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Howe Place Value

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What is place value, and why should we care? Roger Howe I. The power of the Principles of Place Value.

Place value is perhaps the most undervalued aspect of mathematics in the US curriculum. Justication of this claim should start by clarifying, that what is meant here by place value is not what is most commonly understood by this term. Place value in the US is normally considered as a vocabulary issue: in the number 234, the 2 is in the hundreds place, the 3 is in the tens place, and the 4 is in the ones place. However, the essential idea of place value is better represented by the statement: Every number can be expressed as a sum of numbers of a very special kind. (PV1)

(Moreover, this expression is unique: exactly one for each number.) The very special numbers are numbers like 4 and 30 and 200 and 7,000, numbers whose base ten representation has only one non-zero digit, and the usual way of writing a number is a convention for expressing it as a sum of the very special numbers. Thus, the symbol 234 should be understood as standing for a sum: 234 = 200 + 30 + 4. Fine. Why is this useful? A key virtue of place value is that it enables computation (i.e., addition and subtraction, multiplication and division). The fact that the basic arithmetic operations can be e ciently performed by eectively teachable algorithms was the reason that the place value system, which was only introduced into Europe in the late middle ages (around 1200), supplanted the well entrenched system of Roman numerals. Thus, a second key aspect of place value notation is: Computations can be performed e ciently by a) computing with pairs of the very special numbers, then b) combining the results using the Rules of Arithmetic, (aka, properties of the operations). (PV2a)

In fact, it gets better: the precise nature of the very special numbers, in combination with the Rules of Arithmetic, imply that: Computations with pairs of the very special numbers reduce to a) single-digit computations, plus b) order of magnitude considerations. (PV2b)

Thus, by just knowing the addition facts and the multiplication facts, order of magnitude, and the Rules of Arithmetic, one can perform the operations of arithmetic on any whole numbers. Incredible power from such modest knowledge! Explaining why computing with pairs of the very special numbers involves only the addition and multiplication facts requires knowing more about the nature of the very special numbers. First we should know that each very special number is the product of a digit and a base ten unit, which is a very special number whose non-zero digit is a 1. Thus 4=41 30 = 3 10 200 = 2 100 7, 000 = 7 1, 000.

This is enough to get us started with adding. We only try to add two very special numbers when their associated base ten units are the same. We will say that they have the same order of magnitude. Then all we have to do is add the digits. Thus, just as 2 + 3 = 5, we can say that 20 + 30 = 50, and so forth.


200 + 300 = 500,


2, 000 + 3, 000 = 5, 000,

Lying behind this simplicity is the Distributive Rule. 1

For multiplication, we need to understand a little more: we need to know that the base ten units themselves have multiplicative structure. The smallest unit is of course 1, and the next one is 10. The choice of 10 for the rst unit larger than 1 is just that, a choice, but all the larger units are determined by that choice: the base ten units larger than 10 are just repeated products of 10 with itself, a certain number of times. Thus 100 = 10 10 1, 000 = 10 10 10 10, 000 = 10 10 10 10. Very conveniently (an aspect of the rened subtlety of place value notation), the number of zeros in the standard representation for the unit tells you how many factors of 10 are used to make the unit. From this (and (again) using the Associative Rule for Multiplication), we can easily nd the product of any two base ten units. The result is always another base ten unit! For example, 10 10 = 100 10 100 = 1, 000 100 100 = 10, 000 1, 000 1, 000 = 1, 000, 000

and so forth. The rule is, in multiplying two base ten units, the number of zeros in the product is the just the total number of zeros in the two factors. From this, it is an easy matter to multiply any two very special numbers: you multiply the base ten units, and you multiply the digits. Thus, just as 2 3 = 6, we have 2 30 = 60 20 30 = 600 200 300 = 60, 000

etc, etc. Thus, the specic nature of the very special numbers entails that the rules for adding or multiplying them are related in a simple way to the addition and multiplication facts. Then, as stated in (PV2), the Rules of Arithmetic allow computations with any numbers to be performed by appropriate combinations of computations with the very special numbers. The commonly used algorithms of arithmetic provide e cient ways of organizing the necessary steps. A detailed discussion of how (and why!) they work is given in many places. See the references for some examples. The point of this note is to emphasize how the algorithms ow from the simple principles of place value, (PV1) and (PV2). II. Teaching the Principles of Place Value. The discussion above about the nature of the very special numbers can be summarized in a sequence of equalities: 234 (P V 3) = 200 + 30 + 4 = 2 100 + 3 10 + 4 1 = 2 (10 10) + 3 10 + 4 1 = 2 102 + 3 101 + 4 100 . Each of these expressions represents a conceptual advance over the previous one. The second expression, which is often called expanded form, recognizes that base ten notation is shorthand for the decomposition of a number as a sum of the very special numbers. The third expression recognizes the rst stage of the multiplicative structure of the very special numbers: that each is a digit times a base ten unit. The fourth expression recognizes the multiplicative structure of the base ten units: each is a repeated product of 10s. Note that we havent put any parentheses in these products. This is OK because of the Associative Rule for Multiplication. Thanks now to the Commutative Rule for Multiplication, as well as the Associative Rule. The rules above for sum and products of the very special numbers work just as well if the sum or product of the digits is ten or more. E.g., 70 + 50 = 120= 12 10, and 7050 = 3500= 35 100, just as 7+5 = 12 and 75 = 35. However, the result will then not be a very special number, and may have to be decomposed into its very special components for further processing. 2

Finally, the last expression summarizes the structure using the algebraic notation of exponents and powers. It expresses a base ten number as a polynomial in 10, and as such provides a natural link to algebra. This expression captures the reason the place value system is so powerful: it is harnessing all the operations of algebra, simply to write numbers. The elementary mathematics curriculum should be designed to lead students carefully through the stages of understanding represented by the ve expressions (PV3). Beginning with two-digit numbers in rst grade, students should develop the habit of thinking of base ten numbers in terms of expanded form. First graders should become comfortable with the fact that a two digit number is made of some 10s and some 1s, and that they can add and subtract with the 10s and the 1s independently (perhaps nishing with some regrouping). This habit should be reinforced in later grades, and made the basis for understanding computation. Students should learn the third expression when they are introduced to multiplication (following CCSM, in 3rd grade). They should learn the fourth expression in 4th grade, as part of understanding the relationship between the 1 base ten units (each is 10 times the next smaller one, and 10 times the next larger one), and as part of preparation for extending the base ten system from whole numbers to decimal fractions (CCSM grade 5). Finally, the 5th expression should be discussed and worked with when exponential notation is introduced (CCSM 6th grade). The relation of the familiar procedures for multiplication should be related to the Law of Exponents, and especially, the extension to negative exponents (for decimal fractions) should be made explicit (CCSM 8th grade). The last form should be reviewed and related to polynomial algebra when this is studied (in high school according to CCSM). III. The Need for a Name. The reader may be tired of the bland and non-descriptive phrase very special number. The author likes it even less. One of the most telling symptoms of the under appreciation of the principles of place value in the US, is that there is no standard, simple, descriptive name for these numbers in our curricula. Perhaps in an era when the main goal of instruction in arithmetic was to produce eective practitioners, there was no need to discuss the topic from a conceptual point of view, or to make explicit the many incarnations of expanded form. However, we are well beyond that era, and the goals of mathematics instruction are more ambitious now. In mathematics education, conceptual understanding of the more elementary topics is needed to support learning of the more advanced ones. Not having a good name for the key building blocks of the place value system impedes talking about it in conceptual terms, and is a roadblock to teaching and learning of its conceptual structure. We need a good name. References [BT] S. Baldridge and T. Parker, Elementary Mathematics for Teachers, Sefton-Ash Publishing, USA, 2004. [Be] S. Beckmann, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010. [EH] S. Epp and R. Howe, Taking Place Value Seriously, at www.maa.org/PMET/resources/PVHoweEpp-Nov2008.pdf

In [EH], they are called single place numbers. Because the process of rounding numbers involves replacing digits with zeros, perhaps very round number might be a reasonable name, although some may think it lacks dignity. 3

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