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The Infinitive

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Forms of the Infinitve

Present Pres.Cont Perfect Perf.Cont Active Voice (to) play (to) be playing (to) have played (to) have been played Passive Voice (to) be played

Forms of the ing form

Active Voice playing -having played -Passive Voice being played --having been played ---

(to) have been played

*Passive Present Continous and Perfect Continous Infinitives are rarely used.

FORMS OF THE INFINIVE CORRESPONDING TO VERB TENSES Verb tenses Present Simple/Future simple she cleans/she will clean Present Continous/Future Continous she is cleaning/ she will be cleaning Past Simple/Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Future Perfect she cleaned/she has cleaned/she had cleaned/she will have cleaned Past Continuous/Present Perfect Continuous/Past Perfect Continuous/ Future Perfect Continuous she was cleaning/she has been cleaning/she will have been cleaning Forms of the Infinitive Present (to clean) Present Continous (to) be cleaning Perfect (to) have cleaned

Perfect Continuous (to) have been cleaning

The to-infinitive is used

to express purpose. You should take a few days off to recover. after certain verbs (agree, appear , decide, expect, hope , plan , promise , refuse etc) He agreed to meed us tonight.

The ing form is used

as a noun. Smoking is harmful. after certain verbs (admit, anticipate, appreciate , avoid, consider, continue , delay, deny, discuss , enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy,

after certain adjectives( happy,glad , sorry etc) I was sorry to hear about your accident.

finish , forgive, go ( pshical activities) , imagine, involve, keep (= continue), mention , mind , miss, object to , postpone , practise , prevent, quit , recall , recollect , report , after I would like/would love/would prefer to resent , resist , risk , save ,stand , suggest, express specific preference. tolerate , undersand etc) Id love to visit India. They have postponed moving house till next week. after certain nouns after: dislike , enjoy, hate , like , love , prefer , Its such a pleasure to be with you. to expres general preference. after too/enough constructions I like swimming. (in general) Its too early to leave the party. *Note: like + to-inf = its a good idea Hes rich enough to afford a Porsche. I like to help people. Theres enought food to go round. with: it + be + adjective( + of + noun/ after: Im busy , its no use, its (no) good , its pronoun) (not) worth, whats the use of , cant help, It was unkind of her to say that. theres no point (in), cant stand. have with: so + adjective + as. difficulty (in) , in addition to , as well as , have Would you be so kind as to pass the sauce? trouble , have a hard/difficult time. Theres no point in arguing. Whats the use of crying? It was your fault. with only to express an unsatisfactory after: spend/waste (time , money etc) result. You waste to much time watching TV. He won in the lottery only to lose at the casino. after prepositions. He becom

after: be + the first/second etc/ next/ last / best etc. She was the first to congratulate him. in the expression: for + noun/ pronoun + to inf. For John to lend you his car was very unsual. in expressions such as: to tell you the truth, to begin with , to be honest etc. To be honest, I didn;t know how to react. Note: If two infinitives are joined by and or or, the to of the second infinitive can be omitted. Id prefer to go to a disco and dance or talk to

my friends.

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