in the set of predicates. A fuzzy relation S:FF[0,1] in a set F is called a similarity if, for every x, y, zF: a) S(x,x)=1 (reflexivity) b) S(x,y)S(x,z)S(z,y) (transitivity) c) S(x,y)=S(y,x) (symmetry), Obviously, the crisp similarities coincide with the equivalence relations. The following proposition can be easily proved. Proposition 3.13.1 Let S be a fuzzy similarity and define SIM:F(F)F(F) by setting, for any AF(F) and xF, SIM(A)(x)=Sup{S(x',x)A(x') | x'F}. (3.65) Then SIM is a continuous closure operator we call the fuzzy closure operator associated with S. We can interpret SIM(A) as the fuzzy subset of formulas similar to some formula in A. We say that a fuzzy subset A is closed with respect to S if A is a fixed point of SIM. It is immediate that a fuzzy subset A is closed with respect to S if and only if A(x)A(x')S(x',x) (3.66) for every x, x' in F. In particular, x, x' in F, SIM(A)(x)SIM(A)(x')S(x',x). (3.67) Let D be the deduction operator of a continuous fuzzy logic and consider the operator K=DoSIM. (3.68) Given an initial valuation V, K(V) is the fuzzy subset of formulas that can be deduced, by D, from formulas that are either in V or are similar to formulas in V. We have that K is a continuous almost closure operator but K is not a closure operator, in general. Therefore it is rather natural to define a similarity logic as a step-by-step logic. Definition 3.13.4 An abstract similarity logic is a fuzzy logic (F(F),DS) whose deduction operator DS is the fuzzy closure operator generated by the operator K defined in (3.68) where D is the deduction operator of a continuous fuzzy logic and SIM the closure operator associated with a similarity S. Since K is continuous, we have that, for every initial valuation V, DS(V)=Kn(V), i.e., VSIM(V) D(SIM(V)) SIM(D(SIM(V))) . . .DS(V). The proof of the following theorem is matter of routine. Theorem 3.13.5 DS(V) is the least fuzzy subset of formulas containing V closed with respect to the similarity relation S and to the deduction operator D. 3.14 YING'S SIMILARITY LOGIC (3.69)

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS In [Ying 1994] the starting point is the classical propositional calculus (F, , f) where F is the set of formulas, is the implication and f is a constant to denote the false. Also only natural similarities are considered, i.e., similarities S:FF[0,1] obtained from a similarity S:VAR[0,1] on the set VAR of propositional variables by (1) S(x,y)=S(x,y) for every x, yVAR, (2) S(f,x)=S(x,f)=1 if x=f and S(f,x)=S(x,f)=0 if xf, (3) S(x y, x' y') = S(x,x')S(y,y'), (4) S(x,y)=0 otherwise. S is extended to a fuzzy relation between sets of formulas by setting, for X and Y subsets of F, S(X,Y)=InfyYSupxXS(x,y) (3.70) The number S(X,Y) is a multivalued valuation of the claim that every element in Y is similar to a suitable element in X. If S is the identity relation then S is the (characteristic function of the) inclusion relation. This enables to define a consequence relation Con:P(F) F[0,1] by setting Con(X,)=Sup{S(XTau,Y) | Y } (3.71) where is the deduction relation in the classical propositional calculus and Tau is the related set of tautologies. In [Biacino; Gerla 1998] these definitions are extended by considering any crisp deduction system (P(F),D) and any similarity S on the set of formulas F. Then the relation S:F(F)P(F)[0,1] is defined by setting S(V,Y)=InfyYSupxFS(x,y)V(x), (3.72) i.e., (3.73) S(V,Y)=InfyYSIM(V)(y). The number S(V,Y) gives the extent at which each formula of Y is similar to a formula of V. Definition 3.14.1 The fuzzy consequence relation Con:F(F)F[0,1] associated with a compact deduction system (P(F),D) and a similarity S is defined by Con(V,)=Sup{S(VTau,Y) | YF, Y } (3.74) where Tau is the set of tautologies of D, V an initial valuation, a formula and the deduction relation associated with D. Obviously, due to the compactness of the relation , the set Y in (3.74) can be assumed to be finite. The meaning of Con(V,) is immediate, it represents the degree at which we can prove by using formulas that are similar to formulas in V or to tautologies. Note that if S is the identity relation, then Con(V,)=D*(V)() (3.75) where D is the canonical extension of D. Consequently, Definition 3.14.1 extends the notion of canonical extension. Theorem 3.14.2 Define the operator H by setting, for every initial valuation V, H(V)=SIM(VTau). (3.76) Then H is a continuous closure operator such that Con(V, . )=(DoH)(V). (3.77) Proof. We have that S(VA,Y)=InfyYH(V)(y) and, hence,

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Con(V,)=Sup{H(V)(y1)...H(V)(yn) | y1,...,yn }=D(H(V))(). We conclude this section by noticing that, by confining ourselves to the similarity relations considered by Ying, we can prove that the composition DoH is a closure operator (see [Biacino; Gerla; Ying 1998]). Theorem 3.14.3 Under Ying's hypothesis DoH is a continuous closure operator. Consequently, Ying's logic is an abstract similarity logic. 3.15 STRATIFIED FUZZY LOGIC The formula for the canonical extension of a closure operator enables us to apply a crisp deduction apparatus to fuzzy information, i.e., information "stratified" at several levels of validity. It is also possible to have crisp information and "stratified" deduction apparatus, i.e., different deductive tools each with a related degree of validity. We can represent such a state of affairs by assuming that, for every [0,1], a crisp deduction operator D is defined and that, given a set X of formulas and a formula , D(X) means that is a consequence of X (at least) at degree . More generally, it is possible that the available information and the deduction apparatus are both stratified. In this case, if V is the initial fuzzy information, it is rather natural to claim that is a consequence of V at least at degree everywhere D(V). Since we must consider the better lower bound for the truth degree of we are able to obtain, it is natural to consider the number D(V)()=Sup{[0,1] | D(V)} as the better lower constraint for this truth degree. This suggests the following generalization of the formula for the canonical extension of a classical closure operator. Definition 3.15.1 Let (J)[0,1] be a family of operators in a set U and let J be the fuzzy operator defined by setting, for every AF(U) and xU, J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}. (3.78) Then we say that J is the fuzzy operator associated with (J)[0,1]. We are interested in families of operators with some natural properties. Namely, we say that a family (J)[0,1] of operators is a chain provided that (J(X))[0,1] is a chain for every subset X, i.e., (i) J0 is the map constantly equal to U ; (ii) (J)[0,1] is order-reversing We say that (J)[0,1] is a continuous chain provided that (J(X))[0,1] is a continuous chain for every subset X, i.e., (j) J0 is the map constantly equal to U ;

(jj) J(X)=x<Jx(X) for every subset X and for every [0,1]. In terms of a stratified deduction apparatus, these conditions look to be rather natural. Indeed, (j) means that, given any set X of formulas, every formula can be considered as a consequence of X (at least) at degree zero. The inclusion

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS J(X)x<Jx(X), i.e., the order-reversing condition, means that if is a consequence of X (at least) at degree , then is a consequence of X (at least) at degree x for every x<. The continuity condition J(X)x<Jx(X) claims that if is a consequence of X (at least) at degree x for every x<, then is a consequence of X (at least) at degree , too. It is obvious that if J=H for every [0,1], then the operator defined by (3.78) is the canonical extension of H. Obviously, we are interested to families of closure operators. Proposition 3.15.2 Let (J)[0,1] be a family of closure operators and let J be the associated operator. Then J is a fuzzy a-c-operator (but J is not a closure operator, in general). If (J)[0,1] is a chain, then J is a fuzzy closure operator. Observe that by Proposition 3.7.9 we have that, if (J)[0,1] is a chain of closure operators and J the associated operator, then, for every [0,1] J(A)> = x>Jx(Ax) J(A>)) x<Jx(Ax) = J(A). (3.79) As an application of Proposition 3.7.8 it is possible to show that every fuzzy closure operator obtained by a chain of closure operators can be obtained by a continuous chain of closure operators, too. Proposition 3.15.3 Let (J)[0,1] be any chain of closure operators and set, for every [0,1] and XF J(X) = x<Jx(X). Then (J)[0,1] is a continuous chain of closure operators whose associated fuzzy closure operator coincides with the one associated with (J)[0,1]. Definition 3.15.4 Let (J)[0,1] be a family of closure operators and let J be the associated fuzzy a-c-operator. We define the fuzzy closure operator associated with (J)[0,1] as the closure operator c(J) generated by J. In this case we say that c(J) is stratified. If (J)[0,1] is a chain then we say that c(J)=J is well stratified. We are not able either to prove or disprove that a stratified closure operator that is not well stratified exists. Now, we define a notion of stratified closure system that is well related with the one of stratified closure operator. Definition 3.15.5 Let U be a set and (C)[0,1] a family of classes of subsets of U. Then the fuzzy system C={AF(U) | AC for every 0} (3.80) is said to be the fuzzy system associated with (C)[0,1]. We have the following obvious proposition. Proposition 3.15.6 Let (C)[0,1] be a family of closure systems. Then the fuzzy system C associated with (C)[0,1] is a fuzzy closure system.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Proof. Let (Ai)iI be a family of elements of C. Then, since, for every [0,1], (Ai)C and (iIAi) = iI(Ai)C, we have that iIAiC.

Obviously, (3.80) generalizes the formula for the canonical extension of a classical closure system. In order to give a notion of continuous chain for closure systems that is well related to the one of continuous chain for closure operators, we say that a family of closure systems (C)[0,1] is a chain if (i) C0={U} ; (ii) (C)[0,1] is order-preserving. Such a family is called a continuous chain if, for every [0,1] (j) C0={U} ; (jj) C=Sup{Cx | x<}, Here the operator Sup is the join in the lattice of closure systems and hence (jj) means that C is the closure system generated by x<Cx. Definition 3.15.7 Let C be a fuzzy closure system associated with a family (C)[0,1] of closure systems, then C is said to be stratified. If (C)[0,1] is a chain, then C is said to be well stratified. Any family (J)[0,1] of closure operators defines a corresponding family (C(J))[0,1] of closure systems and any family (C)[0,1] of closure systems defines a corresponding family (J(C))[0,1] of closure operators. We have the following equivalencies whose proof is matter of routine. Proposition 3.15.8 Let (J)[0,1] be a family of closure operators. Then (J)[0,1] is a chain (C(J))[0,1] is a chain (J)[0,1] is a continuous chain (C(J))[0,1] is a continuous chain. The following proposition shows that the associated fuzzy closure operators and the associated fuzzy closure systems are related in a natural way. Proposition 3.15.9 Let (J)[0,1] be a family of closure operators and J the associated fuzzy closure operator. Besides, let (C(J))[0,1] be the corresponding family of closure systems and C the associated fuzzy closure system. Then, J=J(C), that is, (J)[0,1] (C(J))[0,1] J(C) C Proof. In order to prove that J=J(C) we prove that C(J)=C. Let A be an element of C, then every cut A belongs to C(J) and A is a fixed point for J. Then J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}=Sup{[0,1] | xA}=A(x) and this proves that AC(J). Conversely, if J(A)=A, then, for every xU, A(x)=J(A)(x)=Sup{[0,1] | xJ(A)}. In other words, xJ(A) implies A(x), i.e., xA. Then, since J(A) is contained in A, A is a fixed point for J. Thus AC. In a similar way one proves the following proposition.

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Proposition 3.15.10 Let (C)[0,1] be any family of closure systems and C the associated fuzzy closure system. Besides, let (J(C))[0,1] be the corresponding family of closure operators and J the associated fuzzy closure operator. Then, C=C(J), that is, (C)[0,1] (J(C))[0,1] C=C(J) J Corollary 3.15.11 If J is a closure operator, then J stratified C(J) stratified J well stratified C(J) well stratified. If C is a fuzzy closure system, then C stratified J(C) stratified. C well stratified J(C) well stratified. We can rewrite all the definitions and results in this section in terms of deduction systems. Definition 3.15.12 Let ((F,D))[0,1] be a family of crisp deduction systems and D the closure operator associated with (D)[0,1]. Then (F,D) is called, the fuzzy deduction system associated with ((F,D))[0,1]. In this case, we say that (F,D) is stratified and, if ((F,D))[0,1] is a chain, we say that (F,D) is well stratified. We can reformulate formula (3.78) in logical terms. Let ((F,D))[0,1] be a family of deduction systems. We say that a formula is a consequence of an initial valuation V at degree , in brief V , provided is a consequence of V by (F,D). Then the formula for the deduction system associated with ((F,D))[0,1] becomes (3.81) D(V)()=Sup{[0,1] | V }. for every initial valuation V and F. We conclude this section by emphasizing the following immediate characterization of the theories of a stratified fuzzy deduction system. Theorem 3.15.13 Let (F,D) be a fuzzy deduction system. Then (F,D) is stratified iff the class of its theories is a stratified closure system. Also, if (F,D) is associated with the family ((F,D))[0,1] of deduction systems, then is a theory of (F,D) every cut T of T is a theory of (F,D). 3.16 GRADED CONSEQUENCE RELATIONS The notion of a stratified deduction system will now be applied to the concept of graded consequence relation proposed in [Chakraborty 1988] and in [Chakraborty 1995]. The idea is to extend the concept of consequence relation that plays a central role in any crisp logic.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS Definition 3.16.1 We call conclusion relation any relation from P(F) to F. For XP(F) and F, we write X to denote that (X,). We say that a conclusion relation is a consequence relation if, for every X, Y, Z in P(F) and F, (i) X whenever X (ii) X XY (iii) X for every Z and XZ X . If is a consequence relation and X , then we say that is a consequence of X. The meaning of the above conditions is immediate. Condition (i) says that every formula in X is a consequence of X, condition (ii) that the logic under consideration is monotone, (iii) that if each formula in Z follows from X and we are able to prove from XZ, then we may prove directly from X. There is a strict connection between the operators and the conclusion relations. Definition 3.16.2 Given an operator J we call conclusion relation associated with J the relation J defined by X J J(X). (3.82) Given a conclusion relation we call operator associated with the operator J defined by J(X)={F | X }. (3.83) The following proposition, whose proof is matter of routine, shows that (3.82) and (3.83) define a bijective correspondence between the class of the operators and the class of the conclusion relations. Proposition 3.16.3 Let J be an operator and a conclusion relation. Then - the operator associated with J coincides with J - the relation associated with J coincides with . Definitions (3.82) and (3.83) establish also a one-to-one correspondence between crisp consequence relations and closure operators. Proposition 3.16.4 Let be a conclusion relation. Then is a consequence relation J is a closure operator. Let J be an operator. Then J is a closure operator J is a consequence relation. Proof. At first we prove that if is a consequence relation, then J is a closure operator. Indeed, from (i) it follows that J(X)X and from (ii) that XY implies J(X)J(Y). In order to prove that J(J(X))=J(X), observe that, since X for every J(X), by (iii), J(X) X . Thus, J(J(X)) = {F | J(X) } J(X) and therefore J(J(X))=J(X). Now, we prove that if J is a closure operator, then J is a consequence relation. Indeed, (i) and (ii) are immediate. In order to prove (iii) suppose X J for every Z and XZ J ,

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS i.e., ZJ(X) and J(XZ). Then, since XZJ(X), J(XZ)J(J(X))=J(X) and this proves that X J . Thus J is a consequence relation. Assume that J is a consequence relation. Then, since by Proposition 3.16.3 the operator associated with J is J, by the first implication we have just proven J is a closure operator. Finally, assume that J is a closure operator. Then, since we have just proven that the relation associated with J is a consequence operator, by Proposition 3.16.3 is a consequence relation. The following corollary shows that the theory of consequence relations coincides with the theory of the closure operators. Corollary 3.16.5 A conclusion relation is a consequence relation iff a deduction system (F,D) exists such that X D(X). (3.84) In order to extend the just given notions, we consider fuzzy binary relations from P(F) to F. We call a graded conclusion relation any fuzzy relation g:P(F)F[0,1]. By following [Chakraborty 1988], we write g(X ) instead of g(X,). Definition 3.16.6 We say that a graded conclusion relation g is a graded consequence relation if, for every X,Y,ZP(F) and F (i) g(X )=1 for every X (ii) g(XY )g(X ) (iii) g(X )(Inf{g(X z) | zZ})g(XZ). The question arises wether an analogous of Corollary 3.16.5 holds for the graded consequence relations or not. Now, let J be a fuzzy closure operator and define a graded conclusion relation g by setting g(X )=J(X)() (3.85) for XF and F. Then g satisfies (i) and (ii) but not (iii) and hence is not a graded consequence relation, in general. The following example is due to M.K. Chakraborty. Let F={1, 2, 3, 4} and define A1, A2 by setting A1(1)=A1(3)=1, A1(2)=0.7, A1(4)=0.8, A2(1)=A2(3)=A2(4)=1, A2(2)=0.9. Then, the class C={A1, A2} defines the fuzzy closure operator J=J(C) where, for every fuzzy subset A and F, J(A)()=Inf{Ai() | AiA}. Take X={1, 3} and Z={4}, then a simple calculation gives J(X)(2)=0.7 , J(X)(4)=0.8 , J(XZ)(2)=0.9 . So, we have that g(X 2)=0.7, Inf{g(X z) | zZ}=0.8 and g(XZ 2)=0.9. Hence, g(X 2)<(Inf{g(X z) | zZ})g(XZ 2), and this proves that (iii) is not satisfied. The following theorem extends Corollary 3.16.5 in terms of stratified deduction systems (see [Gerla 1997]). Theorem 3.16.7 A graded conclusion relation g:P(F)F[0,1] is a consequence relation iff a well stratified deduction system (F,D) exists such that

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS for every X subset of F and F. g(X )=D(X)() (3.86)

D(X) g(X ) g(X ) for every < <D(X). Let D be the fuzzy closure operator associated with (D)[0,1]. It is immediate that g(X )=Sup{ | g(X )}=Sup{ | D(X)}=D(X)(). Conversely, let (F,D) be the fuzzy deduction system associated with a given continuous chain ((F,D))[0,1] of deduction systems and define g by (3.86). It is immediate that g satisfies (i) and (ii). In order to prove (iii) we have to prove that InfzZSup{ | zD(X)}Sup{ | D(XZ)} Sup{ | D(X)}. (3.88) Let = InfzZSup{ | zD(X)}. Then for every zZ, Sup{ | zD(X)} whence, since (D)[0,1] is a continuous chain, we have that, for every , ZD(X) and therefore D(XZ)=D(X). Then, if Sup{ | D(XZ)}<, we have that Sup{ | D(XZ)} Sup{| D(X)} and (3.88) holds. In the case Sup{ | D(XZ)}, it is Sup{ | D(X)}. Indeed, otherwise we would have D(X) but D(XZ), while D(XZ)=D(X). Thus (3.88) holds again.

Proof. Let g be a graded consequence relation and, for every [0,1], let D be the operator defined by setting (3.87) D(X)={F | g(X )}. Then (D)[0,1] is a continuous chain of closure operators. Indeed, it is immediate that each D satisfies the inclusion and monotony properties. Let D(D(X)), i.e., g(D(X) ). For every zD(X) we have g(X z), and therefore, by condition (iii), g(X )Inf{g(X z), zD(X)}g(D(X) }. Thus, D(X). In order to prove that (D)[0,1] is continuous, let X be a set of formulas. Then it is immediate that D0(X)=F and, if [0,1], then

We conclude this section by considering the compactness property for a graded consequence relation. In the following, if X is a set we denote by Pf(X) the class of finite subsets of X. A conclusion relation is compact, provided that X there exists XfPf(X) such that Xf . It is immediate that is compact J is compact and that if J is an operator, J is compact J is compact. A graded conclusion relation g is said to be compact if g(X )=Sup{g(Xf ) | XfPf(X)}. (3.89) Finally, g is called strongly compact if g(X )=Max{g(Xf ) | XfPf(X)}. (3.90) Theorem 3.16.8 A graded conclusion g is a compact graded consequence iff there exists a chain (K)[0,1] of compact closure operators such that (3.91) g(X )=Sup{[0,1] | K(X)}.

APPROXIMATE REASONING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Proof. Let (K)[0,1] be a chain of compact closure operators such that (3.91) holds then, by Theorem 3.16.7, g is a graded consequence relation. To prove that g is compact, observe that {[0,1] | K(X)} = {[0,1] | { K(Xf) | XfPf(X)} = {[0,1] | K(Xf), XfPf(X)}. Then, g(X )=Sup{[0,1] | K(X)} = Sup{[0,1] | XfPf(X), K(Xf)} = Sup{g(Xf ) | XfPf(X)}. Conversely, suppose that g is a compact graded consequence relation and set, for every <1 and XF, K(X)={ F | g(X )>}. (3.92) Then it is immediate that K is compact and that satisfies inclusion and monotony properties. To prove idempotence, i.e., K(K(X))K(X), observe that K(K(X)) g(K(X) )> a finite subset Zf of K(X) exists s.t. g(Zf )>. Since, g(X z)> for every zZf and g(XZf )g(Zf )>, we have that g(X) (Inf{g(X z), zZf})g(XZf )>, and this proves that K(X). Set K1 be equal to the identity map, then the family (K)[0,1] is a chain of compact closure operators such that (3.91) holds. The chain in the previous proposition is not continuous, in general. Indeed the following proposition holds: Proposition 3.16.9 Let g be a graded conclusion. Then g is a strongly compact consequence relation iff there exists a continuous chain (K)[0,1] of compact closure operators such that (3.91) holds. Proof. Assume that g is representable by a continuous chain of compact closure operators (K)[0,1] and let g(X )=, i.e., =sup{[0,1] | K(X)}. Then, since

K(X) for every < and K(X)=<K(X), we have that K(X). By the compactness of K this happens whenever we have that a finite part Xf of X exists such that K(Xf). So, g(Xf ) and therefore g(X )=g(Xf ). This proves that g is strongly compact. Conversely, suppose that g is a strongly compact graded consequence and let (D)[0,1] be defined by (3.87). In proving Theorem 3.16.7 we have early observed that (D)[0,1] is a continuous chain of closure operators. To prove that each D is compact, observe that D(X) g(Xf ) for a suitable Xf finite part of X {D(Xf) | Xf finite part of X}.

CLOSURE OPERAT0RS We conclude by noticing that Ying's similarity logic (see Section 3.14) defines a compact graded consequence. Proposition 3.16.10. Let Cons:P(F)F[0,1] be the graded conclusion defined in Ying's similarity logic. Then Cons is a compact graded consequence. Proof. By Theorem 3.14.2, Cons(X,)=D(H(X))() where D is the canonical extension of the classical deduction operator and H is defined by (3.76). By Theorem 3.14.3, DoH is a closure operator. So, we have only to prove that a chain of compact closure operators can represent DoH. Now, at first observe that H is associated with a suitable chain of compact closure operators. Indeed, set, for any [0,1], H(X)={xF | S(x,x') for a suitable x'XTau}. Then we obtain a chain (H)[0,1] of (compact) closure operators. Moreover, H(V)(x)=SIM(VTau)(x)=Sup{S(x,x')(VTau)(x') | x'F} =Sup{[0,1] | S(x,x') and (VTau)(x') for a suitable x'F} =Sup{[0,1] | xH((VTau))}=Sup{[0,1] | xH(V)}, where the last equality is justified by the fact that H((VTau)) = H(VTau)=H(V). Since H is associated with (H)[0,1], by (3.79) we have that H(A)>H(A)H(A) and therefore, by the monotony of D, D(H(A)>))D(H(A)))D(H(s)). Due to the compactness of D and Proposition 3.12.3, we have that D(H(A))(x) Sup{[0,1] | xD(H(A))} D(H(A))(x) and therefore that DoH is associated with the chain (DoH)[0,1] of compact operators. Finally, to prove that each DoH is a closure operator, denote by H the operator associated with the crisp similarity S by (3.76). Then, by Theorem 3.14.3, DoH is a closure operator. Thus, since H coincides with H and D with D on the class of crisp subsets, DoH is a closure operator.

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