Myb1 2015 Cobal
Myb1 2015 Cobal
Myb1 2015 Cobal
In 2015, world production of refined cobalt increased by annual materials plan for fiscal year 2016 (October 1, 2015,
5% to reach a record level of 97,400 metric tons (t) (table 9). through September 30, 2016), which represented the maximum
A large increase in production from China more than balanced amounts of materials that could be bought or sold during the
out significant decreases in production from Canada, Finland, year, provided for acquisitions of 300 kg, gross weight, of LCO
and Zambia. The United States did not refine cobalt in 2015. and 1,080 kg, gross weight, of NCA. Calendar yearend NDS
World mine production increased by 3% to reach a record inventories of cobalt materials are listed in table 1. The cobalt
level of 126,000 t (table 8). Congo (Kinshasa) remained the content of battery precursor material inventories was estimated
leading producer of mined cobalt, supplying one-half of world as 60% of gross weight for LCO and 9% of gross weight for
production, followed by China, Canada, Russia, and Australia. NCA (Defense Logistics Agency Strategic Materials, 2015;
Cobalt was mined in the United States as a byproduct of nickel U.S. Department of Defense, 2016, p. 10, 35).
and copper in Michigan, and a negligible amount of byproduct
cobalt was produced in an intermediate product from the mining Production
and refining of platinum-group-metals (PGM) ore in Montana.
Lundin Mining Corp. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) produced
No cobalt has been sold from the National Defense Stockpile
copper and nickel concentrates from the Eagle nickel-copper
(NDS) since 2009.
mine northwest of Marquette, MI, and mill in Humboldt
According to the Cobalt Development Institute (2016a),
Township. In 2015, Eagle produced nickel concentrate
preliminary data indicate that in 2015, world apparent
containing 27,167 t of nickel and an estimated 760 t of cobalt,
consumption of cobalt increased by about 7,000 t, or about
based on reported quarterly nickel production and ore grades
8%, to approximately 89,000 t. Cobalt prices generally trended
and a forecast of annual cobalt ore grade from the production
downward during the year, resulting in annual averages less
schedule. The concentrate was sent by rail to smelters in North
than those of 2014. Salient U.S. and world cobalt statistics for
America or to ports for shipment overseas (Lundin Mining
201115 are listed in table 1.
Corp., 2016a, p. 24; 2016b, p. 19).
Cobalt is a metal used in numerous diverse commercial,
Stillwater Mining Co.s PGM mining and refining operations
industrial, and military applications. Globally, the leading use
in southeastern Montana produced negligible amounts of cobalt
of cobalt is in rechargeable battery electrodes. Superalloys,
in nickel sulfate, which it sold to other companies (Stillwater
which are used to make parts for gas turbine engines, are another
Mining Co., 2016, p. 20).
major use for cobalt. Other metallurgical uses for cobalt include
In November, the final environmental impact statement
cemented carbides (also called hardmetals) and diamond tools,
(EIS) was completed for PolyMet Mining Corp.s NorthMet
controlled-expansion and corrosion- and wear-resistant alloys,
project and the U.S. Forest Service issued a draft record of
high-speed and maraging steels, and magnets. With regard to
decision on a land exchange for the project. In early 2016, the
other chemical uses, cobalt is used to make animal feed additives;
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources validated the EIS
catalysts for chemical, petroleum, and other industries; drying
and Polymet shifted its focus towards permitting. Phase 1 of the
agents for inks, paints, and varnishes; dyes and pigments; glass
project comprised open pit mining of the NorthMet polymetallic
decolorizers; ground coats for porcelain enamels; humidity
deposit in the Duluth Complex of northeastern Minnesota and
indicators; magnetic recording media; rubber adhesion promoters
production of copper and nickel concentrates. Polymet expected
for steel-belted radial tires; and vitamin B12.
construction and rampup to commercial production to take about
Legislation and Government Programs 24 months after receiving the permits (table 7) (PolyMet Mining
Corp., 2016, p. 1415).
Defense Logistics Agency Strategic Materials (DLA Formation Metals Inc.s environmentally permitted Idaho
Strategic Materials), U.S. Department of Defense, did not sell Cobalt project comprised an underground cobalt-copper-gold
or ship cobalt during 2015. The program under which cobalt mine and mill complex in the Idaho Cobalt Belt in Lemhi
metal sales were authorized expired in 2011 and had not been County and a hydrometallurgical plant to refine the concentrates
reauthorized. DLA Strategic Materials had a contract with a in a location to be determined. During the year, Formation
domestic producer to supply the agency with cobalt-bearing completed a preliminary economic analysis on a process
lithium-ion battery precursor materials. During the calendar to produce an average of approximately 1,260 metric tons
year, DLA Strategic Materials purchased 150 kilograms (kg), per year (t/yr) of cobalt in sulfate for the battery sector and
gross weight, of lithium-cobalt oxide (LCO) and 610 kg, gross began bench-scale test production of crystalline cobalt sulfate
weight, of lithium-nickel-cobalt-aluminum oxide (NCA). The from the projects ore. The company planned to complete
a definitive feasibility study, secure offtake and other sale
agreements, and seek strategic partnerships to develop the
U.S. reported consumption of cobalt in 2015 was 3% more Net import reliance as a percentage of apparent consumption
than that of 2014. Metallurgical industries used slightly less is one measure of the adequacy of current domestic production
cobalt than they did in 2014, and cobalt consumption for to meet U.S. demand. Net import reliance is defined as imports
chemical uses was 16% more than that of 2014. Reported minus exports plus adjustments for Government and industry
consumption statistics were derived by the USGS from stock changes. Releases from stocks, including shipments from
voluntary surveys of U.S. operations. Most of the cobalt the NDS, were counted as part of import reliance, regardless
chemical-use data were obtained from the cobalt processors of whether they were originally imported or produced in the
survey. A second survey covered a broad range of metal- United States. In 2015, net import reliance as a percentage of
consuming companies, such as cemented carbide, magnetic apparent consumption was 73%. Because U.S. cobalt mine
alloy, and superalloy producers. For this survey, more than production was exported to be refined, this indicates that 73%
50 cobalt consumers were canvassed on a monthly or annual of U.S. cobalt supply was from imports and stock releases of
basis. Reported consumption and stocks data in tables 1 and 2 refined cobalt and 27% was from domestic or imported scrap.
include estimates to account for nonrespondents. In 2015, the United States imported 11,400 t of cobalt
U.S. apparent consumption for 2015, as calculated from net contained in metal and chemical compounds, valued at
imports, consumption from purchased scrap, and changes in $334 million, essentially unchanged from the revised quantity
Government and industry stocks, was 18% more than that in of contained cobalt imported in 2014 (tables 3, 4). On the basis
2014 (table 1). The increase was a result of increases in net of cobalt content, 11 countries supplied 89% of U.S. imports.
imports and scrap consumption and a drawdown of industry China was the leading supplier, followed by Norway, Japan,
stocks in 2015 compared to those in 2014. Finland, Madagascar, Russia, Australia, South Africa, the
United Kingdom, Morocco, and Belgium. The United States
Prices also imported unwrought cobalt alloys (1,250 t, gross weight,
valued at $39.7 million), cobalt waste and scrap (812 t, gross
The annual average U.S. spot price for cathode (minimum
weight, valued at $12.1 million), and wrought cobalt and cobalt
of 99.8% cobalt), as reported by Platts Metals Week, was 7%
articles (211 t, gross weight, valued at $21.8 million).
less than that of 2014 (table 1). The overall price trend was
U.S. exports of unwrought cobalt and cobalt contained in
downward, although prices fluctuated during the year. The
chemicals were 3,830 t, valued at $91.1 million; 15% less by
highest price range was $13.90 to $15.50 per pound during
tablE 1
SalIENt Cobalt StatIStICS1
2014 2015
Consumption by end use:
Steels and other alloys, excludes superalloys3 1,510 1,390
Superalloys 3,930 3,960
Cemented carbides4 783 726
Chemical and ceramic uses 2,330 2,710
total 8,560 8,780
Consumption by form:
Chemical compounds, organic and inorganic5 2,190 2,060
Metal 4,170 3,980
Purchased scrap 2,200 2,750
total 8,560 8,780
Stocks, December 31:6
Chemical compounds, organic and inorganic5 512 r 475
Metal W W
Purchased scrap W W
total 1,160 r 1,080
Revised. W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; included
in total.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to
totals shown.
Includes estimates.
Includes magnetic alloys, nonferrous alloys, welding materials, wear-resistant
alloys, and other metallic uses not listed.
Includes diamond tool matrices, cemented and sintered carbides, and cast
carbide dies or parts.
Includes oxides.
Stocks held by cobalt processors and consumers.
2014 2015
Gross weight Cobalt content2 Value Gross weight Cobalt content2 Value
Form (metric tons) (metric tons) (thousands) (metric tons) (metric tons) (thousands)
Metal3 9,000 r
9,000 r
$269,000 r 9,290 9,290 $267,000
r r
Oxides and hydroxides 2,400 1,730 57,200 r 1,750 1,260 40,200
acetates 239 57 1,880 138 33 1,130
Carbonates 556 256 9,460 783 360 13,800
Chlorides 15 4 157 r 16 4 157
Sulfates 1,020 276 7,960 1,690 458 11,200
total 13,200 r 11,300 r 346,000 r 13,700 11,400 334,000
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Estimated from gross weight.
Unwrought cobalt, excluding alloys and waste and scrap.
United Kingdom 23 23 1,010 1,040 749 23,700 144 46 1,870 1,210 818 26,600
Zambia 634 634 17,300 -- -- -- -- -- -- 634 634 17,300
other 6 6 281 r 10 7 195 22 7 212 39 20 688
total 9,000 r 9,000 r 269,000 r 2,400 r 1,730 r 57,200 r 1,830 593 19,500 13,200 r 11,300 r 346,000 r
australia 600 600 16,100 -- -- -- -- -- -- 600 600 16,100
belgium 22 22 799 563 406 13,300 94 25 727 679 453 14,800
brazil 211 211 5,780 -- -- -- 63 19 802 274 230 6,580
Canada 384 384 14,000 (6) (6) 3 3 1 17 388 385 14,000
China 1,470 1,470 43,800 315 227 7,100 732 242 7,890 2,520 1,940 58,800
Finland 528 528 17,100 317 228 7,210 1,110 379 12,100 1,950 1,130 36,400
France 26 26 1,210 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 26 1,210
Germany 81 81 5,060 (6) (6) 19 4 1 32 86 83 5,120
India (6) (6) 7 -- -- -- 135 36 886 135 37 894
Italy 8 8 293 (6) (6) 8 17 5 113 25 13 414
Japan 1,190 1,190 32,800 (6) (6) 4 1 (6) 17 1,190 1,190 32,900
Korea, Republic of 2 2 81 20 14 272 -- -- -- 21 16 353
Madagascar 840 840 24,300 -- -- -- -- -- -- 840 840 24,300
Morocco 472 472 12,900 -- -- -- -- -- -- 472 472 12,900
Norway 1,730 1,730 48,900 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,730 1,730 48,900
Peru -- -- -- -- -- -- 237 66 596 237 66 596
Russia 830 830 23,700 -- -- -- 18 5 106 848 835 23,800
South africa 501 501 8,870 -- -- -- -- -- -- 501 501 8,870
Sweden 15 15 854 -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 15 854
Uganda 26 26 674 -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 26 674
United Kingdom 37 37 1,430 535 385 12,200 203 71 2,810 775 493 16,500
Zambia 308 308 7,940 -- -- -- -- -- -- 308 308 7,940
other 16 16 480 -- -- -- 19 5 190 35 21 671
total 9,290 9,290 267,000 1,750 1,260 40,200 2,630 855 26,300 13,700 11,400 334,000
Revised. -- Zero.
Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Unwrought cobalt, excluding alloys and waste and scrap; includes cobalt cathode and cobalt metal powder; may include intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy.
Includes cobalt acetates, cobalt carbonates, cobalt chlorides, and cobalt sulfates.
Estimated from gross weight.
Customs value.
less than unit.
Country Capacity
australia 6,700
belgium 1,500
brazil 3,000
Canada 6,520
China 50,000
Congo (Kinshasa) 9,050
Finland 13,000
France 500
India 2,060
Japan 4,500
Madagascar 5,600
Morocco 2,250
Norway 5,200
Russia 10,000
South africa 1,500
Uganda 720
Zambia 9,600
total 132,000
Data are rounded to no more than three significant
digits; may not add to total shown.
Includes standby capacity. Refinery products include
cobalt metal, metal powders, oxides, and (or) salts.
Projected (metric
year of first Principal tons, cobalt
production Country Project and company Project type metal ore/feed type content) Cobalt product
2016 australia Nova Nickel new mine and nickel nickel-copper sulfide 1,000 Cobalt in nickel
Indepence Group NL beneficiation plant ore concentrate.
2016 Congo Etoile Leach SXEW3 plant new refinery copper copper-cobalt 3,800 Cobalt hydroxide.
(Kinshasa) Chemaf SPRL tailings
2016r Mexico El boleo new mine and refinery do. copper-cobalt-zinc- 1,700 Cobalt cathode.
Minera y Metalrgica del manganese oxide
Boleo, S.A.P.I. de C.V. and sulfide ore
(Korean Consortium4 and
baja Mining Corp.)
2016r Uganda Kilembe reopen former mine do. copper-cobalt ore Na Cobaltic-pyrite
Tibet Hima Industry Co. Ltd. tailings.
2016 Zambia High Grade Cobalt Matte adapt existing smelter cobalt high-grade cobalt 475 Na.
Metallurgy matte
Chambishi Copper Smelter
ltd. (China Nonferrous
Mining Corp. ltd. and
Yunnan Copper Industry
Group Co. Ltd.) and
Hunan Shijiyintianxinye
technology Co., ltd.
2016 Do. Munali nickel mine restart production from nickel nickel-copper-cobalt- 160 Cobalt in nickel
Consolidated Nickel Mines plc existing mine platinum-group concentrate.
metals sulfide ore
2016r Do. Synclinorium expansion of existing copper copper-cobalt ore Na Copper-cobalt ore.
Mopani Copper Mines Plc mine
(Glencore plc, First Quantum
Minerals ltd., and ZCCM
Investment Holdings Plc)
e, 6
2017e australia Rocklands Group Copper, new mine and do. copper-cobalt-gold 600 Cobaltic-pyrite
stage 1 beneficiation plant oxide and sulfide concentrate.
CuDeco ltd. ore
2017 Canada NICo new mine, relocated gold gold-cobalt-bismuth- 1,860 Cobalt sulfate and
Fortune Minerals Ltd. and refurbished copper ore other cobalt
beneficiation plant, salts.
and refinery
2017 Congo COMMUS (Kolwezi Copper new mine copper copper-cobalt ore Na Na.
(Kinshasa) Mine)
la Compagnie Miniere de
Musonoie Global SAS [Jin
Cheng Mining ltd. (Zijin
Mining Group Co., Ltd.), La
Gnrale des Carrires et des
Mines SARL (Gcamines),
and Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt
Co., ltd.]
2017e Turkey Caldag mine, atmospheric tank nickel nickel-cobalt laterite 900 Cobalt cathode.
Caldag Nikel Madencilik leach processing ore
San. ve Tic A. . plant, and refinery
2018e australia Esperance Nickel Sulphate Plant new refinery do. nickel-cobalt 100 Cobalt carbonate.
Alpha Fine Chemicals Ltd. hydroxide
See footnotes at end of table.
Projected (metric
year of first Principal tons, cobalt
production Country Project and company Project type metal ore/feed type content) Cobalt product
2018 Congo SXEW3 copper smelter near new refinery copper copper-cobalt oxide Na Cobalt hydroxide.
(Kinshasa) Kolwezi ore
Chinalco Yunnan Copper
Resources ltd.
2018e Do. Metalkol RTR [Roan Tailings do. do. copper-cobalt tailings 14,000 Do.
Reclamation (formerly
Kolwezi tailings)], phase 1
Eurasian Resources Group, La
Gnrale des Carrires et des
Mines SARL (Gcamines),
and Government of Congo
2018e Do. Project Minier, stage 2 expansion of new mine do. copper-cobalt ore 4,600 Do.
La Sino-Congolaise des and beneficiation
Mines S.a. (Sicomines) plant; add new
[China Railway Group Ltd., processing plant
La Gnrale des Carrires
et des Mines SaRl
(Gcamines), Sinohydro
Corp., and Zhejiang Huayou
Cobalt Co., Ltd.]
2018r, e United States Idaho Cobalt new mine and refinery cobalt stratiform cobalt- 1,260 Cobalt sulfate.
(Idaho) Formation Metals Inc. copper-gold ore
2018 Zambia Chambishi Southeast Mine new mine copper copper-cobalt ore Na Copper-cobalt
NFC Africa Mining Plc (China concentrate.
Nonferrous Mining Corp. ltd.
and ZCCM Investment
Holdings Plc)
2019r United States NorthMet, phase 1 new mine and do. copper-nickel- 360 Cobalt in nickel
(Minnesota) PolyMet Mining Corp. beneficiation plant platinum-group concentrate.
metals sulfide ore
Estimated. rRevised. Do., do. Ditto. NA Not available.
Estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits.
Projects in feasibility or later stages of development in 2015. Actual startup dates may be postponed owing to economic or other factors. Additional
projects might produce cobalt by 2020, but not enough information was available to include them.
SXEW solvent extractionelectrowinning.
The Korean consortium comprises the following companies: Korea Resources Corp., L.S. Nikko Copper Inc., Hyundai Hysco Co. Ltd., SK Networks Co. Ltd.,
and Iljin Copper Foil Co. Ltd.
the consortium comprises the following companies: Chinalco luoyang Copper (aluminum Corp. of China ltd.), Dongfang Electric Corp., Shanghai
Baosteel Group Corp., Tibet Hima Industry Co. Ltd., and Yunnan Copper Industry Co. Ltd.
average production.
r, p
brazil 3,623 2,900 3,500 3,828 3,800
Canada7 6,836 6,676 7,168 6,907 r
6,904 p, 6
e r
China 6,800 7,500 7,200 7,700 7,700
Congo (Kinshasa)e, 8 59,000 52,000 r
56,000 61,000 r
Cubae, 9 5,100 4,900 4,200 3,700 4,300
Finland 500 635 750 770 440
e, 10
Indonesia 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,300 1,300
Madagascare, 11 500 630 2,200 3,100 3,700
e, 12 r
Morocco 2,160 2,000 2,000 2,150 2,600
e, 13
New Caledonia 3,100 2,670 3,190 4,040 3,680
Papua New Guinea14 -- 469 1,013 2,134 2,505 6
e, 15 r
Philippines 2,000 2,700 2,800 4,600 4,300
Russiae, 16 6,100 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,200
South africae 1,600 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000
United Statese, 16, 17 -- -- -- 120 760
e 6
Vietnam -- -- 25 223 277
18 r, e
Zambia 7,702 5,435 5,919 4,600 4,600
Zimbabwe19 174 195 319 358 360
e r r
total 111,000 105,000 114,000 122,000 126,000
Estimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
Totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
Includes data available through May 24, 2017. Figures represent recoverable cobalt content of ores, concentrates, or intermediate
products from cobalt, copper, nickel, platinum, or zinc operations.
In addition to the countries listed, Spain and Turkey are known to produce ores that contain cobalt, but information is inadequate
to make reliable estimates of production. Poland produced copper ore containing 1,500 to 5,000 metric tons per year of cobalt,
which was not recovered. Other copper-, nickel-, platinum-, or zinc-producing nations may also produce ores containing cobalt
as a byproduct component, but recovery is small or nil.
Cobalt content of lateritic nickel ore and nickel concentrate reported by the government of Western Australia.
Reported cobalt content of pelletized nickel-copper matte.
Reported figure.
Assay content of cobalt in concentrates produced.
Cobalt content of concentrates, tailings, and slags.
Determined from reported cobalt content of nickel-cobalt sulfide production and estimated cobalt content of ammoniacal
liquor production.
Cobalt content of nickel matte plus estimated cobalt in lateritic ore processed in Australia.
Data for 201215 are estimated cobalt content of reported mixed sulfide production.
Cobalt content of concentrate estimated from reported gross weight.
Cobalt contained in the following materials: cobalt chloride produced in France from New Caledonian matte, cobalt carbonate
and nickel hydroxide produced in New Caledonia, and lateritic nickel ore exported to Australia.
Cobalt content of nickel-cobalt hydroxide.
Cobalt contained in the following materials: nickel-cobalt sulfide produced in the Philippines and lateritic nickel ore exported
to australia.
Cobalt content of concentrates.
Negligible production prior to 2014.
Data for 201113 were reported by the Bank of Zambia.
Data for 201114 were reported by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency.