The Mineral History of Italy
The Mineral History of Italy
The Mineral History of Italy
By Harold R. Newman
With the exception of industrial minerals, Italy has few The Government is continuing to examine its 2000-to-
natural resources. Deposits of coal, iron, and petroleum are 2004 incentive program to foster the use of environment-
not substantial. Estimates of natural gas reserves, which are friendly vehicles. The Government is providing funds to local
located mainly in the Po Valley and offshore Adriatic Sea, governments of cities of more than 150,000 people for the
have increased in recent years, and the reserves constitute an purchase of natural gas-powered vehicles to reduce emissions
important mineral resource (Wikipedia Co., 2002§1). (Scmuckal, 2002§).
Italy has been a significant processor of imported raw
materials and a significant consumer and exporter of mineral Production
and semimanufactured and finished metal products. Italy was
a significant producer of dimension stone, feldspar, marble, Among the metallic ores, lead, silver, and zinc were mined;
and pumice. In terms of world production, the country was a the outputs of these ores, however, were not significant. Gold
significant producer of cement and crude steel. was produced by one company (table 1).
The country has a surface area of 301,000 square kilometers. Industrial mineral production, which included construction
In 2002, the gross domestic product (GDP) in purchasing power materials, was the most important sector with overall output
parity was $1,510 billion, and GDP per capital income was remaining about the same as that of 2001 (table 1). Domestic
$26,266. The unemployment rate was 9 percent (International production of natural gas and petroleum continued as in 2002.
Monetary Fund, 2004§). Indices of production are listed in table 2.
Private and public companies owned facilities for the mining
Government Policies and Programs and processing of minerals and mineral products. Some
enterprises were under State control for such economic reasons
Italy was one of the 11 founding members of the European as to maintain employment (table 3).
Economic and Monetary Union and was the world’s sixth largest
economy in 2002. The Government has traditionally played a Commodity Review
dominant role in the economy through regulation of ownership
of large industrial and financial companies. Privatization and Metals
regulatory reform since 1994 have reduced that presence. The
Government, however, has retained a potentially blocking Bauxite and Alumina.—Euroallumina S.p.A. was an
“golden share” in all the industrial companies that have been international joint venture that operated a plant that produces
privatized thus far (U.S. Department of State, 2002, p. 6). alumina from bauxite by using the Bayer process; the plant was
located at Portoscuso in the Sulcis Iglesiente region of Sardina.
Environmental Issues In 2002, Eurallumina operated at close to its capacity of 1 million
metric tons per year (Mt/yr) for Cominco Ltd. (56.2%) and
Italy focused on three main areas—air pollution, water Glencore AG (43.8%), which were the joint-venture participants
pollution, and environmental laws. The primary source of air that took the product in proportion to their shares in the
pollution in Italy is gasoline-powered motor vehicles. Italy consortium. The bauxite feed material was supplied by Comalco’s
has one of the highest per-capita levels of car ownership in the Wiepa Mine in Australia (Eurallumina S.p.A., 2002§).
world. The Government has taken steps to reduce vehicle traffic
Copper.—The largest producer of refined copper in Italy
by offering a “car-free” Sunday. The first Sunday this was
SIMAR S.p.A. accounted for about one-half of Italy’s copper
offered, the benzene levels in the air in Milan dropped by 40%
output. Italy’s refined copper production was reflected in the
(Scmuckal, 2002§).
availability and cost of scrap material. Copper mines in Italy
Preventing water pollution has been difficult owing to severe
were not significant, and imports of ore were small.
incidents like the spill of pollutants in the Adriatic Sea. Law 36,
which consolidates management of the water cycle (fresh water Gold.—Gold Mines of Sardinia Ltd. (GMS), which was
supply and wastewater treatment), has been implemented. It a joint venture of Gold Mines of Sardinia Ltd. (70%) and
restructured the regional management of water resources and Progemisa S.p.A. (30%), operated the Furtei Mine, which is
allows local governments to set user charges (Scmuckal, 2002§). located north of Cagliari. Furtei was the first gold mine of GMS
and the first gold mine in Italy.
Exploration results during 2002 included a major review of
References that include a section mark (§) are found in the Internet
References Cited section.
exploration data at Furtei and two geophysical surveys designed
Geothermal Energy.—Geothermal energy was produced in Metal Bulletin, 2002, Ferrero deal consolidates Beltrame’s position as Europe’s
the Larderello, Monte Amiata, and Travale areas in Tuscany. top merchant bar producer: Metal Bulletin, no. 8644, January 28, p. 3.
U.S. Department of State, 2002, Italy—2001 country report on economic policy
Exploration that used various geologic techniques have been and trade practices: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Economic and
actively pursued in these areas and research for power stations Business Affairs, February, 21 p.
that exploit geothermal energy. World Cement Review, 2003, Dual fuel: World Cement Review, v. 34, no. 4,
April, p. 91.
Natural Gas and Petroleum.—BG Italia S.p.A, Edison
S.p.A, and Ente Nazional Idrocorburi (ENI) announced that they Internet References Cited
had discovered a significant deposit of natural gas after drilling
the Panda 1 exploration well. ENI reported that production tests Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 2002a (October), Italy-Greece
interconnector launched, accessed December 27, 2002, at URL
indicated gas reserves that ranged from about 9 billion to 12
billion cubic meters with a possibility of 24 billion to 30 billion Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 2002b (May), Italy has the most expensive
cubic meters of reserves after additional drilling. This would wind power in Europe, accessed May 6, 2002, at URL
make the deposit one of the largest natural gas fields in Italy. goc/news/nte21547.htm.
Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 2002c (May), New gas discovery in Sicily
The partners were conducting seismic activities and planned Channel, accessed May 6, 2002, at URL http;//
to drill a second exploration well (Alexander’s Gas & Oil discover/dix21818.htm.
Connections, 2002b§). Eurallumina S.p.A., 2002, The company, accessed September 15, 2003, at URL
Renewable Energy.—Wind generation was gaining Gold Mines of Sardinia plc, 2003, Gold Mines of Sardinia plc—Exploration
2002, accessed August 22, 2003, at URL
importance in European power markets as a number of countries htm.
began to invest in the technology. Italy had the most expensive International Monetary Fund, 2004, World economic outlook database, accessed
wind power in the EU. Italian wind power cost a minimum of May 27, 2004, at URL
$0.14 per kilowatt hour (kWh). Germany was the second most dbcoutm.cfm.
Italcementi Group, 2002a (September), High speed rail link, accessed
expensive, at a minimum of $0.13 per kWh, and Ireland had July15, 2002, at URL
the least expensive costs at a minimum price of $0.04 per kWh ar2002/ITC_Buzzi_calcestruzzo_eng.pdf.
(Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 2002c§). Italcementi Group, 2002b, Profile of Italcementi Group in Italy, accessed
Despite increasing domestic production of crude oil, Italy was July 15, 2002, at URL
Minesite, 2002 (May 2), Gold Mines of Sardinia expects to start drilling in joint
less than 20% self-sufficient in energy. Italy’s oilfields are in venture with Barrick, accessed December 16, 2002, at URL http://www.
the north of the country, onshore and offshore along the Adriatic
Sea, and onshore and offshore Sicily. Production from two Pumex S.p.a., 2002, The role of a leader, accessed January 30, 2003, at URL
large fields, Aquila and Villafortuna, declined in recent years. uk/home.html.
Scmuckal, Kelly, 2002 (June), Italy’s environmental struggle, accessed
Italy’s largest integrated oil company ENI was in the process July 30, 2003, at URL
of developing a 600-million-barrel-equivalent oil field at Val Ppr1-211-01/schmuckal.htm.
d’Agri in the southern Appennine region. This was considered U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2003 (March), Italy, Country Analysis
to be Europe’s most promising onshore development area (U.S. Brief, accessed August 29, 2003, at URL
Energy Information Administration, 2003§). Wikipedia Co., 2002, Economy of Italy, accessed September 24, 2002, at URL
Major Sources of Information
Mining of metallic ores is expected to remain at its low levels
because of ore depletion and will eventually cease altogether. Associazione Mineraria Italiana
The metals-processing industry, which is based primarily on Via delle Madonne, 20
imported raw materials, is expected to continue to play an 00197 Rome, Italy
important role in Italy’s economy. Italy is expected to remain Ministero dell’Industria del Commercio e dell’Artigianato
a large producer of crude steel and a significant producer of Direzione Generale delle Minire
secondary aluminum in the EU. Via Molise, 2
The industrial minerals quarrying industry and preparation 00184 Rome, Italy
plants are expected to remain significant, especially in the
production of barite, cement, clays, fluorspar, marble, and talc.
Estimated; estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to total shown. rRevised. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through September 2003.
Reported figure.
Antimony content is 83% of gross weight.
Does not include production from Sardinia and Sicily, which was estimated to be 200,000 metric tons per year.
Output of limestone and serpentine for dimension stone is included with "Stone: Crushed and broken." In addition to the commodities listed, a variety of other
dimension stone was produced and previously listed, but available general information was inadequate for continued reliable estimates of output levels
(1995 = 100)
Source: United Nations, 2003, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, v. LVII, no. 984, June, p. 16.