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Abstract:: A Novel Edge Detection Technique For Color Images

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A Novel Edge Detection Technique for Color Images

Sharada Mani1, G. SyamPrasad2, O.Rama Devi3, C.Naga Raju4


Professor & HOD in CSE Dept , S.S.N College of Engineering& Technology, Ongol. 2 Professor in CSE Dept,Mettapalli College of Engineering , Guntur. 3 Asst.Professor in IT Dept, L.B.R. College of Engineering, 4 Professor & HOD in IT Dept, L.B.R. College of Engineering,

Abstract: In this paper a novel Color image real edge detection algorithm is proposed using simple Circular Shifting that manipulate entire image at a time rather than template based. In this approach, as a pre-processing step, real complement of each channel is taken and The circular shift operations are applied in all directions to identify the edge pixels on resultant image of first stage. This process is computationally attractive, since the underlying operations at an edge point effectively reduce to shift and subtraction. This algorithm uses the novel idea of Circular Shifting for getting accuracy in one pixel thick Strong Real edges of color images. The proposed procedure is tested with HSV, YCbCr color spaces and standard images as well as real world images. As can be seen from experimental analysis, the method we proposed is simple and has better performance in color image real edge detection by ignoring the background. Compare to other color edge detectors.
Keywords: Color image, Edge detection, Pre-processing, Circular Shifting, Real Edges.

1. Introduction
Edge detection is a vital step in image processing and is one of the most crucial steps towards classification and Recognition of objects. Color plays a crucial role in image analysis and recognition. A color image will have a vector of three values for every pixel unlike in gray images where a single value representing the intensity of a pixel. Human vision system chooses color rather than shapes and texture as the major discriminate attribute. Many algorithms have been proposed for edge detection of color images. Of all the edge detectors, Sobel is the standard detector and Canny [6] is the modern standard and is used by researchers to compare their results with the results of Canny detector. Novak and Shafer [7] found that 90% of the edges are about the same in gray level and in color images. It implies that 10% of the edges are left over in gray level images. Since color images give more information than gray-level images, this 10% left over edges may be extracted from color images. In general, to extract edges from the images either gradient based methods [3] or vector based methods are used. The real complement approach is taking as a pre-processing step for real edge detection [8]. This complement acts like a low pass filter and highlights the weak intensity pixels. The nature of the complement process is that it reduces the gray intensity distribution to 50% i.e., a gray level image having the intensities in the range 0-255 will be reduced to the intensities of the range 0-128 thereby the weak intensity pixels will be highlighted. In a new method real complement approach has been introduced. This real edge gives efficient edge information without discontinuities. To achieve this, we are using different shift operations [9]. In the proposed method, we have used the complement approach as a pre-processing step. Initially, the algorithm is tested on RGB images, where in each channel is separately processed by the complement operation followed by matrix shifting operations. The proposed algorithm is further tested on HSV and YUV color spaces also. In addition, the algorithm is tested on both standard and real images and the results are compared with the results of the other methods. All the procedures used in the algorithm runs in polynomial time. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, various color spaces and their inter conversion is introduced. In sections III and IV, Real-complement approach and Circular shift operations are discussed respectively. The proposed methodology is presented in Section V and the experimental results are presented in Section VI. Section VII concludes the work.

2. Color Spaces
A color space relates to number of actual colors, and is a three dimensional object which contains all realizable color combinations. Color spaces can be either dependent to or independent of a given device. Device-dependent spaces express color relative to some other color space whereas independent color spaces express color in absolute terms. Each dimension in color space represents
Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Application, Jan. 2010


some aspect of color, such as lightness, saturation or hue, depending on the type of space. A. RGB Model An RGB color space is any additive color space based on RGB color model. A particular RGB color space is defined by the three chromaticitys of red, green and blue additive primaries. RGB is a convenient color model for computer graphics because the human visual system works similar to an RGB color space. B. HSL and HSV Model HSL and HSV are two related representations of points in RGB color space which attempt to describe the perceptual color relationships more accurately than RGB. HSL stands for hue, saturation and lightness. HSV stands for hue, saturation and value. C. YUV Model YUV model defines a color space in one luminance (Y) and two chrominance (UV) components. YUV models human perception of color in a different way from the standard RGB model. Y stands for luminance (brightness) component and UV stands for the chrominance (color) components. The transformation from RGB into YUV is given by Since the luminance and chrominance components are separate, the YUV space is vigorously used to broadcast video systems and hence it is also used in image and video processing.

3. Real Complement Approach

The Real complement approach works like a low-pass filter strongly attenuating the lower image frequencies. This method is based on image complement and hence the name, Real complement. The method is inexpensive due to its simple arithmetic operations. The steps involved are as follows. Step-1: Read the given image (i). Step-2: Obtain the complement of the image. (ic). Step-3: Do image differencing. (i1=i-ic). Step-4: Perform global threshold ding on i1 to get binary image (i2). Step-5: Obtain the real complement of the image by image differencing between i and i2.(i3=i-i2). The third step in real Complement approach is the subtracting the complement of the input image from the given input image. Let i be the given image and ic be its complement. This image subtraction makes the background uniform depending on the intensity of the background pixels of the image. For illustration, they categorized the images into three cases based on the background information. The categorization is (i) background -> very bright, (ii) background slightly dark and (iii) background intermediate range. In the first case, the background of i1 remains almost same since the complement of the bright intensity values when subtracted from its original intensity leads to its nearest (bright) intensity range. In the second case i.e., when the background is slightly dark, the same analogy works as in the case of first case, but nearer to its original range. In the third case, if the difference is a positive value, a similar gray of value is retain otherwise it becomes black. The fourth step in Real-Complement approach is the binary map formation. This is achieved by global thresholding.

4. Circular Shift Operations

Literature reveals many edge detectors based on gradients, filters, derivatives etc. A simple method to detect real edges has been introduced based on shift operations. The present approach to edge detection incorporates the simple shift operations. Here we are shifting entire image data i.e. Left, right, up and bottom. The following are terms used for representing shift operations in proposed algorithm. i. RSHT: Row Shift ii. CLSHT: Circular Left Shift iii. CRSHT: Circular Right Shift iv. CSHFT: Column Shift v. CTSHT: Circular Top shift vi CBSHT: Circular Bottom shift vii. DSHT: Diagonal shift.
Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Application, Jan. 2010


5. Proposed Methodology
The method proposed by us for extracting edges from color images. The block diagram of the proposed method is given in Fig. 1. The steps of the proposed method are as follows. Step-1: Read the given color image. Step-2: Obtain the Real complement for all three channels separately. Step-3: Find RSHT image for individual real complement. Step-4: Find CSHT image for individual real complement. Step-5: Find DSHT image for individual real complement. Step-6: For Strong Real edges add result images obtained by step3, 4and 5. Step-7: Post-processing of the resultant edge image to get the final output.

6. Experimental Results
In this section, the results of the proposed method are presented. Both standard images and real world images are used to show the efficiency of the proposed method. By the results we can see that the proposed algorithm detecting exact real edges.
Fig 1.Women (a) original Image b) Resultant Image

(a) original Image Fig 2.Tree

b) Resultant Image

7. Conclusions
The new approach that is proposed in this paper is used to extract real edges from color images. The detected edges are more accurate compare with some existed color edge detectors. This algorithm incorporates simple shift and arithmetic operations rather than using gradient and other operations which are computationally expensive. And also it manipulates entire image at a time which is never observed in normal edge detection process. Experimental results indicate that the performance of the proposed method is satisfactory in almost all cases and runs in polynomial time.

Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Application, Jan. 2010


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Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Application, Jan. 2010


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