Bauxite and Alumina
Bauxite and Alumina
Bauxite and Alumina
United States Australia Brazil China Guinea Guyana India Jamaica Russia Suriname Venezuela Other countries World total (rounded)
World Resources: Bauxite resources are estimated to be 55 to 75 billion tons, located in South America (33%), Africa (27%), Asia (17%), Oceania (13%), and elsewhere (10%). Domestic resources of bauxite are inadequate to meet long-term demand, but the United States and most other major aluminum-producing countries have essentially inexhaustible subeconomic resources of aluminum in materials other than bauxite. Substitutes: Bauxite is the only raw material used in the production of alumina on a commercial scale in the United States. However, the vast U.S. resources of clay are technically feasible sources of alumina. Other domestic raw materials, such as anorthosite, alunite, coal wastes, and oil shales, offer additional potential alumina sources. Although it would require new plants using new technology, alumina from these nonbauxitic materials could satisfy the demand for primary metal, refractories, aluminum chemicals, and abrasives. Synthetic mullite, produced from kyanite and sillimanite, substitutes for bauxite-based refractories. Although more costly, silicon carbide and alumina-zirconia substitute for bauxite-based abrasives.
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Estimated. NA Not available. Zero. See also Aluminum. As a general rule, 4 tons of dried bauxite is required to produce 2 tons of alumina, which, in turn, provides 1 ton of primary aluminum metal. 2 Includes U.S. Virgin Islands. 3 Includes all forms of bauxite, expressed as dry equivalent weights. 4 Calcined equivalent weights. 5 The sum of U.S. bauxite production and net import reliance. 6 Defined as imports - exports + adjustments for Government and industry stock changes (all in aluminum equivalents). Treated as separate commodities, the net import reliance equaled 100% for bauxite and 30% for alumina in 2002. For the years 1998-2001, the net import reliance was 100% for bauxite and ranged from 29% to 36% for alumina. 7 Aluminum equivalents. 8 See Appendix B for definitions. 9 Defense Logistics Agency, 2002, FY 2003 Annual Materials Plan announced: Fort Belvoir, VA, Defense Logistics Agency news release, October 1, 2 p. 10 See Appendix C for definitions.